package edu.stanford.rsl.conrad.optimization;
import edu.stanford.rsl.conrad.numerics.SimpleMatrix;
import edu.stanford.rsl.conrad.numerics.SimpleMatrix.InversionType;
import edu.stanford.rsl.conrad.numerics.SimpleOperators;
import edu.stanford.rsl.conrad.numerics.SimpleVector;
import edu.stanford.rsl.conrad.utils.CONRAD;
* This class implements the Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm for the optimization of functions.
* Derivatives with respect to each parameter have to be defined in the OptimizableFunction.
* @author Mathias Unberath
public class LMA {
private boolean PRINT = true;
* Flag to decide whether or not numerical derivatives shall be computed.
private boolean NUMERICAL_DERIVATIVE = false;
* Step-size for the computation of numerical derivatives.
private double step = 1e-7;
* The function used to transform the data points when approximating the values.
private OptimizableFunction func;
* The measured function values that will be approximated.
* values = f(data, parameters)
private NumericGrid values;
* The data that will be transformed to approximate the values.
private NumericGrid data;
/** Dimension of the Grid. */
private int[] dim;
* Weights for each data point.
* Objective function: chi2 = sum[ ( values - f(data,parameters) )^2 * weights ]
private NumericGrid weights;
* Number of parameters of the transformation function.
private int nParam;
* The parameters of the transforming function.
private double[] parameters;
* Parameters after update.
private double[] parametersIncremented;
/** Value of objective function chi2 = sum[ ( values - f(data,parameters) )^2 * weights ] */
private double chi2;
/** Value of objective function chi2 after the update step. */
private double chi2Incremented;
/** Iteration counter */
private int nIter;
/** Jacobian matrix w.r.t the parameters. */
private SimpleMatrix alpha;
private SimpleVector beta;
/** Update steps for parameters. */
private SimpleVector dParam;
/** Damping factor. */
private double lambda = 0.0001;
/** Update factor for damping parameter lambda, lambda is multiplied or divided depending on
* whether or not the update was successful. */
private double lambdaFactor = 10;
/** Minimal error update, end condition */
private double deltaChi2Min = 1e-10;
/** Maximum number of iterations. */
private int maxIter = 100;
public LMA(NumericGrid values, NumericGrid data, OptimizableFunction func, boolean NUMERICAL_DERIVATIVE){
this.values = values; = data;
this.func = func;
this.dim = values.getSize();
assert(dim == data.getSize()) : new IllegalArgumentException("Sizes of data and value grids must match!");
this.nParam = func.getNumberOfParameters();
this.parameters = func.getInitialParameters();
this.parametersIncremented = new double[nParam];
this.weights = func.getWeights();
this.alpha = new SimpleMatrix(nParam, nParam);
this.beta = new SimpleVector(nParam);
this.dParam = new SimpleVector(nParam);
* Sets the step size for the calculation of the numerical derivative.
* @param step The step size to be used.
public void setDerivativeStepSize(double step){
this.step = step;
* Returns the parameters after optimization.
* @return The final parameters
public double[] getFinalParameters(){
return this.parameters;
* Set the parameters and perform optimization. If the parameters are set to be smaller or equal to 0, the default values will be used.
* @param lambda The step width.
* @param deltaChi2Min The stop condition for the update.
* @param maxIter The stop condition for number of iterations.
public void run(double lambda, double deltaChi2Min, int maxIter){
System.out.println("Starting Levenberg-Marquardt optimization.\n");
if(lambda <= 0){
System.out.println("Using default value for lambda: " + this.lambda);
this.lambda = lambda;
System.out.println("Lambda is: " + this.lambda);
if(deltaChi2Min <= 0){
System.out.println("Using default value for minimum update step: " + this.deltaChi2Min);
this.deltaChi2Min = deltaChi2Min;
System.out.println("Minimum update step is: " + this.deltaChi2Min);
if(maxIter <= 0){
System.out.println("Using default value for maximum number of iterations: " + this.maxIter);
this.maxIter = maxIter;
System.out.println("Maximum number of iterations is: " + this.maxIter);
try {
} catch (Exception e) {
* Performs the optimization. Is called by the public run method that allows for the setting of different optimization parameters.
* @throws Exception
private void runInternal() throws Exception{
nIter = 0;
// check if input parameters are valid
chi2 = getChi2();
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Initial function parameters seem to be invalid.");
// perform optimization
while( !stop() ){
chi2 = getChi2();
String param ="";
for(int ipar = 0; ipar < nParam; ipar ++){
param += Double.valueOf(parameters[ipar]) + " ";
System.out.println(nIter + " : " + chi2 + " : " + param);
chi2Incremented = getChi2Incremented();
// if update was worse than initial guess, increase damping, e.g. smaller step
if( (chi2Incremented >= chi2) || (Double.isNaN(chi2Incremented)) ){
lambda *= lambdaFactor;
// if update was successful decrease damping, e.g. bigger step
lambda /= lambdaFactor;
}catch(Exception e){
// only throw exception if it was the last step
// if intermediate step, try increased damping
if(nIter == maxIter
throw e;
lambda *= lambdaFactor;
* Calculates all elements of the beta vector and sets them at the corresponding position.
private void updateBeta(){
for(int i = 0; i < nParam; i++){
this.beta.setElementValue(i, getBetaElement(i));
* Calculates an entry of the beta vector. This vector is the right-hand-side of the Levenberg-Marquardt function.
* Used to be calculated in the OptimizableFunction. This approach is still possible if changing the code to call the function's method,
* however we do not recommend this.
* General procedure: pseudo code
* for all points
* sum += weight * function.derive(atPoint, param, wrtComponent) * ( values(atPoint) - function.evaluate(atPoint, param) )
* end
* @param row Index of derivative parameter
* @return The beta element for this parameter
private double getBetaElement(int row){
int nVal = this.values.getNumberOfElements();
double[] dF = new double[nVal];
for(int i = 0; i < nVal; i++){
int[] idx = linearToArrayIndex(i);
dF[i] = getNumericalDerivativeAtPoint(data, idx, parameters, row);
dF[i] = func.getDerivativeAtPoint(data, idx, parameters, row);
double val = 0;
for(int i = 0; i < nVal; i++){
int[] idx = linearToArrayIndex(i);
double diff = values.getValue(idx) - func.evaluateAtPoint(data, idx, parameters);
val += weights.getValue(idx) * dF[i] * diff;
return val;
* Calculates all elements of the alpha matrix and sets them at the corresponding positions.
private void updateAlpha(){
for(int i = 0; i < nParam; i++){
for(int j = 0; j < nParam; j++){
//System.out.println("Calculating alpha: " + i + " , " + j);
alpha.setElementValue(i, j, getAlphaValue(i, j));
* Calculates the entry at position (row, col) in the Jacobian Matrix.
* Used to be calculated in the OptimizableFunction. This approach is still possible if changing the code here to call the function's method,
* however we do not encourage this.
* General procedure: pseudo code
* for all points
* sum += weight * function.derive(atPoint, param, wrtComponent1) * function.derive(atPoint, param, wrtComponent2)
* end
* if diagonal: sum *= (1 + lambda)
* @param row The index of first derivative parameter
* @param col The index of second derivative parameter
* @return The Jacobian entry
private double getAlphaValue(int row, int col){
double val = getJacobianElement(data, parameters, row, col, weights);
return val;
* Calculates the Jacobian element at index (row,col) in the manner specified in the calling method.
* @param data
* @param paramters
* @param row
* @param col
* @param weights
* @return The Jacobian element
private double getJacobianElement(NumericGrid data, double[] paramters, int row, int col, NumericGrid weights){
int nVal = this.values.getNumberOfElements();
double[] dRow = new double[nVal];
double[] dCol = new double[nVal];
for(int i = 0; i < nVal; i++){
int[] idx = linearToArrayIndex(i);
dRow[i] = getNumericalDerivativeAtPoint(data, idx, parameters, row);
for(int i = 0; i < nVal; i++){
int[] idx = linearToArrayIndex(i);
dCol[i] = getNumericalDerivativeAtPoint(data, idx, parameters, col);
for(int i = 0; i < nVal; i++){
int[] idx = linearToArrayIndex(i);
dRow[i] = func.getDerivativeAtPoint(data, idx, parameters, row);
for(int i = 0; i < nVal; i++){
int[] idx = linearToArrayIndex(i);
dCol[i] = func.getDerivativeAtPoint(data, idx, parameters, col);
double val = 0;
for(int i = 0; i < nVal; i++){
int[] idx = linearToArrayIndex(i);
val += weights.getValue(idx) * dRow[i] * dCol[i];
if(row == col){
val *= (1 + lambda);
return val;
* Calculates the numerical derivative using finite differencing. We use a a symmetric difference of this.step in forward and backward direction.
* @param data Data array containing the function values to be evaluated
* @param idx The index of the point to be evaluated
* @param param The current parameter estimate
* @param dP The parameter w.r.t. which the derivative shall be computed
* @return The numerical derivative at this location
private double getNumericalDerivativeAtPoint(NumericGrid data, int[] idx, double[] param, int dP){
double[] lower = param.clone();
lower[dP] -= this.step;
double[] upper = param.clone();
upper[dP] += this.step;
return ( (func.evaluateAtPoint(data, idx, upper) - func.evaluateAtPoint(data, idx, lower)) / (2 * step));
* Method to compute a multi-dimensional array index from a linear index. Implemented from:
* @param lin The linear index.
* @return The multi-dimensional index.
private int[] linearToArrayIndex(int lin){
int[] idx = new int[this.dim.length];
for(int i = this.dim.length-1; i >= 0; i--){
int val = 1;
for(int j = 0; j < i; j++){
val *= this.dim[j];
idx[i] = lin / val;
lin -= idx[i]*val;
return idx;
* Calculates the incremented parameters using the alpha matrix. Make sure to check if inverse is well conditioned.
* @throws Exception
private void getIncrements() throws Exception{
this.alpha = alpha.inverse(InversionType.INVERT_SVD);
throw new Exception("Matrix is singular.");
dParam = SimpleOperators.multiply(alpha, beta);
for(int i = 0; i < nParam; i++){
this.parametersIncremented[i] = this.parameters[i] + dParam.getElement(i);
* This method overwrites the parameters with the incremented parameters, if accepted.
private void updateParameters(){
for(int i = 0; i < nParam; i++){
this.parameters[i] = this.parametersIncremented[i];
* Prints the results after optimization to the console window.
private void printResults(){
System.out.println("Optimization ended after : " + nIter + " iterations.");
System.out.println("Goodness of fit: " + chi2 / data.getNumberOfElements());
* Evaluates the convergence criterion against the forced end condition.
* @return Whether or not to continue.
private boolean stop(){
double delta = Math.abs(chi2 - chi2Incremented);
return ( (delta < deltaChi2Min) || (nIter > maxIter) );
* Returns the chi2 value for the current parameters.
* @return Current chi2
private double getChi2(){
return getChi2(this.parameters);
* Returns the chi2 for the incremented parameters.
* @return Chi2 after applying parameter increments
private double getChi2Incremented(){
return getChi2(this.parametersIncremented);
* Calculates chi2 for a set of parameters using the function.
* @param param The parameters to evaluate the function.
* @return chi2
private double getChi2(double[] param){
int nVal = this.values.getNumberOfElements();
double val = 0;
for(int i = 0; i < nVal; i++){
int[] idx = linearToArrayIndex(i);
val += weights.getValue(idx) * Math.pow(values.getValue(idx) - func.evaluateAtPoint(data, idx, param), 2);
return val;
* Copyright (C) 2010-2014 Mathias Unberath
* CONRAD is developed as an Open Source project under the GNU General Public License (GPL).