package edu.stanford.rsl.conrad.cuda; import edu.stanford.rsl.conrad.utils.CONRAD; import edu.stanford.rsl.conrad.volume3d.FFTVolumeHandle; import edu.stanford.rsl.conrad.volume3d.Volume3D; import edu.stanford.rsl.conrad.volume3d.VolumeOperator; import jcuda.Pointer; import jcuda.driver.CUdeviceptr; import jcuda.jcufft.JCufft; import jcuda.jcufft.cufftHandle; import jcuda.jcufft.cufftType; import jcuda.runtime.JCuda; public class CUDAFFTVolumeHandle extends FFTVolumeHandle { private boolean nativeCopy = false; public CUDAFFTVolumeHandle(VolumeOperator operator){ super(operator); JCufft.setExceptionsEnabled(true); JCufft.initialize(); } public enum CUFFTResult { CUFFT_SUCCESS, CUFFT_INVALID_PLAN, CUFFT_ALLOC_FAILED, CUFFT_INVALID_TYPE, CUFFT_INVALID_VALUE, CUFFT_INTERNAL_ERROR, CUFFT_EXEC_FAILED, CUFFT_SETUP_FAILED, CUFFT_INVALID_SIZE }; public static CUFFTResult getResultEnum(int i){ CUFFTResult res = null; if (i==0) res = CUFFTResult.CUFFT_SUCCESS; if (i==1) res = CUFFTResult.CUFFT_INVALID_PLAN; if (i==2) res = CUFFTResult.CUFFT_ALLOC_FAILED; if (i==3) res = CUFFTResult.CUFFT_INVALID_TYPE; if (i==4) res = CUFFTResult.CUFFT_INVALID_VALUE; if (i==5) res = CUFFTResult.CUFFT_INTERNAL_ERROR; if (i==6) res = CUFFTResult.CUFFT_EXEC_FAILED; if (i==7) res = CUFFTResult.CUFFT_SETUP_FAILED; if (i==8) res = CUFFTResult.CUFFT_INVALID_SIZE; return res; } private static void checkResult(int i) throws Exception { if (i != 0) { throw new Exception ("CUDA FFT Error: " + getResultEnum(i)); } } public static float[][][] toHostFormat(float [] cuda, int [] size){ float [] [] [] hostVolume = new float[size[0]][size[1]][size[2]*2]; int sliceStride = size[2] * size[1]*2; int rowStride = size[2]*2; for (int h = 0; h < size[0]; h++){ for (int j = 0; j < size[1]; j++){ System.arraycopy(cuda, (sliceStride * h) + (j * rowStride), hostVolume[h][j], 0, size[2]*2); //for (int i = 0; i < size[2]; i++){ // float value = cuda[(sliceStride * h) + (j * rowStride) + (i*2)]; // hostVolume[h][j][i*2] = value; // value = cuda[(sliceStride * h) + (j * rowStride) + (i*2)+1];; // hostVolume[h][j][i*2+1] = value; //} } } return hostVolume; } public static float[] toCUDAFormat(float [][][] hostVolume){ int [] size = {hostVolume.length, hostVolume[0].length, hostVolume[0][0].length/2}; int sliceStride = size[2] * size[1]*2; int rowStride = size[2]*2; float [] cuda = new float[size[0]*size[1]*size[2]*2]; for (int h = 0; h < size[0]; h++){ for (int j = 0; j < size[1]; j++){ System.arraycopy(hostVolume[h][j], 0, cuda, (sliceStride * h) + (j * rowStride), size[2]*2); //for (int i = 0; i < size[2]; i++){ // float value = hostVolume[h][j][2*i]; // cuda[(sliceStride * h) + (j * rowStride) + (i*2)] = value; // value = hostVolume[h][j][2*i+1]; // cuda[(sliceStride * h) + (j * rowStride) + (i*2)+1] = value; //} } } return cuda; } /** * Performs a forward 3-D FFT on the given volume in the CUDA memory. * @param deviceX the Pointer to the device's memory * @param size the sizes of the volume * @throws Exception may happen. */ public void forwardTransform(Pointer deviceX, int [] size) throws Exception { if (debug){ System.out.println("Planning " + size[0] +"x"+size[1]+"x"+size[2] +" Complex FFT"); } cufftHandle plan = new cufftHandle(); int revan = JCufft.cufftPlan3d(plan, size[0], size[1], size[2], cufftType.CUFFT_C2C); checkResult(revan); revan = JCufft.cufftExecC2C(plan, deviceX, deviceX, JCufft.CUFFT_FORWARD); checkResult(revan); revan = JCufft.cufftDestroy(plan); checkResult(revan); } @Override public void forwardTransform(Volume3D vol) { try{ if (debug) System.out.println("CUDA vol_fft\n"); operator.makeComplex(vol); if (vol instanceof CUDAVolume3D){ int [] fftsize = {vol.size[0], vol.size[1], vol.size[2]}; forwardTransform(((CUDAVolume3D) vol).getDevicePointer(), fftsize); } else { CONRAD.gc(); if(nativeCopy) { CUdeviceptr deviceX = CUDAUtil.allocateSpace(vol); CUDAUtil.moveToDevice(vol, deviceX); forwardTransform(deviceX, vol.size); CUDAUtil.fetchFromDevice(vol, deviceX); JCuda.cudaFree(deviceX); } else { float [] cuda = toCUDAFormat(; cufftHandle plan = new cufftHandle(); int revan = JCufft.cufftPlan3d(plan, vol.size[0], vol.size[1], vol.size[2], cufftType.CUFFT_C2C); checkResult(revan); revan = JCufft.cufftExecC2C(plan, cuda, cuda, JCufft.CUFFT_FORWARD); checkResult(revan); //Clean up revan = JCufft.cufftDestroy(plan); checkResult(revan); = null; = toHostFormat(cuda, vol.size); cuda = null; CONRAD.gc(); } } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } /** * Performs an inverse 3-D FFT on the CUDA device memory pointed to by deviceX. * @param deviceX the device pointer * @param size the sizes of the volume. * @throws Exception may happen. */ public void inverseTransform(Pointer deviceX, int [] size) throws Exception{ cufftHandle plan = new cufftHandle(); int revan = JCufft.cufftPlan3d(plan, size[0], size[1], size[2], cufftType.CUFFT_C2C); checkResult(revan); revan = JCufft.cufftExecC2C(plan, deviceX, deviceX, JCufft.CUFFT_INVERSE); checkResult(revan); revan = JCufft.cufftDestroy(plan); checkResult(revan); } @Override public void inverseTransform(Volume3D vol) { try{ if (debug) System.out.println("CUDA vol_ifft\n"); operator.makeComplex(vol); if (vol instanceof CUDAVolume3D){ int [] fftsize = {vol.size[0], vol.size[1], vol.size[2]}; inverseTransform(((CUDAVolume3D) vol).getDevicePointer(), fftsize); } else { CONRAD.gc(); if(nativeCopy) { CUdeviceptr deviceX = CUDAUtil.allocateSpace(vol); CUDAUtil.moveToDevice(vol, deviceX); inverseTransform(deviceX, vol.size); CUDAUtil.fetchFromDevice(vol, deviceX); JCuda.cudaFree(deviceX); } else { float [] cuda = toCUDAFormat(; cufftHandle plan = new cufftHandle(); int revan = JCufft.cufftPlan3d(plan, vol.size[0], vol.size[1], vol.size[2], cufftType.CUFFT_C2C); checkResult(revan); revan = JCufft.cufftExecC2C(plan, cuda, cuda, JCufft.CUFFT_INVERSE); checkResult(revan); //Clean up revan = JCufft.cufftDestroy(plan); checkResult(revan); = null; = toHostFormat(cuda, vol.size); cuda = null; CONRAD.gc(); } } operator.multiplyScalar(vol, 1.0f / (float) (vol.size[0]*vol.size[1]*vol.size[2]), 0.0f); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } @Override public void cleanUp() { if (nativeCopy) JCuda.cudaThreadExit(); } @Override public void setThreadNumber(int number) { // not gonna happen } } /* * Copyright (C) 2010-2014 - Andreas Maier * CONRAD is developed as an Open Source project under the GNU General Public License (GPL). */