* Copyright (C) 2010-2014 Mathias Unberath
* CONRAD is developed as an Open Source project under the GNU General Public License (GPL).
package edu.stanford.rsl.conrad.geometry.shapes.mesh;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import edu.stanford.rsl.conrad.geometry.shapes.simple.PointND;
import edu.stanford.rsl.conrad.geometry.splines.UniformCubicBSpline;
import edu.stanford.rsl.conrad.numerics.SimpleMatrix;
import edu.stanford.rsl.conrad.numerics.SimpleVector;
import edu.stanford.rsl.conrad.utils.VisualizationUtil;
import edu.stanford.rsl.tutorial.motion.estimation.EstimateCubic2DSpline;
* This class represents a time varying mesh. The time variation is described as splines so that each time-point can be
* sampled in a smooth fashion.
* @author Mathias Unberath
public class Mesh4D {
* The ArrayList containing the mesh's vertices corresponding to the phases.
private ArrayList<SimpleMatrix> meshes;
* The ArrayList containing the time-resolving splines for each vertex.
private ArrayList<UniformCubicBSpline> splines;
* The number of meshes which is assumed equal to the phases, i.e. sampled time-steps.
private int numMeshes;
* Dimension of the vertices;
private int dimension;
* The number of vertices in the mesh.
private int numPoints;
* The number of connections in the connectivity information, e.g. triangles.
private int numConnections;
* The matrix containing the connectivity information.
private SimpleMatrix triangles;
* Constructs the object and initializes the class members.
public Mesh4D(){
this.meshes = new ArrayList<SimpleMatrix>();
this.splines = new ArrayList<UniformCubicBSpline>();
this.numMeshes = 0;
* Adds a mesh's vertices to the ArrayList and increments the counter.
* When the first mesh is added, all necessary class members are set.
* @param m The mesh to add.
public void addMesh(Mesh m){
if(this.numMeshes == 0){
this.triangles = m.getConnectivity();
this.numConnections = m.numConnections;
this.dimension = m.dimension;
this.numPoints = m.numPoints;
assert(this.numConnections == m.numConnections) : new IllegalArgumentException("Input mesh does not fit the meshes already present.");
assert(this.dimension == m.dimension) : new IllegalArgumentException("Input mesh does not fit the meshes already present.");
assert(this.numPoints == m.numPoints) : new IllegalArgumentException("Input mesh does not fit the meshes already present.");
* Calculates the spline curves describing the vertex motion and stores them in the class member.
public void calculateSplines(){
for(int i = 0; i < numPoints; i++){
ArrayList<PointND> points = new ArrayList<PointND>();
for(int j = 0; j < numMeshes; j++){
points.add(new PointND(meshes.get(j).getRow(i).copyAsDoubleArray()));
//System.out.println(meshes.get(j).getRow(i).getElement(0) + " "+meshes.get(j).getRow(i).getElement(1)+" "+meshes.get(j).getRow(i).getElement(2));
EstimateCubic2DSpline fs = new EstimateCubic2DSpline(points);
UniformCubicBSpline bs = fs.estimateUniformCubic(points.size()-3-1);
* Method to evaluate the quality of a spline fit.
* @param bs The spline to be evaluated
* @param points The points that decide the quality.
private void eval(UniformCubicBSpline bs, ArrayList<PointND> points){
double err = 0;
for(int i = 0; i < points.size(); i++){
double kj = (float)i/(points.size()-1);
SimpleVector res = new SimpleVector(bs.evaluate(kj).getAbstractVector());
err += res.normL2();
System.out.println(res.getElement(0) + " " + res.getElement(1) + " " + res.getElement(2) + " " +err);
* Samples the time-variant splines list at a certain time t = [0,1] and returns the corresponding mesh.
* @param time The time to be sampled.
* @return The mesh corresponding to the time.
public Mesh evaluateSplines(double time){
Mesh m = new Mesh();
SimpleMatrix pts = new SimpleMatrix(numPoints, dimension);
for(int i = 0; i < numPoints; i++){
pts.setRowValue(i, new SimpleVector(splines.get(i).evalFast(time)));
return m;
* Samples the time variant meshes at a certain time t=[0,1] and returns the corresponding mesh.
* Sampling is done using linear interpolation.
* @param time
* @return
public Mesh evaluateLinearInterpolation(double time){
Mesh m = new Mesh();
int low = (int)Math.floor(time * numMeshes);
int high;
if(low == numMeshes-1){
high = 0;
high = low + 1;
double key = time*numMeshes - low;
SimpleMatrix pts = new SimpleMatrix(numPoints, dimension);
for(int i = 0; i < numPoints; i++){
pts.setRowValue(i, interp(meshes.get(low).getRow(i), meshes.get(high).getRow(i), key));
return m;
* Linearly interpolates between two simplevectors.
* @param low Floor of interp.
* @param high Ceil of interp.
* @param key Value of interp.
* @return The interpolated SimpleVector.
private SimpleVector interp(SimpleVector low, SimpleVector high, double key){
SimpleVector res = new SimpleVector(low.getLen());
for(int i = 0; i < low.getLen(); i++){
double val = (1-key)*low.getElement(i) + key*high.getElement(i);
res.setElementValue(i, val);
return res;
* Getter for the connectivity.
* @return The connectivity.
public SimpleMatrix getFaces(){
return this.triangles;