/* * Copyright (C) 2014 Michael Manhart, Kerstin Müller * CONRAD is developed as an Open Source project under the GNU General Public License (GPL). */ package edu.stanford.rsl.tutorial.phantoms; public class BrainPerfusionPhantomConfig { public final static int sizeX = 256; public final static int sizeY = 256; public final static int sizeZ = 256; public final static int size = sizeX*sizeY*sizeZ; public final static float voxelSize = 1.0f; // [mm] public final static float originX = 0.0f; public final static float originY = 0.0f; public final static float originZ = 0.0f; boolean motion = false; public String phantomDirectory; public float phantomSampling; public String calibrationFwdMatFile; public String calibrationBwdMatFile; public String phantomOutDirectory; // Should also be configurable later over the GUI // Default values for contrast flow // Start of rotation after contrast injection float tStart = 6.2f; // Duration of one C-arm sweep float tRot = 4.2f; // Duration of the pause before the backward sweep float tPause = 1.f; // Number of sweeps in total float numSweeps = 7; // xml file to 3D marker position public String markerFile = ""; }