package edu.stanford.rsl.apps.gui.roi; import ij.IJ; import ij.ImagePlus; import ij.gui.Plot; import ij.gui.PointRoi; import ij.process.ImageProcessor; import edu.stanford.rsl.conrad.utils.DoubleArrayUtil; import edu.stanford.rsl.conrad.utils.FFTUtil; import edu.stanford.rsl.conrad.utils.UserUtil; import edu.stanford.rsl.conrad.utils.VisualizationUtil; public class Measure3DBeadMTF extends EvaluateROI { private boolean init = false; private int vW; private int vH; private int vD; private double r = 16; public double [] computeComplexFrequencies(double [] fft, double voxelsize){ double nyquistFrequency = 1 / (2* voxelsize); double stepsize = nyquistFrequency / (fft.length/4.0); double [] reval = new double [fft.length/4]; for(int i = 0; i<fft.length/4;i++){ reval[i]= i * stepsize; } return reval; } public double [] computeModelMTF(double [] fft, double range, int pixelsize){ double [] reval = new double [fft.length/2]; for (int i = 0; i < pixelsize/2; i++) reval[i] = range; return computeMTF(reval, 0); } public double [] computeMTF(double [] pixels, int padding){ // remove minimum for frequency analysis: double [] minmax = DoubleArrayUtil.minAndMaxOfArray(pixels); DoubleArrayUtil.add(pixels, -minmax[0]); double [] kernel = {-1, 0, 1}; double [] edge = DoubleArrayUtil.convolve(pixels, kernel); // FFT double [] fft = FFTUtil.fft(edge, padding); return fft; } /** * Method to perform trilinear interpolation along a line through an ImagePlus. * @param image the ImagePlus * @param x1 start x * @param x2 end x * @param y1 start y * @param y2 end y * @param z1 start z * @param z2 end z * @param numberOfQuantizationSteps * @return the array with the interpolated values */ public double [] getPixels(ImagePlus image, double x1, double x2, double y1, double y2, double z1, double z2, int numberOfQuantizationSteps){ double [] revan = new double[numberOfQuantizationSteps]; // direction double x = (x2 - x1) / (numberOfQuantizationSteps-1); double y = (y2 - y1) / (numberOfQuantizationSteps-1); double z = (z2 - z1) / (numberOfQuantizationSteps-1); for (int i = 0; i< numberOfQuantizationSteps; i++) { revan[i] = trilinear(image, x1 + (i*x), y1+ (i*y), z1+ (i*z)); } return revan; } @Override public Object evaluate() { if (configured) { if (roi instanceof PointRoi){ PointRoi point = (PointRoi) roi; double [] sum = null; int px = point.getBounds().x; int py = point.getBounds().y; int pz = image.getCurrentSlice()-1; int bigstep = 360; // 60; int smallstep = 1; //3.0; for (int i = 0; i < bigstep; i++){ double alpha = ((i*smallstep) / 180.0) * Math.PI; for (int j = 0; j < bigstep; j++){ double beta = ((i*smallstep) / 180.0) * Math.PI; // direction vector double x = r * Math.sin(alpha) * Math.cos(beta); double y = r * Math.sin(alpha) * Math.sin(beta); double z = r * Math.cos(alpha); // Interpolate along line double [] pixels = getPixels(image, px, px+x, py,py+y,pz,pz+z, (int) (2*r)); // remove mean for frequency analysis: double [] minmax = DoubleArrayUtil.minAndMaxOfArray(pixels); DoubleArrayUtil.add(pixels, -minmax[0]); double [] kernel = {-1, 0, 1}; double [] edge = DoubleArrayUtil.convolve(pixels, kernel); // FFT double [] fft = FFTUtil.fft(edge); if (sum == null){ sum = fft; } else { DoubleArrayUtil.add(sum, fft); } } } DoubleArrayUtil.divide(sum, Math.pow(bigstep, 2)); System.out.println("MTF:"); for (int i=0; i<(sum.length/4); i++) { System.out.println(FFTUtil.abs(i, sum)); } Plot plot = VisualizationUtil.createHalfComplexPowerPlot(sum, "Edge MTF of " + image.getTitle()); try{; } catch (Exception e){ } } else { throw new RuntimeException("A PointRoi is required to measure the 3D MTF."); } } return null; } public void configure() throws Exception { image = IJ.getImage(); roi = image.getRoi(); if (roi != null){ r = UserUtil.queryDouble("Radius in pixels: ", r); configured = true; } } @Override public String toString() { return "Measure 3-D MTF of a bead"; } /** * Method to initialize the trilinear interpolation. * @param data3D */ private void init(ImagePlus data3D){ if (!init){ vW = data3D.getWidth()-1; vH = data3D.getWidth()-1; vD = data3D.getStackSize()-1; init = true; } } /** * Trilinear Interpolation in an ImagePlus.<BR> * Adopted from Volume Viewer by Kai Uwe Barthel: barthel (at) * * This method is initialized in the first call with the volume dimensions to save computation time.<br> * If this interpolation method is used from somewhere else, please use this method only on volumes of the same dimension. Instantiate one Measure3DBeadMTF Object per distinct volume dimension. * * @param data3D the ImagePlus * @param x the x coordinate * @param y the y coordinate * @param z the z coordinate * @return the interpolated value */ public double trilinear(ImagePlus data3D, double x, double y, double z) { init(data3D); int tx = (int)x; double dx = x - tx; int tx1 = (tx < vW) ? tx+1 : tx; int ty = (int)y; double dy = y - ty; int ty1 = (ty < vH) ? ty+1 : ty; int tz = (int)z; double dz = z - tz; int tz1 = (tz < vD) ? tz+1 : tz; ImageProcessor ptz = data3D.getStack().getProcessor(tz+1); ImageProcessor ptz1 = data3D.getStack().getProcessor(tz1+1); float v000 = ptz.getPixelValue(tx, ty); float v001 = ptz1.getPixelValue(tx, ty); float v010 = ptz.getPixelValue(tx, ty1); float v011 = ptz1.getPixelValue(tx, ty1); float v100 = ptz.getPixelValue(tx1, ty); float v101 = ptz1.getPixelValue(tx1, ty); float v110 = ptz.getPixelValue(tx1, ty1); float v111 = ptz1.getPixelValue(tx1, ty1); return ( (v100 - v000)*dx + (v010 - v000)*dy + (v001 - v000)*dz + (v110 - v100 - v010 + v000)*dx*dy + (v011 - v010 - v001 + v000)*dy*dz + (v101 - v100 - v001 + v000)*dx*dz + (v111 + v100 + v010 + v001 - v110 - v101 - v011 - v000)*dx*dy*dz + v000 ); } } /* * Copyright (C) 2010-2014 - Andreas Maier * CONRAD is developed as an Open Source project under the GNU General Public License (GPL). */