package edu.stanford.rsl.conrad.geometry.splines; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import edu.stanford.rsl.conrad.geometry.AbstractCurve; import edu.stanford.rsl.conrad.geometry.AbstractShape; import edu.stanford.rsl.conrad.geometry.AbstractSurface; import edu.stanford.rsl.conrad.geometry.General; import edu.stanford.rsl.conrad.geometry.shapes.compound.CompoundShape; import edu.stanford.rsl.conrad.geometry.shapes.compound.LinearOctree; import edu.stanford.rsl.conrad.geometry.shapes.compound.NestedOctree; import edu.stanford.rsl.conrad.geometry.shapes.simple.Edge; import edu.stanford.rsl.conrad.geometry.shapes.simple.PointND; import edu.stanford.rsl.conrad.geometry.shapes.simple.StraightLine; import edu.stanford.rsl.conrad.geometry.shapes.simple.Triangle; import edu.stanford.rsl.conrad.geometry.transforms.Transform; import edu.stanford.rsl.conrad.numerics.SimpleOperators; import edu.stanford.rsl.conrad.numerics.SimpleVector; import edu.stanford.rsl.jpop.FunctionOptimizer; import edu.stanford.rsl.jpop.OptimizableFunction; /** * Class to model a surface made of BSplines. * * * @author akmaier * */ public class SurfaceBSpline extends AbstractSurface { /** * */ private static final long serialVersionUID = 4942618494585588413L; protected SimpleVector uKnots; protected SimpleVector vKnots; protected int numberOfUPoints; protected int numberOfVPoints; protected ArrayList<PointND> points; protected BSpline [] vSplines; protected BSpline uSpline; protected int dimension; protected boolean clockwise; public static final int TESSELATE_COMPOUND_SHAPE = 0x1; public static final int TESSELATE_COMPOUND_OF_COMPOUND_SHAPES = 0x2; public static final int TESSELATE_COMPOUND_OF_OCTREES = 0x3; public static final int TESSELATE_LINEAR_OCTREE = 0x4; public static final int TESSELATE_NESTED_OCTREE = 0x5; private String title; public ArrayList<PointND> getControlPoints(){ return points; } public SimpleVector getUKnots(){ return uKnots; } public SimpleVector getVKnots(){ return vKnots; } public void setUKnot(SimpleVector uknots){ uKnots = uknots; } public void setVKnot(SimpleVector vknots){ vKnots = vknots; } public boolean isClockwise(){ return clockwise; } public void setClockwise(boolean in_clockwise){ clockwise = in_clockwise; } public BSpline[] getVSplines(){ return vSplines; } /** * @return the title */ public String getTitle() { return title; } /** * @param title the title to set */ public void setTitle(String title) { this.title = title; } protected synchronized void init(){ dimension = points.get(0).getDimension(); int degreeU = 0; while(uKnots.getElement(degreeU) == 0) degreeU++; degreeU --; int degreeV = 0; while(uKnots.getElement(degreeV) == 0) degreeV++; degreeV --; numberOfUPoints = uKnots.getLen() - ((degreeU+1)); numberOfVPoints = vKnots.getLen() - ((degreeV+1)); assert(numberOfUPoints * numberOfVPoints == points.size()); ArrayList<PointND> temp = new ArrayList<PointND>(); for(int i = 0; i < numberOfUPoints; i++){ temp.add(points.get(0)); } uSpline = new BSpline(temp, uKnots); vSplines = new BSpline[numberOfUPoints]; for(int i = 0; i < numberOfUPoints; i++){ temp = new ArrayList<PointND>(); for(int j = 0; j < numberOfVPoints; j++){ temp.add(points.get((i*numberOfVPoints)+j)); } vSplines[i] = new BSpline(temp, vKnots); } max = new PointND(-Double.MAX_VALUE, -Double.MAX_VALUE, -Double.MAX_VALUE); min = new PointND(Double.MAX_VALUE, Double.MAX_VALUE, Double.MAX_VALUE); for (PointND p: points) { max.updateIfHigher(p); min.updateIfLower(p); } generateBoundingPlanes(); } protected boolean checkPointsClockwise(PointND a, PointND b, PointND center) { /* * after: */ if (a.get(0) >= 0 && b.get(0) < 0) return true; if (a.get(0) == 0 && b.get(0) == 0) return a.get(1) > b.get(1); // compute the cross product of vectors (center -> a) x (center -> b) double det = ((a.get(0)-center.get(0)) * (b.get(1)-center.get(1)) - (b.get(0) - center.get(0)) * (a.get(1) - center.get(1))); if (det < 0) { return true; } else if (det > 0) { return false; } // points a and b are on the same line from the center // check which point is closer to the center double d1 = (a.get(0)-center.get(0)) * (a.get(0)-center.get(0)) + (a.get(1)-center.get(1)) * (a.get(1)-center.get(1)); double d2 = (b.get(0)-center.get(0)) * (b.get(0)-center.get(0)) + (b.get(1)-center.get(1)) * (b.get(1)-center.get(1)); return d1 > d2; } /** * Constructor for a surface BSpline. * * @param controlPoints the control points * @param uKnots the knot vector in u direction * @param vKnots the knot vector in v direction */ public SurfaceBSpline(ArrayList<PointND> controlPoints, SimpleVector uKnots, SimpleVector vKnots) { points = controlPoints; this.uKnots = uKnots; this.vKnots = vKnots; init(); /* // Determination of spline orientation (increasing u,v clockwise or counterclockwise) // assumption: splines are slice by slice PointND center = new PointND(0,0,0); for (PointND p: points) { for (int d=0; d < 3; d++) center.set(d, p.get(d) / (double) points.size() + center.get(d)); } int clockwisePoints=0; for (int i=0; i < points.size()-1;i++) { // actually incorrect calculation, checkPointsClockwise() only compares x,y coordinates // works for heart splines (by chance?) if (checkPointsClockwise(points.get(i), points.get(i+1), center)) clockwisePoints++; else clockwisePoints--; } clockwise = clockwisePoints > 0; // TODO: does not work for artery trees, nonconvex shapes */ // Determination of spline orientation (increasing u,v clockwise or counterclockwise) // assumption: splines are slice by slice with increasing z int clockwisePoints=0; for (int i=0; i < numberOfUPoints; i++) { PointND center = new PointND(0,0,0); int point_index = 0; for (int j=0; j < numberOfVPoints; j++) { point_index = i*numberOfVPoints+j; for (int d=0; d < 3; d++) center.set(d, points.get(point_index).get(d) / (double) numberOfVPoints + center.get(d)); } for (int j=0; j < numberOfVPoints-1; j++) { point_index = i*numberOfVPoints+j; if (checkPointsClockwise(points.get(point_index), points.get(point_index+1), center)) clockwisePoints++; else clockwisePoints--; } } clockwise = clockwisePoints > 0; //System.out.println("Clockwisepoints " +clockwisePoints+ " for a total of "+points.size()); } /** * Constructor for a surface BSpline. * * @param list the control points * @param uKnots the knot vector in u direction * @param vKnots the knot vector in v direction */ public SurfaceBSpline(ArrayList<PointND> list, double[] uKnots, double[] vKnots) { this(list, new PointND(uKnots).getAbstractVector(), new PointND(vKnots).getAbstractVector()); } /** * Constructor for a surface BSpline. * * @param title the title of the BSpline * @param list the control points * @param uKnots the knot vector in u direction * @param vKnots the knot vector in v direction */ public SurfaceBSpline(String title, ArrayList<PointND> list, double[] uKnots, double[] vKnots) { this(list, new PointND(uKnots).getAbstractVector(), new PointND(vKnots).getAbstractVector()); this.title = title; } /** * Constructor for a surface BSpline. * * @param title the title of the BSpline * @param list the control points * @param uKnots the knot vector in u direction * @param vKnots the knot vector in v direction */ public SurfaceBSpline(String title, ArrayList<PointND> list, SimpleVector uKnots, SimpleVector vKnots) { this(list, uKnots, vKnots); this.title = title; } public static ArrayList<PointND> cloneList(List<PointND> list) { ArrayList<PointND> clone = new ArrayList<PointND>(list.size()); for(PointND item: list) clone.add(item.clone()); return clone; } public SurfaceBSpline(SurfaceBSpline spline) { this(cloneList(spline.points), new SimpleVector(spline.uKnots), new SimpleVector(spline.vKnots)); min = (spline.min!=null) ? spline.min.clone() : null; max = (spline.max!=null) ? spline.max.clone() : null; title = spline.title; } @Override public PointND evaluate(double u, double v){ SimpleVector point = new SimpleVector(dimension); for (int i = 0; i < numberOfUPoints; i++){ //System.out.println("Upoints: " + uPoints + " " + i); double weight = uSpline.getWeight(u, i); point.add(vSplines[i].evaluate(v).getAbstractVector().multipliedBy(weight)); } PointND revan = new PointND(point); return revan; } @Override public int getDimension() { return dimension; } /** * Reads a BSpline from a BufferedReader and returns it. * @param reader the reader * @return the surface BSpline * @throws IOException */ public static SurfaceBSpline readBSpline(BufferedReader reader) throws IOException{ boolean done = false; int uPoints = -1; int vPoints = -1; double [] vKnots = null; double [] uKnots = null; String last = "No title"; String line = "No title"; ArrayList<PointND> list = new ArrayList<PointND>(); while (!done){ if (!line.equals("")) last = line ; line = reader.readLine(); if (line == null){ throw new IOException("End of File reached"); } if (line.contains(":M")){ String [] elements = line.split("\\s+"); uPoints = Integer.parseInt(elements[0]); //System.out.println("M = " + uPoints); break; } } while (!done){ line = reader.readLine(); if (line.contains(":M")){ String [] elements = line.split("\\s+"); uPoints = Integer.parseInt(elements[0]); //System.out.println("M = " + uPoints); } if (line.contains(":N")){ String [] elements = line.split("\\s+"); vPoints = Integer.parseInt(elements[0]); //System.out.println("N = " + vPoints); } if (line.contains("U Knot Vector")){ vKnots = readKnotVector(reader, vPoints); } if (line.contains("V Knot Vector")){ uKnots = readKnotVector(reader, uPoints); } if (line.contains("Control Points")){ for (int i = 0; i < vPoints; i++){ list.add(new PointND(read3DPoint(reader))); } for (int j = 1; j < uPoints; j++) { reader.readLine(); for (int i = 0; i < vPoints; i++){ list.add(new PointND(read3DPoint(reader))); } } //System.out.println("Last Point " + list.get(list.size()-1).toString()); done = true; break; } } //System.out.println("SurfaceBSpline read: " + last); //System.out.println("#CP = " + list.size()); // //return new SurfaceBSpline(last, list, uKnots, vKnots); if ((uKnots[0] == uKnots[1]) && (uKnots[2] == uKnots[3])) return new SurfaceUniformCubicBSpline(last, list, uKnots, vKnots); else return new SurfaceBSpline(last, list, uKnots, vKnots); } public static ArrayList<SurfaceBSpline> readSplinesFromFile(String filename) throws IOException{ FileReader file = new FileReader(filename); BufferedReader bf = new BufferedReader(file); ArrayList<SurfaceBSpline> list = new ArrayList<SurfaceBSpline>(); // read all surface splines in the file. boolean reading = true; while (reading) { try { SurfaceBSpline spline = SurfaceBSpline.readBSpline(bf); list.add(spline); } catch (IOException e){ reading = false; } } return list; } private static double [] readKnotVector(BufferedReader reader, int knotPoints) throws IOException{ double [] uKnots = null; int degree = 0; double number = 0; while (number == 0){ number = readDouble(reader); degree++; } degree -= 2; //System.out.println("Degree: " + degree); uKnots = new double [degree + knotPoints +1]; for (int i = 0; i < degree + 1; i++){ uKnots[i] = 0; //System.out.println(uKnots[i]); } uKnots[degree + 1] = number; //System.out.println(uKnots[degree+1]); for (int i = degree +2; i< knotPoints +1 +degree; i++){ uKnots[i] = readDouble(reader); //System.out.println(uKnots[i]); } return uKnots; } private static double readDouble(BufferedReader reader) throws IOException{ String read = reader.readLine(); String [] elements = read.split("\\s+"); if (elements.length == 2) { return Double.parseDouble(elements[1]); } else { return Double.parseDouble(elements[0]); } } private static double [] read3DPoint(BufferedReader reader) throws IOException { double [] point = new double [3]; String read = reader.readLine(); String [] elements = read.split("\\s+"); if (elements.length == 4) { point[0] = Double.parseDouble(elements[1]); point[1] = Double.parseDouble(elements[2]); point[2] = Double.parseDouble(elements[3]); } else { point[0] = Double.parseDouble(elements[0]); point[1] = Double.parseDouble(elements[1]); point[2] = Double.parseDouble(elements[2]); } return point; } /** * Computes approximate u, v coordinates to of the closest control point to the given point. * @param point the point * @return the approximate (u, v) coordinates of the control point. */ public double [] computeInitialUV(PointND point){ int closeI = 0; int closeJ = 0; double minDistance = Double.MAX_VALUE; for (int i = 0; i < numberOfUPoints; i++){ for (int j = 0; j < numberOfVPoints; j++){ double distance = vSplines[i].getControlPoint(j).euclideanDistance(point); if (distance < minDistance){ minDistance = distance; closeI = i; closeJ = j; } } } int offsetU = (uSpline.getDegree() + 1) /2; int offsetV = (vSplines[0].getDegree() + 1) /2; return new double[] {Math.log(uSpline.getKnotVectorEntry(closeI+offsetU)), Math.log(vSplines[closeI].getKnotVectorEntry(closeJ + offsetV))}; } @Override public synchronized ArrayList<PointND> intersect(AbstractCurve other) { if (other instanceof StraightLine){ StraightLine line = (StraightLine) other; // These two calls are not thread safe. Hence, synchronization is required. ArrayList<PointND> list = getHitsOnBoundingBox(line); //System.out.println(list.size()); if (list.size() > 1) { boolean simple = false; ArrayList<PointND> intersectionPoints = new ArrayList<PointND>(); if (!simple) { Edge connection = new Edge(list.get(0), list.get(list.size()-1)); //System.out.println(connection); // points on one third to the end and one third from the start. list.add(connection.evaluate(connection.getLastInternalIndex() / 3.0)); list.add(connection.evaluate((2.0 * connection.getLastInternalIndex()) / 3.0)); for (PointND p : list) { BSplineIntersector intersection = new BSplineIntersector(line, this); FunctionOptimizer optimizer = new FunctionOptimizer(2); optimizer.setInitialX(computeInitialUV(p)); optimizer.optimizeFunction(intersection); double [] uvvector = optimizer.getOptimum(); PointND hit = evaluate(Math.exp(uvvector[0]), Math.exp(uvvector[1])); if (!intersectionPoints.contains(hit)){ intersectionPoints.add(hit); } } } else { intersectionPoints = list; } return intersectionPoints; } else { return null; } } else throw new RuntimeException("Intersection between BSplineSurfaces and other AbstractCurves are not yet implemented."); } public PointND [] intersectDeCasteljau(StraightLine line){ BSplineIntersector intersection = new BSplineIntersector(line, this); // TODO throw new UnsupportedOperationException("This method is not implemented yet. See Nishita, Sederberg, Kakimoto. Ray Tracing Rational Surface Patches. Computer Graphics, 1990. 24(4):337-45."); } /** * Tesselates the BSplineSurface into a mesh of Triangles. The parameters samplingU and samplingV define the number of points in each of the internal dimensions. Based on these points a triangle surface mesh is build. The resulting triangles are stored in a CompoundShape for each neighboring point pair in u direction. The u-triangle rings are then put into another CompoundShape. This configuration was optimal when ray tracing in x direction using XCAT BSplines. * @param samplingU number of points in u direction * @param samplingV number of points in v direction * @return the tesselated mesh */ public AbstractShape tessellateMesh(double samplingU, double samplingV){ AbstractShape s = tessellateMesh(samplingU, samplingV, TESSELATE_COMPOUND_OF_COMPOUND_SHAPES); s.setName(getTitle()); return s; } /** * Tesselates the BSplineSurface into a mesh of Triangles. The parameters samplingU and samplingV define the number of points in each of the internal dimensions. Based on these points a triangle surface mesh is build. The resulting triangles are stored in a CompoundShape for each neighboring point pair in u direction. The mode determines the internal structure of the tesselated mesh. * @param samplingU number of points in u direction * @param samplingV number of points in v direction * @param mode the internal representation of the mesh. Possible modes are * <li>TESSELATE_COMPOUND_SHAPE</li> * <li>TESSELATE_COMPOUND_OF_COMPOUND_SHAPES (default)</li> * <li>TESSELATE_COMPOUND_OF_OCTREES</li> * <li>TESSELATE_LINEAR_OCTREE</li> * <li>TESSELATE_NESTED_OCTREE</li> * @return the tesselated mesh */ public AbstractShape tessellateMesh(double samplingU, double samplingV, int mode){ switch (mode){ case TESSELATE_COMPOUND_SHAPE: return tessellateMeshCompoundShape(samplingU, samplingV); case TESSELATE_COMPOUND_OF_COMPOUND_SHAPES: return tessellateMeshNestedCompoundShapes(samplingU, samplingV); case TESSELATE_COMPOUND_OF_OCTREES: return tessellateMeshWithCompundShapesAndLinearOctrees(samplingU, samplingV); case TESSELATE_LINEAR_OCTREE: return tessellateMeshLinearOctree(samplingU, samplingV); case TESSELATE_NESTED_OCTREE: return tessellateMeshNestedOctree(samplingU, samplingV); default: return tessellateMesh(samplingU, samplingV); } } private AbstractShape tessellateMeshCompoundShape(double samplingU, double samplingV){ PointND [] pts = getRasterPoints(samplingU, samplingV); CompoundShape superShape = new CompoundShape(); CompoundShape mesh = superShape; ArrayList<PointND> lastSlice = new ArrayList<PointND>(); for(double i =1 ; i < samplingU; i++){ double lasti = i - 1; if (lasti < 0) lasti = samplingU - 1; for (double j = 0; j < samplingV; j++){ double lastj = j - 1; if (lastj < 0) lastj = samplingV - 1; if (i == samplingU-1) lastSlice.add(pts[(int)(i*samplingV+j)]); try{ Triangle t1 = new Triangle(pts[(int)(lasti*samplingV+lastj)] , pts[(int)(i*samplingV+lastj)] , pts[(int)(lasti*samplingV+j)]); mesh.add(t1); } catch (Exception e){ if (!e.getLocalizedMessage().contains("direction vector")){ System.out.println(e.getLocalizedMessage() +" "+ i + " " + j + " " + lasti + " " + lastj); } } try{ Triangle t2 = new Triangle(pts[(int)(i*samplingV+lastj)] , pts[(int)(lasti*samplingV+j)] , pts[(int)(i*samplingV+j)]); mesh.add(t2); } catch (Exception e){ if (!e.getLocalizedMessage().contains("direction vector")){ System.out.println(e.getLocalizedMessage() +" "+ i + " " + j + " " + lasti + " " + lastj); } } } } if (lastSlice.size() > 0) { PointND center = General.getGeometricCenter(lastSlice); for (int i = 1; i < lastSlice.size(); i++){ try{ mesh.add(new Triangle(center, lastSlice.get(i), lastSlice.get(i-1))); } catch (Exception e){ if (!e.getLocalizedMessage().contains("direction vector")){ System.out.println(e.getLocalizedMessage()); } } } try{ mesh.add(new Triangle(center, lastSlice.get(0), lastSlice.get(lastSlice.size()-1))); } catch (Exception e){ if (!e.getLocalizedMessage().contains("direction vector")){ System.out.println(e.getLocalizedMessage()); } } } System.out.println("Triangles: " + superShape + " " + superShape.getInternalDimension() + " " + superShape.size()); return superShape; } private AbstractShape tessellateMeshLinearOctree(double samplingU, double samplingV){ PointND [] pts = getRasterPoints(samplingU, samplingV); CompoundShape superShape = new LinearOctree(min, max); CompoundShape mesh = superShape; ArrayList<PointND> lastSlice = new ArrayList<PointND>(); for(double i =1 ; i < samplingU; i++){ double lasti = i - 1; if (lasti < 0) lasti = samplingU - 1; for (double j = 0; j < samplingV; j++){ double lastj = j - 1; if (lastj < 0) lastj = samplingV - 1; if (i == samplingU-1) lastSlice.add(pts[(int)(i*samplingV+j)]); try{ Triangle t1 = new Triangle(pts[(int)(lasti*samplingV+lastj)] , pts[(int)(i*samplingV+lastj)] , pts[(int)(lasti*samplingV+j)]); mesh.add(t1); } catch (Exception e){ if (!e.getLocalizedMessage().equals("Second given direction vector must not be null!")){ System.out.println(e.getLocalizedMessage() +" "+ i + " " + j + " " + lasti + " " + lastj); } } try{ Triangle t2 = new Triangle(pts[(int)(i*samplingV+lastj)] , pts[(int)(lasti*samplingV+j)] , pts[(int)(i*samplingV+j)]); mesh.add(t2); } catch (Exception e){ if (!e.getLocalizedMessage().equals("Second given direction vector must not be null!")){ System.out.println(e.getLocalizedMessage() +" "+ i + " " + j + " " + lasti + " " + lastj); } } } } if (lastSlice.size() > 0) { PointND center = General.getGeometricCenter(lastSlice); for (int i = 1; i < lastSlice.size(); i++){ try{ mesh.add(new Triangle(center, lastSlice.get(i), lastSlice.get(i-1))); } catch (Exception e){ if (!e.getLocalizedMessage().equals("Second given direction vector must not be null!")){ System.out.println(e.getLocalizedMessage()); } } } try{ mesh.add(new Triangle(center, lastSlice.get(0), lastSlice.get(lastSlice.size()-1))); } catch (Exception e){ if (!e.getLocalizedMessage().equals("Second given direction vector must not be null!")){ System.out.println(e.getLocalizedMessage()); } } } System.out.println("Triangles: " + superShape + " " + superShape.getInternalDimension() + " " + superShape.size()); return superShape; } private AbstractShape tessellateMeshNestedOctree(double samplingU, double samplingV){ PointND [] pts = getRasterPoints(samplingU, samplingV); CompoundShape superShape = new NestedOctree(min, max); CompoundShape mesh = superShape; ArrayList<PointND> lastSlice = new ArrayList<PointND>(); for(double i =1 ; i < samplingU; i++){ double lasti = i - 1; if (lasti < 0) lasti = samplingU - 1; for (double j = 0; j < samplingV; j++){ double lastj = j - 1; if (lastj < 0) lastj = samplingV - 1; if (i == samplingU-1) lastSlice.add(pts[(int)(i*samplingV+j)]); try{ Triangle t1 = new Triangle(pts[(int)(lasti*samplingV+lastj)] , pts[(int)(i*samplingV+lastj)] , pts[(int)(lasti*samplingV+j)]); mesh.add(t1); } catch (Exception e){ if (!e.getLocalizedMessage().equals("Second given direction vector must not be null!")){ System.out.println(e.getLocalizedMessage() +" "+ i + " " + j + " " + lasti + " " + lastj); } } try{ Triangle t2 = new Triangle(pts[(int)(i*samplingV+lastj)] , pts[(int)(lasti*samplingV+j)] , pts[(int)(i*samplingV+j)]); mesh.add(t2); } catch (Exception e){ if (!e.getLocalizedMessage().equals("Second given direction vector must not be null!")){ System.out.println(e.getLocalizedMessage() +" "+ i + " " + j + " " + lasti + " " + lastj); } } } } if (lastSlice.size() > 0) { PointND center = General.getGeometricCenter(lastSlice); for (int i = 1; i < lastSlice.size(); i++){ try{ mesh.add(new Triangle(center, lastSlice.get(i), lastSlice.get(i-1))); } catch (Exception e){ if (!e.getLocalizedMessage().equals("Second given direction vector must not be null!")){ System.out.println(e.getLocalizedMessage()); } } } try{ mesh.add(new Triangle(center, lastSlice.get(0), lastSlice.get(lastSlice.size()-1))); } catch (Exception e){ if (!e.getLocalizedMessage().equals("Second given direction vector must not be null!")){ System.out.println(e.getLocalizedMessage()); } } } mesh.getMin(); System.out.println("Triangles: " + superShape + " " + superShape.getInternalDimension() + " " + superShape.size()); return superShape; } private AbstractShape tessellateMeshNestedCompoundShapes(double samplingU, double samplingV){ PointND [] pts = getRasterPoints(samplingU, samplingV); CompoundShape superShape = new CompoundShape(); ArrayList<PointND> lastSlice = new ArrayList<PointND>(); ArrayList<PointND> firstSlice = new ArrayList<PointND>(); for(double i =1 ; i < samplingU; i++){ CompoundShape mesh = new CompoundShape(); double lasti = i - 1; if (lasti < 0) lasti = samplingU - 1; for (double j = 0; j < samplingV; j++){ double lastj = j - 1; if (lastj < 0) lastj = samplingV - 1; if (i == samplingU-1) lastSlice.add(pts[(int)(i*samplingV+j)]); if (i == 1) firstSlice.add(pts[(int)((i-1)*samplingV+j)]); try{ Triangle t1 = new Triangle(pts[(int)(lasti*samplingV+lastj)] , pts[(int)(i*samplingV+lastj)] , pts[(int)(lasti*samplingV+j)]); mesh.add(t1); } catch (Exception e){ if (!e.getLocalizedMessage().contains("direction vector")){ System.out.println(e.getLocalizedMessage() +" "+ i + " " + j + " " + lasti + " " + lastj); } } try{ Triangle t2 = new Triangle(pts[(int)(i*samplingV+lastj)] , pts[(int)(lasti*samplingV+j)] , pts[(int)(i*samplingV+j)]); mesh.add(t2); } catch (Exception e){ if (!e.getLocalizedMessage().contains("direction vector")){ System.out.println(e.getLocalizedMessage() +" "+ i + " " + j + " " + lasti + " " + lastj); } } } superShape.add(mesh); } superShape.addAll(General.createTrianglesFromPlanarPointSet(lastSlice)); superShape.addAll(General.createTrianglesFromPlanarPointSet(firstSlice)); //System.out.println("Triangles: " + superShape + " " + superShape.getInternalDimension() + " " + superShape.size()); return superShape; } private AbstractShape tessellateMeshWithCompundShapesAndLinearOctrees(double samplingU, double samplingV){ PointND [] pts = getRasterPoints(samplingU, samplingV); CompoundShape superShape = new CompoundShape(); ArrayList<PointND> lastSlice = new ArrayList<PointND>(); for(double i =1 ; i < samplingU; i++){ CompoundShape mesh = new CompoundShape(); double lasti = i - 1; if (lasti < 0) lasti = samplingU - 1; for (double j = 0; j < samplingV; j++){ double lastj = j - 1; if (lastj < 0) lastj = samplingV - 1; if (i == samplingU-1) lastSlice.add(pts[(int)(i*samplingV+j)]); try{ Triangle t1 = new Triangle(pts[(int)(lasti*samplingV+lastj)] , pts[(int)(i*samplingV+lastj)] , pts[(int)(lasti*samplingV+j)]); mesh.add(t1); } catch (Exception e){ if (!e.getLocalizedMessage().equals("Second given direction vector must not be null!")){ System.out.println(e.getLocalizedMessage() +" "+ i + " " + j + " " + lasti + " " + lastj); } } try{ Triangle t2 = new Triangle(pts[(int)(i*samplingV+lastj)] , pts[(int)(lasti*samplingV+j)] , pts[(int)(i*samplingV+j)]); mesh.add(t2); } catch (Exception e){ if (!e.getLocalizedMessage().equals("Second given direction vector must not be null!")){ System.out.println(e.getLocalizedMessage() +" "+ i + " " + j + " " + lasti + " " + lastj); } } } LinearOctree tree = new LinearOctree(mesh.getMin(), mesh.getMax()); tree.addAll(mesh); System.out.println(tree); superShape.add(tree); } if (lastSlice.size() > 0) { CompoundShape mesh = new CompoundShape(); PointND center = General.getGeometricCenter(lastSlice); for (int i = 1; i < lastSlice.size(); i++){ try{ mesh.add(new Triangle(center, lastSlice.get(i), lastSlice.get(i-1))); } catch (Exception e){ if (!e.getLocalizedMessage().equals("Second given direction vector must not be null!")){ System.out.println(e.getLocalizedMessage()); } } } try{ mesh.add(new Triangle(center, lastSlice.get(0), lastSlice.get(lastSlice.size()-1))); } catch (Exception e){ if (!e.getLocalizedMessage().equals("Second given direction vector must not be null!")){ System.out.println(e.getLocalizedMessage()); } } LinearOctree tree = new LinearOctree(mesh.getMin(), mesh.getMax()); tree.addAll(mesh); System.out.println(tree); superShape.add(tree); } System.out.println("Triangles: " + superShape + " " + superShape.getInternalDimension() + " " + superShape.size()); return superShape; } @Override public void applyTransform(Transform t) { ArrayList<PointND> newPoints = new ArrayList<PointND>(); for (int i =0; i< points.size(); i++){ newPoints.add(t.transform(points.get(i))); } points = newPoints; init(); } @Override public boolean isBounded() { return true; } /** * Class to intersect bsplines with a StraightLine. Uses a procedure similar to Toth if used as OptimizableFunction. Optimization after Nishita will be implemented next. * @author akmaier * */ private class BSplineIntersector implements OptimizableFunction { double [] planeCoeff1, planeCoeff2; StraightLine line; SurfaceBSpline spline; public BSplineIntersector(StraightLine line, SurfaceBSpline spline) { this.line = line; this.spline = spline; SimpleVector e1 = new SimpleVector(line.getDirection().getLen()); e1.setElementValue(0, 1); SimpleVector planeNormal1 = General.crossProduct(line.getDirection(), e1); if (planeNormal1.normL2() < 0.1) { e1.setElementValue(0, 0); e1.setElementValue(1, 1); planeNormal1 = General.crossProduct(line.getDirection(), e1); } planeNormal1.normalizeL2(); SimpleVector planeNormal2 = General.crossProduct(line.getDirection(),planeNormal1); planeNormal2.normalizeL2(); SimpleVector point = line.getPoint().getAbstractVector(); planeCoeff1 = new double [4]; planeCoeff2 = new double [4]; planeNormal1.copyTo(planeCoeff1); planeNormal2.copyTo(planeCoeff2); planeCoeff1[3] = - SimpleOperators.multiplyInnerProd(planeNormal1, point); planeCoeff2[3] = - SimpleOperators.multiplyInnerProd(planeNormal2, point); } /** * computes d1 (after Nishita) * @param x * @return */ public double computeD1 (double [] x){ double d1 = 0; for (int i = 0; i < numberOfUPoints; i++){ double weight = uSpline.getWeight(x[0], i); double d1Part = 0; for (int j = 0; j < numberOfVPoints; j++){ double weight2 = vSplines[i].getWeight(x[1], j); d1Part += weight2 * vSplines[i].distance(planeCoeff1, j); } d1 += weight * d1Part; } return d1; } /** * computes d2 (after Nishita) * @param x * @return */ public double computeD2 (double [] x){ double d2 = 0; for (int i = 0; i < numberOfUPoints; i++){ double weight = uSpline.getWeight(x[0], i); double d2Part = 0; for (int j = 0; j < numberOfVPoints; j++){ double weight2 = vSplines[i].getWeight(x[1], j); d2Part += weight2 * vSplines[i].distance(planeCoeff2, j); } d2 += weight * d2Part; } return d2; } public double evaluate_planebased(double[] x, int block) { double d1 = 0; double d2 = 0; for (int i = 0; i < numberOfUPoints; i++){ double weight = uSpline.getWeight(Math.exp(x[0]), i); double d1Part = 0; double d2Part = 0; for (int j = 0; j < numberOfVPoints; j++){ double weight2 = vSplines[i].getWeight(Math.exp(x[1]), j); d1Part += weight2 * vSplines[i].distance(planeCoeff1, j); d2Part += weight2 * vSplines[i].distance(planeCoeff2, j); } d1 += weight * d1Part; d2 += weight * d2Part; } double revan = Math.pow(d1, 2) + Math.pow(d2, 2); return revan; } @Override public double evaluate(double[] x, int block) { PointND p = spline.evaluate(Math.exp(x[0]), Math.exp(x[1])); double revan = line.computeDistanceTo(p); return revan; } @Override public int getNumberOfProcessingBlocks() { return 1; } @Override public void setNumberOfProcessingBlocks(int number) { } } @Override public PointND[] getRasterPoints(int number) { int subNumber = (int) Math.sqrt(number); PointND [] array = new PointND[subNumber * subNumber]; for (double i = 0; i <subNumber ; i++){ for (double j = 0; j < subNumber; j++){ array[(int)(i+(j*subNumber))] = evaluate(i/(subNumber-1), j/(subNumber-1)); } } return array; } /** * Binary Representation of a Surface BSpline: * <pre> * type * total size in float values * ID * # of u knots * # of v knots * # of u points * # of v points * u knot vector * v knot vector * u BSpline * v BSplines * </pre> * @return the binary representation for use with OpenCL */ public float[] getBinaryRepresentation() { float type = BSpline.SPLINE2DTO3D; int totalsize; float uknot = uKnots.getLen(); float vknot = vKnots.getLen(); float uPoints = this.numberOfUPoints; float vPoints = this.numberOfVPoints; float [] uSpline = this.uSpline.getBinaryRepresentation(); float [][] vSplines = new float [this.vSplines.length][]; int vSplinesLength = 0; for (int i = 0; i< vSplines.length; i++){ vSplines[i] = this.vSplines[i].getBinaryRepresentation(); vSplinesLength += vSplines[i].length; } totalsize = 7 + uSpline.length + vSplines.length + uKnots.getLen() + vKnots.getLen(); float [] binary = new float [totalsize]; binary[0] = type; binary[1] = totalsize; binary[2] = BSpline.getID(title); binary[3] = uknot; binary[4] = vknot; binary[5] = uPoints; binary[6] = vPoints; int index =7; for (int i=0; i<uknot; i++){ binary[index] = (float)uKnots.getElement(i); index ++; } for (int i=0; i<vknot; i++){ binary[index] = (float)vKnots.getElement(i); index ++; } for (int i=0; i<uSpline.length; i++){ binary[index] = uSpline[i]; index ++; } for (int i=0; i<vSplines.length; i++){ for (int j = 0; j< vSplines[i].length; j++){ binary[index] = vSplines[i][j]; index ++; } } return binary; } @Override public AbstractShape tessellate(double accuracy) { return this.tessellateMesh(100.0 / accuracy, 100.0 / accuracy); } /** * @return the numberOfUPoints */ public int getNumberOfUPoints() { return numberOfUPoints; } /** * @param numberOfUPoints the numberOfUPoints to set */ public void setNumberOfUPoints(int numberOfUPoints) { this.numberOfUPoints = numberOfUPoints; } /** * @return the numberOfVPoints */ public int getNumberOfVPoints() { return numberOfVPoints; } /** * @param numberOfVPoints the numberOfVPoints to set */ public void setNumberOfVPoints(int numberOfVPoints) { this.numberOfVPoints = numberOfVPoints; } public PointND[] getRasterPoints(double samplingU, double samplingV) { PointND [] pts = new PointND[((int)samplingU) * ((int)samplingV)]; for(double i =0 ; i < samplingU; i++){ for (double j = 0; j < samplingV; j++){ PointND p = evaluate(i/samplingU, j/ samplingV); pts[(int)(i*samplingV+j)] = p; } } return pts; } @Override public AbstractShape clone() { return new SurfaceBSpline(this); } } /* * Copyright (C) 2010-2014 Andreas Maier * CONRAD is developed as an Open Source project under the GNU General Public License (GPL). */