package edu.stanford.rsl.tutorial.dmip; import edu.stanford.rsl.conrad.numerics.SimpleMatrix; import edu.stanford.rsl.conrad.numerics.SimpleMatrix.InversionType; import edu.stanford.rsl.conrad.numerics.SimpleOperators; import edu.stanford.rsl.conrad.numerics.SimpleVector; import ij.gui.Plot; import java.util.ArrayList; /** * Exercise 4 of Diagnostic Medical Image Processing (DMIP) * @author Bastian Bier * */ public class RANSAC { /** * Function calculation the ransac model estimate * * @param points The point cloud where the line should be fit through * @param minParam The number of parameters required for the model * @param p_opt The probability of picking the right points for the models during the iterations * @param p_out The probability of an outliner * * @return solution the parameters of the resulting RANSAC line in a SimpleVector: [m,c] */ public SimpleVector commonRansac(SimpleMatrix points, int mn, double p_opt, double p_out){ // Calculating the amount of required iterations int it = (int) (Math.log(1 - p_opt) / Math.log(1 - Math.pow(1 - p_out, mn)) + 1 ); // Error of the best fitted line double error = Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY; // Solution vector SimpleVector solution = new SimpleVector(mn); for(int i = 0; i < it; i++) { // Select mn random points // Calculate the indexes of the points ArrayList<Integer> indexes = new ArrayList<Integer>(); int randIdx = (int) (Math.random() / (1.f / points.getRows())); indexes.add(randIdx); for(int n = 1; n < mn; n++){ randIdx = (int) (Math.random() / (1.f / points.getRows())); while(indexes.contains(randIdx)) { randIdx = (int) (Math.random() / (1.f / points.getRows())); } indexes.add(randIdx); } // Calculate the parameters SimpleMatrix a = new SimpleMatrix(mn,mn); for(int n = 0; n < mn; n++){ a.setRowValue(n, points.getRow(indexes.get(n))); } SimpleVector lineParams= new SimpleVector(mn); // TODO: estimate the line parameters for the selected points // Calculate the error of the estimated line // update the error and the parameters, if the current line has a smaller error double cur_err = 0.0; // TODO: calculate the error of the current line if(cur_err < error) { error = cur_err; solution = lineParams; } } return solution; } /** * Function calculating a line through a point cloud using the SVD * * @param points The point cloud where the line should be fit through * 2 points result in a exact line * >2 points result in a regression line * * @return x_result the parameters of the line in a SimpleVector: [m,c] */ public SimpleVector fitline(SimpleMatrix points){ // Build up the measurement matrix SimpleMatrix m = new SimpleMatrix(points.getRows(),2); SimpleVector b = new SimpleVector(points.getRows()); m.fill(1); for(int i = 0; i < points.getRows(); i++){ m.setElementValue(i, 0, points.getElement(i, 0)); b.setElementValue(i, points.getElement(i, 1)); } // Solution vector containing the estimated parameters m and c SimpleVector x_result = new SimpleVector(2); // Calculate the parameters using the Pseudo-Inverse // TODO: calculate the line parameters, write them in x_result return x_result; } /** * Calculate the error of a line * * @param line_params Parameters of the line * @param points The point cloud where the line should be fit through. * * @return error the calculated error */ public double lineError(SimpleVector line_params, SimpleMatrix points){ // Threshold defining the allowed distance of a point to the line double thresh = 0.2; // TODO: line parameters // TODO: get some point on the line // TODO: calculate normal vector of the line // TODO: calculate distance line to origin // TODO: calculate the distance for each point to the line // TODO: check if the distance is higher than the threshold // TODO: return the error return 0; } public static void main(String[] args) { // RANSAC ransac = new RANSAC(); // // The point cloud is defined // SimpleMatrix pts = new SimpleMatrix(7,2); pts.setRowValue(0, new SimpleVector(0,0)); pts.setRowValue(1, new SimpleVector(1,1)); pts.setRowValue(2, new SimpleVector(2,2)); pts.setRowValue(3, new SimpleVector(3,3)); pts.setRowValue(4, new SimpleVector(3.2,1.9)); pts.setRowValue(5, new SimpleVector(4,4)); pts.setRowValue(6, new SimpleVector(10,1.8)); // // Regression Line // // Create a scatter plot of the point cloud and fit a regression line Plot scatterPlot = new Plot("Regression Line", "X", "Y", Plot.DEFAULT_FLAGS); scatterPlot.setLimits(0, 11, 0, 5); scatterPlot.addPoints(pts.getCol(0).copyAsDoubleArray(), pts.getCol(1).copyAsDoubleArray(), Plot.BOX);; // Calculate the regression line through the given point cloud SimpleVector regressionLine = ransac.fitline(pts); // Add the regression line double y11 = regressionLine.getElement(0) * 11 + regressionLine.getElement(1); double y0 = regressionLine.getElement(0) * 0 + regressionLine.getElement(1); scatterPlot.drawLine(0, y0, 11, y11); // // RANSAC // // Parameters for RANSAC double p_opt = 0.9999; // probability how likely it is to pick the right mn points double p_out = 0.2; // probability of an outlier int min_number = 2; // minimum number of datapoints required to build the model // Create a scatter plot of the point cloud and fit a RANSAC line Plot ransac_plot = new Plot("Ransac Line", "X", "Y", Plot.DEFAULT_FLAGS); ransac_plot.setLimits(0, 11, 0, 5); ransac_plot.addPoints(pts.getCol(0).copyAsDoubleArray(), pts.getCol(1).copyAsDoubleArray(), Plot.BOX); // Compute a line using the RANSAC algorithm and plot it SimpleVector ransacLine = ransac.commonRansac(pts, min_number, p_opt, p_out); double y1 = ransacLine.getElement(0) * 0 + ransacLine.getElement(1); double y2 = ransacLine.getElement(0) * 11 + ransacLine.getElement(1); ransac_plot.drawLine(0, y1, 11, y2);; } }