package edu.stanford.rsl.conrad.reconstruction; import; import edu.stanford.rsl.conrad.numerics.SimpleMatrix; import ij.process.FloatProcessor; /** * Implementation of the backprojector which is required for Noo's super-short-scan reconstruction. Note that the distance weight in the weighted sum of the backprojection is different. * @author akmaier * */ public class CPUSuperShortScanBackprojector extends VOIBasedReconstructionFilter { /** * */ private static final long serialVersionUID = -1248364198978750688L; protected boolean mapped = false; @Override public void prepareForSerialization(){ super.prepareForSerialization(); mapped = false; } @Override public void backproject(Grid2D projection, int projectionNumber) { int count = 0; //System.out.println(projectionVolume); if (!init){ initialize(projection); } FloatProcessor currentProjection = new FloatProcessor(projection.getWidth(), projection.getHeight(), projection.getBuffer(), null); //ImageProcessor currentProjection = projection; int p = projectionNumber; double[] voxel = new double [4]; double[] homogeniousPointi = new double[3]; double[] homogeniousPointj = new double[3]; double[] homogeniousPointk = new double[3]; double[][] updateMatrix = new double [3][4]; SimpleMatrix mat = getGeometry().getProjectionMatrix(p).computeP(); if (mat !=null) { //mat.print(NumberFormat.getInstance(), 6); voxel[3] = 1; updateMatrix[0][3] = mat.getElement(0,3); updateMatrix[1][3] = mat.getElement(1,3); updateMatrix[2][3] = mat.getElement(2,3); boolean nanHappened = false; double min = 20000; double max = 0; for (int k = 0; k < maxK ; k++){ // for all slices if (debug) System.out.println("here: " + " " + k); voxel[2] = (this.getGeometry().getVoxelSpacingZ() * k) - offsetZ; updateMatrix[0][2] = mat.getElement(0,2) * voxel[2]; updateMatrix[1][2] = mat.getElement(1,2) * voxel[2]; updateMatrix[2][2] = mat.getElement(2,2) * voxel[2]; homogeniousPointk[0] = updateMatrix[0][3] + updateMatrix[0][2]; homogeniousPointk[1] = updateMatrix[1][3] + updateMatrix[1][2]; homogeniousPointk[2] = updateMatrix[2][3] + updateMatrix[2][2]; for (int i=0; i < maxI; i++){ // for all lines voxel[0] = (this.getGeometry().getVoxelSpacingX() * i) - offsetX; updateMatrix[0][0] = mat.getElement(0,0) * voxel[0]; updateMatrix[1][0] = mat.getElement(1,0) * voxel[0]; updateMatrix[2][0] = mat.getElement(2,0) * voxel[0]; homogeniousPointi[0] = homogeniousPointk[0] + updateMatrix[0][0]; homogeniousPointi[1] = homogeniousPointk[1] + updateMatrix[1][0]; homogeniousPointi[2] = homogeniousPointk[2] + updateMatrix[2][0]; for (int j = 0; j < maxJ; j++){ // for all voxels // compute real world coordinates in homogenious coordinates; boolean project = true; if (useVOImap){ if (voiMap != null){ project = voiMap[i][j][k]; } } if (project){ voxel[1] = (this.getGeometry().getVoxelSpacingY() * j) - offsetY; updateMatrix[0][1] = mat.getElement(0,1) * voxel[1]; updateMatrix[1][1] = mat.getElement(1,1) * voxel[1]; updateMatrix[2][1] = mat.getElement(2,1) * voxel[1]; homogeniousPointj[0] = homogeniousPointi[0] + updateMatrix[0][1]; homogeniousPointj[1] = homogeniousPointi[1] + updateMatrix[1][1]; homogeniousPointj[2] = homogeniousPointi[2] + updateMatrix[2][1]; //Matrix point3d = new Matrix(voxel); //Compute coordinates in projection data. //Matrix point2d = geometry.getProjectionMatrix(p).times(point3d); double coordX = homogeniousPointj[0] / homogeniousPointj[2]; double coordY = homogeniousPointj[1] / homogeniousPointj[2]; // back project double increment = currentProjection.getInterpolatedValue(coordX + lineOffset, coordY);//*homogeniousPointj[2]); if (Double.isNaN(increment)){ nanHappened = true; if (count < 10) System.out.println("NAN Happened at i = " + i + " j = " + j + " k = " + k + " projection = " + projectionNumber + " x = " + coordX + " y = " + coordY ); increment = 0; count ++; } // Weighting according to super-short-scan formula for cone beam geometry. // homogeniousPointj[2] => ||a- a(lambda) // conversion of coordX (the element index) back to metric detector coordinates (\tilde{u})required: // \tilde{u} = (coordX-(this.detectorWidth/2))*this.detectorElementSizeX //homogeniousPointj[2] /= this.geometry.getSourceToDetectorDistance(); //homogeniousPointj[2] *= homogeniousPointj[2]; //homogeniousPointj[2] = geometry.getSourceToDetectorDistance() - homogeniousPointj[2]; min = (homogeniousPointj[2]< min)? homogeniousPointj[2]: min; max = (homogeniousPointj[2]> max)? homogeniousPointj[2]: max; double utilde = (coordX-(this.getGeometry().getDetectorWidth()/2))*this.getGeometry().getPixelDimensionX(); //double weight = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(utilde,2) + Math.pow(geometry.getSourceToDetectorDistance(), 2))/ (Math.pow(geometry.getSourceToDetectorDistance(),1)*Math.abs(homogeniousPointj[2])*Math.abs(homogeniousPointj[2])); double weight = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(utilde,2) + Math.pow(getGeometry().getSourceToDetectorDistance(), 2))/ (Math.pow(getGeometry().getSourceToDetectorDistance(),1) * homogeniousPointj[2]); // Not bad: // double weight = 1.0/ (200+ (Math.sqrt(Math.pow(((maxI/2)-i)*this.geometry.getVoxelSpacingX(),2)+ Math.pow(((maxJ/2)-j)*this.geometry.getVoxelSpacingY(), 2)))); //double weight = 1.0 / (Math.pow(homogeniousPointj[2],1)); increment *= weight ;//* this.parkerLikeWeight(primaryAngles[projectionNumber] /180.0 * Math.PI, utilde); updateVolume(i, j, k, increment); } } } System.out.println("Min max: " + min + " " + max); } if (nanHappened) { throw new RuntimeException("Encountered NaN in projection!"); } if (debug) System.out.println("done with projection"); } } @Override public String getName(){ return "Specialized Cone-beam Super Short Scan Backprojector"; } @Override public String getBibtexCitation() { String bibtex = "@ARTICLE{Noo02-IRF,\n" + " author = {Noo, F. and Defrise, M. and Clackdoyle, R. and Kudo, H.},\n" + " title = \"{{Image reconstruction from fan-beam projections on less than a short scan}}\",\n" + " journal = {Physics in Medicine and Biology},\n" + " year = 2002,\n" + " volume = 47,\n"+ " number = 14,\n" + " pages = {2525-2546}\n" + "}"; return bibtex; } @Override public String getMedlineCitation(){ return "Noo F, Defrise M, Clackdoyle R, Kudo H. Image reconstruction from fan-beam projections on less than a short scan. " + "Phys Med Biol 47(14):2525-46. 2002."; } @Override public String getToolName(){ return "Super Short Scan Backprojector"; } } /* * Copyright (C) 2010-2014 Andreas Maier * CONRAD is developed as an Open Source project under the GNU General Public License (GPL). */