package edu.stanford.rsl.conrad.volume3d;
import ij.ImagePlus;
import ij.ImageStack;
import edu.stanford.rsl.conrad.utils.ImageUtil;
* 3D-FFTable Volume based on C-code from Lars Wigstroem. This volume class is able to describe a 3D grid with uniform spacing in each spatial dimension. One sub class of this volume is CUDAVolume3D which models the same data in CUDA memory.
* The corresponding operator is then CUDAVolumeOperator. Note that instantiation should be performed using the respective VolumeOperator in order to enable compatibility to CUDA.
* @author akmaier
* @see edu.stanford.rsl.conrad.cuda.CUDAVolume3D
* @see edu.stanford.rsl.conrad.volume3d.VolumeOperator
public class Volume3D {
public int dimensions; /* #dimensions */
public int[] size = new int [MAX_DIM]; /* #points in each dimension */
public float[] spacing = new float [MAX_DIM]; /* size of points [m, s, ..] */
public int in_dim; /* inner dimension, i.e. complex or real */
public float [] [] [] data; /* buffer holding the data */
/* points at first element */
public final static int MAX_DIM = 3;
protected final static boolean DEBUG_FLAG = true;
* returns 1 if the volume is real and 2 if it is complex
* @return the internal dimension of the volume.
public int getInternalDimension(){
return in_dim;
* Creates an empty volume. Use of this constructor is generally discouraged. It may result in incompatibility with CUDA.
* @param size2 sizes in each direction
* @param dim2 physical dimension in each direction
* @param inDim internal Dimension
public Volume3D(int[] size2, float[] dim2, int inDim) {
/* set attributes */
this.dimensions = 3;
for (int dim_loop=0; dim_loop<this.dimensions; dim_loop++) {
this.size[dim_loop] = size2[dim_loop];
this.spacing[dim_loop] = dim2[dim_loop];
this.in_dim = inDim;
/* allocate memory for data buffer */
data = new float [size[0]][size[1]][size[2]*in_dim];
* Creates a Volume3D Object which supports 3-D filtering operations. Call of this constructor is discouraged. Use the VolumeOperator instead.
* @param image the ImagePlus
* @param mirror size of the area which is mirrored to reduce FFT artifacts.
* @param cuty number of pixels to be cut from the original volume along y direction
* @param uneven is set if the original volume has an uneven number of slices / projections.
public Volume3D(ImagePlus image, int mirror, int cuty, boolean uneven){
dimensions = 3;
in_dim = 1;
spacing = new float [3];
spacing[2] = (float) image.getCalibration().pixelWidth;
spacing[1] = (float) image.getCalibration().pixelHeight;
spacing[0] = (float) image.getCalibration().pixelDepth;
size = new int[3];
int width = image.getWidth();
int height = image.getHeight();
int depth = image.getStackSize();
if (!uneven){
} else {
data = new float[size[0]][size[1]][size[2]];
for (int h = 0; h< depth; h++){
for (int j = cuty; j< height - cuty; j++){
for (int i = 0; i< width; i++){
data[mirror + h][mirror +j-cuty][mirror +i] = ((float [])image.getStack().getPixels(h+1))[(width*j)+i];
for (int i = 0; i< mirror; i++){
data[mirror + h][mirror +j-cuty][i] = ((float [])image.getStack().getPixels(h+1))[(width*j)+(mirror)-i-1];
data[mirror + h][mirror +j-cuty][width + mirror + i] = ((float [])image.getStack().getPixels(h+1))[(width*j)+width-i];
for (int j = 0; j< mirror; j++){
for (int i = 0; i < size[2]; i++){
data[mirror + h][j][i] = data[mirror + h][(2*mirror)-j-1][i];
data[mirror + h][size[1]-mirror+j][i] = data[mirror+h][size[1]-(mirror)-j-1][i];
int offset = 0;
if (uneven) offset = 1;
for (int h=0;h< mirror; h++){
for(int j = 0; j < size[1]; j++){
for (int i = 0; i < size[2]; i++){
data[h][j][i] = data[(2*mirror)-h-1][j][i];
if (size[0]-mirror+h-offset < size[0]) {
data[size[0]-mirror+h-offset][j][i] = data[size[0]-mirror-h-1-offset][j][i];
* Creates an ImagePlus to visualize the contents of this Volume.
* @param title the title of the ImagePlus
* @return the ImagePlus
public ImagePlus getImagePlus(String title){
return getImagePlus(title, 0, 0, false);
* Method to create an ImagePlus from this Volume3D. Parameters are set to remove the mirrored boundary.
* @param title the title for the ImagePlus
* @param mirror the width of the mirrored boundary. Should match the parameters used to create the volume.
* @param cuty the number of pixels which were cut along the y axis during the creation of the volume.
* @param uneven true, if the original number of slices / projections was odd.
* @return the ImagePlus
public ImagePlus getImagePlus(String title, int mirror, int cuty, boolean uneven){
ImagePlus revan = new ImagePlus();
int width = size[2]-(2*mirror);
int height = size[1]-(2*mirror)+(2*cuty);
int depth;
int offset;
if (uneven) {
depth = size[0]-(2*mirror)+1;
offset = 1;
} else {
depth = size[0]-(2*mirror);
offset = 0;
ImageStack stack = new ImageStack(width, height, depth);
System.out.println("Image Plus with internal Dimension: " + in_dim);
for (int h = mirror; h < size[0]-mirror+offset; h++){
float [] pixels = new float[width*height];
for (int j = mirror-cuty; j< size[1]-mirror+cuty; j++){
for (int i = mirror; i< size[2]-mirror; i++){
pixels[(j-mirror+cuty)*(width)+(i-mirror)] =
stack.setPixels(pixels, h-mirror+1);
revan.setStack(title, stack);
return revan;
* prints the dimensions of the volume to STDOUT.
public void printSize(){
for (int i =0; i < dimensions; i++) {
System.out.print(size[i]+ " ");
System.out.println("Inner Dimension: " + in_dim);
System.out.println(data.length + " " + data[0].length + " " + data[0][0].length);
* Releases the memory for this volume. References to data are set to null to improve garbage collection. In the CUDA version, the memory on the card is freed.
public void destroy(){
spacing = null;
size = null;
data = null;
* Copyright (C) 2010-2014 Andreas Maier
* CONRAD is developed as an Open Source project under the GNU General Public License (GPL).