package edu.stanford.rsl.conrad.metric; public class NormalizedImprovement extends NormalizedImageMetric { /** * */ private static final long serialVersionUID = -9211171034028752308L; @Override public double evaluate() { ImageMetric uncorrected = new RootMeanSquareErrorMetric(); uncorrected.setReferenceImage(referenceImage); uncorrected.setTestImage(normalizationImage); ImageMetric corrected = new RootMeanSquareErrorMetric(); corrected.setReferenceImage(referenceImage); corrected.setTestImage(testImage); double uncor = uncorrected.evaluate(); double cor = corrected.evaluate(); return (uncor - cor)/uncor; } @Override public String toString() { return "Normalized Improvement (0=no improvement; 1=ideal recon)"; } @Override public String getBibtexCitation() { String bibtex = "@ARTICLE{Meyer10-AFA,\n" + " author = {{Meyer}, M. and {Kalender}, W. A. and {Kyriakou}, Y. A.},\n" + " title = \"{{A fast and pragmatic approach for scatter correction in flat-detector CT using elliptic modeling and iterative optimization}}\",\n" + " journal = {Physics in Medicine and Biology},\n" + " year = 2010,\n" + " volume = 55,\n"+ " number = 1,\n" + " pages = {99-120}\n" + "}"; return bibtex; } @Override public String getMedlineCitation() { return "Meyer M, Kalender WA, Kyriakou Y. A fast and pragmatic approach for scatter correction in flat-detector CT using elliptic modeling and iterative optimization. Phys Med Biol 55(1):99-120. 2010."; } } /* * Copyright (C) 2010-2014 Andreas Maier * CONRAD is developed as an Open Source project under the GNU General Public License (GPL). */