package edu.stanford.rsl.tutorial.dmip; import edu.stanford.rsl.conrad.numerics.SimpleMatrix; import edu.stanford.rsl.conrad.numerics.SimpleMatrix.InversionType; import edu.stanford.rsl.conrad.numerics.SimpleOperators; import edu.stanford.rsl.conrad.numerics.SimpleVector; import ij.gui.Plot; /** * Exercise 7 of Diagnostic Medical Image Processing (DMIP) * @author Bastian Bier * */ public class Registration1 { /** * Registration method * Point Correspondences are used to calculate the rotation and translation * Transformation from p to q * @param p reference point cloud * @param q point cloud to be registered * @return translation and rotation for the registration (phi, t1, t2) */ private SimpleVector registrationUsingPointCorrespondences(SimpleMatrix p, SimpleMatrix q){ int numPoints = p.getRows(); // Build up measurement matrix m SimpleMatrix m = new SimpleMatrix(numPoints * 2, 4); for(int i = 0; i < numPoints * 2; i++) { if(i < numPoints) { // TODO // TODO // TODO // TODO } if(i >= numPoints) { // TODO // TODO // TODO // TODO } } // Build up solution vector b SimpleVector b = new SimpleVector(2 * numPoints); for(int i = 0; i < 2 * numPoints; i++) { if(i < numPoints) { // TODO } if(i >= numPoints) { // TODO } } // Calculate Pseudo Inverse of m SimpleMatrix m_inv; m_inv = m.inverse(InversionType.INVERT_SVD); // Calculate Parameters with the help of the Pseudo Inverse SimpleVector x; x = SimpleOperators.multiply(m_inv, b); double r1 = x.getElement(0); double r2 = x.getElement(1); double t1 = x.getElement(2); double t2 = x.getElement(3); // TODO: normalize r double phi = 0; // TODO // Write the result for the translation and the rotation into the result vector SimpleVector result = new SimpleVector(phi, t1, t2); return result; } private SimpleMatrix applyTransform(SimpleMatrix points, double phi, SimpleVector translation){ SimpleMatrix r = new SimpleMatrix(2,2); // TODO: fill the rotation matrix // TODO // TODO // TODO // TODO SimpleMatrix transformedPoints = new SimpleMatrix(points.getRows(), points.getCols()); for(int i = 0; i < transformedPoints.getRows(); i++) { // TODO: transform points } return transformedPoints; } public static void main(String[] args){ // Define Point Cloud SimpleMatrix p_k = new SimpleMatrix(4,2); SimpleMatrix q_k = new SimpleMatrix(4,2); p_k.setRowValue(0, new SimpleVector(1,2)); p_k.setRowValue(1, new SimpleVector(3,6)); p_k.setRowValue(2, new SimpleVector(4,6)); p_k.setRowValue(3, new SimpleVector(3,4)); q_k.setRowValue(0, new SimpleVector(-0.7, 2.1)); q_k.setRowValue(1, new SimpleVector(-2.1, 6.4)); q_k.setRowValue(2, new SimpleVector(-1.4, 7.1)); q_k.setRowValue(3, new SimpleVector(-0.7, 4.9)); // Plot Point Cloud Plot plot = new Plot("Regression Line", "X", "Y", Plot.DEFAULT_FLAGS); plot.setLimits(-10, 10, -10, 10); plot.addPoints(p_k.getCol(0).copyAsDoubleArray(), p_k.getCol(1).copyAsDoubleArray(), Plot.BOX); plot.addPoints(q_k.getCol(0).copyAsDoubleArray(), q_k.getCol(1).copyAsDoubleArray(), Plot.CIRCLE); // Calculate registration parameter Registration1 reg = new Registration1(); SimpleVector parameter = reg.registrationUsingPointCorrespondences(p_k, q_k); // Rotation and translation double phi = parameter.getElement(0); SimpleVector translation = new SimpleVector(parameter.getElement(1), parameter.getElement(2)); // Transform points SimpleMatrix transformedPoints = reg.applyTransform(q_k, phi, translation); // Add transformed point cloud to the plot plot.addPoints(transformedPoints.getCol(0).copyAsDoubleArray(), transformedPoints.getCol(1).copyAsDoubleArray(), Plot.CROSS);; } }