package; import; import java.nio.FloatBuffer; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Vector; import com.jogamp.opencl.CLBuffer; import com.jogamp.opencl.CLCommandQueue; import com.jogamp.opencl.CLContext; import com.jogamp.opencl.CLDevice; import com.jogamp.opencl.CLImage2d; import com.jogamp.opencl.CLImageFormat; import com.jogamp.opencl.CLKernel; import com.jogamp.opencl.CLProgram; import com.jogamp.opencl.CLImageFormat.ChannelOrder; import com.jogamp.opencl.CLImageFormat.ChannelType; import com.jogamp.opencl.CLMemory.Mem; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import edu.stanford.rsl.conrad.geometry.shapes.simple.Box; import edu.stanford.rsl.conrad.geometry.shapes.simple.PointND; import edu.stanford.rsl.conrad.geometry.shapes.simple.StraightLine; import edu.stanford.rsl.conrad.geometry.transforms.Transform; import edu.stanford.rsl.conrad.geometry.transforms.Translation; import edu.stanford.rsl.conrad.numerics.SimpleOperators; import edu.stanford.rsl.conrad.numerics.SimpleVector; import edu.stanford.rsl.conrad.opencl.OpenCLUtil; /**This backprojector removed the distance weighting from the backprojector in the file, * since the ART algorithm only needs a backprojection without any filtering **/ public class FanBeamBackprojector2D { final double samplingRate = 3.d; private float focalLength, deltaT, deltaBeta, maxT, maxBeta; private int maxTIndex, maxBetaIndex; private int imgSizeX, imgSizeY; public FanBeamBackprojector2D(double focalLength, double deltaT, double deltaBeta ,int imageSizeX, int imageSizeY) { this.focalLength = (float) focalLength; this.deltaBeta = (float) deltaBeta; this.deltaT = (float) deltaT; this.imgSizeX = imageSizeX; this.imgSizeY = imageSizeY; } public void initSinogramParams(Grid2D sino) { this.maxTIndex = sino.getSize()[0]; this.deltaT = (float) sino.getSpacing()[0]; this.maxT = maxTIndex * deltaT; this.maxBetaIndex = sino.getSize()[1]; this.deltaBeta = (float) sino.getSpacing()[1]; this.maxBeta = (maxBetaIndex -1) * deltaBeta; } public void initSinogramParams(OpenCLGrid2D sinoCL) { this.maxTIndex = sinoCL.getSize()[0]; this.deltaT = (float) sinoCL.getSpacing()[0]; this.maxT = maxTIndex * deltaT; this.maxBetaIndex = sinoCL.getSize()[1]; this.deltaBeta = (float) sinoCL.getSpacing()[1]; this.maxBeta = (maxBetaIndex -1) * deltaBeta; } /** * Ray driven implementation of the Backprojector. This methods still contains a bug. * ParkerWeighting does not work. Use Pixel-Driven instead. * @param sino the sinogram for backprojection * @return the backprojected image */ public Grid2D backprojectRayDriven(Grid2D sino) { this.initSinogramParams(sino); Grid2D grid = new Grid2D(this.imgSizeX, this.imgSizeY); // set up image bounding box in WC Translation trans = new Translation(-grid.getSize()[0]/2.0, -grid.getSize()[1]/2.0, -1); // set up the inverse transform Transform inverse = trans.inverse(); Box b = new Box(grid.getSize()[0], grid.getSize()[1], 2); b.applyTransform(trans); // iterate over the projection angles for(int e=0; e<maxBetaIndex; ++e){ // compute beta [rad] and angular functions. float beta = (float) (deltaBeta * e); float cosBeta = (float) Math.cos(beta); float sinBeta = (float) Math.sin(beta); // We use PointND for points in 3D space and SimpleVector for directions. // compute source location and the beginning of the detector PointND a = new PointND(focalLength * cosBeta, focalLength * sinBeta, 0.d); PointND p0 = new PointND(-maxT / 2.f * sinBeta, maxT / 2.f * cosBeta, 0.d); // compute the normalized vector along the detector SimpleVector dirDetector = p0.getAbstractVector().multipliedBy(-1); dirDetector.normalizeL2(); // iterate over the detector bins for (int i = 0; i < maxTIndex; ++i) { // compute bin position float stepsDirection = (float) (0.5f * deltaT + i * deltaT); PointND p = new PointND(p0); p.getAbstractVector().add(dirDetector.multipliedBy(stepsDirection)); // set up line equation StraightLine line = new StraightLine(a, p); // compute intersections between bounding box and intersection line. ArrayList<PointND> points = b.intersect(line); // only if we have intersections if (2 != points.size()){ if(points.size() == 0) { line.getDirection().multiplyBy(-1.f); points = b.intersect(line); } if(points.size() == 0) continue; } PointND start = points.get(0); PointND end = points.get(1); // get the normalized increment SimpleVector increment = new SimpleVector(end.getAbstractVector()); increment.subtract(start.getAbstractVector()); float distance = (float) increment.normL2(); increment.divideBy(distance * samplingRate); float val = sino.getAtIndex(i, e); start = inverse.transform(start); // compute the integral along the line. for (float t = 0.0f; t < distance * samplingRate; ++t) { PointND current = new PointND(start); current.getAbstractVector().add(increment.multipliedBy(t)); if (grid.getSize()[0] <= current.get(0) + 1 || grid.getSize()[1] <= current.get(1) + 1 || current.get(0) < 0 || current.get(1) < 0) continue; InterpolationOperators.addInterpolateLinear(grid, current.get(0), current.get(1), val); } } } float normalizationFactor = (float) ((float) samplingRate * maxBetaIndex / deltaT / Math.PI); NumericPointwiseOperators.divideBy(grid, normalizationFactor); return grid; } public Grid2D backprojectRayDriven1D( Grid1D sinodiff1D, int Betaindex) { //back project the sino difference at the Betaindex-th angle /*this.maxTIndex = sinodiff1D.getSize()[0]; this.maxBetaIndex=360; this.deltaT = (float) sinodiff1D.getSpacing()[0]; this.maxT = maxTIndex * deltaT;*/ Grid2D grid = new Grid2D(this.imgSizeX, this.imgSizeY); // set up image bounding box in WC Translation trans = new Translation(-grid.getSize()[0]/2.0, -grid.getSize()[1]/2.0, -1); // set up the inverse transform Transform inverse = trans.inverse(); Box b = new Box(grid.getSize()[0], grid.getSize()[1], 2); b.applyTransform(trans); // compute beta [rad] and angular functions. float beta = (float) (deltaBeta * Betaindex); float cosBeta = (float) Math.cos(beta); float sinBeta = (float) Math.sin(beta); // We use PointND for points in 3D space and SimpleVector for directions. // compute source location and the beginning of the detector PointND a = new PointND(focalLength * cosBeta, focalLength * sinBeta, 0.d); PointND p0 = new PointND(-maxT / 2.f * sinBeta, maxT / 2.f * cosBeta, 0.d); // compute the normalized vector along the detector SimpleVector dirDetector = p0.getAbstractVector().multipliedBy(-1); dirDetector.normalizeL2(); // iterate over the detector bins for (int i = 0; i < maxTIndex; ++i) { // compute bin position float stepsDirection = (float) (0.5f * deltaT + i * deltaT); PointND p = new PointND(p0); p.getAbstractVector().add(dirDetector.multipliedBy(stepsDirection)); // set up line equation StraightLine line = new StraightLine(a, p); // compute intersections between bounding box and intersection line. ArrayList<PointND> points = b.intersect(line); // only if we have intersections if (2 != points.size()){ if(points.size() == 0) { line.getDirection().multiplyBy(-1.f); points = b.intersect(line); } if(points.size() == 0) continue; } PointND start = points.get(0); PointND end = points.get(1); // get the normalized increment SimpleVector increment = new SimpleVector(end.getAbstractVector()); increment.subtract(start.getAbstractVector()); float distance = (float) increment.normL2(); increment.divideBy(distance * samplingRate); float val = sinodiff1D.getAtIndex(i); start = inverse.transform(start); // compute the integral along the line. for (float t = 0.0f; t < distance * samplingRate; ++t) { PointND current = new PointND(start); current.getAbstractVector().add(increment.multipliedBy(t)); if (grid.getSize()[0] <= current.get(0) + 1 || grid.getSize()[1] <= current.get(1) + 1 || current.get(0) < 0 || current.get(1) < 0) continue; InterpolationOperators.addInterpolateLinear(grid, current.get(0), current.get(1), val); } } float normalizationFactor = (float) ((float) samplingRate * maxBetaIndex / deltaT / Math.PI); //float normalizationFactor = (float) ((float) samplingRate / deltaT / Math.PI); NumericPointwiseOperators.divideBy(grid, normalizationFactor); return grid; } /** * The pixel driven solution for back-projection. * * @param sino * the sinogram * @return the image */ public Grid2D backprojectPixelDriven(Grid2D sino) { this.initSinogramParams(sino); Grid2D grid = new Grid2D(this.imgSizeX, this.imgSizeY); for(int b=0; b<maxBetaIndex; ++b){ // compute beta [rad] and angular functions. float beta = (float) (deltaBeta * b); float cosBeta = (float) Math.cos(beta); float sinBeta = (float) Math.sin(beta); PointND a = new PointND(focalLength * cosBeta, focalLength * sinBeta, 0.d); PointND p0 = new PointND(-maxT / 2.f * sinBeta, maxT / 2.f * cosBeta, 0.d); SimpleVector dirDetector = p0.getAbstractVector().multipliedBy(-1); StraightLine detectorLine = new StraightLine(p0, dirDetector); Grid1D subSino = sino.getSubGrid(b); for(int x=0; x<imgSizeX; ++x){ float wx = (x - imgSizeX/2.0f); for (int y = 0; y < imgSizeY; ++y) { float wy = (y - imgSizeY/2.0f); // compute two points on the line through t and beta // We use PointND for points in 3D space and SimpleVector for directions. final PointND reconstructionPointWorld = new PointND(wx, wy, 0.d); final StraightLine projectionLine = new StraightLine(a, reconstructionPointWorld); final PointND detectorPixel = projectionLine.intersect(detectorLine); float valtemp; if (detectorPixel != null) { final SimpleVector p = SimpleOperators.subtract( detectorPixel.getAbstractVector(), p0.getAbstractVector() ); double len = p.normL2(); if((p.getElement(0)*dirDetector.getElement(0)+p.getElement(1)*dirDetector.getElement(1))<0) len=-len;//*****************************************FIXME double t = (len-0.5d)/deltaT; if (subSino.getSize()[0] <= t + 1 || t < 0) continue; float val = InterpolationOperators.interpolateLinear(subSino, t); /* //DistanceWeighting float radius = (float) reconstructionPointWorld.getAbstractVector().normL2(); float phi = (float) ((Math.PI/2) + Math.atan2(reconstructionPointWorld.get(1), reconstructionPointWorld.get(0))); float dWeight = (float) ((focalLength +radius*Math.sin(beta - phi))/focalLength); valtemp = (float) (val / (dWeight*dWeight)); */ valtemp=val; } else { //final PointND detectorPixel2 = projectionLine.intersect(detectorLine); //if (detectorPixel2 == null) {} valtemp = 0.f; //distWeights.setAtIndex(x, y, 100.0f); } grid.addAtIndex(x, y, valtemp); //gridIntermediate.addAtIndex(x, y, valtemp); } } } // end for float normalizationFactor = (float) (maxBetaIndex / Math.PI); NumericPointwiseOperators.divideBy(grid, normalizationFactor); return grid; } /** * The pixel driven solution for back-projection. * * @param sino * the sinogram * @return the image */ public Grid2D backprojectPixelDriven1D(Grid1D sinodiff1D, int Betaindex) { Grid2D grid = new Grid2D(this.imgSizeX, this.imgSizeY); float beta = (float) (deltaBeta * Betaindex); float cosBeta = (float) Math.cos(beta); float sinBeta = (float) Math.sin(beta); PointND a = new PointND(focalLength * cosBeta, focalLength * sinBeta, 0.d); PointND p0 = new PointND(-maxT / 2.f * sinBeta, maxT / 2.f * cosBeta, 0.d); SimpleVector dirDetector = p0.getAbstractVector().multipliedBy(-1); StraightLine detectorLine = new StraightLine(p0, dirDetector); for(int x=0; x<imgSizeX; ++x){ float wx = (x - imgSizeX/2.0f); for (int y = 0; y < imgSizeY; ++y) { float wy = (y - imgSizeY/2.0f); // compute two points on the line through t and beta // We use PointND for points in 3D space and SimpleVector for directions. final PointND reconstructionPointWorld = new PointND(wx, wy, 0.d); final StraightLine projectionLine = new StraightLine(a, reconstructionPointWorld); final PointND detectorPixel = projectionLine.intersect(detectorLine); float val=0.f; if (detectorPixel != null) { final SimpleVector p = SimpleOperators.subtract( detectorPixel.getAbstractVector(), p0.getAbstractVector() ); double len = p.normL2(); if((p.getElement(0)*dirDetector.getElement(0)+p.getElement(1)*dirDetector.getElement(1))<0) len=-len;//*****************************************FIXME double t = (len-0.5d)/deltaT; if (sinodiff1D.getSize()[0] <= t + 1 || t < 0) continue; val = InterpolationOperators.interpolateLinear(sinodiff1D, t); } else { //final PointND detectorPixel2 = projectionLine.intersect(detectorLine); //if (detectorPixel2 == null) {} val = 0.f; } grid.addAtIndex(x, y, val); } } //float normalizationFactor = (float) (maxBetaIndex / Math.PI); float normalizationFactor =2.0f/deltaBeta;//FIXME NumericPointwiseOperators.divideBy(grid, normalizationFactor); return grid; } public Grid2D backprojectPixelDrivenCL(Grid2D sino) { this.initSinogramParams(sino); boolean debug = true; // create context CLContext context = OpenCLUtil.createContext(); if (debug) System.out.println("Context: " + context); //show OpenCL devices in System CLDevice[] devices = context.getDevices(); if (debug){ for (CLDevice dev: devices) System.out.println(dev); } // select device CLDevice device = context.getMaxFlopsDevice(); if (debug) System.out.println("Device: " + device); int sinoSize = maxBetaIndex*maxTIndex; // Length of arrays to process int localWorkSize = Math.min(device.getMaxWorkGroupSize(), 16); // Local work size dimensions int globalWorkSizeX = OpenCLUtil.roundUp(localWorkSize, imgSizeX); // rounded up to the nearest multiple of localWorkSize int globalWorkSizeY = OpenCLUtil.roundUp(localWorkSize, imgSizeY); // rounded up to the nearest multiple of localWorkSize // load sources, create and build program CLProgram program = null; try { program = context.createProgram(this.getClass().getResourceAsStream("")) .build(); } catch (IOException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); System.exit(-1); } // create image from input grid CLImageFormat format = new CLImageFormat(ChannelOrder.INTENSITY, ChannelType.FLOAT); CLBuffer<FloatBuffer> sinoBuffer = context.createFloatBuffer(sinoSize, Mem.READ_ONLY); for (int i=0;i<sinoSize;++i){ sinoBuffer.getBuffer().put(((Grid2D)sino).getBuffer()[i]); } sinoBuffer.getBuffer().rewind(); /// CP CLImage2d<FloatBuffer> sinoGrid = context.createImage2d( sinoBuffer.getBuffer(), sino.getSize()[0], sino.getSize()[1], format,Mem.READ_ONLY); sinoBuffer.release(); // create memory for output image CLBuffer<FloatBuffer> imgBuffer = context.createFloatBuffer(imgSizeX*imgSizeY, Mem.WRITE_ONLY); // copy params CLKernel kernel = program.createCLKernel("backprojectPixelDriven2DCL"); kernel.putArg(sinoGrid).putArg(imgBuffer) .putArg(imgSizeX).putArg(imgSizeY) .putArg((float)maxT).putArg((float)deltaT) .putArg((float)maxBeta).putArg((float)deltaBeta) .putArg((float)focalLength).putArg(maxTIndex).putArg(maxBetaIndex); // TODO: Spacing :) // createCommandQueue CLCommandQueue queue = device.createCommandQueue(); queue .putWriteImage(sinoGrid, true) .finish() .put2DRangeKernel(kernel, 0, 0, globalWorkSizeX, globalWorkSizeY, localWorkSize, localWorkSize) .finish() .putReadBuffer(imgBuffer, true) .finish(); // write grid back to grid2D Grid2D img = new Grid2D(this.imgSizeX, this.imgSizeY); //img.setSpacing(pxSzXMM, pxSzYMM); imgBuffer.getBuffer().rewind(); for (int i = 0; i < imgSizeX*imgSizeY; ++i) { ((Grid2D)img).getBuffer()[i] = imgBuffer.getBuffer().get(); } queue.release(); imgBuffer.release(); sinoGrid.release(); kernel.release(); program.release(); context.release(); return img; } public Grid2D backprojectPixelDriven1DCL(Grid1D projection,int index){ /*this.maxTIndex = projection.getNumberOfElements(); this.deltaT = (float) projection.getSpacing()[0]; this.maxT = maxTIndex * deltaT;*/ boolean debug = false; // create context CLContext context = OpenCLUtil.createContext(); if (debug) System.out.println("Context: " + context); //show OpenCL devices in System CLDevice[] devices = context.getDevices(); if (debug){ for (CLDevice dev: devices) System.out.println(dev); } // select device CLDevice device = context.getMaxFlopsDevice(); if (debug) System.out.println("Device: " + device); int sinoSize =projection.getNumberOfElements(); // Length of arrays to process int localWorkSize = Math.min(device.getMaxWorkGroupSize(), 16); // Local work size dimensions int globalWorkSizeX = OpenCLUtil.roundUp(localWorkSize, imgSizeX); // rounded up to the nearest multiple of localWorkSize int globalWorkSizeY = OpenCLUtil.roundUp(localWorkSize, imgSizeY); // rounded up to the nearest multiple of localWorkSize // load sources, create and build program CLProgram program = null; try { program = context.createProgram(this.getClass().getResourceAsStream("")) .build(); } catch (IOException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); System.exit(-1); } // create image from input grid CLImageFormat format = new CLImageFormat(ChannelOrder.INTENSITY, ChannelType.FLOAT); CLBuffer<FloatBuffer> sinoBuffer = context.createFloatBuffer(sinoSize, Mem.READ_ONLY); for (int i=0;i<sinoSize;++i){ sinoBuffer.getBuffer().put(projection.getBuffer()[i]);//********************** } sinoBuffer.getBuffer().rewind(); /// CP /* CLImage2d<FloatBuffer> sinoGrid = context.createImage2d( sinoBuffer.getBuffer(), sino.getSize()[0], sino.getSize()[1], format); */ CLImage2d<FloatBuffer> sinoGrid = context.createImage2d( sinoBuffer.getBuffer(), sinoSize, 1, format,Mem.READ_ONLY); sinoBuffer.release(); // create memory for output image CLBuffer<FloatBuffer> imgBuffer = context.createFloatBuffer(imgSizeX*imgSizeY, Mem.WRITE_ONLY); // copy params CLKernel kernel = program.createCLKernel("backprojectPixelDriven1DCL"); kernel.putArg(sinoGrid).putArg(imgBuffer) .putArg(imgSizeX).putArg(imgSizeY) .putArg((float)maxT).putArg((float)deltaT) .putArg((float)maxBeta).putArg((float)deltaBeta) .putArg((float)focalLength).putArg(maxTIndex).putArg(maxBetaIndex).putArg(index); // TODO: Spacing :) // createCommandQueue CLCommandQueue queue = device.createCommandQueue(); queue .putWriteImage(sinoGrid, true) .finish() .put2DRangeKernel(kernel, 0, 0, globalWorkSizeX, globalWorkSizeY, localWorkSize, localWorkSize) .finish() .putReadBuffer(imgBuffer, true) .finish(); // write grid back to grid2D Grid2D img = new Grid2D(this.imgSizeX, this.imgSizeY); //img.setSpacing(pxSzXMM, pxSzYMM); imgBuffer.getBuffer().rewind(); for (int i = 0; i < imgSizeX*imgSizeY; ++i) { ((Grid2D)img).getBuffer()[i] = imgBuffer.getBuffer().get(); } queue.release(); imgBuffer.release(); sinoGrid.release(); kernel.release(); program.release(); context.release(); return img; } public void fastBackprojectPixelDrivenCL(OpenCLGrid2D sinoCL, OpenCLGrid2D gridCL) { sinoCL.getDelegate().prepareForDeviceOperation(); gridCL.getDelegate().prepareForDeviceOperation(); this.initSinogramParams(sinoCL); CLContext context = OpenCLUtil.getStaticContext(); CLDevice device = context.getMaxFlopsDevice(); int localWorkSize = Math.min(device.getMaxWorkGroupSize(), 16); // Local work size dimensions int globalWorkSizeX = OpenCLUtil.roundUp(localWorkSize, imgSizeX); // rounded up to the nearest multiple of localWorkSize int globalWorkSizeY = OpenCLUtil.roundUp(localWorkSize, imgSizeY); // rounded up to the nearest multiple of localWorkSize // load sources, create and build program CLProgram program = null; try { program = context.createProgram(this.getClass().getResourceAsStream("")) .build(); } catch (IOException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); System.exit(-1); } // create image from input grid CLImageFormat format = new CLImageFormat(ChannelOrder.INTENSITY, ChannelType.FLOAT); CLImage2d<FloatBuffer> sinoGrid = context.createImage2d(sinoCL.getDelegate().getCLBuffer().getBuffer(), sinoCL.getSize()[0], sinoCL.getSize()[1],format,Mem.READ_ONLY); // copy params CLKernel kernel = program.createCLKernel("backprojectPixelDriven2DCL"); kernel.putArg(sinoGrid).putArg(gridCL.getDelegate().getCLBuffer()) .putArg(imgSizeX).putArg(imgSizeY) .putArg((float)maxT).putArg((float)deltaT) .putArg((float)maxBeta).putArg((float)deltaBeta) .putArg((float)focalLength).putArg(maxTIndex).putArg(maxBetaIndex); System.out.println(globalWorkSizeY +" "+globalWorkSizeX+ " "+localWorkSize); // createCommandQueue CLCommandQueue queue = device.createCommandQueue(); queue .putCopyBufferToImage(sinoCL.getDelegate().getCLBuffer(),sinoGrid).finish() .put2DRangeKernel(kernel, 0, 0, globalWorkSizeX, globalWorkSizeY,localWorkSize, localWorkSize).putBarrier() .finish(); gridCL.getDelegate().notifyDeviceChange(); sinoGrid.release(); kernel.rewind(); queue.release(); kernel.release(); program.release(); } public void fastBackprojectRayDrivenCL(OpenCLGrid2D sinoCL, OpenCLGrid2D gridCL) { sinoCL.getDelegate().prepareForDeviceOperation(); gridCL.getDelegate().prepareForDeviceOperation(); this.initSinogramParams(sinoCL); CLContext context = OpenCLUtil.getStaticContext(); CLDevice device = context.getMaxFlopsDevice(); // Length of arrays to process int localWorkSize = Math.min(device.getMaxWorkGroupSize(), 16); // Local work size dimensions int globalWorkSizeT = OpenCLUtil.roundUp(localWorkSize, maxTIndex); // rounded up to the nearest multiple of localWorkSize int globalWorkSizeBeta = OpenCLUtil.roundUp(localWorkSize, maxBetaIndex); // rounded up to the nearest multiple of localWorkSize // load sources, create and build program CLProgram program = null; try { program = context.createProgram(this.getClass().getResourceAsStream("")) .build(); } catch (IOException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); System.exit(-1); } // copy params CLKernel kernel = program.createCLKernel("backprojectRayDriven2DCL"); kernel.putArg(sinoCL.getDelegate().getCLBuffer()).putArg(gridCL.getDelegate().getCLBuffer()) .putArg(imgSizeX).putArg(imgSizeY) .putArg((float)maxT).putArg((float)deltaT) .putArg((float)maxBeta).putArg((float)deltaBeta) .putArg((float)focalLength).putArg(maxTIndex).putArg(maxBetaIndex); // createCommandQueue CLCommandQueue queue = device.createCommandQueue(); queue .put2DRangeKernel(kernel, 0, 0, globalWorkSizeBeta, globalWorkSizeT,localWorkSize, localWorkSize).putBarrier() .finish(); gridCL.getDelegate().notifyDeviceChange(); queue.release(); kernel.release(); program.release(); } } /* * Copyright (C) 2010-2014 Andreas Maier * CONRAD is developed as an Open Source project under the GNU General Public License (GPL). */