package edu.stanford.rsl.conrad.geometry; import ij.process.BinaryProcessor; import ij.process.ByteProcessor; import ij.process.ImageProcessor; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Iterator; import edu.stanford.rsl.conrad.geometry.shapes.simple.PointND; import edu.stanford.rsl.conrad.geometry.shapes.simple.StraightLine; import edu.stanford.rsl.conrad.geometry.shapes.simple.Triangle; import edu.stanford.rsl.conrad.numerics.SimpleMatrix; import edu.stanford.rsl.conrad.numerics.SimpleOperators; import edu.stanford.rsl.conrad.numerics.SimpleVector; import edu.stanford.rsl.conrad.utils.CONRAD; /** * All kinds of geometric routines that are not specific to some geometric object or interact on a set of these. * @author Andreas Keil */ public abstract class General { public static final SimpleVector E_X = new SimpleVector(1.0, 0.0, 0.0); public static final SimpleVector E_Y = new SimpleVector(0.0, 1.0, 0.0); public static final SimpleVector E_Z = new SimpleVector(0.0, 0.0, 1.0); private static boolean normalizeMode = false; public static boolean isNormalizeMode(){ return normalizeMode; } public static void setNormalizeMode(boolean mode){ normalizeMode = mode; } /** * Computes the convex hull of the projection of the eight corners of the volume to the projection. * Here we assume that the volume is aligned with the world coordinate system and can be described * by a maximal and a minimal coordinate. * * Note that the returned int array contains the 4 values of the convex hull in projection domain * as sequence minimum x, maximum x, minimum y, maximum y * * @param min the minimal 3D coordinate of the volume * @param max the maximal 3D coordinate of the volume * @param proj the projection matrix * @return the convex hull in projection domain. */ public static int[] projectVolumeToProjection(PointND min, PointND max, Projection proj){ // bounds in 2D: int [] bounds = new int [4]; // eight corners of the volume in homogeneous coordinates: PointND [] corners = new PointND[8]; corners[0] = new PointND(min.get(0),min.get(1),min.get(2), 1); corners[1] = new PointND(min.get(0),min.get(1),max.get(2), 1); corners[2] = new PointND(min.get(0),max.get(1),min.get(2), 1); corners[3] = new PointND(min.get(0),max.get(1),max.get(2), 1); corners[4] = new PointND(max.get(0),min.get(1),min.get(2), 1); corners[5] = new PointND(max.get(0),min.get(1),max.get(2), 1); corners[6] = new PointND(max.get(0),max.get(1),min.get(2), 1); corners[7] = new PointND(max.get(0),max.get(1),max.get(2), 1); SimpleVector projected = new SimpleVector(2); @SuppressWarnings("unused") double depth = proj.project(corners[0].getAbstractVector(), projected); // TODO: Check depth value to see if point is actually in front of the camera (>0) or behind it (<0) // if (depth <= 0.0) ; // add code for invisible point here // old code: // SimpleMatrix p = proj.computeP(); // SimpleVector projected = SimpleOperators.multiply(p, corners[0].getAbstractVector()); // projected.divideBy(projected.getElement(2)); bounds[0] = (int) projected.getElement(0); bounds[1] = (int) projected.getElement(0); bounds[2] = (int) projected.getElement(1); bounds[3] = (int) projected.getElement(1); for (int i = 1; i < 8; i++){ depth = proj.project(corners[i].getAbstractVector(), projected); // TODO: Check depth value to see if point is actually in front of the camera (>0) or behind it (<0) // if (depth <= 0.0) ; // add code for invisible point here // old code: // projected = SimpleOperators.multiply(p, corners[i].getAbstractVector()); // projected.divideBy(projected.getElement(2)); // proposed new code for min/max operations: bounds[0] = java.lang.Math.min(bounds[0], (int)projected.getElement(0)); // TODO: Maybe better use ceil/floor instead of a simple cast here? bounds[1] = java.lang.Math.max(bounds[1], (int)projected.getElement(0)); // TODO: Maybe better use ceil/floor instead of a simple cast here? bounds[2] = java.lang.Math.min(bounds[2], (int)projected.getElement(1)); // TODO: Maybe better use ceil/floor instead of a simple cast here? bounds[3] = java.lang.Math.max(bounds[3], (int)projected.getElement(1)); // TODO: Maybe better use ceil/floor instead of a simple cast here? // old code: // bounds[0] = (bounds[0] > projected.getElement(0)) ? (int) projected.getElement(0) : bounds[0]; // bounds[1] = (bounds[1] < projected.getElement(0)) ? (int) projected.getElement(0) : bounds[1]; // bounds[2] = (bounds[2] > projected.getElement(1)) ? (int) projected.getElement(1) : bounds[2]; // bounds[3] = (bounds[3] < projected.getElement(1)) ? (int) projected.getElement(1) : bounds[3]; } return bounds; } public static SimpleVector crossProduct(final SimpleVector v1, final SimpleVector v2) { // input check assert (v1.getLen() == 3) : new IllegalArgumentException("v1 has to be a 3-vector!"); assert (v2.getLen() == 3) : new IllegalArgumentException("v2 has to be a 3-vector!"); final SimpleVector result = new SimpleVector(3); result.setElementValue(0, v1.getElement(1) * v2.getElement(2) - v1.getElement(2) * v2.getElement(1)); result.setElementValue(1, v1.getElement(2) * v2.getElement(0) - v1.getElement(0) * v2.getElement(2)); result.setElementValue(2, v1.getElement(0) * v2.getElement(1) - v1.getElement(1) * v2.getElement(0)); return result; } public static boolean areColinear(final SimpleVector v1, final SimpleVector v2, final double delta) { return (crossProduct(v1, v2).normL2() < delta); } /** * Computes the angle between two vectors; * @param a * @param b * @return the smaller (and positive) angle between a and b in radians */ public static double angle(SimpleVector a, SimpleVector b) { final double norma = a.normL2(); final double normb = b.normL2(); if (norma == 0 || normb == 0) throw new RuntimeException("At least one of the vectors has zero length!"); else return (Math.acos(SimpleOperators.multiplyInnerProd(a, b)/(norma * normb))); } public static double euclideanDistance(final SimpleVector v1, final SimpleVector v2) { return SimpleOperators.subtract(v1, v2).normL2(); } public static SimpleVector augmentToHomgeneous(final SimpleVector v) { SimpleVector v_hom = new SimpleVector(v.getLen() + 1); v_hom.setSubVecValue(0, v); v_hom.setElementValue(v.getLen(), 1.0); return v_hom; } public static SimpleVector normalizeFromHomogeneous(final SimpleVector v) { SimpleVector v_normalized = v.getSubVec(0, v.getLen()-1); assert (v.getElement(v.getLen()-1) > CONRAD.DOUBLE_EPSILON) : new RuntimeException("Cannot de-homogenize a point at infinity!"); v_normalized.divideBy(v.getElement(v.getLen()-1)); return v_normalized; } public static SimpleMatrix createHomAffineMotionMatrix(final SimpleMatrix A, final SimpleVector t) { // input checks final int d = t.getLen(); assert (d == 2 || d == 3); assert (A.getRows() == d && A.getCols() == d); final SimpleMatrix result = new SimpleMatrix(d+1, d+1); result.setSubMatrixValue(0, 0, A); result.setSubColValue(0, d, t); result.setElementValue(d, d, 1.0); return result; } public static SimpleMatrix createHomAffineMotionMatrix(final SimpleMatrix A) { // input checks final int d = A.getRows(); assert (d == 2 || d == 3); assert A.getCols() == d; final SimpleMatrix result = new SimpleMatrix(d+1, d+1); result.setSubMatrixValue(0, 0, A); result.setElementValue(d, d, 1.0); return result; } public static SimpleMatrix createHomAffineMotionMatrix(final SimpleVector t) { // input checks final int d = t.getLen(); assert (d == 2 || d == 3); final SimpleMatrix result = new SimpleMatrix(d+1, d+1); result.identity(); result.setSubColValue(0, d, t); return result; } public static double toRadians(double degrees){ return (degrees / 180.0) * Math.PI; } public static double toDegrees(double radians){ return (radians * 180.0) / Math.PI; } /** * Convert voxel indexes to world coordinates (in mm), given the spacing and * origin of a volume. * * The origin in world coordinates is defined as the world coordinate of the * center of the first voxel (the 0/0/0 voxel) in world coordinates (in mm). * Example: To center a volume with 512 voxels and 1.5mm spacing in every * direction around the 0mm/0mm/0mm world coordinate, one has to set all the * origin parameters to -383.25mm (= -512/2*1.5mm + 1/2*1.5mm). * * @see #worldToVoxel(double[] world, double[] spacing, double[] origin) */ public static double[] voxelToWorld(int[] voxel, double[] spacing, double[] origin) { double[] world = new double[3]; for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) world[i] = voxelToWorld(voxel[i],spacing[i], origin[i]); return world; } /** * Computes the origin in world coordinates from pixel coordinates. Example<BR> * General.voxelToWorld(-originInPixelsX, getVoxelSpacingX(), 0) * @param voxel the negative voxel coordinate * @param spacing the spacing * @param origin 0 * @return the origin in world coordinates */ public static double voxelToWorld(double voxel, double spacing, double origin) { return voxel*spacing + origin; } /** * Convert world coordinates (in mm) to voxel indexes, given the spacing and * origin of a volume. * * @see #voxelToWorld(int[] voxel, double[] spacing, double[] origin) */ public static double[] worldToVoxel(double[] world, double[] spacing, double[] origin) { double[] voxel = new double[3]; for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) voxel[i] = worldToVoxel(world[i], spacing[i], origin[i]); return voxel; } /** * Helper function to convert world coordinates (in mm) to voxel indexes. * Example: <BR> * General.worldToVoxel(-originInWorld.get(0), getVoxelSpacingX(), 0) * * @see #worldToVoxel(double[] world, double[] spacing, double[] origin) */ public static double worldToVoxel(double world, double spacing, double origin) { return (world - origin) / spacing; } public static void splitHomAffineMotionMatrix(final SimpleMatrix At, final SimpleMatrix A, final SimpleVector t) { // check input assert (At.getRows() == 4 && At.getCols() == 4 && At.getElement(3, 0) == 0 && At.getElement(3,1) == 0 && At.getElement(3,2) == 0 && At.getElement(3,3) > 10.0*CONRAD.DOUBLE_EPSILON) : new IllegalArgumentException("At has to be a homogeneous rigid motion matrix!"); // check output assert (A.getRows() == 3 && A.getCols() == 3) : new IllegalArgumentException("A has to be a 3x3 matrix!"); assert (t.getLen() == 3) : new IllegalArgumentException("t has to be a 3-vector!"); // extract normalized A and t final double scale = 1.0/At.getElement(3, 3); A.init(At.getSubMatrix(0, 0, 3, 3).multipliedBy(scale)); t.init(At.getSubCol(0, 3, 3).multipliedBy(scale)); } public static ArrayList<PointND> intersectRayWithCuboid(StraightLine line, PointND min, PointND max){ double [] vals = new double [2]; ArrayList<PointND> revan = new ArrayList<PointND>(); if (General.intersectRayWithCuboid(line.getPoint().getAbstractVector(), line.getDirection(), min.getAbstractVector(), max.getAbstractVector(), vals)){ revan.add(line.evaluate(vals[0])); revan.add(line.evaluate(vals[1])); } return revan; } /** * Method to check whether a point is within a given cubiod defined by min and max. * @param point the point * @param min the minimum coordinate of the cuboid * @param max the maximum coordinate of the cuboid. * @return true, if the point is inside */ public static boolean isWithinCuboid(PointND point, PointND min, PointND max){ boolean fulfilled = true; for (int i =0; i < point.getDimension(); i++){ fulfilled = fulfilled && (point.get(i)<max.get(i)) && (point.get(i)>min.get(i)); } return fulfilled; } /** * Computes the two intersections of a ray with a cuboid, called entry and * exit point where the ray is specified by the given line origin and ray direction. * * The entry and exit points are returned as distances from the line origin along the * ray. The world coordinates of the entry and exit points may be computed as follows: * {@latex.ilb %preamble{\\usepackage{amsmath}} \\begin{align*} * \\mathbf{v}_n & = \\mathbf{C} + t_n \\cdot \\mathbf{d} \\ * \\mathbf{v}_f & = \\mathbf{C} + t_f \\cdot \\mathbf{d} * \\end{align*} } * * @param origin The ray origin in world coordinates. * @param dir The normalized(!) ray direction (corresponding to a specific pixel) in world coordinates [rd_x rd_y rd_z]. * @param cubmin The cuboid's minimal planes given as [min_x, min_y, min_z] in world * coordinates. * @param cubmax The cuboid's maximal planes given as [max_x, max_y, max_z] in world * coordinates. * @param distanceNearAndFar Return values. In case of a hit: Positive distances (in world * coordinate units) of nearest and farthest plane intersection. * @return Boolean value which is true if the ray intersects with the bounding * box and false otherwise. * * @see <a href=""></a> * @see <a href=""></a> */ public static boolean intersectRayWithCuboid(final SimpleVector origin, final SimpleVector dir, final SimpleVector cubmin, final SimpleVector cubmax, final double[] distanceNearAndFar) { // input checks assert (origin.getLen() == 3) : new IllegalArgumentException("origin has to be a 3-vector!"); assert (dir.getLen() == 3) : new IllegalArgumentException("dir has to be a 3-vector!"); assert (Math.abs(dir.normL2() - 1.0) < 10.0*CONRAD.DOUBLE_EPSILON) : new IllegalArgumentException("Direction vector must be of length 1:" + dir); assert (cubmin.getLen() == 3) : new IllegalArgumentException("cubmin has to be a 3-vector!"); assert (cubmax.getLen() == 3) : new IllegalArgumentException("cubmax has to be a 3-vector!"); // output checks assert (distanceNearAndFar.length == 2) : new IllegalArgumentException("tntf output must be a 2-array!"); // init near and far intersection distance distanceNearAndFar[0] = Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY; distanceNearAndFar[1] = Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY; // intersect with bounding box's 6 planes for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) { // loop over bb's x, y, and z plane pairs // check whether ray is parallel to the two i planes if (Math.abs(dir.getElement(i)) < CONRAD.DOUBLE_EPSILON) { // check whether ray is not between the two i planes, i.e., if it misses the box if (origin.getElement(i) < cubmin.getElement(i) || origin.getElement(i) > cubmax.getElement(i)) return false; } else { // compute the two intersections double t1 = (cubmin.getElement(i) - origin.getElement(i))/dir.getElement(i); double t2 = (cubmax.getElement(i) - origin.getElement(i))/dir.getElement(i); // sort t1 and t2 so that t1 is intersection with near plane, t2 with far plane (t1 <= t2) if (t1 > t2) { // swap the two values if necessary final double ttmp = t1; t1 = t2; t2 = ttmp; } // keep largest near intersection if (t1 > distanceNearAndFar[0]) distanceNearAndFar[0] = t1; // keep smallest far intersection if (t2 < distanceNearAndFar[1]) distanceNearAndFar[1] = t2; // check if box was missed if (distanceNearAndFar[0] > distanceNearAndFar[1] + CONRAD.FLOAT_EPSILON) return false; // check if box is behind the ray if (distanceNearAndFar[1] < 0) return false; } } // survived all tests, bounding box was hit by ray return true; } /** * Compute the geometric center of a set of points * @param list the set of points * @return the geometric center */ public static PointND getGeometricCenter(ArrayList<PointND> list){ int dim = list.get(0).getDimension(); double [] temp = new double [list.get(0).getDimension()]; for (int i = 0; i < list.size(); i++){ for (int j = 0; j < dim; j++){ temp[j] += list.get(i).get(j); } } for (int j = 0; j < dim; j++){ temp[j] /= list.size(); } return new PointND(temp); } /** * Compute the geometric center of an iterator of points * @param list the set of points * @return the geometric center */ public static PointND getGeometricCenter(Iterator<PointND> list){ PointND p =; int count = 1; int dim = p.getDimension(); double [] temp = new double [dim]; for (int j = 0; j < dim; j++){ temp[j] += p.get(j); } while (list.hasNext()){ p =; if (p!= null){ count ++; for (int j = 0; j < dim; j++){ temp[j] += p.get(j); } } } for (int j = 0; j < dim; j++){ temp[j] /= count; } return new PointND(temp); } /** * Extract points from an ImageProcessor which exceed a certain value * * @param houghSpace the ImageProcessor * @param offset the threshold for extraction * @return the list of candidate points */ public static ArrayList<PointND> extractCandidatePoints(ImageProcessor houghSpace, double offset){ ArrayList<PointND> candidate = new ArrayList<PointND>(); for (int j = 0; j< houghSpace.getHeight(); j++){ for (int i = 0; i< houghSpace.getWidth(); i++){ if (houghSpace.getPixelValue(i, j) > offset) { PointND point = new PointND(i, j); candidate.add(point); } } } return candidate; } /** * Threshold image and create binary mask * * @param img the ImageProcessor * @param offset the threshold * @return the binary image */ public static ImageProcessor thresholdImage(ImageProcessor img, double offset){ byte[] pixels = new byte[img.getWidth()*img.getHeight()]; ImageProcessor imp = new BinaryProcessor(new ByteProcessor(img.getWidth(), img.getHeight(), pixels)); for (int j = 0; j< img.getHeight(); j++){ for (int i = 0; i< img.getWidth(); i++){ if (img.getPixelValue(i, j) > offset) { imp.set(i,j,255); } } } return imp; } /** * Extracts cluster centers from an ordered List of points. Points must be ordered first with respect to x, then to y coordinate. Algorithm assumes that only one point may appear in the same row, i.e., all clusters must be separable via the y direction. * A cluster center is then computed as the geometric center of the points in the same cluster. Algorithm is fast, but very restricted. * @param pointList the list of candidate points * @param distance the minimal distance between clusters * @return the list of cluster centers */ public static ArrayList<PointND> extractClusterCenter(ArrayList<PointND> pointList, double distance){ return extractClusterCenter(pointList, distance, true); } /** * Extracts cluster centers from an ordered List of points. * A cluster center is then computed as the geometric center of the points in the same cluster. * @param pointList the list of candidate points * @param distance the minimal distance between clusters * @param breakOption option to break after distance exceeded once. Only applicable if points are ordered in the correct manner. * @return the list of cluster centers */ public static ArrayList<PointND> extractClusterCenter(ArrayList<PointND> pointList, double distance, boolean breakOption){ ArrayList<PointND> centerPoint = new ArrayList<PointND>(); while (pointList.size() > 0){ PointND reference = pointList.get(0); ArrayList<PointND> currentSubset = new ArrayList<PointND>(); //currentSubset.add(reference); for (int i = pointList.size()-1; i >= 0; i--){ PointND current = pointList.get(i); if (current.euclideanDistance(reference) < distance){ currentSubset.add(current); pointList.remove(i); } else { // points are ordered first in x and then in y direction // hence, end of current cluster if more than distance away in y direction if (breakOption) if (Math.abs(reference.get(1) - current.get(1)) > distance) break; } } centerPoint.add(getGeometricCenter(currentSubset)); } return centerPoint; } public static PointND getGeometricCenter(PointND[] pts) { int dim = pts[0].getDimension(); double [] temp = new double [pts[0].getDimension()]; for (int i = 0; i < pts.length; i++){ for (int j = 0; j < dim; j++){ temp[j] += pts[i].get(j); } } for (int j = 0; j < dim; j++){ temp[j] /= pts.length; } return new PointND(temp); } /** * Creates a triangle mesh for a planar set of points. The geometric center is estimated and each subsequent set of points is connected with the center to form the mesh. * Note that the points must be neighboring points in the ArrayList. Such a set of points can be obtained using for example a convex hull algorithm. This method can also be used to close a BSplineSurface. * @param points the points * @return the list of triangles * @see ConvexHull * @see edu.stanford.rsl.conrad.geometry.splines.SurfaceBSpline */ public static ArrayList<Triangle> createTrianglesFromPlanarPointSet(ArrayList<PointND> points){ return createTrianglesFromPlanarPointSet(points, "", null); } /** * Creates a triangle mesh for a planar set of points. The geometric center is estimated and each subsequent set of points is connected with the center to form the mesh. * Note that the points must be neighboring points in the ArrayList. Such a set of points can be obtained using for example a convex hull algorithm. This method can also be used to close a BSplineSurface. * @param points the points * @return the list of triangles * @see ConvexHull * @see edu.stanford.rsl.conrad.geometry.splines.SurfaceBSpline */ public static ArrayList<Triangle> createTrianglesFromPlanarPointSet(ArrayList<PointND> points, String nameTag, BufferedWriter bwpoint){ ArrayList<Triangle> mesh = new ArrayList<Triangle>(); if (points.size() > 0) { PointND center = General.getGeometricCenter(points); for (int i = 1; i < points.size(); i++){ try{ Triangle t = new Triangle(center, points.get(i), points.get(i-1)); if (bwpoint != null){ try { PointND pt = center; bwpoint.write("Center"+nameTag+"\t" + i+"id"+nameTag + "\t"+ +pt.get(0)+"\t"+pt.get(1)+"\t"+pt.get(2)+"\n"); pt = points.get(i); bwpoint.write(nameTag+i+"\t"+i+"id"+nameTag + "\t" +pt.get(0)+"\t"+pt.get(1)+"\t"+pt.get(2)+"\n"); pt = points.get(i-1); bwpoint.write(nameTag+(i-1)+"\t"+i+"id"+nameTag + "\t" +pt.get(0)+"\t"+pt.get(1)+"\t"+pt.get(2)+"\n"); } catch (IOException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } } t.setName(i+"id"+nameTag); mesh.add(t); } catch (Exception e){ if (!e.getLocalizedMessage().contains("direction vector")){ System.out.println(e.getLocalizedMessage()); } } } try{ Triangle t = new Triangle(center, points.get(0), points.get(points.size()-1)); if (bwpoint != null){ try { PointND pt = center; bwpoint.write("Center"+nameTag+"\t" + 0+"id"+nameTag + "\t"+ +pt.get(0)+"\t"+pt.get(1)+"\t"+pt.get(2)+"\n"); pt = points.get(0); bwpoint.write(nameTag+0+"\t"+0+"id"+nameTag + "\t" +pt.get(0)+"\t"+pt.get(1)+"\t"+pt.get(2)+"\n"); pt = points.get(points.size()-1); bwpoint.write(nameTag+(points.size()-1)+"\t"+0+"id"+nameTag + "\t" +pt.get(0)+"\t"+pt.get(1)+"\t"+pt.get(2)+"\n"); } catch (IOException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } } t.setName(0+"id"+nameTag); mesh.add(t); } catch (Exception e){ if (!e.getLocalizedMessage().contains("direction vector")){ System.out.println(e.getLocalizedMessage()); } } } return mesh; } } /* * Copyright (C) 2010-2014 Andreas Keil * CONRAD is developed as an Open Source project under the GNU General Public License (GPL). */