package edu.stanford.rsl.tutorial.motion.estimation; import ij.ImageJ; import ij.ImagePlus; import ij.ImageStack; import ij.process.FloatProcessor; import ij.process.ImageProcessor; import java.nio.FloatBuffer; import java.nio.IntBuffer; import com.jogamp.opencl.CLBuffer; import com.jogamp.opencl.CLCommandQueue; import com.jogamp.opencl.CLContext; import com.jogamp.opencl.CLDevice; import com.jogamp.opencl.CLMemory.Mem; import; import edu.stanford.rsl.conrad.geometry.AbstractShape; import edu.stanford.rsl.conrad.geometry.shapes.simple.PointND; import edu.stanford.rsl.conrad.geometry.splines.SurfaceUniformCubicBSpline; import; import edu.stanford.rsl.conrad.numerics.SimpleMatrix; import edu.stanford.rsl.conrad.opencl.OpenCLAppendBufferRenderer; import edu.stanford.rsl.conrad.opencl.OpenCLEvaluatable; import edu.stanford.rsl.conrad.opencl.OpenCLUtil; import edu.stanford.rsl.conrad.opencl.shapes.OpenCLUniformTextureSurfaceBSpline; import edu.stanford.rsl.conrad.physics.materials.database.MaterialsDB; import edu.stanford.rsl.conrad.utils.Configuration; import edu.stanford.rsl.conrad.utils.FileUtil; import edu.stanford.rsl.conrad.utils.ImageUtil; /** * This class provides methods to render projection images of Surface Splines * and Time Variant Surface Splines. DISCLAIMER: Splines created by * EstimateBSplineSurface may have the wrong orientation set. If output appears * to be wrong, check ((OpenCLUniformTextureSurfaceBSpline) * clSpline).setClockwise(false); , and change to true/false * * @author Marco Boegel * */ public class OpenCLSplineRenderer { CLContext context = OpenCLUtil.createContext(); CLDevice device = context.getMaxFlopsDevice(); /** * This method renders a Spline and displays it in an imagej window * * @param s * Spline */ public void renderAppendBuffer(AbstractShape s) { long totaltime = System.nanoTime(); int elementCountU = 100; int elementCountV = 100; int antialias = 1; boolean antialiasXonly = false; int width = 640 * antialias; int height = 480 * antialias; float density = 1.06f; Configuration.loadConfiguration(); CLBuffer<FloatBuffer> samplingPoints = generateSamplingPoints( elementCountV, elementCountU); System.out.println("LocalMemSize " + device.getLocalMemSize()); if (antialiasXonly) { height = 480; } CLBuffer<FloatBuffer> screenBuffer = generateScreenBuffer(width, height); CLBuffer<IntBuffer> priorities = context.createIntBuffer(1 + 1, Mem.READ_ONLY); priorities.getBuffer().put(0); priorities.getBuffer().put(10); priorities.getBuffer().rewind(); device.createCommandQueue().putWriteBuffer(priorities, false).finish(); CLBuffer<FloatBuffer> mu = context.createFloatBuffer(1 + 1, Mem.READ_ONLY); mu.getBuffer().put((float) MaterialsDB.getMaterial("Air").getDensity()); mu.getBuffer().put((float) density); mu.getBuffer().rewind(); device.createCommandQueue().putWriteBuffer(mu, false).finish(); SimpleMatrix proj = new SimpleMatrix( "[[-446.54410228325054 -511.663331416319 -3.105016244120407E-13 -224000.0]; [-233.8488155484563 53.98825304252766 599.0000000000002 -168000.00000000003]; [-0.9743700647852351 0.2249510543438652 0.0 -700.0]]"); OpenCLAppendBufferRenderer render = new OpenCLAppendBufferRenderer( device); render.init(width, height); OpenCLEvaluatable clSpline; clSpline = OpenCLUtil.getOpenCLEvaluatableSubclass(s, device); ((OpenCLUniformTextureSurfaceBSpline) clSpline).setClockwise(false); // TODO: // check // why // this // is // not // set // correctly // automatically CLBuffer<FloatBuffer> outputBuffer = context.createFloatBuffer( elementCountU * elementCountV * 3, Mem.READ_WRITE); render.setProjectionMatrix(proj); double timePoints = Configuration.getGlobalConfiguration() .getGeometry().getProjectionMatrices().length; ImageStack stack; if (antialiasXonly) { stack = new ImageStack(width / antialias, height, (int) timePoints); } else { stack = new ImageStack(width / antialias, height / antialias, (int) timePoints); } for (int k = 0; k < timePoints; k++) { SimpleMatrix matrix = Configuration.getGlobalConfiguration() .getGeometry().getProjectionMatrices()[k].computeP(); for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { matrix.setElementValue(0, i, matrix.getElement(0, i) * antialias); if (!antialiasXonly) matrix.setElementValue(1, i, matrix.getElement(1, i) * antialias); } render.setProjectionMatrix(matrix); samplingPoints.release(); samplingPoints = generateSamplingPoints(elementCountV, elementCountU); long time = System.nanoTime(); clSpline.evaluate(samplingPoints, outputBuffer); // // project points render.project(outputBuffer); // draw on the screen if (clSpline.isClockwise()) { render.drawTrianglesGlobal(outputBuffer, screenBuffer, 1, elementCountU, elementCountV, -1); } else { render.drawTrianglesGlobal(outputBuffer, screenBuffer, 1, elementCountU, elementCountV, 1); } time = System.nanoTime() - time; System.out.println("Open CL computation for projection " + k + " global took: " + (time / 1000000) + "ms "); // evaluate absorption model time = System.nanoTime(); render.drawScreenMonochromatic(screenBuffer, mu, priorities); time = System.nanoTime() - time; System.out.println("monochromatic screen buffer drawing took: " + (time / 1000000) + "ms "); CLCommandQueue clc = device.createCommandQueue(); clc.putReadBuffer(screenBuffer, true).finish(); clc.release(); float[] array = new float[width * height]; for (int j = 0; j < height; j++) { for (int i = 0; i < width; i++) { array[(j * width) + i] = screenBuffer.getBuffer().get(); } } screenBuffer.getBuffer().rewind(); ImageProcessor fl = new FloatProcessor(width, height); fl.setPixels(array); if (antialias > 1) { fl.setInterpolationMethod(ImageProcessor.BILINEAR); if (antialiasXonly) { fl = fl.resize(width / antialias, height); } else { fl = fl.resize(width / antialias, height / antialias); } } stack.setPixels(fl.getPixels(), k + 1); render.resetBuffers(); screenBuffer.release(); screenBuffer = generateScreenBuffer(width, height); } totaltime = System.nanoTime() - totaltime; System.out.println("Open CL computation for all projections took: " + (totaltime / 1000000) + "ms "); ImagePlus image = new ImagePlus("GPU Projections", stack);; render.resetBuffers(); long time = System.nanoTime(); time = System.nanoTime(); render.drawScreen(screenBuffer); time = System.nanoTime() - time; System.out.println("screen buffer drawing took: " + (time / 1000000) + "ms "); } /** * This method renders a spline, displays it in an imagej window and also * returns the result as a Grid3D * * @param s * Spline * @return Grid3D of the resulting projection images */ public Grid3D renderAppendBufferToGrid(AbstractShape s) { long totaltime = System.nanoTime(); int elementCountU = 100; int elementCountV = 100; int antialias = 1; boolean antialiasXonly = false; int width = 640 * antialias; int height = 480 * antialias; float density = 1.06f; Configuration.loadConfiguration(); // CLBuffer<FloatBuffer> samplingPoints = generateSamplingPoints(0.0f, // elementCountV, elementCountU); CLBuffer<FloatBuffer> samplingPoints = generateSamplingPoints( elementCountV, elementCountU); System.out.println("LocalMemSize " + device.getLocalMemSize()); if (antialiasXonly) { height = 480; } CLBuffer<FloatBuffer> screenBuffer = generateScreenBuffer(width, height); CLBuffer<IntBuffer> priorities = context.createIntBuffer(1 + 1, Mem.READ_ONLY); priorities.getBuffer().put(0); priorities.getBuffer().put(10); priorities.getBuffer().rewind(); device.createCommandQueue().putWriteBuffer(priorities, false).finish(); CLBuffer<FloatBuffer> mu = context.createFloatBuffer(1 + 1, Mem.READ_ONLY); mu.getBuffer().put((float) MaterialsDB.getMaterial("Air").getDensity()); mu.getBuffer().put((float) density); mu.getBuffer().rewind(); device.createCommandQueue().putWriteBuffer(mu, false).finish(); SimpleMatrix proj = new SimpleMatrix( "[[-446.54410228325054 -511.663331416319 -3.105016244120407E-13 -224000.0]; [-233.8488155484563 53.98825304252766 599.0000000000002 -168000.00000000003]; [-0.9743700647852351 0.2249510543438652 0.0 -700.0]]"); OpenCLAppendBufferRenderer render = new OpenCLAppendBufferRenderer( device); render.init(width, height); OpenCLEvaluatable clSpline; clSpline = OpenCLUtil.getOpenCLEvaluatableSubclass(s, device); ((OpenCLUniformTextureSurfaceBSpline) clSpline).setClockwise(false); // TODO: // check // why // this // is // not // set // correctly // automatically CLBuffer<FloatBuffer> outputBuffer = context.createFloatBuffer( elementCountU * elementCountV * 3, Mem.READ_WRITE); render.setProjectionMatrix(proj); double timePoints = Configuration.getGlobalConfiguration() .getGeometry().getProjectionMatrices().length; ImageStack stack; if (antialiasXonly) { stack = new ImageStack(width / antialias, height, (int) timePoints); } else { stack = new ImageStack(width / antialias, height / antialias, (int) timePoints); } for (int k = 0; k < timePoints; k++) { SimpleMatrix matrix = Configuration.getGlobalConfiguration() .getGeometry().getProjectionMatrices()[k].computeP(); for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { matrix.setElementValue(0, i, matrix.getElement(0, i) * antialias); if (!antialiasXonly) matrix.setElementValue(1, i, matrix.getElement(1, i) * antialias); } render.setProjectionMatrix(matrix); samplingPoints.release(); samplingPoints = generateSamplingPoints(elementCountV, elementCountU); long time = System.nanoTime(); clSpline.evaluate(samplingPoints, outputBuffer); // // project points render.project(outputBuffer); // draw on the screen if (clSpline.isClockwise()) { render.drawTrianglesGlobal(outputBuffer, screenBuffer, 1, elementCountU, elementCountV, -1); } else { render.drawTrianglesGlobal(outputBuffer, screenBuffer, 1, elementCountU, elementCountV, 1); } time = System.nanoTime() - time; System.out.println("Open CL computation for projection " + k + " global took: " + (time / 1000000) + "ms "); // evaluate absorption model time = System.nanoTime(); render.drawScreenMonochromatic(screenBuffer, mu, priorities); // render.drawScreen(screenBuffer); time = System.nanoTime() - time; System.out.println("monochromatic screen buffer drawing took: " + (time / 1000000) + "ms "); CLCommandQueue clc = device.createCommandQueue(); clc.putReadBuffer(screenBuffer, true).finish(); clc.release(); float[] array = new float[width * height]; for (int j = 0; j < height; j++) { for (int i = 0; i < width; i++) { array[(j * width) + i] = screenBuffer.getBuffer().get(); } } screenBuffer.getBuffer().rewind(); ImageProcessor fl = new FloatProcessor(width, height); fl.setPixels(array); if (antialias > 1) { fl.setInterpolationMethod(ImageProcessor.BILINEAR); if (antialiasXonly) { fl = fl.resize(width / antialias, height); } else { fl = fl.resize(width / antialias, height / antialias); } } stack.setPixels(fl.getPixels(), k + 1); render.resetBuffers(); screenBuffer.release(); screenBuffer = generateScreenBuffer(width, height); } totaltime = System.nanoTime() - totaltime; System.out.println("Open CL computation for all projections took: " + (totaltime / 1000000) + "ms "); ImagePlus image = new ImagePlus("GPU Projections", stack);; render.resetBuffers(); long time = System.nanoTime(); time = System.nanoTime(); render.drawScreen(screenBuffer); time = System.nanoTime() - time; System.out.println("screen buffer drawing took: " + (time / 1000000) + "ms "); Grid3D projections = ImageUtil.wrapImagePlus(image); return projections; } public CLBuffer<FloatBuffer> generateSamplingPoints(int elementCountV, int elementCountU) { // prepare sampling points CLBuffer<FloatBuffer> samplingPoints = context.createFloatBuffer( elementCountU * elementCountV * 2, Mem.READ_ONLY); for (int j = 0; j < elementCountV; j++) { for (int i = 0; i < elementCountU; i++) { samplingPoints.getBuffer().put(i * (1.0f / elementCountU)); samplingPoints.getBuffer().put(j * (1.0f / elementCountV)); } } samplingPoints.getBuffer().rewind(); CLCommandQueue clc = device.createCommandQueue(); clc.putWriteBuffer(samplingPoints, true).finish(); clc.release(); return samplingPoints; } public CLBuffer<FloatBuffer> generateScreenBuffer(int width, int height) { CLBuffer<FloatBuffer> screenBuffer = context.createFloatBuffer(width * height, Mem.READ_WRITE); for (int j = 0; j < height; j++) { for (int i = 0; i < width; i++) { screenBuffer.getBuffer().put(0.f); } } screenBuffer.getBuffer().rewind(); CLCommandQueue clc = device.createCommandQueue(); clc.putWriteBuffer(screenBuffer, true).finish(); clc.release(); return screenBuffer; } public static void main(String args[]) throws Exception { int sampling = 1; VTKMeshReader vRead = new VTKMeshReader(); String filename = FileUtil.myFileChoose(".vtk", false); vRead.readFile(filename); EstimateBSplineSurface estimator = new EstimateBSplineSurface( vRead.getPts()); SurfaceUniformCubicBSpline spline = estimator .estimateUniformCubic(sampling); Configuration.loadConfiguration(); Configuration c = Configuration.getGlobalConfiguration(); Grid3D grid = new Grid3D(c.getGeometry().getReconDimensionX(), c .getGeometry().getReconDimensionY(), c.getGeometry() .getReconDimensionZ()); for (int i = 0; i < grid.getSize()[0]; i++) { double u = ((double) i) / (grid.getSize()[0]); for (int j = 0; j < grid.getSize()[1]; j++) { double v = ((double) j) / (grid.getSize()[1]); PointND p = spline.evaluate(u, v); if (0 <= -((p.get(0) + c.getGeometry().getOriginX()) / c .getGeometry().getVoxelSpacingX()) && 0 <= -((p.get(1) + c.getGeometry().getOriginY()) / c .getGeometry().getVoxelSpacingY()) && 0 <= ((p.get(2) - c.getGeometry().getOriginZ()) / c .getGeometry().getVoxelSpacingZ()) && -((p.get(0) + c.getGeometry().getOriginX()) / c .getGeometry().getVoxelSpacingX()) < grid .getSize()[0] && -((p.get(1) + c.getGeometry().getOriginY()) / c .getGeometry().getVoxelSpacingY()) < grid .getSize()[1] && ((p.get(2) - c.getGeometry().getOriginZ()) / c .getGeometry().getVoxelSpacingZ()) < grid .getSize()[2]) grid.setAtIndex( (int) -((p.get(0) + c.getGeometry().getOriginX()) / c .getGeometry().getVoxelSpacingX()), (int) -((p.get(1) + c.getGeometry().getOriginY()) / c .getGeometry().getVoxelSpacingY()), (int) ((p.get(2) - c.getGeometry().getOriginZ()) / c .getGeometry().getVoxelSpacingZ()), 100); } }; OpenCLSplineRenderer o = new OpenCLSplineRenderer(); o.renderAppendBuffer(spline); } /** * This method renders a time variant spline and displays the projections in * an imagej window * * @param s * time variant spline */ public void SurfaceBSplineRenderingAppendBuffer(AbstractShape s) { long totaltime = System.nanoTime(); int elementCountU = 100; int elementCountV = 100; int elementCountT = 1; int antialias = 1; boolean antialiasXonly = false; int width = 640 * antialias; int height = 480 * antialias; float density = 1.06f; Configuration.loadConfiguration(); CLBuffer<FloatBuffer> samplingPoints = generateSamplingPoints(0.0f, elementCountV, elementCountU); System.out.println("LocalMemSize " + device.getLocalMemSize()); if (antialiasXonly) { height = 480; } CLBuffer<FloatBuffer> screenBuffer = generateScreenBuffer(width, height); CLBuffer<IntBuffer> priorities = context.createIntBuffer(1 + 1, Mem.READ_ONLY); priorities.getBuffer().put(0); priorities.getBuffer().put(10); priorities.getBuffer().rewind(); device.createCommandQueue().putWriteBuffer(priorities, false).finish(); CLBuffer<FloatBuffer> mu = context.createFloatBuffer(1 + 1, Mem.READ_ONLY); mu.getBuffer().put((float) MaterialsDB.getMaterial("Air").getDensity()); mu.getBuffer().put((float) density); mu.getBuffer().rewind(); device.createCommandQueue().putWriteBuffer(mu, false).finish(); SimpleMatrix proj = new SimpleMatrix( "[[-446.54410228325054 -511.663331416319 -3.105016244120407E-13 -224000.0]; [-233.8488155484563 53.98825304252766 599.0000000000002 -168000.00000000003]; [-0.9743700647852351 0.2249510543438652 0.0 -700.0]]"); OpenCLAppendBufferRenderer render = new OpenCLAppendBufferRenderer( device); render.init(width, height); OpenCLEvaluatable clSpline; clSpline = OpenCLUtil.getOpenCLEvaluatableSubclass(s, device); CLBuffer<FloatBuffer> outputBuffer = context.createFloatBuffer( elementCountU * elementCountV * elementCountT * 3, Mem.READ_WRITE); render.setProjectionMatrix(proj); double timePoints = Configuration.getGlobalConfiguration() .getGeometry().getProjectionMatrices().length; // TimeWarper warper = new HarmonicTimeWarper(numberOfHeartBeats); ImageStack stack; if (antialiasXonly) { stack = new ImageStack(width / antialias, height, (int) timePoints); } else { stack = new ImageStack(width / antialias, height / antialias, (int) timePoints); } for (int k = 0; k < timePoints; k++) { SimpleMatrix matrix = Configuration.getGlobalConfiguration() .getGeometry().getProjectionMatrices()[k].computeP(); for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { matrix.setElementValue(0, i, matrix.getElement(0, i) * antialias); if (!antialiasXonly) matrix.setElementValue(1, i, matrix.getElement(1, i) * antialias); } render.setProjectionMatrix(matrix); samplingPoints.release(); double sampleTime = (float) ((1.0 / timePoints) * k); samplingPoints = generateSamplingPoints((float) sampleTime, elementCountV, elementCountU); long time = System.nanoTime(); // create spline points clSpline.evaluate(samplingPoints, outputBuffer); // // project points render.project(outputBuffer); // draw on the screen if (clSpline.isClockwise()) { render.drawTrianglesGlobal(outputBuffer, screenBuffer, 1, elementCountU, elementCountV, -1); } else { render.drawTrianglesGlobal(outputBuffer, screenBuffer, 1, elementCountU, elementCountV, 1); } time = System.nanoTime() - time; System.out.println("Open CL computation for projection " + k + " global took: " + (time / 1000000) + "ms "); // evaluate absorption model time = System.nanoTime(); render.drawScreenMonochromatic(screenBuffer, mu, priorities); time = System.nanoTime() - time; System.out.println("monochromatic screen buffer drawing took: " + (time / 1000000) + "ms "); CLCommandQueue clc = device.createCommandQueue(); clc.putReadBuffer(screenBuffer, true).finish(); clc.release(); float[] array = new float[width * height]; for (int j = 0; j < height; j++) { for (int i = 0; i < width; i++) { array[(j * width) + i] = screenBuffer.getBuffer().get(); } } screenBuffer.getBuffer().rewind(); ImageProcessor fl = new FloatProcessor(width, height); fl.setPixels(array); if (antialias > 1) { fl.setInterpolationMethod(ImageProcessor.BILINEAR); if (antialiasXonly) { fl = fl.resize(width / antialias, height); } else { fl = fl.resize(width / antialias, height / antialias); } } stack.setPixels(fl.getPixels(), k + 1); render.resetBuffers(); screenBuffer.release(); screenBuffer = generateScreenBuffer(width, height); } totaltime = System.nanoTime() - totaltime; System.out.println("Open CL computation for all projections took: " + (totaltime / 1000000) + "ms "); ImagePlus image = new ImagePlus("GPU Projections", stack);; render.resetBuffers(); long time = System.nanoTime(); time = System.nanoTime(); render.drawScreen(screenBuffer); time = System.nanoTime() - time; System.out.println("screen buffer drawing took: " + (time / 1000000) + "ms "); } /** * This method renders a timevariant spline, displays it in an imagej window * and returns the result as a Grid3D * * @param s * timevariant spline * @return Grid3D of the resulting projection images */ public Grid3D SurfaceBSplineRenderingAppendBufferToGrid(AbstractShape s) { long totaltime = System.nanoTime(); int elementCountU = 100; int elementCountV = 100; int elementCountT = 1; int antialias = 1; boolean antialiasXonly = false; int width = 640 * antialias; int height = 480 * antialias; float density = 1.06f; Configuration.loadConfiguration(); CLBuffer<FloatBuffer> samplingPoints = generateSamplingPoints(0.0f, elementCountV, elementCountU); System.out.println("LocalMemSize " + device.getLocalMemSize()); if (antialiasXonly) { height = 480; } CLBuffer<FloatBuffer> screenBuffer = generateScreenBuffer(width, height); CLBuffer<IntBuffer> priorities = context.createIntBuffer(1 + 1, Mem.READ_ONLY); priorities.getBuffer().put(0); priorities.getBuffer().put(10); priorities.getBuffer().rewind(); device.createCommandQueue().putWriteBuffer(priorities, false).finish(); CLBuffer<FloatBuffer> mu = context.createFloatBuffer(1 + 1, Mem.READ_ONLY); mu.getBuffer().put((float) MaterialsDB.getMaterial("Air").getDensity()); mu.getBuffer().put((float) density); mu.getBuffer().rewind(); device.createCommandQueue().putWriteBuffer(mu, false).finish(); SimpleMatrix proj = new SimpleMatrix( "[[-446.54410228325054 -511.663331416319 -3.105016244120407E-13 -224000.0]; [-233.8488155484563 53.98825304252766 599.0000000000002 -168000.00000000003]; [-0.9743700647852351 0.2249510543438652 0.0 -700.0]]"); OpenCLAppendBufferRenderer render = new OpenCLAppendBufferRenderer( device); render.init(width, height); OpenCLEvaluatable clSpline; clSpline = OpenCLUtil.getOpenCLEvaluatableSubclass(s, device); CLBuffer<FloatBuffer> outputBuffer = context.createFloatBuffer( elementCountU * elementCountV * elementCountT * 3, Mem.READ_WRITE); render.setProjectionMatrix(proj); double timePoints = Configuration.getGlobalConfiguration() .getGeometry().getProjectionMatrices().length; ImageStack stack; if (antialiasXonly) { stack = new ImageStack(width / antialias, height, (int) timePoints); } else { stack = new ImageStack(width / antialias, height / antialias, (int) timePoints); } for (int k = 0; k < timePoints; k++) { SimpleMatrix matrix = Configuration.getGlobalConfiguration() .getGeometry().getProjectionMatrices()[k].computeP(); for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { matrix.setElementValue(0, i, matrix.getElement(0, i) * antialias); if (!antialiasXonly) matrix.setElementValue(1, i, matrix.getElement(1, i) * antialias); } render.setProjectionMatrix(matrix); samplingPoints.release(); double sampleTime = (float) ((1.0 / timePoints) * k); samplingPoints = generateSamplingPoints((float) sampleTime, elementCountV, elementCountU); long time = System.nanoTime(); // create spline points clSpline.evaluate(samplingPoints, outputBuffer); // // project points render.project(outputBuffer); // draw on the screen if (clSpline.isClockwise()) { render.drawTrianglesGlobal(outputBuffer, screenBuffer, 1, elementCountU, elementCountV, -1); } else { render.drawTrianglesGlobal(outputBuffer, screenBuffer, 1, elementCountU, elementCountV, 1); } time = System.nanoTime() - time; System.out.println("Open CL computation for projection " + k + " global took: " + (time / 1000000) + "ms "); // evaluate absorption model time = System.nanoTime(); render.drawScreenMonochromatic(screenBuffer, mu, priorities); time = System.nanoTime() - time; System.out.println("monochromatic screen buffer drawing took: " + (time / 1000000) + "ms "); CLCommandQueue clc = device.createCommandQueue(); clc.putReadBuffer(screenBuffer, true).finish(); clc.release(); float[] array = new float[width * height]; for (int j = 0; j < height; j++) { for (int i = 0; i < width; i++) { array[(j * width) + i] = screenBuffer.getBuffer().get(); } } screenBuffer.getBuffer().rewind(); ImageProcessor fl = new FloatProcessor(width, height); fl.setPixels(array); if (antialias > 1) { fl.setInterpolationMethod(ImageProcessor.BILINEAR); if (antialiasXonly) { fl = fl.resize(width / antialias, height); } else { fl = fl.resize(width / antialias, height / antialias); } } stack.setPixels(fl.getPixels(), k + 1); render.resetBuffers(); screenBuffer.release(); screenBuffer = generateScreenBuffer(width, height); } totaltime = System.nanoTime() - totaltime; System.out.println("Open CL computation for all projections took: " + (totaltime / 1000000) + "ms "); ImagePlus image = new ImagePlus("GPU Projections", stack);; render.resetBuffers(); long time = System.nanoTime(); time = System.nanoTime(); render.drawScreen(screenBuffer); time = System.nanoTime() - time; System.out.println("screen buffer drawing took: " + (time / 1000000) + "ms "); Grid3D projections = ImageUtil.wrapImagePlus(image); return projections; } public CLBuffer<FloatBuffer> generateSamplingPoints(float tIndex, int elementCountV, int elementCountU) { // prepare sampling points CLBuffer<FloatBuffer> samplingPoints = context.createFloatBuffer( elementCountU * elementCountV * 3, Mem.READ_ONLY); for (int j = 0; j < elementCountV; j++) { for (int i = 0; i < elementCountU; i++) { samplingPoints.getBuffer().put(i * (1.0f / elementCountU)); samplingPoints.getBuffer().put(j * (1.0f / elementCountV)); samplingPoints.getBuffer().put(tIndex); } } samplingPoints.getBuffer().rewind(); CLCommandQueue clc = device.createCommandQueue(); clc.putWriteBuffer(samplingPoints, true).finish(); clc.release(); return samplingPoints; } } /* * Copyright (C) 2010-2014 Marco Bögel * CONRAD is developed as an Open Source project under the GNU General Public License (GPL). */