package edu.stanford.rsl.conrad.utils; import edu.emory.mathcs.jtransforms.fft.DoubleFFT_1D; import edu.emory.mathcs.jtransforms.fft.DoubleFFT_2D; import; import; import edu.stanford.rsl.conrad.filtering.rampfilters.RampFilter; /** * This class is a wrapper for the FFT as implemented in JTransforms. * * * @author Andreas Maier * */ public abstract class FFTUtil { public static void init1DFFT(int width){ DoubleFFT_1D fft = new DoubleFFT_1D(FFTUtil.getNextPowerOfTwo(width)); double [] test = new double [FFTUtil.getNextPowerOfTwo(width) * 2]; fft.complexForward(test); fft.complexInverse(test, true); } public static double [] fft(double [] array){ DoubleFFT_1D fft = new DoubleFFT_1D(FFTUtil.getNextPowerOfTwo(array.length)); double [] test = new double [FFTUtil.getNextPowerOfTwo(array.length) * 2]; for (int i = 0; i < array.length; i++){ test[i*2] = array[i]; } fft.complexForward(test); return test; } public static double [] fft(double [] array, int padding){ DoubleFFT_1D fft = new DoubleFFT_1D(FFTUtil.getNextPowerOfTwo(array.length + padding)); double [] test = new double [FFTUtil.getNextPowerOfTwo(array.length+padding) * 2]; for (int i = 0; i < array.length; i++){ test[i*2] = array[i]; } fft.complexForward(test); return test; } /** * Computes the complex signum for the given array. * @param array the array */ public static double [] complexSignum (double [] array){ double [] revan = new double [array.length]; for (int i=0;i<array.length/2;i++){ double abs = abs(i, array); if (abs != 0) { revan[i*2] = array[i*2] / abs; revan[(i*2)+1] = array[(i*2)+1] / abs; } else { revan[i*2] = 0; revan[(i*2)+1] = 0; } } return revan; } /** * Computes the signum for the given complex array. * @param array the array */ public static double [] cSignum (double [] array){ double [] revan = new double [array.length]; for (int i=0;i<array.length/2;i++){ double abs = abs(i, array); if (abs != 0) { double val = 1; if (array[i*2] < 0 ||(array[i*2]==0 && array[(i*2)+1]<0)) val =-1; revan[i*2] = val; revan[(i*2)+1] = 0; } else { revan[i*2] = 0; revan[(i*2)+1] = 0; } } return revan; } /** * Multiplies the array with the complex number defined as two double values; * @param array the array * @param realOne the real part of the complex number * @param imagOne the imaginary part of the complex number */ public static void timesComplexNumber(double [] array, double realOne, double imagOne){ for (int i=0;i<array.length/2;i++){ double [] newValue = multiplyComplex(array[i*2], array[(i*2)+1], realOne, imagOne); array[i*2] = newValue[0]; array[(i*2)+1] = newValue[1]; } } public static double[] complexOneOverPiT(int width){ double [] revan = new double [width]; for(int i=0; i< width/2; i++){ revan[i*2] = 1/((i-(width/4))*Math.PI); if ((i-(width/4))==0){ revan[i*2] =10000; } } return revan; } public static double[] hilbertKernel(int width){ double [] revan = new double [width]; for(int i=0; i< width/2; i++){ revan[i*2] = Math.signum(i-(width/4)); } return revan; } /** * Computes the 1-D Hilbert Transform of the given Array. Uses the Fast Fourier transform to compute the transform * @param array the array * @param nTimes the size of the zero padding:<pre> * n = 1 zero pad to next power of 2 * n = 2 zero pad to 2 times the next power of 2</pre> * @return the Hilbert transformed array */ public static double [] hilbertTransform(double [] array, int nTimes){ int newDimension = FFTUtil.getNextPowerOfTwo(array.length); // Write the data to JTransforms complex format double [] fftData = new double[newDimension*2*nTimes]; for (int i = 0 ; i < array.length; i++){ fftData[i*2] = array[i]; } // FFT DoubleFFT_1D fft = new DoubleFFT_1D(newDimension*nTimes); fft.complexForward(fftData); // compute Hilbert Transform for (int i=0;i<fftData.length/2;i++){ double sign = Math.signum((fftData.length/4)-i); if (sign == 0) { } else { if (i==0) sign =0; if(i == (fftData.length/2) -1) sign =0; double real = sign * -1.0 * fftData[(2*i)+1]; double imag = sign * 1.0 * fftData[(2*i)]; fftData[2*i] = real; fftData[(2*i)+1] = imag; } } // iFFT fft.complexInverse(fftData, true); // rewrite as real array. double [] revan = new double[array.length]; for (int i = 0 ; i < array.length; i++){ revan[i] = //abs( i, fftData); fftData[2*i]; } return revan; } public static double [] discreteHilbertTransform(double [] array, int nTimes){ double [] revan = new double [array.length]; for (int i =0; i<array.length; i++){ double sum = 0; if(i % 2 == 0){ // i even for (int j = 0; j < array.length; j++){ if (j % 2 == 1){ // j odd sum += array[j] / (i - j); } } sum *= 2.0 / Math.PI; } else { // i odd for (int j = 0; j < array.length; j++){ if (j % 2 == 0){ // j even sum += array[j] / (i - j); } } sum *= 2.0 / Math.PI; } revan[i] = sum; } return revan; } /** * Exact finite discrete Hilbert transformation after Kak SC. Hilbert Transformation for discrete data. Int J Electronics 34(2):177-83. 1973. Eq. 14 * @param array the Array * @param nTimes Approximation for infinity * @return the array with the Hilbert transform */ public static double [] exactFiniteHilbertTransform(double [] array, int nTimes){ double [] revan = new double [array.length]; for (int n =0; n<array.length; n++){ double sum1 = 0; for (int k = 0; k< array.length; k++){ if (n-k !=0){ double cos = Math.cos(Math.PI*(n-k)); double sum2 = (1.0 - cos) / (Math.PI*(n-k)); for (int p = 1; p < nTimes; p++){ sum2 += (2.0 / Math.PI) * (((n-k)*(1.0-(Math.pow(-1.0, p) * cos))) / (Math.pow(n-k,2) - (Math.pow(p,2)*Math.pow(array.length, 2))) ); } sum1 += array[k] * sum2; //System.out.println(sum1); } } revan[n] = sum1; } return revan; } /** * Estimates an inverse of a Ramp Filter. Works in place. The array in the argument list will be changed! * @param filter the filter * @param max the maximal scaling (1.0 is a good number) * @return the inverted RampFilter */ public static double [] invertRampFilter(double [] filter, double max){ double maximum = -Double.MAX_VALUE; for (int i=0; i< filter.length/2; i++){ // Compute Inverse double value = 1.0 / abs(i, filter); // set to real part filter[2*i] = value; // set complex part to 0 filter[(2*i) + 1] = 0; // update maximum if needed if (value > maximum) maximum = value; } // compute scaling factor double scale = max / maximum; // scale the inverted filter boolean scaling = true; if (scaling) { for (int i=0; i< filter.length/2; i++){ if (Double.isInfinite(filter[2*i])) { filter [2*i] = 0; } else { filter [2*i] *= scale; } } } return filter; } /** * Removes a ramp filter from the ImageProcessor. Note that frequencies which were multiplied with 0 cannot * be restored. This has to be estimated differently. (If you apply the same filter later on again, it should * not matter anyway, as the same frequencies will be multiplied with 0 again.) * * @param imp the filtered ImageProcessor * @param ramp the ramp * @param max the maximum for the inverted ramp filter. (try 1.0) * @return the unfiltered ImageProcessor */ public static Grid2D removeRampFilter(Grid2D imp, RampFilter ramp, double max){ int originalWidth; int originalHeight; int maxN; originalWidth = imp.getWidth(); originalHeight = imp.getHeight(); maxN = Math.max(originalWidth, originalHeight); int newDimension = FFTUtil.getNextPowerOfTwo(maxN); // Write the data to JTransforms format double [] fftData = new double[newDimension*2]; double [] filter = ramp.getRampFilter1D(newDimension); invertRampFilter(filter, max); DoubleFFT_1D fft = new DoubleFFT_1D(newDimension); Grid2D revan = new Grid2D(originalWidth, originalHeight); revan.setOrigin(imp.getOrigin()); revan.setSpacing(imp.getSpacing()); for (int j = 0; j < imp.getHeight(); j++){ for (int i = 0 ; i < imp.getWidth(); i++){ fftData[i*2] = imp.getPixelValue(i, j); } // Perform forward transform fft.complexForward(fftData); // Filter fftData = FFTUtil.multiplyAbsolute(fftData, filter); // Perform backward transform fft.complexInverse(fftData, true); for (int i = 0 ; i< revan.getWidth(); i++){ double value = fftData[i*2]; revan.putPixelValue(i, j, value); } } boolean adjust = false; if (adjust){ double [] scale = new double [revan.getWidth()]; double [] stats = new double [2]; stats[0] = NumericPointwiseOperators.mean(revan); stats[1] = NumericPointwiseOperators.stddev(revan, stats[0]); System.out.println("Mean :" + stats[0]); double avgBorder = 0; for (int i = 0; i < revan.getHeight(); i++){ avgBorder += (revan.getPixelValue(0, i) + revan.getPixelValue(revan.getWidth()-1, i)) / (2* revan.getHeight()); } double factor = ((stats[0] - Math.abs(stats[0] - avgBorder)) / avgBorder) - 1; System.out.println("Factor :" + factor); for (int i = 0; i < scale.length; i++){ scale[i] = (1 + (factor * Math.cos(i * 2 * Math.PI / revan.getWidth()))); } for (int j = 0; j < imp.getHeight(); j++){ for (int i = 0 ; i< revan.getWidth(); i++){ double value = revan.getPixelValue(i, j) * scale[i]; revan.putPixelValue(i, j, value); } } } return revan; } /** * low pass filters the given array. All indices with a distance greater or equal to cutOffIndex from the highest frequency are set to 0; * @param array the real double array * @param cutOffIndex the index to start cutting * @return the low pass filtered array. */ public static double [] lowPassFilterRealDoubleArray (double [] array, int cutOffIndex){ int newDimension = FFTUtil.getNextPowerOfTwo(array.length); // Write the data to JTransforms complex format double [] fftData = new double[newDimension*2]; for (int i = 0 ; i < array.length; i++){ fftData[i*2] = array[i]; } // FFT DoubleFFT_1D fft = new DoubleFFT_1D(newDimension); fft.complexForward(fftData); // low pass data for (int i = 0 ; i < cutOffIndex; i++){ int center = newDimension; fftData[center + (i*2)] = 0; fftData[center + (i*2) + 1] = 0; fftData[center - (i*2)] = 0; fftData[center - (i*2) + 1] = 0; } // iFFT fft.complexInverse(fftData, true); // rewrite as real array. double [] revan = new double[newDimension]; for (int i = 0 ; i < array.length; i++){ revan[i] = fftData[2*i]; } return revan; } /** * Applies a ramp filter to the an ImageProcessor * @param imp the ImageProcessor to be filtered * @param ramp the ramp * @return the filtered ImageProcessor */ public static Grid2D applyRampFilter_ECC(Grid2D imp, RampFilter ramp){ int originalWidth; int originalHeight; int maxN; boolean error = false; originalWidth = imp.getWidth(); originalHeight = imp.getHeight(); maxN = Math.max(originalWidth, originalHeight); int newDimension = FFTUtil.getNextPowerOfTwo(maxN); // Write the data to JTransforms format double [] fftData = new double[newDimension*2]; double [] filter = ramp.getRampFilter1D(newDimension); if (DoubleArrayUtil.isNaN(filter)){ System.out.println("NaN found in Filter!"); } DoubleFFT_1D fft = new DoubleFFT_1D(newDimension); Grid2D revan = new Grid2D(originalWidth, originalHeight); revan.setOrigin(imp.getOrigin()); revan.setSpacing(imp.getSpacing()); for (int j = 0; j < imp.getHeight(); j++){ for (int i = 0 ; i < newDimension *2; i++){ fftData[i] = 0; } if (DoubleArrayUtil.isNaN(fftData)){ System.out.println("Never happens!"); } for (int i = 0 ; i < imp.getWidth(); i++){ fftData[i*2] = imp.getPixelValue(i, j); } if (DoubleArrayUtil.isNaN(fftData)){ System.out.println("NaN found in input Data! line " + j); for (int i = 0 ; i < imp.getWidth(); i++){ if (Double.isNaN(fftData[i*2])){ System.out.println("index " + i); } } error = true; } // Perform forward transform fft.complexForward(fftData); if (DoubleArrayUtil.isNaN(fftData)){ System.out.println("NaN found after FFT!"); } // Filter fftData = FFTUtil.multiplyAbsolute(fftData, filter); if (DoubleArrayUtil.isNaN(fftData)){ System.out.println("NaN found after filter application!"); } // Perform backward transform fft.complexInverse(fftData, true); if (DoubleArrayUtil.isNaN(fftData)){ System.out.println("NaN found after iFFT!"); } for (int i = 0 ; i< revan.getWidth(); i++){ double value = fftData[i*2]; revan.putPixelValue(i, j, value); } } if (error) { //ImagePlus gi = ImageUtil.wrapGrid3D(imp, ""); //gi.setTitle("Errors"); //; } return revan; } /** * Applies a ramp filter to the an ImageProcessor * @param imp the ImageProcessor to be filtered * @param ramp the ramp * @return the filtered ImageProcessor */ public static Grid2D applyRampFilter(Grid2D imp, RampFilter ramp){ int originalWidth; int originalHeight; int maxN; originalWidth = imp.getWidth(); originalHeight = imp.getHeight(); maxN = Math.max(originalWidth, originalHeight); int newDimension = FFTUtil.getNextPowerOfTwo(maxN); // Satisfy Nyquist? // Write the data to JTransforms format double [] fftData = new double[newDimension*2]; // Zero padding? double [] filter = ramp.getRampFilter1D(newDimension); DoubleFFT_1D fft = new DoubleFFT_1D(newDimension); Grid2D revan = new Grid2D(originalWidth, originalHeight); revan.setOrigin(imp.getOrigin()); revan.setSpacing(imp.getSpacing()); for (int j = 0; j < imp.getHeight(); j++){ for (int i = 0 ; i < newDimension *2; i++){ fftData[i] = 0; } for (int i = 0 ; i < imp.getWidth(); i++){ fftData[i*2] = imp.getPixelValue(i, j); } // Perform forward transform fft.complexForward(fftData); // Filter fftData = FFTUtil.multiplyAbsolute(fftData, filter); // Perform backward transform fft.complexInverse(fftData, true); for (int i = 0 ; i< revan.getWidth(); i++){ double value = fftData[i*2]; revan.putPixelValue(i, j, value); } } return revan; } /** * Applies a ramp filter to the a detector row * @param detectorRow the row * @param ramp the ramp * @return the filtered row */ public static double [] applyRampFilter(double [] detectorRow, RampFilter ramp){ int originalWidth; int maxN; originalWidth = detectorRow.length; maxN = originalWidth; int newDimension = FFTUtil.getNextPowerOfTwo(maxN); // Write the data to JTransforms format double [] fftData = new double[newDimension*2]; double [] filter = ramp.getRampFilter1D(newDimension); DoubleFFT_1D fft = new DoubleFFT_1D(newDimension); double [] revan = new double[originalWidth]; for (int i = 0 ; i < newDimension *2; i++){ fftData[i] = 0; } for (int i = 0 ; i < detectorRow.length; i++){ fftData[i*2] = detectorRow[i]; } // Perform forward transform fft.complexForward(fftData); // Filter fftData = FFTUtil.multiplyAbsolute(fftData, filter); // Perform backward transform fft.complexInverse(fftData, true); for (int i = 0 ; i< revan.length; i++){ double value = fftData[i*2]; revan[i] = value; } return revan; } /** * Applies a 2D filter to the an ImageProcessor * @param imp the ImageProcessor to be filtered * @param filter the filter * @return the filtered ImageProcessor */ public static Grid2D apply2DFilter(Grid2D imp, Grid2D filter){ int originalWidth; int originalHeight; int maxN; originalWidth = imp.getWidth(); originalHeight = imp.getHeight(); maxN = Math.max(originalWidth, originalHeight); int newDimension = FFTUtil.getNextPowerOfTwo(maxN); // Write the data to JTransforms format double [][] fftData = new double[newDimension][newDimension*2]; DoubleFFT_2D fft = new DoubleFFT_2D(newDimension, newDimension); Grid2D revan = new Grid2D(originalWidth, originalHeight); revan.setOrigin(imp.getOrigin()); revan.setSpacing(imp.getSpacing()); for (int j = 0; j < imp.getHeight(); j++){ for (int i = 0 ; i < imp.getWidth(); i++){ fftData[i][j*2] = imp.getPixelValue(i, j); } } // Perform forward transform fft.complexForward(fftData); // Filter for (int j = 0; j < filter.getHeight(); j++){ for (int i = 0 ; i < filter.getWidth(); i++){ fftData[i][j*2] *= filter.getPixelValue(i, j); fftData[i][(j*2)+1] *= filter.getPixelValue(i, j); } } // Perform backward transform fft.complexInverse(fftData, true); for (int j = 0; j < imp.getHeight(); j++){ for (int i = 0 ; i< revan.getWidth(); i++){ double value = fftData[i][j*2]; revan.putPixelValue(i, j, value); } } return revan; } /** * Divides two complex values * @param realOne real part one * @param imagOne imaginary part one * @param realTwo real part two * @param imagTwo imaginary part two * @return an array of two values: first entry is real, second imaginary */ public static double [] divideComplex(double realOne, double imagOne, double realTwo, double imagTwo){ double [] revan = new double [2]; double denominator = Math.pow(realTwo, 2) + Math.pow(imagTwo, 2); revan [0] = ((realOne * realTwo) + (imagOne * imagTwo)) / denominator; revan [1] = ((imagOne * realTwo) - (realOne * imagTwo)) / denominator; return revan; } /** * Divides two arrays of complex numbers. The absolute value of the second array is used to divide the complex first array. * @param one the first array * @param two the second array * @return the array of null if the lengths of the arrays don't match */ public static double [] divideAbsolute(double [] one, double [] two){ double [] revan = null; if (one.length==two.length) { revan = new double [one.length]; for (int i = 0; i < one.length/2; i++){ revan[2*i] = (one[2*i] / abs(i, two)); revan[(2*i)+1] = (one[(2*i)+1] / abs(i, two)); } } return revan; } /** * Multiplies two complex values * @param realOne real part one * @param imagOne imaginary part one * @param realTwo real part two * @param imagTwo imaginary part two * @return an array of two values: first entry is real, second imaginary */ public static double [] multiplyComplex(double realOne, double imagOne, double realTwo, double imagTwo){ double [] revan = new double [2]; revan [0] = (realOne * realTwo) - (imagOne * imagTwo); revan [1] = (imagOne * realTwo) + (realOne * imagTwo); return revan; } /** * Multiplies two arrays of complex numbers pairwise * @param one the first array * @param two the second array * @return the array of null if the lengths of the arrays don't match */ public static double [] multiplyComplex(double [] one, double [] two){ double [] revan = null; if (one.length==two.length) { revan = new double [one.length]; for (int i = 0; i < one.length/2; i++){ revan[2*i] = (one[2*i] * two[2*i]) - (one[(2*i)+1] * two[(2*i)+1]); revan[(2*i)+1] = (one[(2*i)+1] * two[2*i]) + (one[2*i] * two[(2*i)+1]); } } return revan; } /** * Multiplies two arrays of complex numbers. The absolute value of the second array is multiplied to the complex first array. * @param one the first array * @param two the second array * @return the array of null if the lengths of the arrays don't match */ public static double [] multiplyAbsolute(double [] one, double [] two){ double [] revan = null; if (one.length==two.length) { revan = new double [one.length]; for (int i = 0; i < one.length/2; i++){ revan[2*i] = (one[2*i] * abs(i, two)); revan[(2*i)+1] = (one[(2*i)+1] * abs(i, two)); } } return revan; } /** * shift zero frequency to center, or vice verse, 1D. * @param data the double data to be shifted * @param bComplex true: complex; false: real * @param bSign true: fftshift; false: ifftshift * @return the fft shifted array */ public static double [] fftshift(double [] data, boolean bComplex, boolean bSign) { double [] revan = new double [data.length]; int step = 1; if (bComplex) step = 2; int len = data.length/step; int p = 0; if(bSign) p = (int) Math.ceil(len/2.0); else p = (int) Math.floor(len/2.0); int i=0; if (step==1){ for (i=p;i<len;i++){ revan[i-p] = data[i]; } for (i=0;i<p;i++){ revan[i+len-p] = data[i]; } } else{ for (i=p;i<len;i++){ revan[(i-p)*2] = data[i*2]; revan[(i-p)*2+1] = data[i*2+1]; } for (i=0;i<p;i++){ revan[(i+len-p)*2] = data[i*2]; revan[(i+len-p)*2+1] = data[i*2+1]; } } return revan; } /** * shift zero frequency to center, or vice verse, 1D. * @param data the float data to be shifted * @param bComplex true: complex; false: real * @param bSign true: fftshift; false: ifftshift * @return the fft shifted array */ public static float [] fftshift(float [] data, boolean bComplex, boolean bSign) { float [] revan = new float [data.length]; int step = 1; if (bComplex) step = 2; int len = data.length/step; int p = 0; if(bSign) p = (int) Math.ceil(len/2.0); else p = (int) Math.floor(len/2.0); int i=0; if (step==1){ for (i=p;i<len;i++){ revan[i-p] = data[i]; } for (i=0;i<p;i++){ revan[i+len-p] = data[i]; } } else{ for (i=p;i<len;i++){ revan[(i-p)*2] = data[i*2]; revan[(i-p)*2+1] = data[i*2+1]; } for (i=0;i<p;i++){ revan[(i+len-p)*2] = data[i*2]; revan[(i+len-p)*2+1] = data[i*2+1]; } } return revan; } /** * shift zero frequency to center, or vice verse, 2D. * @param data the double data to be shifted * @param bComplex true: complex; false: real * @param bSign true: fftshift; false: ifftshift * @return the fft shifted array */ public static double[][] fftshift(double [][] data, boolean bComplex, boolean bSign) { int step = 1; if (bComplex) step = 2; int height = data.length; int width = data[0].length/step; double [][] revan = new double [data.length][data[0].length]; int pH = 0; int pW = 0; if(bSign) { pH = (int) Math.ceil(height/2.0); pW = (int) Math.ceil(width/2.0); } else{ pH = (int) Math.floor(height/2.0); pW = (int) Math.floor(width/2.0); } int i=0; int j=0; if (step==1){ for(j=pH;j<height;j++){ for (i=pW;i<width;i++){ revan[j-pH][i-pW] = data[j][i]; } for (i=0;i<pW;i++){ revan[j-pH][i+width-pW] = data[j][i]; } } for(j=0;j<pH;j++){ for (i=pW;i<width;i++){ revan[j+height-pH][i-pW] = data[j][i]; } for (i=0;i<pW;i++){ revan[j+height-pH][i+width-pW] = data[j][i]; } } } else{ for(j=pH;j<height;j++){ for (i=pW;i<width;i++){ revan[j-pH][(i-pW)*2] = data[j][i*2]; revan[j-pH][(i-pW)*2+1] = data[j][i*2+1]; } for (i=0;i<pW;i++){ revan[j-pH][(i+width-pW)*2] = data[j][i*2]; revan[j-pH][(i+width-pW)*2+1] = data[j][i*2+1]; } } for(j=0;j<pH;j++){ for (i=pW;i<width;i++){ revan[j+height-pH][(i-pW)*2] = data[j][i*2]; revan[j+height-pH][(i-pW)*2+1] = data[j][i*2+1]; } for (i=0;i<pW;i++){ revan[j+height-pH][(i+width-pW)*2] = data[j][i*2]; revan[j+height-pH][(i+width-pW)*2+1] = data[j][i*2+1]; } } } return revan; } /** * shift zero frequency to center, or vice verse, 2D. * @param data the double data to be shifted * @param bComplex true: complex; false: real * @param bSign true: fftshift; false: ifftshift * @return the fft shifted array */ public static float[][] fftshift(float [][] data, boolean bComplex, boolean bSign) { int step = 1; if (bComplex) step = 2; int height = data.length; int width = data[0].length/step; float [][] revan = new float [data.length][data[0].length]; int pH = 0; int pW = 0; if(bSign) { pH = (int) Math.ceil(height/2.0); pW = (int) Math.ceil(width/2.0); } else{ pH = (int) Math.floor(height/2.0); pW = (int) Math.floor(width/2.0); } int i=0; int j=0; if (step==1){ for(j=pH;j<height;j++){ for (i=pW;i<width;i++){ revan[j-pH][i-pW] = data[j][i]; } for (i=0;i<pW;i++){ revan[j-pH][i+width-pW] = data[j][i]; } } for(j=0;j<pH;j++){ for (i=pW;i<width;i++){ revan[j+height-pH][i-pW] = data[j][i]; } for (i=0;i<pW;i++){ revan[j+height-pH][i+width-pW] = data[j][i]; } } } else{ for(j=pH;j<height;j++){ for (i=pW;i<width;i++){ revan[j-pH][(i-pW)*2] = data[j][i*2]; revan[j-pH][(i-pW)*2+1] = data[j][i*2+1]; } for (i=0;i<pW;i++){ revan[j-pH][(i+width-pW)*2] = data[j][i*2]; revan[j-pH][(i+width-pW)*2+1] = data[j][i*2+1]; } } for(j=0;j<pH;j++){ for (i=pW;i<width;i++){ revan[j+height-pH][(i-pW)*2] = data[j][i*2]; revan[j+height-pH][(i-pW)*2+1] = data[j][i*2+1]; } for (i=0;i<pW;i++){ revan[j+height-pH][(i+width-pW)*2] = data[j][i*2]; revan[j+height-pH][(i+width-pW)*2+1] = data[j][i*2+1]; } } } return revan; } /** * Get Lowpass and HighPass Images for "real" image using "real" filters * @param data image in real * @param LowPassFilter Low pass filter in real * @param HighPassFilter High pass filter in real * @param LowPassImage Low pass image in real * @param HighPassImage High Pass image in real */ public static void GetLowandHighPassImage(float [][] data, float [][] LowPassFilter, float [][] HighPassFilter, float [][] LowPassImage, float [][] HighPassImage) { int nHeight = data.length; int nWidth = data[0].length; double [][] temp1 = new double[nHeight][nWidth*2]; // for high pass double [][] temp2 = new double[nHeight][nWidth*2]; // for low pass for (int i=0;i<nHeight;i++){ for(int j=0;j<nWidth;j++){ temp1[i][2*j] = data[i][j]; } } //FloatFFT_2D fft2 = new FloatFFT_2D(nHeight,nWidth); DoubleFFT_2D fft2 = new DoubleFFT_2D(nHeight,nWidth); fft2.complexForward(temp1); for (int i=0;i<nHeight;i++){ for(int j=0;j<nWidth;j++){ temp2[i][2*j] = temp1[i][2*j] * LowPassFilter[i][j]; temp1[i][2*j] = temp1[i][2*j] * HighPassFilter[i][j]; temp2[i][2*j+1] = temp1[i][2*j+1] * LowPassFilter[i][j]; temp1[i][2*j+1] = temp1[i][2*j+1] * HighPassFilter[i][j]; } } temp1 = fftshift(temp1,true,false); fft2.complexInverse(temp1,true); fft2.complexInverse(temp2,true); for (int i=0;i<nHeight;i++){ for(int j=0;j<nWidth;j++){ LowPassImage[i][j] = (float)temp2[i][2*j];// Math.sqrt(temp2[i][2*j]*temp2[i][2*j]+temp2[i][2*j+1]*temp2[i][2*j+1]); HighPassImage[i][j] = (float)temp1[i][2*j];// Math.sqrt(temp1[i][2*j]*temp1[i][2*j]+temp1[i][2*j+1]*temp1[i][2*j+1]); } } } /** * Returns the 2D power spectrum of a given image processor. * * @param imp the ImageProcessor * @return the power spectrum as ImageProcessor */ public static Grid2D getPowerSpectrum(Grid2D imp){ int originalWidth; int originalHeight; int maxN; originalWidth = imp.getWidth(); originalHeight = imp.getHeight(); maxN = Math.max(originalWidth, originalHeight); int newDimension = FFTUtil.getNextPowerOfTwo(maxN); // Write the data to JTransforms format double [][] fftData = new double[newDimension][newDimension*2]; DoubleFFT_2D fft = new DoubleFFT_2D(newDimension, newDimension); for (int i = 0 ; i< imp.getWidth(); i++){ for (int j = 0; j< imp.getHeight(); j++){ fftData[i][j*2] = imp.getPixelValue(i, j); } } // Perform forward transform fft.complexForward(fftData); // Filter Grid2D revan = new Grid2D(newDimension, newDimension); for (int i = 0 ; i< revan.getWidth(); i++){ for (int j = 0; j< revan.getHeight(); j++){ double value = FFTUtil.abs(i, j, fftData); revan.putPixelValue(i, j, value); } } return revan; } /** * Returns true if the number is a power of two * * @param value the input number. */ public static boolean isPowerOfTwo(int value){ return Integer.bitCount(value)==1; } /** * Returns the NEXT power of 2 given a certain integer value * For power of twos it also returns the next power of 2, e.g. for 512 -> 1024 * * Code was partially taken from * Thanks for the inspiration! * * @param value the input number. * @return the next power of two. */ public static int getNextPowerOfTwo(int value){ if (isPowerOfTwo(value)) return value*2; else { int i = 2; while (i <= value) { i *= 2; } return i*2; } } /** * Estimates the applied filter given an input and an output image. * * @param before the input image * @param after the output image * @param threshold the maximal value which may appear in the estimate. (to avoid outliers.) * @return the estimate of the applied filter * @throws Exception may occur. */ public static Grid2D estimateFilter2D(Grid2D before, Grid2D after, double threshold) throws Exception{ if ((before.getWidth() != after.getWidth()|| (after.getHeight() != before.getHeight()))){ throw new Exception ("Image dimensions do not match!"); } int originalWidth; int originalHeight; int maxN; originalWidth = before.getWidth(); originalHeight = before.getHeight(); // Padding required? Pad if necessary maxN = Math.max(originalWidth, originalHeight); int newDimension = FFTUtil.getNextPowerOfTwo(maxN); Grid2D filterEstimate = new Grid2D(newDimension, newDimension); double [][] fftBefore = new double [newDimension][newDimension*2]; double [][] fftAfter = new double [newDimension][newDimension*2]; DoubleFFT_2D fft = new DoubleFFT_2D(newDimension, newDimension); double outlier = 0; for (int j = 0; j < before.getHeight(); j++){ // for all image rows // Convert to JTransforms format for (int i = 0 ; i < newDimension; i++){ fftBefore[i][j*2] = before.getPixelValue(i, j); fftBefore[i][(j*2)+1] = 0; fftAfter[i][j*2] = after.getPixelValue(i, j); fftAfter[i][(j*2)+1] = 0; } } // Perform the FFTs fft.complexForward(fftBefore); fft.complexForward(fftAfter); // estimate the filter for (int j = 0; j < newDimension; j++){ // for all image rows for (int i = 0 ; i < newDimension; i++){ double beforeValue = abs(i, j, fftBefore); double add = 0; if (beforeValue != 0) { add = abs(0, divideComplex(fftAfter[i][2*j], fftAfter[i][(2*j)+1], fftBefore[i][2*j], fftBefore[i][(2*j)+1])); if (add < threshold) { filterEstimate.putPixelValue(i, j, add); } else { outlier++; } } else { outlier++; } } } //System.out.println("Outliers per frame: " + outlier); return filterEstimate; } /** * Estimates the applied ramp filter given an input and an output image. * * @param after the output image * @param before the input image * @return the estimate of the applied filter * @throws Exception may occur. */ public static double [] estimateFilter(Grid2D after, Grid2D before, double threshold, boolean meanSquare) throws Exception{ if ((before.getWidth() != after.getWidth()|| (after.getHeight() != before.getHeight()))){ throw new Exception ("Image dimensions do not match!"); } int originalWidth; int originalHeight; int maxN; originalWidth = before.getWidth(); originalHeight = before.getHeight(); // Padding required? Pad if necessary maxN = Math.max(originalWidth, originalHeight); int newDimension = FFTUtil.getNextPowerOfTwo(maxN); double [] filterEstimate = new double [newDimension]; double [] fftBefore = new double [newDimension*2]; double [] fftAfter = new double [newDimension*2]; DoubleFFT_1D fft = new DoubleFFT_1D(newDimension); double outlier = 0; for (int j = 0; j < before.getHeight(); j++){ // for all image rows // Perform the fft transform on both images for (int i = 0 ; i < newDimension; i++){ fftBefore[i*2] = before.getPixelValue(i, j); fftBefore[(i*2)+1] = 0; fftAfter[i*2] = after.getPixelValue(i, j); fftAfter[(i*2)+1] = 0; } fft.complexForward(fftBefore); fft.complexForward(fftAfter); // estimate the filter if (meanSquare) { double [] input = new double [newDimension]; double [] output = new double [newDimension]; for (int i = 0 ; i < newDimension; i++){ double in = abs(i,fftBefore); double out = abs(i, fftAfter); // Just consider observations which are not 0; if ((Math.abs(in) > 0.01)){ // Least Square estimate input[i] += in * in; output[i] += in * out; } } for (int i = 0 ; i < newDimension; i++){ filterEstimate[i] = output[i] / input[i]; if ((filterEstimate[i] > threshold)||(Double.isNaN(filterEstimate[i]))) filterEstimate[i] = -1; } } else { for (int i = 0 ; i < newDimension; i++){ double beforeValue = abs(i, fftBefore); double add = 0; if (beforeValue != 0) { add = abs(0, divideComplex(fftAfter[2*i], fftAfter[(2*i)+1], fftBefore[2*i], fftBefore[(2*i)+1])); if (add < threshold) { filterEstimate[i] += add / before.getHeight(); } else { outlier++; } } else { outlier++; } } } } outlier /= before.getHeight(); // Outliers per row if (!meanSquare) System.out.println("Outliers per row: " + outlier); return filterEstimate; } /** * Computes the absolute value of the complex number at position pos in the array * @param pos the position * @param array the array which contains the values * @return the absolute value */ public static double abs (int pos, double[] array){ return Math.sqrt(Math.pow(array[pos *2], 2) + Math.pow(array[(2*pos)+1], 2)); } /** * Computes the absolute values of the complex number at posx, posy in the 2D array array. * * @param posx x position * @param posy y position * @param array the array * @return the absolute value of the complex number */ public static double abs (int posx, int posy, double[][] array){ return Math.sqrt(Math.pow(array[posx][posy *2], 2) + Math.pow(array[posx][(2*posy)+1], 2)); } /** * Prints the absolute values in the given array * @param array the array of complex values */ public static void printAbsolute(double [] array){ System.out.println("Begin Absolute Out"); for (int i = 0; i < array.length / 2; i++){ System.out.println(FFTUtil.abs(i, array)); } System.out.println("End Absolute Out"); } /** * Prints the complex values in the given array. * @param array the array */ public static void printComplex(double [] array){ System.out.println("Begin Compex Out"); for (int i = 0; i < array.length / 2; i++){ System.out.println(array[i*2] + " " + array[(i*2)+1]); } System.out.println("End Compex Out"); } } /* * Copyright (C) 2010-2014 Andreas Maier * CONRAD is developed as an Open Source project under the GNU General Public License (GPL). */