package edu.stanford.rsl.conrad.cuda; /* * JCuda - Java bindings for NVIDIA CUDA driver and runtime API * * * DISCLAIMER: THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND * If you find any bugs or errors, contact me at * * LICENSE: THIS SOFTWARE IS FREE FOR NON-COMMERCIAL USE ONLY * For non-commercial applications, you may use this software without * any restrictions. If you wish to use it for commercial purposes, * contact me at */ import java.util.*; import jcuda.*; import jcuda.jcublas.*; import jcuda.jcudpp.*; import jcuda.jcufft.*; import jcuda.runtime.*; /** * This is a class that demonstrates the interoperability among * JCuda, JCufft, JCublas and JCudpp. It performs several * computations using each library, using always the same * "shared" device memory. */ public class JCudaRuntimeSample { public static void main(String args[]) { System.out.println("Creating input data"); // the classpath System.out.println( System.getProperty( "java.class.path" ) ); // extension directories whose jars are included on the classpath System.out.println( System.getProperty( "java.ext.dirs" ) ); // low level classpath, includes system jars System.out.println( System.getProperty( "java.library.path" ) ); // character to separate (not terminate!) entries on the classpath, ; for Windows : for unix. System.out.println( System.getProperty( "path.separator" ) ); // Create some input data int complexElements = 100; int floatElements = complexElements * 2; int memorySize = floatElements * Sizeof.FLOAT; float hostX[] = createRandomFloatData(floatElements); float hostY[] = createRandomFloatData(floatElements); System.out.println("Initializing device data using JCuda"); // Allocate memory on the device using JCuda Pointer deviceX = new Pointer(); Pointer deviceY = new Pointer(); JCuda.cudaMalloc(deviceX, memorySize); JCuda.cudaMalloc(deviceY, memorySize); // Copy memory from host to device using JCuda JCuda.cudaMemcpy(deviceX,, memorySize, cudaMemcpyKind.cudaMemcpyHostToDevice); JCuda.cudaMemcpy(deviceY,, memorySize, cudaMemcpyKind.cudaMemcpyHostToDevice); System.out.println("Performing FFT using JCufft"); // Perform in-place complex-to-complex 1D transforms using JCufft cufftHandle plan = new cufftHandle(); JCufft.cufftPlan1d(plan, complexElements, cufftType.CUFFT_C2C, 1); JCufft.cufftExecC2C(plan, deviceX, deviceX, JCufft.CUFFT_FORWARD); JCufft.cufftExecC2C(plan, deviceY, deviceY, JCufft.CUFFT_FORWARD); System.out.println("Performing caxpy using JCublas"); // Perform a complex y=a*x+y operation (caxpy) using JCublas cuComplex alpha = cuComplex.cuCmplx(0.3f, 0.7f); JCublas.cublasInit(); JCublas.cublasCaxpy(complexElements, alpha, deviceX, 1, deviceY, 1); // This is a sample application, so perform a scan of one // of the complex vectors using JCudpp, although this does // not make any sense... System.out.println("Performing scan using JCudpp"); // Create a configuration that describes a scan CUDPPConfiguration config = new CUDPPConfiguration(); config.op = CUDPPOperator.CUDPP_ADD; config.datatype = CUDPPDatatype.CUDPP_FLOAT; config.algorithm = CUDPPAlgorithm.CUDPP_SCAN; config.options = CUDPPOption.CUDPP_OPTION_FORWARD; // Create a CUDPPHandle for the scan operation CUDPPHandle handle = new CUDPPHandle(); JCudpp.cudppPlan(handle, config, complexElements, 1, 0); // Run the scan JCudpp.cudppScan(handle, deviceX, deviceY, floatElements); // Copy the result from the device to the host JCuda.cudaMemcpy(, deviceX, memorySize, cudaMemcpyKind.cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost); System.out.println("Result: "+hostX[hostX.length-1]); // Clean up JCuda.cudaFree(deviceX); JCuda.cudaFree(deviceY); JCublas.cublasShutdown(); JCufft.cufftDestroy(plan); JCudpp.cudppDestroyPlan(handle); } /** * Creates an array of the specified size, containing some random data */ private static float[] createRandomFloatData(int x) { Random random = new Random(0); float a[] = new float[x]; for (int i=0; i<x; i++) { a[i] = random.nextFloat(); } return a; } }