package edu.stanford.rsl.tutorial.RotationalAngiography.ResidualMotionCompensation.registration.math; import ij.IJ; /** * BSpline library. * 2009 Ignacio Arganda-Carreras and Arrate Munoz-Barrutia * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation ( ) * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. * */ /** * This class implements basic operations to work with cubic B-splines. * * @author Ignacio Arganda-Carreras - */ public class BSpline { // -------------------------------------------------------------- /** * <p> * Ref: A. Muñoz-Barrutia, T. Blu, M. Unser, "Least-Squares Image Resizing * Using Finite Differences," IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, vol. * 10, n. 9, September 2001. * Use: * out(x) = input(x/scale); scale > 1 expansion; a < 1 reduction. * Use n=n2 * if (n1==-1) the standard method (interpolation and resampling) is * applied. * If (n=n1=n2), the orthogonal projection is computed. The error is the * minimum in the least-squares sense. * If ((n1 > -1) && (n1<n2)), the oblique projection is computed. The error * is slightly greater than the case above. * </p> * * @param input input signal * @param n degree of the interpolation spline. It can vary from 0 to 3. * @param n1 degree of the analysis spline. It can vary from -1 to 3. * @param n2 degree of the synthesis spline. It can vary from 0 to 3. * @param scale zoom factor (scale > 1 expansion; scale < 1 reduction) * @param coefOrSamples if working with coefficients coefOrSamples is true; if working with samples coefOrSamples is false * @return out signal */ public static double[] resize1D( double[] input, int n, int n1, int n2, double scale, boolean coefOrSamples) { int nxIn = input.length; double bb = Math.round( ((nxIn-1) * scale) * 1 / scale); while ((nxIn-1-bb) != 0) { nxIn = nxIn + 1; bb = Math.round(((nxIn-1)*scale)*1/scale); } // Output signal int nxOut = (int) Math.round((nxIn-1)*scale)+1; double[] out = new double[nxOut]; // From samples to coefficients double[] coef = null; if (coefOrSamples == false) { if (n < 2) coef = input; else { double[] pole = tableOfPoles(n); double tolerance = 1e-11; coef = convertToInterpCoef(input, pole, tolerance); } } // (n1+1)-running sums double[] integ = new double[input.length]; double med = 0; if (n1 == -1) { integ = input; med = 0; } if (n1 == 0) { med = integSA(input, integ); } if (n1 == 1) { med = integSA(input, integ); integ = integAS(integ); } if (n1 == 2) { med = integSA(input, integ); integ = integAS(integ); integSA(integ, integ); } if (n1 == 3) { med = integSA(input, integ); integ = integAS(integ); integSA(integ, integ); integ = integAS(integ); } // geometric transformation and resampling double [] resize = resampling(integ, nxIn, nxOut, scale, n1, n+n1+1); //(n1+1)-centered finite differences double [] fd = null; if (n1 == -1) fd=resize; else if (n1 == 0) fd = finDiffAS(resize); else if (n1 == 1) { fd=finDiffSA(resize); fd=finDiffAS(fd); } else if (n1==2) { fd=finDiffAS(resize); fd=finDiffSA(fd); fd=finDiffAS(fd); } else if (n1==3) { fd=finDiffSA(resize); fd=finDiffAS(fd); fd=finDiffSA(fd); fd=finDiffAS(fd); } //Recover the output size and add the mean final int n11 = n1+1; final int val1 = (n11*0.5 == (int) Math.floor(n11*0.5)) ? (int) (n11*0.5) : (int) Math.floor(n11*0.5)+1; //final int val2 = (int) Math.floor(n11*0.5); double[] fdShort = new double[nxOut]; for(int i = 0 ; i < nxOut ; i ++) fdShort[i] = fd[val1 + i] + med; //fdShort = [fdShort(1+val2:nxOut) fdShort(val2:-1:1)]; // post-filtering - q=a^(-1) double[] coefFull = null; if ( (n1+n2+1) < 2 ) coefFull = fdShort; else { double[] pole = tableOfPoles(n1+n2+1); double tolerance = 1e-11; coefFull=convertToInterpCoef(fdShort, pole, tolerance); } // from coeficients to samples if (coefOrSamples==true) { if (n2 < 2) out = coefFull; else { double [] samples = tableOfSamples(n2); out = convertToSamples(coefFull, samples); } } return out; } // end method resize1D // -------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Convert the spline coefficients to samples * * @param coef input coefficients values * @param samples output samples * @return */ public static double[] convertToSamples(double[] coef, double[] samples) { final int NbCoef = coef.length; final int kn = 2*NbCoef-2; double[] out = new double[NbCoef]; for (int k = 0; k < NbCoef; k++) { double yaux = coef[k] * samples[0]; for (int i = 1; i < samples.length-1; i ++) { int k1 = k-i; int k2 = k+i; if (k1 < 0) { k1 = -k1; if (k1 >= NbCoef) k1 = kn-k1; } if (k2 >= NbCoef) { k2 = 2*(NbCoef-1)-k2; if (k2 >= NbCoef) k2 = kn-k2; } yaux = yaux + coef[k1] + coef[k2] * samples[i]; } out[k] = yaux; } return out; } // end method convertToSamples // -------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Finite Difference. Symmetric input boundary conditions. Anti-symmetric * output boundary conditions. * * @param c input signal * @return output signal */ private static double[] finDiffSA(double[] c) { int N = c.length; double[] y = new double[N]; for(int i = 0; i < N-1; i++) y[i] = c[i] - c[i+1]; y[N-1] = c[N-1] - c[N-2]; for(int i = 0; i < N; i++) y[i] *= -1; return y; } // end method finDiffSA // -------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Finite Difference. Anti-symmetric input boundary conditions. Symmetric * output boundary conditions. * * @param c input signal * @return output signal */ public static double[] finDiffAS(double[] c) { int N = c.length; double[] y = new double[N]; for (int i = 0; i < N-1; i ++) y[i+1] = c[i+1] - c [i]; y[0]=2*c[0]; return y; } // end method finDiffAS // -------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Geometric transform and resampling * * @param input input signal * @param nInput length of the input signal * @param nOut length of the resize signal * @param scale expansion/reduction * @param n1 degree of the analysis spline * @param nt (n+n1+1) * @return re-sampled signal */ public static double[] resampling(double[] input, int nInput, int nOut, double scale, int n1, int nt) { final boolean even = ( (n1+1)*0.5 == Math.floor((n1+1)*0.5) ) ? true : false; int m = factorial(nt); double[] temp = new double[nt + 1]; final int val1 = (int) (even ? (n1+1)*0.5 : (int) Math.floor((n1+1)*0.5)+1); double newx0 = even ? (nt+1)*0.5-val1/scale : 0.5*(1/scale-1) + (nt+1)*0.5-val1/scale; final double aa = Math.pow(scale, n1+1); final double val2 = Math.floor((n1+1)*0.5); double[] out = new double[ nOut+n1+1 ]; for(int k = -val1; k < (nOut + val2); k++) { final int val = (int) Math.ceil(-(nt+1) + newx0); for (int s = 0; s <= nt; s++) temp[s] = Math.pow(-newx0+(nt+1)+val+s, nt)/m; for (int s = 0; s <= nt; s++) for(int l = nt+1; l > 0; l--) temp[l] -= temp[l-1]; if(even) { for(int i = 0; i <= nt; i++) { if (i + val < 0) out[k+val1] += input[-i-val]*temp[i]; else { if (i+val > nInput-1) out[k+val1] += input[2*(nInput-1)-i-val]*temp[i]; else out[k+val1] += input[i+val] * temp[i]; } } } else { for(int i = 0; i <= nt; i++) { if (i+val < 0) out[k+val1] -= input[-i-val]*temp[i]; else if (i+val > nInput-1) out[k+val1] -= input[2*(nInput-1)-i-val]*temp[i]; else out[k+val1] += input[i+val]*temp[i]; } } newx0 += 1/scale; } for(int i = 0; i < out.length; i++) out[i] *= aa; return out; }// end method resampling //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Factorial * @param n * @return n factorial */ public static int factorial(int n) { int fact = 0; switch(n) { case 0: fact = 1; break; case 1: fact = 1; break; case 2: fact = 2; break; case 3: fact = 6; break; case 4: fact = 24; break; case 5: fact = 120; break; case 6: fact = 720; break; case 7: fact = 5040; break; default: fact = 1; for (int i=0 ; i < n; i++) fact *= i; } return fact; } // end factorial // -------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Begin computation of the running sums. The input boundary conditions are * anti-symmetric. The output boundary conditions are symmetric. * * @param c input coefficients * @return sums */ public static double[] integAS(double[] c) { int N = c.length; double [] y = new double[N]; y[0] = c[0]; y[1] = 0; for(int i = 2; i < N; i++) y[i] = y[i-1] - c[i-1]; for(int i = 0; i < y.length; i++) y[i] *= -1; return y; } // -------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Begin computation of the running sums. The input boundary conditions are * symmetric. The output boundary conditions are anti-symmetric. * * @param c coefficients * @param z sums * * @return mean value on the period (2*length(c)-2) */ public static double integSA(double[] c, double[] z) { double m = mean(c); double[] coeffs = c.clone(); for(int i = 0; i < coeffs.length; i++) coeffs[i] -= m; z[0] = coeffs[0] * 0.5; for(int i = 1; i < coeffs.length; i++) z[i] = coeffs[i] + z[i-1]; return m; } // end method integSA // -------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Calculate mean value on the period (2*length(A)-2) * @param A * @return mean value on the period (2*length(A)-2) */ public static double mean(double[] A) { double sum = 0; for(int i = 0; i < A.length; i++) sum += A[i]; double sumValue = 2 * sum - A[0] - A[A.length-1]; return sumValue/(2*A.length-2); }// end method mean // -------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Convert to interpolation coefficients * @param input * @param poles * @param tolerance * @return */ public static double[] convertToInterpCoef(double[] input, double[] poles, double tolerance) { double lambda =1.0; int dataLength = input.length; double [] coef = new double[dataLength]; // special case required by mirror boundaries if (dataLength == 1) return coef; // compute the overall gain for(int k = 0 ; k < poles.length; k++) lambda = lambda * (1.0 - poles[k]) * (1.0 - 1.0 / poles[k]); // apply the gain for(int n = 0; n < dataLength; n ++) coef[n] = input[n] * lambda; // loop over all poles for (int k = 0 ; k < poles.length; k++) { // causal initialization coef[0] = initialCausalCoefficient(coef, poles[k], tolerance); // causal recursion for (int n = 1; n < dataLength; n++) coef[n] = coef[n] + poles[k] * coef[n - 1]; // anti-causal initialization coef[dataLength-1] = initialAntiCausalCoefficient(coef, poles[k]); // anti-causal recursion for (int n = dataLength - 2 ; n > 0; n--) coef[n] = poles[k] * coef[n + 1] - coef[n]; } return coef; } // end method convertToInterpCoef // -------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Get initial anti-causal coefficients * * @param c coefficients * @param z pole * @return value of the initial anti-causal coefficient */ public static double initialAntiCausalCoefficient(double[] c, double z) { return ((z / (z * z - 1.0)) * (z * c[c.length- 2] + c[c.length-1])); } //end method initialAntiCausalCoefficient // -------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Initialization of causal coefficients for mirror boundary conditions * * @param c coefficients * @param z pole * @param tolerance accuracy * @return value of the initial causal coefficient for the given accuracy */ public static double initialCausalCoefficient(double[] c, double z, double tolerance) { double sum = 0; final int dataLength = c.length; int horizon = dataLength; if (tolerance > 0.0) horizon = (int) (Math.ceil(Math.log(tolerance))/Math.log(Math.abs(z))); if (horizon < dataLength) { // accelerated loop double zn = z; sum = c[0]; for (int n = 1; n < horizon; n++) { sum = sum + zn * c[n]; zn = zn * z; } } else { // full loop double zn = z; double iz = 1.0 / z; double z2n = Math.pow(z, (dataLength - 1)); sum = c[0] + z2n * c[dataLength-1]; z2n = z2n * z2n * iz; for (int n = 1; n < dataLength - 1; n++) { sum = sum + (zn + z2n) * c[n]; zn = zn * z; z2n = z2n * iz; } sum = (sum / (1.0 - zn * zn)); } return sum; } // end method initialCausalCoefficient // -------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Recover the poles from a lookup table * * @param splineDegree degree of the spline * @return Pole values */ public static double[] tableOfPoles(int splineDegree) { double[] pole = null; switch (splineDegree) { case 2: pole = new double[1]; pole[0] = Math.sqrt(8.0) - 3.0; break; case 3: pole = new double[1]; pole[0] = Math.sqrt(3.0) - 2.0; break; case 4: pole = new double[2]; pole[0] = Math.sqrt(664.0 - Math.sqrt(438976.0)) + Math.sqrt(304.0) - 19.0; pole[1] = Math.sqrt(664.0 + Math.sqrt(438976.0)) - Math.sqrt(304.0) - 19.0; break; case 5: pole = new double[2]; pole[0] = Math.sqrt(135.0 / 2.0 - Math.sqrt(17745.0 / 4.0)) + Math.sqrt(105.0 / 4.0) - 13.0 / 2.0; pole[1] = Math.sqrt(135.0 / 2.0 + Math.sqrt(17745.0 / 4.0)) - Math.sqrt(105.0 / 4.0) - 13.0 / 2.0; break; case 6: pole = new double[3]; pole[0] = -0.48829458930304475513011803888378906211227916123938; pole[1] = -0.081679271076237512597937765737059080653379610398148; pole[2] = -0.0014141518083258177510872439765585925278641690553467; break; case 7: pole = new double[3]; pole[0] = -0.53528043079643816554240378168164607183392315234269; pole[1] = -0.12255461519232669051527226435935734360548654942730; pole[2] = -0.0091486948096082769285930216516478534156925639545994; break; default: IJ.error("Invalid spline degree"); } return pole; }// end method tableOfPoles // -------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Recover the B-spline samples values from a lookup table * * @param splineDegree degree of the spline * @return Value of the samples */ public static double[] tableOfSamples(int splineDegree) { double[] samples = null; switch (splineDegree) { case 0: case 1: samples = null; break; case 2: samples = new double[2]; samples[0] = 6/8; samples[1] = 1/8; break; case 3: samples = new double[2]; samples[0] = 4/6; samples[1] = 1/6; break; case 4: samples = new double[3]; samples[0] = 230/384; samples[1] = 76/384; samples[2] = 1/384; break; case 5: samples = new double[3]; samples[0] = 66/120; samples[1] = 26/120; samples[2] = 1/120; break; case 6: samples = new double[4]; samples[0] = 23548/46080; samples[1] = 10543/46080; samples[2] = 722/46080; samples[3] = 1/46080; break; case 7: samples = new double[4]; samples[0] = 2416/5040; samples[1] = 1191/5040; samples[2] = 120/5040; samples[3] = 1/5040; break; default: IJ.error("Invalid spline degree"); } return samples; }// end method tableOfSamples } // end class BSpline