package; import java.nio.FloatBuffer; import com.jogamp.opencl.CLBuffer; import com.jogamp.opencl.CLCommandQueue; import com.jogamp.opencl.CLContext; import com.jogamp.opencl.CLDevice; public abstract class OpenCLMemoryDelegate implements AutoCloseable{ protected CLBuffer<FloatBuffer> fBuffer; protected float [] linearHostMemory; protected CLContext context; protected CLDevice device; protected boolean hostChanged; protected boolean deviceChanged; boolean debug = false; /** * Returns the pointer the the CLBuffer object. * @return the CLBuffer */ public CLBuffer<FloatBuffer> getCLBuffer(){ return fBuffer; } public float[] getBuffer(){ return linearHostMemory; } /** * Call this method before you want to run a host operation on the grid. */ public void prepareForHostOperation() { if (deviceChanged && hostChanged) throw new RuntimeException("Memory is in inconsistent state. Host and Device have changed independently."); if (deviceChanged){ pull(); deviceChanged = false; } } /** * Call this method before you want to run a device operation. */ public void prepareForDeviceOperation() { if (deviceChanged && hostChanged) throw new RuntimeException("Memory is in inconsistent state. Host and Device have changed independently."); if (hostChanged){ push(); hostChanged = false; } } /** * This method sends the current data from the host memory to the device memory. */ public void push() { if (debug) System.out.println("writing to device"); copyToLinearHostMemory(); fBuffer.getBuffer().put(linearHostMemory); fBuffer.getBuffer().rewind(); CLCommandQueue queue = device.createCommandQueue(); queue.putWriteBuffer(fBuffer, true).finish(); queue.release(); fBuffer.getBuffer().rewind(); } /** * This method fetches the current data from the device memory to the host memory. */ public void pull() { if (debug) System.out.println("writing to host"); fBuffer.getBuffer().rewind(); CLCommandQueue queue = device.createCommandQueue(); queue.putReadBuffer(fBuffer, true).finish(); queue.release(); fBuffer.getBuffer().get(linearHostMemory); fBuffer.getBuffer().rewind(); copyFromLinearHostMemory(); } /** * Call this method after you performed changes in the device memory, e.g. by calling a kernel function. */ public void notifyDeviceChange(){ deviceChanged = true; } public void notifyHostChange(){ hostChanged = true; } /** * release the memory from the device */ public void release() { if (fBuffer!=null && !fBuffer.isReleased()) fBuffer.release(); } public CLDevice getCLDevice() { return device; } public CLContext getCLContext() { return context; } @Override public void close(){ if(debug == true) System.out.println("Was at the autocloseable close() function!"); this.release(); } protected abstract void copyToLinearHostMemory(); protected abstract void copyFromLinearHostMemory(); }