package edu.stanford.rsl.conrad.phantom.xcat; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.Map.Entry; import java.util.TreeMap; import edu.stanford.rsl.conrad.geometry.motion.VICONMarkerMotionField; import edu.stanford.rsl.conrad.geometry.motion.timewarp.IdentityTimeWarper; import edu.stanford.rsl.conrad.geometry.shapes.simple.PointND; import edu.stanford.rsl.conrad.geometry.splines.NearestNeighborTimeVariantSurfaceBSpline; import edu.stanford.rsl.conrad.geometry.splines.SurfaceBSpline; import edu.stanford.rsl.conrad.geometry.splines.TimeVariantSurfaceBSpline; import edu.stanford.rsl.conrad.geometry.transforms.Translation; import edu.stanford.rsl.conrad.numerics.SimpleMatrix; import edu.stanford.rsl.conrad.numerics.SimpleOperators; import edu.stanford.rsl.conrad.numerics.SimpleVector; import edu.stanford.rsl.conrad.physics.PhysicalObject; import edu.stanford.rsl.conrad.utils.Configuration; import edu.stanford.rsl.conrad.utils.RegKeys; import edu.stanford.rsl.conrad.utils.UserUtil; import edu.stanford.rsl.conrad.utils.XmlUtils; /** * Class to simulate very simple knee joint motion in XCat. * Scene contains only the lower body as only the legs and hip are of interest for a squat. * * @author jhchoi21 / berger * */ public class DynamicSquatScene extends WholeBodyScene { /** * */ private static final long serialVersionUID = -5961188801136828415L; private ViconMarkerBuilder viconBuilder; boolean writeGroundTruthToFile = true; boolean buildStaticWithRef = false; int refProjection = 0; static final int subjectNumber = 2; public DynamicSquatScene (){ } static final HashMap<Integer, SimpleVector> staticPhantomCenteringTranslations = initPhantomCenteringTranslations(); private final static HashMap<Integer, SimpleVector> initPhantomCenteringTranslations(){ // Center b/w RKJC & LKJC: -292.6426 211.7856 440.7783 (subj 5, static60),-401.1700 165.9885 478.5600 (subj 2, static60) // XCAT Center by min & max: -177.73999504606988, 179.8512744259873, 312.19713254613583 // translationVector = (XCAT Center by min & max) - (Center b/w RKJC & LKJC)=> // 114.9026, -31.9343, -128.5811 (subj5), 120, 3, -110 (subj2) Try 114.0568, 2.4778, -106.2550 HashMap<Integer, SimpleVector> map = new HashMap<Integer, SimpleVector>(); map.put(2,new SimpleVector(120, 3, -110)); map.put(5, new SimpleVector(114.9026, -31.9343, -128.5811)); return map; } @Override public void configure(){ try { buildStaticWithRef = UserUtil.queryBoolean("Build static version with reference frame?"); if(buildStaticWithRef) refProjection = UserUtil.queryInt("Reference Projection Nr?", refProjection); writeGroundTruthToFile=UserUtil.queryBoolean("Write Ground Truth Motion to XML?"); } catch (Exception e1) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e1.printStackTrace(); } warper = new IdentityTimeWarper(); viconBuilder = new ViconMarkerBuilder(); int numberOfBSplineTimePoints = Configuration.getGlobalConfiguration().getGeometry().getNumProjectionMatrices(); // mm res of XCAT, center is somewhere in the hip min = new PointND(-300, 50, -1200); max = new PointND(370, 400, 500); setName("Dynamic Squat Scene"); init(); // create lists for the complete motion field. ArrayList<ArrayList<PointND>> lowerBodyMotion = new ArrayList<ArrayList<PointND>>(); for (int t=0; t<numberOfBSplineTimePoints; t++){ lowerBodyMotion.add(new ArrayList<PointND>()); } String [] partsLeftLower = { "l_tibia", "lefttibia", "l_foot", "l_fibula", "leftfibula" }; String [] partsRightLower = { "r_tibia", "righttibia", "r_foot", "r_fibula", "rightfibula" }; String [] partsLeftUpper = { "l_femur", "leftfemur", "l_patella", "leftpatella" }; String [] partsRightUpper = { "r_femur", "rightfemur", "r_patella", "rightpatella" }; String [] partsLeftDual = { "leftleg" }; String [] partsRightDual = { "rightleg" }; VICONMarkerMotionField VICONMotion = null; String transformPart = null; // for each spline in the body for (int i = splines.size()-1; i >= 0; i--){ // test whether the spline is constant, constant spline dose not move. boolean displayTest = false; for (String s: partsLeftLower){ if (splines.get(i).getTitle().toLowerCase().contains(s)){ displayTest = true; transformPart = "LeftLower"; } } for (String s: partsRightLower){ if (splines.get(i).getTitle().toLowerCase().contains(s)){ displayTest = true; transformPart = "RightLower"; } } for (String s: partsLeftUpper){ if (splines.get(i).getTitle().toLowerCase().contains(s)){ displayTest = true; transformPart = "LeftUpper"; } } for (String s: partsRightUpper){ if (splines.get(i).getTitle().toLowerCase().contains(s)){ displayTest = true; transformPart = "RightUpper"; } } for (String s: partsLeftDual){ // apply two different transform based on 3d coordinate (e.g. left leg) if (splines.get(i).getTitle().toLowerCase().contains(s)){ displayTest = true; transformPart = "LeftDual"; } } for (String s: partsRightDual){ if (splines.get(i).getTitle().toLowerCase().contains(s)){ displayTest = true; transformPart = "RightDual"; } } if (displayTest){ // define motion around lower body bones. VICONMotion = new VICONMarkerMotionField(transformPart, splines.get(i).getTitle(), viconBuilder, this.buildStaticWithRef, this.refProjection); VICONMotion.setTimeWarper(warper); // ?? time =0, data not inserted, thus numberOfBSplineTimePoints+1 variants.add(new NearestNeighborTimeVariantSurfaceBSpline(splines.get(i), VICONMotion, numberOfBSplineTimePoints+1, false)); System.out.println("Creating affine-time-variant spline for " + splines.get(i).getTitle()); } else { } splines.remove(i); } if (splines.size()<1){ // intentionally inserted in case of no spline left, but variant ArrayList<PointND> tmpCtrlPnt = new ArrayList<PointND>(); tmpCtrlPnt.add(new PointND(0, 0, 0)); splines.add(new SurfaceBSpline(tmpCtrlPnt, new SimpleVector(0, 1), new SimpleVector(0, 2))); } min = new PointND(Double.MAX_VALUE, Double.MIN_VALUE, Double.MAX_VALUE); max = new PointND(-Double.MAX_VALUE, -Double.MIN_VALUE, -Double.MAX_VALUE); createPhysicalObjects(); min = new PointND(Double.MAX_VALUE, Double.MIN_VALUE, Double.MAX_VALUE); max = new PointND(-Double.MAX_VALUE, -Double.MIN_VALUE, -Double.MAX_VALUE); for (TimeVariantSurfaceBSpline spline: variants){ min.updateIfLower(spline.getMin()); max.updateIfHigher(spline.getMax()); } // For rendering we only consider the reference time and extract the scene bound of that specific time frame PointND minSceneBound = new PointND(Double.MAX_VALUE, Double.MIN_VALUE, Double.MAX_VALUE); PointND maxSceneBound = new PointND(-Double.MAX_VALUE, -Double.MIN_VALUE, -Double.MAX_VALUE); for (TimeVariantSurfaceBSpline spline: variants){ for(PointND pts : spline.getControlPoints(0)){ minSceneBound.updateIfLower(pts); maxSceneBound.updateIfHigher(pts); } } SimpleVector dynamicCenterTranslation = SimpleOperators.add(minSceneBound.getAbstractVector(), maxSceneBound.getAbstractVector()).dividedBy(2).negated(); Translation dct = new Translation(dynamicCenterTranslation); Translation staticTranslation = new Translation(staticPhantomCenteringTranslations.get(subjectNumber)); Iterator<PhysicalObject> it = this.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { PhysicalObject spline =; spline.applyTransform(dct); spline.applyTransform(staticTranslation); } if (writeGroundTruthToFile){ // dynamic transforms SimpleMatrix dynamicCenterTransform = SimpleMatrix.I_4.clone(); dynamicCenterTransform.setSubColValue(0, 3, dynamicCenterTranslation); // global transforms SimpleMatrix staticXMLBasedCenterTransform = SimpleMatrix.I_4.clone(); staticXMLBasedCenterTransform.setSubColValue(0, 3, staticPhantomCenteringTranslations.get(subjectNumber)); try { // Order is [scalingValues, groundTruthVICONMatrices, dynamicCenterTransformMatrix, staticXMLCenterTransformMatrix] XmlUtils.exportToXML(new Object[]{VICONMotion.getBoneScalingMemorizer(), VICONMotion.getBoneGlobalTransformMemorizer(), dynamicCenterTransform, staticXMLBasedCenterTransform}); } catch (Exception e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } } } @Override public String getName() { return "XCat Dynamic Squat"; } public ArrayList<TimeVariantSurfaceBSpline> getVariants() { return variants; } public static TreeMap<Integer, SimpleMatrix> getCurrentTransformMap(int BoneKey, TreeMap<String,TreeMap<Integer, SimpleMatrix>> map){ // scaling goes here if applicable TreeMap<Integer, SimpleMatrix> currMap = null; if (map!=null){ switch (BoneKey) { case 1: //lFemur currMap = map.get("LeftUpper"); break; case 2: //lTibia currMap = map.get("LeftLower"); break; case 3: //lFibula currMap = map.get("LeftLower"); break; case 4: //lPatella currMap = map.get("LeftUpper"); break; case 5: //rFemur currMap = map.get("RightUpper"); break; case 6: //rTibia currMap = map.get("RightLower"); break; case 7: //rFibula currMap = map.get("RightLower"); break; case 8: //rPatella currMap = map.get("RightUpper"); break; default: break; } } return currMap; } public static SimpleMatrix[] getGroundTruthTransform(int boneKey, String gtXMLpath){ TreeMap<String, TreeMap<Integer, SimpleMatrix>> motionMap = null; SimpleMatrix dynamicTranslation = null; SimpleMatrix staticTranslation = null; try { Object[] gtObjects = (Object[])XmlUtils.importFromXML(gtXMLpath); motionMap = (TreeMap<String, TreeMap<Integer, SimpleMatrix>>) gtObjects[1]; dynamicTranslation = (SimpleMatrix) gtObjects[2]; staticTranslation = (SimpleMatrix) gtObjects[3]; } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } Iterator<Entry<Integer,SimpleMatrix>> it = getCurrentTransformMap(boneKey,motionMap).entrySet().iterator(); SimpleMatrix[] out = new SimpleMatrix[getCurrentTransformMap(boneKey,motionMap).size()]; while (it.hasNext()) { Entry<Integer, SimpleMatrix> entry =; out[entry.getKey()] = SimpleOperators.multiplyMatrixProd( staticTranslation, SimpleOperators.multiplyMatrixProd(dynamicTranslation,entry.getValue()) ); } return out; } } /* * Copyright (C) 2010-2014 Jang-Hwan Choi * CONRAD is developed as an Open Source project under the GNU General Public License (GPL). */