package edu.stanford.rsl.tutorial.physics;
import java.awt.Color;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.concurrent.ThreadLocalRandom;
import edu.stanford.rsl.conrad.geometry.Projection;
import edu.stanford.rsl.conrad.geometry.bounds.BoundingBox;
import edu.stanford.rsl.conrad.geometry.shapes.simple.Edge;
import edu.stanford.rsl.conrad.geometry.shapes.simple.PointND;
import edu.stanford.rsl.conrad.geometry.shapes.simple.StraightLine;
import edu.stanford.rsl.conrad.numerics.SimpleOperators;
import edu.stanford.rsl.conrad.numerics.SimpleVector;
import edu.stanford.rsl.conrad.physics.PhysicalObject;
import edu.stanford.rsl.conrad.physics.detector.XRayDetector;
import edu.stanford.rsl.conrad.physics.materials.Material;
import edu.stanford.rsl.conrad.physics.materials.utils.AttenuationType;
import edu.stanford.rsl.conrad.rendering.AbstractRayTracer;
import edu.stanford.rsl.conrad.rendering.PriorityRayTracer;
import edu.stanford.rsl.conrad.utils.CONRAD;
import edu.stanford.rsl.tutorial.physics.XRayTracer.RaytraceResult;
* Raytraces x-rays and saves the results.
* @author Fabian R�ckert
public class XRayWorker implements Runnable{
private StraightLine startRay;
private AbstractRayTracer raytracer;
private RaytraceResult result;
private int numRays;
private int startEnergyEV;
private Grid2D grid;
XRayDetector detector;
private boolean writeAdditionalData = true;
Projection proj;
//set a ThreadLocalRandom generator for improved performance,
//however you can't set the random seed explicitly for this one and it seems to produce the same random numbers every time for a thread
//TODO use a better random number generator
XRayTracerSampling sampler =new XRayTracerSampling(ThreadLocalRandom.current());
private boolean infiniteSimulation;
//variables for statistics
private volatile long simulatedRays = 0;
private volatile long detectorHits = 0;
public XRayWorker(StraightLine startRay, PriorityRayTracer raytracer, RaytraceResult res, int numRays, int startenergyEV, Grid2D grid, XRayDetector detector, Projection proj, boolean infinite, boolean writeAdditionalData){
this.startRay = startRay;
this.raytracer = raytracer;
this.result = res;
this.numRays = numRays;
this.startEnergyEV = startenergyEV;
this.grid = grid;
this.detector = detector;
this.proj = proj;
this.infiniteSimulation = infinite;
this.writeAdditionalData = writeAdditionalData;
if (infiniteSimulation){
if (writeAdditionalData){
System.err.println("Warning: Not saving additional data in infinite simulation.");
this.writeAdditionalData = false;
* Simulate the number of photons this thread has been assigned to simulate.
public void run() {
//if infiniteSimulation send infinite rays until aborted by the user
for (simulatedRays = 0; simulatedRays < numRays || infiniteSimulation; ++simulatedRays) {
//print out progress after 2000 rays
if(!infiniteSimulation && simulatedRays%2000 == 0 && simulatedRays != 0){
System.out.println((float)(simulatedRays* 100*100/numRays )/100+ "%");
if (XRayTracer.TEST_MODE){
//send every photon in the direction of the startray
raytrace(startRay, startEnergyEV, 0, 0);
} else {
//send a ray to a random pixel of the detector
StraightLine ray = new StraightLine(startRay.getPoint(), proj.computeRayDirection(new SimpleVector(sampler.random() * grid.getWidth(), sampler.random() *grid.getHeight())));
raytrace(ray, startEnergyEV, 0, 0);
public long getRayCount(){
//a lock is not needed as reading of a volatile long is atomic
return simulatedRays;
public long getDetectorHits(){
//a lock is not needed as reading of a volatile long is atomic
return detectorHits;
* Combine the results of this worker with the finalresult
* @param finalResult The combined result
public void addResults(RaytraceResult finalResult){
* Trace a single photon until it is absorbed or it left the scene.
* @param ray The position and direction of the photon
* @param energyEV The current energy of the photon in eV
* @param scatterCount The number of times it already scattered
* @param totalDistance The total traveled distance
* @param rayTraceResult The RaytraceResult where the results from each step should be saved to
private void raytrace(StraightLine ray, double energyEV, int scatterCount, double totalDistance) {
if (energyEV <= 1 || scatterCount > 20000) {
//should not happen
System.out.println("energy low, times scattered: " + scatterCount);
//check if ray is inside the scene limits
BoundingBox bb = new BoundingBox(raytracer.getScene().getMin(), raytracer.getScene().getMax());
if (!bb.isSatisfiedBy(ray.getPoint())){
ArrayList<PhysicalObject> physobjs = raytracer.castRay(ray);
if (physobjs == null) {
//should not happen because ray is inside of the bounding box
System.err.println("No background material set?");
throw new RuntimeException("physobjs == null");
// check if the direction of the line segments is the same direction of they ray or the opposite direction
boolean reversed = false;
Edge e1 = (Edge) physobjs.get(0).getShape();
SimpleVector diff = e1.getEnd().getAbstractVector().clone();
if (diff.normL2() > CONRAD.SMALL_VALUE) {
reversed = true;
double totalDistUntilNextInteraction = 0;
Material currentMaterial = null;
PointND rayPoint = ray.getPoint().clone();
// pass through materials until an interaction is happening
PhysicalObject currentLineSegment = null;
PointND end = null;
double photoAbsorption = 0;
double comptonAbsorption = 0;
boolean foundStartSegment = false;
// the line segments are sorted, we still need to find the first line segment containing the point
for (int i = 0; i < physobjs.size(); ++i) {
currentLineSegment = physobjs.get(reversed ? physobjs.size() - i - 1 : i);
double distToNextMaterial = Double.NaN;
Edge e = (Edge) currentLineSegment.getShape();
PointND start = reversed ? e.getEnd() : e.getPoint();
end = reversed ? e.getPoint() : e.getEnd();
if (foundStartSegment || isBetween(start.getAbstractVector(), end.getAbstractVector(), rayPoint.getAbstractVector())) {
// get length between the raypoint and the next material in ray direction
distToNextMaterial = rayPoint.euclideanDistance(end);
} else {
// continue with next line segment
// if the raypoint is very close to the endpoint continue with next line segment
if (distToNextMaterial > CONRAD.SMALL_VALUE) {
// get distance until next physics interaction
currentMaterial = currentLineSegment.getMaterial();
//this lookup slows down the RayTracer because it is synchronized
photoAbsorption = currentMaterial.getAttenuation(energyEV / 1000, AttenuationType.PHOTOELECTRIC_ABSORPTION);
comptonAbsorption = currentMaterial.getAttenuation(energyEV / 1000, AttenuationType.INCOHERENT_ATTENUATION);
double distToNextInteraction = 10 * sampler.getDistanceUntilNextInteractionCm(photoAbsorption, comptonAbsorption);
if (distToNextInteraction < distToNextMaterial) {
// ray interacts in current line segment, move the photon to the interaction point
SimpleVector p = rayPoint.getAbstractVector();
totalDistUntilNextInteraction += distToNextInteraction;
} else {
// ray exceeded boundary of current material, continue with next segment
rayPoint = new PointND(end);
totalDistUntilNextInteraction += distToNextMaterial;
// take the next line segment
foundStartSegment = true;
if (currentMaterial == null){
//ray left the scene
writeStepResults(result, energyEV, totalDistUntilNextInteraction, rayPoint, new Edge(ray.getPoint().clone(), rayPoint.clone()));
//if the ray hit the detector box, write the result to the grid
if (currentLineSegment.getNameString() != null && currentLineSegment.getNameString().equals("detector")){
synchronized (grid) {
((XRayDetector)currentLineSegment.getParent()).absorbPhoton(grid, rayPoint , energyEV);
// choose compton or photoelectric effect
if (sampler.random() * (photoAbsorption + comptonAbsorption) <= photoAbsorption) {
// photoelectric absorption
energyEV = 0;
} else {
// compton effect
// calculate new energy and new direction
SimpleVector dir = ray.getDirection().clone();
if (XRayTracer.SAMPLE_GEANT4){
energyEV = sampler.sampleComptonScatteringGeant4(energyEV, dir);
} else {
energyEV = sampler.sampleComptonScattering(energyEV, dir);
StraightLine newRay = new StraightLine(rayPoint, dir);
// send new ray
raytrace(newRay, energyEV, scatterCount + 1, totalDistance + totalDistUntilNextInteraction);
* Check if a point x lies between the points a and b, when it is already know that all three points are on a straight line.
* @return If x is between a and b
private static boolean isBetween(SimpleVector a, SimpleVector b, SimpleVector x) {
SimpleVector bminusa = b.clone();
SimpleVector xminusa = x.clone();
double dot = SimpleOperators.multiplyInnerProd(bminusa, xminusa);
if (dot < 0)
return false;
double squaredlength = bminusa.getElement(0) * bminusa.getElement(0) + bminusa.getElement(1) * bminusa.getElement(1) + bminusa.getElement(2) * bminusa.getElement(2);
return dot <= squaredlength;
* Saves the results for this ray interaction
* @param result The RaytraceResult where the the current result should be saved to
* @param energyEV The energy in eV
* @param totalDistUntilNextInteraction The total path length for this step
* @param rayPoint The point of interaction
* @param e The edge between the last interaction point and the current one
private void writeStepResults(RaytraceResult result, double energyEV, double totalDistUntilNextInteraction, PointND rayPoint, Edge e) {
result.pathlength += totalDistUntilNextInteraction;
result.pathlength2 += totalDistUntilNextInteraction*totalDistUntilNextInteraction;
result.count += 1;
result.x += rayPoint.get(0);
result.x2 += rayPoint.get(0)*rayPoint.get(0);
result.y += rayPoint.get(1);
result.y2 += rayPoint.get(1)*rayPoint.get(1);
result.z += rayPoint.get(2);
result.z2 += rayPoint.get(2)*rayPoint.get(2);
if (!writeAdditionalData) return;
float factor = (((float) energyEV / startEnergyEV));
result.colors.add(new Color(factor, 1 - factor, 0));