package; import io.netty.bootstrap.Bootstrap; import io.netty.bootstrap.ServerBootstrap; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger; import; import; //TODO 增加断线重连特性 //TODO 增加关闭通知所有客户端特性 //TODO 增加连接心跳特性 //TODO 增加连接状态管理 /** * * 网络服务驱动 * * @author Evan * */ public class NetServiceAdaptor implements INetService, Runnable { private Trace logger = LogSystem.getDefaultTrace(NetServiceAdaptor.class); /** * 以下罗列出此对象的服务状态 */ private static final byte NET_SERVICE_STATE_IDLE = 1; private static final byte NET_SERVICE_STATE_OPENING = 2; private static final byte NET_SERVICE_STATE_OPENED = 3; private static final byte NET_SERVICE_STATE_CLOSEED = 4; /** * 网络IO 服务的类型(客户端,服务器,agent) */ protected NetServiceType type; /** * * 连接的类型(用于连接管理器识别) */ protected NetConnectionType connectionType; protected String host; protected int port; /** * the channel of net service */ protected Channel channel; private Thread thread; private static AtomicInteger threadCounter = new AtomicInteger(1); //private boolean runInThread=true;//false 的情况调试没有通过,没有阻塞直接运行shutdown代码 private byte state = NET_SERVICE_STATE_IDLE; private Object stateLock = new Object(); //close listener //protected LinkedList<IChannelDisposeListener> closeListeners = new LinkedList<IChannelDisposeListener>(); //start listener //protected LinkedList<IChannelCreateListener> startListeners = new LinkedList<IChannelCreateListener>(); /** * * 服务初始化工具,能够根据连接的类型,分配不同的编码、解码器 * * @see DefaultNettyInitializer */ protected AbstractNettyChannelInitializer nettyInitializer; private INetServiceHandler netServiceHandler; /** * @param serviceType * @param port * @param handler */ public NetServiceAdaptor(NetServiceType serviceType,int port, INetServiceHandler handler){ this(serviceType,null,port,handler,null); } /** * * @param serviceType * @param host * @param port * @param handler */ public NetServiceAdaptor(NetServiceType serviceType,String host, int port, INetServiceHandler handler) { this(serviceType,host,port,handler,null); } /** * * @param serviceType * @param host * @param port * @param handler */ public NetServiceAdaptor(NetServiceType serviceType,String host, int port, INetServiceHandler handler,AbstractNettyChannelInitializer nettyInitializer){ if (port < 1024 || port > 63365) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("端口控制在1024-63365之间"); } if (null == host) { if (type != NetServiceType.CLIENT) { host = ""; } else { throw new NullPointerException("host"); } } connectionType = NetConnectionType.DUMMY; if(null == handler){ throw new NullPointerException("handler"); } this.netServiceHandler = handler; if (null == nettyInitializer) { nettyInitializer = newNettyInitializer(); } this.nettyInitializer = nettyInitializer; this.type = serviceType; = host; this.port = port; thread = new Thread(this,""+type +"-"+threadCounter.getAndIncrement()); } protected AbstractNettyChannelInitializer newNettyInitializer(){ return new DefaultNettyInitializer(this.netServiceHandler); } @Override public void run() { synchronized (stateLock) { state = NET_SERVICE_STATE_OPENED; } switch (type) { case CLIENT: openClientConnect0(); break; case SERVER: case AGENT_SERVER: case AGENT_CLIENT: openServer0(); break; } synchronized (stateLock) { state = NET_SERVICE_STATE_IDLE; } } public void open() { if(state == NET_SERVICE_STATE_OPENING ){ throw new IllegalMonitorStateException("重复开启"); } synchronized (stateLock) { if (state == NET_SERVICE_STATE_IDLE) { state = NET_SERVICE_STATE_OPENING; thread.start(); } } } public boolean isOpen(){ return state == NET_SERVICE_STATE_OPENED; } private void openServer0() { EventLoopGroup bossGroup = new NioEventLoopGroup(); EventLoopGroup workGroup = new NioEventLoopGroup(); try{ netServiceHandler.fireWillStartNetService(); ServerBootstrap boot = new ServerBootstrap();, workGroup) .channel(NioServerSocketChannel.class) .childHandler(nettyInitializer); ChannelFuture bindFuture = boot.bind(this.port ); bindFuture.awaitUninterruptibly(); if ( bindFuture.isCancelled() ) { // Connection attempt cancelled by user } else if (!bindFuture.isSuccess()) {"{} listen at {}:{} Failed",type,host,port); bindFuture.cause().printStackTrace(); } else { channel =;"{} listen at {}:{}",type,host,port); // for (IChannelCreateListener l : startListeners) { // l.onCreate(; // } netServiceHandler.fireDidStartNetService(); channel.closeFuture().awaitUninterruptibly(); netServiceHandler.fireWillCloseNetService();"{} for {}:{} closing!",type,host,port); // for (IChannelDisposeListener l : closeListeners) { // l.onDispose(; // } } } finally { bossGroup.shutdownGracefully(); workGroup.shutdownGracefully(); // startListeners.clear(); // closeListeners.clear(); } } private synchronized void openClientConnect0(){ EventLoopGroup group = new NioEventLoopGroup(); Bootstrap b = new Bootstrap(); .channel(NioSocketChannel.class); netServiceHandler.fireWillStartNetService(); //TODO 控制客户端断线重连,配置信息 boolean willRetry= false; int delayRetryTime = 5000; try{ do{ boolean donotRetry = openClientConnect0(b); if( ! donotRetry ) { awaitForRetry(delayRetryTime); willRetry = true; continue; } synchronized (stateLock) { state = NET_SERVICE_STATE_OPENED; } netServiceHandler.fireDidStartNetService(); //try 防止正常运行,服务器断开,这时候重连 try { openClientConnect1(); } catch (IOException e) { awaitForRetry(delayRetryTime); willRetry = true; continue; } willRetry = false; }while(willRetry); }finally{ group.shutdownGracefully(); // startListeners.clear(); // closeListeners.clear(); } } /** * 绑定客户端连接关闭完成事件 */ private void openClientConnect1() throws IOException { if(null == channel)return ; channel.closeFuture().awaitUninterruptibly(); if(state == NET_SERVICE_STATE_CLOSEED){ //属于正常断开"{} to {}:{} closing!",type,host,port); if(null == connectionType){ logger.warn("connectionType is null when create connection"); } // for (IChannelDisposeListener l : closeListeners) { // l.onDispose(; // } netServiceHandler.fireDidCloseNetService(); }else{ synchronized (stateLock) { state = NET_SERVICE_STATE_CLOSEED; } throw new IOException("非正常断开"); } } /** * 开始连接,成功会时候channel !=null * return true do not retry. */ private boolean openClientConnect0(Bootstrap b) { ChannelFuture connectFutrue = b.connect(host, port); //阻塞等待连接完成 connectFutrue.awaitUninterruptibly(); if ( connectFutrue.isCancelled() ) { // Connection attempt cancelled by user return true; } else if (!connectFutrue.isSuccess()) { logger.warn("{} connect to {}:{} Failed",type,host,port); return false; //connectFutrue.cause().printStackTrace(); } else { channel =; //需要服务器验证之后,才会根据connectionType 设定编解码器 AbstractNettyChannelInitializer.setChannelType(channel, connectionType);"{} connect to {}:{} Success",type,host,port); // for (IChannelCreateListener l : startListeners) { // l.onCreate(; // } return true; } } private void awaitForRetry(int delayRetryTime){"{} delay {}ms,than Retry connect {}:{}",type,delayRetryTime,host,port); try { wait(delayRetryTime); } catch (InterruptedException ie) { ie.printStackTrace(); } } public void close() { synchronized (stateLock) { if (null != channel ) { channel.close(); } state = NET_SERVICE_STATE_CLOSEED; } } // public void addChannelCreateListener(IChannelCreateListener startListener){ // // if(NET_SERVICE_STATE_OPENED <= state){ // throw new IllegalAccessError("必须open() 之前注册startListener"); // } // if (null == startListener) { // throw new NullPointerException("startListener"); // } // // this.startListeners.add(startListener); // } // // public void addChannelDisposeListener(IChannelDisposeListener closeListener){ // // if (null == closeListener) { // throw new NullPointerException("closeListener"); // } // // this.closeListeners.add(closeListener);; // } @Override public NetServiceType serviceTye() { return type; } @Override public NetConnectionType connectionType() { return connectionType; } public NetConnectionType connectionType(NetConnectionType connectionType) { this.connectionType = connectionType; return this.connectionType; } }