package edu.stanford.rsl.conrad.phantom; import; import; import edu.stanford.rsl.conrad.calibration.CalibrationBead; public abstract class AbstractCalibrationPhantom extends AnalyticPhantom { /** * */ private static final long serialVersionUID = -9152956524639810711L; /** * cylinder radius */ protected double cylRadius = 41.; /** * cylinder height */ protected double cylHeight = 40.; /** * bead radius */ protected double beadRadius = 1.5875; /** * bead material */ protected String matBead = "PWO"; /** * cylinder material */ protected String matCyl = "Plexiglass"; /** * number of beads */ protected int numberOfBeads = 12; /** * containing x coordinates */ protected double[] beadX; /** * containing y coordinates */ protected double[] beadY; /** * containing z coordinates */ protected double[] beadZ; /** * method to set 3D coordinates of a CalibrationBead * @param bead * @param id * @see CalibrationBead */ public void setBeadCoordinates(CalibrationBead bead, int id) { bead.setX(beadX[id]); bead.setY(beadY[id]); bead.setZ(beadZ[id]); } public double getX(int id) { return beadX[id]; } public double getY(int id) { return beadY[id]; } public double getZ(int id) { return beadZ[id]; } public int getNumberOfBeads() { return numberOfBeads; } /** * method to export the geometry to .scad. Can be further processed to .stl and 3D printed. */ public void writeToOpenSCAD() { try { configure(); String name = getName().concat(".scad"); BufferedWriter out = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(name)); System.out.println("Initiate writing..."); out.write("beadX = ["); for (int i = 0; i < numberOfBeads - 1; i++) { out.write(beadX[i] + ", "); } out.write(beadX[numberOfBeads - 1] + "];\n\n"); out.write("beadY = ["); for (int i = 0; i < numberOfBeads - 1; i++) { out.write(beadY[i] + ", "); } out.write(beadY[numberOfBeads - 1] + "];\n\n"); out.write("beadZ = ["); for (int i = 0; i < numberOfBeads - 1; i++) { out.write(beadZ[i] + ", "); } out.write(beadZ[numberOfBeads - 1] + "];\n\n"); out.write("numberOfBeads = " + numberOfBeads + ";\n\n"); out.write("difference() {\n\n"); out.write("cylinder(h = " + cylHeight + " , r = " + cylRadius + " , $fa=1, $fs=0.1, center = true);\n"); out.write("cylinder(h = " + (cylHeight + 1) + " , r = " + 0.8 * cylRadius + " , $fa=1, $fs=0.1, center = true);\n"); out.write("for (i = [0 : 1 : numberOfBeads]) { \n translate([beadX[i], beadY[i], beadZ[i]]) sphere(r = " + beadRadius + ", $fa=5, $fs=0.1, center = true);\n}\n}"); out.close(); System.out.println("Writing finished..."); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } abstract public void init(); }