package edu.stanford.rsl.apps.gui.blobdetection; import java.awt.Color; import java.util.AbstractMap; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.Map.Entry; import java.util.Set; import edu.stanford.rsl.apps.gui.GUIConfigurable; import; import edu.stanford.rsl.conrad.filtering.FastRadialSymmetryTool; import edu.stanford.rsl.conrad.filtering.ImageFilteringTool; import edu.stanford.rsl.conrad.geometry.General; import edu.stanford.rsl.conrad.geometry.Projection; import edu.stanford.rsl.conrad.geometry.shapes.simple.PointND; import; import; import edu.stanford.rsl.conrad.numerics.DecompositionSVD; import edu.stanford.rsl.conrad.numerics.SimpleMatrix; import edu.stanford.rsl.conrad.numerics.SimpleOperators; import edu.stanford.rsl.conrad.numerics.SimpleVector; import edu.stanford.rsl.conrad.numerics.Solvers; import edu.stanford.rsl.conrad.pipeline.ParallelImageFilterPipeliner; import edu.stanford.rsl.conrad.utils.Configuration; import edu.stanford.rsl.conrad.utils.FileUtil; import edu.stanford.rsl.conrad.utils.ImageUtil; import edu.stanford.rsl.conrad.utils.VisualizationUtil; import edu.stanford.rsl.conrad.utils.XmlUtils; import ij.IJ; import ij.ImagePlus; import ij.gui.Overlay; import ij.measure.Calibration; import ij.process.StackStatistics; public class MarkerDetectionWorker implements GUIConfigurable{ /** * Marker detection tool based on manually annotated initial marker positions. * Use PointSelector tool for marker annotation. Or store points in the following order: * * ArrayList<ArrayList<double[]>>> pointSets * * Where the outer ArrayList is for the different sets of points and its size equals the * number of markers * The inner ArrayList contains the manually annotated positions of the markers and the * float[] array contains the actual coordinates, where the first values correspond to * the x and y coordinates and the third to the slice offset starting from 0 to the number * of slices minus 1 * * @author Martin Berger, Jang-Hwan Choi */ // For 1mm bead protected double[] radiusOfBeads = new double[]{3}; protected double binarizationThreshold = 0.5; // 0.75 protected double lowGradThresh = 0; protected double circularity = 3; protected double distance = 10;//20 protected double maxThresh = binarizationThreshold; protected double minThresh = binarizationThreshold; protected double threshDec = 0.2; protected Grid3D fastRadialSymmetrySpace = null; protected HashMap<Integer,ArrayList<ArrayList<PointND>>> allDetectedBeads = null; protected ArrayList<double[]> threeDPos = null; protected ArrayList<ArrayList<double[]>> twoDPosReal = null; protected ArrayList<ArrayList<double[]>> twoDPosRef = null; protected ArrayList<ArrayList<double[]>> twoDPosMerged = null; protected Configuration config = null; public Configuration getConfig() { return config; } public void setConfig(Configuration config) { this.config = config; } protected boolean configured = false; protected ImagePlus image = null; private String filenamePriors = null; public MarkerDetectionWorker(){ threeDPos = null; twoDPosReal = null; twoDPosRef = null; twoDPosMerged = null; config = null; configured = false; image = null; fastRadialSymmetrySpace = null; allDetectedBeads = null; } public MarkerDetectionWorker(ArrayList<ArrayList<double[]>> twoDInit){ this(); twoDPosReal = twoDInit; } protected void updateReferences(){ // create/update the 3D reference positions from the 2D data update3Dreference(); // create/update the 2D reference positions from the 3D data update2Dreference(); } public void run() { //Grid3D tester = new Grid3D(input.getSize()[0],input.getSize()[1],input.getSize()[2],true); if (!configured){ try { configure(); } catch (Exception e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } } // overlay for drawing color circles and crosses Overlay ov = new Overlay(); image.setOverlay(ov); // reorder reference points System.out.println("Bead Detection: Nr of reference beads (Input): " + twoDPosRef.size()); // Order: SliceNr (Integer) -> BeadNr (Integer) -> BeadPosition (PointND) HashMap<Integer,HashMap<Integer, PointND>> refPoints = new HashMap<Integer, HashMap<Integer,PointND>>(); for (int i = 0; i < twoDPosRef.size(); i++) { for (int j = 0; j < twoDPosRef.get(i).size(); j++) { int sliceNr = (int)twoDPosRef.get(i).get(j)[2]; if (!refPoints.containsKey(sliceNr)) refPoints.put(sliceNr, new HashMap<Integer,PointND>()); refPoints.get(sliceNr).put(i, new PointND(twoDPosRef.get(i).get(j)[0],twoDPosRef.get(i).get(j)[1])); } } // initialize the twoDPosReal and twoDPosMerged array // this is only for initialization and memory allocation twoDPosReal = new ArrayList<ArrayList<double[]>>(twoDPosRef.size()); twoDPosMerged = new ArrayList<ArrayList<double[]>>(twoDPosRef.size()); Iterator<ArrayList<double[]>> it1 = twoDPosRef.iterator(); while (it1.hasNext()) { twoDPosReal.add(new ArrayList<double[]>()); twoDPosMerged.add(new ArrayList<double[]>()); Iterator<double[]> it2 =; while (it2.hasNext()) { twoDPosReal.get(twoDPosReal.size()-1).add(null); twoDPosMerged.get(twoDPosMerged.size()-1).add(null);; } } // run the fast radial symmetry transform for all projections if (fastRadialSymmetrySpace == null) fastRadialSymmetrySpace = FRST(); // precompute candidate points over all projections if (allDetectedBeads == null){ allDetectedBeads = precomputeCandidatePoints(refPoints.keySet()); } // loop over the slices (not necessarily ordered) Iterator<Integer> sliceIt = refPoints.keySet().iterator(); while (sliceIt.hasNext()) { int slice =; HashMap<Integer,PointND> innerMap = refPoints.get(slice); // find closest matching points and assign to each other -> first compute all distances // saves threshold, distance and distance matrix coordinates ArrayList<Entry<Double,int[]>> distances = new ArrayList<Entry<Double,int[]>>(10*allDetectedBeads.get(slice).size()); // threshold loop: decrease binarization threshold if no bead is found for (int i = 0; i < allDetectedBeads.get(slice).size(); i++) { // the potential center points for this threshold ArrayList<PointND> detectedBeads = allDetectedBeads.get(slice).get(i); // loop over the beads in this slice Iterator<Integer> beadIt = innerMap.keySet().iterator(); while (beadIt.hasNext()) { int bead =; PointND priorPos = innerMap.get(bead); // find closest matching points and assign to each other -> first compute all distances // saves distance and distance matrix coordinates // Determine the distances between reference and detected beads for (int j = 0; j < detectedBeads.size(); j++) { distances.add(new AbstractMap.SimpleEntry<Double,int[]>( // distance between reference and detected beads priorPos.euclideanDistance(detectedBeads.get(j)), // coordinates [threshold, reference bead No., detected bead No.] new int[]{i,bead,j} )); } // print the reference point onto the result images if (i==0) printXAtPoint(ov, priorPos, slice, 3); } } // all measurements done! --> Determine the winners Collections.sort(distances, new Comparator<Entry<Double,int[]>>() { @Override public int compare(Entry<Double, int[]> o1, Entry<Double, int[]> o2) { return (o1.getKey() < o2.getKey()) ? -1 : ( (o1.getKey() > o2.getKey()) ? 1 : 0 ); } } ); // start with best pairs and "remove" them from the search space Set<Integer> refSet = new HashSet<Integer>(); Set<Integer> detSet = new HashSet<Integer>(); Iterator<Entry<Double,int[]>> distIt = distances.iterator(); while (distIt.hasNext()) { Entry<Double,int[]> curr =; if (curr.getKey() <= this.distance){ int thresh = curr.getValue()[0]; int ref = curr.getValue()[1]; int det = curr.getValue()[2]; if (refSet.contains(ref) || detSet.contains(det)) continue; // this is the actual detection! refSet.add(ref); detSet.add(det); double[] coords = allDetectedBeads.get(slice).get(thresh).get(det).getCoordinates(); twoDPosReal.get(ref).set(slice, new double[] {coords[0], coords[1], slice}); twoDPosMerged.get(ref).set(slice, new double[] {coords[0], coords[1], slice}); VisualizationUtil.printCrossAtPoint(ov, new PointND(twoDPosReal.get(ref).get(slice)), slice, 4,; System.out.println("Slice: " + slice + "\t" + "Bead: " + ref + "\t\t" + twoDPosReal.get(ref).get(slice)[0] + "\t" + twoDPosReal.get(ref).get(slice)[1] + "\t"); } } // We missed some beads in the detection process! Add reference positions to the merged 2D positions... if (refSet.size() < innerMap.keySet().size()){ Iterator<Integer> beadNrIt = innerMap.keySet().iterator(); while (beadNrIt.hasNext()) { int bead =; if (!refSet.contains(bead)){ twoDPosMerged.get(bead).set(slice, new double[]{innerMap.get(bead).get(0), innerMap.get(bead).get(1), slice}); VisualizationUtil.printCrossAtPoint(ov, innerMap.get(bead), slice, 4,; } } } } // output the detections in FRST space /* ImagePlus dottedPlus = ImageUtil.wrapGrid3D(fastRadialSymmetrySpace, "FRST Space + Detection Results"); dottedPlus.setOverlay(ov);; */ // remove not found beads for (int i = twoDPosReal.size()-1; i >= 0 ; --i) { while(twoDPosReal.get(i).remove(null)); if (twoDPosReal.get(i).size()<=0) twoDPosReal.remove(i); } // sanity check for the merged array! None of these things should happen for (int i = twoDPosMerged.size()-1; i >= 0 ; --i) { while(twoDPosMerged.get(i).remove(null)){ System.out.println("Merged array had missing element!!! Something went wrong!!"); } if (twoDPosMerged.get(i).size()<=0){ System.out.println("Merged array had missing slice!!! Something went wrong!!"); twoDPosMerged.remove(i); } } // update the 2D and 3D reference positions updateReferences(); System.out.println("Bead Detection: Nr of detected beads (Output): " + twoDPosReal.size()); } public ArrayList<ArrayList<double[]>> getMergedTwoDPositions(){ return twoDPosMerged; } public void printXAtPoint(Overlay ov, PointND pos, int slice, double crossSize){ VisualizationUtil.printCrossAtPoint(ov, pos, slice, crossSize,; } /** * Precompute center points of detected connected components. * The threshold for binarization varies from maxThresh to minThresh. * @param allHoughBeads The list that stores the candidate points over multiple thresholds * @param slice The slice index * */ protected HashMap<Integer,ArrayList<ArrayList<PointND>>> precomputeCandidatePoints(Set<Integer> sliceNumberSet){ HashMap<Integer,ArrayList<ArrayList<PointND>>> out = new HashMap<Integer, ArrayList<ArrayList<PointND>>>(); Iterator<Integer> sliceIt = sliceNumberSet.iterator(); while (sliceIt.hasNext()) { int slice =; ArrayList<ArrayList<PointND>> sliceRes = new ArrayList<ArrayList<PointND>>(); for (double thresh = binarizationThreshold; thresh >= binarizationThreshold; thresh -= threshDec) { ImagePlus ip = new ImagePlus("Thresholded Bead Map",General.thresholdImage( ImageUtil.wrapGrid2D(fastRadialSymmetrySpace.getSubGrid(slice)), thresh)); Calibration calibrationNew = new Calibration(); calibrationNew.xOrigin = 0; calibrationNew.yOrigin = 0; calibrationNew.zOrigin = 0; calibrationNew.pixelWidth = 1; calibrationNew.pixelHeight = 1; calibrationNew.pixelDepth = 1; ip.setCalibration(calibrationNew); ConnectedComponent3D pc = new ConnectedComponent3D(); pc.setLabelMethod(ConnectedComponent3D.MAPPED); Object[] result = pc.getParticles(ip, 1, 0, Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY, ConnectedComponent3D.FORE, false); int[][] particleLabels = (int[][]) result[1]; long[] particleSizes = pc.getParticleSizes(particleLabels); double[] volumes = pc.getVolumes(ip, particleSizes); double[][] centroids = pc.getCentroids(ip, particleLabels, particleSizes); ArrayList<PointND> beads = new ArrayList<PointND>(volumes.length); for (int i = 1; i < volumes.length; i++) { if (volumes[i] > 0) { beads.add(new PointND(centroids[i])); } } sliceRes.add(beads); } out.put(slice, sliceRes); } return out; } protected Grid3D FRST(){ // ***************************Calculate the FRST in parallel *********************************** FastRadialSymmetryTool frst = new FastRadialSymmetryTool(); frst.setRadii(this.radiusOfBeads); frst.setAlpha(this.circularity); frst.setSmallGradientThreshold(this.lowGradThresh); frst.setConfigured(true); ImageFilteringTool [] filts = {frst}; Grid3D out=null; try { ImagePlusDataSink sink = new ImagePlusDataSink(); sink.configure(); ImagePlusProjectionDataSource pSource = new ImagePlusProjectionDataSource(); pSource.setImage(ImageUtil.wrapImagePlus(image)); ParallelImageFilterPipeliner filteringPipeline = new ParallelImageFilterPipeliner(pSource, filts, sink); filteringPipeline.project(); out = sink.getResult(); } catch (Exception e1) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e1.printStackTrace(); } StackStatistics sst = new StackStatistics(ImageUtil.wrapGrid3D(out,"")); System.out.println("FRST --> Maximum : " + sst.histMax + " / Minimum: " + sst.histMin); return out; } protected void update2Dreference() { twoDPosRef = new ArrayList<ArrayList<double[]>>(threeDPos.size()); Projection[] pMatrices = config.getGeometry().getProjectionMatrices(); for (int i=0; i < threeDPos.size(); ++i){ twoDPosRef.add(new ArrayList<double[]>(pMatrices.length)); for (int j = 0; j < pMatrices.length; j++) { twoDPosRef.get(i).add(compute2Dfrom3D(threeDPos.get(i), pMatrices[j], j)); } } } protected void update3Dreference() { threeDPos = new ArrayList<double[]>(twoDPosReal.size()); for (int i=0; i < twoDPosReal.size(); ++i){ threeDPos.add(compute3Dfrom2D(twoDPosReal.get(i), config.getGeometry().getProjectionMatrices())); } } private double [] compute2Dfrom3D(double [] point3D, Projection pMatrix, int slice){ // Compute coordinates in projection data. SimpleVector homogeneousPoint = SimpleOperators.multiply(pMatrix.computeP(), new SimpleVector(point3D[0], point3D[1], point3D[2], 1)); // Do forward projection to 2D coordinates double coordU = homogeneousPoint.getElement(0) / homogeneousPoint.getElement(2); double coordV = homogeneousPoint.getElement(1) / homogeneousPoint.getElement(2); return new double [] {coordU, coordV, (double)slice}; } private double [] compute3Dfrom2D(ArrayList<double[]> twoDpointSet, Projection[] pMatrices) { // extract corresponding projection matrices and build linear system of equations // height of the overall system matrix int highDim = twoDpointSet.get(0).length; int lowDim = highDim-1; // height of the system matrix int M = twoDpointSet.size()*(lowDim); SimpleMatrix A = new SimpleMatrix(M,highDim); SimpleMatrix b = new SimpleMatrix(M,1); for (int i=0; i < twoDpointSet.size(); ++i){ double[] point = twoDpointSet.get(i); int sliceNr = (int)twoDpointSet.get(i)[twoDpointSet.get(i).length-1]; SimpleMatrix pMatrix = pMatrices[sliceNr].computeP(); // A * x = b SimpleMatrix R = pMatrix.getSubMatrix(0,0,pMatrix.getRows(),pMatrix.getCols()-1); SimpleMatrix t = pMatrix.getSubMatrix(0,pMatrix.getCols()-1,pMatrix.getRows(),1); // extract the 2D point and transform to a matrix SimpleMatrix ui = (new SimpleVector(point)).getSubVec(0, point.length-1).transposed().transposed(); SimpleMatrix Ai = SimpleOperators.multiplyMatrixProd( ui, // extract the last row of the projection matrix R.getRow(R.getRows()-1).transposed() ); // subtract the multiplication result by the first rows of the projection matrix Ai.subtract(R.getSubMatrix(0, 0, R.getRows()-1, R.getCols())); SimpleMatrix bi = t.getSubMatrix(0, 0, t.getRows()-1,t.getCols()); bi.subtract(ui.multipliedBy(pMatrix.getElement(pMatrix.getRows()-1, pMatrix.getCols()-1))); A.setSubMatrixValue(i*lowDim, 0, Ai); b.setSubMatrixValue(i*lowDim, 0, bi); } // Compute the 3D point using the pseudoinverse SimpleVector X = Solvers.solveLinearLeastSquares(A, b.getCol(0)); DecompositionSVD svd = new DecompositionSVD(A); System.out.println("Solving for 3D point using " + (M/lowDim) + " 2D points\nCondition number was: " + svd.cond()); return X.copyAsDoubleArray(); } public void configure() throws Exception { config = Configuration.getGlobalConfiguration(); image = IJ.getImage(); if (filenamePriors == null) filenamePriors = FileUtil.myFileChoose(".xml", false); twoDPosReal = (ArrayList<ArrayList<double[]>>) XmlUtils.importFromXML(filenamePriors); this.fastRadialSymmetrySpace = null; this.allDetectedBeads = null; update3Dreference(); update2Dreference(); configured = true; } public void setParameters(double binThresh, double circularity, double lowGradThresh, double distance, String radii){ String[] strings = radii.replaceAll("\\s*", "").replace("]", "").replace("[", "").split(","); ArrayList<Double> tmp = new ArrayList<Double>(); for (int i = 0; i < strings.length; i++) { double h=0; try { h = Double.parseDouble(strings[i]); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { // TODO: handle exception e.printStackTrace(); continue; } tmp.add(h); } if(tmp.size()<=0){ tmp.add(3.0); System.out.println("No radii are given, using 3 as standard radius!"); } if (distance != this.distance || lowGradThresh != this.lowGradThresh || this.circularity != circularity || binThresh != this.binarizationThreshold ) { this.distance = distance; this.lowGradThresh = lowGradThresh; this.circularity = circularity; this.binarizationThreshold = binThresh; configured = false; } boolean same = false; if (radiusOfBeads.length == tmp.size()){ same = true; for (int i = 0; i < this.radiusOfBeads.length; i++) { if(radiusOfBeads[i]!=tmp.get(i)){ same = false; break; } } } if (!same){ radiusOfBeads = new double[tmp.size()]; for (int i = 0; i < radiusOfBeads.length; i++) { radiusOfBeads[i]=tmp.get(i); } configured = false; } } public String getFilename(){ return filenamePriors; } public void setFilename(String s){ filenamePriors=s; } public void setImage(ImagePlus img){ image = img; } public ArrayList<ArrayList<double[]>> getMeasuredTwoDPoints(){ return twoDPosReal; } public ArrayList<ArrayList<double[]>> getReferenceTwoDPoints(){ return twoDPosRef; } public ArrayList<double[]> getReferenceThreeDPoints(){ return threeDPos; } public double[] getRadii(){ return radiusOfBeads; } @Override public boolean isConfigured() { return configured; } public void setConfigured(boolean config) { configured = config; } } /* * Copyright (C) 2010-2014 - Martin Berger * CONRAD is developed as an Open Source project under the GNU General Public License (GPL). */