package edu.stanford.rsl.tutorial.motion.estimation; import ij.ImageJ; import; import; import edu.stanford.rsl.conrad.geometry.General; import edu.stanford.rsl.conrad.geometry.trajectories.Trajectory; import edu.stanford.rsl.conrad.utils.Configuration; import edu.stanford.rsl.conrad.utils.FileUtil; import edu.stanford.rsl.tutorial.motion.compensation.OpenCLCompensatedBackProjector1DCompressionField; /** * This class implements an initial optimization of the motion field generated * by the diaphragm tracking and triangulation filters. The motion field stored * in the Configuration is loaded and refined. The motion signal is first scaled * to optimize the correct maximum amplitude. A compensated reconstruction using * the scaled signal is done. The reconstruction quality is evaluated based on * the contrast of diaphragm and lung. * * @author Marco Boegel * */ public class InitialOptimization { /** * Motionfield that was detected by the DiaphragmTrackingTool and * triangulated with the TriangulationTool Loaded from Configuration. The * field is scaled down to [0,1] after initialization. */ private static double[] motionfieldOrig; /** * Offset for the compressionfield, to take small triangulation errors into * account */ private static int diaOffset; public static final int diaOffsetMM = 4; /** * Width of the ROI the reconstruction is evaluated on */ private static final int ROIwidth = 10; /** * Motion field. Loaded from Configuration */ private static double[] respMotionField; /** * 3-D positions of diaphragm vertices. */ private static double[] diaPositionField; /** * Number of projections. */ private static int maxProjs; /** * Index of motionfield minimum. */ private static int minIndex; private static int expiration; private static double voxelSpacingX; private static double voxelSpacingY; private static double voxelSpacingZ; private double mVal; private static int recDimensionZ; // Width of ROI in voxels and position of diaphragm in voxels private static int diaX, diaY; // origin of volume private static double ox, oy, oz; // Start and end voxels of the ROI private static int xStart, xEnd, yStart, yEnd, zStart, zEnd; /** * Contains filtered projection image data. Needs to be loaded outside of * class. */ private ProjectionLoader pLoad; /** * Constructor. Initializes all important fields. * * @param pLoad * Projection loader with prefiltered projection images */ public InitialOptimization(ProjectionLoader pLoad) { this.pLoad = pLoad; initialize(); } /** * This method initializes all fields and reconstruction parameters. */ private void initialize() { Configuration.loadConfiguration(); Configuration conf = Configuration.getGlobalConfiguration(); Trajectory tra = conf.getGeometry(); // Load tracked motion and positionfields respMotionField = conf.getRespiratoryMotionField(); diaPositionField = conf.getDiaphragmPositionField(); minIndex = minPosition(respMotionField); expiration = maxPosition(respMotionField); // Reconstruction parameters voxelSpacingX = conf.getGeometry().getVoxelSpacingX(); voxelSpacingY = conf.getGeometry().getVoxelSpacingY(); voxelSpacingZ = conf.getGeometry().getVoxelSpacingZ(); recDimensionZ = conf.getGeometry().getReconDimensionZ(); maxProjs = tra.getProjectionStackSize(); // Scale the motionfield to [0,1] motionfieldOrig = new double[maxProjs]; double minVal = respMotionField[minIndex]; double expVal = respMotionField[expiration]; mVal = Math.abs(minVal)<Math.abs(expVal)?expVal:minVal; for (int i = 0; i < maxProjs; i++) { motionfieldOrig[i] = respMotionField[i] / mVal; } diaOffset = (int) (diaOffsetMM / voxelSpacingZ); diaX = (int) Math.round(diaPositionField[0]); diaY = (int) Math.round(diaPositionField[1]); System.out.println("Diaphragmposition x: " + diaX + " y: " + diaY); ox = Configuration.getGlobalConfiguration().getGeometry().getOriginX(); oy = Configuration.getGlobalConfiguration().getGeometry().getOriginY(); oz = Configuration.getGlobalConfiguration().getGeometry().getOriginZ(); xStart = (int) ((diaX - ox - ROIwidth) / voxelSpacingX); xEnd = (int) ((diaX - ox + ROIwidth) / voxelSpacingX); yStart = (int) ((diaY - oy - ROIwidth) / voxelSpacingY); yEnd = (int) ((diaY - oy + ROIwidth) / voxelSpacingY); int offsetZ = (int) (50.0 / voxelSpacingZ); zStart = offsetZ; zEnd = 52;//recDimensionZ / 2; } /** * This method creates a compression motion field based on a motionfield * input and an area in which the motion should be compressed. Values * smaller than "min" retain the initial motion field * * @param max * Max position (diaphragm top) * @param min * min position (lower border of diaphragm) * @param motion * motionfield * @return compressed motionfield */ private float[][] computeCompressionField(int lowerBorder, int diaphragmTop, double motion[], int recDimensionZ) { float[][] compField = new float[maxProjs][recDimensionZ]; int min = lowerBorder; int max = diaphragmTop; double dist = max - min; for (int i = 0; i < maxProjs; i++) { for (int z = 0; z < recDimensionZ; z++) { if (z >= min && z <= max) { compField[i][z] = (float) (motion[i] * (dist - (max - z)) / dist); } else if (z < min) { compField[i][z] = 0; } else if (z > max) { compField[i][z] = (float) motion[i]; } } } return compField; } /** * Method to evaluate the reconstruction in the pre-defined ROI * * @param volume * reconstruction * @return evaluation score, the lower - the better */ private float evalReconstruction(Grid3D volume) { float evalScore = 0.f; evalScore = computeEntropy(volume, xStart, xEnd, yStart, yEnd, zStart, zEnd); return evalScore; } /** * This method scales the motionfield. * * @param func * motionfield * @param step * step * @param scaleSize * scaling per step * @return scaled motionfield */ private double[] adjustMotionFieldAmplitude(double func[], int step, double scaleSize) { double[] motionField = new double[maxProjs]; for (int i = 0; i < maxProjs; i++) { motionField[i] = func[i] * (double) step * scaleSize; } return motionField; } /** * Detect position of minimum in motionfield array. * * @param motionfield * Motionfield to be searched * @return minimum index */ private int minPosition(double[] motionfield) { int i = 0; double min = Double.MAX_VALUE; int idx = 0; while (i < motionfield.length) { if (motionfield[i] < min) { idx = i; min = motionfield[i]; } i++; } return idx; } /** * Detect position of maximum in motionfield array. * * @param motionfield * Motionfield to be searched * @return maximum index */ private int maxPosition(double[] motionfield) { int i = 0; double max = Double.MIN_VALUE; int idx = 0; while (i < motionfield.length) { if (motionfield[i] > max) { idx = i; max = motionfield[i]; } i++; } return idx; } /** * Computes image entropy in a given grid and a defined region * * @param grid * image * @param xStart * ROI x start * @param xEnd * ROI x end * @param yStart * ROI y start * @param yEnd * ROI y end * @param zStart * ROI z start * @param zEnd * ROI z end * @return image entropy */ private float computeEntropy(Grid3D grid, int xStart, int xEnd, int yStart, int yEnd, int zStart, int zEnd) { float entropy = 0.f; int bins = 100; int sizeX = 1 + xEnd - xStart; int sizeY = 1 + yEnd - yStart; int sizeZ = 1 + zEnd - zStart; int size = sizeX * sizeY * sizeZ; int[] histo = getHistogram(grid, bins, xStart, xEnd, yStart, yEnd, zStart, zEnd); for (int i = 0; i < bins; i++) { double val = (double)histo[i]/(double)size; entropy -= val *Math.log(val+0.00001); } return entropy; } /** * Computes histogram with specific bins of a given image in a defined * region. * * @param grid * image * @param bins * amount of bins * @param xStart * ROI x start * @param xEnd * ROI x end * @param yStart * ROI y start * @param yEnd * ROI y end * @param zStart * ROI z start * @param zEnd * ROI z end * @return histogram with x bins */ private int[] getHistogram(Grid3D grid, int bins, int xStart, int xEnd, int yStart, int yEnd, int zStart, int zEnd) { int[] histo = new int[bins]; double[] histof = new double[bins]; float val = 0; float max = -Float.MAX_VALUE; float min = Float.MAX_VALUE; for (int i = xStart; i <= xEnd; i++) { for (int j = yStart; j <= yEnd; j++) { for (int k = zStart; k <= zEnd; k++) { val = grid.getAtIndex(i, j, k); if (val > max) { max = val; } if (val < min) { min = val; } } } } float range = max - min; float binSize = range / (float) (bins - 1); for (int i = xStart; i <= xEnd; i++) { for (int j = yStart; j <= yEnd; j++) { for (int k = zStart; k <= zEnd; k++) { val = grid.getAtIndex(i, j, k); int b = (int) ((val - min) / binSize); histo[b]++; histof[b]++; } } } //VisualizationUtil.createPlot(histof, "", "intensity", "count").show(); return histo; } public float[] optimizeCompressedWithPrior() throws IOException { OpenCLCompensatedBackProjector1DCompressionField obp = new OpenCLCompensatedBackProjector1DCompressionField(); obp.loadInputQueue(pLoad.getProjections()); Grid3D result; float evalMin = Float.MAX_VALUE; int iMin = 0, cMin = 0; float eval = 0; int diaphragmPositionZ = (int) ((diaPositionField[expiration*3+2] - oz) / voxelSpacingZ) + diaOffset; // for (int i = -24; i < 40; i++) { for (int i = (int)mVal-5; i < mVal+5; i++) { for (int c = 0; c <= 5; c++) { double[] motionfield = adjustMotionFieldAmplitude( motionfieldOrig, i, 1); int compressionLowerBorder; compressionLowerBorder = (int) ((c - 2) * recDimensionZ / 10.f); if (compressionLowerBorder >= diaphragmPositionZ) continue; float[][] compressedMotionfield = computeCompressionField( compressionLowerBorder, diaphragmPositionZ, motionfield, recDimensionZ); result = obp.reconstructCL(compressedMotionfield); //; eval = evalReconstruction(result); System.out.println(i + " " + (c - 2) + " " + eval + "|||| " + evalMin + " " + " " + iMin + " " + cMin); result = null; if (eval < evalMin) { iMin = i; cMin = c - 2; evalMin = eval; } } } System.out.println( iMin + " " + cMin); float params[] = new float[] { (float) (iMin), 1.f, -1.f, -1.f, cMin, (float) diaPositionField[expiration*3+2] }; return params; } /** * This method computes the motionfield given the optimized parameter array * from the optimization functions * * @param params * parameter vector, returned from optimizeCompressedWithPrior * @param reconSizeZ * size of reconstruction in z-dimension * @param vZ * voxelSpacing in z-dimension * @param oZ * origin in z-dimension * @return the motion field */ public float[][] getMotionField(float[] params, int reconSizeZ, double vZ, double oZ) { double[] func = new double[maxProjs]; func = motionfieldOrig; double[] motionfield = adjustMotionFieldAmplitude(func, (int) params[0], params[1]); int compressionLowerBorder; compressionLowerBorder = (int) ((params[4]) * reconSizeZ / 10.f); float[][] m = computeCompressionField(compressionLowerBorder, (int) ((params[5] - oZ) / vZ) + diaOffset, motionfield, reconSizeZ); return m; } public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { new ImageJ(); Configuration.loadConfiguration(); Trajectory geom = Configuration.getGlobalConfiguration().getGeometry(); geom.setReconDimensionX(128); geom.setReconDimensionY(128); geom.setReconDimensionZ(128); geom.setVoxelSpacingX(2.0); geom.setVoxelSpacingY(2.0); geom.setVoxelSpacingZ(2.0); double xOriginWorld = -(128 - 1.0) / 2.0 * 2.0; double yOriginWorld = -(128 - 1.0) / 2.0 * 2.0; double zOriginWorld = -(128 - 1.0) / 2.0 * 2.0; geom.setOriginInPixelsX(General.worldToVoxel(0.0, 2.0, xOriginWorld)); geom.setOriginInPixelsY(General.worldToVoxel(0.0, 2.0, yOriginWorld)); geom.setOriginInPixelsZ(General.worldToVoxel(0.0, 2.0, zOriginWorld)); Configuration.saveConfiguration(); Configuration.loadConfiguration(); ProjectionLoader pLoad = new ProjectionLoader(); String filename = FileUtil.myFileChoose(".zip", false); pLoad.loadAndFilterImages(filename); // pLoad.loadAndFilterImages("C:\\Users\\Mago\\Desktop\\"); InitialOptimization i = new InitialOptimization(pLoad); OpenCLCompensatedBackProjector1DCompressionField obpCompressed = new OpenCLCompensatedBackProjector1DCompressionField(); obpCompressed.loadInputQueue(pLoad.getProjections()); float[] params = i.optimizeCompressedWithPrior(); Configuration.loadConfiguration(); geom = Configuration.getGlobalConfiguration().getGeometry(); geom.setReconDimensionX(512); geom.setReconDimensionY(512); geom.setReconDimensionZ(256); geom.setVoxelSpacingX(0.5); geom.setVoxelSpacingY(0.5); geom.setVoxelSpacingZ(1); xOriginWorld = -(512 - 1.0) / 2.0 * 0.5; yOriginWorld = -(512 - 1.0) / 2.0 * 0.5; zOriginWorld = -(256 - 1.0) / 2.0 * 1; geom.setOriginInPixelsX(General.worldToVoxel(0.0, 0.5, xOriginWorld)); geom.setOriginInPixelsY(General.worldToVoxel(0.0, 0.5, yOriginWorld)); geom.setOriginInPixelsZ(General.worldToVoxel(0.0, 1, zOriginWorld)); Configuration.saveConfiguration(); float[][] m = i.getMotionField(params, 256, geom.getVoxelSpacingZ(), geom.getOriginZ()); Grid3D result = obpCompressed.reconstructCL(m); CylinderVolumeMask mask = new CylinderVolumeMask(result.getSize()[0], result.getSize()[1], result.getSize()[0] / 2, result.getSize()[1] / 2, result.getSize()[0] * 0.5); mask.applyToGrid(result);; OpenCLCompensatedBackProjector1DCompressionField op = new OpenCLCompensatedBackProjector1DCompressionField(); ProjectionLoader pLoad2 = new ProjectionLoader(); String file = FileUtil.myFileChoose(".zip", false); pLoad2.loadAndFilterImages(file); op.loadInputQueue(pLoad2.getProjections()); Grid3D resulte = op.reconstructCL(m); CylinderVolumeMask maske = new CylinderVolumeMask(result.getSize()[0], result.getSize()[1], result.getSize()[0] / 2, result.getSize()[1] / 2, result.getSize()[0] * 0.5); maske.applyToGrid(resulte);; } } /* * Copyright (C) 2010-2014 Marco B�gel * CONRAD is developed as an Open Source project under the GNU General Public License (GPL). */