package edu.stanford.rsl.conrad.numerics; import edu.stanford.rsl.conrad.numerics.SimpleOperators; import edu.stanford.rsl.conrad.utils.CONRAD; import; import java.util.Scanner; import java.util.Vector; /** * * @author Andreas Keil */ public class SimpleMatrix implements Serializable { private static final long serialVersionUID = -8285872089886352233L; ///////////////////////////////////////////////// // pre-defined constants // ///////////////////////////////////////////////// public static final SimpleMatrix I_2 = new SimpleMatrix(2, 2); public static final SimpleMatrix I_3 = new SimpleMatrix(3, 3); public static final SimpleMatrix I_4 = new SimpleMatrix(4, 4); static { I_2.identity(); I_3.identity(); I_4.identity(); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////// // Properties // ///////////////////////////////////////////////// protected int rows; protected int cols; protected double[][] buf; ///////////////////////////////////////////////// // Constructors // ///////////////////////////////////////////////// /** * Create an empty matrix. */ public SimpleMatrix() { this.init(0, 0); } /** * Create a matrix with row rows and column cols * @param rows is number of rows in matrix * @param cols is number of columns in matrix */ public SimpleMatrix(final int rows, final int cols) { this.init(rows, cols); } /** * Creates a new matrix from another * @param otherMat is matrix to be copied */ public SimpleMatrix(final SimpleMatrix otherMat) { this.init(otherMat); } /** * Creates a new matrix from 2x2 double array * @param otherBuffer */ public SimpleMatrix(final double[][] otherBuffer) { this.init(otherBuffer); } /** * Creates a new matrix from string data * @param str is dat string */ public SimpleMatrix(final String str) { this.init(str); } /** * Creates a new matrix from a jama matrix * @param other */ public SimpleMatrix(final Jama.Matrix other) { this(other.getArray()); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////// // Methods // ///////////////////////////////////////////////// /** * Initialize zero matrix * @param rows number of rows * @param cols number of columns */ public void init(final int rows, final int cols) { assert (rows >= 0) : new IllegalArgumentException("Number of rows has to be greater than or equal to zero!"); assert (cols >= 0) : new IllegalArgumentException("Number of columns has to be greater than or equal to zero!"); if (this.rows != rows || this.cols != cols) { this.rows = rows; this.cols = cols; this.buf = new double[this.rows][this.cols]; } } /** * Initialize matrix with data from supplied matrix * @param otherMat is source matrix */ public void init(final SimpleMatrix otherMat) { if (this.rows != otherMat.rows || this.cols != otherMat.cols) { this.rows = otherMat.rows; this.cols = otherMat.cols; this.buf = new double[this.rows][this.cols]; } for (int r = 0; r < this.rows; ++r) System.arraycopy(otherMat.buf[r], 0, this.buf[r], 0, this.cols); } /** * Initialize matrix with data from 2x2 double array * @param otherBuffer is source double array */ public void init(final double[][] otherBuffer) { final int rows = otherBuffer.length; assert rows >= 0 : new IllegalArgumentException("Number of rows has to be greater than or equal to zero!"); final int cols = (rows == 0) ? 0 : otherBuffer[0].length; assert cols >= 0 : new IllegalArgumentException("Number of columns has to be greater than or equal to zero!"); if (this.rows != rows || this.cols != cols) { this.rows = rows; this.cols = cols; this.buf = new double[this.rows][this.cols]; } for (int r = 0; r < this.rows; ++r) { assert (otherBuffer[r].length == this.cols) : new IllegalArgumentException("Given Matrix is not rectangular!"); System.arraycopy(otherBuffer[r], 0, this.buf[r], 0, cols); } } /** * Initialize matrix with data string of the form [] * @param str is data string */ public void init(final String str) { String strTrim = str.trim(); if ((strTrim.charAt(0) != '[') || (strTrim.charAt(strTrim.length() - 1) != ']')) throw new RuntimeException("Error parsing matrix string!"); Scanner scanner = new Scanner(strTrim.substring(1, strTrim.length()-1).trim()); scanner.useDelimiter("\\s*;\\s*"); Vector<SimpleVector> matrixDbl = new Vector<SimpleVector>(); while (scanner.hasNext()) matrixDbl.add(new SimpleVector(; int rows = matrixDbl.size(); int cols = matrixDbl.elementAt(0).getLen(); this.init(rows, cols); for (int r = 0; r < rows; ++r) { SimpleVector rowDbl = matrixDbl.elementAt(r); if (rowDbl.getLen() != cols) throw new RuntimeException("Error parsing matrix string!"); this.setRowValue(r, rowDbl); } } @Override public SimpleMatrix clone() { return new SimpleMatrix(this); } /** * @return 2x2 double array containing matrix entries */ public double[][] copyAsDoubleArray(){ double[][] array = new double[this.rows][this.cols]; this.copyTo(array); return array; } /** * Copy matrix entries to supplied 2x2 double array * @param otherBuffer is 2x2 double array to be populated with matrix entries */ public void copyTo(final double[][] otherBuffer) { assert (this.rows == otherBuffer.length) : new IllegalArgumentException("Copying is only possible to an array of the same size!"); for (int r = 0; r < this.rows; ++r) { assert (otherBuffer[r].length == this.cols) : new RuntimeException("Given array is not rectangular!"); System.arraycopy(this.buf[r], 0, otherBuffer[r], 0, this.cols); } } /** * @return number of rows in matrix */ public int getRows() { return this.rows; } /** * @return number of columns in matrix */ public int getCols() { return this.cols; } /** Sets all matrix entries to the given value. */ public void fill(final double value) { for (int r = 0; r < this.rows; ++r) java.util.Arrays.fill(this.buf[r], value); } /** Sets all matrix entries to 0.0. */ public void zeros() { this.fill(0.0); } /** Sets all matrix entries to 1.0. */ public void ones() { this.fill(1.0); } /** * Assigns random values to the entries of the matrix. * Values are uniformly distributed in the given interval [min, max). * @param min The lower bound of the interval the values are drawn from. * @param max The upper bound of the interval the values are drawn from. Note that value max * itself is excluded from the interval and therefore never assigned. */ public void randomize(final double min, final double max) { for (int r = 0; r < this.rows; ++r) for (int c = 0; c < this.cols; ++c) this.buf[r][c] = (max-min)*Math.random() + min; } /** Sets the matrix to the identity matrix, i.e. diagonal entries are set to 1.0, others to 0.0. */ public void identity() { assert (this.rows == this.cols) : new RuntimeException("Matrix is not square and therefore cannot be set to an identity matrix!"); for (int r = 0; r < this.rows; ++r) for (int c = 0; c < this.cols; ++c) this.buf[r][c] = (r == c) ? 1.0 : 0.0; } /** * Retrieve matrix entry in the specified row and column * @param row is row containing entry * @param col is column containing entry * @return entry in the specified row and column */ public double getElement(final int row, final int col) { return this.buf[row][col]; } /** * Replaces matrix entry in the specified row and column with given value * @param row is row containing entry to be replaced * @param col is column containing entry to be replaced * @param val is value to replace matrix entry in the specified row and column */ public void setElementValue(final int row, final int col, final double val) { this.buf[row][col] = val; } /** * Creates a new sub matrix of this matrix * @param firstRow is the first row of entries to be copied to sub matrix * @param firstCol is first column of entries to be copied to sub matrix * @param sizeRows is number of rows to be copied starting from first row * @param sizeCols is number of columns to be copied starting from first column * @return a sub matrix of this matrix */ public SimpleMatrix getSubMatrix(final int firstRow, final int firstCol, final int sizeRows, final int sizeCols) { final SimpleMatrix subMatrix = new SimpleMatrix(sizeRows, sizeCols); for (int r = 0; r < sizeRows; ++r) System.arraycopy(this.buf[r+firstRow], firstCol, subMatrix.buf[r], 0, sizeCols); return subMatrix; } /** * Creates a new sub matrix with entries from ordered rows and ordered columns provided * @param selectRows is ordered array containing rows to be copied * @param selectCols is ordered array containing columns to be copied * @return a sub matrix of this matrix */ public SimpleMatrix getSubMatrix(final int[] selectRows, final int[] selectCols) { final SimpleMatrix subMatrix = new SimpleMatrix(selectRows.length, selectCols.length); int subRow = 0; for (int r : selectRows) { int subCol = 0; for (int c : selectCols) { subMatrix.buf[subRow][subCol] = this.buf[r][c]; ++subCol; } ++subRow; } return subMatrix; } public SimpleMatrix getSubMatrix(final int deleteRow, final int deleteCol) { final SimpleMatrix subMatrix = new SimpleMatrix(this.rows-1, this.cols-1); for (int r = 0; r < deleteRow; ++r) { System.arraycopy(this.buf[r], 0, subMatrix.buf[r], 0, deleteCol); System.arraycopy(this.buf[r], deleteCol+1, subMatrix.buf[r], deleteCol, this.cols-deleteCol-1); } for (int r = deleteRow+1; r < this.rows; ++r) { System.arraycopy(this.buf[r], 0, subMatrix.buf[r-1], 0, deleteCol); System.arraycopy(this.buf[r], deleteCol+1, subMatrix.buf[r-1], deleteCol, this.cols-deleteCol-1); } return subMatrix; } /** * Replaces matrix entries starting at firsRow and firstCol with entries from subMatrix * @param firstRow is row of first element to be replaced * @param firstCol is column of first element to be replaced * @param subMatrix is sub matrix containing entries to replace matrix entries */ public void setSubMatrixValue(final int firstRow, final int firstCol, final SimpleMatrix subMatrix) { for (int r = 0; r < subMatrix.rows; ++r) for (int c = 0; c < subMatrix.cols; ++c) this.buf[r+firstRow][c+firstCol] = subMatrix.buf[r][c]; } /** * Returns a vector containing a sub row in current matrix. * @param row is row containing desired sub row * @param firstCol is the starting column of desired sub row * @param sizeCols is number of columns in sub row * @return vector containing sub row of row, from firstCol to firstCol + sizeCols */ public SimpleVector getSubRow(final int row, final int firstCol, final int sizeCols) { final SimpleVector subVector = new SimpleVector(sizeCols); for (int c = 0; c < sizeCols; ++c) subVector.buf[c] = this.buf[row][firstCol+c]; return subVector; } /** * Replace the entries of sub row starting at [row,firstCol] with subRow * @param row is row containing desired sub row * @param firstCol is the starting column of desired sub row * @param subRow is vector containing new entries */ public void setSubRowValue(final int row, final int firstCol, final SimpleVector subRow) { for (int c = 0; c < subRow.getLen(); ++c) this.buf[row][firstCol+c] = subRow.buf[c]; } /** * Retrieve row from index row of matrix * @param row is index of row to retrieved * @return row vector */ public SimpleVector getRow(final int row) { return this.getSubRow(row, 0, this.cols); } /** * Replace row with newRow * @param row is index of row to be replaced * @param newRow is vector containing new entries */ public void setRowValue(final int row, final SimpleVector newRow) { assert (this.cols == newRow.getLen()) : new IllegalArgumentException("Dimension mismatch!"); this.setSubRowValue(row, 0, newRow); } /** * Returns a vector containing a sub column in current matrix. * @param col is index of column containing desired sub column * @param firstRow is the starting column of desired sub column * @param sizeRows is number of columns in sub column * @return vector containing sub column of col, from firstCol to firstRow + sizeRows */ public SimpleVector getSubCol(final int firstRow, final int col, final int sizeRows) { final SimpleVector subVector = new SimpleVector(sizeRows); for (int r = 0; r < sizeRows; ++r) subVector.buf[r] = this.buf[firstRow+r][col]; return subVector; } /** * Replace the entries of sub column starting at [col,firstRow] with subCol * @param col is index of column containing desired sub column * @param firstRow is the starting row of desired sub column * @param subCol is vector containing new entries */ public void setSubColValue(final int firstRow, final int col, final SimpleVector subCol) { for (int r = 0; r < subCol.getLen(); ++r) this.buf[firstRow+r][col] = subCol.buf[r]; } /** * Retrieve column from index col of matrix * @param col is index of column to retrieved * @return column vector */ public SimpleVector getCol(final int col) { return this.getSubCol(0, col, this.rows); } /** * Replace col with newCol * @param col is index of column to be replaced * @param newCol is vector containing new entries */ public void setColValue(final int col, final SimpleVector newCol) { assert (this.rows == newCol.getLen()) : new IllegalArgumentException("Dimension mismatch!"); this.setSubColValue(0, col, newCol); } /** * @return vector containing diagonal entries of matrix */ public SimpleVector getDiag() { final int min_rc = Math.min(this.rows, this.cols); final SimpleVector diag = new SimpleVector(min_rc); for (int i = 0; i < min_rc; ++i) diag.buf[i] = this.buf[i][i]; return diag; } /** * Replace diagonal entries of matrix with diag * @param diag is vector containing new entries */ public void setDiagValue(final SimpleVector diag) { for (int i = 0; i < diag.getLen(); ++i) this.buf[i][i] = diag.buf[i]; } /** * Add addend to entry at [row,col] in place * @param row of entry to be updated * @param col of entry to be updated * @param addend is value to be added to entry at [row,col] */ public void addToElement(final int row, final int col, final double addend) { this.buf[row][col] += addend; } /** * Subtract subtrahend from entry at [row,col] in place * @param row of entry to be updated * @param col of entry to be updated * @param subtrahend is value to be subtracted from entry at [row,col] */ public void subtractFromElement(final int row, final int col, final double subtrahend) { this.buf[row][col] -= subtrahend; } /** * Multiply factor to entry at [row,col] in place * @param row of entry to be updated * @param col of entry to be updated * @param factor is value to be multiplied to entry at [row,col] */ public void multiplyElementBy(final int row, final int col, final double factor) { this.buf[row][col] *= factor; } /** * Divide divisor from entry at [row,col] in place * @param row of entry to be updated * @param col of entry to be updated * @param divisor is value to be divided from entry at [row,col] */ public void divideElementBy(final int row, final int col, final double divisor) { this.buf[row][col] /= divisor; } /** * Add addend to all entries in matrix in place * @param addend is value to be added to all entries in matrix */ public void add(final double addend) { for (int r = 0; r < this.rows; ++r) for (int c = 0; c < this.cols; ++c) this.buf[r][c] += addend; } /** * Subtract subtrahend from all entries in matrix in place * @param subtrahend is value to be subtracted from all entries in matrix */ public void subtract(final double subtrahend) { for (int r = 0; r < this.rows; ++r) for (int c = 0; c < this.cols; ++c) this.buf[r][c] -= subtrahend; } /** * Multiply factor to all entries in matrix in place * @param factor is value to be multiplied to all entries in matrix */ public void multiplyBy(final double factor) { for (int r = 0; r < this.rows; ++r) for (int c = 0; c < this.cols; ++c) this.buf[r][c] *= factor; } /** * Multiply factor to all entries in matrix [current matrix is not updated] * @param factor is value to be multiplied to all entries in matrix * @return new matrix with updated entries */ public SimpleMatrix multipliedBy(final double factor) { final SimpleMatrix result = new SimpleMatrix(this.rows, this.cols); for (int r = 0; r < this.rows; ++r) for (int c = 0; c < this.cols; ++c) result.buf[r][c] = this.buf[r][c] * factor; return result; } /** * Divide all entries in matrix by divisor in place * @param divisor is value to be divided from all entries in matrix */ public void divideBy(final double divisor) { this.multiplyBy(1.0 / divisor); } /** * Divide all entries in matrix by divisor [current matrix is not updated] * @param divisor is value to be divided from all entries in matrix * @return new matrix with updated entries */ public SimpleMatrix dividedBy(final double divisor) { return this.multipliedBy(1.0 / divisor); } /** * Method to add a set of matrices to this matrix in place. * @param addends are set of matrices to be added to this matrix. */ public void add(final SimpleMatrix... addends) { assert addends.length >= 1 : new IllegalArgumentException("At least one other matrix has to be given!"); for (SimpleMatrix addend : addends) { assert addend.rows == this.rows; assert addend.cols == this.cols; for (int r = 0; r < this.rows; ++r) for (int c = 0; c < this.cols; ++c) this.buf[r][c] += addend.buf[r][c]; } } /** * Method to subtract a set of matrices to this matrix in place. * @param subtrahends are set of matrices to be from this matrix. */ public void subtract(final SimpleMatrix... subtrahends) { assert subtrahends.length >= 1 : new IllegalArgumentException("At least one other matrix has to be given!"); for (SimpleMatrix subtrahend : subtrahends) { assert subtrahend.rows == this.rows; assert subtrahend.cols == this.cols; for (int r = 0; r < this.rows; ++r) for (int c = 0; c < this.cols; ++c) this.buf[r][c] -= subtrahend.buf[r][c]; } } /** * ordered multiplication of matrix entries in place * @param other */ public void multiplyElementWiseBy(final SimpleMatrix other) { assert (other.rows == this.rows) && (other.cols == this.cols); for (int r = 0; r < this.rows; ++r) for (int c = 0; c < this.cols; ++c) this.buf[r][c] *= other.buf[r][c]; } /** * ordered division of matrix entries in place * @param other */ public void divideElementWiseBy(final SimpleMatrix other) { assert (other.rows == this.rows) && (other.cols == this.cols); for (int r = 0; r < this.rows; ++r) for (int c = 0; c < this.cols; ++c) this.buf[r][c] /= other.buf[r][c]; } /** * multiply all the entries in a matrix by -1 in place. */ public void negate() { for (int r = 0; r < this.rows; ++r) for (int c = 0; c < this.cols; ++c) this.buf[r][c] = -this.buf[r][c]; } /** * @return a copy of this matrix with all entries multiplied by -1 */ public SimpleMatrix negated() { final SimpleMatrix result = new SimpleMatrix(this.rows, this.cols); for (int r = 0; r < this.rows; ++r) for (int c = 0; c < this.cols; ++c) result.buf[r][c] = -this.buf[r][c]; return result; } /** * Performs a matrix transpose in place. */ public void transpose() { assert (this.rows == this.cols) : new RuntimeException("In-place transposition not possible for non-square matrices!"); double tmp; for (int r = 0; r < this.rows; ++r) { for (int c = r+1; c < this.cols; ++c) { tmp = this.buf[r][c]; this.buf[r][c] = this.buf[c][r]; this.buf[c][r] = tmp; } } } /** * @return a transposed copy of this matrix. */ public SimpleMatrix transposed() { final SimpleMatrix result = new SimpleMatrix(this.cols, this.rows); for (int r = 0; r < result.getRows(); ++r) { for (int c = 0; c < result.getCols(); ++c) { result.buf[r][c] = this.buf[c][r]; } } return result; } public static enum MatrixNormType { /** The L_1-induced norm is equivalent to the maximum absolute column sum of the matrix. */ MAT_NORM_L1, /** The L_2-induced norm is the largest singular value of the matrix M or the largest eigenvalue of A^* * A. */ MAT_NORM_L2, /** The L_infinity-induced norm is equivalent to the maximum absolute row sum of the matrix. */ MAT_NORM_LINF, /** The Frobenius norm is the entry-wise 2-norm (the sum of squares of all entries). */ MAT_NORM_FROBENIUS } public double norm(final MatrixNormType normType) { switch (normType) { case MAT_NORM_L1: SimpleVector columnSumOfAbs = new SimpleVector(this.cols); for (int c = 0; c < this.cols; ++c) columnSumOfAbs.buf[c] = this.getCol(c).norm(SimpleVector.VectorNormType.VEC_NORM_L1); return columnSumOfAbs.norm(SimpleVector.VectorNormType.VEC_NORM_LINF); case MAT_NORM_L2: // TODO: Implement matrix 2-norm once SVD is available. // Decomposition::SVD<typename Derived::Scalar> svd; // svd(M); // return svd.getS()(0,0); throw new RuntimeException("Not implemented yet! Do the SVD decomposition first."); case MAT_NORM_LINF: SimpleVector rowSumOfAbs = new SimpleVector(this.rows); for (int r = 0; r < this.rows; ++r) rowSumOfAbs.buf[r] = this.getRow(r).norm(SimpleVector.VectorNormType.VEC_NORM_L1); return rowSumOfAbs.norm(SimpleVector.VectorNormType.VEC_NORM_LINF); case MAT_NORM_FROBENIUS: double result = 0.0; for (int r = 0; r < this.rows; ++r) for (int c = 0; c < this.cols; ++c) result += this.buf[r][c]*this.buf[r][c]; return Math.sqrt(result); default: throw new RuntimeException("Matrix norm type not implemented yet!"); } } /** * @return the determinant of this matrix */ public double determinant() { assert (this.isSquare()) : new RuntimeException("Matrix is not square and therefore determinatn cannot be computed!");; assert (this.rows >= 1) : new IllegalArgumentException("The matrix must be at least 1x1!"); switch (this.rows) { case 1: return this.buf[0][0]; case 2: return this.buf[0][0]*this.buf[1][1] - this.buf[0][1]*this.buf[1][0]; case 3: return this.buf[0][0]*this.buf[1][1]*this.buf[2][2] + this.buf[0][1]*this.buf[1][2]*this.buf[2][0] + this.buf[0][2]*this.buf[1][0]*this.buf[2][1] - this.buf[2][0]*this.buf[1][1]*this.buf[0][2] - this.buf[2][1]*this.buf[1][2]*this.buf[0][0] - this.buf[2][2]*this.buf[1][0]*this.buf[0][1]; default: // TODO: use an LU decomposition for big matrices (of a size greater then 5-10) double det = 0.0; double factor = 1.0; for (int i = 0; i < this.cols; ++i) { det += factor * this.buf[0][i] * this.getSubMatrix(0, i).determinant(); factor *= -1.0; } return det; } } /** * @return the condition number of this matrix */ public double conditionNumber(final MatrixNormType normType) { assert (this.isSquare()) : new RuntimeException("Matrix is not square and therefore determinant cannot be computed!");; assert (this.rows >= 1) : new IllegalArgumentException("The matrix must be at least 1x1!"); switch (normType) { case MAT_NORM_L1: return this.norm(MatrixNormType.MAT_NORM_L1)/this.inverse(InversionType.INVERT_QR).norm(MatrixNormType.MAT_NORM_L1); case MAT_NORM_L2: throw new RuntimeException("Not implemented yet! Do the SVD or Eigenvalue decomposition first."); case MAT_NORM_LINF: SimpleVector absDiag = this.getDiag().absoluted(); return absDiag.max()/absDiag.min(); case MAT_NORM_FROBENIUS: throw new RuntimeException("Not implemented yet!"); default: throw new RuntimeException("Matrix norm type not implemented yet!"); } } /** * @return true if matrix is a square matrix i.e numRows = numCols */ public boolean isSquare() { return (this.rows == this.cols); } /** * Determines if matrix is an identity matrix * @param delta is error tolerance * @return true is matrix */ public boolean isIdentity(final double delta) { if (!this.isSquare()) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Only square matrices can be tested for identity!"); for (int r = 0; r < this.rows; ++r) { for (int c = 0; c < this.cols; ++c) { double el = this.buf[r][c]; if (r == c) { if (Math.abs(el - 1.0) > delta) return false; } else { if (Math.abs(el) > delta) return false; } } } return true; } public boolean isSingular(final double delta) { if (!this.isSquare()) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Only square matrices can be tested for singularity!"); // TODO: consider using a LU or QR decomposition here (or inside determinant) return (Math.abs(this.determinant()) < delta); } /** * Test for upper triangularity of a matrix. * * This function does not test for squareness. Matrices with zeros below the main * diagonal are also considered upper triangular as long as all of the non-square extension is * filled with zeros. * * @return true if the matrix is upper triangular, false otherwise */ public boolean isUpperTriangular() { for (int r = 1; r < this.rows; ++r) { final int cMax = Math.min(this.cols, r); for (int c = 0; c < cMax; ++c) { if (this.buf[r][c] != 0.0) return false; } } return true; } /** * Determines if matrix is orthogonal * @param maxErr is tolerance * @return true if matrix is orthogonal */ public boolean isOrthogonal(final double maxErr) { if (!this.isSquare()) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Only square matrices can be tested for orthogonality!"); final int n = this.rows; final SimpleMatrix MtM = SimpleOperators.multiplyMatrixProd(this.transposed(), this); for (int r = 0; r < n; ++r) for (int c = 0; c < n; ++c) if (Math.abs(MtM.buf[r][c] - ((r == c) ? 1.0 : 0.0)) > maxErr) return false; return true; } public boolean isSpecialOrthogonal(final double maxErr) { if (!this.isOrthogonal(maxErr)) return false; return (Math.abs(this.determinant() - 1.0) <= maxErr); } /** * Determines if matrix is a rotation matrix * @param maxErr * @return true if matrix is 2x2 and a rotation matrix, otherwise an illegalArgumentException is thrown */ public boolean isRotation2D(final double maxErr) { if (this.rows != 2) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Only 2x2 matrices can be tested whether they are 2D rotation matrices!"); return this.isSpecialOrthogonal(maxErr); } /** * Determines if matrix is a rotation matrix * @param maxErr * @return true if matrix is 3x3 and a rotation matrix, otherwise an illegalArgumentException is thrown */ public boolean isRotation3D(final double maxErr) { if (this.rows != 3) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Only 3x3 matrices can be tested whether they are 3D rotation matrices!"); return this.isSpecialOrthogonal(maxErr); } /** * Determines if matrix is a rigid motion matrix * @param maxErr * @return true if matrix is 2x2 and a rotation matrix, otherwise an illegalArgumentException is thrown */ public boolean isRigidMotion2D(final double maxErr) { if (this.rows != 3) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Only 3x3 matrices can be tested whether they are 2D rigid motion matrices!"); if (!this.isSquare()) return false; final double scale = this.buf[2][2]; if (Math.abs(this.buf[2][0]) > maxErr || Math.abs(this.buf[2][1]) > maxErr || Math.abs(scale) < CONRAD.DOUBLE_EPSILON) return false; return this.getSubMatrix(0, 0, 2, 2).dividedBy(scale).isRotation2D(maxErr); } /** * Determines if matrix is a rigid motion matrix * @param maxErr * @return true if matrix is 2x2 and a rotation matrix, otherwise an illegalArgumentException is thrown */ public boolean isRigidMotion3D(final double maxErr) { if (this.rows != 4) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Only 4x4 matrices can be tested whether they are 3D rigid motion matrices!"); if (!this.isSquare()) return false; final double scale = this.buf[3][3]; if (Math.abs(this.buf[3][0]) > maxErr || Math.abs(this.buf[3][1]) > maxErr || Math.abs(this.buf[3][2]) > maxErr || Math.abs(scale) < CONRAD.DOUBLE_EPSILON) return false; return this.getSubMatrix(0, 0, 3, 3).dividedBy(scale).isRotation3D(maxErr); } /** * Set the algorithm to be used during inversion */ public static enum InversionType { /** Inverts any matrices using the LU decomposition */ INVERT_LU, /** Inverts any matrices using the SVD decomposition */ INVERT_SVD, /** Inverts any matrices using the LU decomposition */ INVERT_QR, /** Inverts upper-triangular matrices using back substitution */ INVERT_UPPER_TRIANGULAR, /** Inverts homogeneous rigid motion matrices directly */ INVERT_RT } /** * Inverts the given matrix using the specified inversion method. * The type of inversion has to be specified by the user and should * be chosen depending on the matrix' properties. * <em>Warning:</em> Better use the Solvers class for solving linear algebra problems. * Explicitly computing the inverse of a matrix is usually not needed and often yields numerically worse results. * @param inversionType The type of inversion to be used. * @return The inverse of the matrix. */ public SimpleMatrix inverse(final InversionType inversionType) { switch(inversionType) { case INVERT_LU: assert(this.isSquare()) : new IllegalArgumentException("The matrix must be square!"); throw new RuntimeException("Inversion type not yet implemented!"); case INVERT_SVD: DecompositionSVD decompositionSVD = new DecompositionSVD(this); return decompositionSVD.inverse(true); case INVERT_QR: assert(this.isSquare()) : new IllegalArgumentException("The matrix must be square!"); DecompositionQR qr = new DecompositionQR(this); SimpleMatrix Rinv = qr.getR().inverse(InversionType.INVERT_UPPER_TRIANGULAR); SimpleMatrix Qinv = qr.getQ().transposed(); return SimpleOperators.multiplyMatrixProd(Rinv, Qinv); case INVERT_UPPER_TRIANGULAR: assert(this.isUpperTriangular()) : new IllegalArgumentException("The matrix must be square!"); SimpleMatrix Minv_triang = new SimpleMatrix(this.rows, this.cols); for (int col = 0; col < this.cols; ++col) { // set diagonal element Minv_triang.buf[col][col] = 1.0/this.buf[col][col]; for (int row = col-1; row >= 0; --row) { // compute unknown in position (row, col) from inner product of the respective row and column in the matrix product U * Uinv = I double sum = 0.0; for (int l = row+1; l <= col ; ++l) sum += this.buf[row][l] * Minv_triang.buf[l][col]; Minv_triang.buf[row][col] = -sum*Minv_triang.buf[row][row]; } } return Minv_triang; case INVERT_RT: if (this.rows == 4) { assert this.isRigidMotion3D(Math.sqrt(CONRAD.DOUBLE_EPSILON)) : new IllegalArgumentException("The matrix must be square!"); final double scale = this.buf[3][3]; // Attention: Don't just normalize the input matrix and invert it, because M*Minv would not be equal identity! if (scale == 0) throw new IllegalArgumentException("The matrix must be a rigid motion matrix with [0 0 0 a] (with a != 0) in the last row!"); if (this.buf[3][0] != 0 || this.buf[3][1] != 0 || this.buf[3][2] != 0) throw new IllegalArgumentException("The matrix must be a rigid motion matrix with [0 0 0 a] in the last row!"); ///TODO: check that R really is a matrix from SO(3) SimpleMatrix Rinverse = this.getSubMatrix(0, 0, 3, 3).transposed().dividedBy(scale); SimpleVector t = this.getSubCol(0, 3, 3).dividedBy(scale); // last column SimpleMatrix Minv_rt = new SimpleMatrix(4, 4); Minv_rt.setSubMatrixValue(0, 0, Rinverse.dividedBy(scale)); Minv_rt.setSubColValue(0, 3, SimpleOperators.multiply(Rinverse.negated(), t).dividedBy(scale)); Minv_rt.buf[3][0] = 0; Minv_rt.buf[3][1] = 0; Minv_rt.buf[3][2] = 0; Minv_rt.buf[3][3] = 1/scale; return Minv_rt; } else if (this.rows == 3) { assert this.isRigidMotion2D(Math.sqrt(CONRAD.DOUBLE_EPSILON)) : new IllegalArgumentException("The matrix must be square!"); final double scale = this.buf[2][2]; // Attention: Don't just normalize the input matrix and invert it, because M*Minv would not be equal identity! if (scale == 0) throw new IllegalArgumentException("The matrix must be a rigid motion matrix with [0 0 a] (with a != 0) in the last row!"); if (this.buf[2][0] != 0 || this.buf[2][1] != 0) throw new IllegalArgumentException("The matrix must be a rigid motion matrix with [0 0 a] in the last row!"); ///TODO: check that R really is a matrix from SO(3) SimpleMatrix Rinverse = this.getSubMatrix(0, 0, 2, 2).transposed().dividedBy(scale); SimpleVector t = this.getSubCol(0, 2, 2).dividedBy(scale); // last column SimpleMatrix Minv_rt = new SimpleMatrix(3, 3); Minv_rt.setSubMatrixValue(0, 0, Rinverse.dividedBy(scale)); Minv_rt.setSubColValue(0, 2, SimpleOperators.multiply(Rinverse.negated(), t).dividedBy(scale)); Minv_rt.buf[2][0] = 0; Minv_rt.buf[2][1] = 0; Minv_rt.buf[2][2] = 1/scale; return Minv_rt; } else throw new IllegalArgumentException("The matrix must have dimensions 3x3 or 4x4!"); default: throw new RuntimeException("Unknown matrix inversion type!"); } } ///////////////////////////////////////////////// // Serialization and Persistence // ///////////////////////////////////////////////// /** * return a serialized equivalent of this matix */ public String getMatrixSerialization() { return this.toString(); } /** * Initialize matrix using a serialized equivalent * @param str */ public void setMatrixSerialization(final String str) { this.init(str); } @Override public String toString() { String result = new String(); result += "["; for (int r = 0; r < this.rows; ++r) { if (r != 0) result += "; "; result += "["; for (int c = 0; c < this.cols; ++c) { if (c != 0) result += " "; result += new Double(this.buf[r][c]); } result += "]"; } result += "]"; return result; } } /* * Copyright (C) 2010-2014 Andreas Keil * CONRAD is developed as an Open Source project under the GNU General Public License (GPL). */