package edu.stanford.rsl.tutorial.motion.estimation; import java.util.ArrayList; import edu.stanford.rsl.conrad.geometry.shapes.simple.PointND; import edu.stanford.rsl.conrad.geometry.splines.UniformCubicBSpline; import edu.stanford.rsl.conrad.numerics.SimpleMatrix; import edu.stanford.rsl.conrad.numerics.SimpleOperators; import edu.stanford.rsl.conrad.numerics.SimpleVector; public class EstimateCubic2DSpline { private static final int degree = 3; private double[] uKnots; private ArrayList<PointND> gridPoints; private double[] uPara; private ArrayList<PointND> cPoints; /** * Constructor * * @param gridPoints * ArrayList of the points that need to be fitted */ public EstimateCubic2DSpline(ArrayList<PointND> gridPoints) { this.gridPoints = gridPoints; } /** * Computes uniform parameter vector * * @param length * length of array * @return parameter vector */ private static double[] computeParamUniform(int length) { int N = length - 1; double delta = 1.0 / N; double[] knots = new double[length]; for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) { knots[i] = i * delta; } return knots; } /** * Computes a uniform knot vector * * @param ctrlPoints * the number of control points the spline will have * @return knot vector */ private static double[] computeKnotsUniform(int ctrlPoints) { int length = ctrlPoints - (degree - 1); double[] knots = new double[length + 2 * degree]; for (int i = 0; i <= degree; i++) { knots[i] = 0; knots[knots.length - 1 - i] = 1; } double denom = length - 1; for (int i = degree + 1; i < degree + length; i++) { knots[i] = (i - degree) / (denom); } return knots; } /** * This method provides the public interface to fit a spline * * @param ctrlPoints * number of control points the spline should have * @return uniform cubic B-Spline */ public UniformCubicBSpline estimateUniformCubic(int ctrlPoints) { // this.uPara = uPara; return estimateUniformCubicInternal(gridPoints, ctrlPoints); } /** * This method computes the weights based on the b-spline basis function * * @param internalCoordinate * @param index * @return weight */ protected double N(double internalCoordinate, int index) { double d = 0; int[] coefficientArrayA = new int[2 * degree]; int[] coefficientArrayC = new int[2 * degree]; int degreeMinus2 = degree - 2; for (int j = 0; j < degree; j++) { double firstKnot = uKnots[index + j]; double secondKnot = uKnots[index + j + 1]; if (internalCoordinate >= firstKnot && internalCoordinate <= secondKnot && firstKnot != secondKnot) { // set required coefficients to 0 for (int k = degree - j - 1; k >= 0; k--) { coefficientArrayA[k] = 0; } if (j > 0) { // set required coefficients to their index for (int k = 0; k < j; k++) { coefficientArrayC[k] = k; } coefficientArrayC[j] = Integer.MAX_VALUE; } else { coefficientArrayC[0] = degreeMinus2; coefficientArrayC[1] = degree; } int z = 0; while (true) { if (coefficientArrayC[z] < coefficientArrayC[z + 1] - 1) { double e = 1.0; int bCounter = 0; int y = degreeMinus2 - j; int p = j - 1; for (int m = degreeMinus2, n = degree; m >= 0; m--, n--) { if (p >= 0 && coefficientArrayC[p] == m) { int w = index + bCounter; double kd = uKnots[w + n]; e *= (kd - internalCoordinate) / (kd - uKnots[w + 1]); bCounter++; p--; } else { int w = index + coefficientArrayA[y]; double kw = uKnots[w]; e *= (internalCoordinate - kw) / (uKnots[w + n - 1] - kw); y--; } } // this code updates the a-counter if (j > 0) { int g = 0; boolean reset = false; while (true) { coefficientArrayA[g]++; if (coefficientArrayA[g] > j) { g++; reset = true; } else { if (reset) { for (int h = g - 1; h >= 0; h--) coefficientArrayA[h] = coefficientArrayA[g]; } break; } } } d += e; // this code updates the bit-counter coefficientArrayC[z]++; if (coefficientArrayC[z] > degreeMinus2) break; for (int k = 0; k < z; k++) coefficientArrayC[k] = k; z = 0; } else { z++; } } break; // required to prevent spikes } } return d; } /** * Getter for the knot vector * * @return knot vector */ public double[] getKnots() { return uKnots; } /** * This method estimates a uniform cubic B-Spline for the provided sample * points Implemented based on * * /INT-APP/CURVE-APP-global.html * * @param points * sample points * @param ctrlPoints * number of control points the spline should have * @return uniform cubic B-Spline */ private UniformCubicBSpline estimateUniformCubicInternal( ArrayList<PointND> points, int ctrlPoints) { uPara = computeParamUniform(points.size()); int h = ctrlPoints - 1; int n = uPara.length - 1; uKnots = computeKnotsUniform(ctrlPoints); SimpleMatrix N = new SimpleMatrix(n - 1, h - 1); SimpleMatrix Qk = new SimpleMatrix(n - 1, 3); SimpleMatrix Q = new SimpleMatrix(h - 1, 3); PointND P0 = points.get(0); PointND PH = points.get(n); for (int k = 1; k < n; k++) { SimpleVector val = points.get(k).getAbstractVector(); SimpleVector s1 = points.get(0).getAbstractVector() .multipliedBy(N(uPara[k], 0)); val.subtract(s1); SimpleVector s2 = points.get(n).getAbstractVector() .multipliedBy(N(uPara[k], h)); val.subtract(s2); Qk.setRowValue(k - 1, val); } for (int i = 1; i < h; i++) { SimpleVector rowI = new SimpleVector(0, 0, 0); for (int k = 1; k < n; k++) { rowI.add(Qk.getRow(k - 1).multipliedBy(N(uPara[k], i))); } Q.setRowValue(i - 1, rowI); } for (int k = 1; k < n; k++) { for (int i = 1; i < h; i++) { N.setElementValue(k - 1, i - 1, N(uPara[k], i)); } } SimpleMatrix NT = N.transposed(); SimpleMatrix M = SimpleOperators.multiplyMatrixProd(NT, N); SimpleMatrix inversebFuncts = M .inverse(SimpleMatrix.InversionType.INVERT_SVD); SimpleMatrix parameters = SimpleOperators.multiplyMatrixProd( inversebFuncts, Q); cPoints = new ArrayList<PointND>(); cPoints.add(P0); for (int i = 0; i < ctrlPoints - 2; i++) { PointND p = new PointND(parameters.getElement(i, 0), parameters.getElement(i, 1), parameters.getElement(i, 2)); cPoints.add(p); } cPoints.add(PH); UniformCubicBSpline res = new UniformCubicBSpline(cPoints, uKnots); return res; } } /* * Copyright (C) 2010-2014 Marco B�gel * CONRAD is developed as an Open Source project under the GNU General Public License (GPL). */