package; // Nrrd_Reader // ----------- // (c) Gregory Jefferis 2007 // Department of Zoology, University of Cambridge // // All rights reserved // Source code released under Lesser Gnu Public License v2 // TODO // - Support for multichannel images // (problem is how to figure out they are multichannel in the absence of // other info - not strictly required by nrrd format) // - time datasets // - line skip (only byte skip at present) // - calculating spacing information from axis mins/cell info // Compiling: // You must compile first because this plugin // depends on the NrrdFileInfo class declared in that file import ij.IJ; import ij.ImagePlus; import; import; import; import ij.measure.Calibration; import; import; import; import edu.stanford.rsl.conrad.numerics.SimpleMatrix; import edu.stanford.rsl.conrad.numerics.SimpleVector; import edu.stanford.rsl.conrad.utils.CONRAD; /** * ImageJ plugin to read a file in Gordon Kindlmann's NRRD * or 'nearly raw raster data' format, a simple format which handles * coordinate systems and data types in a very general way. * See <A HREF=""></A> * and <A HREF=""></A> */ public class NrrdFileReader extends ImagePlus { public final String uint8Types="uchar, unsigned char, uint8, uint8_t"; public final String int16Types="short, short int, signed short, signed short int, int16, int16_t"; public final String uint16Types="ushort, unsigned short, unsigned short int, uint16, uint16_t"; public final String int32Types="int, signed int, int32, int32_t"; public final String uint32Types="uint, unsigned int, uint32, uint32_t"; private String notes = ""; private boolean detachedHeader=false; public String headerPath=null; public String imagePath=null; public String imageName=null; public void run(String arg) { String directory = "", name = arg; if ((arg==null) || (arg=="")) { OpenDialog od = new OpenDialog("Load Nrrd (or .nhdr) File...", arg); name = od.getFileName(); if (name==null) return; directory = od.getDirectory(); } else { File dest = new File(arg); directory = dest.getParent(); name = dest.getName(); } ImagePlus imp = load(directory, name); if (imp==null) return; // failed to load the file if (imageName!=null) { // set the name of the image to the name found inside the load method // TOFIX - what should the name be? There could be several // image files referenced in a single detached .nhdr setStack(imageName, imp.getStack()); } else { setStack(name, imp.getStack()); } if (!notes.equals("")) setProperty("Info", notes); // bring over the calibration information as well copyScale(imp); // if we weren't sent a filename but chose one, then show the image if (arg.equals("")) show(); } public ImagePlus load(String directory, String fileName) { if (!directory.endsWith(File.separator)) directory += File.separator; if ((fileName == null) || (fileName == "")) return null; //; //; NrrdFileInfo fi; try { fi=getHeaderInfo(directory, fileName); } catch (IOException e) { CONRAD.log("readHeader: "+ e.getMessage()); return null; } if (IJ.debugMode) CONRAD.log("fi:"+fi); IJ.showStatus("Loading Nrrd File: " + directory + fileName); ImagePlus imp; FlexibleFileOpener gzfo; if(fi.encoding.equals("gzip") && detachedHeader) { // call my nice gzip opener plugin which has had the // createInputStream method overloaded. gzfo = new FlexibleFileOpener(fi,FlexibleFileOpener.GZIP); imp =; } else if(fi.encoding.equals("gzip")) { long preOffset=fi.longOffset>0?fi.longOffset:fi.offset; fi.offset=0;fi.longOffset=0; gzfo= new FlexibleFileOpener(fi,FlexibleFileOpener.GZIP,preOffset); if (IJ.debugMode) CONRAD.log("gzfo:"+gzfo); imp =; } else { FileOpener fo = new FileOpener(fi); imp =; } if(imp==null) return null; // Copy over the spatial scale info which we found in readHeader // nb the first we don't just overwrite the current calibration // because this may have density calibration for signed images Calibration cal = imp.getCalibration(); Calibration spatialCal = this.getCalibration(); cal.pixelWidth=spatialCal.pixelWidth; cal.pixelHeight=spatialCal.pixelHeight; cal.pixelDepth=spatialCal.pixelDepth; cal.setUnit(spatialCal.getUnit()); cal.xOrigin=spatialCal.xOrigin; cal.yOrigin=spatialCal.yOrigin; cal.zOrigin=spatialCal.zOrigin; imp.setCalibration(cal); return imp; } public NrrdFileInfo getHeaderInfo( String directory, String fileName ) throws IOException { if (IJ.debugMode) CONRAD.log("Entering Nrrd_Reader.readHeader():"); NrrdFileInfo fi = new NrrdFileInfo();; fi.fileName=fileName; Calibration spatialCal = this.getCalibration(); // NB Need RAF in order to ensure that we know file offset RandomAccessFile input = new RandomAccessFile(,"r"); String thisLine,noteType,noteValue, noteValuelc; fi.fileType = FileInfo.GRAY8; // just assume this for the mo spatialCal.setUnit("micron"); // just assume this for the mo fi.fileFormat = FileInfo.RAW; fi.nImages = 1; // parse the header file, until reach an empty line// boolean keepReading=true; while(true) { thisLine=input.readLine(); if(thisLine==null || thisLine.equals("")) { if(!detachedHeader) fi.longOffset = input.getFilePointer(); break; } notes+=thisLine+"\n"; if(thisLine.indexOf("#")==0) continue; // ignore comments noteType=getFieldPart(thisLine,0).toLowerCase(); // case irrelevant noteValue=getFieldPart(thisLine,1); noteValuelc=noteValue.toLowerCase(); String firstNoteValue=getSubField(thisLine,0); // String firstNoteValuelc=firstNoteValue.toLowerCase(); if (IJ.debugMode) CONRAD.log("NoteType:"+noteType+", noteValue:"+noteValue); if (noteType.equals("data file")||noteType.equals("datafile")) { // This is a detached header file // There are 3 kinds of specification for the data files // 1. data file: <filename> // 2. data file: <format> <min> <max> <step> [<subdim>] // 3. data file: LIST [<subdim>] if(firstNoteValue.equals("LIST")) { // TOFIX - type 3 throw new IOException("Nrrd_Reader: not yet able to handle datafile: LIST specifications"); } else if(!getSubField(thisLine,1).equals("")) { // TOFIX - type 2 throw new IOException("Nrrd_Reader: not yet able to handle datafile: sprintf file specifications"); } else { // Type 1 specification File imageFile; // Relative or absolute if(noteValue.indexOf("/")==0) { // absolute imageFile=new File(noteValue); // TOFIX could also check local directory if absolute path given // but dir does not exist } else { //CONRAD.log(" = "; imageFile=new File(,noteValue); } //CONRAD.log("image file ="+imageFile); if(imageFile.exists()) {; fi.fileName=imageFile.getName(); imagePath=imageFile.getPath(); detachedHeader=true; } else { throw new IOException("Unable to find image file ="+imageFile.getPath()); } } } if (noteType.equals("dimension")) { fi.dimension=Integer.valueOf(noteValue).intValue(); if(fi.dimension>3) throw new IOException("Nrrd_Reader: Dimension>3 not yet implemented!"); } if (noteType.equals("sizes")) { fi.sizes=new int[fi.dimension]; for(int i=0;i<fi.dimension;i++) { fi.sizes[i]=Integer.valueOf(getSubField(thisLine,i)).intValue(); if(i==0) fi.width=fi.sizes[0]; if(i==1) fi.height=fi.sizes[1]; if(i==2) fi.nImages=fi.sizes[2]; } //System.out.println("Number of Images: " + fi.nImages); } if (noteType.equals("units")) spatialCal.setUnit(firstNoteValue); if (noteType.equals("spacings")) { double[] spacings=new double[fi.dimension]; for(int i=0;i<fi.dimension;i++) { // TOFIX - this order of allocations is not a given! spacings[i]=Double.valueOf(getSubField(thisLine,i)).doubleValue(); if(i==0) spatialCal.pixelWidth=spacings[0]; if(i==1) spatialCal.pixelHeight=spacings[1]; if(i==2) spatialCal.pixelDepth=spacings[2]; } fi.spacing = spacings; } if (noteType.equals("centers") || noteType.equals("centerings")) { fi.centers=new String[fi.dimension]; for(int i=0;i<fi.dimension;i++) { // TOFIX - this order of allocations is not a given! fi.centers[i]=getSubField(thisLine,i); } } if (noteType.equals("type")) { if (uint8Types.indexOf(noteValuelc)>=0) { fi.fileType=FileInfo.GRAY8; } else if(uint16Types.indexOf(noteValuelc)>=0) { fi.fileType=FileInfo.GRAY16_SIGNED; } else if(int16Types.indexOf(noteValuelc)>=0) { fi.fileType=FileInfo.GRAY16_UNSIGNED; } else if(uint32Types.indexOf(noteValuelc)>=0) { fi.fileType=FileInfo.GRAY32_UNSIGNED; } else if(int32Types.indexOf(noteValuelc)>=0) { fi.fileType=FileInfo.GRAY32_INT; } else if(noteValuelc.equals("float")) { fi.fileType=FileInfo.GRAY32_FLOAT; } else if(noteValuelc.equals("double")) { fi.fileType=FileInfo.GRAY64_FLOAT; } else { throw new IOException("Unimplemented data type ="+noteValue); } } if (noteType.equals("byte skip")||noteType.equals("byteskip")) fi.longOffset=Long.valueOf(noteValue).longValue(); if (noteType.equals("endian")) { if(noteValuelc.equals("little")) { fi.intelByteOrder = true; } else { fi.intelByteOrder = false; } } if (noteType.equals("encoding")) { if(noteValuelc.equals("gz")) noteValuelc="gzip"; fi.encoding=noteValuelc; } if(noteType.equals("space directions")){ SimpleMatrix dir = new SimpleMatrix(fi.dimension, fi.dimension); for(int i = 0; i < fi.dimension; i++){ String sub = getSubField(thisLine,i); dir.setColValue(i, parseVector(sub, fi.dimension)); } fi.setSpaceDirections(dir); // NRRD4 supports spacing information within the direction. // Check if spacing was already set by the "spacing" case. If not, read it from space directions. // If there is a spacings entry down the line, it will override this one. if(fi.spacing == null) { // Get spacing from direction vectors. double[] spacings = new double[fi.dimension]; // Loop over columns. for(int i = 0; i < fi.dimension; i++){ SimpleVector col = dir.getCol(i); // The spacing is given as the norm of the direction vector. spacings[i] = col.normL2(); // TOFIX - this order of allocations is not a given! if(i==0) spatialCal.pixelWidth=spacings[0]; if(i==1) spatialCal.pixelHeight=spacings[1]; if(i==2) spatialCal.pixelDepth=spacings[2]; } fi.spacing = spacings; } } if(noteType.equals("space origin")){ fi.setSpaceOrigin(parseVector(getSubField(thisLine, 0), fi.dimension)); } if (noteType.equals("axis mins") || noteType.equals("axismins")) { double[] axismins=new double[fi.dimension]; for(int i=0;i<fi.dimension;i++) { // TOFIX - this order of allocations is not a given! // NB xOrigin are in pixels, whereas axismins are of course // in units; these are converted later axismins[i]=Double.valueOf(getSubField(thisLine,i)).doubleValue(); if(i==0) spatialCal.xOrigin=axismins[0]; if(i==1) spatialCal.yOrigin=axismins[1]; if(i==2) spatialCal.zOrigin=axismins[2]; } fi.setSpaceOrigin(new SimpleVector(axismins)); } } // Fix axis mins, converting them to pixels // if clause is to guard against cases where there is no spatial // calibration info leading to Inf if(spatialCal.pixelWidth!=0) spatialCal.xOrigin=-spatialCal.xOrigin/spatialCal.pixelWidth; if(spatialCal.pixelHeight!=0) spatialCal.yOrigin=-spatialCal.yOrigin/spatialCal.pixelHeight; if(spatialCal.pixelDepth!=0) spatialCal.zOrigin=-spatialCal.zOrigin/spatialCal.pixelDepth; // Axis min will be the centre of the first pixel if this a "cell" nrrd // or at the (top, front, left) if this is a "node" nrrd. // ImageJ works on a node basis - that is it treats each voxel as a // cube located at its top left corner (or more accurately I think the // corner closer to the coordinate origin); however the image extent // displayed is the "bounds" ie spacing*n // So to convert a cell based nrrd to a node based ImagePlus, need to // shift origin by 1/2 voxel dims in each dimension // Since the nrrd specified origin would have been the centre of the // voxel we need to SUBTRACT 1/2 voxel dims for ImageJ // See if(fi.centers!=null) { if(fi.centers[0].equals("cell")) spatialCal.xOrigin-=spatialCal.pixelWidth/2; if(fi.centers[1].equals("cell")) spatialCal.yOrigin-=spatialCal.pixelHeight/2; if(fi.dimension>2 && fi.centers[2].equals("cell")) spatialCal.zOrigin-=spatialCal.pixelDepth/2; } if(!detachedHeader) fi.longOffset = input.getFilePointer(); input.close(); this.setCalibration(spatialCal); return (fi); } // This gets a space delimited field from a nrrd string // of the form // a long name: space delimited values // but note only works with Java >=1.4 Ithink String getFieldPart(String str, int fieldIndex) { str=str.trim(); // trim the string String[] fieldParts=str.split(":\\s+"); if(fieldParts.length<2) return(fieldParts[0]); //CONRAD.log("field = "+fieldParts[0]+"; value = "+fieldParts[1]+"; fieldIndex = "+fieldIndex); if(fieldIndex==0) return fieldParts[0]; else return fieldParts[1]; } String getSubField(String str, int fieldIndex) { String fieldDescriptor=getFieldPart(str,1); fieldDescriptor=fieldDescriptor.trim(); // trim the string if (IJ.debugMode) CONRAD.log("fieldDescriptor = "+fieldDescriptor+"; fieldIndex = "+fieldIndex); String[] fields_values=fieldDescriptor.split("\\s+"); if (fieldIndex>=fields_values.length) { return ""; } else { String rval=fields_values[fieldIndex]; if(rval.startsWith("\"")) rval=rval.substring(1); if(rval.endsWith("\"")) rval=rval.substring(0, rval.length()-1); return rval; } } private SimpleVector parseVector(String s, int dim){ SimpleVector v = new SimpleVector(dim); int idx1 = 0; for(int i = 0; i < dim; i++){ int idx2; if(i == dim-1){ idx2 = s.indexOf(")"); }else{ idx2 = s.indexOf(",", idx1+1); } v.setElementValue(i, Double.valueOf(s.substring(idx1+1, idx2))); idx1 = idx2; } return v; } }