package edu.stanford.rsl.conrad.fitting; import; /** * Class to describe an abstract function that can be fiited to a set of 2D Points. * * @author akmaier * */ public abstract class Function implements Serializable { /** * */ private static final long serialVersionUID = 5067981485975476424L; protected boolean fittingDone = false; protected int numberOfParameters = 0; public abstract double [] getParametersAsDoubleArray(); /** * Fits the function to the given input data * @param x the input data * @param y the output data */ public abstract void fitToPoints(double [] x, double [] y); public void fitToPoints(float []x, float []y){ double [] dx = new double[x.length]; double [] dy = new double[y.length]; for (int i= 0; i < x.length; i++){ dx[i]= x[i]; dy[i]= y[i]; } fitToPoints(dx, dy); } /** * Evaluates the function at position x * @param x the position * @return the output value */ public abstract double evaluate(double x); public abstract String toString(); public abstract int getMinimumNumberOfCorrespondences(); public static Function[] getAvailableFunctions(){ Function [] revan = {new LinearFunction(), new LogarithmicFunction(), new IdentityFunction()}; return revan; } /** * @return the numberOfParameters */ public int getNumberOfParameters() { return numberOfParameters; } }