package edu.stanford.rsl.conrad.numerics.mathexpressions; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Scanner; import edu.stanford.rsl.conrad.geometry.shapes.simple.Plane3D; import edu.stanford.rsl.conrad.geometry.shapes.simple.PointND; import edu.stanford.rsl.conrad.numerics.SimpleVector; /** * Class for evaluating simple algebraic expressions * Custom functions can be defined in * @author Rotimi X Ojo */ public class Evaluator { /** * Evaluates the string literal * @param expression string to be evaluated * @return value of string; */ public static double getValue(String expression) { AbstractMathExpression exp = new MathExpression(expression); return exp.evaluate(new HashMap<String, Double>()); } /** * Evaluates the string literal and replaces variables with values in map; * @param expression string to be evaluated * @return value of string; */ public static double getValue(String expression, Map<String, Double> variablesMap) { AbstractMathExpression exp = new MathExpression(expression); return exp.evaluate(variablesMap); } /** * Evaluates the string literals in a string vector; * @param expression string vector to be evaluated * @return vector value of string; */ public static SimpleVector getVectorValue(String expression) { return getVectorValue(expression, new HashMap<String, Double>()); } /** * Evaluates the string literals in a string vector and replaces variables with values in map; * @param expression string vector to be evaluated * @return vector value of string; */ public static SimpleVector getVectorValue(String expression, Map<String, Double> variablesMap) { ArrayList<Double> values = new ArrayList<Double>(); expression = expression.trim(); if(expression.charAt(0)=='(' && expression.charAt(expression.length()-1)==')'){ expression = expression.substring(1,expression.length()-1); } Scanner sc = new Scanner(expression); sc.useDelimiter(","); while(sc.hasNext()){ String next =; values.add(getValue(next,variablesMap)); } SimpleVector vector = new SimpleVector(values.size()); Iterator<Double> it = values.iterator(); int index = 0; while(it.hasNext()){ vector.setElementValue(index++,; } return vector; } /** * Evaluates the string literals in a string vector; * @param expression string vector to be evaluated * @return point value of string; */ public static PointND getPointValue(String expression) { return getPointValue(expression,new HashMap<String, Double>()); } /** * Evaluates the string literals in a string vector and replaces variables with values in map; * @param expression string vector to be evaluated * @return point value of string; */ public static PointND getPointValue(String expression, Map<String, Double> variablesMap) { return new PointND(getVectorValue(expression,variablesMap)); } /** * Evaluates string literals of form (x,y,z) >(<) offset, where (x,y,z) is a normal vector; * @param expression string expression of form (x,y,z) >(<) offset, where (x,y,z) is a normal vector; * @return the plane defined by string expression; */ public static Plane3D getPlane(String expression) { return getPlane(expression, new HashMap<String, Double>()); } public static Plane3D getPlane(String expression, Map<String, Double> variablesMap) { expression = expression.trim(); if(expression.charAt(0)=='(' && expression.charAt(expression.length()-1)==')'){ expression = expression.substring(1,expression.length()-1); } if(expression.contains(">")){ Plane3D plane = parsePlaneUsingDelimiter(expression, variablesMap,">"); return plane; }else if(expression.contains("<")){ Plane3D plane = parsePlaneUsingDelimiter(expression, variablesMap,"<"); plane.flipNormal(); return plane; } return null; } private static Plane3D parsePlaneUsingDelimiter(String expression,Map<String, Double> variablesMap, String delimiter) { String normexp = expression.substring(expression.indexOf(("(")), expression.indexOf(delimiter)).trim(); SimpleVector normal = getVectorValue(normexp,variablesMap); String offset = expression.substring(expression.indexOf(delimiter)+ 1); return new Plane3D(normal, getValue(offset,variablesMap)); } } /* * Copyright (C) 2010-2014 Rotimi X Ojo * CONRAD is developed as an Open Source project under the GNU General Public License (GPL). */