package edu.stanford.rsl.tutorial.iterative; import; /** * @author Mario Amrehn * */ public final class GridOp { private GridOp() { } // a = a+b public static Grid3D addInPlace(Grid3D sumA, Grid3D sumB) throws Exception { sumA.getGridOperator().addBy(sumA, sumB); return sumA; } // a = a + scalar public static Grid3D addInPlace(Grid3D sumA, float sumB) { sumA.getGridOperator().addBy(sumA, sumB); return sumA; } // c = a+b public static Grid3D add(Grid3D sumA, Grid3D sumB) throws Exception { return add(sumA, sumB, 0, 0, 0); } // c = a+b public static Grid3D add(Grid3D sumA, Grid3D sumB, int aXOff, int aYOff, int aZOff) throws Exception { int[] sA = sumA.getSize(); int[] sB = sumB.getSize(); if (sA[0] != sB[0] || sA[1] != sB[1] || sA[2] != sB[2]) throw new Exception("GridOperation: Sizes of grids don't match"); Grid3D res = new Grid3D(sumA); for (int x = aXOff; x < sA[0]+aXOff; ++x) for (int y = aYOff; y < sA[1]+aYOff; ++y) for (int z = aZOff; z < sA[2]+aZOff; ++z){ int xIdx = (x >= sA[0] || x < 0) ? Math.min(Math.max(0, x), sA[0]-1) : x; int yIdx = (y >= sA[1] || y < 0) ? Math.min(Math.max(0, y), sA[1]-1) : y; int zIdx = (z >= sA[2] || z < 0) ? Math.min(Math.max(0, z), sA[2]-1) : z; res.setAtIndex(x, y, z, sumA.getAtIndex(xIdx,yIdx,zIdx) + sumB.getAtIndex(x,y,z)); } res.setSpacing(sumA.getSpacing()); res.setOrigin(sumA.getOrigin()); return res; } // c = a + scalar public static Grid3D add(Grid3D sumA, float sumB) throws Exception { Grid3D res = new Grid3D(sumA); res.getGridOperator().addBy(res, sumB); res.setSpacing(sumA.getSpacing()); res.setOrigin(sumA.getOrigin()); return res; } // c = a-b public static Grid3D sub(Grid3D min, Grid3D sub) throws Exception { return sub(min, sub, 0, 0, 0, true); } // c = a'-b public static Grid3D sub(Grid3D min, Grid3D sub, int aXOff, int aYOff, int aZOff, final boolean offsetLeft) throws Exception { int[] sA = min.getSize(); int[] sB = sub.getSize(); if (sA[0] != sB[0] || sA[1] != sB[1] || sA[2] != sB[2]) throw new Exception("GridOperation: Sizes of grids don't match"); Grid3D res = new Grid3D(min); for (int x = aXOff; x < sA[0]+aXOff; ++x) for (int y = aYOff; y < sA[1]+aYOff; ++y) for (int z = aZOff; z < sA[2]+aZOff; ++z){ int xIdx = (x >= sA[0] || x < 0) ? Math.min(Math.max(0, x), sA[0]-1) : x; int yIdx = (y >= sA[1] || y < 0) ? Math.min(Math.max(0, y), sA[1]-1) : y; int zIdx = (z >= sA[2] || z < 0) ? Math.min(Math.max(0, z), sA[2]-1) : z; if(offsetLeft) res.setAtIndex(x-aXOff,y-aYOff,z-aZOff, min.getAtIndex(xIdx,yIdx,zIdx) - sub.getAtIndex(x-aXOff,y-aYOff,z-aZOff)); else res.setAtIndex(x-aXOff,y-aYOff,z-aZOff, min.getAtIndex(x-aXOff,y-aYOff,z-aZOff) - sub.getAtIndex(xIdx,yIdx,zIdx)); } res.setSpacing(min.getSpacing()); res.setOrigin(min.getOrigin()); return res; } // a = a-b public static Grid3D subInPlace(Grid3D min, Grid3D sub) throws Exception { min.getGridOperator().subtractBy(min, sub); return min; } // // a = a-b' // public static void subInPlaceForDivergence(Grid3D min, Grid3D sub, int aXOff, int aYOff, int aZOff) throws Exception { // int[] sA = min.getSize(); // int[] sB = sub.getSize(); // if (sA[0] != sB[0] || sA[1] != sB[1] || sA[2] != sB[2]) // throw new Exception("GridOperation: Sizes of grids don't match"); // // float[][][] a = min.getBuffer(); // float[][][] b = sub.getBuffer(); // for (int x = aXOff; x < sA[0]+aXOff; ++x) // for (int y = aYOff; y < sA[1]+aYOff; ++y) // for (int z = aZOff; z < sA[2]+aZOff; ++z){ // int xIdx = (x >= sA[0] || x < 0) ? Math.min(Math.max(0, x), sA[0]-1) : x; // int yIdx = (y >= sA[1] || y < 0) ? Math.min(Math.max(0, y), sA[1]-1) : y; // int zIdx = (z >= sA[2] || z < 0) ? Math.min(Math.max(0, z), sA[2]-1) : z; // if(0 != aXOff){ // if(0 == xIdx) continue; // if(sA[0]-1 == xIdx){ // a[x-aXOff][y-aYOff][z-aZOff] // } // } // a[x-aXOff][y-aYOff][z-aZOff] -= b[xIdx][yIdx][zIdx]; // } // } // c = a/b (per element) public static Grid3D div(Grid3D divid, Grid3D divis) throws Exception { Grid3D res = new Grid3D(divid); res.getGridOperator().divideBy(res, divis); res.setSpacing(divid.getSpacing()); res.setOrigin(divid.getOrigin()); return res; } public static Grid3D divInPlace(Grid3D divid, Grid3D divis) throws Exception { divid.getGridOperator().divideBy(divid, divis); return divid; } // c = a * scalar public static Grid3D mul(Grid3D multA, float multB) { Grid3D res = new Grid3D(multA); res.getGridOperator().multiplyBySave(res, multB); res.setSpacing(multA.getSpacing()); res.setOrigin(multA.getOrigin()); return res; } // c = a*b (per element) public static Grid3D mul(Grid3D multA, Grid3D multB) throws Exception { Grid3D res = new Grid3D(multA); res.getGridOperator().multiplyBySave(res, multB); res.setSpacing(multA.getSpacing()); res.setOrigin(multA.getOrigin()); return res; } // a = a*b public static Grid3D mulInPlace(Grid3D multA, Grid3D multB) throws Exception { multA.getGridOperator().multiplyBySave(multA, multB); return multA; } // a = a * scalar public static Grid3D mulInPlace(Grid3D multA, float multB) throws Exception { multA.getGridOperator().multiplyBySave(multA, multB); return multA; } public static double rmse(Grid3D a, Grid3D b) throws Exception { return a.getGridOperator().rmse(a, b); } public static double l1Norm(Grid3D c) { return c.getGridOperator().normL1(c); } /** * @param a * @return minimum value of grid a */ public static double min(Grid3D a) { return a.getGridOperator().min(a); } /** * @param a * @return maximum value of grid a */ public static double max(Grid3D a) { return a.getGridOperator().max(a); } /** * @param a * @return element wise square root values of grid a */ public static Grid3D sqrtInPlace(Grid3D a) { a.getGridOperator().pow(a, 2); return a; } public static int numNeg(Grid3D a) { return a.getGridOperator().countNegativeElements(a); } public static double sum(Grid3D c) { return c.getGridOperator().sumSave(c); } /////////////////// // Readability improvements /////////////////// // a = a^2 public static Grid3D square(Grid3D a) throws Exception { return mul(a, a); } // d = a+b+c public static Grid3D add(Grid3D a, Grid3D b, Grid3D c) throws Exception { Grid3D res = add(a, b); addInPlace(res, c); return res; } // d = a+b+c + s public static Grid3D add(Grid3D a, Grid3D b, Grid3D c, float s) throws Exception { Grid3D res = add(a, b); addInPlace(res, c); addInPlace(res, s); return res; } }