package edu.stanford.rsl.conrad.calibration; import ij.ImagePlus; import ij.gui.EllipseRoi; import ij.gui.Overlay; import ij.gui.PointRoi; import ij.gui.Roi; import ij.gui.TextRoi; import ij.process.FloatProcessor; import ij.process.FloatStatistics; import java.awt.Color; import java.text.NumberFormat; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collections; import Jama.EigenvalueDecomposition; import Jama.Matrix; import edu.mines.jtk.util.Array; import edu.stanford.rsl.apps.gui.blobdetection.AutomaticMarkerDetectionWorker; import edu.stanford.rsl.apps.gui.blobdetection.MarkerDetection; import edu.stanford.rsl.apps.gui.blobdetection.MarkerDetectionWorker; import; import edu.stanford.rsl.conrad.filtering.FastRadialSymmetryTool; import edu.stanford.rsl.conrad.filtering.NumericalDerivativeComputationTool; import edu.stanford.rsl.conrad.geometry.General; import edu.stanford.rsl.conrad.geometry.Projection; import edu.stanford.rsl.conrad.geometry.Rotations; import edu.stanford.rsl.conrad.geometry.Rotations.BasicAxis; import edu.stanford.rsl.conrad.geometry.shapes.simple.PointND; import edu.stanford.rsl.conrad.geometry.trajectories.CircularTrajectory; import edu.stanford.rsl.conrad.geometry.trajectories.Trajectory; import edu.stanford.rsl.conrad.numerics.DecompositionQR; import edu.stanford.rsl.conrad.numerics.DecompositionSVD; import edu.stanford.rsl.conrad.numerics.SimpleMatrix; import edu.stanford.rsl.conrad.numerics.SimpleMatrix.InversionType; import edu.stanford.rsl.conrad.numerics.SimpleOperators; import edu.stanford.rsl.conrad.numerics.SimpleVector; import edu.stanford.rsl.conrad.numerics.Solvers; import edu.stanford.rsl.conrad.phantom.AbstractCalibrationPhantom; import edu.stanford.rsl.conrad.phantom.AnalyticPhantom; import edu.stanford.rsl.conrad.phantom.MathematicalPhantom; import edu.stanford.rsl.conrad.phantom.RandomDistributionPhantom; import edu.stanford.rsl.conrad.phantom.RandomizedHelixPhantom; import edu.stanford.rsl.conrad.utils.CONRAD; import edu.stanford.rsl.conrad.utils.Configuration; import edu.stanford.rsl.conrad.utils.ImageUtil; import edu.stanford.rsl.conrad.utils.UserUtil; import edu.stanford.rsl.hough.LineHoughSpace; public class GeometricCalibration { /** * configuration, storing the ideal trajectory */ Configuration config; /** * storing ideal projection matrices derived from config * * @see config */ Projection[] pMatricesIdeal; /** * angle between principal components of ideal and detected beads */ double angle = 0.0; /** * rotation matrix to eliminate the angle between ideal and detected beads */ SimpleMatrix rotation; /** * detected beads */ ArrayList<PointND> beads2DUnsorted; /** * ideally projected beads */ ArrayList<PointND> beads2DIdeal; /** * formerly used for bead identification * * @deprecated */ ArrayList<PointND> beads3Dbackprojected; /** * formerly used for bead identification * * @deprecated */ ArrayList<PointND> beads3DReal; /** * correspondences between 2D and 3D coordinates of the beads */ ArrayList<CalibrationBead> cBeads; /** * bead IDs stored according to cBeads * * @see cBeads */ int[] ids; /** * storing back projection error for each projection */ ArrayList<Double> errors; /** * bead radius in px */ int beadRadius = 7; /** * value to adjust the bead detection */ double threshold = 0.000; double largeBeadPercentileD = 0.999; double smallBeadPercentileD = 0.9998; double thresh1PercentileD = 0.000; double thresh2PercentileD = 0.05; /** * minimal distance between to beads to be detected in px */ private double minimalDistanceBetweenTwoBeadsPx = 20; /** * number of projection */ int slice = 0; /** * calibration phantom name, inialized with RDP */ String phantomName = "Random Distribution Phantom"; /** * calibration phantom */ AbstractCalibrationPhantom phantom; /** * storing the projection matrix for each projection */ ArrayList<SimpleMatrix> projectionMatrices = new ArrayList<SimpleMatrix>(); /** * constructor, initializes phantom, config, rotation, erros and projection * matrices * * @see phantom * @see config * @see rotation * @see errors * @see projectionMatrices */ public GeometricCalibration() { initPhantom(); config = new Configuration(); rotation = SimpleMatrix.I_4; errors = new ArrayList<Double>(); projectionMatrices = new ArrayList<SimpleMatrix>(); } /** * method, to change phantom in the GUI * * @param phantom * , name of the phantom */ public void setPhantom(String phantom) { this.phantomName = new String(phantom); initPhantom(); } /** * method, to adjust slice in the GUI * * @param slice */ public void setSlice(int slice) { this.slice = slice; } /** * initializes phantom according to phantomName * * @see phantom * @see phantomName */ private void initPhantom() { if (phantomName.equals("Random Distribution Phantom")) { phantom = new RandomDistributionPhantom(); } else if (phantomName.equals("Randomized Helix Phantom")) { phantom = new RandomizedHelixPhantom(); } else { phantom = new MathematicalPhantom(); } phantom.init(); } /** * method to adjust detection in the GUI * * @param rad * @param thresh */ public void setDetection(int rad, double thresh) { beadRadius = rad; threshold = thresh; } /** * * @param id * @return 3D PointND containing x, y and z coordinates of the bead with id * id */ private PointND get3DCoordinates(int id) { return new PointND(phantom.getX(id), phantom.getY(id), phantom.getZ(id)); } /** * method to set config in the GUI * * @param config * @see config * @deprecated */ public void setConfig(String config) { this.config = Configuration.loadConfiguration("d:\\Desktop\\" + config); } public void configure() { config = new Configuration(); // pMatricesIdeal = ((CircularTrajectory) config.getGeometry()) // .getProjectionMatrices(); initPhantom(); rotation = SimpleMatrix.I_4; } /** * method to initialize pMatricesIdeal after loading a configuration in the * GUI */ public void reConfigure() { pMatricesIdeal = ((CircularTrajectory) config.getGeometry()) .getProjectionMatrices(); } /** * Computes the projection matrices using a list of correspondences * * @param listCoords * @return SimpleMatrix that maps world to image points * @author Andreas Maier, Philipp Roser */ public static SimpleMatrix computePMatrix( ArrayList<CalibrationBead> listCoords) { Collections.sort(listCoords); int N = listCoords.size(); // initialize measurement & dVector matrix SimpleMatrix measurements = new SimpleMatrix(2 * N, 11); SimpleMatrix dVector = new SimpleMatrix(2 * N, 1); for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) { CalibrationBead coords = listCoords.get(i); // 1st row of M measurements.setElementValue(i * 2, 0, coords.getX()); measurements.setElementValue(i * 2, 1, coords.getY()); measurements.setElementValue(i * 2, 2, coords.getZ()); measurements.setElementValue(i * 2, 3, 1); measurements.setElementValue(i * 2, 4, 0); measurements.setElementValue(i * 2, 5, 0); measurements.setElementValue(i * 2, 6, 0); measurements.setElementValue(i * 2, 7, 0); measurements.setElementValue(i * 2, 8, -coords.getX() * coords.getU()); measurements.setElementValue(i * 2, 9, -coords.getY() * coords.getU()); measurements.setElementValue(i * 2, 10, -coords.getZ() * coords.getU()); // 2nd row of M measurements.setElementValue(i * 2 + 1, 0, 0); measurements.setElementValue(i * 2 + 1, 1, 0); measurements.setElementValue(i * 2 + 1, 2, 0); measurements.setElementValue(i * 2 + 1, 3, 0); measurements.setElementValue(i * 2 + 1, 4, coords.getX()); measurements.setElementValue(i * 2 + 1, 5, coords.getY()); measurements.setElementValue(i * 2 + 1, 6, coords.getZ()); measurements.setElementValue(i * 2 + 1, 7, 1); measurements.setElementValue(i * 2 + 1, 8, -coords.getX() * coords.getV()); measurements.setElementValue(i * 2 + 1, 9, -coords.getY() * coords.getV()); measurements.setElementValue(i * 2 + 1, 10, -coords.getZ() * coords.getV()); // 1st & 2nd row of vector d dVector.setElementValue(i * 2, 0, coords.getU()); dVector.setElementValue(i * 2 + 1, 0, coords.getV()); } // compute pVector (11*1) DecompositionSVD svd = new DecompositionSVD(measurements); SimpleMatrix pVector = SimpleOperators.multiplyMatrixProd( svd.inverse(true), dVector); // rewrite to Matrix format 3 x 4 (p23 == 1) SimpleMatrix pMatrix = new SimpleMatrix(3, 4); pMatrix.setElementValue(0, 0, 700 * pVector.getElement(0, 0)); pMatrix.setElementValue(0, 1, 700 * pVector.getElement(1, 0)); pMatrix.setElementValue(0, 2, 700 * pVector.getElement(2, 0)); pMatrix.setElementValue(0, 3, 700 * pVector.getElement(3, 0)); pMatrix.setElementValue(1, 0, 700 * pVector.getElement(4, 0)); pMatrix.setElementValue(1, 1, 700 * pVector.getElement(5, 0)); pMatrix.setElementValue(1, 2, 700 * pVector.getElement(6, 0)); pMatrix.setElementValue(1, 3, 700 * pVector.getElement(7, 0)); pMatrix.setElementValue(2, 0, 700 * pVector.getElement(8, 0)); pMatrix.setElementValue(2, 1, 700 * pVector.getElement(9, 0)); pMatrix.setElementValue(2, 2, 700 * pVector.getElement(10, 0)); pMatrix.setElementValue(2, 3, 700 * 1); return pMatrix; } /** * estimates threshold * * @param histogram * @param stats * @param percentile * @return threshold * @author Andreas Maier */ private float getHistogramThreshold(long[] histogram, FloatStatistics stats, double percentile) { int threshold = 0; long count = 0; for (threshold = 0; count < percentile * stats.pixelCount; threshold++) { count += histogram[threshold]; } return (float) (threshold * stats.binSize + stats.histMin); } /** * * @param linearHoughSpace * @return * @author Andreas Maier */ private int lineExtractBestLineCandidate(LineHoughSpace linearHoughSpace) { FloatProcessor houghspaceAsFloatProcessor = (FloatProcessor) linearHoughSpace .getImagePlus().getChannelProcessor(); FloatStatistics stats = new FloatStatistics(houghspaceAsFloatProcessor); long[] histogram = stats.getHistogram(); float edgeThreshold = getHistogramThreshold(histogram, stats, 0.9999); ArrayList<PointND> lineCandidate = General.extractCandidatePoints( houghspaceAsFloatProcessor, edgeThreshold); // 245 ArrayList<PointND> lines = General.extractClusterCenter(lineCandidate, 20); // distance return (int) lines.get(0).get(0); } /** * * @param currentImage * @param derivativeTool * @param rightBorder * @param leftBorder * @return * @author Andreas Maier */ protected Roi[] detectHoughLines(ImagePlus currentImage, NumericalDerivativeComputationTool derivativeTool, Roi rightBorder, Roi leftBorder) { // Compute derivative double houghLineThresh1 = 100; double houghLineThresh2 = 360; Grid2D before = ImageUtil.wrapImageProcessor(currentImage .getProcessor().toFloat(0, null)); // /VisualizationUtil.showGrid2D(before, "before"); // Configuration.getGlobalConfiguration().getGeometry() // .setPixelDimensionX(0.3); Grid2D derivative = derivativeTool.applyToolToImage(new Grid2D(before)); for (int j = 0; j < derivative.getHeight(); j++) { for (int i = 0; i < derivative.getWidth(); i++) { derivative.setAtIndex(i, j, Math.abs(derivative.getPixelValue(i, j))); } } // VisualizationUtil.showGrid2D(derivative, "Deriv"); FloatProcessor edgeImage = ImageUtil.wrapGrid2D(derivative); FloatStatistics stats = new FloatStatistics(edgeImage); long[] histogram = stats.getHistogram(); houghLineThresh1 = getHistogramThreshold(histogram, stats, 0.95); houghLineThresh2 = getHistogramThreshold(histogram, stats, 0.99); LineHoughSpace houghLineLeft = new LineHoughSpace(1.0, 3.0, derivative.getWidth(), derivative.getHeight()); LineHoughSpace houghLineRight = new LineHoughSpace(1.0, 3.0, derivative.getWidth(), derivative.getHeight()); for (int j = 0; j < derivative.getHeight(); j++) { for (int i = 0; i < derivative.getWidth(); i++) { double value = Math.abs(derivative.getPixelValue(i, j)); if (value > houghLineThresh1 && value < houghLineThresh2) { // thresholds // for // line if ((i > leftBorder.getBounds().x) && (i < rightBorder.getBounds().x + rightBorder.getBounds().width)) // set // x-axis // boundaries // for // outer // cylinder // line if (i < leftBorder.getBounds().x + leftBorder.getBounds().width) { houghLineLeft.fill(i, j, 1.0); // cylinder boundary // line } else if (i > rightBorder.getBounds().x) { houghLineRight.fill(i, j, 1.0); // cylinder boundary // line } } } } // houghLineLeft.getImagePlus().show(); // houghLineRight.getImagePlus().show(); Roi leftLineRoi; Roi rightLineRoi; try { int leftLine = lineExtractBestLineCandidate(houghLineLeft); leftLineRoi = new Roi(leftLine, 0, 1, currentImage.getHeight()); leftLineRoi.setName("LeftLineRoi"); int rightLine = lineExtractBestLineCandidate(houghLineRight); rightLineRoi = new Roi(rightLine, 0, 1, currentImage.getHeight()); rightLineRoi.setName("RightLineRoi"); } catch (Exception e) { leftLineRoi = null; rightLineRoi = null; } return new Roi[] { leftLineRoi, rightLineRoi }; // this happens in the GUI // overlayLines(); // this.revalidate(); // this.repaint(); } /** * * @param inputGrid * @param radius * @param percentile * @param distance * @param leftLineRoi * @param rightLineRoi * @return * @author Andreas Maier */ protected ArrayList<PointND> extractBeads(Grid2D inputGrid, double radius, double percentile, double distance, Roi leftLineRoi, Roi rightLineRoi) { FastRadialSymmetryTool frst = new FastRadialSymmetryTool(new double[] { radius, radius + 2 }, 3, 0, null, 0); inputGrid = frst.applyToolToImage(new Grid2D(inputGrid)); FloatProcessor floatP = ImageUtil.wrapGrid2D(inputGrid); FloatStatistics stats = new FloatStatistics(floatP); long[] histogram = stats.getHistogram(); double thresh1 = getHistogramThreshold(histogram, stats, 0.000); double thresh2 = getHistogramThreshold(histogram, stats, 0.05); for (int j = 0; j < floatP.getHeight(); j++) { for (int i = 0; i < floatP.getWidth(); i++) { double value = (floatP.getPixelValue(i, j)); if (value > thresh1 && value < thresh2) { // thresholds for line if ((i > leftLineRoi.getBounds().x) && (i < rightLineRoi.getBounds().x)) // set x-axis // boundaries // for outer // cylinder // line floatP.putPixelValue(i, j, -floatP.getPixelValue(i, j)); else { floatP.putPixelValue(i, j, 0.0); } } else floatP.putPixelValue(i, j, 0.0); } } stats = new FloatStatistics(floatP); histogram = stats.getHistogram(); thresh1 = getHistogramThreshold(histogram, stats, percentile); ArrayList<PointND> candidate = General.extractCandidatePoints(floatP, thresh1); // filter with min distance return General.extractClusterCenter(candidate, distance, false); // distance } /** * * @param tmpBead * @param pMatrix * @return * @author Andreas Maier */ public static double[] compute2DCoordinates(CalibrationBead tmpBead, SimpleMatrix pMatrix) { SimpleMatrix Q3D = new SimpleMatrix(4, 1); Q3D.setElementValue(0, 0, tmpBead.getX()); Q3D.setElementValue(1, 0, tmpBead.getY()); Q3D.setElementValue(2, 0, tmpBead.getZ()); Q3D.setElementValue(3, 0, 1); SimpleMatrix Q2D = SimpleOperators.multiplyMatrixProd(pMatrix, Q3D); return new double[] { Q2D.getElement(0, 0) / Q2D.getElement(2, 0), Q2D.getElement(1, 0) / Q2D.getElement(2, 0) }; } /** * * @param point3D * @param pMatrix * @param slice * @return * @author Martin Berger */ private double[] compute2Dfrom3D(double[] point3D, Projection pMatrix, int slice) { // Compute coordinates in projection data. SimpleVector homogeneousPoint = SimpleOperators.multiply(pMatrix .computeP(), new SimpleVector(point3D[0], point3D[1], point3D[2], 1)); // Do forward projection to 2D coordinates double coordU = homogeneousPoint.getElement(0) / homogeneousPoint.getElement(2); double coordV = homogeneousPoint.getElement(1) / homogeneousPoint.getElement(2); return new double[] { coordU, coordV, (double) slice }; } /** * * @param point2D * @param p * @return * @author Martin Berger */ private PointND compute3Dfrom2D(PointND point2D, Projection p) { SimpleVector homP = SimpleOperators.multiply( p.computeP().inverse(InversionType.INVERT_SVD), new SimpleVector(point2D.get(0), point2D.get(1), 1)); double x = homP.getElement(0) / homP.getElement(3); double y = homP.getElement(1) / homP.getElement(3); double z = homP.getElement(2) / homP.getElement(3); return new PointND(x, y, z); } protected double measureDistance(int i, PointND p1, PointND p2) { if (i < 1 || i > 3) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(); } else if (i == 1) { return Math.min( p1.euclideanDistance(p2), Math.abs(p1.get(p1.getDimension() - 1) - p2.get(p2.getDimension() - 1))); } else { return p1.euclideanDistance(p2); } } /** * method only for test issues * * @deprecated */ protected void computeBeadIDsBack() { // initialize array storing all euclidean distances between real and // real 3D positions double[][] distMeasure = new double[beads3Dbackprojected.size()][beads3DReal .size()]; int r = 0; int i = 0; // actual measurements for (PointND real : beads3Dbackprojected) { for (PointND ideal : beads3DReal) { double dist = measureDistance(2, real, ideal); distMeasure[r][i] = dist; i++; } i = 0; r++; } // initalize arrays for potential minima and corresponding bead ids double[] potentialMinima = new double[beads3Dbackprojected.size()]; int[] potentialIds = new int[beads3Dbackprojected.size()]; // find minimum for each real 2D position detected for (r = 0; r < beads3Dbackprojected.size(); r++) { double min = Array.max(distMeasure[r]); for (i = 0; i < beads3DReal.size(); i++) { if (distMeasure[r][i] < min) { min = distMeasure[r][i]; potentialIds[r] = i; } } potentialMinima[r] = min; } // initialize list and arrays for actual calibration cBeads = new ArrayList<CalibrationBead>(); CalibrationBead[] minima = new CalibrationBead[beads3Dbackprojected .size()]; ids = new int[beads3Dbackprojected.size()]; // find n = 8 correspondences with smallest euclidean distance double max = Array.max(potentialMinima); for (int n = 0; n < beads3Dbackprojected.size(); n++) { double min = Array.max(potentialMinima); int id = 0; int pos = 0; for (r = 0; r < potentialMinima.length; r++) { if (potentialMinima[r] <= min) { min = potentialMinima[r]; id = potentialIds[r]; pos = r; } } potentialMinima[pos] = max; ids[n] = id; minima[n] = new CalibrationBead(beads2DUnsorted.get(pos).get(0), beads2DUnsorted.get(pos).get(1)); phantom.setBeadCoordinates(minima[n], ids[n]); cBeads.add(minima[n]); } } // only for test issues /** * method only for test issues * * @deprecated */ protected void computeBeadIDsIdeal() { // initialize array storing all euclidean distances between real and // ideal 2D positions double[][] distMeasure = new double[beads2DIdeal.size()][beads2DIdeal .size()]; int r = 0; int i = 0; // actual measurements for (PointND real : beads2DIdeal) { for (PointND ideal : beads2DIdeal) { double dist = measureDistance(2, real, ideal); distMeasure[r][i] = dist; i++; } i = 0; r++; } // initalize arrays for potential minima and corresponding bead ids double[] potentialMinima = new double[beads2DIdeal.size()]; int[] potentialIds = new int[beads2DIdeal.size()]; // find minimum for each real 2D position detected for (r = 0; r < beads2DIdeal.size(); r++) { double min = 1000; for (i = 0; i < beads2DIdeal.size(); i++) { if (distMeasure[r][i] < min) { min = distMeasure[r][i]; potentialIds[r] = i; } } potentialMinima[r] = min; } // initialize list and arrays for actual calibration cBeads = new ArrayList<CalibrationBead>(); CalibrationBead[] minima = new CalibrationBead[beads2DIdeal.size()]; ids = new int[beads2DIdeal.size()]; // find n = 8 correspondences with smallest euclidean distance double max = 1000; for (int n = 0; n < beads2DIdeal.size(); n++) { double min = 1000; int id = 0; int pos = 0; for (r = 0; r < potentialMinima.length; r++) { if (potentialMinima[r] <= min) { min = potentialMinima[r]; id = potentialIds[r]; pos = r; } } potentialMinima[pos] = max; ids[n] = id; minima[n] = new CalibrationBead(beads2DIdeal.get(pos).get(0), beads2DIdeal.get(pos).get(1)); phantom.setBeadCoordinates(minima[n], ids[n]); cBeads.add(minima[n]); } } /** * estimates rotation between ideally projected and actually detected beads * using PCA * * @see PrincipalComponentAnalysis2D */ protected void estimateRotation() { PrincipalComponentAnalysis2D real = new PrincipalComponentAnalysis2D( beads2DUnsorted); PrincipalComponentAnalysis2D ideal = new PrincipalComponentAnalysis2D( beads2DIdeal); System.out.println("Real EV:" + real.stringEigenvectors()); System.out.println("Ideal EV:" + ideal.stringEigenvectors()); Matrix realV = real.getEigenvectors()[0] .plus(real.getEigenvectors()[1]); Matrix idealV = ideal.getEigenvectors()[0] .plus(ideal.getEigenvectors()[1]); double scalar = Math.abs(realV.get(0, 0) * idealV.get(0, 0)) + Math.abs(realV.get(1, 0) * idealV.get(1, 0)); angle = Math.acos(scalar / (realV.norm2() * idealV.norm2())); System.out.println("Angle = " + angle * 180.0 / Math.PI); double s = Math.sin(angle); double c = Math.cos(angle); rotation = new SimpleMatrix( new double[][] { { 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 }, { 0.0, c, -s, 0.0 }, { 0.0, s, c, 0.0 }, { 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0 } }); } // compares real and ideal 2D positions to establish most probable // correspondences /** * establishes correspondences between world and image points by linking * ideal and detected beads via the euclidean distance */ protected void computeBeadIDsForward() { beads2DIdeal = new ArrayList<PointND>(); for (int i = 0; i < numberOfBeads(); i++) { double[] coord = compute2Dfrom3D( new double[] { get3DCoordinates(i).get(0), get3DCoordinates(i).get(1), get3DCoordinates(i).get(2) }, new Projection(SimpleOperators.multiplyMatrixProd( pMatricesIdeal[slice].computeP(), rotation)), slice); beads2DIdeal.add(i, new PointND(coord[0], coord[1])); } // initialize array storing all euclidean distances between real and // ideal 2D positions double[][] distMeasure = new double[beads2DUnsorted.size()][beads2DIdeal .size()]; int r = 0; int i = 0; // actual measurements for (PointND real : beads2DUnsorted) { for (PointND ideal : beads2DIdeal) { double dist = real.euclideanDistance(ideal); distMeasure[r][i] = dist; i++; } i = 0; r++; } // initalize arrays for potential minima and corresponding bead ids double[] potentialMinima = new double[beads2DUnsorted.size()]; int[] potentialIds = new int[beads2DUnsorted.size()]; // find minimum for each real 2D position detected for (r = 0; r < beads2DUnsorted.size(); r++) { double min = Array.max(distMeasure[r]); for (i = 0; i < beads2DIdeal.size(); i++) { if (distMeasure[r][i] < min) { min = distMeasure[r][i]; potentialIds[r] = i; } } potentialMinima[r] = min; } // initialize list and arrays for actual calibration cBeads = new ArrayList<CalibrationBead>(); CalibrationBead[] minima = new CalibrationBead[beads2DUnsorted.size()]; ids = new int[beads2DUnsorted.size()]; // find n = 8 correspondences with smallest euclidean distance double max = Array.max(potentialMinima) + 1; for (int n = 0; n < beads2DUnsorted.size(); n++) { double min = Array.max(potentialMinima) + 1; int id = 0; int pos = 0; for (r = 0; r < potentialMinima.length; r++) { if (potentialMinima[r] <= min) { min = potentialMinima[r]; id = potentialIds[r]; pos = r; } } potentialMinima[pos] = max; ids[n] = id; CalibrationBead cb = new CalibrationBead(beads2DUnsorted.get(pos) .get(0), beads2DUnsorted.get(pos).get(1)); minima[n] = new CalibrationBead(beads2DUnsorted.get(pos).get(0), beads2DUnsorted.get(pos).get(1)); phantom.setBeadCoordinates(minima[n], ids[n]); phantom.setBeadCoordinates(cb, id); cBeads.add(cb); } } /** * contains all image points of all frames */ ArrayList<ArrayList<PointND>> imagePoints; /** * reference points to sort newly detected beads */ ArrayList<PointND> referencePoints; /** * potential bead ids to be removed */ ArrayList<Integer> remove; int loc = 0; PointND[][] image; PointND[] reference; /** * Finds initial points for Factorization. Currently configured for * debugging. * * @param pointSelector * , if true initial points are estimated manually * @param im * @param leftLineRoi * @param rightLineRoi */ protected void getInitialPoints(boolean pointSelector, ImagePlus im, Roi leftLineRoi, Roi rightLineRoi) { referencePoints = new ArrayList<PointND>(); imagePoints = new ArrayList<ArrayList<PointND>>(); remove = new ArrayList<Integer>(); if (pointSelector) { } else { // detectBeads(im, leftLineRoi, rightLineRoi); // referencePoints = (ArrayList<PointND>) beads2DUnsorted.clone(); // imagePoints.add(0, (ArrayList<PointND>) referencePoints.clone()); idealBeads(); imagePoints.add(new ArrayList<PointND>(beads2DIdeal)); } } /** * method for test issues * * @param pointSelector * @param im * @param leftLineRoi * @param rightLineRoi * @deprecated */ protected void getInitialPointsArray(boolean pointSelector, ImagePlus im, Roi leftLineRoi, Roi rightLineRoi) { reference = new PointND[numberOfBeads()]; image = new PointND[im.getImageStackSize()][numberOfBeads()]; remove = new ArrayList<Integer>(); if (pointSelector) { } else { detectBeads(im, leftLineRoi, rightLineRoi); for (int i = 0; i < reference.length; i++) { reference[i] = beads2DUnsorted.get(i); } image[0] = reference; } } /** * Establishes correspondences via linking detected beads to former * established correspondences * * @param im * @param leftLineRoi * @param rightLineRoi */ protected void findPointsNaive(ImagePlus im, Roi leftLineRoi, Roi rightLineRoi) { ArrayList<CalibrationBead> newC = new ArrayList<CalibrationBead>(); for (CalibrationBead cb : cBeads) { boolean found = false; int pos = -1; PointND ref = new PointND(cb.getU(), cb.getV()); double thresh = 15.0; for (PointND det : beads2DUnsorted) { CalibrationBead newBead = new CalibrationBead(0.0, 0.0); newC.add(newBead); double dist = ref.euclideanDistance(det); if (dist < thresh) { thresh = dist; newBead.setU(det.get(0)); newBead.setV(det.get(1)); newBead.setX(cb.getX()); newBead.setY(cb.getY()); newBead.setZ(cb.getZ()); found = true; newC.add(newBead); pos = beads2DUnsorted.indexOf(det); } } if (!found) { newC.add(cb); } else { beads2DUnsorted.remove(pos); } } cBeads = new ArrayList<CalibrationBead>(newC); } /** * establishes point sets for Factorization. Configured for debugging * * @param im * @param leftLineRoi * @param rightLineRoi */ protected void findPoints(ImagePlus im, Roi leftLineRoi, Roi rightLineRoi) { beads2DIdeal = new ArrayList<PointND>(); idealBeads(); ArrayList<PointND> newL = new ArrayList<PointND>(beads2DIdeal); imagePoints.add(newL); /* * beads2DUnsorted = new ArrayList<PointND>(); detectBeads(im, * leftLineRoi, rightLineRoi); ArrayList<PointND> list = new * ArrayList<PointND>(numberOfBeads()); int size = 0; * * for (PointND ref : referencePoints) { * * boolean found = false; int pos = referencePoints.indexOf(ref); * * if (ref == null) { continue; } * * for (PointND det : beads2DUnsorted) { * * if (Math.abs(ref.get(1) - det.get(1)) < 15.0) { if * (list.contains(det)) { if (found && * list.get(pos).euclideanDistance(ref) > det .euclideanDistance(ref)) { * list.add(pos, det); } } if (!found && !list.contains(det)) { * list.add(pos, det); found = true; size++; } } } * * if (!found) { list.add(pos, referencePoints.get(pos)); remove.add(new * Integer(pos)); } * * } System.out.println("Slice: " + slice + ", beads detected: " + * beads2DUnsorted.size() + ", beads found: " + size); * System.out.println(list); imagePoints.add(list); referencePoints = * list; */ } /** * still testing */ protected void removePoints() { remove = new ArrayList<Integer>(); for (Integer i : remove) { for (ArrayList<PointND> list : imagePoints) { list.remove(remove.get(i).intValue()); } } } /** * computes Factorization */ protected void factorize() { Factorization fac = new Factorization(imagePoints); projectionMatrices = fac.getProjectionMatrices(); } /** * * @return number of beads of the used phantom */ private int numberOfBeads() { return phantom.getNumberOfBeads(); } // sorted IDs /** * computes ideal beads */ protected void idealBeads() { beads2DIdeal = new ArrayList<PointND>(); for (int i = 0; i < numberOfBeads(); i++) { double[] coord = compute2Dfrom3D(new double[] { get3DCoordinates(i).get(0), get3DCoordinates(i).get(1), get3DCoordinates(i).get(2) }, pMatricesIdeal[slice], slice); beads2DIdeal.add(i, new PointND(coord[0], coord[1])); } } // unsorted IDs /** * detect beads using FRST * * @param im * @param leftLineRoi * @param rightLineRoi */ protected void detectBeads(ImagePlus im, Roi leftLineRoi, Roi rightLineRoi) { beads2DUnsorted = new ArrayList<PointND>(); beads2DUnsorted = extractBeads(ImageUtil.wrapImageProcessor(im .getProcessor().toFloat(0, null)), beadRadius, smallBeadPercentileD, minimalDistanceBetweenTwoBeadsPx, leftLineRoi, rightLineRoi); } /** * computes backprojected beads * * @deprecated */ protected void backprojectBeads() { beads3Dbackprojected = new ArrayList<PointND>(); int i = 0; for (PointND p2D : beads2DUnsorted) { beads3Dbackprojected.add(i, compute3Dfrom2D(p2D, pMatricesIdeal[slice])); i++; } } /** * provides 3D coordinates of the beads */ protected void real3DBeads() { beads3DReal = new ArrayList<PointND>(); for (int i = 0; i < numberOfBeads(); i++) { beads3DReal.add(i, get3DCoordinates(i)); } } // created only for test issues /** * only for test issues * * @deprecated * @return */ protected SimpleMatrix computePMatrixIdeal() { cBeads = new ArrayList<CalibrationBead>(); for (int i = 0; i < beads3DReal.size(); i++) { CalibrationBead cb = new CalibrationBead( beads2DIdeal.get(i).get(0), beads2DIdeal.get(i).get(1)); cb.setX(beads3DReal.get(i).get(0)); cb.setY(beads3DReal.get(i).get(1)); cb.setZ(beads3DReal.get(i).get(2)); cBeads.add(cb); } return computePMatrix(cBeads); } /** * calibration using factorization, not working completely yet * * @param sliceNumber * @param overlay * @return back projection error * @author Andreas Maier, Philipp Roser */ public double calibrateF(int sliceNumber, Overlay overlay) { SimpleMatrix pMatrix = projectionMatrices.get(sliceNumber); System.out.println("slice" + sliceNumber + ": " + pMatrix); double backprojectionError = 0; for (int i = 0; i < numberOfBeads(); i++) { CalibrationBead tmpBead = new CalibrationBead(0, 0); phantom.setBeadCoordinates(tmpBead, i); double[] coord2d = GeometricCalibration.compute2DCoordinates( tmpBead, pMatrix); for (PointND b : beads2DIdeal) { PointND p = new PointND(coord2d[0], coord2d[1]); if (b.euclideanDistance(p) < CONRAD.FLOAT_EPSILON) { backprojectionError += b.euclideanDistance(p); } } // mark projected bead in image. overlay.add(new PointRoi(coord2d[0], coord2d[1])); NumberFormat nf = NumberFormat.getInstance(); nf.setMaximumFractionDigits(2); nf.setMinimumFractionDigits(2); TextRoi text = new TextRoi(coord2d[0], coord2d[1] - 20, "Bead " + i); overlay.add(text); } backprojectionError /= beads2DUnsorted.size(); // if(backprojectionError > 1.0){ // System.out.println("Error: "+ backprojectionError); // } // currentImage.setOverlay(overlay); // config.getGeometry().getProjectionMatrices()[sliceNumber] = new // Projection( // new SimpleMatrix(pMatrix)); /** * Focal spot Sw = -inverse of M * P3 */ SimpleMatrix M = new SimpleMatrix(3, 3); SimpleMatrix Sw = new SimpleMatrix(3, 1); SimpleMatrix P3 = new SimpleMatrix(3, 1); M.setElementValue(0, 0, pMatrix.getElement(0, 0)); M.setElementValue(0, 1, pMatrix.getElement(0, 1)); M.setElementValue(0, 2, pMatrix.getElement(0, 2)); M.setElementValue(1, 0, pMatrix.getElement(1, 0)); M.setElementValue(1, 1, pMatrix.getElement(1, 1)); M.setElementValue(1, 2, pMatrix.getElement(1, 2)); M.setElementValue(2, 0, pMatrix.getElement(2, 0)); M.setElementValue(2, 1, pMatrix.getElement(2, 1)); M.setElementValue(2, 2, pMatrix.getElement(2, 2)); P3.setElementValue(0, 0, pMatrix.getElement(0, 3)); P3.setElementValue(1, 0, pMatrix.getElement(1, 3)); P3.setElementValue(2, 0, pMatrix.getElement(2, 3)); Sw = SimpleOperators.multiplyMatrixProd( M.inverse(SimpleMatrix.InversionType.INVERT_QR), P3) .multipliedBy(-1.0); // primary angle double priAngle = Math.atan(Math.abs(Sw.getElement(1, 0) / Sw.getElement(0, 0))); if (Sw.getElement(0, 0) < 0 && Sw.getElement(1, 0) >= 0) priAngle = Math.PI - priAngle;// in 2nd quadrant else if (Sw.getElement(0, 0) < 0 && Sw.getElement(1, 0) < 0) priAngle = Math.PI + priAngle;// in 3rd quadrant else if (Sw.getElement(0, 0) >= 0 && Sw.getElement(1, 0) < 0) priAngle = 2 * Math.PI - priAngle;// in 4th quadrant if (priAngle >= Math.PI) priAngle = -(Math.PI * 2 - priAngle); priAngle *= 180.0 / Math.PI; // secondary angle double sndAngle = Math.atan(Sw.getElement(2, 0) / Math.sqrt(Math.pow(Sw.getElement(0, 0), 2) + Math.pow(Sw.getElement(1, 0), 2))); sndAngle *= 180.0 / Math.PI; // config.getGeometry().getPrimaryAngles()[sliceNumber] = priAngle; // config.getGeometry().getSecondaryAngles()[sliceNumber] = sndAngle; // this.revalidate(); // this.repaint(); return backprojectionError; } /** * calibration using correspondences * * @param sliceNumber * @param overlay * @return back projection error * @author Andreas Maier, Philipp Roser */ public double calibrate(int sliceNumber, Overlay overlay) { SimpleMatrix pMatrix = GeometricCalibration.computePMatrix(cBeads); projectionMatrices.add(pMatrix); double backprojectionError = 0; for (int i = 0; i < numberOfBeads(); i++) { CalibrationBead tmpBead = new CalibrationBead(0, 0); phantom.setBeadCoordinates(tmpBead, i); double[] coord2d = GeometricCalibration.compute2DCoordinates( tmpBead, pMatrix); // backprojectionError += beads2DIdeal.get(i).euclideanDistance(new // PointND(coord2d[0], coord2d[1])); for (CalibrationBead b : cBeads) { PointND threeDPoint = new PointND(b.getX(), b.getY(), b.getZ()); PointND threeDPoint2 = new PointND(tmpBead.getX(), tmpBead.getY(), tmpBead.getZ()); if (threeDPoint.euclideanDistance(threeDPoint2) < CONRAD.FLOAT_EPSILON) { PointND twoDPoint = new PointND(b.getU(), b.getV()); PointND twoDPoint2 = new PointND(coord2d[0], coord2d[1]); backprojectionError += twoDPoint .euclideanDistance(twoDPoint2); } } // mark projected bead in image. overlay.add(new PointRoi(coord2d[0], coord2d[1])); NumberFormat nf = NumberFormat.getInstance(); nf.setMaximumFractionDigits(2); nf.setMinimumFractionDigits(2); TextRoi text = new TextRoi(coord2d[0], coord2d[1] - 20, "Bead " + i); overlay.add(text); } backprojectionError /= cBeads.size(); // if(backprojectionError > 1.0){ // System.out.println("Error: "+ backprojectionError); // } // currentImage.setOverlay(overlay); // config.getGeometry().getProjectionMatrices()[sliceNumber] = new // Projection( // new SimpleMatrix(pMatrix)); /** * Focal spot Sw = -inverse of M * P3 */ SimpleMatrix M = new SimpleMatrix(3, 3); SimpleMatrix Sw = new SimpleMatrix(3, 1); SimpleMatrix P3 = new SimpleMatrix(3, 1); M.setElementValue(0, 0, pMatrix.getElement(0, 0)); M.setElementValue(0, 1, pMatrix.getElement(0, 1)); M.setElementValue(0, 2, pMatrix.getElement(0, 2)); M.setElementValue(1, 0, pMatrix.getElement(1, 0)); M.setElementValue(1, 1, pMatrix.getElement(1, 1)); M.setElementValue(1, 2, pMatrix.getElement(1, 2)); M.setElementValue(2, 0, pMatrix.getElement(2, 0)); M.setElementValue(2, 1, pMatrix.getElement(2, 1)); M.setElementValue(2, 2, pMatrix.getElement(2, 2)); P3.setElementValue(0, 0, pMatrix.getElement(0, 3)); P3.setElementValue(1, 0, pMatrix.getElement(1, 3)); P3.setElementValue(2, 0, pMatrix.getElement(2, 3)); Sw = SimpleOperators.multiplyMatrixProd( M.inverse(SimpleMatrix.InversionType.INVERT_QR), P3) .multipliedBy(-1.0); // primary angle double priAngle = Math.atan(Math.abs(Sw.getElement(1, 0) / Sw.getElement(0, 0))); if (Sw.getElement(0, 0) < 0 && Sw.getElement(1, 0) >= 0) priAngle = Math.PI - priAngle;// in 2nd quadrant else if (Sw.getElement(0, 0) < 0 && Sw.getElement(1, 0) < 0) priAngle = Math.PI + priAngle;// in 3rd quadrant else if (Sw.getElement(0, 0) >= 0 && Sw.getElement(1, 0) < 0) priAngle = 2 * Math.PI - priAngle;// in 4th quadrant if (priAngle >= Math.PI) priAngle = -(Math.PI * 2 - priAngle); priAngle *= 180.0 / Math.PI; // secondary angle double sndAngle = Math.atan(Sw.getElement(2, 0) / Math.sqrt(Math.pow(Sw.getElement(0, 0), 2) + Math.pow(Sw.getElement(1, 0), 2))); sndAngle *= 180.0 / Math.PI; // config.getGeometry().getPrimaryAngles()[sliceNumber] = priAngle; // config.getGeometry().getSecondaryAngles()[sliceNumber] = sndAngle; // this.revalidate(); // this.repaint(); if (slice < errors.size()) { if (errors.get(slice) > backprojectionError) { errors.remove(slice); errors.add(new Double(backprojectionError)); } } else { errors.add(new Double(backprojectionError)); } return backprojectionError; } }