package edu.stanford.rsl.conrad.numerics; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Iterator; import Jama.EigenvalueDecomposition; import Jama.Matrix; import edu.stanford.rsl.conrad.numerics.SimpleMatrix.InversionType; import edu.stanford.rsl.conrad.utils.CONRAD; /** * @author Andreas Keil */ public abstract class SimpleOperators { // **************************************************************** // // ******************* Vector/Vector operators ******************** // // **************************************************************** // /** * <p>Computes the sum of supplied vectors * <p> e.g. SimpleVector x = new SimpleVector(1,2,3);<br/>SimpleVector y = new SimpleVector(1,2,3);<br/> SimpleVector z = new SimpleVector(1,0,0);<br/> SimpleOperators.add(x,y,z) returns [3,4,6]; * @param addends is comma-separated list or an array of vectors. * @return the sum of supplied vectors. */ public static SimpleVector add(final SimpleVector... addends) { assert (addends.length >= 1) : new IllegalArgumentException("Need at least one argument for addition!"); final SimpleVector result = addends[0].clone(); for (int i = 1; i < addends.length; ++i) result.add(addends[i]); return result; } /** * <p>subtracts v2 from v1 */ public static SimpleVector subtract(final SimpleVector v1, final SimpleVector v2) { assert (v1.getLen() == v2.getLen()) : new IllegalArgumentException("Vector lengths must match for summation!"); final SimpleVector result = new SimpleVector(v1.getLen()); for (int i = 0; i < v1.getLen(); ++i) result.setElementValue(i, v1.getElement(i) - v2.getElement(i)); return result; } /** * <p>Multiplies the supplied vectors element wise * <p> e.g. SimpleVector x = new SimpleVector(1,2,3);<br/>SimpleVector y = new SimpleVector(1,2,3);<br/> SimpleVector z = new SimpleVector(1,0,0);<br/> SimpleOperators.multiplyElementWise(x,y,z) returns [1,0,0]; * @param factors is a comma-separated list or an array of vectors. * @return element wise multiplication for supplied vectors */ public static SimpleVector multiplyElementWise(final SimpleVector... factors) { final SimpleVector result = factors[0].clone(); for (int i = 1; i < factors.length; ++i) result.multiplyElementWiseBy(factors[i]); return result; } /** * <p>Computes the element wise division of v1 by v2. * <p> e.g. SimpleVector x = new SimpleVector(1,2,3);<br/>SimpleVector y = new SimpleVector(2,10,5);<br/> SimpleOperations.divideElementWise(x,y) returns [0.5,0.2,0.6]; * @param v1 is vector to be divided * @param v2 is divisor * @return a new vector containing the element-wise devision. */ public static SimpleVector divideElementWise(final SimpleVector v1, final SimpleVector v2) { final SimpleVector result = v1.clone(); result.divideElementWiseBy(v2); return result; } /** * <p> Computes the inner product multiplication (dot product) of v1 and v2. * <p> SimpleVector x = new SimpleVector(1,2);<br/>SimpleVector y = new SimpleVector(3,10);<br/> SimpleOperations.multiplyInnerProd(x,y) = 1*3 + 2*10 = 23; * @param v1 is first vector * @param v2 is second vector * @return the inner product multiplication of v1 and v2 */ public static double multiplyInnerProd(final SimpleVector v1, final SimpleVector v2) { assert (v1.getLen() == v2.getLen()) : new IllegalArgumentException("Vector lengths must match for inner product calculation!"); double result = 0.0; for (int i = 0; i < v1.getLen(); ++i) result += v1.getElement(i) * v2.getElement(i); return result; } /** * Computes the outer product multiplication of v1 and v2; i.e v1 x v2 * @param v1 is first vector * @param v2 is second vector * @return matrix representing v1 x v2 */ public static SimpleMatrix multiplyOuterProd(final SimpleVector v1, final SimpleVector v2) { final SimpleMatrix result = new SimpleMatrix(v1.getLen(), v2.getLen()); for (int r = 0; r < v1.getLen(); ++r) for (int c = 0; c < v2.getLen(); ++c) result.setElementValue(r, c, v1.getElement(r)*v2.getElement(c)); return result; } /** * Creates a new vector which is composed of all input vectors, stacked over each other. * @param parts The vectors to concatenate. * @return The vertically concatenated vector. */ public static SimpleVector concatenateVertically(SimpleVector... parts) { final int noParts = parts.length; assert noParts >= 1 : new IllegalArgumentException("Supply at least one vector to concatenate!"); final int[] lengths = new int[noParts]; final int[] accumulatedLengthsBefore = new int[noParts]; int totalLength = 0; for (int i = 0; i < noParts; ++i) { lengths[i] = parts[i].getLen(); accumulatedLengthsBefore[i] = (i == 0) ? 0 : (accumulatedLengthsBefore[i-1] + lengths[i-1]); totalLength += lengths[i]; } SimpleVector result = new SimpleVector(totalLength); for (int i = 0; i < noParts; ++i) result.setSubVecValue(accumulatedLengthsBefore[i], parts[i]); return result; } /** * Creates a new matrix which is composed of all input column vectors, stacked next to each other. * @param columns The vectors to stack. * @return The horizontally concatenated matrix. */ public static SimpleMatrix concatenateHorizontally(SimpleVector... columns) { final int cols = columns.length; assert cols >= 1 : new IllegalArgumentException("Supply at least one vector to concatenate!"); final int rows = columns[0].getLen(); assert rows >= 1 : new IllegalArgumentException("Vectors have to contain at least one element each!"); SimpleMatrix result = new SimpleMatrix(rows, cols); for (int c = 0; c < cols; ++c) result.setColValue(c, columns[c]); return result; } public static boolean equalElementWise(final SimpleVector v1, final SimpleVector v2, final double delta) { if (v1.getLen() != v2.getLen()) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Vectors have different length!"); for (int i = 0; i < v1.getLen(); ++i) if (Math.abs(v1.getElement(i) - v2.getElement(i)) > delta) return false; return true; } /** * Computes and returns the element-wise maximum of all given vectors. * @param vectors A comma-separated list or an array of vectors. * @return A new vector with the element-wise maximums of all given input vectors. */ public static SimpleVector max(final SimpleVector... vectors) { assert vectors.length >= 1 : new IllegalArgumentException("Provide at least one vector!"); SimpleVector result = vectors[0].clone(); final int rows = vectors[0].getLen(); for (int i = 1; i < vectors.length; ++i) { assert vectors[i].getLen() == rows : new IllegalArgumentException("All vectors must have the same length!"); for (int r = 0; r < rows; ++r) if (vectors[i].getElement(r) > result.getElement(r)) result.setElementValue(r, vectors[i].getElement(r)); } return result; } /** * Computes and returns the element-wise minimum of all given vectors. * @param vectors A comma-separated list or an array of vectors. * @return A new vector with the element-wise minimums of all given input vectors. */ public static SimpleVector min(final SimpleVector... vectors) { assert vectors.length >= 1 : new IllegalArgumentException("Provide at least one vector!"); SimpleVector result = vectors[0].clone(); final int rows = vectors[0].getLen(); for (int i = 1; i < vectors.length; ++i) { assert vectors[i].getLen() == rows : new IllegalArgumentException("All vectors must have the same length!"); for (int r = 0; r < rows; ++r) if (vectors[i].getElement(r) < result.getElement(r)) result.setElementValue(r, vectors[i].getElement(r)); } return result; } // **************************************************************** // // ******************* Matrix/Matrix operators ******************** // // **************************************************************** // /** * * @param in The matrix to process * @param fct A generic function, e.g. the absolute value * @return a matrix with the function applied to all elements */ public static SimpleMatrix elementWiseOperator(final SimpleMatrix in, DoubleFunction fct){ SimpleMatrix out = in.clone(); for (int i = 0; i < out.getRows(); i++) { for (int j = 0; j < out.getCols(); j++) { out.setElementValue(i, j, fct.f(out.getElement(i, j))); } } return out; } /** * Computes the sum of provided matrices * @param addends A comma-separated list or an array of matrices. * @return a matrix representing the sum of provided matrices */ public static SimpleMatrix add(final SimpleMatrix... addends) { assert (addends.length >= 1) : new IllegalArgumentException("Need at least one argument for addition!"); final SimpleMatrix result = addends[0].clone(); for (int i = 1; i < addends.length; ++i) result.add(addends[i]); return result; } /** * Subtracts M2 from M1 * @param M1 * @param M2 * @return matrix representing the subtraction of M2 from M1 */ public static SimpleMatrix subtract(final SimpleMatrix M1, final SimpleMatrix M2) { assert (M1.getRows() == M2.getRows() && M1.getCols() == M2.getCols()) : new IllegalArgumentException("Matrix sizes must match for summation!"); final SimpleMatrix result = new SimpleMatrix(M1.getRows(), M1.getCols()); for (int r = 0; r < result.getRows(); ++r) for (int c = 0; c < result.getCols(); ++c) result.setElementValue(r, c, M1.getElement(r, c) - M2.getElement(r, c)); return result; } /** * Computes the product of two matrices * @param M1 is left matrix * @param M2 is right matrix * @return a matrix representing the product of provided matrices */ public static SimpleMatrix multiplyMatrixProd(final SimpleMatrix M1, final SimpleMatrix M2) { assert (M1.getCols() == M2.getRows()) : new IllegalArgumentException("Matrices' column/row dimensions must match for multiplication!"); final SimpleMatrix result = new SimpleMatrix(M1.getRows(), M2.getCols()); for (int r = 0; r < M1.getRows(); ++r) for (int c = 0; c < M2.getCols(); ++c) result.setElementValue(r, c, SimpleOperators.multiplyInnerProd(M1.getRow(r), M2.getCol(c))); return result; } public static SimpleMatrix multiplyElementWise(final SimpleMatrix... factors) { final SimpleMatrix result = factors[0].clone(); for (int i = 1; i < factors.length; ++i) result.multiplyElementWiseBy(factors[i]); return result; } public static SimpleMatrix divideElementWise(final SimpleMatrix M1, final SimpleMatrix M2) { assert ((M1.getRows() == M2.getRows()) && (M1.getCols() == M2.getCols())) : new IllegalArgumentException("Matrices' dimensions must match for multiplication!"); final SimpleMatrix result = new SimpleMatrix(M1.getRows(), M1.getCols()); for (int r = 0; r < M1.getRows(); ++r) for (int c = 0; c < M1.getCols(); ++c) result.setElementValue(r, c, M1.getElement(r, c) / M2.getElement(r, c)); return result; } public static boolean equalElementWise(final SimpleMatrix M1, final SimpleMatrix M2, final double delta) { if (M1.getRows() != M2.getRows()) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Matrices have different number of rows!"); if (M1.getCols() != M2.getCols()) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Matrices have different number of columns!"); for (int r = 0; r < M1.getRows(); ++r) for (int c = 0; c < M1.getCols(); ++c) if (Math.abs(M1.getElement(r, c) - M2.getElement(r, c)) > delta) return false; return true; } /** * Computes and returns the element-wise maximum of all given matrices. * @param matrices A comma-separated list or an array of matrices. * @return A new matrix with the element-wise maximums of all given input matrices. */ public static SimpleMatrix max(final SimpleMatrix... matrices) { assert matrices.length >= 1 : new IllegalArgumentException("Provide at least one vector!"); SimpleMatrix result = matrices[0].clone(); final int rows = matrices[0].getRows(); final int cols = matrices[0].getCols(); for (int i = 1; i < matrices.length; ++i) { assert (matrices[i].getRows() == rows) && (matrices[i].getCols() == cols) : new IllegalArgumentException("All matrices must have the same size!"); for (int r = 0; r < rows; ++r) for (int c = 0; c < cols; ++c) if (matrices[i].getElement(r, c) > result.getElement(r, c)) result.setElementValue(r, c, matrices[i].getElement(r, c)); } return result; } /** * Computes and returns the element-wise minimum of all given matrices. * @param matrices A comma-separated list or an array of matrices. * @return A new matrix with the element-wise minimums of all given input matrices. */ public static SimpleMatrix min(final SimpleMatrix... matrices) { assert matrices.length >= 1 : new IllegalArgumentException("Provide at least one vector!"); SimpleMatrix result = matrices[0].clone(); final int rows = matrices[0].getRows(); final int cols = matrices[0].getCols(); for (int i = 1; i < matrices.length; ++i) { assert (matrices[i].getRows() == rows) && (matrices[i].getCols() == cols) : new IllegalArgumentException("All matrices must have the same size!"); for (int r = 0; r < rows; ++r) for (int c = 0; c < cols; ++c) if (matrices[i].getElement(r, c) < result.getElement(r, c)) result.setElementValue(r, c, matrices[i].getElement(r, c)); } return result; } // **************************************************************** // // ******************* Matrix/Vector operators ******************** // // **************************************************************** // /** * Performs a standard matrix-vector product. * @param M A matrix, used as first factor. * @param v A vector, used as second factor. * @return The matrix-vector product {@latex.inline $\\mathbf{M} \\cdot \\mathbf{v}$}. */ public static SimpleVector multiply(final SimpleMatrix M, final SimpleVector v) { assert (M.getCols() == v.getLen()) : new IllegalArgumentException("Matrix and Vector dimensions must match for multiplication!"); final SimpleVector result = new SimpleVector(M.getRows()); for (int r = 0; r < M.getRows(); ++r) result.setElementValue(r, SimpleOperators.multiplyInnerProd(M.getRow(r), v)); return result; } /** * Performs a vector-matrix product, assuming a row vector. * @param v A vector, assumed to be a row vector, used as first factor. * @param M A matrix, used as second factor. * @return The vector-matrix product {@latex.inline $\\mathbf{v}^T \\cdot \\mathbf{M}$}. */ public static SimpleVector multiply(final SimpleVector v, final SimpleMatrix M) { assert (v.getLen() == M.getRows()) : new IllegalArgumentException("Matrix and Vector dimensions must match for multiplication!"); final SimpleVector result = new SimpleVector(M.getCols()); for (int c = 0; c < M.getCols(); ++c) result.setElementValue(c, SimpleOperators.multiplyInnerProd(v, M.getCol(c))); return result; } /** * Performs an interpolation between two rigid transformations (rotation and translation) * matrices, represented as 4x4 affine matrices. * * @param A First 3D Rigid transform matrix of size 4x4 * @param B Second 3D Rigid transform matrix of size 4x4 * @param weightA weight for first rigid transform * @param weightB weight for second transform * * @return interpolated rigid transform matrix of size 4x4 */ public static SimpleMatrix interpolateRigidTransforms3D(SimpleMatrix A, SimpleMatrix B, double weightA, double weightB){ assert(A.isRigidMotion3D(CONRAD.DOUBLE_EPSILON) && B.isRigidMotion3D(CONRAD.DOUBLE_EPSILON)) : new IllegalArgumentException("Matrix interpolation requires 3D rigid motion matrices (rotation + translatio only) of size 4x4!"); boolean considerTranslationOnly = A.getSubMatrix(0, 0, 3, 3).isIdentity(CONRAD.DOUBLE_EPSILON); considerTranslationOnly &= B.getSubMatrix(0, 0, 3, 3).isIdentity(CONRAD.DOUBLE_EPSILON); // make sure weights add up to 1 double sum = (weightA+weightB); weightA /= sum; weightB /= sum; SimpleMatrix outR = null; if(!considerTranslationOnly){ SimpleMatrix firstRpart = A.getSubMatrix(0,0,3,3); SimpleMatrix scndRpart = B.getSubMatrix(0,0,3,3); SimpleMatrix firstInverseRpart = firstRpart.inverse(InversionType.INVERT_SVD); SimpleMatrix T = SimpleOperators.multiplyMatrixProd(firstInverseRpart,scndRpart); Matrix jamT = new Matrix(T.copyAsDoubleArray()); EigenvalueDecomposition evd = jamT.eig(); double[] real = evd.getRealEigenvalues(); double[] imag = evd.getImagEigenvalues(); for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { double angle = Math.atan2(imag[i], real[i]); angle*=weightB; real[i] = Math.cos(angle); imag[i] = Math.sin(angle); } Matrix newR = evd.getV().times(evd.getD()).times(evd.getV().inverse()); outR = SimpleOperators.multiplyMatrixProd(firstRpart, new SimpleMatrix(newR.getArrayCopy())); } SimpleVector outCol = A.getSubCol(0, 3, 3).multipliedBy(weightA); outCol.add(B.getSubCol(0, 3, 3).multipliedBy(weightB)); SimpleMatrix out = new SimpleMatrix(4,4); out.identity(); out.setSubColValue(0, 3, outCol); if(!considerTranslationOnly){ out.setSubMatrixValue(0, 0, outR); } return out; } /** * Performs an interpolation between two 2D rigid transformations (rotation and translation) * matrices, represented as 3x3 affine matrices. * * @param A First 2D Rigid transform matrix of size 3x3 * @param B Second 2D Rigid transform matrix of size 3x3 * @param weightA weight for first rigid transform * @param weightB weight for second transform * * @return interpolated rigid transform matrix of size 3x3 */ public static SimpleMatrix interpolateRigidTransforms2D(SimpleMatrix A, SimpleMatrix B, double weightA, double weightB){ assert(A.isRigidMotion2D(CONRAD.DOUBLE_EPSILON) && B.isRigidMotion2D(CONRAD.DOUBLE_EPSILON)) : new IllegalArgumentException("Matrix interpolation requires 2D rigid motion matrices (rotation + translatio only) of size 3x3!"); boolean considerTranslationOnly = A.getSubMatrix(0, 0, 2, 2).isIdentity(CONRAD.DOUBLE_EPSILON); considerTranslationOnly &= B.getSubMatrix(0, 0, 2, 2).isIdentity(CONRAD.DOUBLE_EPSILON); // make sure weights add up to 1 double sum = (weightA+weightB); weightA /= sum; weightB /= sum; SimpleMatrix outR = null; if(!considerTranslationOnly){ SimpleMatrix firstRpart = A.getSubMatrix(0,0,2,2); SimpleMatrix scndRpart = B.getSubMatrix(0,0,2,2); SimpleMatrix firstInverseRpart = firstRpart.inverse(InversionType.INVERT_SVD); SimpleMatrix T = SimpleOperators.multiplyMatrixProd(firstInverseRpart,scndRpart); Matrix jamT = new Matrix(T.copyAsDoubleArray()); EigenvalueDecomposition evd = jamT.eig(); double[] real = evd.getRealEigenvalues(); double[] imag = evd.getImagEigenvalues(); for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) { double angle = Math.atan2(imag[i], real[i]); angle*=weightB; real[i] = Math.cos(angle); imag[i] = Math.sin(angle); } Matrix newR = evd.getV().times(evd.getD()).times(evd.getV().inverse()); outR = SimpleOperators.multiplyMatrixProd(firstRpart, new SimpleMatrix(newR.getArrayCopy())); } SimpleVector outCol = A.getSubCol(0, 2, 2).multipliedBy(weightA); outCol.add(B.getSubCol(0, 2, 2).multipliedBy(weightB)); SimpleMatrix out = new SimpleMatrix(3,3); out.identity(); out.setSubColValue(0, 2, outCol); if(!considerTranslationOnly){ out.setSubMatrixValue(0, 0, outR); } return out; } /** * Computes the mean rigid transform of a 3D transformation * @param inputTransforms A collection of rigid transform matrices of size 4x4 * @return The mean rigid transform of the collections transform */ public static SimpleMatrix getMeanRigidTransform3D(Iterable<SimpleMatrix> inputTransforms){ Iterator<SimpleMatrix> iter = inputTransforms.iterator(); SimpleMatrix compareOut = SimpleMatrix.I_4.clone(); int ctr = 0; while(iter.hasNext()){ compareOut = SimpleOperators.interpolateRigidTransforms3D(, compareOut, 1, ctr); ctr++; } return compareOut; } /** * Computes the mean rigid transform of a collection of 2D transformation * @param inputTransforms A collection of 2D rigid transform matrices of size 3x3 * @return The mean rigid transform of the collections transform */ public static SimpleMatrix getMeanRigidTransform2D(Iterable<SimpleMatrix> inputTransforms){ Iterator<SimpleMatrix> iter = inputTransforms.iterator(); SimpleMatrix compareOut = SimpleMatrix.I_3.clone(); int ctr = 0; while(iter.hasNext()){ compareOut = SimpleOperators.interpolateRigidTransforms2D(, compareOut, 1, ctr); ctr++; } return compareOut; } /** * method to compute the Pluecker dual coordinates of a vector L * @param L: SimpleVector having 6 elements * @return: SimpleMatrix of size 4x4 */ public static SimpleMatrix getPlueckerMatrixDual(SimpleVector L) { SimpleMatrix L_out = new SimpleMatrix(4, 4); // first row L_out.setElementValue(0, 1, +L.getElement(5)); L_out.setElementValue(0, 2, -L.getElement(4)); L_out.setElementValue(0, 3, +L.getElement(3)); // second row L_out.setElementValue(1, 0, -L.getElement(5)); L_out.setElementValue(1, 2, +L.getElement(2)); L_out.setElementValue(1, 3, -L.getElement(1)); // third row L_out.setElementValue(2, 0, +L.getElement(4)); L_out.setElementValue(2, 1, -L.getElement(2)); L_out.setElementValue(2, 3, +L.getElement(0)); // last row L_out.setElementValue(3, 0, -L.getElement(3)); L_out.setElementValue(3, 1, +L.getElement(1)); L_out.setElementValue(3, 2, -L.getElement(0)); return L_out; } /** * method to compute the Pluecker join of a line L and a point X * @param L: line L as SimpleVector (6 entries) * @param X: point X as SimpleVector (4 entries) * @return: SimpleVector of size 4x1 representing a plane */ public static SimpleVector getPlueckerJoin(SimpleVector L, SimpleVector X) { //* calculate plane E (4x1) from [~L]x * X *// double v1 = + X.getElement(1)*L.getElement(5) - X.getElement(2)*L.getElement(4) + X.getElement(3)*L.getElement(3); double v2 = - X.getElement(0)*L.getElement(5) + X.getElement(2)*L.getElement(2) - X.getElement(3)*L.getElement(1); double v3 = + X.getElement(0)*L.getElement(4) - X.getElement(1)*L.getElement(2) + X.getElement(3)*L.getElement(0); double v4 = - X.getElement(0)*L.getElement(3) + X.getElement(1)*L.getElement(1) - X.getElement(2)*L.getElement(0); return new SimpleVector(v1, v2, v3, v4); } } /* * Copyright (C) 2010-2014 Andreas Keil * CONRAD is developed as an Open Source project under the GNU General Public License (GPL). */