package edu.stanford.rsl.conrad.opencl;
import java.nio.FloatBuffer;
import com.jogamp.opencl.CLBuffer;
import com.jogamp.opencl.CLCommandQueue;
import com.jogamp.opencl.CLContext;
import com.jogamp.opencl.CLDevice;
import com.jogamp.opencl.CLImage3d;
import com.jogamp.opencl.CLImageFormat;
import com.jogamp.opencl.CLKernel;
import com.jogamp.opencl.CLProgram;
import com.jogamp.opencl.CLImageFormat.ChannelOrder;
import com.jogamp.opencl.CLImageFormat.ChannelType;
import com.jogamp.opencl.CLMemory.Mem;
import ij.ImagePlus;
import ij.ImageStack;
import ij.process.FloatProcessor;
import ij.process.ImageProcessor;
import edu.stanford.rsl.apps.gui.Citeable;
import edu.stanford.rsl.apps.gui.GUIConfigurable;
import edu.stanford.rsl.conrad.geometry.Projection;
import edu.stanford.rsl.conrad.geometry.trajectories.ProjectionTableFileTrajectory;
import edu.stanford.rsl.conrad.geometry.trajectories.Trajectory;
import edu.stanford.rsl.conrad.numerics.SimpleMatrix;
import edu.stanford.rsl.conrad.numerics.SimpleOperators;
import edu.stanford.rsl.conrad.numerics.SimpleVector;
import edu.stanford.rsl.conrad.utils.CONRAD;
import edu.stanford.rsl.conrad.utils.Configuration;
import edu.stanford.rsl.conrad.utils.ImageUtil;
import edu.stanford.rsl.conrad.utils.UserUtil;
* Forward projection expects input of a volumetric phantom scaled to mass density. Projection result {@latex.inline $p(\\vec{x})$} is then the accumulated mass along the ray {@latex.inline $\\vec{x}$} which consists of the line segments {@latex.inline $x_i$} in {@latex.inline $[\\textnormal{cm}]$} with the mass densities {@latex.inline $\\mu_i$} in {@latex.inline $[\\frac{\\textnormal{g}}{\\textnormal{cm}^3}]$}.
* The actual projection is then computed as:<br>
* {@latex.inline $$p(\\vec{x}) = \\sum_{i} x_i \\cdot \\mu_i$$}<BR>
* The projection values are then returned in {@latex.inline $[\\frac{\\textnormal{g}}{\\textnormal{cm}^2}]$}
* @author akmaier, berger (refactored from CUDA)
public class OpenCLForwardProjector implements GUIConfigurable, Citeable {
static int bpBlockSize[] = {16, 16};
private static boolean debug = true;
* The OpenCL context
protected CLContext context;
* The OpenCL program
private CLProgram program;
* The OpenCL device
private CLDevice device;
* The OpenCL kernel function binding
private CLKernel kernelFunction;
* The OpenCL command queue
protected CLCommandQueue commandQueue;
* The 3D volume texture reference
private CLImage3d<FloatBuffer> gTex3D = null;
* The projection stack
//private CLBuffer<FloatBuffer> gVolume = null;
private CLBuffer<FloatBuffer> gVolumeEdgeMaxPoint = null;
private CLBuffer<FloatBuffer> gVolumeEdgeMinPoint = null;
private CLBuffer<FloatBuffer> gVoxelElementSize = null;
protected CLBuffer<FloatBuffer> gInvARmatrix = null;
protected CLBuffer<FloatBuffer> gSrcPoint = null;
private CLBuffer<FloatBuffer> gProjection = null;
private SimpleVector originShift = null;
private boolean obtainGeometryFromVolume = false;
private boolean flipProjections = false;
protected Projection[] projectionMatrices = null;
private boolean initialized = false;
private boolean largeVolumeMode = false;
private int nSteps;
private int currentStep = 0;
private float [] voxelSize = null;
private float [] volumeSize = null;
private double [] origin = null;
private boolean configured = false;
private float [] volumeEdgeMinPoint = null;
private float [] volumeEdgeMaxPoint = null;
// buffer for 3D volume:
private float [] h_volume;
private int subVolumeZ;
private ImagePlus tex3D = null;
private float [] projection;
private int width;
private int height;
protected int nrProj;
* Gets the volume to project
* @return the volume as image plus
public ImagePlus getTex3D() {
return tex3D;
* Sets the volume to project
* @param tex3d
public void setTex3D(ImagePlus tex3d) {
if (obtainGeometryFromVolume){
Grid3D inputTex = ImageUtil.wrapImagePlus(tex3d);
volumeSize = new float[]{inputTex.getSize()[0],inputTex.getSize()[1],inputTex.getSize()[2]};
if(inputTex.getSpacing() != null)
voxelSize = new float[]{(float) inputTex.getSpacing()[0],(float) inputTex.getSpacing()[1],(float) inputTex.getSpacing()[2]};
System.out.println("Cannot obtain voxel spacing from volume! Using configuration spacing instead!");
Trajectory g = Configuration.getGlobalConfiguration().getGeometry();
voxelSize = new float[]{(float) g.getVoxelSpacingX(), (float) g.getVoxelSpacingY(), (float) g.getVoxelSpacingZ()};
if(inputTex.getOrigin() != null)
origin = new double[]{inputTex.getOrigin()[0], inputTex.getOrigin()[1], inputTex.getOrigin()[2]};
System.out.println("Cannot obtain origin from volume! Using configuration origin instead!");
Trajectory g = Configuration.getGlobalConfiguration().getGeometry();
origin = new double[]{g.getOriginX(), g.getOriginY(), g.getOriginZ()};
volumeEdgeMaxPoint = new float[3];
for (int i=0; i < 3; i ++){
volumeEdgeMaxPoint[i] = (float) (volumeSize[i] -0.5 - CONRAD.SMALL_VALUE);
tex3D = tex3d;
* Method: computeCanonicalProjectionMatrix<br>
* Author: Sungwon Yoon<br>
* Description:<br>
* <pre>
* W -> W projection matrix = [ AR t ]
* C -> C projection matrix = T0 * [AR t] * T4
* [ [ du(0) dv(0) ]^-1 -0.5 ]
* where T0 = [ [ du(1) dv(1) ] -0.5 ]
* [ 0 0 1 ] ,
* [ dx 0 0 -(L-1)/2*dx ]
* T4 = [ 0 dy 0 -(M-1)/2*dy ]
* [ 0 0 dz -(N-1)/2*dz ]
* [ 0 0 0 1 ]
* </pre>
* C -> C projection matrix can be written as
* <pre>
* C -> C projection matrix = [ T0 * AR * T4(1:3,1:3) T0 * (AR * T4(1:3,4) + t) ]
* Therefore, the new invARmatrix = T4(1:3,1:3)^-1 * (AR)^-1 * T0^-1
* [ 1/dx 0 0 ] [du(0) dv(0) 0]
* = [ 0 1/dy 0 ] * (AR)^-1 * [du(1) dv(1) 0]
* [ 0 0 1/dz ] [ 0 0 1]
* and the new srcPoint = -T4(1:3,1:3)^-1 * T4(1:3,4) - T4(1:3,1:3)^-1 * (AR)^-1 * t
* [[ -0.5 * (L-1) ] [ 1/dx 0 0 ] ]
* = - [[ -0.5 * (M-1) ] + [ 0 1/dy 0 ] * srcPoint^{W} ]
* [[ -0.5 * (N-1) ] [ 0 0 1/dz ] ]
* </pre>
* <BR><BR>
* This implementation is consistent with Andreas Keil's Projection class and Benni's inversion.
* @param canonicalProjMatrix is filled with a 3x4 projection matrix in this canonical format
* @param invARmatrix is filled with the inverse of AR in canonical format
* @param srcPoint is filled with the 3x1 source point in canonical format
* @param projectionMatrix the Matrix on which the conversion is based.
public void computeCanonicalProjectionMatrix(CLBuffer<FloatBuffer> invARmatrix, CLBuffer<FloatBuffer> srcPoint, Projection proj){
computeCanonicalProjectionMatrix(null, invARmatrix, srcPoint, proj);
public void computeCanonicalProjectionMatrix(CLBuffer<FloatBuffer> detectorDirections, CLBuffer<FloatBuffer> invARmatrix, CLBuffer<FloatBuffer> srcPoint, Projection proj){
// Inverse scaling by dx, dy, dz
SimpleMatrix invVoxelScale = new SimpleMatrix(3,3);
invVoxelScale.setElementValue(0,0, 1.0/voxelSize[0]);
invVoxelScale.setElementValue(1,1, 1.0/voxelSize[1]);
invVoxelScale.setElementValue(2,2, 1.0/voxelSize[2]);
// New invARmatrix in the Canonical coord sys
SimpleMatrix invARmatrixMat = proj.getRTKinv();
//SimpleMatrix invARmatrixMatTest = proj.computeP().getSubMatrix(0, 0, 3, 3).inverse(InversionType.INVERT_SVD);
SimpleMatrix invAR = SimpleOperators.multiplyMatrixProd(invVoxelScale,invARmatrixMat); // invVoxelScale * (invARmatrix_ * T0)
for (int r=0; r<3; ++r) {
for (int c=0; c<3; ++c) {
// 3x3 matrix 1st row (indices 0-2), 2nd row (indices 3-5),
// and 3rd row (indices 6-8)
invARmatrix.getBuffer().put((float) invAR.getElement(r,c));
// shifted origin is express in updated T4 last column as origin shift in WC is added to it
originShift = getOriginTransform();
// New srcPoint in the Canonical coord sys
SimpleVector srcPtW = proj.computeCameraCenter().negated();//computeSrcPt(projectionMatrix, invARmatrixMat);
srcPoint.getBuffer().put((float) -(-0.5 * (volumeSize[0] -1.0) + originShift.getElement(0)*invVoxelScale.getElement(0,0) + invVoxelScale.getElement(0,0) * srcPtW.getElement(0)));
srcPoint.getBuffer().put((float) -(-0.5 * (volumeSize[1] -1.0) + originShift.getElement(1)*invVoxelScale.getElement(1,1) + invVoxelScale.getElement(1,1) * srcPtW.getElement(1)));
srcPoint.getBuffer().put((float) -(-0.5 * (volumeSize[2] -1.0) + originShift.getElement(2)*invVoxelScale.getElement(2,2) + invVoxelScale.getElement(2,2) * srcPtW.getElement(2)));
SimpleVector x = new SimpleVector(1,0,0);
SimpleVector z = new SimpleVector(0,1,0);
SimpleMatrix R = proj.getR().transposed();
SimpleVector udir = x;
SimpleVector vdir = z;
SimpleVector x = projectionMatrix.getSubRow(0, 0, 3);
SimpleVector y = projectionMatrix.getSubRow(1, 0, 3);
SimpleVector imgPlane = projectionMatrix.getSubRow(2, 0, 3);
SimpleVector udir = crossProduct(y,imgPlane).negated();
SimpleVector vdir = crossProduct(x,imgPlane);
detectorDirections.getBuffer().put((float) udir.getElement(0));
detectorDirections.getBuffer().put((float) udir.getElement(1));
detectorDirections.getBuffer().put((float) udir.getElement(2));
detectorDirections.getBuffer().put((float) vdir.getElement(0));
detectorDirections.getBuffer().put((float) vdir.getElement(1));
detectorDirections.getBuffer().put((float) vdir.getElement(2));
* computes the location of the Source Point given a 3x4 projection matrix and and inverted 3x3 AR Projection matrix.
* Used in computeCanonicalProjectionMatrix
* @param projectionMatrix the original projection matrix
* @param invertedProjMatrix the inverted AR projection matrix
* @return the source point
public static Jama.Matrix computeSrcPt(Jama.Matrix projectionMatrix, Jama.Matrix invertedProjMatrix) {
Jama.Matrix at = projectionMatrix.getMatrix(0, 2, 3, 3);
//at = at.times(-1.0);
return invertedProjMatrix.times(at);
protected SimpleVector getOriginTransform(){
SimpleVector currOrigin = new SimpleVector(this.origin);
// compute centered origin as assumed by forward projector
SimpleVector centeredOffset = new SimpleVector(this.volumeSize);
SimpleVector voxelSpacing = new SimpleVector(this.voxelSize);
// compute the actual shift
return SimpleOperators.subtract(currOrigin, centeredOffset);
* Initiates communication with the graphics card.
private void init(){
if (!initialized) {
largeVolumeMode = false;
// Initialize JOCL.
context = OpenCLUtil.createContext();
try {
// get the fastest device
device = context.getMaxFlopsDevice();
// create the command queue
commandQueue = device.createCommandQueue();
// initialize the program
if (program==null || !program.getContext().equals(this.context)){
program = context.createProgram(TestOpenCL.class.getResourceAsStream("")).build();
// (1) check space on device - At the moment we simply use 90% of the overall available memory
// (2) createFloatBuffer uses a byteBuffer internally --> h_volume.length cannot be > 2^31/4 = 2^31/2^2 = 2^29
// Thus, 2^29 would already cause a overflow (negative sign) of the integer in the byte buffer! Maximum length is (2^29-1) float or (2^31-4) bytes!
// Either we are limited by the maximum addressable memory, i.e. (2^31-4) bytes or by the device limit "device.getGlobalMemSize()*0.9"
long availableMemory = Math.min((long)(device.getGlobalMemSize()*0.9),2147483647);
long requiredMemory = (long) Math.ceil((((double) volumeSize[0]) * volumeSize[1] * ((double) volumeSize[2]) * Float.SIZE/8)
+ (((double) height) * width * Float.SIZE/8));
if (debug) {
System.out.println("Total available Memory on graphics card:" + availableMemory/1024/1024);
System.out.println("Required Memory on graphics card:" + requiredMemory/1024/1024);
if (requiredMemory > availableMemory){
// divup operation here
nSteps = (int) OpenCLUtil.iDivUp(requiredMemory, availableMemory);
if (debug) System.out.println("Switching to large volume mode with nSteps = " + nSteps);
largeVolumeMode = true;
if (debug) {
//TODO replace
//CUdevprop prop = new CUdevprop();
//JCudaDriver.cuDeviceGetProperties(prop, dev);
// create the computing kernel
kernelFunction = program.createCLKernel("projectKernel");
long memorysize = (long) (volumeSize[0] * volumeSize[1] * volumeSize[2] * Float.SIZE / 8);
if (largeVolumeMode){
subVolumeZ = OpenCLUtil.iDivUp((int) volumeSize[2], nSteps);
if(debug) System.out.println("SubVolumeZ: " + subVolumeZ);
h_volume = new float[(int) (volumeSize[0] * volumeSize[1] * subVolumeZ)];
memorysize = (int) (volumeSize[0] * volumeSize[1] * subVolumeZ * Float.SIZE / 8);
if(debug)System.out.println("Memory: " + memorysize);
} else {
h_volume = new float[(int) (volumeSize[0] * volumeSize[1] * volumeSize[2])];
subVolumeZ = (int) volumeSize[2];
nSteps = 1;
gVoxelElementSize = context.createFloatBuffer(voxelSize.length, Mem.READ_ONLY);
gProjection = context.createFloatBuffer(width * height, Mem.WRITE_ONLY);
.putWriteImage(gTex3D, true)
//.putWriteBuffer(gProjection, true)
.putWriteBuffer(gVolumeEdgeMinPoint, true)
.putWriteBuffer(gVolumeEdgeMaxPoint, true)
} catch (Exception e) {
// TODO: handle exception
initialized = true;
* Get the current OpenCL program instance
public CLProgram getOpenCLForwardProjectorInstance(){
return program;
* Load the inverted projection matrices for all projections and reset the projection data.
* @param projectionNumber
protected void prepareAllProjections(){
if (gInvARmatrix == null)
gInvARmatrix = context.createFloatBuffer(3*3*nrProj, Mem.READ_ONLY);
if (gSrcPoint == null)
gSrcPoint = context.createFloatBuffer(3*nrProj, Mem.READ_ONLY);
for (int i=0; i < nrProj; ++i){
computeCanonicalProjectionMatrix(gInvARmatrix, gSrcPoint, projectionMatrices[i]);
.putWriteBuffer(gSrcPoint, true)
.putWriteBuffer(gInvARmatrix, true)
* Main method checks different computation methods and compares to a reference implementation.
* The P matrix
* [[ -1.957647643397161 -1.5159990314154403 2.6654943287669416E-5 284.3151786700395 ];
* [ -0.22689199744970734 0.21980776263540414 -2.4371669460715766 219.19724835256451 ];
* [-9.088284790690905E-4 8.644729632667306E-4 1.7220251080057994E-5 1.0 ]]
* should yield the following source point in texture coordinates
* 1402.969301
* -851.170185
* 228.742784
* and this inverse (up to a scalar factor):
* -0.563161 -0.006972 -985.825785
* -0.592038 0.008988 1273.025240
* -0.000967 -0.819165 206.591022
* This part should be moved to a test-case some time later.
* @param args
public static void main(String[] args){
double [] matrix = {-1.957647643397161, -1.5159990314154403, 2.6654943287669416E-5, 284.3151786700395,
-0.22689199744970734, 0.21980776263540414, -2.4371669460715766, 219.19724835256451,
-9.088284790690905E-4, 8.644729632667306E-4, 1.7220251080057994E-5, 1.0 };
Projection proj = new Projection();
proj.setPMatrixSerialization("[[-1.957647643397161 -1.5159990314154403 2.6654943287669416E-5 284.3151786700395]; " +
"[-0.22689199744970734 0.21980776263540414 -2.4371669460715766 219.19724835256451 ];" +
"[ -9.088284790690905E-4 8.644729632667306E-4 1.7220251080057994E-5 1.0 ]]");
SimpleVector center = proj.computeCameraCenter();
System.out.println("center = "+ center);
double scale = 206.591022 / proj.getRTKinv().getElement(2, 2);
System.out.println(proj.getRTKinv().multipliedBy(scale) + "\n" + scale + " " + proj.computeSourceToDetectorDistance(new SimpleVector(0.320, 0.320))[0]);
SimpleMatrix m = proj.computeP().getSubMatrix(0, 0, 3, 3);
System.out.println("M="+ m.inverse(SimpleMatrix.InversionType.INVERT_QR).multipliedBy(2));
CLBuffer<FloatBuffer> invAR = OpenCLUtil.getStaticContext().createFloatBuffer(3*3, Mem.READ_ONLY);
CLBuffer<FloatBuffer> srcP = OpenCLUtil.getStaticContext().createFloatBuffer(3, Mem.READ_ONLY);
OpenCLForwardProjector clForwardProjector = new OpenCLForwardProjector();
clForwardProjector.voxelSize = new float [] {0.5f, 0.5f, 0.5f};
clForwardProjector.volumeSize = new float [] {512f, 512f, 512f};
try {
} catch (Exception e) {
clForwardProjector.computeCanonicalProjectionMatrix(invAR, srcP, proj);
* release all CL related objects and free memory
private void unload(){
if (commandQueue != null)
//release all buffers
if (gTex3D != null)
if (gVolumeEdgeMaxPoint != null)
if (gVolumeEdgeMinPoint != null)
if (gVoxelElementSize != null)
if (gInvARmatrix != null)
if (gSrcPoint != null)
if (gProjection != null)
if (kernelFunction != null)
if (program != null)
if (context != null)
* loads the actual OpenCL kernel and performs the projection
* @param projectionNumber the projection number.
* @return the image as image processor
public ImageProcessor project(int projectionNumber){
// write kernel parameters
int[] realLocalSize = new int[2];
realLocalSize[0] = Math.min(device.getMaxWorkGroupSize(),bpBlockSize[0]);
realLocalSize[1] = Math.max(1, Math.min(device.getMaxWorkGroupSize()/realLocalSize[0], bpBlockSize[1]));
// rounded up to the nearest multiple of localWorkSize
int[] globalWorkSize = {width, height};
if ((globalWorkSize[0] % realLocalSize[0] ) != 0){
globalWorkSize[0] = ((globalWorkSize[0] / realLocalSize[0]) + 1) * realLocalSize[0];
if ((globalWorkSize[1] % realLocalSize[1] ) != 0){
globalWorkSize[1] = ((globalWorkSize[1] / realLocalSize[1]) + 1) * realLocalSize[1];
// add kernel function to the queue
.put2DRangeKernel(kernelFunction, 0, 0, globalWorkSize[0], globalWorkSize[1], realLocalSize[0], realLocalSize[1])
.putReadBuffer(gProjection, true)
// copy result from device to host
FloatProcessor fl = new FloatProcessor(width, height, projection, null);
// TODO: Normalization is never considered in the backprojectors,
// thus, iteratively applying forward and backward projections
// would yield to a scaling issue!
// conversion from [g*mm/cm^3] = [g*0.1cm/cm^3] to [g/cm^2]
// fl.multiply(1.0 / 10);
if (flipProjections){
return fl;
* Starts projection and returns Projection Data, as ImagePlus
* @return the projection stack
public ImagePlus project(){
ImagePlus image = null;
try {
ImageStack stack = new ImageStack(width, height);
for (int i = 0; i < nrProj; i++){
stack.addSlice("Projection " + i, project(i).duplicate());
if (largeVolumeMode){
// play it again, Sam!
while (currentStep < nSteps) {
if (currentStep == nSteps) break;
if (debug) System.out.println("Processing step " + currentStep + " of " + nSteps);
for (int i = 0; i < nrProj; i++){
ImageUtil.addProcessors(stack.getProcessor(i+1), project(i));
//stack.addSlice("slice " + i, project(i).duplicate());
image = new ImagePlus();
image.setStack("Forward Projection of " + tex3D.getTitle(), stack);
image.getCalibration().pixelWidth = Configuration.getGlobalConfiguration().getGeometry().getPixelDimensionX();
image.getCalibration().pixelHeight = Configuration.getGlobalConfiguration().getGeometry().getPixelDimensionY();
} catch (Exception e) {
// TODO: handle exception
} finally {
return image;
private void copyVolumeToCard(){
// write the volume from ImagePlus to a float array.
for (int k = 0; k < subVolumeZ; k++){
int index = ((nSteps - currentStep -1)*subVolumeZ) + k + 1;
if (index <= tex3D.getStackSize()){
ImageProcessor currentSlice = tex3D.getStack().getProcessor(index);
for (int i = 0; i< volumeSize[0]; i++){
for(int j =0; j< volumeSize[1]; j++){
boolean flip = false;
int index2 = (int) (
(((int)volumeSize[1]) * (k))
+ ((int)j)
) * ((int)volumeSize[0])
+ ((int)i));
if (flip) {
index2 = (int) (
// Note that we must flip the coordinates of the volume slices in order to be compatible with the OpenCL Backprojector...
(((int)volumeSize[1]) * (subVolumeZ - k -1))
+ ((int)volumeSize[1]-j-1)
) * ((int)volumeSize[0])
+ ((int)volumeSize[0] - i -1));
if (index2 >= (((int)volumeSize[0]) * ((int)volumeSize[1])* ((int)subVolumeZ))){
System.out.println(k + " " + i + " " + j);
h_volume[index2] = currentSlice.getPixelValue(i, j);
} else {
System.out.println("Not in Volume: " + index + " " + nSteps + " " + currentStep);
for (int i = 0; i< volumeSize[0]; i++){
for(int j =0; j< volumeSize[1]; j++){
h_volume[(int)((((((int)volumeSize[1]) * k) + j) * ((int)volumeSize[0]))+i)] = 0;
int test = currentStep;
volumeEdgeMaxPoint[2] = (float) ((test * subVolumeZ) + subVolumeZ -0.5 - CONRAD.SMALL_VALUE);
volumeEdgeMinPoint[2] = (float) ((test * subVolumeZ) -0.5 - CONRAD.SMALL_VALUE);
if (debug) System.out.println("New volume z min: " + volumeEdgeMinPoint[2] + " new volume z max: " + volumeEdgeMaxPoint[2]);
if (gVolumeEdgeMaxPoint == null){
gVolumeEdgeMaxPoint = context.createFloatBuffer(volumeEdgeMaxPoint.length, Mem.READ_ONLY);
if (gVolumeEdgeMinPoint == null){
gVolumeEdgeMinPoint = context.createFloatBuffer(volumeEdgeMinPoint.length, Mem.READ_ONLY);
//} else {
if (gTex3D == null) {
// Create the 3D array that will contain the volume data
// and will be accessed via the 3D texture
CLBuffer<FloatBuffer> hvolumeBuffer = context.createFloatBuffer(h_volume.length, Mem.READ_ONLY);
// set the texture
CLImageFormat format = new CLImageFormat(ChannelOrder.INTENSITY, ChannelType.FLOAT);
gTex3D = context.createImage3d(hvolumeBuffer.getBuffer(), (int)volumeSize[0], (int)volumeSize[1], subVolumeZ, format, Mem.READ_ONLY);
* Start GUI configuration. Reads from global Configuration.
public void configure() throws Exception {
obtainGeometryFromVolume = UserUtil.queryBoolean("Try to obtain volume parameters from ImagePlus/Grid3D (Otherwise from configuration)?");
Configuration config = Configuration.getGlobalConfiguration();
if (!obtainGeometryFromVolume){
voxelSize = new float [3];
volumeSize = new float [3];
origin = new double [3];
voxelSize[0] = (float) config.getGeometry().getVoxelSpacingX();
voxelSize[1] = (float) config.getGeometry().getVoxelSpacingY();
voxelSize[2] = (float) config.getGeometry().getVoxelSpacingZ();
volumeSize[0] = config.getGeometry().getReconDimensionX();
volumeSize[1] = config.getGeometry().getReconDimensionY();
volumeSize[2] = config.getGeometry().getReconDimensionZ();
origin[0] = (float) config.getGeometry().getOriginX();
origin[1] = (float) config.getGeometry().getOriginY();
origin[2] = (float) config.getGeometry().getOriginZ();
volumeEdgeMaxPoint = new float[3];
for (int i=0; i < 3; i ++){
volumeEdgeMaxPoint[i] = (float) (volumeSize[i] -0.5 - CONRAD.SMALL_VALUE);
voxelSize = null;
volumeSize = null;
origin = null;
projectionMatrices = config.getGeometry().getProjectionMatrices();
width = config.getGeometry().getDetectorWidth();
height = config.getGeometry().getDetectorHeight();
nrProj = config.getGeometry().getNumProjectionMatrices();
flipProjections = (config.getGeometry() instanceof ProjectionTableFileTrajectory);
volumeEdgeMinPoint = new float[3];
for (int i=0; i < 3; i ++){
volumeEdgeMinPoint[i] = (float) (-0.5 + CONRAD.SMALL_VALUE);
if (debug) System.out.println("Projection Matrices: " + nrProj);
projection = new float[width * height];
configured = true;
* returns whether the projector was already configured or not.
public boolean isConfigured() {
return configured;
* Returns a reference to literature describing this algorithm in Bibtex format
public String getBibtexCitation() {
String bibtex = "@ARTICLE{Galigekere03-CBR,\n" +
" author = {{Galigekere}, R. R. and {Wiesent}, K. and {Holdsworth}, D. W.},\n" +
" title = \"{{Cone-Beam Reprojection Using Projection-Matrices}}\",\n" +
" journal = {{IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging}},\n" +
" year = 2003,\n" +
" volume = 22,\n"+
" number = 10,\n" +
" pages = {1202-1214}\n" +
return bibtex;
* Returns a reference to literature describing this algorithm in Medline
public String getMedlineCitation() {
return "Galigekere RR, Wiesent K, and Holdsworth DW. Cone-Beam Reprojection Using Projection-Matrices. IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging 22(10):1202-14 2003.";
* Copyright (C) 2010-2014 Andreas Maier, Martin Berger
* CONRAD is developed as an Open Source project under the GNU General Public License (GPL).