package edu.stanford.rsl.conrad.reconstruction.iterative;
* @author febmeng
import edu.stanford.rsl.conrad.geometry.Projection;
import edu.stanford.rsl.conrad.geometry.trajectories.Trajectory;
import edu.stanford.rsl.conrad.numerics.SimpleMatrix;
import edu.stanford.rsl.conrad.numerics.SimpleOperators;
import edu.stanford.rsl.conrad.numerics.SimpleVector;
public class DistanceDrivenBasedReconstruction extends ModelBasedIterativeReconstruction {
public class LeastSquareReconstructionCG {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
public boolean Debug = true;
public boolean Debug1 = false;
public boolean Debug2 = false;
protected static final int MAX_WEIGHT_LENGTH_U = 8;
protected static final int MAX_WEIGHT_LENGTH_V = 8;
public DistanceDrivenBasedReconstruction( Trajectory dataTrajectory ) {
// TODO Auto-generated constructor stub
public void forwardproject(Grid3D projImage, Grid3D volImage) throws Exception {
//zero out whole projection image
NumericPointwiseOperators.fill(projImage, 0.0f);
Projection proj;
for ( int p = 0; p < nImages ; p++ ){
proj = getGeometry().getProjectionMatrix(p);
distanceDrivenProjView( projImage, volImage, proj, p );
//if (Debug) projImage.printOneSlice(8);
public void backproject(Grid3D projImage, Grid3D volImage) throws Exception {
//zero out whole volume image
NumericPointwiseOperators.fill(volImage, 0.0f);
Projection proj;
for ( int p = 0; p < nImages; p++ ){
proj = getGeometry().getProjectionMatrix(p);
distanceDrivenBackView( projImage, volImage, proj, p );
protected void distanceDrivenProjView( Grid3D projImage, Grid3D volImage, Projection proj, final int ip ){
SimpleMatrix mat = proj.computeP();
SimpleVector cameraCenter = proj.computeCameraCenter();
// buffer have move of voxel
SimpleVector halfVoxelMoveX = mat.getCol(0);
SimpleVector halfVoxelMoveY = mat.getCol(1);
SimpleVector fullVoxelMoveZ = mat.getCol(2);
SimpleVector point3d = new SimpleVector(4);
point3d.setElementValue(3, 1);
SimpleVector point2d, point2dMinus, point2dPlus;
double cx = cameraCenter.getElement(0);
double cy = cameraCenter.getElement(1);
double cz = cameraCenter.getElement(2);
double dsx0, dsy0, dsxy0_sqr;
float coordLeft, coordRight, coordBottom, coordTop, coordStep;
double ds0;
float amplitude;
int iumin, iumax, ivmin, ivmax;
if (Debug1) {
System.out.println( "Camera Center: " + cx + ", " + cy);
System.out.println( "Voxel Spaceing: " + dx + ", " + dy);
System.out.println( "Projection matrix: ");
System.out.println( "Half voxel moves: ");
for (int i = 0; i < maxI; i++){
point3d.setElementValue(0, i*dx - offsetX );
for (int j = 0; j < maxJ; j++){
point3d.setElementValue(1, j*dy - offsetY );
point3d.setElementValue(2, -dz/2 - offsetZ);
point2d = SimpleOperators.multiply(mat, point3d);
dsx0 = Math.abs(point3d.getElement(0) - cx);
dsy0 = Math.abs(point3d.getElement(1) - cy);
dsxy0_sqr = dsx0*dsx0 + dsy0*dsy0;
if (Debug1){
System.out.println("dsx0="+ dsx0 + ", dsy0=" + dsy0 + ", dsxy0_sqr= " + dsxy0_sqr);
if ( dsy0 > dsx0){
ds0 = dsy0;
point2dMinus = SimpleOperators.subtract(point2d, halfVoxelMoveX);
point2dPlus = SimpleOperators.add(point2d, halfVoxelMoveX);
ds0 = dsx0;
point2dMinus = SimpleOperators.subtract(point2d, halfVoxelMoveY);
point2dPlus = SimpleOperators.add(point2d, halfVoxelMoveY);
coordLeft = (float) ( point2dMinus.getElement(0) / point2dMinus.getElement(2) + 0.5 );
coordRight = (float) ( point2dPlus.getElement(0) / point2dPlus.getElement(2) + 0.5 );
if ( coordLeft > coordRight ){
float temp = coordRight;
coordRight = coordLeft;
coordLeft = temp;
coordLeft = Math.max(coordLeft, 0);
coordRight = Math.min(coordRight, maxU);
if (coordLeft >= coordRight){
iumin = (int)coordLeft;
iumax = (int)coordRight;
iumax = Math.min(iumax, maxU-1);
iumax = Math.min(iumax, iumin + MAX_WEIGHT_LENGTH_U - 1);
float[] weightU = new float[]{1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f};
if ( iumax == iumin){
weightU[0] = coordRight - coordLeft;
weightU[0] = iumin + 1 - coordLeft;
weightU[iumax - iumin] = coordRight - iumax;
coordBottom = (float) ( point2d.getElement(1) / point2d.getElement(2) + 0.5 );
coordTop = (float) ( point2d.getElement(1) / point2d.getElement(2) + 0.5 );
coordStep = coordTop - coordBottom;
for ( int k = 0; k < maxK; k++ ){
double dsz0 = Math.abs(k*dz-offsetZ-cz);
if ( coordBottom <= 0 ){
coordBottom = coordTop;
coordTop = coordTop + coordStep;
if ( coordTop >= maxV ){
ivmin = (int)coordBottom;
ivmax = (int)coordTop;
if (Debug2) {
System.out.println( "iu: iumin= " + iumin + ", \t iumax=" + iumax );
System.out.println( "iv: ivmin= " + ivmin + ", \t ivmax=" + ivmax );
float[] weightV = new float[]{1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f };
ivmax = Math.min(ivmax, ivmin + MAX_WEIGHT_LENGTH_V - 1);
if ( ivmin == ivmax ){
weightV[0] = coordTop - coordBottom;
weightV[0] = ivmin + 1 - coordBottom;
weightV[ivmax - ivmin] = coordTop - ivmax;
amplitude = (float) ( Math.sqrt(dsz0*dsz0 + dsxy0_sqr) / ds0);
if (Debug2){
int[] detSize = projImage.getSize();
int[] volSize = volImage.getSize();
System.out.println("Detector Size: " + detSize[0] + " X " + detSize[1] + " X " + detSize[2] );
System.out.println("Volume Size: "+ volSize[0] + " X " + volSize[1] + " X " + volSize[2] );
for (int u = 0 ; u <detSize[1]; u++ ){
System.out.println("u=" + u );
for (int v = 0; v < detSize[2]; v++){
System.out.print(projImage.getAtIndex(0, u, v) + "\t");
float tempVal = volImage.getAtIndex(i, j, k) * amplitude ;
for ( int iu = iumin, iiu = 0; iu <= iumax; iu++, iiu++ ){
float temp = tempVal * weightU[iiu];
for (int iv = ivmin, iiv = 0; iv <= ivmax; iv++, iiv++){
projImage.addAtIndex(ip, iu, iv, temp * weightV[iiv] );
} //iv
} //iu
coordBottom = coordTop;
coordTop = coordTop + coordStep;
} //k
protected void distanceDrivenBackView( Grid3D projImage, Grid3D volImage, Projection proj, final int ip ){
SimpleMatrix mat = proj.computeP();
SimpleVector cameraCenter = proj.computeCameraCenter();
// buffer have move of voxel
SimpleVector halfVoxelMoveX = mat.getCol(0);
SimpleVector halfVoxelMoveY = mat.getCol(1);
SimpleVector fullVoxelMoveZ = mat.getCol(2);
SimpleVector point3d = new SimpleVector(4);
point3d.setElementValue(3, 1);
SimpleVector point2d, point2dMinus, point2dPlus;
double cx = cameraCenter.getElement(0);
double cy = cameraCenter.getElement(1);
double cz = cameraCenter.getElement(2);
double dsx0, dsy0, dsxy0_sqr;
float coordLeft, coordRight, coordBottom, coordTop, coordStep;
double ds0;
float amplitude;
int iumin, iumax, ivmin, ivmax;
if (Debug1) {
System.out.println( "Camera Center: " + cx + ", " + cy);
System.out.println( "Voxel Spaceing: " + dx + ", " + dy);
System.out.println( "Projection matrix: ");
System.out.println( "Half voxel moves: ");
for (int i = 0; i < maxI; i++){
point3d.setElementValue(0, i*dx - offsetX );
for (int j = 0; j < maxJ; j++){
point3d.setElementValue(1, j*dy - offsetY );
point3d.setElementValue(2, -dz/2 - offsetZ);
point2d = SimpleOperators.multiply(mat, point3d);
dsx0 = Math.abs(point3d.getElement(0) - cx);
dsy0 = Math.abs(point3d.getElement(1) - cy);
dsxy0_sqr = dsx0*dsx0 + dsy0*dsy0;
if (Debug1){
System.out.println("dsx0="+ dsx0 + ", dsy0=" + dsy0 + ", dsxy0_sqr= " + dsxy0_sqr);
if ( dsy0 > dsx0){
ds0 = dsy0;
point2dMinus = SimpleOperators.subtract(point2d, halfVoxelMoveX);
point2dPlus = SimpleOperators.add(point2d, halfVoxelMoveX);
ds0 = dsx0;
point2dMinus = SimpleOperators.subtract(point2d, halfVoxelMoveY);
point2dPlus = SimpleOperators.add(point2d, halfVoxelMoveY);
coordLeft = (float) ( point2dMinus.getElement(0) / point2dMinus.getElement(2) + 0.5 );
coordRight = (float) ( point2dPlus.getElement(0) / point2dPlus.getElement(2) + 0.5 );
if ( coordLeft > coordRight ){
float temp = coordRight;
coordRight = coordLeft;
coordLeft = temp;
coordLeft = Math.max(coordLeft, 0);
coordRight = Math.min(coordRight, maxU);
if (coordLeft >= coordRight){
iumin = (int)coordLeft;
iumax = (int)coordRight;
iumax = Math.min(iumax, maxU-1);
iumax = Math.min(iumax, iumin + MAX_WEIGHT_LENGTH_U - 1);
float[] weightU = new float[]{1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f};
if ( iumax == iumin){
weightU[0] = coordRight - coordLeft;
weightU[0] = iumin + 1 - coordLeft;
weightU[iumax - iumin] = coordRight - iumax;
coordBottom = (float) ( point2d.getElement(1) / point2d.getElement(2) + 0.5 );
coordTop = (float) ( point2d.getElement(1) / point2d.getElement(2) + 0.5 );
coordStep = coordTop - coordBottom;
for ( int k = 0; k < maxK; k++ ){
double dsz0 = Math.abs(k*dz-offsetZ-cz);
if ( coordBottom <= 0 ){
coordBottom = coordTop;
coordTop = coordTop + coordStep;
if ( coordTop >= maxV ){
ivmin = (int)coordBottom;
ivmax = (int)coordTop;
if (Debug2) {
System.out.println( "iu: iumin= " + iumin + ", \t iumax=" + iumax );
System.out.println( "iv: ivmin= " + ivmin + ", \t ivmax=" + ivmax );
float[] weightV = new float[]{1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f };
ivmax = Math.min(ivmax, ivmin + MAX_WEIGHT_LENGTH_V - 1);
if ( ivmin == ivmax ){
weightV[0] = coordTop - coordBottom;
weightV[0] = ivmin + 1 - coordBottom;
weightV[ivmax - ivmin] = coordTop - ivmax;
amplitude = (float) ( Math.sqrt(dsz0*dsz0 + dsxy0_sqr) / ds0);
if (Debug2){
int[] detSize = projImage.getSize();
int[] volSize = volImage.getSize();
System.out.println("Detector Size: " + detSize[0] + " X " + detSize[1] + " X " + detSize[2] );
System.out.println("Volume Size: "+ volSize[0] + " X " + volSize[1] + " X " + volSize[2] );
for (int u = 0 ; u <detSize[1]; u++ ){
System.out.println("u=" + u );
for (int v = 0; v < detSize[2]; v++){
System.out.print(projImage.getAtIndex(0, u, v) + "\t");
float tempVal = 0.0f;
for ( int iu = iumin, iiu = 0; iu <= iumax; iu++, iiu++ ){
float sum = 0.0f;
for (int iv = ivmin, iiv = 0; iv <= ivmax; iv++, iiv++){
sum += weightV[iiv] * projImage.getAtIndex(ip, iu, iv);
} //iv
tempVal += sum * weightU[iiu];
} //iu
tempVal = tempVal * amplitude;
volImage.addAtIndex(i, j, k, tempVal);
//volImage.addAtIndex(i, j, k, 1);
//update for next voxel
coordBottom = coordTop;
coordTop = coordTop + coordStep;
} //k
} //j
} //i
public String getBibtexCitation() {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
return null;
public String getMedlineCitation() {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
return null;
public String getToolName() {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
return null;
public void iterativeReconstruct() throws Exception {
forwardproject( projectionViews, volumeImage);
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
* Copyright (C) 2010-2014 Meng Wu
* CONRAD is developed as an Open Source project under the GNU General Public License (GPL).