package edu.stanford.rsl.tutorial.motion.estimation; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import javax.swing.JOptionPane; import; import; import edu.stanford.rsl.conrad.filtering.ThinPlateSplinesBasedProjectionWarpingTool; import edu.stanford.rsl.conrad.geometry.shapes.simple.PointND; import edu.stanford.rsl.conrad.geometry.splines.SurfaceBSpline; import edu.stanford.rsl.conrad.geometry.splines.SurfaceUniformCubicBSpline; import edu.stanford.rsl.conrad.geometry.splines.TimeVariantSurfaceBSpline; import edu.stanford.rsl.conrad.geometry.trajectories.Trajectory; import edu.stanford.rsl.conrad.numerics.SimpleOperators; import edu.stanford.rsl.conrad.numerics.SimpleVector; import edu.stanford.rsl.conrad.utils.Configuration; import edu.stanford.rsl.conrad.utils.VisualizationUtil; import edu.stanford.rsl.tutorial.motion.compensation.OpenCLCompensatedBackProjectorTPS; public class OptimizeMotionField { /** * Initial motionfield. Computed in InitialOptimization */ private float[][] motionfield; /** * Contains filtered projection images * Needs to be initialized and loaded outside of this class */ private ProjectionLoader pLoad; /** * 2-D positions of diaphragm vertices on detector */ private double[][] diaCoords; /** * Spline of the diaphragm */ private SurfaceBSpline dia; /** * 3-D Position of the diaphragm top measured by diaphragmtrackingtool */ private double[] diaPositionField; /** * the spline projections will be rendered in this grid */ private Grid3D diaRendered; /** * parameters of the motionfield, as estimated by InitialMotionfield */ private float[] params; /** * parabola parameters as estimated by diaphragmtrackingtool */ private double[][] diaModel; private float [] motion; private int compressionLowerBorder; private int diaBorder; public OptimizeMotionField(float[][] motionfield, float [] params, SurfaceBSpline dia, ProjectionLoader pLoad){ Configuration.loadConfiguration(); this.motionfield = motionfield; this.params = params; this.pLoad = pLoad; this.dia = dia; this.diaPositionField = Configuration.getGlobalConfiguration().getDiaphragmPositionField(); this.diaCoords = Configuration.getGlobalConfiguration().getDiaphragmCoords(); this.diaModel = Configuration.getGlobalConfiguration().getDiaphragmModelField(); double oZ = Configuration.getGlobalConfiguration().getGeometry().getOriginZ(); double spacingZ = Configuration.getGlobalConfiguration().getGeometry().getVoxelSpacingZ(); compressionLowerBorder = (int) ((params[4]) * Configuration.getGlobalConfiguration().getGeometry().getReconDimensionZ() / 10.f *spacingZ + oZ); diaBorder = (int) params[5] +InitialOptimization.diaOffsetMM; } private TimeVariantSurfaceBSpline optimize() throws Exception { double oZ = Configuration.getGlobalConfiguration().getGeometry().getOriginZ(); double spacingZ = Configuration.getGlobalConfiguration().getGeometry().getVoxelSpacingZ(); int diaBorderPX = (int) ((params[5] - oZ) / spacingZ) + (int) (InitialOptimization.diaOffsetMM/spacingZ); motion = new float[motionfield.length]; for(int i = 0; i < motion.length; i++ ){ motion[i] = motionfield[i][diaBorderPX]; } OpenCLSplineRenderer splineRender = new OpenCLSplineRenderer(); // splineRender.renderAppendBufferToGrid(dia); TimeVariantSurfaceBSpline tSpline = createTimeVariantSpline(dia); diaRendered = splineRender.SurfaceBSplineRenderingAppendBufferToGrid(tSpline); //for each projection int width = 20; double evalTop[] = new double[motionfield.length]; double evalFull[] = new double[motionfield.length]; VisualizationUtil.createPlot(motion).show(); for(int i = 0; i < motionfield.length; i++) { int [] diaSplineContour = getDiaphragmContour(i); int diaTopX = getDiaphragmTop(diaSplineContour); evalTop[i] = compare(diaSplineContour, i, diaTopX-width, diaTopX+width); if(Math.abs(evalTop[i]) > 1.0) { SimpleVector splinePt3D = triangulationTrajectory(i, new SimpleVector(diaTopX, diaSplineContour[diaTopX],1.0)); SimpleVector diaOrig = new SimpleVector(diaPositionField[i*3],diaPositionField[i*3+1],diaPositionField[i*3+2]); splinePt3D.subtract(diaOrig); motion[i] += splinePt3D.getElement(2); } } tSpline = createTimeVariantSpline(dia); diaRendered = splineRender.SurfaceBSplineRenderingAppendBufferToGrid(tSpline); for(int i = 0; i < motionfield.length; i++) { int [] diaSplineContour = getDiaphragmContour(i); int [] minMaxDia = minMaxContour(diaSplineContour); evalFull[i] = compare(diaSplineContour, i, minMaxDia[0], minMaxDia[1]); } VisualizationUtil.createPlot(evalTop).show(); VisualizationUtil.createPlot(evalFull).show(); VisualizationUtil.createPlot(motion).show(); double avgEvalFull = 0; double absError = 0; for(int i = 0; i < evalTop.length;i++) { avgEvalFull += evalFull[i]; absError += Math.abs(evalFull[i]); } absError /=evalTop.length; avgEvalFull /= evalTop.length; double sign = Math.signum(avgEvalFull); int bestCompression = (int) (params[4]* Configuration.getGlobalConfiguration().getGeometry().getReconDimensionZ() / 10.f *spacingZ + oZ); for(int j = 1; j < 10; j++){ compressionLowerBorder = (int) ((int) (int) (params[4]* Configuration.getGlobalConfiguration().getGeometry().getReconDimensionZ() / 10.f *spacingZ + oZ) + Configuration.getGlobalConfiguration().getGeometry().getReconDimensionZ() / 20.f *spacingZ *(-sign*j)); tSpline = createTimeVariantSpline(dia); diaRendered = splineRender.SurfaceBSplineRenderingAppendBufferToGrid(tSpline); double eval[] = new double[motionfield.length]; for(int i = 0; i < motionfield.length; i++) { int [] diaSplineContour = getDiaphragmContour(i); int [] minMaxDia = minMaxContour(diaSplineContour); eval[i] = compare(diaSplineContour, i, minMaxDia[0], minMaxDia[1]); } VisualizationUtil.createPlot(eval).show(); double avgEval = 0; for(int k = 0; k < eval.length;k++) { avgEval += Math.abs(eval[k]); } avgEval /= eval.length; System.out.println(avgEval); System.out.println(absError); if(absError < avgEval) { break; }else{ bestCompression = (int) ((int) (int) (params[4]* Configuration.getGlobalConfiguration().getGeometry().getReconDimensionZ() / 10.f *spacingZ + oZ) + Configuration.getGlobalConfiguration().getGeometry().getReconDimensionZ() / 20.f *spacingZ *(-sign*j)); absError = avgEval; } } System.out.println(bestCompression); compressionLowerBorder = bestCompression; tSpline = createTimeVariantSpline(dia); return tSpline; } public OpenCLCompensatedBackProjectorTPS optimalReconstructor() throws Exception { TimeVariantSurfaceBSpline tSpline = optimize(); ArrayList<PointND> pointsZero = new ArrayList<PointND>(); ArrayList<PointND> valsZero = new ArrayList<PointND>(); int zPlane = Integer.parseInt(JOptionPane.showInputDialog("Enter z-position of top of the heart in world-coords: ", 0)); int oX = (int) Configuration.getGlobalConfiguration().getGeometry().getOriginX(); int oY = (int) Configuration.getGlobalConfiguration().getGeometry().getOriginY(); int stepSizeX = -oX/4; int stepSizeY = -oY/4; PointND np = new PointND(0,0,0); for(int i = oX; i < -oX ;i+=stepSizeX ) { for(int j = oY ; j < -oY; j+=stepSizeY) { PointND zp = new PointND(i,j,zPlane); pointsZero.add(zp); valsZero.add(np); } } float[][] A = new float[motion.length][]; float[][] b = new float[motion.length][]; float[][] coeff = new float[motion.length][]; float[][] pts = new float[motion.length][]; int uCtrl = tSpline.getSplines().get(0).getNumberOfUPoints(); int vCtrl = tSpline.getSplines().get(0).getNumberOfVPoints(); int stepU = uCtrl/4; int stepV = vCtrl/4; int[] sampleList = new int[5*5]; int sampleI = 0; for(int w = 0; w < vCtrl; w+=stepV){ for(int z = 0; z < uCtrl; z+= stepU) { sampleList[sampleI++] =w*uCtrl+z; } } ArrayList<PointND> p0 = tSpline.getControlPoints(0); for(int i = 0; i < motion.length; i++) { ArrayList<PointND> tempPoints = tSpline.getControlPoints(i); ArrayList<PointND> points = new ArrayList<PointND>(); for(int z = 0; z < sampleList.length ; z++) { points.add(tempPoints.get(sampleList[z]).clone()); } points.addAll(pointsZero); ArrayList<PointND> values = new ArrayList<PointND>(); for(int j = 0; j < sampleList.length; j++){ SimpleVector p = p0.get(sampleList[j]).getAbstractVector().clone(); p.subtract(points.get(j).getAbstractVector().clone()); values.add(new PointND(p)); } values.addAll(valsZero); ThinPlateSplineInterpolation tpsI = new ThinPlateSplineInterpolation(3, points, values); A[i] = tpsI.getAsFloatA(); b[i] = tpsI.getAsFloatB(); coeff[i] = tpsI.getAsFloatCoeffs(); pts[i] = tpsI.getAsFloatPoints(); System.out.println("TPS-Interpolation:" + i); /*Grid3D grid = new Grid3D(256,256,256); if(i==80){ for (int q = 0; q < 256; q++) { for (int w = 0; w < 256; w++) { for (int e = 0; e < 256; e++) { float xi = 0; float yi = 0; float zi = 0; float x1 = q-128; float y1 = w-128; float z1 = e-128; int ptsNr = pts[i].length/3; for(int l = 0; l < ptsNr; l++) { float x2 = pts[i][l*3]; float y2 = pts[i][l*3+1]; float z2 = pts[i][l*3+2]; float sum = (x1-x2)*(x1-x2)+(y1-y2)*(y1-y2)+(z1-z2)*(z1-z2); float dist = (float) Math.sqrt(sum); xi = xi+ coeff[i][l*3]*dist; yi = yi+ coeff[i][l*3+1]*dist; zi = zi+ coeff[i][l*3+2]*dist; } for(int l = 0 ; l < 3; l++) { xi = xi+ A[i][l*3]*x1; yi = yi+ A[i][l*3+1]*y1; zi = zi+ A[i][l*3+2]*z1; } xi = xi+ b[i][0]; yi = yi+b[i][1]; zi = zi+b[i][2]; grid.setAtIndex(q,w,e, zi); //grid.setAtIndex(q,w,e, (float) tpsI // .interpolate(new PointND(q-128,w-128,e-128)).getElement(2)); } } }; }*/ } OpenCLCompensatedBackProjectorTPS otps = new OpenCLCompensatedBackProjectorTPS(coeff, pts, A, b); return otps; } private int[] minMaxContour(int[] diaContour) { int [] minmax = new int[2]; int i = 0; while(true){ if(diaContour[i] != 0){ break; } i++; } minmax[0] =i; i = diaContour.length-1; while(true){ if(diaContour[i] != 0){ break; } i--; } minmax[1] = i; return minmax; } private TimeVariantSurfaceBSpline createTimeVariantSpline(SurfaceBSpline spline) throws IOException{ ArrayList<SurfaceBSpline> splines = new ArrayList<SurfaceBSpline>(); ArrayList<PointND> cPoints = spline.getControlPoints(); for(int i = 0; i < motionfield.length; i++ ) { ArrayList<PointND> newPoints = new ArrayList<PointND>(); for(PointND p :cPoints) { newPoints.add(computeCompression(p,i)); } splines.add(new SurfaceUniformCubicBSpline(newPoints,spline.getUKnots(),spline.getVKnots())); } TimeVariantSurfaceBSpline tSpline = new TimeVariantSurfaceBSpline(splines); return tSpline; } /** * Compresses a point with the signal measured at top of diaphragm * @param lowerBorder lower border of diaphragm * @param diaphragmTop diaphragm vertex * @param point the point at which the compression is computed * @param motion motionfield at top * @param i projection number * @return compressed point */ private PointND computeCompression( PointND point, int i) { int min = compressionLowerBorder; int max = diaBorder; double dist = max - min; PointND p = point.clone(); int z = (int)point.get(2); if (z >= min && z <= max) { p.set(2, (float) (p.get(2)+ motion[i] * (dist - (max - z)) / dist)); return p; } else if (z < min) { return p; } else if (z > max) { p.set(2, (float) (p.get(2)+motion[i])); return p; } return p; } /** * Searches for the maximum of the diaphragm contour * @param diaContour array that contains the y-coordinates at each x * @return maximum of contour */ private int getDiaphragmTop(int[] diaContour) { int tmp = Integer.MAX_VALUE; int index = 0; int cnt = 0; for(int i = 0; i < diaContour.length; i++) { if(diaContour[i] < tmp && diaContour[i] > 0){ tmp = diaContour[i]; cnt = 0; while(true){ if(diaContour[i] != tmp){ i--; break; } i++; cnt++; } index = i-cnt/2; } } return index; } /** * Finds the diaphragm contour of the rendered diaphragm spline by searching for each x-coordinate the largest non-zero element * @param projectionNumber projection index * @return array that contains the y-indices of the diaphragm contour */ private int [] getDiaphragmContour(int projectionNumber) { int [] coords = new int[diaRendered.getSize()[0]]; for(int i = 0; i < diaRendered.getSize()[0]; i++) { for(int j = 0; j < diaRendered.getSize()[1];j++) { if(diaRendered.getAtIndex(i, j, projectionNumber) != 0) { coords[i] = j; break; } } } return coords; } /** * Compares projection of the volume with an original projection * @param proj projection image * @param original original projection image * @param start start x-coord of comparison * @param end end x-coord of comparison * @return positive value when spline needs to be moved up, negative when moved down */ private double compare(int [] projCoordsY, int original, int start, int end) { double a = diaModel[original][0]; double b = diaModel[original][1]; double c = diaModel[original][2]; double roiWidthLeft = diaModel[original][4]; double roiHeightTop = diaModel[original][3]; double ptX = diaCoords[original][0]; double ptY = diaCoords[original][1]; Grid2D projectionOrig = pLoad.getProjections().get(original); int maxX = projectionOrig.getWidth(); if(start < 0) start = 0; if(end >= maxX ) end = maxX-1; int range = end - start +1; double eval = 0; for( int xI = start; xI <end; xI++) { int x = (int) (xI -ptX+roiWidthLeft); int y = (int) (a*x*x + b*x + c); int yI = (int) (y + ptY-roiHeightTop); int yM = projCoordsY[xI]; eval += (yI-yM); } return eval/range; } /** * Computes cross product of two vectors * @param v1 vector 1 * @param v2 vector 2 * @return crossproduct */ private SimpleVector crossProduct(SimpleVector v1, SimpleVector v2) { SimpleVector sol = new SimpleVector(v1.getLen()); sol.setElementValue(0, v1.getElement(1)*v2.getElement(2) - v1.getElement(2)*v2.getElement(1)); sol.setElementValue(1, v1.getElement(2)*v2.getElement(0) - v1.getElement(0)*v2.getElement(2)); sol.setElementValue(2, v1.getElement(0)*v2.getElement(1) - v1.getElement(1)*v2.getElement(0)); return sol; } private SimpleVector triangulationTrajectory(int projectionNumber, SimpleVector detectorCoords) { Trajectory geom = Configuration.getGlobalConfiguration().getGeometry(); SimpleVector pt3D = new SimpleVector(diaPositionField[projectionNumber*3],diaPositionField[projectionNumber*3+1],diaPositionField[projectionNumber*3+2]); SimpleVector n = new SimpleVector(new double[]{0,0,1}); SimpleVector q = geom.getProjectionMatrix(projectionNumber).computeCameraCenter(); SimpleVector v = geom.getProjectionMatrix(projectionNumber).computeRayDirection(detectorCoords); SimpleVector w = crossProduct(n, v); SimpleVector z = q.clone(); q.subtract(pt3D); SimpleVector b = crossProduct(q, n); double factor2 = SimpleOperators.multiplyInnerProd(b, w) / SimpleOperators.multiplyInnerProd(w, w); z.add(v.multipliedBy(factor2)); SimpleVector sol = new SimpleVector(3); sol.setSubVecValue(0, pt3D); sol.setElementValue(2, z.getElement(2)); return sol; } } /* * Copyright (C) 2010-2014 Marco B�gel * CONRAD is developed as an Open Source project under the GNU General Public License (GPL). */