package edu.stanford.rsl.tutorial.RotationalAngiography.ResidualMotionCompensation.registration; /*==================================================================== | Version: July 8, 2006 by Steve Bryson and Carlos �scar | modified to replace Tiff image output with high-quality Jpeg output \===================================================================*/ /*==================================================================== | Carlos Oscar Sanchez Sorzano | Unidad de Bioinformatica | Centro Nacional de Biotecnologia (CSIC) | Campus Universidad Autonoma (Cantoblanco) | E-28049 Madrid | Spain | | phone (CET): +34(91)585.45.10 | fax: +34(91)585.45.06 | RFC-822: | URL: \===================================================================*/ /*==================================================================== | This work is based on the following paper: | | C.O.S. Sorzano, P. Thevenaz, M. Unser | Elastic Registration of Biological Images Using Vector-Spline Regularization | IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Imaging, 52: 652-663 (2005) | | This paper is available on-line at | | | Other relevant on-line publications are available at | \===================================================================*/ /*==================================================================== | Additional help available at | | You'll be free to use this software for research purposes, but you | should not redistribute it without our consent. In addition, we expect | you to include a citation or acknowledgment whenever you present or | publish results that are based on it. \===================================================================*/ import ij.IJ; import ij.ImagePlus; import ij.ImageStack; import ij.Macro; import ij.WindowManager; import ij.gui.GUI; import ij.gui.ImageCanvas; import ij.gui.ImageWindow; import ij.gui.Roi; import ij.gui.Toolbar; import; import; import ij.measure.Calibration; import ij.plugin.JpegWriter; import ij.plugin.PlugIn; import ij.process.ByteProcessor; import ij.process.FloatProcessor; import ij.process.ImageConverter; import ij.process.ImageProcessor; import ij.process.ShortProcessor; import java.awt.BorderLayout; import java.awt.Button; import java.awt.Canvas; import java.awt.Checkbox; import java.awt.CheckboxGroup; import java.awt.Choice; import java.awt.Color; import java.awt.Component; import java.awt.Container; import java.awt.Dialog; import java.awt.Event; import java.awt.FileDialog; import java.awt.FlowLayout; import java.awt.Font; import java.awt.Frame; import java.awt.Graphics; import java.awt.GridLayout; import java.awt.Insets; import java.awt.Label; import java.awt.Panel; import java.awt.Point; import java.awt.Polygon; import java.awt.Rectangle; import java.awt.TextArea; import java.awt.TextField; import java.awt.event.ActionEvent; import java.awt.event.ActionListener; import java.awt.event.ItemEvent; import java.awt.event.ItemListener; import java.awt.event.KeyEvent; import java.awt.event.KeyListener; import java.awt.event.MouseEvent; import java.awt.event.MouseListener; import java.awt.event.MouseMotionListener; import java.awt.event.TextEvent; import java.awt.event.TextListener; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Stack; import java.util.StringTokenizer; import java.util.Vector; /*==================================================================== | UnwarpJ_ \===================================================================*/ /* Main class. This is the one called by ImageJ */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ public class UnwarpJ_ implements PlugIn { /* begin class UnwarpJ_ */ /*.................................................................... Public methods ....................................................................*/ /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ public void run ( final String commandLine ) { String options = Macro.getOptions(); if (!commandLine.equals("")) options = commandLine; if (options == null) { Runtime.getRuntime().gc(); final ImagePlus[] imageList = createImageList(); if (imageList.length < 2) { IJ.error("At least two images are required (stack of color images disallowed)"); return; } final unwarpJDialog dialog = new unwarpJDialog(IJ.getInstance(), imageList);; dialog.setVisible(true); } else { final String[] args = getTokens(options); if (args.length<1) { dumpSyntax(); return; } else { if (args[0].equals("-help")) dumpSyntax(); else if (args[0].equals("-align")) alignImagesMacro(args); else if (args[0].equals("-transform")) transformImageMacro(args); } return; } } /* end run */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ public static void main(String args[]) { if (args.length<1) { dumpSyntax(); System.exit(1); } else { if (args[0].equals("-help")) dumpSyntax(); else if (args[0].equals("-align")) alignImagesMacro(args); else if (args[0].equals("-transform")) transformImageMacro(args); } System.exit(0); } /*.................................................................... Private methods ....................................................................*/ /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ private static void alignImagesMacro(String args[]) { if(args.length < 11) { dumpSyntax(); System.exit(0); } // Check if -output_jpg at the end int args_len=args.length; String last_argument=args[args_len-1]; boolean jpeg_output=last_argument.equals("-jpg_output"); if (jpeg_output) args_len--; // Read input parameters String fn_target=args[1]; String fn_target_mask=args[2]; String fn_source=args[3]; String fn_source_mask=args[4]; int min_scale_deformation=((Integer) new Integer(args[5])).intValue(); int max_scale_deformation=((Integer) new Integer(args[6])).intValue(); double divWeight=((Double) new Double(args[7])).doubleValue(); double curlWeight=((Double) new Double(args[8])).doubleValue(); double imageWeight=((Double) new Double(args[9])).doubleValue(); String fn_out=args[10]; double landmarkWeight=0; String fn_landmark=""; if (args_len>=13) { landmarkWeight=((Double) new Double(args[11])).doubleValue(); fn_landmark=args[12]; } double stopThreshold=1e-2; if (args_len>=14) stopThreshold=((Double) new Double(args[13])).doubleValue(); // Show parameters IJ.write("Target image : "+fn_target); IJ.write("Target mask : "+fn_target_mask); IJ.write("Source image : "+fn_source); IJ.write("Source mask : "+fn_source_mask); IJ.write("Min. Scale Deformation : "+min_scale_deformation); IJ.write("Max. Scale Deformation : "+max_scale_deformation); IJ.write("Div. Weight : "+divWeight); IJ.write("Curl Weight : "+curlWeight); IJ.write("Image Weight : "+imageWeight); IJ.write("Output: : "+fn_out); IJ.write("Landmark Weight : "+landmarkWeight); IJ.write("Landmark file : "+fn_landmark); IJ.write("JPEG Output : "+jpeg_output); // Produce side information int imagePyramidDepth=max_scale_deformation-min_scale_deformation+1; int min_scale_image=0; int outputLevel=-1; //int outputLevel= 1; boolean showMarquardtOptim=false; int accurate_mode=1; boolean saveTransf=true; String fn_tnf=""; int dot = fn_out.lastIndexOf('.'); if (dot == -1) fn_tnf=fn_out + "_transf.txt"; else fn_tnf=fn_out.substring(0, dot)+"_transf.txt"; // Open target Opener opener=new Opener(); ImagePlus targetImp; targetImp=opener.openImage(fn_target); unwarpJImageModel target = new unwarpJImageModel(targetImp.getProcessor(), true); target.setPyramidDepth(imagePyramidDepth+min_scale_image); target.getThread().start(); unwarpJMask targetMsk = new unwarpJMask(targetImp.getProcessor(),false); if (fn_target_mask.equalsIgnoreCase(new String("NULL")) == false) targetMsk.readFile(fn_target_mask); unwarpJPointHandler targetPh=null; // Open source ImagePlus sourceImp; sourceImp=opener.openImage(fn_source); unwarpJImageModel source = new unwarpJImageModel(sourceImp.getProcessor(), false); source.setPyramidDepth(imagePyramidDepth+min_scale_image); source.getThread().start(); unwarpJMask sourceMsk = new unwarpJMask(sourceImp.getProcessor(),false); if (fn_source_mask.equalsIgnoreCase(new String("NULL")) == false) sourceMsk.readFile(fn_source_mask); unwarpJPointHandler sourcePh=null; // Load landmarks if (fn_landmark!="") { Stack sourceStack = new Stack(); Stack targetStack = new Stack(); unwarpJMiscTools.loadPoints(fn_landmark,sourceStack,targetStack); sourcePh = new unwarpJPointHandler(sourceImp); targetPh = new unwarpJPointHandler(targetImp); while ((!sourceStack.empty()) && (!targetStack.empty())) { Point sourcePoint = (Point)sourceStack.pop(); Point targetPoint = (Point)targetStack.pop(); sourcePh.addPoint(sourcePoint.x, sourcePoint.y); targetPh.addPoint(targetPoint.x, targetPoint.y); } } // Join threads try { source.getThread().join(); target.getThread().join(); } catch (InterruptedException e) { IJ.error("Unexpected interruption exception " + e); } // Perform registration ImagePlus output_ip=new ImagePlus(); unwarpJDialog dialog=null; final unwarpJTransformation warp = new unwarpJTransformation( sourceImp, targetImp, source, target, sourcePh, targetPh, sourceMsk, targetMsk, min_scale_deformation, max_scale_deformation, min_scale_image, divWeight, curlWeight, landmarkWeight, imageWeight, stopThreshold, outputLevel, showMarquardtOptim, accurate_mode, saveTransf, fn_tnf, output_ip, dialog); warp.doRegistration(); // Save results ImageConverter converter=new ImageConverter(output_ip); converter.convertToGray16(); FileSaver fs=new FileSaver(output_ip); if (jpeg_output) { JpegWriter js = new JpegWriter(); js.setQuality(100); WindowManager.setTempCurrentImage(output_ip);; } else fs.saveAsTiff(fn_out); } /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ private ImagePlus[] createImageList ( ) { final int[] windowList = WindowManager.getIDList(); final Stack stack = new Stack(); for (int k = 0; ((windowList != null) && (k < windowList.length)); k++) { final ImagePlus imp = WindowManager.getImage(windowList[k]); final int inputType = imp.getType(); if ((imp.getStackSize() == 1) || (inputType == imp.GRAY8) || (inputType == imp.GRAY16) || (inputType == imp.GRAY32)) { stack.push(imp); } } final ImagePlus[] imageList = new ImagePlus[stack.size()]; int k = 0; while (!stack.isEmpty()) { imageList[k++] = (ImagePlus)stack.pop(); } return(imageList); } /* end createImageList */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ private static void dumpSyntax ( ) { IJ.write("Purpose: Elastic registration of two images."); IJ.write(" "); IJ.write("Usage: unwarpj "); IJ.write(" -help : SHOWS THIS MESSAGE"); IJ.write(""); IJ.write(" -align : ALIGN TWO IMAGES"); IJ.write(" target_image : In any image format"); IJ.write(" target_mask : In any image format"); IJ.write(" source_image : In any image format"); IJ.write(" source_mask : In any image format"); IJ.write(" min_scale_def : Scale of the coarsest deformation"); IJ.write(" 0 is the coarsest possible"); IJ.write(" max_scale_def : Scale of the finest deformation"); IJ.write(" Div_weight : Weight of the divergence term"); IJ.write(" Curl_weight : Weight of the curl term"); IJ.write(" Image_weight : Weight of the image term"); IJ.write(" Output image : Output result in JPG (100%)"); IJ.write(" Optional parameters :"); IJ.write(" Landmark_weight : Weight of the landmarks"); IJ.write(" Landmark_file : Landmark file"); IJ.write(" stopThreshold : By default 1e-2"); IJ.write(""); IJ.write(" -transform : TRANSFORM AN IMAGE WITH A GIVEN DEFORMATION"); IJ.write(" target_image : In any image format"); IJ.write(" source_image : In any image format"); IJ.write(" transformation_file : As saved by UnwarpJ"); IJ.write(" Output image : Output result in JPG (100%)"); IJ.write(""); IJ.write("Examples:"); IJ.write("Align two images without landmarks and without mask"); IJ.write(" unwarpj -align target.jpg NULL source.jpg NULL 0 2 1 1 1 output.tif"); IJ.write("Align two images with landmarks and mask"); IJ.write(" unwarpj -align target.tif target_mask.tif source.tif source_mask.tif 0 2 1 1 1 1 landmarks.txt output.tif"); IJ.write("Align two images using only landmarks"); IJ.write(" unwarpj -align target.jpg NULL source.jpg NULL 0 2 1 1 0 output.tif 1 landmarks.txt"); IJ.write("Transform the source image with a previously computed transformation"); IJ.write(" unwarpj -transform target.jpg source.jpg transformation.txt output.tif"); IJ.write(""); IJ.write("JPEG Output:"); IJ.write(" If you want to produce JPEG output simply add -jpg_output as the last argument"); IJ.write(" of the alignment or transformation command. For instance:"); IJ.write(" unwarpj -align target.jpg NULL source.jpg NULL 0 2 1 1 1 output.jpg -jpg_output"); IJ.write(" unwarpj -align target.tif target_mask.tif source.tif source_mask.tif 0 2 1 1 1 1 landmarks.txt output.jpg -jpg_output"); IJ.write(" unwarpj -align target.jpg NULL source.jpg NULL 0 2 1 1 0 output.jpg 1 landmarks.txt -jpg_output"); IJ.write(" unwarpj -transform target.jpg source.jpg transformation.txt output.jpg -jpg_output"); } /* end dumpSyntax */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ private String[] getTokens ( final String options ) { StringTokenizer t = new StringTokenizer(options); String[] token = new String[t.countTokens()]; for (int k = 0; (k < token.length); k++) { token[k] = t.nextToken(); } return(token); } /* end getTokens */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ private static void transformImageMacro(String args[]) { // Read input parameters String fn_target=args[1]; String fn_source=args[2]; String fn_tnf =args[3]; String fn_out =args[4]; // Jpeg output String last_argument=args[args.length-1]; boolean jpeg_output=last_argument.equals("-jpg_output"); // Show parameters IJ.write("Target image : "+fn_target); IJ.write("Source image : "+fn_source); IJ.write("Transformation file : "+fn_tnf); IJ.write("Output : "+fn_out); IJ.write("JPEG output : "+jpeg_output); // Open target Opener opener=new Opener(); ImagePlus targetImp; targetImp=opener.openImage(fn_target); // Open source ImagePlus sourceImp; sourceImp=opener.openImage(fn_source); unwarpJImageModel source = new unwarpJImageModel(sourceImp.getProcessor(), false); source.setPyramidDepth(0); source.getThread().start(); // Load transformation int intervals=unwarpJMiscTools. numberOfIntervalsOfTransformation(fn_tnf); double [][]cx=new double[intervals+3][intervals+3]; double [][]cy=new double[intervals+3][intervals+3]; unwarpJMiscTools.loadTransformation(fn_tnf, cx, cy); // Join threads try { source.getThread().join(); } catch (InterruptedException e) { IJ.error("Unexpected interruption exception " + e); } // Apply transformation to source unwarpJMiscTools.applyTransformationToSource( sourceImp,targetImp,source,intervals,cx,cy); // Save results FileSaver fs=new FileSaver(sourceImp); if (jpeg_output) { JpegWriter js = new JpegWriter(); js.setQuality(100); WindowManager.setTempCurrentImage(sourceImp);; } else fs.saveAsTiff(fn_out); } } /* end class UnwarpJ_ */ /*==================================================================== | unwarpJClearAll \===================================================================*/ /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ class unwarpJClearAll extends Dialog implements ActionListener { /* begin class unwarpJClearAll */ /*.................................................................... Private variables ....................................................................*/ private ImagePlus sourceImp; private ImagePlus targetImp; private unwarpJPointHandler sourcePh; private unwarpJPointHandler targetPh; /*.................................................................... Public methods ....................................................................*/ /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ public void actionPerformed ( final ActionEvent ae ) { if (ae.getActionCommand().equals("Clear All")) { sourcePh.removePoints(); targetPh.removePoints(); setVisible(false); } else if (ae.getActionCommand().equals("Cancel")) { setVisible(false); } } /* end actionPerformed */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ public Insets getInsets ( ) { return(new Insets(0, 20, 20, 20)); } /* end getInsets */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ unwarpJClearAll ( final Frame parentWindow, final ImagePlus sourceImp, final ImagePlus targetImp, final unwarpJPointHandler sourcePh, final unwarpJPointHandler targetPh ) { super(parentWindow, "Removing Points", true); this.sourceImp = sourceImp; this.targetImp = targetImp; this.sourcePh = sourcePh; this.targetPh = targetPh; setLayout(new GridLayout(0, 1)); final Button removeButton = new Button("Clear All"); removeButton.addActionListener(this); final Button cancelButton = new Button("Cancel"); cancelButton.addActionListener(this); final Label separation1 = new Label(""); final Label separation2 = new Label(""); add(separation1); add(removeButton); add(separation2); add(cancelButton); pack(); } /* end unwarpJClearAll */ } /* end class unwarpJClearAll */ /*==================================================================== | unwarpJCredits \===================================================================*/ /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ class unwarpJCredits extends Dialog { /* begin class unwarpJCredits */ /*.................................................................... Public methods ....................................................................*/ /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ public Insets getInsets ( ) { return(new Insets(0, 20, 20, 20)); } /* end getInsets */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ public unwarpJCredits ( final Frame parentWindow ) { super(parentWindow, "UnwarpJ", true); setLayout(new BorderLayout(0, 20)); final Label separation = new Label(""); final Panel buttonPanel = new Panel(); buttonPanel.setLayout(new FlowLayout(FlowLayout.CENTER)); final Button doneButton = new Button("Done"); doneButton.addActionListener( new ActionListener ( ) { public void actionPerformed ( final ActionEvent ae ) { if (ae.getActionCommand().equals("Done")) { dispose(); } } } ); buttonPanel.add(doneButton); final TextArea text = new TextArea(22, 72); text.setEditable(false); text.append("\n"); text.append(" This work is based on the following paper:\n"); text.append("\n"); text.append(" C.O.S. Sorzano, P. Th" + (char)233 + "venaz, M. Unser\n"); text.append(" Elastic Registration of Biological Images Using Vector-Spline Regularization\n"); text.append(" IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering\n"); text.append(" vol. ??, no. ??, pp. ??-??, July 2005.\n"); text.append("\n"); text.append(" This paper is available on-line at\n"); text.append("\n"); text.append("\n"); text.append(" Other relevant on-line publications are available at\n"); text.append("\n"); text.append("\n"); text.append(" Additional help available at\n"); text.append("\n"); text.append("\n"); text.append(" You'll be free to use this software for research purposes, but\n"); text.append(" you should not redistribute it without our consent. In addition,\n"); text.append(" we expect you to include a citation or acknowledgment whenever\n"); text.append(" you present or publish results that are based on it.\n"); add("North", separation); add("Center", text); add("South", buttonPanel); pack(); } /* end unwarpJCredits */ } /* end class unwarpJCredits */ /*==================================================================== | unwarpJCumulativeQueue \===================================================================*/ class unwarpJCumulativeQueue extends Vector { private int ridx; private int widx; private int currentLength; private double sum; /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ public unwarpJCumulativeQueue(int length) {currentLength=ridx=widx=0; setSize(length);} /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ public int currentSize(){return currentLength;} /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ public double getSum(){return sum;} /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ public double pop_front() { if (currentLength==0) return 0.0; double x=((Double)elementAt(ridx)).doubleValue(); currentLength--; sum-=x; ridx++; if (ridx==size()) ridx=0; return x; } /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ public void push_back(double x) { if (currentLength==size()) pop_front(); setElementAt(new Double(x),widx); currentLength++; sum+=x; widx++; if (widx==size()) widx=0; } } /* end class unwarpJCumulativeQueue */ /*==================================================================== | unwarpJDialog \===================================================================*/ /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ class unwarpJDialog extends Dialog implements ActionListener { /* begin class unwarpJDialog */ /*.................................................................... Private variables ....................................................................*/ // Advanced dialog private Dialog advanced_dlg = null; // List of available images in ImageJ private ImagePlus[] imageList; // Image representations (canvas and ImagePlus) private ImageCanvas sourceIc; private ImageCanvas targetIc; private ImagePlus sourceImp; private ImagePlus targetImp; // Image models private unwarpJImageModel source; private unwarpJImageModel target; // Image Masks private unwarpJMask sourceMsk; private unwarpJMask targetMsk; // Point handlers for the landmarks private unwarpJPointHandler sourcePh; private unwarpJPointHandler targetPh; // Toolbar handler private boolean clearMask=false; private unwarpJPointToolbar tb = new unwarpJPointToolbar(Toolbar.getInstance(),this); // Final action private boolean finalActionLaunched=false; private boolean stopRegistration=false; // Dialog related private final Button DoneButton = new Button("Done"); private TextField min_scaleDeformationTextField; private TextField max_scaleDeformationTextField; private TextField divWeightTextField; private TextField curlWeightTextField; private TextField landmarkWeightTextField; private TextField imageWeightTextField; private TextField stopThresholdTextField; private int sourceChoiceIndex = 0; private int targetChoiceIndex = 1; private static int min_scale_deformation = 0; private static int max_scale_deformation = 2; private static int mode = 1; private Checkbox ckRichOutput; private Checkbox ckSaveTransformation; // Transformation parameters private static int MIN_SIZE = 8; private static double divWeight = 0; private static double curlWeight = 0; private static double landmarkWeight = 0; private static double imageWeight = 1; private static boolean richOutput = false; private static boolean saveTransformation = false; private static int min_scale_image = 0; private static int imagePyramidDepth = 3; private static double stopThreshold = 1e-2; /*.................................................................... Public methods ....................................................................*/ /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ public void actionPerformed ( final ActionEvent ae ) { if (ae.getActionCommand().equals("Cancel")) { dispose(); restoreAll(); } else if (ae.getActionCommand().equals("Done")) { dispose(); joinThreads(); imagePyramidDepth = max_scale_deformation-min_scale_deformation+1; divWeight = Double.valueOf(divWeightTextField.getText()).doubleValue(); curlWeight = Double.valueOf(curlWeightTextField.getText()).doubleValue(); landmarkWeight = Double.valueOf(landmarkWeightTextField.getText()).doubleValue(); imageWeight = Double.valueOf(imageWeightTextField.getText()).doubleValue(); //richOutput = ckRichOutput.getState(); richOutput = false; saveTransformation = ckSaveTransformation.getState(); int outputLevel=1; boolean showMarquardtOptim=false; if (richOutput) { outputLevel++; showMarquardtOptim=true; } unwarpJFinalAction finalAction = new unwarpJFinalAction(this); finalAction.setup(sourceImp,targetImp, source, target, sourcePh, targetPh, sourceMsk, targetMsk, min_scale_deformation, max_scale_deformation, min_scale_image, divWeight, curlWeight, landmarkWeight, imageWeight, stopThreshold, outputLevel, showMarquardtOptim, mode); finalActionLaunched=true; tb.setAllUp(); tb.repaint(); finalAction.getThread().start(); } else if (ae.getActionCommand().equals("Credits...")) { final unwarpJCredits dialog = new unwarpJCredits(IJ.getInstance());; dialog.setVisible(true); } else if (ae.getActionCommand().equals("Advanced Options")) { advanced_dlg.setVisible(true); } else if (ae.getActionCommand().equals("Done")) { advanced_dlg.setVisible(false); } } /* end actionPerformed */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ public void applyTransformationToSource( int intervals, double [][]cx, double [][]cy) { // Apply transformation unwarpJMiscTools.applyTransformationToSource( sourceImp,targetImp,source,intervals,cx,cy); // Restart the computation of the model cancelSource(); targetPh.removePoints(); createSourceImage(); setSecondaryPointHandlers(); } /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ public void createAdvancedOptions() { advanced_dlg = new Dialog(new Frame(), "Advanced Options", true); // Create min_scale_deformation, max_scale_deformation panel advanced_dlg.setLayout(new GridLayout(0, 1)); final Choice min_scale_deformationChoice = new Choice(); final Choice max_scale_deformationChoice = new Choice(); final Panel min_scale_deformationPanel = new Panel(); final Panel max_scale_deformationPanel = new Panel(); min_scale_deformationPanel.setLayout(new FlowLayout(FlowLayout.CENTER)); max_scale_deformationPanel.setLayout(new FlowLayout(FlowLayout.CENTER)); final Label min_scale_deformationLabel = new Label("Initial Deformation: "); final Label max_scale_deformationLabel = new Label("Final Deformation: "); min_scale_deformationChoice.add("Very Coarse"); min_scale_deformationChoice.add("Coarse"); min_scale_deformationChoice.add("Fine"); min_scale_deformationChoice.add("Very Fine"); max_scale_deformationChoice.add("Very Coarse"); max_scale_deformationChoice.add("Coarse"); max_scale_deformationChoice.add("Fine"); max_scale_deformationChoice.add("Very Fine");;; min_scale_deformationChoice.addItemListener( new ItemListener ( ) { public void itemStateChanged ( final ItemEvent ie ) { final int new_min_scale_deformation = min_scale_deformationChoice.getSelectedIndex(); int new_max_scale_deformation=max_scale_deformation; if (max_scale_deformation<new_min_scale_deformation) new_max_scale_deformation=new_min_scale_deformation; if (new_min_scale_deformation!=min_scale_deformation || new_max_scale_deformation!=max_scale_deformation) { min_scale_deformation=new_min_scale_deformation; max_scale_deformation=new_max_scale_deformation; computeImagePyramidDepth(); restartModelThreads(); };; } } ); max_scale_deformationChoice.addItemListener( new ItemListener ( ) { public void itemStateChanged ( final ItemEvent ie ) { final int new_max_scale_deformation = max_scale_deformationChoice.getSelectedIndex(); int new_min_scale_deformation=min_scale_deformation; if (new_max_scale_deformation<min_scale_deformation) new_min_scale_deformation=new_max_scale_deformation; if (new_max_scale_deformation!=max_scale_deformation || new_min_scale_deformation!=min_scale_deformation) { min_scale_deformation=new_min_scale_deformation; max_scale_deformation=new_max_scale_deformation; computeImagePyramidDepth(); restartModelThreads(); };; } } ); min_scale_deformationPanel.add(min_scale_deformationLabel); max_scale_deformationPanel.add(max_scale_deformationLabel); min_scale_deformationPanel.add(min_scale_deformationChoice); max_scale_deformationPanel.add(max_scale_deformationChoice); // Create div and curl weight panels final Panel divWeightPanel= new Panel(); divWeightPanel.setLayout(new FlowLayout(FlowLayout.CENTER)); final Label label_divWeight = new Label(); label_divWeight.setText("Divergence Weight:"); divWeightTextField = new TextField("", 5); divWeightTextField.setText(""+divWeight); divWeightTextField.addTextListener( new TextListener ( ) { public void textValueChanged ( final TextEvent e ) { boolean validNumber =true; try { divWeight = Double.valueOf(divWeightTextField.getText()).doubleValue(); } catch (NumberFormatException n) { validNumber = false; } DoneButton.setEnabled(validNumber); } } ); divWeightPanel.add(label_divWeight); divWeightPanel.add(divWeightTextField); divWeightPanel.setVisible(true); final Panel curlWeightPanel= new Panel(); curlWeightPanel.setLayout(new FlowLayout(FlowLayout.CENTER)); final Label label_curlWeight = new Label(); label_curlWeight.setText("Curl Weight:"); curlWeightTextField = new TextField("", 5); curlWeightTextField.setText(""+curlWeight); curlWeightTextField.addTextListener( new TextListener ( ) { public void textValueChanged ( final TextEvent e ) { boolean validNumber =true; try { curlWeight = Double.valueOf(curlWeightTextField.getText()).doubleValue(); } catch (NumberFormatException n) { validNumber = false; } DoneButton.setEnabled(validNumber); } } ); curlWeightPanel.add(label_curlWeight); curlWeightPanel.add(curlWeightTextField); curlWeightPanel.setVisible(true); // Create landmark and image weight panels final Panel landmarkWeightPanel= new Panel(); landmarkWeightPanel.setLayout(new FlowLayout(FlowLayout.CENTER)); final Label label_landmarkWeight = new Label(); label_landmarkWeight.setText("Landmark Weight:"); landmarkWeightTextField = new TextField("", 5); landmarkWeightTextField.setText(""+landmarkWeight); landmarkWeightTextField.addTextListener( new TextListener ( ) { public void textValueChanged ( final TextEvent e ) { boolean validNumber =true; try { landmarkWeight = Double.valueOf(landmarkWeightTextField.getText()).doubleValue(); } catch (NumberFormatException n) { validNumber = false; } DoneButton.setEnabled(validNumber); } } ); landmarkWeightPanel.add(label_landmarkWeight); landmarkWeightPanel.add(landmarkWeightTextField); landmarkWeightPanel.setVisible(true); final Panel imageWeightPanel= new Panel(); imageWeightPanel.setLayout(new FlowLayout(FlowLayout.CENTER)); final Label label_imageWeight = new Label(); label_imageWeight.setText("Image Weight:"); imageWeightTextField = new TextField("", 5); imageWeightTextField.setText(""+imageWeight); imageWeightTextField.addTextListener( new TextListener ( ) { public void textValueChanged ( final TextEvent e ) { boolean validNumber =true; try { imageWeight = Double.valueOf(imageWeightTextField.getText()).doubleValue(); } catch (NumberFormatException n) { validNumber = false; } DoneButton.setEnabled(validNumber); } } ); imageWeightPanel.add(label_imageWeight); imageWeightPanel.add(imageWeightTextField); imageWeightPanel.setVisible(true); // Create stopThreshold panel final Panel stopThresholdPanel= new Panel(); stopThresholdPanel.setLayout(new FlowLayout(FlowLayout.CENTER)); final Label label_stopThreshold = new Label(); label_stopThreshold.setText("Stop Threshold:"); stopThresholdTextField = new TextField("", 5); stopThresholdTextField.setText(""+stopThreshold); stopThresholdTextField.addTextListener( new TextListener ( ) { public void textValueChanged ( final TextEvent e ) { boolean validNumber =true; try { stopThreshold = Double.valueOf(stopThresholdTextField.getText()).doubleValue(); } catch (NumberFormatException n) { validNumber = false; } DoneButton.setEnabled(validNumber); } } ); stopThresholdPanel.add(label_stopThreshold); stopThresholdPanel.add(stopThresholdTextField); stopThresholdPanel.setVisible(true); // Create checkbox for creating rich output final Panel richOutputPanel=new Panel(); richOutputPanel.setLayout(new FlowLayout(FlowLayout.CENTER)); ckRichOutput=new Checkbox("Verbose",richOutput); richOutputPanel.add(ckRichOutput); // Create checkbox for saving the transformation final Panel saveTransformationPanel=new Panel(); saveTransformationPanel.setLayout(new FlowLayout(FlowLayout.CENTER)); ckSaveTransformation=new Checkbox("Save Transformation",saveTransformation); saveTransformationPanel.add(ckSaveTransformation); // Create close button final Panel buttonPanel = new Panel(); buttonPanel.setLayout(new FlowLayout(FlowLayout.CENTER)); final Button CloseButton = new Button("Close"); CloseButton.addActionListener( new ActionListener ( ) { public void actionPerformed ( final ActionEvent ae ) { if (ae.getActionCommand().equals("Close")) { advanced_dlg.dispose(); } } } ); buttonPanel.add(CloseButton); // Build separations final Label separation1 = new Label(""); // Create the dialog advanced_dlg.add(min_scale_deformationPanel); advanced_dlg.add(max_scale_deformationPanel); advanced_dlg.add(divWeightPanel); advanced_dlg.add(curlWeightPanel); advanced_dlg.add(landmarkWeightPanel); advanced_dlg.add(imageWeightPanel); advanced_dlg.add(stopThresholdPanel); advanced_dlg.add(richOutputPanel); advanced_dlg.add(saveTransformationPanel); advanced_dlg.add(separation1); advanced_dlg.add(buttonPanel); advanced_dlg.pack(); advanced_dlg.setVisible(false); } /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ public void freeMemory() { advanced_dlg = null; imageList = null; sourceIc = null; targetIc = null; sourceImp = null; targetImp = null; source = null; target = null; sourcePh = null; targetPh = null; tb = null; Runtime.getRuntime().gc(); } /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ public void grayImage(final unwarpJPointHandler ph) { if (ph==sourcePh) { int Xdim=source.getWidth(); int Ydim=source.getHeight(); FloatProcessor fp=new FloatProcessor(Xdim,Ydim); int ij=0; double []source_data=source.getImage(); for (int i=0; i<Ydim; i++) for (int j=0; j<Xdim; j++,ij++) if (sourceMsk.getValue(j,i)) fp.putPixelValue(j,i, source_data[ij]); else fp.putPixelValue(j,i,0.5*source_data[ij]); fp.resetMinAndMax(); sourceImp.setProcessor(sourceImp.getTitle(),fp); sourceImp.updateImage(); } else { int Xdim=target.getWidth(); int Ydim=target.getHeight(); FloatProcessor fp=new FloatProcessor(Xdim,Ydim); double []target_data=target.getImage(); int ij=0; for (int i=0; i<Ydim; i++) for (int j=0; j<Xdim; j++,ij++) if (targetMsk.getValue(j,i)) fp.putPixelValue(j,i, target_data[ij]); else fp.putPixelValue(j,i,0.5*target_data[ij]); fp.resetMinAndMax(); targetImp.setProcessor(targetImp.getTitle(),fp); targetImp.updateImage(); } } /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ public boolean isFinalActionLaunched () {return finalActionLaunched;} /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ public boolean isClearMaskSet () {return clearMask;} /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ public boolean isSaveTransformationSet () {return saveTransformation;} /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ public boolean isStopRegistrationSet () {return stopRegistration;} /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ public Insets getInsets ( ) { return(new Insets(0, 20, 20, 20)); } /* end getInsets */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ public void joinThreads ( ) { try { source.getThread().join(); target.getThread().join(); } catch (InterruptedException e) { IJ.error("Unexpected interruption exception" + e); } } /* end joinSourceThread */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ public void restoreAll ( ) { cancelSource(); cancelTarget(); tb.restorePreviousToolbar(); Toolbar.getInstance().repaint(); unwarpJProgressBar.resetProgressBar(); Runtime.getRuntime().gc(); } /* end restoreAll */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ public void setClearMask (boolean val) {clearMask=val;} /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ public void setStopRegistration () {stopRegistration=true;} /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ public unwarpJDialog ( final Frame parentWindow, final ImagePlus[] imageList ) { super(parentWindow, "UnwarpJ", false); this.imageList = imageList; // Start concurrent image processing threads createSourceImage(); createTargetImage(); setSecondaryPointHandlers(); // Create Source panel setLayout(new GridLayout(0, 1)); final Choice sourceChoice = new Choice(); final Choice targetChoice = new Choice(); final Panel sourcePanel = new Panel(); sourcePanel.setLayout(new FlowLayout(FlowLayout.CENTER)); final Label sourceLabel = new Label("Source: "); addImageList(sourceChoice);; sourceChoice.addItemListener( new ItemListener ( ) { public void itemStateChanged ( final ItemEvent ie ) { final int newChoiceIndex = sourceChoice.getSelectedIndex(); if (sourceChoiceIndex != newChoiceIndex) { stopSourceThread(); if (targetChoiceIndex != newChoiceIndex) { sourceChoiceIndex = newChoiceIndex; cancelSource(); targetPh.removePoints(); createSourceImage(); setSecondaryPointHandlers(); } else { stopTargetThread(); targetChoiceIndex = sourceChoiceIndex; sourceChoiceIndex = newChoiceIndex;; permuteImages(); } } repaint(); } } ); sourcePanel.add(sourceLabel); sourcePanel.add(sourceChoice); // Create target panel final Panel targetPanel = new Panel(); targetPanel.setLayout(new FlowLayout(FlowLayout.CENTER)); final Label targetLabel = new Label("Target: "); addImageList(targetChoice);; targetChoice.addItemListener( new ItemListener ( ) { public void itemStateChanged ( final ItemEvent ie ) { final int newChoiceIndex = targetChoice.getSelectedIndex(); if (targetChoiceIndex != newChoiceIndex) { stopTargetThread(); if (sourceChoiceIndex != newChoiceIndex) { targetChoiceIndex = newChoiceIndex; cancelTarget(); sourcePh.removePoints(); createTargetImage(); setSecondaryPointHandlers(); } else { stopSourceThread(); sourceChoiceIndex = targetChoiceIndex; targetChoiceIndex = newChoiceIndex;; permuteImages(); } } repaint(); } } ); targetPanel.add(targetLabel); targetPanel.add(targetChoice); // Create mode panel setLayout(new GridLayout(0, 1)); final Choice modeChoice = new Choice(); final Panel modePanel = new Panel(); modePanel.setLayout(new FlowLayout(FlowLayout.CENTER)); final Label modeLabel = new Label("Registration Mode: "); modeChoice.add("Fast"); modeChoice.add("Accurate");; modeChoice.addItemListener( new ItemListener ( ) { public void itemStateChanged ( final ItemEvent ie ) { final int mode = modeChoice.getSelectedIndex(); if (mode==0) { // Fast min_scale_image=1; } else if (mode==1) { // Accurate min_scale_image=0; } repaint(); } } ); modePanel.add(modeLabel); modePanel.add(modeChoice); // Build Advanced Options panel final Panel advancedOptionsPanel = new Panel(); advancedOptionsPanel.setLayout(new FlowLayout(FlowLayout.CENTER)); final Button advancedOptionsButton = new Button("Advanced Options"); advancedOptionsButton.addActionListener(this); advancedOptionsPanel.add(advancedOptionsButton); // Build Done Cancel Credits panel final Panel buttonPanel = new Panel(); buttonPanel.setLayout(new FlowLayout(FlowLayout.CENTER)); DoneButton.addActionListener(this); final Button cancelButton = new Button("Cancel"); cancelButton.addActionListener(this); final Button creditsButton = new Button("Credits..."); creditsButton.addActionListener(this); buttonPanel.add(cancelButton); buttonPanel.add(DoneButton); buttonPanel.add(creditsButton); // Build separations final Label separation1 = new Label(""); final Label separation2 = new Label(""); // Finally build dialog add(separation1); add(sourcePanel); add(targetPanel); add(modePanel); add(advancedOptionsPanel); add(separation2); add(buttonPanel); pack(); createAdvancedOptions(); } /* end unwarpJDialog */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ public void ungrayImage(final unwarpJPointAction pa) { if (pa==sourcePh.getPointAction()) { int Xdim=source.getWidth(); int Ydim=source.getHeight(); FloatProcessor fp=new FloatProcessor(Xdim,Ydim); int ij=0; double []source_data=source.getImage(); for (int i=0; i<Ydim; i++) for (int j=0; j<Xdim; j++,ij++) fp.putPixelValue(j,i,source_data[ij]); fp.resetMinAndMax(); sourceImp.setProcessor(sourceImp.getTitle(),fp); sourceImp.updateImage(); } else { int Xdim=target.getWidth(); int Ydim=target.getHeight(); FloatProcessor fp=new FloatProcessor(Xdim,Ydim); double []target_data=target.getImage(); int ij=0; for (int i=0; i<Ydim; i++) for (int j=0; j<Xdim; j++,ij++) fp.putPixelValue(j,i,target_data[ij]); fp.resetMinAndMax(); targetImp.setProcessor(targetImp.getTitle(),fp); targetImp.updateImage(); } } /*.................................................................... Private methods ....................................................................*/ /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ private void addImageList ( final Choice choice ) { for (int k = 0; (k < imageList.length); k++) choice.add(imageList[k].getTitle()); } /* end addImageList */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ private void cancelSource ( ) { sourcePh.killListeners(); sourcePh = null; sourceIc = null; sourceImp.killRoi(); sourceImp = null; source = null; sourceMsk = null; Runtime.getRuntime().gc(); } /* end cancelSource */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ private void cancelTarget ( ) { targetPh.killListeners(); targetPh = null; targetIc = null; targetImp.killRoi(); targetImp = null; target = null; targetMsk = null; Runtime.getRuntime().gc(); } /* end cancelTarget */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ private void computeImagePyramidDepth ( ) { imagePyramidDepth=max_scale_deformation-min_scale_deformation+1; } /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ private void createSourceImage ( ) { sourceImp = imageList[sourceChoiceIndex]; sourceImp.setSlice(1); source = new unwarpJImageModel(sourceImp.getProcessor(), false); source.setPyramidDepth(imagePyramidDepth+min_scale_image); source.getThread().start(); sourceIc = sourceImp.getWindow().getCanvas(); if (sourceImp.getStackSize()==1) { // Create an empy mask sourceMsk = new unwarpJMask(sourceImp.getProcessor(),false); } else { // Take the mask from the second slice sourceImp.setSlice(2); sourceMsk = new unwarpJMask(sourceImp.getProcessor(),true); sourceImp.setSlice(1); } sourcePh = new unwarpJPointHandler(sourceImp, tb, sourceMsk, this); tb.setSource(sourceImp, sourcePh); } /* end createSourceImage */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ private void createTargetImage ( ) { targetImp = imageList[targetChoiceIndex]; targetImp.setSlice(1); target = new unwarpJImageModel(targetImp.getProcessor(), true); target.setPyramidDepth(imagePyramidDepth+min_scale_image); target.getThread().start(); targetIc = targetImp.getWindow().getCanvas(); if (targetImp.getStackSize()==1) { // Create an empy mask targetMsk = new unwarpJMask(targetImp.getProcessor(),false); } else { // Take the mask from the second slice targetImp.setSlice(2); targetMsk = new unwarpJMask(targetImp.getProcessor(),true); targetImp.setSlice(1); } targetPh = new unwarpJPointHandler(targetImp, tb, targetMsk, this); tb.setTarget(targetImp, targetPh); } /* end createTargetImage */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ private void permuteImages ( ) { // Swap image canvas final ImageCanvas swapIc = sourceIc; sourceIc = targetIc; targetIc = swapIc; // Swap ImagePlus final ImagePlus swapImp = sourceImp; sourceImp = targetImp; targetImp = swapImp; // Swap Mask final unwarpJMask swapMsk = sourceMsk; sourceMsk=targetMsk; targetMsk=swapMsk; // Swap Point Handlers final unwarpJPointHandler swapPh = sourcePh; sourcePh = targetPh; targetPh = swapPh; setSecondaryPointHandlers(); // Inform the Toolbar about the change tb.setSource(sourceImp, sourcePh); tb.setTarget(targetImp, targetPh); // Restart the computation with each image source = new unwarpJImageModel(sourceImp.getProcessor(), false); source.setPyramidDepth(imagePyramidDepth+min_scale_image); source.getThread().start(); target = new unwarpJImageModel(targetImp.getProcessor(), true); target.setPyramidDepth(imagePyramidDepth+min_scale_image); target.getThread().start(); } /* end permuteImages */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ private void removePoints ( ) { sourcePh.removePoints(); targetPh.removePoints(); } /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ private void restartModelThreads ( ) { // Stop threads stopSourceThread(); stopTargetThread(); // Remove the current image models source = null; target = null; Runtime.getRuntime().gc(); // Now restart the threads source = new unwarpJImageModel(sourceImp.getProcessor(), false); source.setPyramidDepth(imagePyramidDepth+min_scale_image); source.getThread().start(); target = new unwarpJImageModel(targetImp.getProcessor(), true); target.setPyramidDepth(imagePyramidDepth+min_scale_image); target.getThread().start(); } /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ private void setSecondaryPointHandlers ( ) { sourcePh.setSecondaryPointHandler(targetImp, targetPh); targetPh.setSecondaryPointHandler(sourceImp, sourcePh); } /* end setSecondaryPointHandler */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ private void stopSourceThread ( ) { // Stop the source image model while (source.getThread().isAlive()) { source.getThread().interrupt(); } source.getThread().interrupted(); } /* end stopSourceThread */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ private void stopTargetThread ( ) { // Stop the target image model while (target.getThread().isAlive()) { target.getThread().interrupt(); } target.getThread().interrupted(); } /* end stopTargetThread */ } /* end class unwarpJDialog */ /*==================================================================== | unwarpJFile \===================================================================*/ /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ class unwarpJFile extends Dialog implements ActionListener { /* begin class unwarpJFile */ /*.................................................................... Private variables ....................................................................*/ private final CheckboxGroup choice = new CheckboxGroup(); private ImagePlus sourceImp; private ImagePlus targetImp; private unwarpJPointHandler sourcePh; private unwarpJPointHandler targetPh; private unwarpJDialog dialog; /*.................................................................... Public methods ....................................................................*/ /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ public void actionPerformed ( final ActionEvent ae ) { this.setVisible(false); if (ae.getActionCommand().equals("Save Landmarks As...")) { savePoints(); } else if (ae.getActionCommand().equals("Load Landmarks...")) { loadPoints(); } else if (ae.getActionCommand().equals("Show Landmarks")) { showPoints(); } else if (ae.getActionCommand().equals("Load Transformation")) { loadTransformation(); } else if (ae.getActionCommand().equals("Cancel")) { } } /* end actionPerformed */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ public Insets getInsets ( ) { return(new Insets(0, 20, 20, 20)); } /* end getInsets */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ unwarpJFile ( final Frame parentWindow, final ImagePlus sourceImp, final ImagePlus targetImp, final unwarpJPointHandler sourcePh, final unwarpJPointHandler targetPh, final unwarpJDialog dialog ) { super(parentWindow, "I/O Menu", true); this.sourceImp = sourceImp; this.targetImp = targetImp; this.sourcePh = sourcePh; this.targetPh = targetPh; this.dialog = dialog; setLayout(new GridLayout(0, 1)); final Button saveAsButton = new Button("Save Landmarks As..."); final Button loadButton = new Button("Load Landmarks..."); final Button show_PointsButton = new Button("Show Landmarks"); final Button loadTransfButton = new Button("Load Transformation"); final Button cancelButton = new Button("Cancel"); saveAsButton.addActionListener(this); loadButton.addActionListener(this); show_PointsButton.addActionListener(this); loadTransfButton.addActionListener(this); cancelButton.addActionListener(this); final Label separation1 = new Label(""); final Label separation2 = new Label(""); add(separation1); add(loadButton); add(saveAsButton); add(show_PointsButton); add(loadTransfButton); add(separation2); add(cancelButton); pack(); } /* end unwarpJFile */ /*.................................................................... Private methods ....................................................................*/ /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ private void loadPoints ( ) { final Frame f = new Frame(); final FileDialog fd = new FileDialog(f, "Load Points", FileDialog.LOAD); fd.setVisible(true); final String path = fd.getDirectory(); final String filename = fd.getFile(); if ((path == null) || (filename == null)) return; Stack sourceStack = new Stack(); Stack targetStack = new Stack(); unwarpJMiscTools.loadPoints(path+filename,sourceStack,targetStack); sourcePh.removePoints(); targetPh.removePoints(); while ((!sourceStack.empty()) && (!targetStack.empty())) { Point sourcePoint = (Point)sourceStack.pop(); Point targetPoint = (Point)targetStack.pop(); sourcePh.addPoint(sourcePoint.x, sourcePoint.y); targetPh.addPoint(targetPoint.x, targetPoint.y); } } /* end loadPoints */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ private void loadTransformation ( ) { final Frame f = new Frame(); final FileDialog fd = new FileDialog(f, "Load Transformation", FileDialog.LOAD); fd.setVisible(true); final String path = fd.getDirectory(); final String filename = fd.getFile(); if ((path == null) || (filename == null)) { return; } String fn_tnf=path+filename; int intervals=unwarpJMiscTools. numberOfIntervalsOfTransformation(fn_tnf); double [][]cx=new double[intervals+3][intervals+3]; double [][]cy=new double[intervals+3][intervals+3]; unwarpJMiscTools.loadTransformation(fn_tnf, cx, cy); // Apply transformation dialog.applyTransformationToSource(intervals,cx,cy); } /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ private void savePoints ( ) { final Frame f = new Frame(); final FileDialog fd = new FileDialog(f, "Save Points", FileDialog.SAVE); String filename = targetImp.getTitle(); int dot = filename.lastIndexOf('.'); if (dot == -1) { fd.setFile(filename + ".txt"); } else { filename = filename.substring(0, dot); fd.setFile(filename + ".txt"); } fd.setVisible(true); final String path = fd.getDirectory(); filename = fd.getFile(); if ((path == null) || (filename == null)) { return; } try { final FileWriter fw = new FileWriter(path + filename); final Vector sourceList = sourcePh.getPoints(); final Vector targetList = targetPh.getPoints(); Point sourcePoint; Point targetPoint; String n; String xSource; String ySource; String xTarget; String yTarget; fw.write("Index\txSource\tySource\txTarget\tyTarget\n"); for (int k = 0; (k < sourceList.size()); k++) { n = "" + k; while (n.length() < 5) { n = " " + n; } sourcePoint = (Point)sourceList.elementAt(k); xSource = "" + sourcePoint.x; while (xSource.length() < 7) { xSource = " " + xSource; } ySource = "" + sourcePoint.y; while (ySource.length() < 7) { ySource = " " + ySource; } targetPoint = (Point)targetList.elementAt(k); xTarget = "" + targetPoint.x; while (xTarget.length() < 7) { xTarget = " " + xTarget; } yTarget = "" + targetPoint.y; while (yTarget.length() < 7) { yTarget = " " + yTarget; } fw.write(n + "\t" + xSource + "\t" + ySource + "\t" + xTarget + "\t" + yTarget + "\n"); } fw.close(); } catch (IOException e) { IJ.error("IOException exception" + e); } catch (SecurityException e) { IJ.error("Security exception" + e); } } /* end savePoints */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ private void showPoints ( ) { final Vector sourceList = sourcePh.getPoints(); final Vector targetList = targetPh.getPoints(); Point sourcePoint; Point targetPoint; String n; String xTarget; String yTarget; String xSource; String ySource; IJ.getTextPanel().setFont(new Font("Monospaced", Font.PLAIN, 12)); IJ.setColumnHeadings("Index\txSource\tySource\txTarget\tyTarget"); for (int k = 0; (k < sourceList.size()); k++) { n = "" + k; while (n.length() < 5) { n = " " + n; } sourcePoint = (Point)sourceList.elementAt(k); xTarget = "" + sourcePoint.x; while (xTarget.length() < 7) { xTarget = " " + xTarget; } yTarget = "" + sourcePoint.y; while (yTarget.length() < 7) { yTarget = " " + yTarget; } targetPoint = (Point)targetList.elementAt(k); xSource = "" + targetPoint.x; while (xSource.length() < 7) { xSource = " " + xSource; } ySource = "" + targetPoint.y; while (ySource.length() < 7) { ySource = " " + ySource; } IJ.write(n + "\t" + xSource + "\t" + ySource + "\t" + xTarget + "\t" + yTarget); } } /* end showPoints */ } /* end class unwarpJFile */ /*==================================================================== | unwarpJFinalAction \===================================================================*/ /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ class unwarpJFinalAction implements Runnable { /*.................................................................... Private variables ....................................................................*/ private Thread t; private unwarpJDialog dialog; // Images private ImagePlus sourceImp; private ImagePlus targetImp; private unwarpJImageModel source; private unwarpJImageModel target; // Landmarks private unwarpJPointHandler sourcePh; private unwarpJPointHandler targetPh; // Masks for the images private unwarpJMask sourceMsk; private unwarpJMask targetMsk; // Transformation parameters private int min_scale_deformation; private int max_scale_deformation; private int min_scale_image; private int outputLevel; private boolean showMarquardtOptim; private double divWeight; private double curlWeight; private double landmarkWeight; private double imageWeight; private double stopThreshold; private int accurate_mode; /*.................................................................... Public methods ....................................................................*/ /********************************************************************* * Return the thread associated with this <code>unwarpJFinalAction</code> * object. ********************************************************************/ public Thread getThread ( ) { return(t); } /* end getThread */ /********************************************************************* * Perform the registration ********************************************************************/ public void run ( ) { // Create output image int Ydimt=target.getHeight(); int Xdimt=target.getWidth(); int Xdims=source.getWidth(); final FloatProcessor fp=new FloatProcessor(Xdimt,Ydimt); for (int i=0; i<Ydimt; i++) for (int j=0; j<Xdimt; j++) if (sourceMsk.getValue(j,i) && targetMsk.getValue(j,i)) fp.putPixelValue(j,i,(target.getImage())[i*Xdimt+j]- (source.getImage())[i*Xdims+j]); else fp.putPixelValue(j,i,0); fp.resetMinAndMax(); final ImagePlus ip=new ImagePlus("Output", fp); final ImageWindow iw=new ImageWindow(ip); ip.updateImage(); // Perform the registration final unwarpJTransformation warp = new unwarpJTransformation( sourceImp, targetImp, source, target, sourcePh, targetPh, sourceMsk, targetMsk, min_scale_deformation, max_scale_deformation, min_scale_image, divWeight, curlWeight, landmarkWeight, imageWeight, stopThreshold, outputLevel, showMarquardtOptim, accurate_mode, dialog.isSaveTransformationSet(), "", ip, dialog); warp.doRegistration(); dialog.ungrayImage(sourcePh.getPointAction()); dialog.ungrayImage(targetPh.getPointAction()); dialog.restoreAll(); dialog.freeMemory(); } /********************************************************************* * Pass parameter from <code>unwarpJDialog</code> to * <code>unwarpJFinalAction</code>. ********************************************************************/ public void setup ( final ImagePlus sourceImp, final ImagePlus targetImp, final unwarpJImageModel source, final unwarpJImageModel target, final unwarpJPointHandler sourcePh, final unwarpJPointHandler targetPh, final unwarpJMask sourceMsk, final unwarpJMask targetMsk, final int min_scale_deformation, final int max_scale_deformation, final int min_scale_image, final double divWeight, final double curlWeight, final double landmarkWeight, final double imageWeight, final double stopThreshold, final int outputLevel, final boolean showMarquardtOptim, final int accurate_mode ) { this.sourceImp = sourceImp; this.targetImp = targetImp; this.source = source; = target; this.sourcePh = sourcePh; this.targetPh = targetPh; this.sourceMsk = sourceMsk; this.targetMsk = targetMsk; this.min_scale_deformation = min_scale_deformation; this.max_scale_deformation = max_scale_deformation; this.min_scale_image = min_scale_image; this.divWeight = divWeight; this.curlWeight = curlWeight; this.landmarkWeight = landmarkWeight; this.imageWeight = imageWeight; this.stopThreshold = stopThreshold; this.outputLevel = outputLevel; this.showMarquardtOptim = showMarquardtOptim; this.accurate_mode = accurate_mode; } /* end setup */ /********************************************************************* * Start a thread under the control of the main event loop. This thread * has access to the progress bar, while methods called directly from * within <code>unwarpJDialog</code> do not because they are * under the control of its own event loop. ********************************************************************/ public unwarpJFinalAction ( final unwarpJDialog dialog ) { this.dialog = dialog; t = new Thread(this); t.setDaemon(true); } } /*==================================================================== | unwarpJImageModel \===================================================================*/ /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ class unwarpJImageModel implements Runnable { /* begin class unwarpJImageModel */ // Some constants private static int min_image_size=4; /*.................................................................... Private variables ....................................................................*/ // Thread private Thread t; // Stack for the pyramid of images/coefficients private final Stack cpyramid = new Stack(); private final Stack imgpyramid = new Stack(); // Original image, image spline coefficients, and gradient private double[] image; private double[] coefficient; // Current image (the size might be different from the original) private double[] currentImage; private double[] currentCoefficient; private int currentWidth; private int currentHeight; private int twiceCurrentWidth; private int twiceCurrentHeight; // Size and other information private int width; private int height; private int twiceWidth; private int twiceHeight; private int pyramidDepth; private int currentDepth; private int smallestWidth; private int smallestHeight; private boolean isTarget; private boolean coefficientsAreMirrored; // Some variables to speedup interpolation // All these information is set through prepareForInterpolation() private double x; // Point to interpolate private double y; public int xIndex[]; // Indexes related public int yIndex[]; private double xWeight[]; // Weights of the splines related private double yWeight[]; private double dxWeight[]; // Weights of the derivatives splines related private double dyWeight[]; private double d2xWeight[]; // Weights of the second derivatives splines related private double d2yWeight[]; private boolean fromCurrent; // Interpolation source (current or original) private int widthToUse; // Size of the image used for the interpolation private int heightToUse; // Some variables to speedup interpolation (precomputed) // All these information is set through prepareForInterpolation() public int prec_xIndex[][]; // Indexes related public int prec_yIndex[][]; private double prec_xWeight[][]; // Weights of the splines related private double prec_yWeight[][]; private double prec_dxWeight[][]; // Weights of the derivatives splines related private double prec_dyWeight[][]; private double prec_d2xWeight[][]; // Weights of the second derivatives splines related private double prec_d2yWeight[][]; /*.................................................................... Public methods ....................................................................*/ /* Clear the pyramid. */ public void clearPyramids ( ) { cpyramid.removeAllElements(); imgpyramid.removeAllElements(); } /* end clearPyramid */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Return the full-size B-spline coefficients. */ public double[] getCoefficient () {return coefficient;} /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Return the current height of the image/coefficients. */ public int getCurrentHeight() {return currentHeight;} /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Return the current image of the image/coefficients. */ public double[] getCurrentImage() {return currentImage;} /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Return the current width of the image/coefficients. */ public int getCurrentWidth () {return currentWidth;} /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Return the relationship between the current size of the image and the original size. */ public double getFactorHeight () {return (double)currentHeight/height;} /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Return the relationship between the current size of the image and the original size. */ public double getFactorWidth () {return (double)currentWidth/width;} /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Return the current depth of the image/coefficients. */ public int getCurrentDepth() {return currentDepth;} /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Return the full-size image height. */ public int getHeight () {return(height);} /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Return the full-size image. */ public double[] getImage () {return image;} /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ public double getPixelValFromPyramid( int x, // Pixel location int y) { return currentImage[y*currentWidth+x]; } /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Return the depth of the image pyramid. A depth 1 means that one coarse resolution level is present in the stack. The full-size level is not placed on the stack. */ public int getPyramidDepth () {return(pyramidDepth);} /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Return the height of the smallest image in the pyramid. */ public int getSmallestHeight () {return(smallestHeight);} /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Return the width of the smallest image in the pyramid. */ public int getSmallestWidth () {return(smallestWidth);} /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Return the thread associated. */ public Thread getThread () {return(t);} /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Return the full-size image width. */ public int getWidth () {return(width);} /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Return the weight of the coefficient l,m (yIndex, xIndex) in the image interpolation */ public double getWeightDx(int l, int m) {return yWeight[l]*dxWeight[m];} /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Return the weight of the coefficient l,m (yIndex, xIndex) in the image interpolation */ public double getWeightDxDx(int l, int m) {return yWeight[l]*d2xWeight[m];} /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Return the weight of the coefficient l,m (yIndex, xIndex) in the image interpolation */ public double getWeightDxDy(int l, int m) {return dyWeight[l]*dxWeight[m];} /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Return the weight of the coefficient l,m (yIndex, xIndex) in the image interpolation */ public double getWeightDy(int l, int m) {return dyWeight[l]*xWeight[m];} /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Return the weight of the coefficient l,m (yIndex, xIndex) in the image interpolation */ public double getWeightDyDy(int l, int m) {return d2yWeight[l]*xWeight[m];} /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Return the weight of the coefficient l,m (yIndex, xIndex) in the image interpolation */ public double getWeightI(int l, int m) {return yWeight[l]*xWeight[m];} /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* There are two types of interpolation routines. Those that use precomputed weights and those that don't. An example of use of the ones without precomputation is the following: // Set of B-spline coefficients double [][]c; // Set these coefficients to an interpolator unwarpJImageModel sw = new unwarpJImageModel(c); // Compute the transformation mapping for (int v=0; v<ImageHeight; v++) { final double tv = (double)(v * intervals) / (double)(ImageHeight - 1) + 1.0F; for (int u = 0; u<ImageeWidth; u++) { final double tu = (double)(u * intervals) / (double)(ImageWidth - 1) + 1.0F; sw.prepareForInterpolation(tu, tv, ORIGINAL); interpolated_val[v][u] = sw.interpolateI(); */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Interpolate the X and Y derivatives of the image at a given point. */ public void interpolateD(double []D) { // Only SplineDegree=3 is implemented D[0]=D[1]=0.0F; for (int j = 0; j<4; j++) { double sx=0.0F, sy=0.0F; int iy=yIndex[j]; if (iy!=-1) { int p=iy*widthToUse; for (int i=0; i<4; i++) { int ix=xIndex[i]; if (ix!=-1) { double c; if (fromCurrent) c=currentCoefficient[p + ix]; else c=coefficient[p + ix]; sx += dxWeight[i]*c; sy += xWeight[i]*c; } } D[0]+= yWeight[j] * sx; D[1]+=dyWeight[j] * sy; } } } /* end Interpolate D */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Interpolate the XY, XX and YY derivatives of the image at a given point. */ public void interpolateD2 (double []D2) { // Only SplineDegree=3 is implemented D2[0]=D2[1]=D2[2]=0.0F; for (int j = 0; j<4; j++) { double sxy=0.0F, sxx=0.0F, syy=0.0F; int iy=yIndex[j]; if (iy!=-1) { int p=iy*widthToUse; for (int i=0; i<4; i++) { int ix=xIndex[i]; if (ix!=-1) { double c; if (fromCurrent) c=currentCoefficient[p + ix]; else c=coefficient[p + ix]; sxy += dxWeight[i]*c; sxx += d2xWeight[i]*c; syy += xWeight[i]*c; } } D2[0]+= dyWeight[j] * sxy; D2[1]+= yWeight[j] * sxx; D2[2]+=d2yWeight[j] * syy; } } } /* end Interpolate dxdy, dxdx and dydy */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Interpolate the X derivative of the image at a given point. */ public double interpolateDx () { // Only SplineDegree=3 is implemented double ival=0.0F; for (int j = 0; j<4; j++) { double s=0.0F; int iy=yIndex[j]; if (iy!=-1) { int p=iy*widthToUse; for (int i=0; i<4; i++) { int ix=xIndex[i]; if (ix!=-1) if (fromCurrent) s += dxWeight[i]*currentCoefficient[p + ix]; else s += dxWeight[i]*coefficient[p + ix]; } ival+=yWeight[j] * s; } } return ival; } /* end Interpolate Dx */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Interpolate the X derivative of the image at a given point. */ public double interpolateDxDx () { // Only SplineDegree=3 is implemented double ival=0.0F; for (int j = 0; j<4; j++) { double s=0.0F; int iy=yIndex[j]; if (iy!=-1) { int p=iy*widthToUse; for (int i=0; i<4; i++) { int ix=xIndex[i]; if (ix!=-1) if (fromCurrent) s += d2xWeight[i]*currentCoefficient[p + ix]; else s += d2xWeight[i]*coefficient[p + ix]; } ival+=yWeight[j] * s; } } return ival; } /* end Interpolate DxDx */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Interpolate the X derivative of the image at a given point. */ public double interpolateDxDy () { // Only SplineDegree=3 is implemented double ival=0.0F; for (int j = 0; j<4; j++) { double s=0.0F; int iy=yIndex[j]; if (iy!=-1) { int p=iy*widthToUse; for (int i=0; i<4; i++) { int ix=xIndex[i]; if (ix!=-1) if (fromCurrent) s += dxWeight[i]*currentCoefficient[p + ix]; else s += dxWeight[i]*coefficient[p + ix]; } ival+=dyWeight[j] * s; } } return ival; } /* end Interpolate DxDy */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Interpolate the Y derivative of the image at a given point. */ public double interpolateDy () { // Only SplineDegree=3 is implemented double ival=0.0F; for (int j = 0; j<4; j++) { double s=0.0F; int iy=yIndex[j]; if (iy!=-1) { int p=iy*widthToUse; for (int i=0; i<4; i++) { int ix=xIndex[i]; if (ix!=-1) if (fromCurrent) s += xWeight[i]*currentCoefficient[p + ix]; else s += xWeight[i]*coefficient[p + ix]; } ival+=dyWeight[j] * s; } } return ival; } /* end Interpolate Dy */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Interpolate the X derivative of the image at a given point. */ public double interpolateDyDy () { // Only SplineDegree=3 is implemented double ival=0.0F; for (int j = 0; j<4; j++) { double s=0.0F; int iy=yIndex[j]; if (iy!=-1) { int p=iy*widthToUse; for (int i=0; i<4; i++) { int ix=xIndex[i]; if (ix!=-1) if (fromCurrent) s += xWeight[i]*currentCoefficient[p + ix]; else s += xWeight[i]*coefficient[p + ix]; } ival+=d2yWeight[j] * s; } } return ival; } /* end Interpolate DyDy */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Interpolate the image at a given point. */ public double interpolateI () { // Only SplineDegree=3 is implemented double ival=0.0F; for (int j = 0; j<4; j++) { double s=0.0F; int iy=yIndex[j]; if (iy!=-1) { int p=iy*widthToUse; for (int i=0; i<4; i++) { int ix=xIndex[i]; if (ix!=-1) if (fromCurrent) s += xWeight[i]*currentCoefficient[p + ix]; else s += xWeight[i]*coefficient[p + ix]; } ival+=yWeight[j] * s; } } return ival; } /* end Interpolate Image */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ public boolean isFinest() {return cpyramid.isEmpty();} /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ public void popFromPyramid( ){ // Pop coefficients if (cpyramid.isEmpty()) { currentWidth = width; currentHeight = height; currentCoefficient = coefficient; } else { currentWidth = ((Integer)cpyramid.pop()).intValue(); currentHeight = ((Integer)cpyramid.pop()).intValue(); currentCoefficient = (double [])cpyramid.pop(); } twiceCurrentWidth = 2*currentWidth; twiceCurrentHeight = 2*currentHeight; if (currentDepth>0) currentDepth--; // Pop image if (isTarget && !imgpyramid.isEmpty()) { if (currentWidth != ((Integer)imgpyramid.pop()).intValue()) System.out.println("I cannot understand"); if (currentHeight != ((Integer)imgpyramid.pop()).intValue()) System.out.println("I cannot understand"); currentImage = (double [])imgpyramid.pop(); } else currentImage = image; } /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* fromCurrent=true --> The interpolation is prepared to be done from the current image in the pyramid. fromCurrent=false --> The interpolation is prepared to be done from the original image. */ public void prepareForInterpolation( double x, double y, boolean fromCurrent ) { // Remind this point for interpolation this.x=x; this.y=y; this.fromCurrent=fromCurrent; if (fromCurrent) {widthToUse=currentWidth; heightToUse=currentHeight;} else {widthToUse=width; heightToUse=height;} int ix=(int)x; int iy=(int)y; int twiceWidthToUse =2*widthToUse; int twiceHeightToUse=2*heightToUse; // Set X indexes // p is the index of the rightmost influencing spline int p = (0.0 <= x) ? (ix + 2) : (ix + 1); for (int k = 0; k<4; p--, k++) { if (coefficientsAreMirrored) { int q = (p < 0) ? (-1 - p) : (p); if (twiceWidthToUse <= q) q -= twiceWidthToUse * (q / twiceWidthToUse); xIndex[k] = (widthToUse <= q) ? (twiceWidthToUse - 1 - q) : (q); } else xIndex[k] = (p<0 || p>=widthToUse) ? (-1):(p); } // Set Y indexes p = (0.0 <= y) ? (iy + 2) : (iy + 1); for (int k = 0; k<4; p--, k++) { if (coefficientsAreMirrored) { int q = (p < 0) ? (-1 - p) : (p); if (twiceHeightToUse <= q) q -= twiceHeightToUse * (q / twiceHeightToUse); yIndex[k] = (heightToUse <= q) ? (twiceHeightToUse - 1 - q) : (q); } else yIndex[k] = (p<0 || p>=heightToUse) ? (-1):(p); } // Compute how much the sample depart from an integer position double ex = x - ((0.0 <= x) ? (ix) : (ix - 1)); double ey = y - ((0.0 <= y) ? (iy) : (iy - 1)); // Set X weights for the image and derivative interpolation double s = 1.0F - ex; dxWeight[0] = 0.5F * ex * ex; xWeight[0] = ex * dxWeight[0] / 3.0F; // Bspline03(x-ix-2) dxWeight[3] = -0.5F * s * s; xWeight[3] = s * dxWeight[3] / -3.0F; // Bspline03(x-ix+1) dxWeight[1] = 1.0F - 2.0F * dxWeight[0] + dxWeight[3]; //xWeight[1] = 2.0F / 3.0F + (1.0F + ex) * dxWeight[3]; // Bspline03(x-ix-1); xWeight[1] = unwarpJMathTools.Bspline03(x-ix-1); dxWeight[2] = 1.5F * ex * (ex - 4.0F/ 3.0F); xWeight[2] = 2.0F / 3.0F - (2.0F - ex) * dxWeight[0]; // Bspline03(x-ix) d2xWeight[0] = ex; d2xWeight[1] = s-2*ex; d2xWeight[2] = ex-2*s; d2xWeight[3] = s; // Set Y weights for the image and derivative interpolation double t = 1.0F - ey; dyWeight[0] = 0.5F * ey * ey; yWeight[0] = ey * dyWeight[0] / 3.0F; dyWeight[3] = -0.5F * t * t; yWeight[3] = t * dyWeight[3] / -3.0F; dyWeight[1] = 1.0F - 2.0F * dyWeight[0] + dyWeight[3]; yWeight[1] = 2.0F / 3.0F + (1.0F + ey) * dyWeight[3]; dyWeight[2] = 1.5F * ey * (ey - 4.0F/ 3.0F); yWeight[2] = 2.0F / 3.0F - (2.0F - ey) * dyWeight[0]; d2yWeight[0] = ey; d2yWeight[1] = t-2*ey; d2yWeight[2] = ey-2*t; d2yWeight[3] = t; } /* prepareForInterpolation */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Return the width of the precomputed vectors */ public int precomputed_getWidth() {return prec_yWeight.length;} /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Return the weight of the coefficient l,m (yIndex, xIndex) in the image interpolation */ public double precomputed_getWeightDx(int l, int m, int u, int v) {return prec_yWeight[v][l]*prec_dxWeight[u][m];} /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Return the weight of the coefficient l,m (yIndex, xIndex) in the image interpolation */ public double precomputed_getWeightDxDx(int l, int m, int u, int v) {return prec_yWeight[v][l]*prec_d2xWeight[u][m];} /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Return the weight of the coefficient l,m (yIndex, xIndex) in the image interpolation */ public double precomputed_getWeightDxDy(int l, int m, int u, int v) {return prec_dyWeight[v][l]*prec_dxWeight[u][m];} /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Return the weight of the coefficient l,m (yIndex, xIndex) in the image interpolation */ public double precomputed_getWeightDy(int l, int m, int u, int v) {return prec_dyWeight[v][l]*prec_xWeight[u][m];} /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Return the weight of the coefficient l,m (yIndex, xIndex) in the image interpolation */ public double precomputed_getWeightDyDy(int l, int m, int u, int v) {return prec_d2yWeight[v][l]*prec_xWeight[u][m];} /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Return the weight of the coefficient l,m (yIndex, xIndex) in the image interpolation */ public double precomputed_getWeightI(int l, int m, int u, int v) {return prec_yWeight[v][l]*prec_xWeight[u][m];} /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Interpolate the X and Y derivatives of the image at a given point. */ public void precomputed_interpolateD(double []D, int u, int v) { // Only SplineDegree=3 is implemented D[0]=D[1]=0.0F; for (int j = 0; j<4; j++) { double sx=0.0F, sy=0.0F; int iy=prec_yIndex[v][j]; if (iy!=-1) { int p=iy*widthToUse; for (int i=0; i<4; i++) { int ix=prec_xIndex[u][i]; if (ix!=-1) { double c; if (fromCurrent) c=currentCoefficient[p + ix]; else c=coefficient[p + ix]; sx += prec_dxWeight[u][i]*c; sy += prec_xWeight[u][i]*c; } } D[0]+= prec_yWeight[v][j] * sx; D[1]+=prec_dyWeight[v][j] * sy; } } } /* end Interpolate D */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Interpolate the XY, XX and YY derivatives of the image at a given point. */ public void precomputed_interpolateD2 (double []D2, int u, int v) { // Only SplineDegree=3 is implemented D2[0]=D2[1]=D2[2]=0.0F; for (int j = 0; j<4; j++) { double sxy=0.0F, sxx=0.0F, syy=0.0F; int iy=prec_yIndex[v][j]; if (iy!=-1) { int p=iy*widthToUse; for (int i=0; i<4; i++) { int ix=prec_xIndex[u][i]; if (ix!=-1) { double c; if (fromCurrent) c=currentCoefficient[p + ix]; else c=coefficient[p + ix]; sxy += prec_dxWeight[u][i]*c; sxx += prec_d2xWeight[u][i]*c; syy += prec_xWeight[u][i]*c; } } D2[0]+= prec_dyWeight[v][j] * sxy; D2[1]+= prec_yWeight[v][j] * sxx; D2[2]+=prec_d2yWeight[v][j] * syy; } } } /* end Interpolate dxdy, dxdx and dydy */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Interpolate the image at a given point. */ public double precomputed_interpolateI (int u, int v) { // Only SplineDegree=3 is implemented double ival=0.0F; for (int j = 0; j<4; j++) { double s=0.0F; int iy=prec_yIndex[v][j]; if (iy!=-1) { int p=iy*widthToUse; for (int i=0; i<4; i++) { int ix=prec_xIndex[u][i]; if (ix!=-1) if (fromCurrent) s += prec_xWeight[u][i]*currentCoefficient[p + ix]; else s += prec_xWeight[u][i]*coefficient[p + ix]; } ival+=prec_yWeight[v][j] * s; } } return ival; } /* end Interpolate Image */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Prepare precomputations for a given image size. */ public void precomputed_prepareForInterpolation( int Ydim, int Xdim, int intervals) { // Ask for memory prec_xIndex =new int [Xdim][4]; prec_yIndex =new int [Ydim][4]; prec_xWeight =new double[Xdim][4]; prec_yWeight =new double[Ydim][4]; prec_dxWeight =new double[Xdim][4]; prec_dyWeight =new double[Ydim][4]; prec_d2xWeight=new double[Xdim][4]; prec_d2yWeight=new double[Ydim][4]; boolean ORIGINAL = false; // Fill the precomputed weights and indexes for the Y axis for (int v=0; v<Ydim; v++) { // Express the current point in Spline units final double tv = (double)(v * intervals) / (double)(Ydim - 1) + 1.0F; final double tu = 1.0F; // Compute all weights and indexes prepareForInterpolation(tu,tv,ORIGINAL); // Copy all values for (int k=0; k<4; k++) { prec_yIndex [v][k]= yIndex [k]; prec_yWeight [v][k]= yWeight[k]; prec_dyWeight [v][k]= dyWeight[k]; prec_d2yWeight[v][k]=d2yWeight[k]; } } // Fill the precomputed weights and indexes for the X axis for (int u=0; u<Xdim; u++) { // Express the current point in Spline units final double tv = 1.0F; final double tu = (double)(u * intervals) / (double)(Xdim - 1) + 1.0F; // Compute all weights and indexes prepareForInterpolation(tu,tv,ORIGINAL); // Copy all values for (int k=0; k<4; k++) { prec_xIndex [u][k]= xIndex [k]; prec_xWeight [u][k]= xWeight[k]; prec_dxWeight [u][k]= dxWeight[k]; prec_d2xWeight[u][k]=d2xWeight[k]; } } } /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Start the image precomputations. The computation of the B-spline coefficients of the full-size image is not interruptible; all other methods are. */ public void run ( ) { coefficient = getBasicFromCardinal2D(); buildCoefficientPyramid(); if (isTarget) buildImagePyramid(); } /* end run */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Set spline coefficients */ public void setCoefficients ( final double []c, // Set of B-spline coefficients final int Ydim, // Dimensions of the set of coefficients final int Xdim, final int offset // Offset of the beginning of the array // with respect to the origin of c ) { // Copy the array of coefficients System.arraycopy(c, offset, coefficient, 0, Ydim*Xdim); } /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Sets the depth up to which the pyramids should be computed. */ public void setPyramidDepth ( final int pyramidDepth ) { int proposedPyramidDepth=pyramidDepth; // Check what is the maximum depth allowed by the image int currentWidth=width; int currentHeight=height; int scale=0; while (currentWidth>=min_image_size && currentHeight>=min_image_size) { currentWidth/=2; currentHeight/=2; scale++; } scale--; if (proposedPyramidDepth>scale) proposedPyramidDepth=scale; this.pyramidDepth = proposedPyramidDepth; } /* end setPyramidDepth */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Converts the pixel array of the incoming ImageProcessor object into a local double array. The flag is target enables the computation of the derivative or not. */ public unwarpJImageModel ( final ImageProcessor ip, final boolean isTarget ) { // Initialize thread t = new Thread(this); t.setDaemon(true); // Get image information this.isTarget = isTarget; width = ip.getWidth(); height = ip.getHeight(); twiceWidth = 2*width; twiceHeight = 2*height; coefficientsAreMirrored = true; // Copy the pixel array int k = 0; image = new double[width * height]; unwarpJMiscTools.extractImage(ip,image); // Resize the speedup arrays xIndex = new int[4]; yIndex = new int[4]; xWeight = new double[4]; yWeight = new double[4]; dxWeight = new double[4]; dyWeight = new double[4]; d2xWeight = new double[4]; d2yWeight = new double[4]; } /* end unwarpJImage */ /* The same as before, but take the image from an array */ public unwarpJImageModel ( final double [][]img, final boolean isTarget ) { // Initialize thread t = new Thread(this); t.setDaemon(true); // Get image information this.isTarget = isTarget; width = img[0].length; height = img.length; twiceWidth = 2*width; twiceHeight = 2*height; coefficientsAreMirrored = true; // Copy the pixel array int k = 0; image = new double[width * height]; for (int y = 0; (y < height); y++) for (int x = 0; (x < width); x++, k++) image[k] = img[y][x]; // Resize the speedup arrays xIndex = new int[4]; yIndex = new int[4]; xWeight = new double[4]; yWeight = new double[4]; dxWeight = new double[4]; dyWeight = new double[4]; d2xWeight = new double[4]; d2yWeight = new double[4]; } /* end unwarpJImage */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Initialize the model from a set of coefficients */ public unwarpJImageModel ( final double [][]c // Set of B-spline coefficients ) { // Get the size of the input array currentHeight = height = c.length; currentWidth = width = c[0].length; twiceCurrentHeight = twiceHeight = 2*height; twiceCurrentWidth = twiceWidth = 2*width; coefficientsAreMirrored = false; // Copy the array of coefficients coefficient=new double[height*width]; int k=0; for (int y=0; y<height; y++, k+= width) System.arraycopy(c[y], 0, coefficient, k, width); // Resize the speedup arrays xIndex = new int[4]; yIndex = new int[4]; xWeight = new double[4]; yWeight = new double[4]; dxWeight = new double[4]; dyWeight = new double[4]; d2xWeight = new double[4]; d2yWeight = new double[4]; } /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Initialize the model from a set of coefficients. The same as the previous function but now the coefficients are in a single row. */ public unwarpJImageModel ( final double []c, // Set of B-spline coefficients final int Ydim, // Dimensions of the set of coefficients final int Xdim, final int offset // Offset of the beginning of the array // with respect to the origin of c ) { // Get the size of the input array currentHeight = height = Ydim; currentWidth = width = Xdim; twiceCurrentHeight = twiceHeight = 2*height; twiceCurrentWidth = twiceWidth = 2*width; coefficientsAreMirrored = false; // Copy the array of coefficients coefficient=new double[height*width]; System.arraycopy(c, offset, coefficient, 0, height*width); // Resize the speedup arrays xIndex = new int[4]; yIndex = new int[4]; xWeight = new double[4]; yWeight = new double[4]; dxWeight = new double[4]; dyWeight = new double[4]; d2xWeight = new double[4]; d2yWeight = new double[4]; } /*.................................................................... Private methods ....................................................................*/ /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ private void antiSymmetricFirMirrorOffBounds1D ( final double[] h, final double[] c, final double[] s ) { if (2 <= c.length) { s[0] = h[1] * (c[1] - c[0]); for (int i = 1; (i < (s.length - 1)); i++) { s[i] = h[1] * (c[i + 1] - c[i - 1]); } s[s.length - 1] = h[1] * (c[c.length - 1] - c[c.length - 2]); } else s[0] = 0.0; } /* end antiSymmetricFirMirrorOffBounds1D */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ private void basicToCardinal2D ( final double[] basic, final double[] cardinal, final int width, final int height, final int degree ) { final double[] hLine = new double[width]; final double[] vLine = new double[height]; final double[] hData = new double[width]; final double[] vData = new double[height]; double[] h = null; switch (degree) { case 3: h = new double[2]; h[0] = 2.0 / 3.0; h[1] = 1.0 / 6.0; break; case 7: h = new double[4]; h[0] = 151.0 / 315.0; h[1] = 397.0 / 1680.0; h[2] = 1.0 / 42.0; h[3] = 1.0 / 5040.0; break; default: h = new double[1]; h[0] = 1.0; } for (int y = 0; ((y < height) && (!t.isInterrupted())); y++) { extractRow(basic, y, hLine); symmetricFirMirrorOffBounds1D(h, hLine, hData); putRow(cardinal, y, hData); } for (int x = 0; ((x < width) && (!t.isInterrupted())); x++) { extractColumn(cardinal, width, x, vLine); symmetricFirMirrorOffBounds1D(h, vLine, vData); putColumn(cardinal, width, x, vData); } } /* end basicToCardinal2D */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ private void buildCoefficientPyramid ( ) { int fullWidth; int fullHeight; double[] fullDual = new double[width * height]; int halfWidth = width; int halfHeight = height; basicToCardinal2D(coefficient, fullDual, width, height, 7); for (int depth = 1; ((depth <= pyramidDepth) && (!t.isInterrupted())); depth++) { fullWidth = halfWidth; fullHeight = halfHeight; halfWidth /= 2; halfHeight /= 2; final double[] halfDual = getHalfDual2D(fullDual, fullWidth, fullHeight); final double[] halfCoefficient = getBasicFromCardinal2D(halfDual, halfWidth, halfHeight, 7); cpyramid.push(halfCoefficient); cpyramid.push(new Integer(halfHeight)); cpyramid.push(new Integer(halfWidth)); fullDual = halfDual; } smallestWidth = halfWidth; smallestHeight = halfHeight; currentDepth=pyramidDepth+1; } /* end buildCoefficientPyramid */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ private void buildImagePyramid ( ) { int fullWidth; int fullHeight; double[] fullDual = new double[width * height]; int halfWidth = width; int halfHeight = height; cardinalToDual2D(image, fullDual, width, height, 3); for (int depth = 1; ((depth <= pyramidDepth) && (!t.isInterrupted())); depth++) { fullWidth = halfWidth; fullHeight = halfHeight; halfWidth /= 2; halfHeight /= 2; final double[] halfDual = getHalfDual2D(fullDual, fullWidth, fullHeight); final double[] halfImage = new double[halfWidth * halfHeight]; dualToCardinal2D(halfDual, halfImage, halfWidth, halfHeight, 3); imgpyramid.push(halfImage); imgpyramid.push(new Integer(halfHeight)); imgpyramid.push(new Integer(halfWidth)); fullDual = halfDual; } } /* end buildImagePyramid */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ private void cardinalToDual2D ( final double[] cardinal, final double[] dual, final int width, final int height, final int degree ) { basicToCardinal2D(getBasicFromCardinal2D(cardinal, width, height, degree), dual, width, height, 2 * degree + 1); } /* end cardinalToDual2D */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ private void coefficientToGradient1D ( final double[] c ) { final double[] h = {0.0, 1.0 / 2.0}; final double[] s = new double[c.length]; antiSymmetricFirMirrorOffBounds1D(h, c, s); System.arraycopy(s, 0, c, 0, s.length); } /* end coefficientToGradient1D */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ private void coefficientToSamples1D ( final double[] c ) { final double[] h = {2.0 / 3.0, 1.0 / 6.0}; final double[] s = new double[c.length]; symmetricFirMirrorOffBounds1D(h, c, s); System.arraycopy(s, 0, c, 0, s.length); } /* end coefficientToSamples1D */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ private void coefficientToXYGradient2D ( final double[] basic, final double[] xGradient, final double[] yGradient, final int width, final int height ) { final double[] hLine = new double[width]; final double[] hData = new double[width]; final double[] vLine = new double[height]; for (int y = 0; ((y < height) && (!t.isInterrupted())); y++) { extractRow(basic, y, hLine); System.arraycopy(hLine, 0, hData, 0, width); coefficientToGradient1D(hLine); coefficientToSamples1D(hData); putRow(xGradient, y, hLine); putRow(yGradient, y, hData); } for (int x = 0; ((x < width) && (!t.isInterrupted())); x++) { extractColumn(xGradient, width, x, vLine); coefficientToSamples1D(vLine); putColumn(xGradient, width, x, vLine); extractColumn(yGradient, width, x, vLine); coefficientToGradient1D(vLine); putColumn(yGradient, width, x, vLine); } } /* end coefficientToXYGradient2D */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ private void dualToCardinal2D ( final double[] dual, final double[] cardinal, final int width, final int height, final int degree ) { basicToCardinal2D(getBasicFromCardinal2D(dual, width, height, 2 * degree + 1), cardinal, width, height, degree); } /* end dualToCardinal2D */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ private void extractColumn ( final double[] array, final int width, int x, final double[] column ) { for (int i = 0; (i < column.length); i++, x+=width) column[i] = (double)array[x]; } /* end extractColumn */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ private void extractRow ( final double[] array, int y, final double[] row ) { y *= row.length; for (int i = 0; (i < row.length); i++) row[i] = (double)array[y++]; } /* end extractRow */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ private double[] getBasicFromCardinal2D ( ) { final double[] basic = new double[width * height]; final double[] hLine = new double[width]; final double[] vLine = new double[height]; for (int y = 0; (y < height); y++) { extractRow(image, y, hLine); samplesToInterpolationCoefficient1D(hLine, 3, 0.0); putRow(basic, y, hLine); } for (int x = 0; (x < width); x++) { extractColumn(basic, width, x, vLine); samplesToInterpolationCoefficient1D(vLine, 3, 0.0); putColumn(basic, width, x, vLine); } return(basic); } /* end getBasicFromCardinal2D */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ private double[] getBasicFromCardinal2D ( final double[] cardinal, final int width, final int height, final int degree ) { final double[] basic = new double[width * height]; final double[] hLine = new double[width]; final double[] vLine = new double[height]; for (int y = 0; ((y < height) && (!t.isInterrupted())); y++) { extractRow(cardinal, y, hLine); samplesToInterpolationCoefficient1D(hLine, degree, 0.0); putRow(basic, y, hLine); } for (int x = 0; ((x < width) && (!t.isInterrupted())); x++) { extractColumn(basic, width, x, vLine); samplesToInterpolationCoefficient1D(vLine, degree, 0.0); putColumn(basic, width, x, vLine); } return(basic); } /* end getBasicFromCardinal2D */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ private double[] getHalfDual2D ( final double[] fullDual, final int fullWidth, final int fullHeight ) { final int halfWidth = fullWidth / 2; final int halfHeight = fullHeight / 2; final double[] hLine = new double[fullWidth]; final double[] hData = new double[halfWidth]; final double[] vLine = new double[fullHeight]; final double[] vData = new double[halfHeight]; final double[] demiDual = new double[halfWidth * fullHeight]; final double[] halfDual = new double[halfWidth * halfHeight]; for (int y = 0; ((y < fullHeight) && (!t.isInterrupted())); y++) { extractRow(fullDual, y, hLine); reduceDual1D(hLine, hData); putRow(demiDual, y, hData); } for (int x = 0; ((x < halfWidth) && (!t.isInterrupted())); x++) { extractColumn(demiDual, halfWidth, x, vLine); reduceDual1D(vLine, vData); putColumn(halfDual, halfWidth, x, vData); } return(halfDual); } /* end getHalfDual2D */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ private double getInitialAntiCausalCoefficientMirrorOffBounds ( final double[] c, final double z, final double tolerance ) { return(z * c[c.length - 1] / (z - 1.0)); } /* end getInitialAntiCausalCoefficientMirrorOffBounds */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ private double getInitialCausalCoefficientMirrorOffBounds ( final double[] c, final double z, final double tolerance ) { double z1 = z; double zn = Math.pow(z, c.length); double sum = (1.0 + z) * (c[0] + zn * c[c.length - 1]); int horizon = c.length; if (0.0 < tolerance) { horizon = 2 + (int)(Math.log(tolerance) / Math.log(Math.abs(z))); horizon = (horizon < c.length) ? (horizon) : (c.length); } zn = zn * zn; for (int n = 1; (n < (horizon - 1)); n++) { z1 = z1 * z; zn = zn / z; sum = sum + (z1 + zn) * c[n]; } return(sum / (1.0 - Math.pow(z, 2 * c.length))); } /* end getInitialCausalCoefficientMirrorOffBounds */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ private void putColumn ( final double[] array, final int width, int x, final double[] column ) { for (int i = 0; (i < column.length); i++, x+=width) array[x] = (double)column[i]; } /* end putColumn */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ private void putRow ( final double[] array, int y, final double[] row ) { y *= row.length; for (int i = 0; (i < row.length); i++) array[y++] = (double)row[i]; } /* end putRow */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ private void reduceDual1D ( final double[] c, final double[] s ) { final double h[] = {6.0 / 16.0, 4.0 / 16.0, 1.0 / 16.0}; if (2 <= s.length) { s[0] = h[0] * c[0] + h[1] * (c[0] + c[1]) + h[2] * (c[1] + c[2]); for (int i = 2, j = 1; (j < (s.length - 1)); i += 2, j++) { s[j] = h[0] * c[i] + h[1] * (c[i - 1] + c[i + 1]) + h[2] * (c[i - 2] + c[i + 2]); } if (c.length == (2 * s.length)) { s[s.length - 1] = h[0] * c[c.length - 2] + h[1] * (c[c.length - 3] + c[c.length - 1]) + h[2] * (c[c.length - 4] + c[c.length - 1]); } else { s[s.length - 1] = h[0] * c[c.length - 3] + h[1] * (c[c.length - 4] + c[c.length - 2]) + h[2] * (c[c.length - 5] + c[c.length - 1]); } } else { switch (c.length) { case 3: s[0] = h[0] * c[0] + h[1] * (c[0] + c[1]) + h[2] * (c[1] + c[2]); break; case 2: s[0] = h[0] * c[0] + h[1] * (c[0] + c[1]) + 2.0 * h[2] * c[1]; break; default: } } } /* end reduceDual1D */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ private void samplesToInterpolationCoefficient1D ( final double[] c, final int degree, final double tolerance ) { double[] z = new double[0]; double lambda = 1.0; switch (degree) { case 3: z = new double[1]; z[0] = Math.sqrt(3.0) - 2.0; break; case 7: z = new double[3]; z[0] = -0.5352804307964381655424037816816460718339231523426924148812; z[1] = -0.122554615192326690515272264359357343605486549427295558490763; z[2] = -0.0091486948096082769285930216516478534156925639545994482648003; break; default: } if (c.length == 1) { return; } for (int k = 0; (k < z.length); k++) { lambda *= (1.0 - z[k]) * (1.0 - 1.0 / z[k]); } for (int n = 0; (n < c.length); n++) { c[n] = c[n] * lambda; } for (int k = 0; (k < z.length); k++) { c[0] = getInitialCausalCoefficientMirrorOffBounds(c, z[k], tolerance); for (int n = 1; (n < c.length); n++) { c[n] = c[n] + z[k] * c[n - 1]; } c[c.length - 1] = getInitialAntiCausalCoefficientMirrorOffBounds(c, z[k], tolerance); for (int n = c.length - 2; (0 <= n); n--) { c[n] = z[k] * (c[n+1] - c[n]); } } } /* end samplesToInterpolationCoefficient1D */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ private void symmetricFirMirrorOffBounds1D ( final double[] h, final double[] c, final double[] s ) { switch (h.length) { case 2: if (2 <= c.length) { s[0] = h[0] * c[0] + h[1] * (c[0] + c[1]); for (int i = 1; (i < (s.length - 1)); i++) { s[i] = h[0] * c[i] + h[1] * (c[i - 1] + c[i + 1]); } s[s.length - 1] = h[0] * c[c.length - 1] + h[1] * (c[c.length - 2] + c[c.length - 1]); } else { s[0] = (h[0] + 2.0 * h[1]) * c[0]; } break; case 4: if (6 <= c.length) { s[0] = h[0] * c[0] + h[1] * (c[0] + c[1]) + h[2] * (c[1] + c[2]) + h[3] * (c[2] + c[3]); s[1] = h[0] * c[1] + h[1] * (c[0] + c[2]) + h[2] * (c[0] + c[3]) + h[3] * (c[1] + c[4]); s[2] = h[0] * c[2] + h[1] * (c[1] + c[3]) + h[2] * (c[0] + c[4]) + h[3] * (c[0] + c[5]); for (int i = 3; (i < (s.length - 3)); i++) { s[i] = h[0] * c[i] + h[1] * (c[i - 1] + c[i + 1]) + h[2] * (c[i - 2] + c[i + 2]) + h[3] * (c[i - 3] + c[i + 3]); } s[s.length - 3] = h[0] * c[c.length - 3] + h[1] * (c[c.length - 4] + c[c.length - 2]) + h[2] * (c[c.length - 5] + c[c.length - 1]) + h[3] * (c[c.length - 6] + c[c.length - 1]); s[s.length - 2] = h[0] * c[c.length - 2] + h[1] * (c[c.length - 3] + c[c.length - 1]) + h[2] * (c[c.length - 4] + c[c.length - 1]) + h[3] * (c[c.length - 5] + c[c.length - 2]); s[s.length - 1] = h[0] * c[c.length - 1] + h[1] * (c[c.length - 2] + c[c.length - 1]) + h[2] * (c[c.length - 3] + c[c.length - 2]) + h[3] * (c[c.length - 4] + c[c.length - 3]); } else { switch (c.length) { case 5: s[0] = h[0] * c[0] + h[1] * (c[0] + c[1]) + h[2] * (c[1] + c[2]) + h[3] * (c[2] + c[3]); s[1] = h[0] * c[1] + h[1] * (c[0] + c[2]) + h[2] * (c[0] + c[3]) + h[3] * (c[1] + c[4]); s[2] = h[0] * c[2] + h[1] * (c[1] + c[3]) + (h[2] + h[3]) * (c[0] + c[4]); s[3] = h[0] * c[3] + h[1] * (c[2] + c[4]) + h[2] * (c[1] + c[4]) + h[3] * (c[0] + c[3]); s[4] = h[0] * c[4] + h[1] * (c[3] + c[4]) + h[2] * (c[2] + c[3]) + h[3] * (c[1] + c[2]); break; case 4: s[0] = h[0] * c[0] + h[1] * (c[0] + c[1]) + h[2] * (c[1] + c[2]) + h[3] * (c[2] + c[3]); s[1] = h[0] * c[1] + h[1] * (c[0] + c[2]) + h[2] * (c[0] + c[3]) + h[3] * (c[1] + c[3]); s[2] = h[0] * c[2] + h[1] * (c[1] + c[3]) + h[2] * (c[0] + c[3]) + h[3] * (c[0] + c[2]); s[3] = h[0] * c[3] + h[1] * (c[2] + c[3]) + h[2] * (c[1] + c[2]) + h[3] * (c[0] + c[1]); break; case 3: s[0] = h[0] * c[0] + h[1] * (c[0] + c[1]) + h[2] * (c[1] + c[2]) + 2.0 * h[3] * c[2]; s[1] = h[0] * c[1] + (h[1] + h[2]) * (c[0] + c[2]) + 2.0 * h[3] * c[1]; s[2] = h[0] * c[2] + h[1] * (c[1] + c[2]) + h[2] * (c[0] + c[1]) + 2.0 * h[3] * c[0]; break; case 2: s[0] = (h[0] + h[1] + h[3]) * c[0] + (h[1] + 2.0 * h[2] + h[3]) * c[1]; s[1] = (h[0] + h[1] + h[3]) * c[1] + (h[1] + 2.0 * h[2] + h[3]) * c[0]; break; case 1: s[0] = (h[0] + 2.0 * (h[1] + h[2] + h[3])) * c[0]; break; default: } } break; default: } } /* end symmetricFirMirrorOffBounds1D */ } /* end class unwarpJImageModel */ /*==================================================================== | unwarpJMask \===================================================================*/ /* This class is responsible for the mask preprocessing that takes place concurrently with user-interface events. It contains methods to compute the mask pyramids. */ class unwarpJMask { /* begin class unwarpJMask */ /*.................................................................... Private variables ....................................................................*/ // Mask related private boolean[] mask; private int width; private int height; private Polygon polygon=null; private boolean mask_from_the_stack; /*.................................................................... Public methods ....................................................................*/ /* Bounding box for the mask. An array is returned with the convention [x0,y0,xF,yF]. This array is returned in corners. This vector should be already resized. */ public void BoundingBox(int [] corners) { if (polygon.npoints!=0) { Rectangle boundingbox=polygon.getBounds(); corners[0]=(int)boundingbox.x; corners[1]=(int)boundingbox.y; corners[2]=corners[0]+(int)boundingbox.width; corners[3]=corners[1]+(int)boundingbox.height; } else { corners[0]=0; corners[1]=0; corners[2]=width; corners[3]=height; } } /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Set to true every pixel of the full-size mask. */ public void clearMask ( ) { int k = 0; for (int y = 0; (y < height); y++) for (int x = 0; (x < width); x++) mask[k++] = true; polygon=new Polygon(); } /* end clearMask */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Fill the mask associated to the mask points. */ public void fillMask (int tool) { int k=0; for (int y = 0; (y < height); y++) for (int x = 0; (x < width); x++) { mask[k] = polygon.contains(x,y); if (tool==unwarpJPointAction.INVERTMASK) mask[k]=!mask[k]; k++; } } /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Returns the value of the mask at a certain pixel. If the sample is not integer then the closest point is returned. */ public boolean getValue(double x, double y) { int u=(int)Math.round(x); int v=(int)Math.round(y); if (u<0 || u>=width || v<0 || v>=height) return false; else return mask[v*width+u]; } /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Get a point from the mask. */ public Point getPoint(int i) { return new Point(polygon.xpoints[i],polygon.ypoints[i]); } /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* True if the mask was taken from the stack. */ public boolean isFromStack() { return mask_from_the_stack; } /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Get the number of points in the mask. */ public int numberOfMaskPoints() {return polygon.npoints;} /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Read mask from file. An error is shown if the file read is not of the same size as the previous mask. */ public void readFile(String filename) { ImagePlus aux = new ImagePlus(filename); if (aux.getWidth()!=width || aux.getHeight()!=height) IJ.error("Mask in file is not of the expected size"); ImageProcessor ip=aux.getProcessor(); int k=0; for (int y = 0; (y < height); y++) for (int x = 0; (x < width); x++, k++) if (ip.getPixelValue(x,y)!=0) mask[k]=true; else mask[k]=false; } /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Show mask. */ public void showMask () { double [][]img=new double[height][width]; int k = 0; for (int y = 0; (y < height); y++) for (int x = 0; (x < width); x++) if (mask[k++]) img[y][x]=1; else img[y][x]=0; unwarpJMiscTools.showImage("Mask",img); } /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Set the mask points. */ public void setMaskPoints (final Vector listMaskPoints) { int imax=listMaskPoints.size(); for (int i=0; i<imax; i++) { Point p=(Point)listMaskPoints.elementAt(i); polygon.addPoint(p.x,p.y); } } /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Sets the value of the mask at a certain pixel. */ public void setValue(int u, int v, boolean value) { if (u>=0 && u<width && v>=0 && v<height) mask[v*width+u]=value; } /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Empty constructor, the input image is used only to take the image size. */ public unwarpJMask ( final ImageProcessor ip, boolean take_mask ) { width = ip.getWidth(); height = ip.getHeight(); mask = new boolean[width * height]; if (!take_mask) { mask_from_the_stack=false; clearMask(); } else { mask_from_the_stack=true; int k=0; if (ip instanceof ByteProcessor) { final byte[] pixels = (byte[])ip.getPixels(); for (int y = 0; (y < height); y++) { for (int x = 0; (x < width); x++, k++) { mask[k] = (pixels[k] != 0); } } } else if (ip instanceof ShortProcessor) { final short[] pixels = (short[])ip.getPixels(); for (int y = 0; (y < height); y++) { for (int x = 0; (x < width); x++, k++) { mask[k] = (pixels[k] != 0); } } } else if (ip instanceof FloatProcessor) { final float[] pixels = (float[])ip.getPixels(); for (int y = 0; (y < height); y++) { for (int x = 0; (x < width); x++, k++) { mask[k] = (pixels[k] != 0.0F); } } } } } /* end unwarpJMask */ } /* end class unwarpJMask */ /*==================================================================== | unwarpJMathTools \===================================================================*/ class unwarpJMathTools { private static final double FLT_EPSILON = (double)Float.intBitsToFloat((int)0x33FFFFFF); private static final int MAX_SVD_ITERATIONS = 1000; /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ public static double Bspline01 ( double x ) { x = Math.abs(x); if (x < 1.0F) { return(1.0F - x); } else { return(0.0F); } } /* Bspline01 */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ public static double Bspline02 ( double x ) { x = Math.abs(x); if (x < 0.5F) { return(3.0F / 4.0F - x * x); } else if (x < 1.5F) { x -= 1.5F; return(0.5F * x * x); } else { return(0.0F); } } /* Bspline02 */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ public static double Bspline03 ( double x ) { x = Math.abs(x); if (x < 1.0F) { return(0.5F * x * x * (x - 2.0F) + (2.0F / 3.0F)); } else if (x < 2.0F) { x -= 2.0F; return(x * x * x / (-6.0F)); } else { return(0.0F); } } /* Bspline03 */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ public static double EuclideanNorm ( final double a, final double b ) { final double absa = Math.abs(a); final double absb = Math.abs(b); if (absb < absa) { return(absa * Math.sqrt(1.0 + (absb * absb / (absa * absa)))); } else { return((absb == 0.0F) ? (0.0F) : (absb * Math.sqrt(1.0 + (absa * absa / (absb * absb))))); } } /* end EuclideanNorm */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ public static boolean invertMatrixSVD( int Ydim, // Input, int Xdim, // Input, final double [][]B, // Input, matrix to invert final double [][]iB // Output, inverted matrix ) { boolean underconstrained=false; final double[] W = new double[Xdim]; final double[][] V = new double[Xdim][Xdim]; // B=UWV^t (U is stored in B) singularValueDecomposition(B, W, V); // B^-1=VW^-1U^t // Compute W^-1 int Nzeros=0; for (int k = 0; k<Xdim; k++) { if (Math.abs(W[k]) < FLT_EPSILON) { W[k] = 0.0F; Nzeros++; } else W[k] = 1.0F / W[k]; } if (Ydim-Nzeros<Xdim) underconstrained=true; // Compute VW^-1 for (int i = 0; i<Xdim; i++) for (int j = 0; j<Xdim; j++) V[i][j] *= W[j]; // Compute B^-1 // iB should have been already resized for (int i = 0; i<Xdim; i++) { for (int j = 0; j<Ydim; j++) { iB[i][j] = 0.0F; for (int k = 0; k<Xdim; k++) iB[i][j] += V[i][k] * B[j][k]; } } return underconstrained; } /* invertMatrixSVD */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /********************************************************************* * Gives the least-squares solution to (A * x = b) such that * (A^T * A)^-1 * A^T * b = x is a vector of size (column), where A is * a (line x column) matrix, and where b is a vector of size (line). * The result may differ from that obtained by a singular-value * decomposition in the cases where the least-squares solution is not * uniquely defined (SVD returns the solution of least norm, not QR). * * @param A An input matrix A[line][column] of size (line x column) * @param b An input vector b[line] of size (line) * @return An output vector x[column] of size (column) ********************************************************************/ public static double[] linearLeastSquares ( final double[][] A, final double[] b ) { final int lines = A.length; final int columns = A[0].length; final double[][] Q = new double[lines][columns]; final double[][] R = new double[columns][columns]; final double[] x = new double[columns]; double s; for (int i = 0; (i < lines); i++) { for (int j = 0; (j < columns); j++) { Q[i][j] = A[i][j]; } } QRdecomposition(Q, R); for (int i = 0; (i < columns); i++) { s = 0.0F; for (int j = 0; (j < lines); j++) { s += Q[j][i] * b[j]; } x[i] = s; } for (int i = columns - 1; (0 <= i); i--) { s = R[i][i]; if ((s * s) == 0.0F) { x[i] = 0.0F; } else { x[i] /= s; } for (int j = i - 1; (0 <= j); j--) { x[j] -= R[j][i] * x[i]; } } return(x); } /* end linearLeastSquares */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ public static double nchoosek(int n, int k) { if (k>n) return 0; if (k==0) return 1; if (k==1) return n; if (k>n/2) k=n-k; double prod=1; for (int i=1; i<=k; i++) prod*=(n-k+i)/i; return prod; } /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /********************************************************************* * Decomposes the (line x column) input matrix Q into an orthonormal * output matrix Q of same size (line x column) and an upper-diagonal * square matrix R of size (column x column), such that the matrix * product (Q * R) gives the input matrix, and such that the matrix * product (Q^T * Q) gives the identity. * * @param Q An in-place (line x column) matrix Q[line][column], which * expects as input the matrix to decompose, and which returns as * output an orthonormal matrix * @param R An output (column x column) square matrix R[column][column] ********************************************************************/ public static void QRdecomposition ( final double[][] Q, final double[][] R ) { final int lines = Q.length; final int columns = Q[0].length; final double[][] A = new double[lines][columns]; double s; for (int j = 0; (j < columns); j++) { for (int i = 0; (i < lines); i++) { A[i][j] = Q[i][j]; } for (int k = 0; (k < j); k++) { s = 0.0F; for (int i = 0; (i < lines); i++) { s += A[i][j] * Q[i][k]; } for (int i = 0; (i < lines); i++) { Q[i][j] -= s * Q[i][k]; } } s = 0.0F; for (int i = 0; (i < lines); i++) { s += Q[i][j] * Q[i][j]; } if ((s * s) == 0.0F) { s = 0.0F; } else { s = 1.0F / Math.sqrt(s); } for (int i = 0; (i < lines); i++) { Q[i][j] *= s; } } for (int i = 0; (i < columns); i++) { for (int j = 0; (j < i); j++) { R[i][j] = 0.0F; } for (int j = i; (j < columns); j++) { R[i][j] = 0.0F; for (int k = 0; (k < lines); k++) { R[i][j] += Q[k][i] * A[k][j]; } } } } /* end QRdecomposition */ /* -----------------------------------------------------------------*/ public static void showMatrix( int Ydim, int Xdim, final double [][]A ) { for (int i=0; i<Ydim; i++) { for (int j=0; j<Xdim; j++) System.out.print(A[i][j]+" "); System.out.println(); } } /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ public static void singularValueDecomposition ( final double[][] U, final double[] W, final double[][] V ) { final int lines = U.length; final int columns = U[0].length; final double[] rv1 = new double[columns]; double norm, scale; double c, f, g, h, s; double x, y, z; int l = 0; int nm = 0; boolean flag; g = scale = norm = 0.0F; for (int i = 0; (i < columns); i++) { l = i + 1; rv1[i] = scale * g; g = s = scale = 0.0F; if (i < lines) { for (int k = i; (k < lines); k++) { scale += Math.abs(U[k][i]); } if (scale != 0.0) { for (int k = i; (k < lines); k++) { U[k][i] /= scale; s += U[k][i] * U[k][i]; } f = U[i][i]; g = (0.0 <= f) ? (-Math.sqrt((double)s)) : (Math.sqrt((double)s)); h = f * g - s; U[i][i] = f - g; for (int j = l; (j < columns); j++) { s = 0.0F; for (int k = i; (k < lines); k++) { s += U[k][i] * U[k][j]; } f = s / h; for (int k = i; (k < lines); k++) { U[k][j] += f * U[k][i]; } } for (int k = i; (k < lines); k++) { U[k][i] *= scale; } } } W[i] = scale * g; g = s = scale = 0.0F; if ((i < lines) && (i != (columns - 1))) { for (int k = l; (k < columns); k++) { scale += Math.abs(U[i][k]); } if (scale != 0.0) { for (int k = l; (k < columns); k++) { U[i][k] /= scale; s += U[i][k] * U[i][k]; } f = U[i][l]; g = (0.0 <= f) ? (-Math.sqrt(s)) : (Math.sqrt(s)); h = f * g - s; U[i][l] = f - g; for (int k = l; (k < columns); k++) { rv1[k] = U[i][k] / h; } for (int j = l; (j < lines); j++) { s = 0.0F; for (int k = l; (k < columns); k++) { s += U[j][k] * U[i][k]; } for (int k = l; (k < columns); k++) { U[j][k] += s * rv1[k]; } } for (int k = l; (k < columns); k++) { U[i][k] *= scale; } } } norm = ((Math.abs(W[i]) + Math.abs(rv1[i])) < norm) ? (norm) : (Math.abs(W[i]) + Math.abs(rv1[i])); } for (int i = columns - 1; (0 <= i); i--) { if (i < (columns - 1)) { if (g != 0.0) { for (int j = l; (j < columns); j++) { V[j][i] = U[i][j] / (U[i][l] * g); } for (int j = l; (j < columns); j++) { s = 0.0F; for (int k = l; (k < columns); k++) { s += U[i][k] * V[k][j]; } for (int k = l; (k < columns); k++) { if (s != 0.0) { V[k][j] += s * V[k][i]; } } } } for (int j = l; (j < columns); j++) { V[i][j] = V[j][i] = 0.0F; } } V[i][i] = 1.0F; g = rv1[i]; l = i; } for (int i = (lines < columns) ? (lines - 1) : (columns - 1); (0 <= i); i--) { l = i + 1; g = W[i]; for (int j = l; (j < columns); j++) { U[i][j] = 0.0F; } if (g != 0.0) { g = 1.0F / g; for (int j = l; (j < columns); j++) { s = 0.0F; for (int k = l; (k < lines); k++) { s += U[k][i] * U[k][j]; } f = s * g / U[i][i]; for (int k = i; (k < lines); k++) { if (f != 0.0) { U[k][j] += f * U[k][i]; } } } for (int j = i; (j < lines); j++) { U[j][i] *= g; } } else { for (int j = i; (j < lines); j++) { U[j][i] = 0.0F; } } U[i][i] += 1.0F; } for (int k = columns - 1; (0 <= k); k--) { for (int its = 1; (its <= MAX_SVD_ITERATIONS); its++) { flag = true; for (l = k; (0 <= l); l--) { nm = l - 1; if ((Math.abs(rv1[l]) + norm) == norm) { flag = false; break; } if ((Math.abs(W[nm]) + norm) == norm) { break; } } if (flag) { c = 0.0F; s = 1.0F; for (int i = l; (i <= k); i++) { f = s * rv1[i]; rv1[i] *= c; if ((Math.abs(f) + norm) == norm) { break; } g = W[i]; h = EuclideanNorm(f, g); W[i] = h; h = 1.0F / h; c = g * h; s = -f * h; for (int j = 0; (j < lines); j++) { y = U[j][nm]; z = U[j][i]; U[j][nm] = y * c + z * s; U[j][i] = z * c - y * s; } } } z = W[k]; if (l == k) { if (z < 0.0) { W[k] = -z; for (int j = 0; (j < columns); j++) { V[j][k] = -V[j][k]; } } break; } if (its == MAX_SVD_ITERATIONS) { return; } x = W[l]; nm = k - 1; y = W[nm]; g = rv1[nm]; h = rv1[k]; f = ((y - z) * (y + z) + (g - h) * (g + h)) / (2.0F * h * y); g = EuclideanNorm(f, 1.0F); f = ((x - z) * (x + z) + h * ((y / (f + ((0.0 <= f) ? (Math.abs(g)) : (-Math.abs(g))))) - h)) / x; c = s = 1.0F; for (int j = l; (j <= nm); j++) { int i = j + 1; g = rv1[i]; y = W[i]; h = s * g; g = c * g; z = EuclideanNorm(f, h); rv1[j] = z; c = f / z; s = h / z; f = x * c + g * s; g = g * c - x * s; h = y * s; y *= c; for (int jj = 0; (jj < columns); jj++) { x = V[jj][j]; z = V[jj][i]; V[jj][j] = x * c + z * s; V[jj][i] = z * c - x * s; } z = EuclideanNorm(f, h); W[j] = z; if (z != 0.0F) { z = 1.0F / z; c = f * z; s = h * z; } f = c * g + s * y; x = c * y - s * g; for (int jj = 0; (jj < lines); jj++) { y = U[jj][j]; z = U[jj][i]; U[jj][j] = y * c + z * s; U[jj][i] = z * c - y * s; } } rv1[l] = 0.0F; rv1[k] = f; W[k] = x; } } } /* end singularValueDecomposition */ public static void singularValueBackSubstitution ( final double [][]U, /* input matrix */ final double []W, /* vector of singular values */ final double [][]V, /* untransposed orthogonal matrix */ final double []B, /* input vector */ final double []X /* returned solution */ ){ /* solve (U.W.Transpose(V)).X == B in terms of X */ /* {U, W, V} are given by SingularValueDecomposition */ /* by convention, set w[i,j]=0 to get (1/w[i,j])=0 */ /* the size of the input matrix U is (Lines x Columns) */ /* the size of the vector (1/W) of singular values is (Columns) */ /* the size of the untransposed orthogonal matrix V is (Columns x Columns) */ /* the size of the input vector B is (Lines) */ /* the size of the output vector X is (Columns) */ final int Lines = U.length; final int Columns = U[0].length; double [] aux = new double [Columns]; // A=UWV^t // A^-1=VW^-1U^t // X=A^-1*B // Perform aux=W^-1 U^t B for (int i=0; i<Columns; i++) { aux[i]=0.0F; if (Math.abs(W[i]) > FLT_EPSILON) { for (int j=0; j<Lines; j++) aux[i]+=U[j][i]*B[j]; // U^t B aux[i]/=W[i]; // W^-1 U^t B } } // Perform X=V aux for (int i=0; i<Columns; i++) { X[i]=0.0F; for (int j=0; j<Columns; j++) X[i]+=V[i][j]*aux[j]; } } } /* End MathTools */ /*==================================================================== | unwarpJMiscTools \===================================================================*/ class unwarpJMiscTools { /* Apply a given splines transformation to the source image. The source image is modified. The target image is used to know the output size. */ static public void applyTransformationToSource( ImagePlus sourceImp, ImagePlus targetImp, unwarpJImageModel source, int intervals, double [][]cx, double [][]cy) { int targetHeight=targetImp.getProcessor().getHeight(); int targetWidth =targetImp.getProcessor().getWidth (); int sourceHeight=sourceImp.getProcessor().getHeight(); int sourceWidth =sourceImp.getProcessor().getWidth (); // Ask for memory for the transformation double [][] transformation_x=new double [targetHeight][targetWidth]; double [][] transformation_y=new double [targetHeight][targetWidth]; // Compute the deformation // Set these coefficients to an interpolator unwarpJImageModel swx = new unwarpJImageModel(cx); unwarpJImageModel swy = new unwarpJImageModel(cy); // Compute the transformation mapping boolean ORIGINAL=false; for (int v=0; v<targetHeight; v++) { final double tv = (double)(v * intervals) / (double)(targetHeight - 1) + 1.0F; for (int u = 0; u<targetWidth; u++) { final double tu = (double)(u * intervals) / (double)(targetWidth - 1) + 1.0F; swx.prepareForInterpolation(tu, tv, ORIGINAL); transformation_x[v][u] = swx.interpolateI(); swy.prepareForInterpolation(tu, tv, ORIGINAL); transformation_y[v][u] = swy.interpolateI(); } } // Compute the warped image FloatProcessor fp=new FloatProcessor(targetWidth,targetHeight); for (int v=0; v<targetHeight; v++) for (int u=0; u<targetWidth; u++) { final double x = transformation_x[v][u]; final double y = transformation_y[v][u]; if (x>=0 && x<sourceWidth && y>=0 && y<sourceHeight) { source.prepareForInterpolation(x,y,ORIGINAL); fp.putPixelValue(u,v,source.interpolateI()); } else fp.putPixelValue(u,v,0); } fp.resetMinAndMax(); sourceImp.setProcessor(sourceImp.getTitle(),fp); sourceImp.updateImage(); } /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Draw an arrow between two points. The arrow head is in (x2,y2) */ static public void drawArrow(double [][]canvas, int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, double color, int arrow_size) { drawLine(canvas,x1,y1,x2,y2,color); int arrow_size2=2*arrow_size; // Do not draw the arrow_head if the arrow is very small if ((x2-x1)*(x2-x1)+(y2-y1)*(y2-y1)<arrow_size*arrow_size) return; // Vertical arrow if (x2 == x1) { if (y2 > y1) { drawLine(canvas,x2,y2,x2-arrow_size,y2-arrow_size2,color); drawLine(canvas,x2,y2,x2+arrow_size,y2-arrow_size2,color); } else { drawLine(canvas,x2,y2,x2-arrow_size,y2+arrow_size2,color); drawLine(canvas,x2,y2,x2+arrow_size,y2+arrow_size2,color); } } // Horizontal arrow else if (y2 == y1) { if (x2 > x1) { drawLine(canvas,x2,y2,x2-arrow_size2,y2-arrow_size,color); drawLine(canvas,x2,y2,x2-arrow_size2,y2+arrow_size,color); } else { drawLine(canvas,x2,y2,x2+arrow_size2,y2-arrow_size,color); drawLine(canvas,x2,y2,x2+arrow_size2,y2+arrow_size,color); } } // Now we need to rotate the arrow head about the origin else { // Calculate the angle of rotation and adjust for the quadrant double t1 = Math.abs(new Integer(y2 - y1).doubleValue()); double t2 = Math.abs(new Integer(x2 - x1).doubleValue()); double theta = Math.atan(t1 / t2); if (x2 < x1) { if (y2 < y1) theta = Math.PI + theta; else theta = - (Math.PI + theta); } else if (x2 > x1 && y2 < y1) theta = 2*Math.PI - theta; double cosTheta = Math.cos(theta); double sinTheta = Math.sin(theta); // Create the other points and translate the arrow to the origin Point p2 = new Point(-arrow_size2,-arrow_size); Point p3 = new Point(-arrow_size2,+arrow_size); // Rotate the points (without using matrices!) int x = new Long(Math.round((cosTheta * p2.x) - (sinTheta * p2.y))).intValue(); p2.y = new Long(Math.round((sinTheta * p2.x) + (cosTheta * p2.y))).intValue(); p2.x = x; x = new Long(Math.round((cosTheta * p3.x) - (sinTheta * p3.y))).intValue(); p3.y = new Long(Math.round((sinTheta * p3.x) + (cosTheta * p3.y))).intValue(); p3.x = x; // Translate back to desired location and add to polygon p2.translate(x2,y2); p3.translate(x2,y2); drawLine(canvas,x2,y2,p2.x,p2.y,color); drawLine(canvas,x2,y2,p3.x,p3.y,color); } } /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Draw a line between two points. Bresenham's algorithm */ static public void drawLine(double [][]canvas, int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, double color) { int temp; int dy_neg = 1; int dx_neg = 1; int switch_x_y = 0; int neg_slope = 0; int tempx, tempy; int dx = x2 - x1; if(dx == 0) if(y1 > y2) { for(int n = y2; n <= y1; n++) Point(canvas,n,x1,color); return; } else { for(int n = y1; n <= y2; n++) Point(canvas,n,x1,color); return; } int dy = y2 - y1; if(dy == 0) if(x1 > x2) { for(int n = x2; n <= x1; n++) Point(canvas,y1,n,color); return; } else { for(int n = x1; n <= x2; n++) Point(canvas,y1,n,color); return; } float m = (float) dy/dx; if(m > 1 || m < -1) { temp = x1; x1 = y1; y1 = temp; temp = x2; x2 = y2; y2 = temp; dx = x2 - x1; dy = y2 - y1; m = (float) dy/dx; switch_x_y = 1; } if(x1 > x2) { temp = x1; x1 = x2; x2 = temp; temp = y1; y1 = y2; y2 = temp; dx = x2 - x1; dy = y2 - y1; m = (float) dy/dx; } if(m < 0) { if(dy < 0) { dy_neg = -1; dx_neg = 1; } else { dy_neg = 1; dx_neg = -1; } neg_slope = 1; } int d = 2 * (dy * dy_neg) - (dx * dx_neg); int incrH = 2 * dy * dy_neg; int incrHV = 2 * ( (dy * dy_neg) - (dx * dx_neg) ); int x = x1; int y = y1; tempx = x; tempy = y; if(switch_x_y == 1) { temp = x; x = y; y = temp; } Point(canvas,y,x,color); x = tempx; y = tempy; while(x < x2) { if(d <= 0) { x++; d += incrH; } else { d += incrHV; x++; if(neg_slope == 0) y++; else y--; } tempx = x; tempy = y; if (switch_x_y == 1) { temp = x; x = y; y = temp; } Point(canvas,y,x,color); x = tempx; y = tempy; } } /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ static public void extractImage(final ImageProcessor ip, double image[]) { int k=0; int height=ip.getHeight(); int width =ip.getWidth (); if (ip instanceof ByteProcessor) { final byte[] pixels = (byte[])ip.getPixels(); for (int y = 0; (y < height); y++) for (int x = 0; (x < width); x++, k++) image[k] = (double)(pixels[k] & 0xFF); } else if (ip instanceof ShortProcessor) { final short[] pixels = (short[])ip.getPixels(); for (int y = 0; (y < height); y++) for (int x = 0; (x < width); x++, k++) if (pixels[k] < (short)0) image[k] = (double)pixels[k] + 65536.0F; else image[k] = (double)pixels[k]; } else if (ip instanceof FloatProcessor) { final float[] pixels = (float[])ip.getPixels(); for (int p = 0; p<height*width; p++) image[p]=pixels[p]; } } static public void extractImage(final ImageProcessor ip, double image[][]) { int k=0; int height=ip.getHeight(); int width =ip.getWidth (); if (ip instanceof ByteProcessor) { final byte[] pixels = (byte[])ip.getPixels(); for (int y = 0; (y < height); y++) for (int x = 0; (x < width); x++, k++) image[y][x] = (double)(pixels[k] & 0xFF); } else if (ip instanceof ShortProcessor) { final short[] pixels = (short[])ip.getPixels(); for (int y = 0; (y < height); y++) for (int x = 0; (x < width); x++, k++) if (pixels[k] < (short)0) image[y][x] = (double)pixels[k] + 65536.0F; else image[y][x] = (double)pixels[k]; } else if (ip instanceof FloatProcessor) { final float[] pixels = (float[])ip.getPixels(); for (int y = 0; (y < height); y++) for (int x = 0; (x < width); x++, k++) image[y][x]=pixels[k]; } } /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Load landmarks from file. */ static public void loadPoints(String filename, Stack sourceStack, Stack targetStack) { Point sourcePoint; Point targetPoint; try { final FileReader fr = new FileReader(filename); final BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(fr); String line; String index; String xSource; String ySource; String xTarget; String yTarget; int separatorIndex; int k = 1; if (!(line = br.readLine()).equals("Index\txSource\tySource\txTarget\tyTarget")) { fr.close(); IJ.write("Line " + k + ": 'Index\txSource\tySource\txTarget\tyTarget'"); return; } ++k; while ((line = br.readLine()) != null) { line = line.trim(); separatorIndex = line.indexOf('\t'); if (separatorIndex == -1) { fr.close(); IJ.write("Line " + k + ": #Index# <tab> #xSource# <tab> #ySource# <tab> #xTarget# <tab> #yTarget#"); return; } index = line.substring(0, separatorIndex); index = index.trim(); line = line.substring(separatorIndex); line = line.trim(); separatorIndex = line.indexOf('\t'); if (separatorIndex == -1) { fr.close(); IJ.write("Line " + k + ": #Index# <tab> #xSource# <tab> #ySource# <tab> #xTarget# <tab> #yTarget#"); return; } xSource = line.substring(0, separatorIndex); xSource = xSource.trim(); line = line.substring(separatorIndex); line = line.trim(); separatorIndex = line.indexOf('\t'); if (separatorIndex == -1) { fr.close(); IJ.write("Line " + k + ": #Index# <tab> #xSource# <tab> #ySource# <tab> #xTarget# <tab> #yTarget#"); return; } ySource = line.substring(0, separatorIndex); ySource = ySource.trim(); line = line.substring(separatorIndex); line = line.trim(); separatorIndex = line.indexOf('\t'); if (separatorIndex == -1) { fr.close(); IJ.write("Line " + k + ": #Index# <tab> #xSource# <tab> #ySource# <tab> #xTarget# <tab> #yTarget#"); return; } xTarget = line.substring(0, separatorIndex); xTarget = xTarget.trim(); yTarget = line.substring(separatorIndex); yTarget = yTarget.trim(); sourcePoint = new Point(Integer.valueOf(xSource).intValue(), Integer.valueOf(ySource).intValue()); sourceStack.push(sourcePoint); targetPoint = new Point(Integer.valueOf(xTarget).intValue(), Integer.valueOf(yTarget).intValue()); targetStack.push(targetPoint); } fr.close(); } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { IJ.error("File not found exception" + e); return; } catch (IOException e) { IJ.error("IOException exception" + e); return; } catch (NumberFormatException e) { IJ.error("Number format exception" + e); return; } } static public void loadTransformation(String filename, final double [][]cx, final double [][]cy) { try { final FileReader fr = new FileReader(filename); final BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(fr); String line; // Read number of intervals line = br.readLine(); int lineN=1; StringTokenizer st=new StringTokenizer(line,"="); if (st.countTokens()!=2) { fr.close(); IJ.write("Line "+lineN+"+: Cannot read number of intervals"); return; } st.nextToken(); int intervals=Integer.valueOf(st.nextToken()).intValue(); // Skip next 2 lines line = br.readLine(); line = br.readLine(); lineN+=2; // Read the cx coefficients for (int i= 0; i<intervals+3; i++) { line = br.readLine(); lineN++; st=new StringTokenizer(line); if (st.countTokens()!=intervals+3) { fr.close(); IJ.write("Line "+lineN+": Cannot read enough coefficients"); return; } for (int j=0; j<intervals+3; j++) cx[i][j]=Double.valueOf(st.nextToken()).doubleValue(); } // Skip next 2 lines line = br.readLine(); line = br.readLine(); lineN+=2; // Read the cy coefficients for (int i= 0; i<intervals+3; i++) { line = br.readLine(); lineN++; st=new StringTokenizer(line); if (st.countTokens()!=intervals+3) { fr.close(); IJ.write("Line "+lineN+": Cannot read enough coefficients"); return; } for (int j=0; j<intervals+3; j++) cy[i][j]=Double.valueOf(st.nextToken()).doubleValue(); } fr.close(); } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { IJ.error("File not found exception" + e); return; } catch (IOException e) { IJ.error("IOException exception" + e); return; } catch (NumberFormatException e) { IJ.error("Number format exception" + e); return; } } /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ static public int numberOfIntervalsOfTransformation(String filename) { try { final FileReader fr = new FileReader(filename); final BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(fr); String line; // Read number of intervals line = br.readLine(); int lineN=1; StringTokenizer st=new StringTokenizer(line,"="); if (st.countTokens()!=2) { fr.close(); IJ.write("Line "+lineN+"+: Cannot read number of intervals"); return -1; } st.nextToken(); int intervals=Integer.valueOf(st.nextToken()).intValue(); fr.close(); return intervals; } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { IJ.error("File not found exception" + e); return -1; } catch (IOException e) { IJ.error("IOException exception" + e); return -1; } catch (NumberFormatException e) { IJ.error("Number format exception" + e); return -1; } } /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Plot a point in a canvas. */ static public void Point(double [][]canvas, int y, int x, double color) { if (y<0 || y>=canvas.length) return; if (x<0 || x>=canvas[0].length) return; canvas[y][x]=color; } /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ public static void printMatrix( final String title, final double [][]array ) { int Ydim=array.length; int Xdim=array[0].length; System.out.println(title); for (int i=0; i<Ydim; i++) { for (int j=0; j<Xdim; j++) System.out.print(array[i][j]+" "); System.out.println(); } } /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ public static void showImage( final String title, final double [] array, final int Ydim, final int Xdim ) { final FloatProcessor fp=new FloatProcessor(Xdim,Ydim); int ij=0; for (int i=0; i<Ydim; i++) for (int j=0; j<Xdim; j++, ij++) fp.putPixelValue(j,i,array[ij]); fp.resetMinAndMax(); final ImagePlus ip=new ImagePlus(title, fp); final ImageWindow iw=new ImageWindow(ip); ip.updateImage(); } /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ public static void showImage( final String title, final double [][]array ) { int Ydim=array.length; int Xdim=array[0].length; final FloatProcessor fp=new FloatProcessor(Xdim,Ydim); for (int i=0; i<Ydim; i++) for (int j=0; j<Xdim; j++) fp.putPixelValue(j,i,array[i][j]); fp.resetMinAndMax(); final ImagePlus ip=new ImagePlus(title, fp); final ImageWindow iw=new ImageWindow(ip); ip.updateImage(); } } /* End of MiscTools class */ /*==================================================================== | unwarpJPointAction \===================================================================*/ /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ class unwarpJPointAction extends ImageCanvas implements KeyListener, MouseListener, MouseMotionListener { /* begin class unwarpJPointAction */ /*.................................................................... Public variables ....................................................................*/ public static final int ADD_CROSS = 0; public static final int MOVE_CROSS = 1; public static final int REMOVE_CROSS = 2; public static final int MASK = 3; public static final int INVERTMASK = 4; public static final int FILE = 5; public static final int STOP = 7; public static final int MAGNIFIER = 11; /*.................................................................... Private variables ....................................................................*/ private ImagePlus mainImp; private ImagePlus secondaryImp; private unwarpJPointHandler mainPh; private unwarpJPointHandler secondaryPh; private unwarpJPointToolbar tb; private unwarpJDialog dialog; private long mouseDownTime; /*.................................................................... Public methods ....................................................................*/ /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ public void keyPressed ( final KeyEvent e ) { if (tb.getCurrentTool()==MASK || tb.getCurrentTool()==INVERTMASK) return; final Point p = mainPh.getPoint(); if (p == null) return; final int x = p.x; final int y = p.y; switch (e.getKeyCode()) { case KeyEvent.VK_DELETE: case KeyEvent.VK_BACK_SPACE: mainPh.removePoint(); secondaryPh.removePoint(); updateAndDraw(); break; case KeyEvent.VK_DOWN: mainPh.movePoint(mainImp.getWindow().getCanvas().screenX(x), mainImp.getWindow().getCanvas().screenY(y + (int)Math.ceil(1.0 / mainImp.getWindow().getCanvas().getMagnification()))); mainImp.setRoi(mainPh); break; case KeyEvent.VK_LEFT: mainPh.movePoint(mainImp.getWindow().getCanvas().screenX(x - (int)Math.ceil(1.0 / mainImp.getWindow().getCanvas().getMagnification())), mainImp.getWindow().getCanvas().screenY(y)); mainImp.setRoi(mainPh); break; case KeyEvent.VK_RIGHT: mainPh.movePoint(mainImp.getWindow().getCanvas().screenX(x + (int)Math.ceil(1.0 / mainImp.getWindow().getCanvas().getMagnification())), mainImp.getWindow().getCanvas().screenY(y)); mainImp.setRoi(mainPh); break; case KeyEvent.VK_TAB: mainPh.nextPoint(); secondaryPh.nextPoint(); updateAndDraw(); break; case KeyEvent.VK_UP: mainPh.movePoint(mainImp.getWindow().getCanvas().screenX(x), mainImp.getWindow().getCanvas().screenY(y - (int)Math.ceil(1.0 / mainImp.getWindow().getCanvas().getMagnification()))); mainImp.setRoi(mainPh); break; } } /* end keyPressed */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ public void keyReleased ( final KeyEvent e ) { } /* end keyReleased */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ public void keyTyped ( final KeyEvent e ) { } /* end keyTyped */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ public void mouseClicked ( final MouseEvent e ) { } /* end mouseClicked */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ public void mouseDragged ( final MouseEvent e ) { final int x = e.getX(); final int y = e.getY(); if (tb.getCurrentTool() == MOVE_CROSS) { mainPh.movePoint(x, y); updateAndDraw(); } mouseMoved(e); } /* end mouseDragged */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ public void mouseEntered ( final MouseEvent e ) { WindowManager.setCurrentWindow(mainImp.getWindow()); mainImp.getWindow().toFront(); updateAndDraw(); } /* end mouseEntered */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ public void mouseExited ( final MouseEvent e ) { IJ.showStatus(""); } /* end mouseExited */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ public void mouseMoved ( final MouseEvent e ) { setControl(); final int x = mainImp.getWindow().getCanvas().offScreenX(e.getX()); final int y = mainImp.getWindow().getCanvas().offScreenY(e.getY()); IJ.showStatus(mainImp.getLocationAsString(x, y) + getValueAsString(x, y)); } /* end mouseMoved */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ public void mousePressed ( final MouseEvent e ) { if (dialog.isFinalActionLaunched()) return; int x = e.getX(),xp; int y = e.getY(),yp; int currentPoint; boolean doubleClick = (System.currentTimeMillis() - mouseDownTime) <= 250L; mouseDownTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); switch (tb.getCurrentTool()) { case ADD_CROSS: xp=mainImp.getWindow().getCanvas().offScreenX(x); yp=mainImp.getWindow().getCanvas().offScreenY(y); mainPh.addPoint(xp,yp); xp = positionX(mainImp, secondaryImp, mainImp.getWindow().getCanvas().offScreenX(x)); yp = positionY(mainImp, secondaryImp, mainImp.getWindow().getCanvas().offScreenY(y)); secondaryPh.addPoint(xp, yp); updateAndDraw(); break; case MOVE_CROSS: currentPoint = mainPh.findClosest(x, y); secondaryPh.setCurrentPoint(currentPoint); updateAndDraw(); break; case REMOVE_CROSS: currentPoint = mainPh.findClosest(x, y); mainPh.removePoint(currentPoint); secondaryPh.removePoint(currentPoint); updateAndDraw(); break; case MASK: case INVERTMASK: if (mainPh.canAddMaskPoints()) { if (!doubleClick) { if (dialog.isClearMaskSet()) { mainPh.clearMask(); dialog.setClearMask(false); dialog.ungrayImage(this); } x = positionX(mainImp, secondaryImp, mainImp.getWindow().getCanvas().offScreenX(x)); y = positionY(mainImp, secondaryImp, mainImp.getWindow().getCanvas().offScreenY(y)); mainPh.addMaskPoint(x,y); } else mainPh.closeMask(tb.getCurrentTool()); updateAndDraw(); } else { IJ.error("A mask cannot be manually assigned since the mask was already in the stack"); } break; case MAGNIFIER: final int flags = e.getModifiers(); if ((flags & (Event.ALT_MASK | Event.META_MASK | Event.CTRL_MASK)) != 0) { mainImp.getWindow().getCanvas().zoomOut(x, y); } else { mainImp.getWindow().getCanvas().zoomIn(x, y); } break; } } /* end mousePressed */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ public void mouseReleased ( final MouseEvent e ) { } /* end mouseReleased */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ public void setSecondaryPointHandler ( final ImagePlus secondaryImp, final unwarpJPointHandler secondaryPh ) { this.secondaryImp = secondaryImp; this.secondaryPh = secondaryPh; } /* end setSecondaryPointHandler */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ public unwarpJPointAction ( final ImagePlus imp, final unwarpJPointHandler ph, final unwarpJPointToolbar tb, final unwarpJDialog dialog ) { super(imp); this.mainImp = imp; this.mainPh = ph; this.tb = tb; this.dialog = dialog; } /* end unwarpJPointAction */ /*.................................................................... Private methods ....................................................................*/ /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ private String getValueAsString ( final int x, final int y ) { final Calibration cal = mainImp.getCalibration(); final int[] v = mainImp.getPixel(x, y); final int mainImptype=mainImp.getType(); if (mainImptype==mainImp.GRAY8 || mainImptype==mainImp.GRAY16) { final double cValue = cal.getCValue(v[0]); if (cValue==v[0]) { return(", value=" + v[0]); } else { return(", value=" + IJ.d2s(cValue) + " (" + v[0] + ")"); } } else if (mainImptype==mainImp.GRAY32) { return(", value=" + Float.intBitsToFloat(v[0])); } else if (mainImptype==mainImp.COLOR_256) { return(", index=" + v[3] + ", value=" + v[0] + "," + v[1] + "," + v[2]); } else if (mainImptype==mainImp.COLOR_RGB) { return(", value=" + v[0] + "," + v[1] + "," + v[2]); } else { return(""); } } /* end getValueAsString */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ private int positionX ( final ImagePlus imp1, final ImagePlus imp2, final int x ) { return((x * imp2.getWidth()) / imp1.getWidth()); } /* end PositionX */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ private int positionY ( final ImagePlus imp1, final ImagePlus imp2, final int y ) { return((y * imp2.getHeight()) / imp1.getHeight()); } /* end PositionY */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ private void setControl ( ) { switch (tb.getCurrentTool()) { case ADD_CROSS: mainImp.getWindow().getCanvas().setCursor(crosshairCursor); break; case FILE: case MAGNIFIER: case MOVE_CROSS: case REMOVE_CROSS: case MASK: case INVERTMASK: case STOP: mainImp.getWindow().getCanvas().setCursor(defaultCursor); break; } } /* end setControl */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ private void updateAndDraw ( ) { mainImp.setRoi(mainPh); secondaryImp.setRoi(secondaryPh); } /* end updateAndDraw */ } /* end class unwarpJPointAction */ /*==================================================================== | unwarpJPointHandler \===================================================================*/ /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ class unwarpJPointHandler extends Roi { /* begin class unwarpJPointHandler */ /*.................................................................... Private variables ....................................................................*/ private static final int CROSS_HALFSIZE = 5; // Colors private static final int GAMUT = 1024; private final Color spectrum[] = new Color[GAMUT]; private final boolean usedColor[] = new boolean[GAMUT]; private final Vector listColors = new Vector(0, 16); private int currentColor = 0; // List of crosses private final Vector listPoints = new Vector(0, 16); private int currentPoint = -1; private int numPoints = 0; private boolean started = false; // List of points for the mask private final Vector listMaskPoints = new Vector(0,16); private boolean maskClosed = false; // Some useful references private ImagePlus imp; private unwarpJPointAction pa; private unwarpJPointToolbar tb; private unwarpJMask mask; private unwarpJDialog dialog; /*.................................................................... Public methods ....................................................................*/ /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ public void addMaskPoint ( final int x, final int y ) { if (maskClosed) return; final Point p = new Point(x, y); listMaskPoints.addElement(p); } /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ public void addPoint ( final int x, final int y ) { if (numPoints < GAMUT) { final Point p = new Point(x, y); listPoints.addElement(p); if (!usedColor[currentColor]) { usedColor[currentColor] = true; } else { int k; for (k = 0; (k < GAMUT); k++) { currentColor++; currentColor &= GAMUT - 1; if (!usedColor[currentColor]) { break; } } if (GAMUT <= k) { throw new IllegalStateException("Unexpected lack of available colors"); } } int stirredColor = 0; int c = currentColor; for (int k = 0; (k < (int)Math.round(Math.log((double)GAMUT) / Math.log(2.0))); k++) { stirredColor <<= 1; stirredColor |= (c & 1); c >>= 1; } listColors.addElement(new Integer(stirredColor)); currentColor++; currentColor &= GAMUT - 1; currentPoint = numPoints; numPoints++; } else { IJ.error("Maximum number of points reached"); } } /* end addPoint */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* False if the image is coming from a stack */ public boolean canAddMaskPoints() { return !mask.isFromStack(); } /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ public void clearMask () { // Clear mask information in this object listMaskPoints.removeAllElements(); maskClosed=false; mask.clearMask(); } /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ public void closeMask (int tool) { listMaskPoints.addElement(listMaskPoints.elementAt(0)); maskClosed=true; mask.setMaskPoints(listMaskPoints); mask.fillMask(tool); dialog.grayImage(this); } /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ public void draw ( final Graphics g ) { // Draw landmarks if (started) { final double mag = (double)ic.getMagnification(); final int dx = (int)(mag / 2.0); final int dy = (int)(mag / 2.0); for (int k = 0; (k < numPoints); k++) { final Point p = (Point)listPoints.elementAt(k); g.setColor(spectrum[((Integer)listColors.elementAt(k)).intValue()]); if (k == currentPoint) { if (WindowManager.getCurrentImage() == imp) { g.drawLine(ic.screenX(p.x - CROSS_HALFSIZE - 1) + dx, ic.screenY(p.y - 1) + dy, ic.screenX(p.x - 1) + dx, ic.screenY(p.y - 1) + dy); g.drawLine(ic.screenX(p.x - 1) + dx, ic.screenY(p.y - 1) + dy, ic.screenX(p.x - 1) + dx, ic.screenY(p.y - CROSS_HALFSIZE - 1) + dy); g.drawLine(ic.screenX(p.x - 1) + dx, ic.screenY(p.y - CROSS_HALFSIZE - 1) + dy, ic.screenX(p.x + 1) + dx, ic.screenY(p.y - CROSS_HALFSIZE - 1) + dy); g.drawLine(ic.screenX(p.x + 1) + dx, ic.screenY(p.y - CROSS_HALFSIZE - 1) + dy, ic.screenX(p.x + 1) + dx, ic.screenY(p.y - 1) + dy); g.drawLine(ic.screenX(p.x + 1) + dx, ic.screenY(p.y - 1) + dy, ic.screenX(p.x + CROSS_HALFSIZE + 1) + dx, ic.screenY(p.y - 1) + dy); g.drawLine(ic.screenX(p.x + CROSS_HALFSIZE + 1) + dx, ic.screenY(p.y - 1) + dy, ic.screenX(p.x + CROSS_HALFSIZE + 1) + dx, ic.screenY(p.y + 1) + dy); g.drawLine(ic.screenX(p.x + CROSS_HALFSIZE + 1) + dx, ic.screenY(p.y + 1) + dy, ic.screenX(p.x + 1) + dx, ic.screenY(p.y + 1) + dy); g.drawLine(ic.screenX(p.x + 1) + dx, ic.screenY(p.y + 1) + dy, ic.screenX(p.x + 1) + dx, ic.screenY(p.y + CROSS_HALFSIZE + 1) + dy); g.drawLine(ic.screenX(p.x + 1) + dx, ic.screenY(p.y + CROSS_HALFSIZE + 1) + dy, ic.screenX(p.x - 1) + dx, ic.screenY(p.y + CROSS_HALFSIZE + 1) + dy); g.drawLine(ic.screenX(p.x - 1) + dx, ic.screenY(p.y + CROSS_HALFSIZE + 1) + dy, ic.screenX(p.x - 1) + dx, ic.screenY(p.y + 1) + dy); g.drawLine(ic.screenX(p.x - 1) + dx, ic.screenY(p.y + 1) + dy, ic.screenX(p.x - CROSS_HALFSIZE - 1) + dx, ic.screenY(p.y + 1) + dy); g.drawLine(ic.screenX(p.x - CROSS_HALFSIZE - 1) + dx, ic.screenY(p.y + 1) + dy, ic.screenX(p.x - CROSS_HALFSIZE - 1) + dx, ic.screenY(p.y - 1) + dy); if (1.0 < ic.getMagnification()) { g.drawLine(ic.screenX(p.x - CROSS_HALFSIZE) + dx, ic.screenY(p.y) + dy, ic.screenX(p.x + CROSS_HALFSIZE) + dx, ic.screenY(p.y) + dy); g.drawLine(ic.screenX(p.x) + dx, ic.screenY(p.y - CROSS_HALFSIZE) + dy, ic.screenX(p.x) + dx, ic.screenY(p.y + CROSS_HALFSIZE) + dy); } } else { g.drawLine(ic.screenX(p.x - CROSS_HALFSIZE + 1) + dx, ic.screenY(p.y - CROSS_HALFSIZE + 1) + dy, ic.screenX(p.x + CROSS_HALFSIZE - 1) + dx, ic.screenY(p.y + CROSS_HALFSIZE - 1) + dy); g.drawLine(ic.screenX(p.x - CROSS_HALFSIZE + 1) + dx, ic.screenY(p.y + CROSS_HALFSIZE - 1) + dy, ic.screenX(p.x + CROSS_HALFSIZE - 1) + dx, ic.screenY(p.y - CROSS_HALFSIZE + 1) + dy); } } else { g.drawLine(ic.screenX(p.x - CROSS_HALFSIZE) + dx, ic.screenY(p.y) + dy, ic.screenX(p.x + CROSS_HALFSIZE) + dx, ic.screenY(p.y) + dy); g.drawLine(ic.screenX(p.x) + dx, ic.screenY(p.y - CROSS_HALFSIZE) + dy, ic.screenX(p.x) + dx, ic.screenY(p.y + CROSS_HALFSIZE) + dy); } } if (updateFullWindow) { updateFullWindow = false; imp.draw(); } } // Draw mask int numberMaskPoints=listMaskPoints.size(); if (numberMaskPoints!=0) { final double mag = (double)ic.getMagnification(); final int dx = (int)(mag / 2.0); final int dy = (int)(mag / 2.0); int CIRCLE_RADIUS=CROSS_HALFSIZE/2; int CIRCLE_DIAMETER=2*CIRCLE_RADIUS; for (int i=0; i<numberMaskPoints; i++) { final Point p = (Point)listMaskPoints.elementAt(i); g.setColor(Color.yellow); g.drawOval(ic.screenX(p.x)-CIRCLE_RADIUS+dx, ic.screenY(p.y)-CIRCLE_RADIUS+dy, CIRCLE_DIAMETER, CIRCLE_DIAMETER); if (i!=0) { Point previous_p=(Point)listMaskPoints.elementAt(i-1); g.drawLine(ic.screenX(p.x)+dx,ic.screenY(p.y)+dy, ic.screenX(previous_p.x)+dx,ic.screenY(previous_p.y)+dy); } } } } /* end draw */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ public int findClosest ( int x, int y ) { if (numPoints == 0) { return(currentPoint); } x = ic.offScreenX(x); y = ic.offScreenY(y); Point p = new Point((Point)listPoints.elementAt(currentPoint)); double distance = (double)(x - p.x) * (double)(x - p.x) + (double)(y - p.y) * (double)(y - p.y); for (int k = 0; (k < numPoints); k++) { p = (Point)listPoints.elementAt(k); final double candidate = (double)(x - p.x) * (double)(x - p.x) + (double)(y - p.y) * (double)(y - p.y); if (candidate < distance) { distance = candidate; currentPoint = k; } } return(currentPoint); } /* end findClosest */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ public Point getPoint ( ) { return((0 <= currentPoint) ? (Point)listPoints.elementAt(currentPoint) : (null)); } /* end getPoint */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ public unwarpJPointAction getPointAction () {return pa;} /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ public int getCurrentPoint ( ) { return(currentPoint); } /* end getCurrentPoint */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ public Vector getPoints ( ) { return(listPoints); } /* end getPoints */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ public void killListeners ( ) { final ImageWindow iw = imp.getWindow(); final ImageCanvas ic = iw.getCanvas(); ic.removeKeyListener(pa); ic.removeMouseListener(pa); ic.removeMouseMotionListener(pa); ic.addMouseMotionListener(ic); ic.addMouseListener(ic); ic.addKeyListener(IJ.getInstance()); } /* end killListeners */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ public void movePoint ( int x, int y ) { if (0 <= currentPoint) { x = ic.offScreenX(x); y = ic.offScreenY(y); x = (x < 0) ? (0) : (x); x = (imp.getWidth() <= x) ? (imp.getWidth() - 1) : (x); y = (y < 0) ? (0) : (y); y = (imp.getHeight() <= y) ? (imp.getHeight() - 1) : (y); listPoints.removeElementAt(currentPoint); final Point p = new Point(x, y); listPoints.insertElementAt(p, currentPoint); } } /* end movePoint */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ public void nextPoint ( ) { currentPoint = (currentPoint == (numPoints - 1)) ? (0) : (currentPoint + 1); } /* end nextPoint */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ public void removePoint ( ) { if (0 < numPoints) { listPoints.removeElementAt(currentPoint); usedColor[((Integer)listColors.elementAt(currentPoint)).intValue()] = false; listColors.removeElementAt(currentPoint); numPoints--; } currentPoint = numPoints - 1; if (currentPoint < 0) { tb.setTool(pa.ADD_CROSS); } } /* end removePoint */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ public void removePoint ( final int k ) { if (0 < numPoints) { listPoints.removeElementAt(k); usedColor[((Integer)listColors.elementAt(k)).intValue()] = false; listColors.removeElementAt(k); numPoints--; } currentPoint = numPoints - 1; if (currentPoint < 0) { tb.setTool(pa.ADD_CROSS); } } /* end removePoint */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ public void removePoints ( ) { listPoints.removeAllElements(); listColors.removeAllElements(); for (int k = 0; (k < GAMUT); k++) { usedColor[k] = false; } currentColor = 0; numPoints = 0; currentPoint = -1; tb.setTool(pa.ADD_CROSS); imp.setRoi(this); } /* end removePoints */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ public void setCurrentPoint ( final int currentPoint ) { this.currentPoint = currentPoint; } /* end setCurrentPoint */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ public void setTestSourceSet ( final int set ) { removePoints(); switch(set) { case 1: // Deformed_Lena 1 addPoint(11,11); addPoint(200,6); addPoint(197,204); addPoint(121,111); break; case 2: // Deformed_Lena 1 addPoint(6,6); addPoint(202,7); addPoint(196,210); addPoint(10,214); addPoint(120,112); addPoint(68,20); addPoint(63,163); addPoint(186,68); break; } } /* end setTestset */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ public void setTestTargetSet ( final int set ) { removePoints(); switch(set) { case 1: addPoint(11,11); addPoint(185,15); addPoint(154,200); addPoint(123,92); break; case 2: // Deformed_Lena 1 addPoint(6,6); addPoint(185,14); addPoint(154,200); addPoint(3,178); addPoint(121,93); addPoint(67,14); addPoint(52,141); addPoint(178,68); break; } } /* end setTestset */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ public void setSecondaryPointHandler ( final ImagePlus secondaryImp, final unwarpJPointHandler secondaryPh ) { pa.setSecondaryPointHandler(secondaryImp, secondaryPh); } /* end setSecondaryPointHandler */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Constructor with graphical capabilities */ public unwarpJPointHandler ( final ImagePlus imp, final unwarpJPointToolbar tb, final unwarpJMask mask, final unwarpJDialog dialog ) { super(0, 0, imp.getWidth(), imp.getHeight(), imp); this.imp = imp; this.tb = tb; this.dialog=dialog; pa = new unwarpJPointAction(imp, this, tb, dialog); final ImageWindow iw = imp.getWindow(); final ImageCanvas ic = iw.getCanvas(); iw.requestFocus(); iw.removeKeyListener(IJ.getInstance()); iw.addKeyListener(pa); ic.removeMouseMotionListener(ic); ic.removeMouseListener(ic); ic.removeKeyListener(IJ.getInstance()); ic.addKeyListener(pa); ic.addMouseListener(pa); ic.addMouseMotionListener(pa); setSpectrum(); started = true; this.mask=mask; clearMask(); } /* end unwarpJPointHandler */ /* Constructor without graphical capabilities */ public unwarpJPointHandler ( final ImagePlus imp ) { super(0, 0, imp.getWidth(), imp.getHeight(), imp); this.imp = imp; tb = null; dialog=null; pa = null; started = true; mask=null; } /* end unwarpJPointHandler */ /*.................................................................... Private methods ....................................................................*/ /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ private void setSpectrum ( ) { final int bound1 = GAMUT / 6; final int bound2 = GAMUT / 3; final int bound3 = GAMUT / 2; final int bound4 = (2 * GAMUT) / 3; final int bound5 = (5 * GAMUT) / 6; final int bound6 = GAMUT; final float gamutChunk1 = (float)bound1; final float gamutChunk2 = (float)(bound2 - bound1); final float gamutChunk3 = (float)(bound3 - bound2); final float gamutChunk4 = (float)(bound4 - bound3); final float gamutChunk5 = (float)(bound5 - bound4); final float gamutChunk6 = (float)(bound6 - bound5); int k = 0; do { spectrum[k] = new Color(1.0F, (float)k / gamutChunk1, 0.0F); usedColor[k] = false; } while (++k < bound1); do { spectrum[k] = new Color(1.0F - (float)(k - bound1) / gamutChunk2, 1.0F, 0.0F); usedColor[k] = false; } while (++k < bound2); do { spectrum[k] = new Color(0.0F, 1.0F, (float)(k - bound2) / gamutChunk3); usedColor[k] = false; } while (++k < bound3); do { spectrum[k] = new Color(0.0F, 1.0F - (float)(k - bound3) / gamutChunk4, 1.0F); usedColor[k] = false; } while (++k < bound4); do { spectrum[k] = new Color((float)(k - bound4) / gamutChunk5, 0.0F, 1.0F); usedColor[k] = false; } while (++k < bound5); do { spectrum[k] = new Color(1.0F, 0.0F, 1.0F - (float)(k - bound5) / gamutChunk6); usedColor[k] = false; } while (++k < bound6); } /* end setSpectrum */ } /* end class unwarpJPointHandler */ /*==================================================================== | unwarpJPointToolbar \===================================================================*/ /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ class unwarpJPointToolbar extends Canvas implements MouseListener { /* begin class unwarpJPointToolbar */ /*.................................................................... Private variables ....................................................................*/ private static final int NUM_TOOLS = 19; private static final int SIZE = 22; private static final int OFFSET = 3; private static final Color gray = Color.lightGray; private static final Color brighter = gray.brighter(); private static final Color darker = gray.darker(); private static final Color evenDarker = darker.darker(); private final boolean[] down = new boolean[NUM_TOOLS]; private Graphics g; private ImagePlus sourceImp; private ImagePlus targetImp; private Toolbar previousInstance; private unwarpJPointHandler sourcePh; private unwarpJPointHandler targetPh; private unwarpJPointToolbar instance; private long mouseDownTime; private int currentTool = unwarpJPointAction.ADD_CROSS; private int x; private int y; private int xOffset; private int yOffset; private unwarpJDialog dialog; /*.................................................................... Public methods ....................................................................*/ /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ public int getCurrentTool ( ) { return(currentTool); } /* getCurrentTool */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ public void mouseClicked ( final MouseEvent e ) { } /* end mouseClicked */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ public void mouseEntered ( final MouseEvent e ) { } /* end mouseEntered */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ public void mouseExited ( final MouseEvent e ) { } /* end mouseExited */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ public void mousePressed ( final MouseEvent e ) { final int x = e.getX(); final int y = e.getY(); int newTool = 0; for (int i = 0; (i < NUM_TOOLS); i++) { if (((i * SIZE) < x) && (x < (i * SIZE + SIZE))) { newTool = i; } } boolean doubleClick = ((newTool == getCurrentTool()) && ((System.currentTimeMillis() - mouseDownTime) <= 500L) && (newTool == unwarpJPointAction.REMOVE_CROSS)); mouseDownTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); if (newTool==unwarpJPointAction.STOP && !dialog.isFinalActionLaunched()) return; if (newTool!=unwarpJPointAction.STOP && dialog.isFinalActionLaunched()) return; setTool(newTool); if (doubleClick) { unwarpJClearAll clearAllDialog = new unwarpJClearAll(IJ.getInstance(), sourceImp, targetImp, sourcePh, targetPh);; clearAllDialog.setVisible(true); setTool(unwarpJPointAction.ADD_CROSS); clearAllDialog.dispose(); } switch (newTool) { case unwarpJPointAction.FILE: unwarpJFile fileDialog = new unwarpJFile(IJ.getInstance(), sourceImp, targetImp, sourcePh, targetPh,dialog);; fileDialog.setVisible(true); setTool(unwarpJPointAction.ADD_CROSS); fileDialog.dispose(); break; case unwarpJPointAction.MASK: case unwarpJPointAction.INVERTMASK: dialog.setClearMask(true); break; case unwarpJPointAction.STOP: dialog.setStopRegistration(); break; } } /* mousePressed */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ public void mouseReleased ( final MouseEvent e ) { } /* end mouseReleased */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ public void paint ( final Graphics g ) { for (int i = 0; (i < NUM_TOOLS); i++) { drawButton(g, i); } } /* paint */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ public void restorePreviousToolbar ( ) { final Container container = instance.getParent(); final Component[] component = container.getComponents(); for (int i = 0; (i < component.length); i++) { if (component[i] == instance) { container.remove(instance); container.add(previousInstance, i); container.validate(); break; } } } /* end restorePreviousToolbar */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ public void setAllUp () { for (int i=0; i<NUM_TOOLS; i++) down[i]=false; } /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ public void setSource ( final ImagePlus sourceImp, final unwarpJPointHandler sourcePh ) { this.sourceImp = sourceImp; this.sourcePh = sourcePh; } /* end setSource */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ public void setTarget ( final ImagePlus targetImp, final unwarpJPointHandler targetPh ) { this.targetImp = targetImp; this.targetPh = targetPh; } /* end setTarget */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ public void setTool ( final int tool ) { if (tool == currentTool) { return; } down[tool] = true; down[currentTool] = false; Graphics g = this.getGraphics(); drawButton(g, currentTool); drawButton(g, tool); g.dispose(); showMessage(tool); currentTool = tool; } /* end setTool */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ public unwarpJPointToolbar ( final Toolbar previousToolbar, final unwarpJDialog dialog ) { previousInstance = previousToolbar; this.dialog = dialog; instance = this; final Container container = previousToolbar.getParent(); final Component[] component = container.getComponents(); for (int i = 0; (i < component.length); i++) { if (component[i] == previousToolbar) { container.remove(previousToolbar); container.add(this, i); break; } } resetButtons(); down[currentTool] = true; setTool(currentTool); setForeground(evenDarker); setBackground(gray); addMouseListener(this); container.validate(); } /* end unwarpJPointToolbar */ /*.................................................................... Private methods ....................................................................*/ /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ private void d ( int x, int y ) { x += xOffset; y += yOffset; g.drawLine(this.x, this.y, x, y); this.x = x; this.y = y; } /* end d */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ private void drawButton ( final Graphics g, final int tool ) { fill3DRect(g, tool * SIZE + 1, 1, SIZE, SIZE - 1, !down[tool]); if (tool==unwarpJPointAction.STOP && !dialog.isFinalActionLaunched()) return; if (tool!=unwarpJPointAction.STOP && dialog.isFinalActionLaunched()) return; g.setColor(; int x = tool * SIZE + OFFSET; int y = OFFSET; if (down[tool]) { x++; y++; } this.g = g; // Plygon for the mask int px[]=new int[5]; px[0]=x+4;px[1]=x+ 4;px[2]=x+14;px[3]=x+ 9;px[4]=x+14; int py[]=new int[5]; py[0]=y+3;py[1]=y+13;py[2]=y+13;py[3]=y+ 8;py[4]=y+ 3; switch (tool) { case unwarpJPointAction.ADD_CROSS: xOffset = x; yOffset = y; m(7, 0); d(7, 1); m(6, 2); d(6, 3); m(8, 2); d(8, 3); m(5, 4); d(5, 5); m(9, 4); d(9, 5); m(4, 6); d(4, 8); m(10, 6); d(10, 8); m(5, 9); d(5, 14); m(9, 9); d(9, 14); m(7, 4); d(7, 6); m(7, 8); d(7, 8); m(4, 11); d(10, 11); g.fillRect(x + 6, y + 12, 3, 3); m(11, 13); d(15, 13); m(13, 11); d(13, 15); break; case unwarpJPointAction.FILE: xOffset = x; yOffset = y; m(3, 1); d(9, 1); d(9, 4); d(12, 4); d(12, 14); d(3, 14); d(3, 1); m(10, 2); d(11, 3); m(5, 4); d(7, 4); m(5, 6); d(10, 6); m(5, 8); d(10, 8); m(5, 10); d(10, 10); m(5, 12); d(10, 12); break; case unwarpJPointAction.MAGNIFIER: xOffset = x + 2; yOffset = y + 2; m(3, 0); d(3, 0); d(5, 0); d(8, 3); d(8, 5); d(7, 6); d(7, 7); d(6, 7); d(5, 8); d(3, 8); d(0, 5); d(0, 3); d(3, 0); m(8, 8); d(9, 8); d(13, 12); d(13, 13); d(12, 13); d(8, 9); d(8, 8); break; case unwarpJPointAction.MOVE_CROSS: xOffset = x; yOffset = y; m(1, 1); d(1, 10); m(2, 2); d(2, 9); m(3, 3); d(3, 8); m(4, 4); d(4, 7); m(5, 5); d(5, 7); m(6, 6); d(6, 7); m(7, 7); d(7, 7); m(11, 5); d(11, 6); m(10, 7); d(10, 8); m(12, 7); d(12, 8); m(9, 9); d(9, 11); m(13, 9); d(13, 11); m(10, 12); d(10, 15); m(12, 12); d(12, 15); m(11, 9); d(11, 10); m(11, 13); d(11, 15); m(9, 13); d(13, 13); break; case unwarpJPointAction.REMOVE_CROSS: xOffset = x; yOffset = y; m(7, 0); d(7, 1); m(6, 2); d(6, 3); m(8, 2); d(8, 3); m(5, 4); d(5, 5); m(9, 4); d(9, 5); m(4, 6); d(4, 8); m(10, 6); d(10, 8); m(5, 9); d(5, 14); m(9, 9); d(9, 14); m(7, 4); d(7, 6); m(7, 8); d(7, 8); m(4, 11); d(10, 11); g.fillRect(x + 6, y + 12, 3, 3); m(11, 13); d(15, 13); break; case unwarpJPointAction.MASK: xOffset = x; yOffset = y; g.fillPolygon(px,py,5); break; case unwarpJPointAction.INVERTMASK: xOffset = x; yOffset = y; g.fillRect(x + 1, y + 1, 15, 15); g.setColor(gray); g.fillPolygon(px,py,5); g.setColor(; break; case unwarpJPointAction.STOP: xOffset = x; yOffset = y; // Octogon m( 1, 5); d( 1, 11); d( 5, 15); d(11, 15); d(15, 11); d(15, 5); d(11, 1); d( 5, 1); d( 1, 5); // S m( 5, 6); d( 3, 6); d( 3, 8); d( 5, 8); d( 5, 10); d( 3, 10); // T m( 6, 6); d( 6, 8); m( 7, 6); d( 7, 10); // O m(11, 6); d( 9, 6); d( 9, 10); d(11, 10); d(11, 6); // P m(12, 10); d(12, 6); d(14, 6); d(14, 8); d(12, 8); break; } } /* end drawButton */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ private void fill3DRect ( final Graphics g, final int x, final int y, final int width, final int height, final boolean raised ) { if (raised) { g.setColor(gray); } else { g.setColor(darker); } g.fillRect(x + 1, y + 1, width - 2, height - 2); g.setColor((raised) ? (brighter) : (evenDarker)); g.drawLine(x, y, x, y + height - 1); g.drawLine(x + 1, y, x + width - 2, y); g.setColor((raised) ? (evenDarker) : (brighter)); g.drawLine(x + 1, y + height - 1, x + width - 1, y + height - 1); g.drawLine(x + width - 1, y, x + width - 1, y + height - 2); } /* end fill3DRect */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ private void m ( final int x, final int y ) { this.x = xOffset + x; this.y = yOffset + y; } /* end m */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ private void resetButtons ( ) { for (int i = 0; (i < NUM_TOOLS); i++) { down[i] = false; } } /* end resetButtons */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ private void showMessage ( final int tool ) { switch (tool) { case unwarpJPointAction.ADD_CROSS: IJ.showStatus("Add crosses"); return; case unwarpJPointAction.FILE: IJ.showStatus("Export/import list of points"); return; case unwarpJPointAction.MAGNIFIER: IJ.showStatus("Magnifying glass"); return; case unwarpJPointAction.MOVE_CROSS: IJ.showStatus("Move crosses"); return; case unwarpJPointAction.REMOVE_CROSS: IJ.showStatus("Remove crosses"); return; case unwarpJPointAction.MASK: IJ.showStatus("Draw a mask"); return; case unwarpJPointAction.STOP: IJ.showStatus("Stop registration"); return; default: IJ.showStatus("Undefined operation"); return; } } /* end showMessage */ } /* end class unwarpJPointToolbar */ /*==================================================================== | unwarpJProgressBar \===================================================================*/ /********************************************************************* * This class implements the interactions when dealing with ImageJ's * progress bar. ********************************************************************/ class unwarpJProgressBar { /* begin class unwarpJProgressBar */ /*.................................................................... Private variables ....................................................................*/ /********************************************************************* * Same time constant than in ImageJ version 1.22 ********************************************************************/ private static final long TIME_QUANTUM = 50L; private static volatile long lastTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); private static volatile int completed = 0; private static volatile int workload = 0; /*.................................................................... Public methods ....................................................................*/ /********************************************************************* * Extend the amount of work to perform by <code>batch</code>. * * @param batch Additional amount of work that need be performed. ********************************************************************/ public static synchronized void addWorkload ( final int batch ) { workload += batch; } /* end addWorkload */ /********************************************************************* * Erase the progress bar and cancel pending operations. ********************************************************************/ public static synchronized void resetProgressBar ( ) { final long timeStamp = System.currentTimeMillis(); if ((timeStamp - lastTime) < TIME_QUANTUM) { try { Thread.sleep(TIME_QUANTUM - timeStamp + lastTime); } catch (InterruptedException e) { IJ.error("Unexpected interruption exception" + e); } } lastTime = timeStamp; completed = 0; workload = 0; IJ.showProgress(1.0); } /* end resetProgressBar */ /********************************************************************* * Perform <code>stride</code> operations at once. * * @param stride Amount of work that is skipped. ********************************************************************/ public static synchronized void skipProgressBar ( final int stride ) { completed += stride - 1; stepProgressBar(); } /* end skipProgressBar */ /********************************************************************* * Perform <code>1</code> operation unit. ********************************************************************/ public static synchronized void stepProgressBar ( ) { final long timeStamp = System.currentTimeMillis(); completed = completed + 1; if ((TIME_QUANTUM <= (timeStamp - lastTime)) | (completed == workload)) { lastTime = timeStamp; IJ.showProgress((double)completed / (double)workload); } } /* end stepProgressBar */ /********************************************************************* * Acknowledge that <code>batch</code> work has been performed. * * @param batch Completed amount of work. ********************************************************************/ public static synchronized void workloadDone ( final int batch ) { workload -= batch; completed -= batch; } /* end workloadDone */ } /* end class unwarpJProgressBar */ /*==================================================================== | unwarpJTransformation \===================================================================*/ /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ class unwarpJTransformation { /* begin class unwarpJTransformation */ /*.................................................................... Private variables ....................................................................*/ private final double FLT_EPSILON = (double)Float.intBitsToFloat((int)0x33FFFFFF); private final boolean PYRAMID = true; private final boolean ORIGINAL = false; private final int transformationSplineDegree=3; // Some useful references private ImagePlus output_ip; private unwarpJDialog dialog; // Images private ImagePlus sourceImp; private ImagePlus targetImp; private unwarpJImageModel source; private unwarpJImageModel target; // Landmarks private unwarpJPointHandler sourcePh; private unwarpJPointHandler targetPh; // Masks for the images private unwarpJMask sourceMsk; private unwarpJMask targetMsk; // Image size private int sourceHeight; private int sourceWidth; private int targetHeight; private int targetWidth; private int targetCurrentHeight; private int targetCurrentWidth; private double factorHeight; private double factorWidth; // Transformation parameters private int min_scale_deformation; private int max_scale_deformation; private int min_scale_image; private int outputLevel; private boolean showMarquardtOptim; private double divWeight; private double curlWeight; private double landmarkWeight; private double imageWeight; private double stopThreshold; private int accurate_mode; private boolean saveTransf; private String fn_tnf; // Transformation estimate private int intervals; private double [][]cx; private double [][]cy; private double [][]transformation_x; private double [][]transformation_y; private unwarpJImageModel swx; private unwarpJImageModel swy; // Regularization temporary variables private double [][]P11; private double [][]P22; private double [][]P12; public ImageStack is = null; /*.................................................................... Public methods ....................................................................*/ /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ public void doRegistration ( ) { // This function can only be applied with splines of an odd order // Bring into consideration the image/coefficients at the smallest scale source.popFromPyramid(); target.popFromPyramid(); targetCurrentHeight = target.getCurrentHeight(); targetCurrentWidth = target.getCurrentWidth(); factorHeight = target.getFactorHeight(); factorWidth = target.getFactorWidth(); // Ask memory for the transformation coefficients intervals=(int)Math.pow(2,min_scale_deformation); cx = new double[intervals+3][intervals+3]; cy = new double[intervals+3][intervals+3]; // Build matrices for computing the regularization buildRegularizationTemporary(intervals); // Ask for memory for the residues final int K; if (targetPh!=null) K=targetPh.getPoints().size(); else K=0; double [] dx=new double[K]; double [] dy=new double[K]; computeInitialResidues(dx,dy); // Compute the affine transformation from the target to the source coordinates // Notice that this matrix is independent of the scale, but the residues are not double[][] affineMatrix = null; if (landmarkWeight==0) affineMatrix=computeAffineMatrix(); else { affineMatrix=new double[2][3]; affineMatrix[0][0]=affineMatrix[1][1]=1; affineMatrix[0][1]=affineMatrix[0][2]=0; affineMatrix[1][0]=affineMatrix[1][2]=0; } // Incorporate the affine transformation into the spline coefficient for (int i= 0; i<intervals + 3; i++) { final double v = (double)((i - 1) * (targetCurrentHeight - 1)) / (double)intervals; final double xv = affineMatrix[0][2] + affineMatrix[0][1] * v; final double yv = affineMatrix[1][2] + affineMatrix[1][1] * v; for (int j = 0; j < intervals + 3; j++) { final double u = (double)((j - 1) * (targetCurrentWidth - 1)) / (double)intervals; cx[i][j] = xv + affineMatrix[0][0] * u; cy[i][j] = yv + affineMatrix[1][0] * u; } } // Now refine with the different scales int state; // state=-1 --> Finish // state= 0 --> Increase deformation detail // state= 1 --> Increase image detail // state= 2 --> Do nothing until the finest image scale if (min_scale_deformation==max_scale_deformation) state=1; else state=0; int s=min_scale_deformation; int step=0; computeTotalWorkload(); while (state!=-1) { int currentDepth=target.getCurrentDepth(); // Update the deformation coefficients only in states 0 and 1 if (state==0 || state==1) { // Update the deformation coefficients with the error of the landmarks // The following conditional is now useless but it is there to allow // easy changes like applying the landmarks only in the coarsest deformation if (s>=min_scale_deformation) { // Number of intervals at this scale and ask for memory intervals=(int) Math.pow(2,s); final double[][] newcx = new double[intervals+3][intervals+3]; final double[][] newcy = new double[intervals+3][intervals+3]; // Compute the residues before correcting at this scale computeScaleResidues(intervals, cx, cy, dx, dy); // Compute the coefficients at this scale boolean underconstrained=true; if (divWeight==0 && curlWeight==0) underconstrained= computeCoefficientsScale(intervals, dx, dy, newcx, newcy); else underconstrained= computeCoefficientsScaleWithRegularization( intervals, dx, dy, newcx, newcy); // Incorporate information from the previous scale if (!underconstrained || (step==0 && landmarkWeight!=0)) { for (int i=0; i<intervals+3; i++) for (int j=0; j<intervals+3; j++) { cx[i][j]+=newcx[i][j]; cy[i][j]+=newcy[i][j]; } } } // Optimize deformation coefficients if (imageWeight!=0) optimizeCoeffs(intervals,stopThreshold,cx,cy); } // Prepare for next iteration step++; switch (state) { case 0: // Finer details in the deformation if (s<max_scale_deformation) { cx=propagateCoeffsToNextLevel(intervals,cx,1); cy=propagateCoeffsToNextLevel(intervals,cy,1); s++; intervals*=2; // Prepare matrices for the regularization term buildRegularizationTemporary(intervals); if (currentDepth>min_scale_image) state=1; else state=0; } else if (currentDepth>min_scale_image) state=1; else state=2; break; case 1: // Finer details in the image, go on optimizing case 2: // Finer details in the image, do not optimize // Compute next state if (state==1) { if (s==max_scale_deformation && currentDepth==min_scale_image) state=2; else if (s==max_scale_deformation) state=1; else state=0; } else if (state==2) { if (currentDepth==0) state=-1; else state= 2; } // Pop another image and prepare the deformation if (currentDepth!=0) { double oldTargetCurrentHeight=targetCurrentHeight; double oldTargetCurrentWidth =targetCurrentWidth; source.popFromPyramid(); target.popFromPyramid(); targetCurrentHeight = target.getCurrentHeight(); targetCurrentWidth = target.getCurrentWidth(); factorHeight = target.getFactorHeight(); factorWidth = target.getFactorWidth(); // Adapt the transformation to the new image size double factorY=(targetCurrentHeight-1)/(oldTargetCurrentHeight-1); double factorX=(targetCurrentWidth -1)/(oldTargetCurrentWidth -1); for (int i=0; i<intervals+3; i++) for (int j=0; j<intervals+3; j++) { cx[i][j]*=factorX; cy[i][j]*=factorY; } // Prepare matrices for the regularization term buildRegularizationTemporary(intervals); } break; } // In accurate_mode reduce the stopping threshold for the last iteration if ((state==0 || state==1) && s==max_scale_deformation && currentDepth==min_scale_image+1 && accurate_mode==1) stopThreshold/=10; } // Show results showTransformation(intervals,cx,cy); if (saveTransf) saveTransformation(intervals,cx,cy); } /* end doMultiresolutionElasticTransformation */ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ public double evaluateImageSimilarity() { int int3=intervals+3; int halfM=int3*int3; int M=halfM*2; double []x = new double [M]; double []grad = new double [M]; for (int i= 0, p=0; i<intervals + 3; i++) for (int j = 0; j < intervals + 3; j++, p++) { x[ p]=cx[i][j]; x[halfM+p]=cy[i][j]; } if (swx==null) { swx=new unwarpJImageModel(cx); swy=new unwarpJImageModel(cy); swx.precomputed_prepareForInterpolation( target.getCurrentHeight(), target.getCurrentWidth(), intervals); swy.precomputed_prepareForInterpolation( target.getCurrentHeight(), target.getCurrentWidth(), intervals); } if (swx.precomputed_getWidth()!=target.getCurrentWidth()) { swx.precomputed_prepareForInterpolation( target.getCurrentHeight(), target.getCurrentWidth(), intervals); swy.precomputed_prepareForInterpolation( target.getCurrentHeight(), target.getCurrentWidth(), intervals); } return evaluateSimilarity(x,intervals,grad,true,false); } /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ public void getDeformation( final double [][]transformation_x, final double [][]transformation_y) { computeDeformation(intervals,cx,cy, transformation_x,transformation_y); } /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ public unwarpJTransformation ( final ImagePlus sourceImp, final ImagePlus targetImp, final unwarpJImageModel source, final unwarpJImageModel target, final unwarpJPointHandler sourcePh, final unwarpJPointHandler targetPh, final unwarpJMask sourceMsk, final unwarpJMask targetMsk, final int min_scale_deformation, final int max_scale_deformation, final int min_scale_image, final double divWeight, final double curlWeight, final double landmarkWeight, final double imageWeight, final double stopThreshold, final int outputLevel, final boolean showMarquardtOptim, final int accurate_mode, final boolean saveTransf, final String fn_tnf, final ImagePlus output_ip, final unwarpJDialog dialog ) { this.sourceImp = sourceImp; this.targetImp = targetImp; this.source = source; = target; this.sourcePh = sourcePh; this.targetPh = targetPh; this.sourceMsk = sourceMsk; this.targetMsk = targetMsk; this.min_scale_deformation = min_scale_deformation; this.max_scale_deformation = max_scale_deformation; this.min_scale_image = min_scale_image; this.divWeight = divWeight; this.curlWeight = curlWeight; this.landmarkWeight = landmarkWeight; this.imageWeight = imageWeight; this.stopThreshold = stopThreshold; this.outputLevel = outputLevel; this.showMarquardtOptim = showMarquardtOptim; this.accurate_mode = accurate_mode; this.saveTransf = saveTransf; this.fn_tnf = fn_tnf; this.output_ip = output_ip; this.dialog = dialog; sourceWidth = source.getWidth(); sourceHeight = source.getHeight(); targetWidth = target.getWidth(); targetHeight = target.getHeight(); } /* end unwarpJTransformation */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ public void transform(double u, double v, double []xyF) { final double tu = (u * intervals) / (double)(target.getCurrentWidth () - 1) + 1.0F; final double tv = (v * intervals) / (double)(target.getCurrentHeight() - 1) + 1.0F; final boolean ORIGINAL=false; swx.prepareForInterpolation(tu,tv,ORIGINAL); xyF[0]=swx.interpolateI(); swy.prepareForInterpolation(tu,tv,ORIGINAL); xyF[1]=swy.interpolateI(); } /*.................................................................... Private methods ....................................................................*/ /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ private void build_Matrix_B( int intervals, // Intervals in the deformation int K, // Number of landmarks double [][]B // System matrix of the landmark interpolation ) { Vector targetVector = null; if (targetPh!=null) targetVector=targetPh.getPoints(); for (int k = 0; k<K; k++) { final Point targetPoint = (Point)targetVector.elementAt(k); double x=factorWidth *(double)targetPoint.x; double y=factorHeight*(double)targetPoint.y; final double[] bx = xWeight(x, intervals, true); final double[] by = yWeight(y, intervals, true); for (int i=0; i<intervals+3; i++) for (int j=0; j<intervals+3; j++) B[k][(intervals+3)*i+j] = by[i] * bx[j]; } } /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ private void build_Matrix_Rq1q2( int intervals, double weight, int q1, int q2, double [][]R ){build_Matrix_Rq1q2q3q4(intervals,weight,q1,q2,q1,q2,R);} private void build_Matrix_Rq1q2q3q4( int intervals, double weight, int q1, int q2, int q3, int q4, double [][]R ){ /* Let's define alpha_q as the q-th derivative of a B-Spline q n d B (x) alpha_q(x)= -------------- q dx eta_q1q2(x,s1,s2)=integral_0^Xdim alpha_q1(x/h-s1) alpha_q2(x/h-s2) */ double [][]etaq1q3=new double[16][16]; int Ydim=target.getCurrentHeight(); int Xdim=target.getCurrentWidth(); build_Matrix_R_geteta(etaq1q3,q1,q3,Xdim,intervals); double [][]etaq2q4=null; if (q2!=q1 || q4!=q3 || Ydim!=Xdim) { etaq2q4=new double[16][16]; build_Matrix_R_geteta(etaq2q4,q2,q4,Ydim,intervals); } else etaq2q4=etaq1q3; int M=intervals+1; int Mp=intervals+3; for (int l=-1; l<=M; l++) for (int k=-1; k<=M; k++) for (int n=-1; n<=M; n++) for (int m=-1; m<=M; m++) { int []ip=new int[2]; int []jp=new int[2]; boolean valid_i=build_Matrix_R_getetaindex(l,n,intervals,ip); boolean valid_j=build_Matrix_R_getetaindex(k,m,intervals,jp); if (valid_i && valid_j) { int mn=(n+1)*Mp+(m+1); int kl=(l+1)*Mp+(k+1); R[kl][mn]+=weight*etaq1q3[jp[0]][jp[1]]*etaq2q4[ip[0]][ip[1]]; } } } /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ private double build_Matrix_R_computeIntegral_aa( double x0, double xF, double s1, double s2, double h, int q1, int q2 ) { // Computes the following integral // // xF d^q1 3 x d^q2 3 x // integral ----- B (--- - s1) ----- B (--- - s2) dx // x0 dx^q1 h dx^q2 h // Form the spline coefficients double [][]C=new double [3][3]; int [][]d=new int [3][3]; double [][]s=new double [3][3]; C[0][0]= 1 ; C[0][1]= 0 ; C[0][2]= 0 ; C[1][0]= 1 ; C[1][1]=-1 ; C[1][2]= 0 ; C[2][0]= 1 ; C[2][1]=-2 ; C[2][2]= 1 ; d[0][0]= 3 ; d[0][1]= 0 ; d[0][2]= 0 ; d[1][0]= 2 ; d[1][1]= 2 ; d[1][2]= 0 ; d[2][0]= 1 ; d[2][1]= 1 ; d[2][2]= 1 ; s[0][0]= 0 ; s[0][1]= 0 ; s[0][2]= 0 ; s[1][0]=-0.5; s[1][1]= 0.5; s[1][2]= 0 ; s[2][0]= 1 ; s[2][1]= 0 ; s[2][2]=-1 ; // Compute the integral double integral=0; for (int k=0; k<3; k++) { double ck=C[q1][k]; if (ck==0) continue; for (int l=0; l<3; l++) { double cl=C[q2][l]; if (cl==0) continue; integral+=ck*cl*build_matrix_R_computeIntegral_BB( x0,xF,s1+s[q1][k],s2+s[q2][l],h,d[q1][k],d[q2][l]); } } return integral; } /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ private double build_matrix_R_computeIntegral_BB( double x0, double xF, double s1, double s2, double h, int n1, int n2 ) { // Computes the following integral // // xF n1 x n2 x // integral B (--- - s1) B (--- - s2) dx // x0 h h // Change the variable so that the h disappears // X=x/h double xFp=xF/h; double x0p=x0/h; // Form the spline coefficients double []c1=new double [n1+2]; double fact_n1=1; for (int k=2; k<=n1; k++) fact_n1*=k; double sign=1; for (int k=0; k<=n1+1; k++, sign*=-1) c1[k]=sign*unwarpJMathTools.nchoosek(n1+1,k)/fact_n1; double []c2=new double [n2+2]; double fact_n2=1; for (int k=2; k<=n2; k++) fact_n2*=k; sign=1; for (int k=0; k<=n2+1; k++, sign*=-1) c2[k]=sign*unwarpJMathTools.nchoosek(n2+1,k)/fact_n2; // Compute the integral double n1_2=(double)((n1+1))/2.0; double n2_2=(double)((n2+1))/2.0; double integral=0; for (int k=0; k<=n1+1; k++) for (int l=0; l<=n2+1; l++) { integral+= c1[k]*c2[l]*build_matrix_R_computeIntegral_xx( x0p,xFp,s1+k-n1_2,s2+l-n2_2,n1,n2); } return integral*h; } /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ private double build_matrix_R_computeIntegral_xx( double x0, double xF, double s1, double s2, int q1, int q2 ){ // Computation of the integral // xF q1 q2 // integral (x-s1) (x-s2) dx // x0 + + // Change of variable so that s1 is 0 // X=x-s1 => x-s2=X-(s2-s1) double s2p=s2-s1; double xFp=xF-s1; double x0p=x0-s1; // Now integrate if (xFp<0) return 0; // Move x0 to the first point where both integrands // are distinct from 0 x0p=Math.max(x0p,Math.max(s2p,0)); if (x0p>xFp) return 0; // There is something to integrate // Evaluate the primitive at xF and x0 double IxFp=0; double Ix0p=0; for (int k=0; k<=q2; k++) { double aux=unwarpJMathTools.nchoosek(q2,k)/(q1+k+1)* Math.pow(-s2p,q2-k); IxFp+=Math.pow(xFp,q1+k+1)*aux; Ix0p+=Math.pow(x0p,q1+k+1)*aux; } return IxFp-Ix0p; } /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ private void build_Matrix_R_geteta( double [][]etaq1q2, int q1, int q2, int dim, int intervals ) { boolean [][]done=new boolean[16][16]; // Clear for (int i=0; i<16; i++) for (int j=0; j<16; j++) { etaq1q2[i][j]=0; done[i][j]=false; } // Compute each integral needed int M=intervals+1; double h=(double)dim/intervals; for (int ki1=-1; ki1<=M; ki1++) for (int ki2=-1; ki2<=M; ki2++) { int []ip=new int[2]; boolean valid_i=build_Matrix_R_getetaindex(ki1,ki2,intervals,ip); if (valid_i && !done[ip[0]][ip[1]]) { etaq1q2[ip[0]][ip[1]]= build_Matrix_R_computeIntegral_aa(0,dim,ki1,ki2,h,q1,q2); done[ip[0]][ip[1]]=true; } } } /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ private boolean build_Matrix_R_getetaindex( int ki1, int ki2, int intervals, int []ip ) { ip[0]=0; ip[1]=0; // Determine the clipped inner limits of the intersection int kir=Math.min(intervals,Math.min(ki1,ki2)+2); int kil=Math.max(0 ,Math.max(ki1,ki2)-2); if (kil>=kir) return false; // Determine which are the pieces of the // function that lie in the intersection int two_i=1; double ki; for (int i=0; i<=3; i++, two_i*=2) { // First function ki=ki1+i-1.5; // Middle sample of the piece i if (kil<=ki && ki<=kir) ip[0]+=two_i; // Second function ki=ki2+i-1.5; // Middle sample of the piece i if (kil<=ki && ki<=kir) ip[1]+=two_i; } ip[0]--; ip[1]--; return true; } /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ private void buildRegularizationTemporary(int intervals) { // M is the number of spline coefficients per row int M=intervals+3; int M2=M*M; // P11 P11=new double[M2][M2]; for (int i=0; i<M2; i++) for (int j=0; j<M2; j++) P11[i][j]=0.0; build_Matrix_Rq1q2(intervals, divWeight , 2, 0, P11); build_Matrix_Rq1q2(intervals, divWeight+curlWeight, 1, 1, P11); build_Matrix_Rq1q2(intervals, curlWeight, 0, 2, P11); // P22 P22=new double[M2][M2]; for (int i=0; i<M2; i++) for (int j=0; j<M2; j++) P22[i][j]=0.0; build_Matrix_Rq1q2(intervals, divWeight , 0, 2, P22); build_Matrix_Rq1q2(intervals, divWeight+curlWeight, 1, 1, P22); build_Matrix_Rq1q2(intervals, curlWeight, 2, 0, P22); // P12 P12=new double[M2][M2]; for (int i=0; i<M2; i++) for (int j=0; j<M2; j++) P12[i][j]=0.0; build_Matrix_Rq1q2q3q4(intervals, 2*divWeight , 2, 0, 1, 1, P12); build_Matrix_Rq1q2q3q4(intervals, 2*divWeight , 1, 1, 0, 2, P12); build_Matrix_Rq1q2q3q4(intervals,-2*curlWeight, 0, 2, 1, 1, P12); build_Matrix_Rq1q2q3q4(intervals,-2*curlWeight, 1, 1, 2, 0, P12); } /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ private double[][] computeAffineMatrix ( ) { boolean adjust_size=false; final double[][] D = new double[3][3]; final double[][] H = new double[3][3]; final double[][] U = new double[3][3]; final double[][] V = new double[3][3]; final double[][] X = new double[2][3]; final double[] W = new double[3]; Vector sourceVector=null; if (sourcePh!=null) sourceVector=sourcePh.getPoints(); else sourceVector=new Vector(); Vector targetVector = null; if (targetPh!=null) targetVector=targetPh.getPoints(); else targetVector=new Vector(); int removeLastPoint=0; if (false) { removeLastPoint=sourceMsk.numberOfMaskPoints(); for (int i=0; i<removeLastPoint; i++) { sourceVector.addElement(sourceMsk.getPoint(i)); targetVector.addElement(targetMsk.getPoint(i)); } } int n = targetVector.size(); switch (n) { case 0: for (int i = 0; (i < 2); i++) for (int j = 0; (j < 3); j++) X[i][j]=0.0; if (adjust_size) { // Make both images of the same size X[0][0]=(double)source.getCurrentWidth ()/target.getCurrentWidth (); X[1][1]=(double)source.getCurrentHeight()/target.getCurrentHeight(); } else { // Make both images to be centered X[0][0]=X[1][1]=1; X[0][2]=((double)source.getCurrentWidth ()-target.getCurrentWidth ())/2; X[1][2]=((double)source.getCurrentHeight()-target.getCurrentHeight())/2; } break; case 1: for (int i = 0; (i < 2); i++) { for (int j = 0; (j < 2); j++) { X[i][j] = (i == j) ? (1.0F) : (0.0F); } } X[0][2] = factorWidth*(double)(((Point)sourceVector.firstElement()).x - ((Point)targetVector.firstElement()).x); X[1][2] = factorHeight*(double)(((Point)sourceVector.firstElement()).y - ((Point)targetVector.firstElement()).y); break; case 2: final double x0 = factorWidth *((Point)sourceVector.elementAt(0)).x; final double y0 = factorHeight*((Point)sourceVector.elementAt(0)).y; final double x1 = factorWidth *((Point)sourceVector.elementAt(1)).x; final double y1 = factorHeight*((Point)sourceVector.elementAt(1)).y; final double u0 = factorWidth *((Point)targetVector.elementAt(0)).x; final double v0 = factorHeight*((Point)targetVector.elementAt(0)).y; final double u1 = factorWidth *((Point)targetVector.elementAt(1)).x; final double v1 = factorHeight*((Point)targetVector.elementAt(1)).y; sourceVector.addElement(new Point((int)(x1 + y0 - y1), (int)(x1 + y1 - x0))); targetVector.addElement(new Point((int)(u1 + v0 - v1), (int)(u1 + v1 - u0))); removeLastPoint=1; n = 3; default: for (int i = 0; (i < 3); i++) { for (int j = 0; (j < 3); j++) { H[i][j] = 0.0F; } } for (int k = 0; (k < n); k++) { final Point sourcePoint = (Point)sourceVector.elementAt(k); final Point targetPoint = (Point)targetVector.elementAt(k); final double sx=factorWidth * (double)sourcePoint.x; final double sy=factorHeight* (double)sourcePoint.y; final double tx=factorWidth * (double)targetPoint.x; final double ty=factorHeight* (double)targetPoint.y; H[0][0] += tx * sx; H[0][1] += tx * sy; H[0][2] += tx; H[1][0] += ty * sx; H[1][1] += ty * sy; H[1][2] += ty; H[2][0] += sx; H[2][1] += sy; H[2][2] += 1.0F; D[0][0] += sx * sx; D[0][1] += sx * sy; D[0][2] += sx; D[1][0] += sy * sx; D[1][1] += sy * sy; D[1][2] += sy; D[2][0] += sx; D[2][1] += sy; D[2][2] += 1.0F; } unwarpJMathTools.singularValueDecomposition(H, W, V); if ((Math.abs(W[0]) < FLT_EPSILON) || (Math.abs(W[1]) < FLT_EPSILON) || (Math.abs(W[2]) < FLT_EPSILON)) { return(computeRotationMatrix()); } for (int i = 0; (i < 3); i++) { for (int j = 0; (j < 3); j++) { V[i][j] /= W[j]; } } for (int i = 0; (i < 3); i++) { for (int j = 0; (j < 3); j++) { U[i][j] = 0.0F; for (int k = 0; (k < 3); k++) { U[i][j] += D[i][k] * V[k][j]; } } } for (int i = 0; (i < 2); i++) { for (int j = 0; (j < 3); j++) { X[i][j] = 0.0F; for (int k = 0; (k < 3); k++) { X[i][j] += U[i][k] * H[j][k]; } } } break; } if (removeLastPoint!=0) { for (int i=1; i<=removeLastPoint; i++) { sourcePh.getPoints().removeElementAt(n-i); targetPh.getPoints().removeElementAt(n-i); } } return(X); } /* end computeAffineMatrix */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ private void computeAffineResidues( final double[][] affineMatrix, // Input final double[] dx, // output, difference in x for each landmark final double[] dy // output, difference in y for each landmark // The output vectors should be already resized ) { Vector sourceVector=null; if (sourcePh!=null) sourceVector=sourcePh.getPoints(); else sourceVector=new Vector(); Vector targetVector = null; if (targetPh!=null) targetVector=targetPh.getPoints(); else targetVector=new Vector(); final int K = targetPh.getPoints().size(); for (int k=0; k<K; k++) { final Point sourcePoint = (Point)sourceVector.elementAt(k); final Point targetPoint = (Point)targetVector.elementAt(k); double u = factorWidth *(double)targetPoint.x; double v = factorHeight*(double)targetPoint.y; final double x = affineMatrix[0][2] + affineMatrix[0][0] * u + affineMatrix[0][1] * v; final double y = affineMatrix[1][2] + affineMatrix[1][0] * u + affineMatrix[1][1] * v; dx[k] = factorWidth*(double)sourcePoint.x - x; dy[k] = factorHeight*(double)sourcePoint.y - y; } } /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ private boolean computeCoefficientsScale( final int intervals, // input, number of intervals at this scale final double []dx, // input, x residue so far final double []dy, // input, y residue so far final double [][]cx, // output, x coefficients for splines final double [][]cy // output, y coefficients for splines ) { int K=0; if (targetPh!=null) K=targetPh.getPoints().size(); boolean underconstrained=false; if (0<K) { // Form the equation system Bc=d final double[][] B = new double[K][(intervals + 3) * (intervals + 3)]; build_Matrix_B(intervals, K, B); // "Invert" the matrix B int Nunk=(intervals+3)*(intervals+3); double [][] iB=new double[Nunk][K]; underconstrained=unwarpJMathTools.invertMatrixSVD(K,Nunk,B,iB); // Now multiply iB times dx and dy respectively int ij=0; for (int i = 0; i<intervals+3; i++) for (int j = 0; j<intervals+3; j++) { cx[i][j] = cy[i][j] = 0.0F; for (int k = 0; k<K; k++) { cx[i][j] += iB[ij][k] * dx[k]; cy[i][j] += iB[ij][k] * dy[k]; } ij++; } } return underconstrained; } /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ private boolean computeCoefficientsScaleWithRegularization( final int intervals, // input, number of intervals at this scale final double []dx, // input, x residue so far final double []dy, // input, y residue so far final double [][]cx, // output, x coefficients for splines final double [][]cy // output, y coefficients for splines ) { boolean underconstrained=true; int K = 0; if (targetPh!=null) K=targetPh.getPoints().size(); if (0<K) { // M is the number of spline coefficients per row int M=intervals+3; int M2=M*M; // Create A and b for the system Ac=b final double[][] A=new double[2*M2][2*M2]; final double[] b=new double[2*M2]; for (int i=0; i<2*M2; i++) { b[i]=0.0; for (int j=0; j<2*M2; j++) A[i][j]=0.0; } // Get the matrix related to the landmarks final double[][] B = new double[K][M2]; build_Matrix_B(intervals, K, B); // Fill the part of the equation system related to the landmarks // Compute 2 * B^t * B for (int i=0; i<M2; i++) { for (int j=i; j<M2; j++) { double bitbj=0; // bi^t * bj, i.e., column i x column j for (int l=0; l<K; l++) bitbj+=B[l][i]*B[l][j]; bitbj*=2; int ij=i*M2+j; A[M2+i][M2+j]=A[M2+j][M2+i]=A[i][j]=A[j][i]=bitbj; } } // Compute 2 * B^t * [dx dy] for (int i=0; i<M2; i++) { double bitdx=0; double bitdy=0; for (int l=0; l<K; l++) { bitdx+=B[l][i]*dx[l]; bitdy+=B[l][i]*dy[l]; } bitdx*=2; bitdy*=2; b[ i]=bitdx; b[M2+i]=bitdy; } // Get the matrices associated to the regularization // Copy P11 symmetrized to the equation system for (int i=0; i<M2; i++) for (int j=0; j<M2; j++) { double aux=P11[i][j]; A[i][j]+=aux; A[j][i]+=aux; } // Copy P22 symmetrized to the equation system for (int i=0; i<M2; i++) for (int j=0; j<M2; j++) { double aux=P22[i][j]; A[M2+i][M2+j]+=aux; A[M2+j][M2+i]+=aux; } // Copy P12 and P12^t to their respective places for (int i=0; i<M2; i++) for (int j=0; j<M2; j++) { A[ i][M2+j]=P12[i][j]; // P12 A[M2+i][ j]=P12[j][i]; // P12^t } // Now solve the system // Invert the matrix A double [][] iA=new double[2*M2][2*M2]; underconstrained=unwarpJMathTools.invertMatrixSVD(2*M2,2*M2,A,iA); // Now multiply iB times b and distribute in cx and cy int ij=0; for (int i = 0; i<intervals+3; i++) for (int j = 0; j<intervals+3; j++) { cx[i][j] = cy[i][j] = 0.0F; for (int l = 0; l<2*M2; l++) { cx[i][j] += iA[ ij][l] * b[l]; cy[i][j] += iA[M2+ij][l] * b[l]; } ij++; } } return underconstrained; } /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ private void computeInitialResidues( final double[] dx, // output, difference in x for each landmark final double[] dy // output, difference in y for each landmark // The output vectors should be already resized ) { Vector sourceVector=null; if (sourcePh!=null) sourceVector=sourcePh.getPoints(); else sourceVector=new Vector(); Vector targetVector = null; if (targetPh!=null) targetVector=targetPh.getPoints(); else targetVector=new Vector(); int K = 0; if (targetPh!=null) targetPh.getPoints().size(); for (int k=0; k<K; k++) { final Point sourcePoint = (Point)sourceVector.elementAt(k); final Point targetPoint = (Point)targetVector.elementAt(k); dx[k] = factorWidth *(sourcePoint.x - targetPoint.x); dy[k] = factorHeight*(sourcePoint.y - targetPoint.y); } } /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ private void computeDeformation( final int intervals, final double [][]cx, final double [][]cy, final double [][]transformation_x, final double [][]transformation_y) { // Set these coefficients to an interpolator unwarpJImageModel swx = new unwarpJImageModel(cx); unwarpJImageModel swy = new unwarpJImageModel(cy); // Compute the transformation mapping for (int v=0; v<targetCurrentHeight; v++) { final double tv = (double)(v * intervals) / (double)(targetCurrentHeight - 1) + 1.0F; for (int u = 0; u<targetCurrentWidth; u++) { final double tu = (double)(u * intervals) / (double)(targetCurrentWidth - 1) + 1.0F; swx.prepareForInterpolation(tu, tv, ORIGINAL); transformation_x[v][u] = swx.interpolateI(); swy.prepareForInterpolation(tu, tv, ORIGINAL); transformation_y[v][u] = swy.interpolateI(); } } } /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ private double[][] computeRotationMatrix ( ) { final double[][] X = new double[2][3]; final double[][] H = new double[2][2]; final double[][] V = new double[2][2]; final double[] W = new double[2]; Vector sourceVector=null; if (sourcePh!=null) sourceVector=sourcePh.getPoints(); else sourceVector=new Vector(); Vector targetVector = null; if (targetPh!=null) targetVector=targetPh.getPoints(); else targetVector=new Vector(); final int n = targetVector.size(); switch (n) { case 0: for (int i = 0; (i < 2); i++) { for (int j = 0; (j < 3); j++) { X[i][j] = (i == j) ? (1.0F) : (0.0F); } } break; case 1: for (int i = 0; (i < 2); i++) { for (int j = 0; (j < 2); j++) { X[i][j] = (i == j) ? (1.0F) : (0.0F); } } X[0][2] = factorWidth *(double)(((Point)sourceVector.firstElement()).x - ((Point)targetVector.firstElement()).x); X[1][2] = factorHeight*(double)(((Point)sourceVector.firstElement()).y - ((Point)targetVector.firstElement()).y); break; default: double xTargetAverage = 0.0F; double yTargetAverage = 0.0F; for (int i = 0; (i < n); i++) { final Point p = (Point)targetVector.elementAt(i); xTargetAverage += factorWidth *(double)p.x; yTargetAverage += factorHeight*(double)p.y; } xTargetAverage /= (double)n; yTargetAverage /= (double)n; final double[] xCenteredTarget = new double[n]; final double[] yCenteredTarget = new double[n]; for (int i = 0; (i < n); i++) { final Point p = (Point)targetVector.elementAt(i); xCenteredTarget[i] = factorWidth *(double)p.x - xTargetAverage; yCenteredTarget[i] = factorHeight*(double)p.y - yTargetAverage; } double xSourceAverage = 0.0F; double ySourceAverage = 0.0F; for (int i = 0; (i < n); i++) { final Point p = (Point)sourceVector.elementAt(i); xSourceAverage += factorWidth *(double)p.x; ySourceAverage += factorHeight*(double)p.y; } xSourceAverage /= (double)n; ySourceAverage /= (double)n; final double[] xCenteredSource = new double[n]; final double[] yCenteredSource = new double[n]; for (int i = 0; (i < n); i++) { final Point p = (Point)sourceVector.elementAt(i); xCenteredSource[i] = factorWidth *(double)p.x - xSourceAverage; yCenteredSource[i] = factorHeight*(double)p.y - ySourceAverage; } for (int i = 0; (i < 2); i++) { for (int j = 0; (j < 2); j++) { H[i][j] = 0.0F; } } for (int k = 0; (k < n); k++) { H[0][0] += xCenteredTarget[k] * xCenteredSource[k]; H[0][1] += xCenteredTarget[k] * yCenteredSource[k]; H[1][0] += yCenteredTarget[k] * xCenteredSource[k]; H[1][1] += yCenteredTarget[k] * yCenteredSource[k]; } // COSS: Watch out that this H is the transpose of the one // defined in the text. That is why X=V*U^t is the inverse of // of the rotation matrix. unwarpJMathTools.singularValueDecomposition(H, W, V); if (((H[0][0] * H[1][1] - H[0][1] * H[1][0]) * (V[0][0] * V[1][1] - V[0][1] * V[1][0])) < 0.0F) { if (W[0] < W[1]) { V[0][0] *= -1.0F; V[1][0] *= -1.0F; } else { V[0][1] *= -1.0F; V[1][1] *= -1.0F; } } for (int i = 0; (i < 2); i++) { for (int j = 0; (j < 2); j++) { X[i][j] = 0.0F; for (int k = 0; (k < 2); k++) { X[i][j] += V[i][k] * H[j][k]; } } } X[0][2] = xSourceAverage - X[0][0] * xTargetAverage - X[0][1] * yTargetAverage; X[1][2] = ySourceAverage - X[1][0] * xTargetAverage - X[1][1] * yTargetAverage; break; } return(X); } /* end computeRotationMatrix */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ private void computeScaleResidues( int intervals, // input, number of intevals final double [][]cx, // Input, spline coefficients final double [][]cy, final double []dx, // Input/Output. At the input it has the final double []dy // residue so far, at the output this // residue is modified to account for // the model at the new scale ) { // Set these coefficients to an interpolator unwarpJImageModel swx = new unwarpJImageModel(cx); unwarpJImageModel swy = new unwarpJImageModel(cy); // Get the list of landmarks Vector sourceVector=null; if (sourcePh!=null) sourceVector=sourcePh.getPoints(); else sourceVector=new Vector(); Vector targetVector = null; if (targetPh!=null) targetVector=targetPh.getPoints(); else targetVector=new Vector(); final int K = targetVector.size(); for (int k=0; k<K; k++) { // Get the landmark coordinate in the target image final Point sourcePoint = (Point)sourceVector.elementAt(k); final Point targetPoint = (Point)targetVector.elementAt(k); double u = factorWidth *(double)targetPoint.x; double v = factorHeight*(double)targetPoint.y; // Express it in "spline" units double tu = (double)(u * intervals) / (double)(targetCurrentWidth - 1) + 1.0F; double tv = (double)(v * intervals) / (double)(targetCurrentHeight - 1) + 1.0F; // Transform this coordinate to the source image swx.prepareForInterpolation(tu, tv, false); double x=swx.interpolateI(); swy.prepareForInterpolation(tu, tv, false); double y=swy.interpolateI(); // Substract the result from the residual dx[k]=factorWidth *(double)sourcePoint.x - x; dy[k]=factorHeight*(double)sourcePoint.y - y; } } /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ private void computeTotalWorkload() { // This code is an excerpt from doRegistration() to compute the exact // number of steps // Now refine with the different scales int state; // state=-1 --> Finish // state= 0 --> Increase deformation detail // state= 1 --> Increase image detail // state= 2 --> Do nothing until the finest image scale if (min_scale_deformation==max_scale_deformation) state=1; else state=0; int s=min_scale_deformation; int currentDepth=target.getCurrentDepth(); int workload=0; while (state!=-1) { // Update the deformation coefficients only in states 0 and 1 if (state==0 || state==1) { // Optimize deformation coefficients if (imageWeight!=0) workload+=300*(currentDepth+1); } // Prepare for next iteration switch (state) { case 0: // Finer details in the deformation if (s<max_scale_deformation) { s++; if (currentDepth>min_scale_image) state=1; else state=0; } else if (currentDepth>min_scale_image) state=1; else state=2; break; case 1: // Finer details in the image, go on optimizing case 2: // Finer details in the image, do not optimize // Compute next state if (state==1) { if (s==max_scale_deformation && currentDepth==min_scale_image) state=2; else if (s==max_scale_deformation) state=1; else state=0; } else if (state==2) { if (currentDepth==0) state=-1; else state= 2; } // Pop another image and prepare the deformation if (currentDepth!=0) currentDepth--; break; } } unwarpJProgressBar.resetProgressBar(); unwarpJProgressBar.addWorkload(workload); } /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ private double evaluateSimilarity( final double []c, // Input: Deformation coefficients final int intervals, // Input: Number of intervals for the deformation double []grad, // Output: Gradient of the similarity // Output: the similarity is returned final boolean only_image, // Input: if true, only the image term is considered // and not the regularization final boolean show_error // Input: if true, an image is shown with the error ) { int cYdim=intervals+3; int cXdim=cYdim; int Nk=cYdim*cXdim; int twiceNk=2*Nk; double []vgradreg =new double[grad.length]; double []vgradland=new double[grad.length]; // Set the transformation coefficients to the interpolator swx.setCoefficients(c,cYdim,cXdim,0); swy.setCoefficients(c,cYdim,cXdim,Nk); // Initialize gradient for (int k=0; k<twiceNk; k++) vgradreg[k]=vgradland[k]=grad[k]=0.0F; // Estimate the similarity and gradient between both images double imageSimilarity=0.0; int Ydim=target.getCurrentHeight(); int Xdim=target.getCurrentWidth(); // Prepare to show double [][]error_image=null; double [][]div_error_image=null; double [][]curl_error_image=null; double [][]laplacian_error_image=null; double [][]jacobian_error_image=null; if (show_error) { error_image=new double[Ydim][Xdim]; div_error_image=new double[Ydim][Xdim]; curl_error_image=new double[Ydim][Xdim]; laplacian_error_image=new double[Ydim][Xdim]; jacobian_error_image=new double[Ydim][Xdim]; for (int v=0; v<Ydim; v++) for (int u=0; u<Xdim; u++) error_image[v][u]=div_error_image[v][u]=curl_error_image[v][u]= laplacian_error_image[v][u]=jacobian_error_image[v][u]=-1.0; } // Loop over all points in the source image int n=0; if (imageWeight!=0 || show_error) { double []xD2=new double[3]; // Some space for the second derivatives double []yD2=new double[3]; // of the transformation double []xD =new double[2]; // Some space for the second derivatives double []yD =new double[2]; // of the transformation double []I1D=new double[2]; // Space for the first derivatives of I1 double hx=(Xdim-1)/intervals; // Scale in the X axis double hy=(Ydim-1)/intervals; // Scale in the Y axis double []targetCurrentImage=target.getCurrentImage(); int uv=0; for (int v=0; v<Ydim; v++) { for (int u=0; u<Xdim; u++, uv++) { // Compute image term ..................................................... // Check if this point is in the target mask if (targetMsk.getValue(u/factorWidth,v/factorHeight)) { // Compute value in the source image double I2=targetCurrentImage[uv]; // Compute the position of this point in the target double x=swx.precomputed_interpolateI(u,v); double y=swy.precomputed_interpolateI(u,v); // Check if this point is in the source mask if (sourceMsk.getValue(x/factorWidth,y/factorHeight)) { // Compute the value of the target at that point source.prepareForInterpolation(x,y,PYRAMID); double I1=source.interpolateI(); source.interpolateD(I1D); double I1dx=I1D[0], I1dy=I1D[1]; double error=I2-I1; double error2=error*error; if (show_error) error_image[v][u]=error; imageSimilarity+=error2; // Compute the derivative with respect to all the c coefficients // Cost of the derivatives = 16*(3 mults + 2 sums) // Current cost= 359 mults + 346 sums for (int l=0; l<4; l++) for (int m=0; m<4; m++) { if (swx.prec_yIndex[v][l]==-1 || swx.prec_xIndex[u][m]==-1) continue; double weightI=swx.precomputed_getWeightI(l,m,u,v); int k=swx.prec_yIndex[v][l]*cYdim+swx.prec_xIndex[u][m]; // Compute partial result // There's also a multiplication by 2 that I will // do later double aux=-error*weightI; // Derivative related to X deformation grad[k] +=aux*I1dx; // Derivative related to Y deformation grad[k+Nk]+=aux*I1dy; } n++; // Another point has been successfully evaluated } } // Show regularization images ........................................... if (show_error) { double gradcurlx=0.0, gradcurly=0.0; double graddivx =0.0, graddivy =0.0; double xdx =0.0, xdy =0.0, ydx =0.0, ydy =0.0, xdxdy=0.0, xdxdx=0.0, xdydy=0.0, ydxdy=0.0, ydxdx=0.0, ydydy=0.0; // Compute the first derivative terms swx.precomputed_interpolateD(xD,u,v); xdx=xD[0]/hx; xdy=xD[1]/hy; swy.precomputed_interpolateD(yD,u,v); ydx=yD[0]/hx; ydy=yD[1]/hy; // Compute the second derivative terms swx.precomputed_interpolateD2(xD2,u,v); xdxdy=xD2[0]; xdxdx=xD2[1]; xdydy=xD2[2]; swy.precomputed_interpolateD2(yD2,u,v); ydxdy=yD2[0]; ydxdx=yD2[1]; ydydy=yD2[2]; // Error in the divergence graddivx=xdxdx+ydxdy; graddivy=xdxdy+ydydy; double graddiv=graddivx*graddivx+graddivy*graddivy; double errorgraddiv=divWeight*graddiv; if (divWeight!=0) div_error_image [v][u]=errorgraddiv; else div_error_image [v][u]=graddiv; // Compute error in the curl gradcurlx=-xdxdy+ydxdx; gradcurly=-xdydy+ydxdy; double gradcurl=gradcurlx*gradcurlx+gradcurly*gradcurly; double errorgradcurl=curlWeight*gradcurl; if (curlWeight!=0) curl_error_image[v][u]=errorgradcurl; else curl_error_image[v][u]=gradcurl; // Compute Laplacian error laplacian_error_image[v][u] =xdxdx*xdxdx; laplacian_error_image[v][u]+=xdxdy*xdxdy; laplacian_error_image[v][u]+=xdydy*xdydy; laplacian_error_image[v][u]+=ydxdx*ydxdx; laplacian_error_image[v][u]+=ydxdy*ydxdy; laplacian_error_image[v][u]+=ydydy*ydydy; // Compute jacobian error jacobian_error_image[v][u] =xdx*ydy-xdy*ydx; } } } } // Average the image related terms if (n!=0) { imageSimilarity*=imageWeight/n; double aux=imageWeight*2.0/n; // This is the 2 coming from the // derivative that I would do later for (int k=0; k<twiceNk; k++) grad[k]*=aux; } else if (imageWeight==0) imageSimilarity=0; else imageSimilarity=1/FLT_EPSILON; // Compute regularization term .............................................. double regularization=0.0; if (!only_image) { for (int i=0; i<Nk; i++) for (int j=0; j<Nk; j++) { regularization+=c[ i]*P11[i][j]*c[ j]+// c1^t P11 c1 c[Nk+i]*P22[i][j]*c[Nk+j]+// c2^t P22 c2 c[ i]*P12[i][j]*c[Nk+j];// c1^t P12 c2 vgradreg[ i]+=2*P11[i][j]*c[j]; // 2 P11 c1 vgradreg[Nk+i]+=2*P22[i][j]*c[Nk+j]; // 2 P22 c2 vgradreg[ i]+= P12[i][j]*c[Nk+j]; // P12 c2 vgradreg[Nk+i]+= P12[j][i]*c[ j]; // P12^t c1 } regularization*=1.0/(Ydim*Xdim); for (int k=0; k<twiceNk; k++) vgradreg [k]*=1.0/(Ydim*Xdim); } // Compute landmark error and derivative ............................... // Get the list of landmarks double landmarkError=0.0; int K = 0; if (targetPh!=null) K=targetPh.getPoints().size(); if (landmarkWeight!=0) { Vector sourceVector=null; if (sourcePh!=null) sourceVector=sourcePh.getPoints(); else sourceVector=new Vector(); Vector targetVector = null; if (targetPh!=null) targetVector=targetPh.getPoints(); else targetVector=new Vector(); for (int kp=0; kp<K; kp++) { // Get the landmark coordinate in the target image final Point sourcePoint = (Point)sourceVector.elementAt(kp); final Point targetPoint = (Point)targetVector.elementAt(kp); double u = factorWidth *(double)targetPoint.x; double v = factorHeight*(double)targetPoint.y; // Express it in "spline" units double tu = (double)(u * intervals) / (double)(targetCurrentWidth - 1) + 1.0F; double tv = (double)(v * intervals) / (double)(targetCurrentHeight - 1) + 1.0F; // Transform this coordinate to the source image swx.prepareForInterpolation(tu, tv, false); double x=swx.interpolateI(); swy.prepareForInterpolation(tu, tv, false); double y=swy.interpolateI(); // Substract the result from the residual double dx=factorWidth *(double)sourcePoint.x - x; double dy=factorHeight*(double)sourcePoint.y - y; // Add to landmark error landmarkError+=dx*dx+dy*dy; // Compute the derivative with respect to all the c coefficients for (int l=0; l<4; l++) for (int m=0; m<4; m++) { if (swx.yIndex[l]==-1 || swx.xIndex[m]==-1) continue; int k=swx.yIndex[l]*cYdim+swx.xIndex[m]; // There's also a multiplication by 2 that I will do later // Derivative related to X deformation vgradland[k] -=dx*swx.getWeightI(l,m); // Derivative related to Y deformation vgradland[k+Nk]-=dy*swy.getWeightI(l,m); } } } if (K!=0) { landmarkError*=landmarkWeight/K; double aux=2.0*landmarkWeight/K; // This is the 2 coming from the derivative // computation that I would do at the end for (int k=0; k<twiceNk; k++) vgradland[k]*=aux; } if (only_image) landmarkError=0; // Finish computations ............................................................. // Add all gradient terms for (int k=0; k<twiceNk; k++) grad[k]+=vgradreg[k]+vgradland[k]; if (show_error) { unwarpJMiscTools.showImage("Error",error_image); unwarpJMiscTools.showImage("Divergence Error",div_error_image); unwarpJMiscTools.showImage("Curl Error",curl_error_image); unwarpJMiscTools.showImage("Laplacian Error",laplacian_error_image); unwarpJMiscTools.showImage("Jacobian Error",jacobian_error_image); } if (showMarquardtOptim) { if (imageWeight!=0) IJ.write(" Image error:"+imageSimilarity); if (landmarkWeight!=0) IJ.write(" Landmark error:"+landmarkError); if (divWeight!=0 || curlWeight!=0) IJ.write(" Regularization error:"+regularization); } return imageSimilarity+landmarkError+regularization; } /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ private void Marquardt_it ( double []x, boolean []optimize, double []gradient, double []Hessian, double lambda ) { /* In this function the system (H+lambda*Diag(H))*update=gradient is solved for update. H is the hessian of the function f, gradient is the gradient of the function f, Diag(H) is a matrix with the diagonal of H. */ final double TINY = FLT_EPSILON; final int M = x.length; final int Mmax = 35; final int Mused = Math.min(M,Mmax); double [][] u = new double [Mused][Mused]; double [][] v = null; //new double [Mused][Mused]; double [] w = null; //new double [Mused]; double [] g = new double [Mused]; double [] update = new double [Mused]; boolean [] optimizep = new boolean [M]; System.arraycopy(optimize,0,optimizep,0,M); lambda+=1.0F; if (M>Mmax) { /* Find the threshold for the most important components */ double []sortedgradient= new double [M]; for (int i=0; i<M; i++) sortedgradient[i]=Math.abs(gradient[i]); Arrays.sort(sortedgradient); double gradient_th=sortedgradient[M-Mmax]; int m=0, i; // Take the first Mused components with big gradients for (i=0; i<M; i++) if (optimizep[i] && Math.abs(gradient[i])>=gradient_th) { m++; if (m==Mused) break; } else optimizep[i]=false; // Set the rest to 0 for (i=i+1; i<M; i++) optimizep[i]=false; } // Gradient descent //for (int i=0; i<M; i++) if (optimizep[i]) x[i]-=0.01*gradient[i]; //if (true) return; /* u will be a copy of the Hessian where we take only those components corresponding to variables being optimized */ int kr=0, iw=0; for (int ir = 0; ir<M; kr=kr+M,ir++) { if (optimizep[ir]) { int jw=0; for (int jr = 0; jr<M; jr++) if (optimizep[jr]) u[iw][jw++] = Hessian[kr + jr]; g[iw]=gradient[ir]; u[iw][iw] *= lambda; iw++; } } // Solve he equation system /* SVD u=u*w*v^t */ update=unwarpJMathTools.linearLeastSquares(u,g); /* x = x - update */ kr=0; for (int kw = 0; kw<M; kw++) if (optimizep[kw]) x[kw] -= update[kr++]; } /* end Marquardt_it */ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ private double optimizeCoeffs( int intervals, double thChangef, double [][]cx, double [][]cy ){ if (dialog!=null && dialog.isStopRegistrationSet()) return 0.0; final double TINY = FLT_EPSILON; final double EPS = 3.0e-8F; final double FIRSTLAMBDA = 1; final int MAXITER_OPTIMCOEFF = 300; final int CUMULATIVE_SIZE = 5; int int3=intervals+3; int halfM=int3*int3; int M=halfM*2; double rescuedf, f; double []x = new double [M]; double []rescuedx = new double [M]; double []diffx = new double [M]; double []rescuedgrad = new double [M]; double []grad = new double [M]; double []diffgrad = new double [M]; double []Hdx = new double [M]; double []rescuedhess = new double [M*M]; double []hess = new double [M*M]; double []safehess = new double [M*M]; double []proposedHess = new double [M*M]; boolean []optimize = new boolean [M]; int i, j, p, iter=1; boolean skip_update, ill_hessian; double improvementx=(double)Math.sqrt(TINY), lambda=FIRSTLAMBDA, max_normx, distx, aux, gmax; double fac, fae, dgdx, dxHdx, sumdiffg, sumdiffx; unwarpJCumulativeQueue lastBest= new unwarpJCumulativeQueue(CUMULATIVE_SIZE); for (i=0; i<M; i++) optimize[i]=true; /* Form the vector with the current guess for the optimization */ for (i= 0, p=0; i<intervals + 3; i++) for (j = 0; j < intervals + 3; j++, p++) { x[ p]=cx[i][j]; x[halfM+p]=cy[i][j]; } /* Prepare the precomputed weights for interpolation */ swx = new unwarpJImageModel(x,intervals+3,intervals+3,0); swy = new unwarpJImageModel(x,intervals+3,intervals+3,halfM); swx.precomputed_prepareForInterpolation( target.getCurrentHeight(), target.getCurrentWidth(), intervals); swy.precomputed_prepareForInterpolation( target.getCurrentHeight(), target.getCurrentWidth(), intervals); /* First computation of the similarity */ f=evaluateSimilarity(x,intervals,grad,false,false); if (showMarquardtOptim) IJ.write("f(1)="+f); /* Initially the hessian is the identity matrix multiplied by the first function value */ for (i=0,p=0; i<M; i++) for (j=0; j<M; j++,p++) if (i==j) hess[p]=1.0F; else hess[p]=0.0F; rescuedf = f; for (i=0,p=0; i<M; i++) { rescuedx[i]=x[i]; rescuedgrad[i]=grad[i]; for (j=0; j<M; j++,p++) rescuedhess[p]=hess[p]; } int maxiter=MAXITER_OPTIMCOEFF*(source.getCurrentDepth()+1); unwarpJProgressBar.stepProgressBar(); int last_successful_iter=0; boolean stop=dialog!=null && dialog.isStopRegistrationSet(); while (iter < maxiter && !stop) { /* Compute new x ------------------------------------------------- */ Marquardt_it(x, optimize, grad, hess, lambda); /* Stopping criteria --------------------------------------------- */ /* Compute difference with the previous iteration */ max_normx=improvementx=0; for (i=0; i<M; i++) { diffx[i]=x[i]-rescuedx[i]; distx=Math.abs(diffx[i]); improvementx+=distx*distx; aux=Math.abs(rescuedx[i]) < Math.abs(x[i]) ? x[i] : rescuedx[i]; max_normx+=aux*aux; } if (TINY < max_normx) improvementx = improvementx/max_normx; improvementx = (double) Math.sqrt(Math.sqrt(improvementx)); /* If there is no change with respect to the old geometry then finish the iterations */ if (improvementx < Math.sqrt(TINY)) break; /* Estimate the new function value -------------------------------- */ f=evaluateSimilarity(x,intervals,grad,false,false); iter++; if (showMarquardtOptim) IJ.write("f("+iter+")="+f+" lambda="+lambda); unwarpJProgressBar.stepProgressBar(); /* Update lambda -------------------------------------------------- */ if (rescuedf > f) { /* Check if the improvement is only residual */ lastBest.push_back(rescuedf-f); if (lastBest.currentSize()==CUMULATIVE_SIZE && lastBest.getSum()/f<thChangef) break; /* If we have improved then estimate the hessian, update the geometry, and decrease the lambda */ /* Estimate the hessian ....................................... */ if (showMarquardtOptim) IJ.write(" Accepted"); if ((last_successful_iter++%10)==0 && outputLevel>-1) update_current_output(x,intervals); /* Estimate the difference between gradients */ for (i=0; i<M; i++) diffgrad[i]=grad[i]-rescuedgrad[i]; /* Multiply this difference by the current inverse of the hessian */ for (i=0, p=0; i<M; i++) { Hdx[i]=0.0F; for (j=0; j<M; j++, p++) Hdx[i]+=hess[p]*diffx[j]; } /* Calculate dot products for the denominators ................ */ dgdx=dxHdx=sumdiffg=sumdiffx=0.0F; skip_update=true; for (i=0; i<M; i++) { dgdx += diffgrad[i]*diffx[i]; dxHdx += diffx[i]*Hdx[i]; sumdiffg += diffgrad[i]*diffgrad[i]; sumdiffx += diffx[i]*diffx[i]; if (Math.abs(grad[i])>=Math.abs(rescuedgrad[i])) gmax=Math.abs(grad[i]); else gmax=Math.abs(rescuedgrad[i]); if (gmax!=0 && Math.abs(diffgrad[i]-Hdx[i])>Math.sqrt(EPS)*gmax) skip_update=false; } /* Update hessian ............................................. */ /* Skip if fac not sufficiently positive */ if (dgdx>Math.sqrt(EPS*sumdiffg*sumdiffx) && !skip_update) { fae=1.0F/dxHdx; fac=1.0F/dgdx; /* Update the hessian after BFGS formula */ for (i=0, p=0; i<M; i++) for (j=0; j<M; j++, p++) { if (i<=j) proposedHess[p]=hess[p]+ fac*diffgrad[i]*diffgrad[j] -fae*(Hdx[i]*Hdx[j]); else proposedHess[p]=proposedHess[j*M+i]; } ill_hessian=false; if (!ill_hessian) { for (i=0, p=0; i<M; i++) for (j=0; j<M; j++,p++) hess[p]= proposedHess[p]; } else if (showMarquardtOptim) IJ.write("Hessian cannot be safely updated, ill-conditioned"); } else if (showMarquardtOptim) IJ.write("Hessian cannot be safely updated"); /* Update geometry and lambda ................................. */ rescuedf = f; for (i=0,p=0; i<M; i++) { rescuedx[i]=x[i]; rescuedgrad[i]=grad[i]; for (j=0; j<M; j++,p++) rescuedhess[p]=hess[p]; } if (1e-4 < lambda) lambda = lambda/10; } else { /* else, if it is worse, then recover the last geometry and increase lambda, saturate lambda with FIRSTLAMBDA */ for (i=0,p=0; i<M; i++) { x[i]=rescuedx[i]; grad[i]=rescuedgrad[i]; for (j=0; j<M; j++,p++) hess[p]=rescuedhess[p]; } if (lambda < 1.0/TINY) lambda*=10; else break; if (lambda < FIRSTLAMBDA) lambda = FIRSTLAMBDA; } stop=dialog!=null && dialog.isStopRegistrationSet(); } // Copy the values back to the input arrays for (i= 0, p=0; i<intervals + 3; i++) for (j = 0; j < intervals + 3; j++, p++) { cx[i][j]=x[ p]; cy[i][j]=x[halfM+p]; } unwarpJProgressBar.skipProgressBar(maxiter-iter); return f; } /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ private double [][] propagateCoeffsToNextLevel( int intervals, final double [][]c, double expansionFactor // Due to the change of size in the represented image ){ // Expand the coefficients for the next scale intervals*=2; double [][] cs_expand = new double[intervals+7][intervals+7]; // Upsample for (int i=0; i<intervals+7; i++) for (int j=0; j<intervals+7; j++) { // If it is not in an even sample then set it to 0 if (i%2 ==0 || j%2 ==0) cs_expand[i][j]=0.0F; else { // Now look for this sample in the coarser level int ipc=(i-1)/2; int jpc=(j-1)/2; cs_expand[i][j]=c[ipc][jpc]; } } // Define the FIR filter double [][] u2n=new double [4][]; u2n[0]=null; u2n[1]=new double[3]; u2n[1][0]=0.5F; u2n[1][1]=1.0F; u2n[1][2]=0.5F; u2n[2]=null; u2n[3]=new double[5]; u2n[3][0]=0.125F; u2n[3][1]=0.5F; u2n[3][2]=0.75F; u2n[3][3]=0.5F; u2n[3][4]=0.125F; int [] half_length_u2n={0, 1, 0, 2}; int kh=half_length_u2n[transformationSplineDegree]; // Apply the u2n filter to rows double [][] cs_expand_aux = new double[intervals+7][intervals+7]; for (int i=1; i<intervals+7; i+=2) for (int j=0; j<intervals+7; j++) { cs_expand_aux[i][j]=0.0F; for (int k=-kh; k<=kh; k++) if (j+k>=0 && j+k<=intervals+6) cs_expand_aux[i][j]+=u2n[transformationSplineDegree][k+kh]*cs_expand[i][j+k]; } // Apply the u2n filter to columns for (int i=0; i<intervals+7; i++) for (int j=0; j<intervals+7; j++) { cs_expand[i][j]=0.0F; for (int k=-kh; k<=kh; k++) if (i+k>=0 && i+k<=intervals+6) cs_expand[i][j]+=u2n[transformationSplineDegree][k+kh]*cs_expand_aux[i+k][j]; } // Copy the central coefficients to c double [][]newc=new double [intervals+3][intervals+3]; for (int i= 0; i<intervals+3; i++) for (int j = 0; j <intervals + 3; j++) newc[i][j]=cs_expand[i+2][j+2]*expansionFactor; // Return the new set of coefficients return newc; } /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ private void saveTransformation( int intervals, double [][]cx, double [][]cy ) { String filename=fn_tnf; if (filename.equals("")) { // Get the filename to save File dir=new File("."); String path=""; try { path=dir.getCanonicalPath()+"/"; } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } filename=sourceImp.getTitle(); String new_filename=""; int dot = filename.lastIndexOf('.'); if (dot == -1) new_filename=filename + "_transf.txt"; else new_filename=filename.substring(0, dot)+"_transf.txt"; filename=path+filename; if (outputLevel>-1) { final Frame f = new Frame(); final FileDialog fd = new FileDialog(f, "Save Transformation", FileDialog.SAVE); fd.setFile(new_filename); fd.setVisible(true); path = fd.getDirectory(); filename = fd.getFile(); if ((path == null) || (filename == null)) return; filename=path+filename; } else filename=new_filename; } // Save the file try { final FileWriter fw = new FileWriter(filename); String aux; fw.write("Intervals="+intervals+"\n\n"); fw.write("X Coeffs -----------------------------------\n"); for (int i= 0; i<intervals + 3; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < intervals + 3; j++) { aux=""+cx[i][j]; while (aux.length()<21) aux=" "+aux; fw.write(aux+" "); } fw.write("\n"); } fw.write("\n"); fw.write("Y Coeffs -----------------------------------\n"); for (int i= 0; i<intervals + 3; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < intervals + 3; j++) { aux=""+cy[i][j]; while (aux.length()<21) aux=" "+aux; fw.write(aux+" "); } fw.write("\n"); } fw.close(); } catch (IOException e) { IJ.error("IOException exception" + e); } catch (SecurityException e) { IJ.error("Security exception" + e); } } /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ private void showDeformationGrid( int intervals, double [][]cx, double [][]cy, ImageStack is2 ) { // Initialize output image int stepv=Math.min(Math.max(10,targetCurrentHeight/15),30); int stepu=Math.min(Math.max(10,targetCurrentWidth/15),30); final double transformedImage [][]=new double [targetCurrentHeight][targetCurrentWidth]; for (int v=0; v<targetCurrentHeight; v++) for (int u=0; u<targetCurrentWidth; u++) transformedImage[v][u]=255; // Ask for memory for the transformation double [][] transformation_x=new double [targetCurrentHeight][targetCurrentWidth]; double [][] transformation_y=new double [targetCurrentHeight][targetCurrentWidth]; // Compute the deformation computeDeformation(intervals,cx,cy,transformation_x,transformation_y); // Show deformed grid ........................................ // Show deformation vectors for (int v=0; v<targetCurrentHeight; v+=stepv) for (int u=0; u<targetCurrentWidth; u+=stepu) { final double x = transformation_x[v][u]; final double y = transformation_y[v][u]; // Draw horizontal line int uh=u+stepu; if (uh<targetCurrentWidth) { final double xh = transformation_x[v][uh]; final double yh = transformation_y[v][uh]; unwarpJMiscTools.drawLine( transformedImage, (int)Math.round(x) ,(int)Math.round(y), (int)Math.round(xh),(int)Math.round(yh),0); } // Draw vertical line int vv=v+stepv; if (vv<targetCurrentHeight) { final double xv = transformation_x[vv][u]; final double yv = transformation_y[vv][u]; unwarpJMiscTools.drawLine( transformedImage, (int)Math.round(x) ,(int)Math.round(y), (int)Math.round(xv),(int)Math.round(yv),0); } } // Set it to the image stack FloatProcessor fp=new FloatProcessor(targetCurrentWidth,targetCurrentHeight); for (int v=0; v<targetCurrentHeight; v++) for (int u=0; u<targetCurrentWidth; u++) fp.putPixelValue(u,v,transformedImage[v][u]); is.addSlice("Deformation Grid",fp); } public ImageStack getIs() { return is; } public void setIs(ImageStack is) { = is; } /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ private void showDeformationVectors( int intervals, double [][]cx, double [][]cy, ImageStack is2 ) { // Initialize output image int stepv=Math.min(Math.max(10,targetCurrentHeight/15),30); int stepu=Math.min(Math.max(10,targetCurrentWidth/15),30); final double transformedImage [][]=new double [targetCurrentHeight][targetCurrentWidth]; for (int v=0; v<targetCurrentHeight; v++) for (int u=0; u<targetCurrentWidth; u++) transformedImage[v][u]=255; // Ask for memory for the transformation double [][] transformation_x=new double [targetCurrentHeight][targetCurrentWidth]; double [][] transformation_y=new double [targetCurrentHeight][targetCurrentWidth]; // Compute the deformation computeDeformation(intervals,cx,cy,transformation_x,transformation_y); // Show shift field ........................................ // Show deformation vectors for (int v=0; v<targetCurrentHeight; v+=stepv) for (int u=0; u<targetCurrentWidth; u+=stepu) if (targetMsk.getValue(u,v)) { final double x = transformation_x[v][u]; final double y = transformation_y[v][u]; if (sourceMsk.getValue(x,y)) unwarpJMiscTools.drawArrow( transformedImage, u,v,(int)Math.round(x),(int)Math.round(y),0,2); } // Set it to the image stack FloatProcessor fp=new FloatProcessor(targetCurrentWidth,targetCurrentHeight); for (int v=0; v<targetCurrentHeight; v++) for (int u=0; u<targetCurrentWidth; u++) fp.putPixelValue(u,v,transformedImage[v][u]); is.addSlice("Deformation Field",fp); } /*-------------------------------------------------------------------*/ private void showTransformation( final int intervals, final double [][]cx, // Input, spline coefficients final double [][]cy ){ boolean show_deformation=false; // Ask for memory for the transformation double [][] transformation_x=new double [targetHeight][targetWidth]; double [][] transformation_y=new double [targetHeight][targetWidth]; // Compute the deformation computeDeformation(intervals,cx,cy,transformation_x,transformation_y); if (show_deformation) { unwarpJMiscTools.showImage("Transf. X",transformation_x); unwarpJMiscTools.showImage("Transf. Y",transformation_y); } // Compute the warped image FloatProcessor fp=new FloatProcessor(targetWidth,targetHeight); FloatProcessor fp_mask=new FloatProcessor(targetWidth,targetHeight); FloatProcessor fp_target=new FloatProcessor(targetWidth,targetHeight); int uv=0; for (int v=0; v<targetHeight; v++) for (int u=0; u<targetWidth; u++,uv++) { fp_target.putPixelValue(u,v,target.getImage()[uv]); if (!targetMsk.getValue(u,v)) { fp.putPixelValue(u,v,0); fp_mask.putPixelValue(u,v,0); } else { final double x = transformation_x[v][u]; final double y = transformation_y[v][u]; if (sourceMsk.getValue(x,y)) { source.prepareForInterpolation(x,y,ORIGINAL); double sval=source.interpolateI(); fp.putPixelValue(u,v,sval); fp_mask.putPixelValue(u,v,255); } else { fp.putPixelValue(u,v,0); fp_mask.putPixelValue(u,v,0); } } } fp.resetMinAndMax(); //final ImageStack is = new ImageStack(targetWidth,targetHeight); is = new ImageStack(targetWidth,targetHeight); is.addSlice("Registered Image",fp); System.out.println("outputLevel: " + outputLevel); outputLevel = 2; if (outputLevel>-1) is.addSlice("Target Image",fp_target); if (outputLevel>-1) is.addSlice("Warped Source Mask",fp_mask); if (outputLevel==2) { System.out.println("true"); showDeformationVectors(intervals,cx,cy,is); showDeformationGrid(intervals,cx,cy,is); } output_ip.setStack("Registered Image",is); output_ip.setSlice(1); output_ip.getProcessor().resetMinAndMax();; if (outputLevel>-1) output_ip.updateAndRepaintWindow(); } /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ private void update_current_output( final double []c, int intervals ) { // Set the coefficients to an interpolator int cYdim=intervals+3; int cXdim=cYdim; int Nk=cYdim*cXdim; swx.setCoefficients(c,cYdim,cXdim,0); swy.setCoefficients(c,cYdim,cXdim,Nk); // Compute the deformed image FloatProcessor fp=new FloatProcessor(targetWidth,targetHeight); int uv=0; for (int v=0; v<targetHeight; v++) for (int u=0; u<targetWidth; u++, uv++) { if (targetMsk.getValue(u,v)) { double down_u=u*factorWidth; double down_v=v*factorHeight; final double tv = (double)(down_v * intervals)/(double)(targetCurrentHeight-1) + 1.0F; final double tu = (double)(down_u * intervals)/(double)(targetCurrentWidth -1) + 1.0F; swx.prepareForInterpolation(tu,tv,ORIGINAL); double x=swx.interpolateI(); swy.prepareForInterpolation(tu,tv,ORIGINAL); double y=swy.interpolateI(); double up_x=x/factorWidth; double up_y=y/factorHeight; if (sourceMsk.getValue(up_x,up_y)) { source.prepareForInterpolation(up_x,up_y,ORIGINAL); fp.putPixelValue(u,v,target.getImage()[uv]- source.interpolateI()); } else fp.putPixelValue(u,v,0); } else fp.putPixelValue(u,v,0); } double min_val=output_ip.getProcessor().getMin(); double max_val=output_ip.getProcessor().getMax(); fp.setMinAndMax(min_val,max_val); output_ip.setProcessor("Output",fp); output_ip.updateImage(); // Draw the grid on the target image ............................... // Some initialization int stepv=Math.min(Math.max(10,targetHeight/15),30); int stepu=Math.min(Math.max(10,targetWidth/15),30); final double transformedImage [][]=new double [sourceHeight][sourceWidth]; double grid_colour=-1e-10; uv=0; for (int v=0; v<sourceHeight; v++) for (int u=0; u<sourceWidth; u++,uv++) { transformedImage[v][u]=source.getImage()[uv]; if (transformedImage[v][u]>grid_colour) grid_colour=transformedImage[v][u]; } // Draw grid for (int v=0; v<targetHeight+stepv; v+=stepv) for (int u=0; u<targetWidth+stepu; u+=stepu) { double down_u=u*factorWidth; double down_v=v*factorHeight; final double tv = (double)(down_v * intervals)/(double)(targetCurrentHeight-1) + 1.0F; final double tu = (double)(down_u * intervals)/(double)(targetCurrentWidth -1) + 1.0F; swx.prepareForInterpolation(tu,tv,ORIGINAL); double x=swx.interpolateI(); swy.prepareForInterpolation(tu,tv,ORIGINAL); double y=swy.interpolateI(); double up_x=x/factorWidth; double up_y=y/factorHeight; // Draw horizontal line int uh=u+stepu; if (uh<targetWidth+stepu) { double down_uh=uh*factorWidth; final double tuh = (double)(down_uh * intervals)/(double)(targetCurrentWidth -1) + 1.0F; swx.prepareForInterpolation(tuh,tv,ORIGINAL); double xh=swx.interpolateI(); swy.prepareForInterpolation(tuh,tv,ORIGINAL); double yh=swy.interpolateI(); double up_xh=xh/factorWidth; double up_yh=yh/factorHeight; unwarpJMiscTools.drawLine( transformedImage, (int)Math.round(up_x) ,(int)Math.round(up_y), (int)Math.round(up_xh),(int)Math.round(up_yh),grid_colour); } // Draw vertical line int vv=v+stepv; if (vv<targetHeight+stepv) { double down_vv=vv*factorHeight; final double tvv = (double)(down_vv * intervals)/(double)(targetCurrentHeight-1) + 1.0F; swx.prepareForInterpolation(tu,tvv,ORIGINAL); double xv=swx.interpolateI(); swy.prepareForInterpolation(tu,tvv,ORIGINAL); double yv=swy.interpolateI(); double up_xv=xv/factorWidth; double up_yv=yv/factorHeight; unwarpJMiscTools.drawLine( transformedImage, (int)Math.round(up_x) ,(int)Math.round(up_y), (int)Math.round(up_xv),(int)Math.round(up_yv),grid_colour); } } // Update the target image plus FloatProcessor fpg=new FloatProcessor(sourceWidth,sourceHeight); for (int v=0; v<sourceHeight; v++) for (int u=0; u<sourceWidth; u++) fpg.putPixelValue(u,v,transformedImage[v][u]); min_val=sourceImp.getProcessor().getMin(); max_val=sourceImp.getProcessor().getMax(); fpg.setMinAndMax(min_val,max_val); sourceImp.setProcessor(sourceImp.getTitle(),fpg); sourceImp.updateImage(); } /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ private double[] xWeight( final double x, final int xIntervals, final boolean extended ) { int length=xIntervals+1; int j0=0, jF=xIntervals; if (extended) {length+=2; j0--; jF++;} final double[] b = new double[length]; final double interX = (double)xIntervals / (double)(targetCurrentWidth - 1); for (int j=j0; j<=jF; j++) { b[j-j0] = unwarpJMathTools.Bspline03(x * interX - (double)j); } return(b); } /* end xWeight */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ private double[] yWeight( final double y, final int yIntervals, final boolean extended ) { int length=yIntervals+1; int i0=0, iF=yIntervals; if (extended) {length+=2; i0--; iF++;} final double[] b = new double[length]; final double interY = (double)yIntervals / (double)(targetCurrentHeight - 1); for (int i = i0; i<=iF; i++) { b[i-i0] = unwarpJMathTools.Bspline03(y * interY - (double)i); } return(b); } /* end yWeight */ } /* end class unwarpJTransformation */