package com.artemis; import java.util.BitSet; import java.util.UUID; import com.artemis.utils.Bag; /** * The entity class. Cannot be instantiated outside the framework, you must * create new entities using World. * * @author Arni Arent * */ public final class Entity { private UUID uuid; private int id; private BitSet componentBits; private BitSet systemBits; private World world; private EntityManager entityManager; private ComponentManager componentManager; protected Entity(World world, int id) { = world; = id; this.entityManager = world.getEntityManager(); this.componentManager = world.getComponentManager(); systemBits = new BitSet(); componentBits = new BitSet(); reset(); } /** * The internal id for this entity within the framework. No other entity * will have the same ID, but ID's are however reused so another entity may * acquire this ID if the previous entity was deleted. * * @return id of the entity. */ public int getId() { return id; } /** * Returns a BitSet instance containing bits of the components the entity possesses. * @return */ protected BitSet getComponentBits() { return componentBits; } /** * Returns a BitSet instance containing bits of the components the entity possesses. * @return */ protected BitSet getSystemBits() { return systemBits; } /** * Make entity ready for re-use. * Will generate a new uuid for the entity. */ protected void reset() { systemBits.clear(); componentBits.clear(); uuid = UUID.randomUUID(); } @Override public String toString() { return "Entity[" + id + "]"; } /** * Add a component to this entity. * * @param component to add to this entity * * @return this entity for chaining. */ public Entity addComponent(Component component) { addComponent(component, ComponentType.getTypeFor(component.getClass())); return this; } /** * Faster adding of components into the entity. Not neccessery to use this, but * in some cases you might need the extra performance. * * @param component the component to add * @param type of the component * * @return this entity for chaining. */ public Entity addComponent(Component component, ComponentType type) { componentManager.addComponent(this, type, component); return this; } /** * Removes the component from this entity. * * @param component to remove from this entity. * * @return this entity for chaining. */ public Entity removeComponent(Component component) { removeComponent(component.getClass()); return this; } /** * Faster removal of components from a entity. * * @param component to remove from this entity. * * @return this entity for chaining. */ public Entity removeComponent(ComponentType type) { componentManager.removeComponent(this, type); return this; } /** * Remove component by its type. * @param type * * @return this entity for chaining. */ public Entity removeComponent(Class<? extends Component> type) { removeComponent(ComponentType.getTypeFor(type)); return this; } /** * Checks if the entity has been added to the world and has not been deleted from it. * If the entity has been disabled this will still return true. * * @return if it's active. */ public boolean isActive() { return entityManager.isActive(id); } /** * Will check if the entity is enabled in the world. * By default all entities that are added to world are enabled, * this will only return false if an entity has been explicitly disabled. * * @return if it's enabled */ public boolean isEnabled() { return entityManager.isEnabled(id); } /** * This is the preferred method to use when retrieving a component from a * entity. It will provide good performance. * But the recommended way to retrieve components from an entity is using * the ComponentMapper. * * @param type * in order to retrieve the component fast you must provide a * ComponentType instance for the expected component. * @return */ public Component getComponent(ComponentType type) { return componentManager.getComponent(this, type); } /** * Slower retrieval of components from this entity. Minimize usage of this, * but is fine to use e.g. when creating new entities and setting data in * components. * * @param <T> * the expected return component type. * @param type * the expected return component type. * @return component that matches, or null if none is found. */ public <T extends Component> T getComponent(Class<T> type) { return type.cast(getComponent(ComponentType.getTypeFor(type))); } /** * Returns a bag of all components this entity has. * You need to reset the bag yourself if you intend to fill it more than once. * * @param fillBag the bag to put the components into. * @return the fillBag with the components in. */ public Bag<Component> getComponents(Bag<Component> fillBag) { return componentManager.getComponentsFor(this, fillBag); } /** * Refresh all changes to components for this entity. After adding or * removing components, you must call this method. It will update all * relevant systems. It is typical to call this after adding components to a * newly created entity. */ public void addToWorld() { world.addEntity(this); } /** * This entity has changed, a component added or deleted. */ public void changedInWorld() { world.changedEntity(this); } /** * Delete this entity from the world. */ public void deleteFromWorld() { world.deleteEntity(this); } /** * (Re)enable the entity in the world, after it having being disabled. * Won't do anything unless it was already disabled. */ public void enable() { world.enable(this); } /** * Disable the entity from being processed. Won't delete it, it will * continue to exist but won't get processed. */ public void disable() { world.disable(this); } /** * Get the UUID for this entity. * This UUID is unique per entity (re-used entities get a new UUID). * @return uuid instance for this entity. */ public UUID getUuid() { return uuid; } /** * Returns the world this entity belongs to. * @return world of entity. */ public World getWorld() { return world; } }