package edu.stanford.rsl.tutorial.dmip; import java.util.ArrayList; import; import; import; import; import; import edu.stanford.rsl.conrad.geometry.shapes.simple.Box; import edu.stanford.rsl.conrad.geometry.shapes.simple.PointND; import edu.stanford.rsl.conrad.geometry.shapes.simple.StraightLine; import edu.stanford.rsl.conrad.geometry.transforms.Transform; import edu.stanford.rsl.conrad.geometry.transforms.Translation; import edu.stanford.rsl.conrad.numerics.SimpleOperators; import edu.stanford.rsl.conrad.numerics.SimpleVector; import edu.stanford.rsl.tutorial.phantoms.SheppLogan; import ij.ImageJ;; /** * Exercise 5 of Diagnostic Medical Image Processing (DMIP) * @author Bastian Bier * */ public class DMIP_ParallelBeam { public enum RampFilterType {NONE, RAMLAK, SHEPPLOGAN}; /** * Forward projection of the phantom onto the detector * Rule of thumb: Always sample in the domain where you expect the output! * Thus, we sample at the detector pixel positions and sum up the informations along one ray * * @param grid the image * @param maxTheta the angular range in radians * @param deltaTheta the angular step size in radians * @param maxS the detector size in [mm] * @param deltaS the detector element size in [mm] */ public Grid2D projectRayDriven(Grid2D grid, double maxTheta, double deltaTheta, double maxS, double deltaS) { int maxSIndex = (int) (maxS / deltaS + 1); int maxThetaIndex = (int) (maxTheta / deltaTheta + 1); final double samplingRate = 3.d; // # of samples per pixel Grid2D sino = new Grid2D(new float[maxThetaIndex*maxSIndex], maxSIndex, maxThetaIndex); sino.setSpacing(deltaS, deltaTheta); // set up image bounding box in WC Translation trans = new Translation( -(grid.getSize()[0] * grid.getSpacing()[0])/2, -(grid.getSize()[1] * grid.getSpacing()[1])/2, -1); Transform inverse = trans.inverse(); Box b = new Box((grid.getSize()[0] * grid.getSpacing()[0]), (grid.getSize()[1] * grid.getSpacing()[1]), 2); b.applyTransform(trans); for(int e=0; e<maxThetaIndex; ++e){ // compute theta [rad] and angular functions. double theta = deltaTheta * e; double cosTheta = Math.cos(theta); double sinTheta = Math.sin(theta); for (int i = 0; i < maxSIndex; ++i) { // compute s, the distance from the detector edge in WC [mm] double s = deltaS * i - maxS / 2; // compute two points on the line through s and theta // We use PointND for Points in 3D space and SimpleVector for directions. PointND p1 = new PointND(s * cosTheta, s * sinTheta, .0d); PointND p2 = new PointND(-sinTheta + (s * cosTheta), (s * sinTheta) + cosTheta, .0d); // set up line equation StraightLine line = new StraightLine(p1, p2); // compute intersections between bounding box and intersection line. ArrayList<PointND> points = b.intersect(line); // only if we have intersections if (2 != points.size()){ if(points.size() == 0) { line.getDirection().multiplyBy(-1.d); points = b.intersect(line); } if(points.size() == 0) continue; } PointND start = points.get(0); // [mm] PointND end = points.get(1); // [mm] // get the normalized increment SimpleVector increment = new SimpleVector( end.getAbstractVector()); increment.subtract(start.getAbstractVector()); double distance = increment.normL2(); increment.divideBy(distance * samplingRate); double sum = .0; start = inverse.transform(start); // compute the integral along the line. for (double t = 0.0; t < distance * samplingRate; ++t) { PointND current = new PointND(start); current.getAbstractVector().add(increment.multipliedBy(t)); double x = current.get(0) / grid.getSpacing()[0], y = current.get(1) / grid.getSpacing()[1]; if (grid.getSize()[0] <= x + 1 || grid.getSize()[1] <= y + 1 || x < 0 || y < 0) continue; sum += InterpolationOperators.interpolateLinear(grid, x, y); } // normalize by the number of interpolation points sum /= samplingRate; // write integral value into the sinogram. sino.setAtIndex(i, e, (float)sum); } } return sino; } /** * Sampling of projections is defined in the constructor. * Backprojection of the projections/sinogram * Rule of thumb: Always sample in the domain where you expect the output! * Here, we want to reconstruct the volume, thus we sample in the reconstructed grid! * The projections are created pixel driven! * * @param sino the sinogram * @param imageSizeX * @param imageSizeY * @param pxSzXMM * @param pxSzYMM */ public Grid2D backprojectPixelDriven(Grid2D sino, int imageSizeX, int imageSizeY, float pxSzXMM, float pxSzYMM) { int maxThetaIndex = sino.getSize()[1]; double deltaTheta = sino.getSpacing()[1]; int maxSIndex = sino.getSize()[0]; double deltaS = sino.getSpacing()[0]; double maxS = (maxSIndex-1) * deltaS; Grid2D grid = new Grid2D(imageSizeX, imageSizeY); grid.setSpacing(pxSzXMM, pxSzYMM); grid.setOrigin(-(grid.getSize()[0]*grid.getSpacing()[0])/2, -(grid.getSize()[1]*grid.getSpacing()[1])/2); // loop over the projection angles for (int i = 0; i < maxThetaIndex; i++) { // compute actual value for theta double theta = deltaTheta * i; // precompute sine and cosines for faster computation double cosTheta = Math.cos(theta); double sinTheta = Math.sin(theta); // get detector direction vector SimpleVector dirDetector = new SimpleVector(sinTheta,cosTheta); // loops over the image grid for (int x = 0; x < grid.getSize()[0]; x++) { for (int y = 0; y < grid.getSize()[1]; y++) { // compute world coordinate of current pixel double[] w = grid.indexToPhysical(x, y); // wrap into vector SimpleVector pixel = new SimpleVector(w[0], w[1]); // project pixel onto detector double s = SimpleOperators.multiplyInnerProd(pixel, dirDetector); // compute detector element index from world coordinates s += maxS/2; // [mm] s /= deltaS; // [GU] // get detector grid Grid1D subgrid = sino.getSubGrid(i); // check detector bounds, continue if out of array if (subgrid.getSize()[0] <= s + 1 || s < 0) continue; // get interpolated value float val = InterpolationOperators.interpolateLinear(subgrid, s); // sum value to sinogram grid.addAtIndex(x, y, val); } } } // apply correct scaling NumericPointwiseOperators.divideBy(grid, (float) (maxThetaIndex / Math.PI)); return grid; } /** * Filtering the sinogram with a high pass filter * * The ramp filters are defined in the spatial domain but * they are applied in the frequency domain. * Remember: a convolution in the spatial domain corresponds to a * multiplication in the frequency domain. * * Both, the sinogram and the ramp filter are transformed into * the frequency domain and multiplied there. * * @param sinogram a line of the sinogram * */ public Grid1D rampFiltering(Grid1D sinogram, RampFilterType filter){ double deltaS = 1; // Initialize the ramp filter // Define the filter in the spatial domain on the full padded size! Grid1DComplex ramp = new Grid1DComplex(sinogram.getSize()[0]); int paddedSize = ramp.getSize()[0]; if(filter == RampFilterType.RAMLAK) { // TODO: implement the ram-lak filter in the spatial domain } else if(filter == RampFilterType.SHEPPLOGAN) { // TODO: implement the Shepp-Logan filter in the spatial domain } else { // if no filtering is used return sinogram; } // TODO: Transform ramp filter into frequency domain Grid1DComplex sinogramF = new Grid1DComplex(sinogram,true); // TODO: Transform the input sinogram signal into the frequency domain // TODO: Multiply the ramp filter with the transformed sinogram // TODO: Backtransformation // Crop the image to its initial size Grid1D ret = new Grid1D(sinogram); ret = sinogramF.getRealSubGrid(0, sinogram.getSize()[0]); return ret; } public static void main(String[] args) { ImageJ ij = new ImageJ(); DMIP_ParallelBeam parallel = new DMIP_ParallelBeam(); // 0. Parameters // size of the phantom int phantomSize = 128; // projection image range double angularRange = Math.PI; // number of projection images int projectionNumber = 180; // angle in between adjacent projections double angularStepSize = angularRange / projectionNumber; // detector size in [mm] float detectorSize = 200; // size of a detector Element [mm] float detectorSpacing = 1.0f; // filterType: NONE, RAMLAK, SHEPPLOGAN RampFilterType filter = RampFilterType.NONE; // 1. Create the Shepp Logan Phantom SheppLogan sheppLoganPhantom = new SheppLogan(phantomSize);; // 2. Acquire forward projection images with a parallel projector Grid2D sinogram = parallel.projectRayDriven(sheppLoganPhantom, angularRange, angularStepSize, detectorSize, detectorSpacing);"The Sinogram"); Grid2D filteredSinogram = new Grid2D(sinogram); // 4. Ramp Filtering for (int theta = 0; theta < sinogram.getSize()[1]; ++theta) { // Filter each line of the sinogram independently Grid1D tmp = parallel.rampFiltering(sinogram.getSubGrid(theta), filter); for(int i = 0; i < tmp.getSize()[0]; i++) { filteredSinogram.putPixelValue(i, theta, tmp.getAtIndex(i)); } }"Filtered Sinogram"); // 5. Reconstruct the object with the information in the sinogram Grid2D reco = parallel.backprojectPixelDriven(filteredSinogram, phantomSize, phantomSize, detectorSpacing, detectorSpacing);"Reconstruction"); } }