package com.artemis; import java.util.BitSet; /** * An Aspects is used by systems as a matcher against entities, to check if a system is * interested in an entity. Aspects define what sort of component types an entity must * possess, or not possess. * * This creates an aspect where an entity must possess A and B and C: * Aspect.getAspectForAll(A.class, B.class, C.class) * * This creates an aspect where an entity must possess A and B and C, but must not possess U or V. * Aspect.getAspectForAll(A.class, B.class, C.class).exclude(U.class, V.class) * * This creates an aspect where an entity must possess A and B and C, but must not possess U or V, but must possess one of X or Y or Z. * Aspect.getAspectForAll(A.class, B.class, C.class).exclude(U.class, V.class).one(X.class, Y.class, Z.class) * * You can create and compose aspects in many ways: * Aspect.getEmpty().one(X.class, Y.class, Z.class).all(A.class, B.class, C.class).exclude(U.class, V.class) * is the same as: * Aspect.getAspectForAll(A.class, B.class, C.class).exclude(U.class, V.class).one(X.class, Y.class, Z.class) * * @author Arni Arent * */ public class Aspect { private BitSet allSet; private BitSet exclusionSet; private BitSet oneSet; private Aspect() { this.allSet = new BitSet(); this.exclusionSet = new BitSet(); this.oneSet = new BitSet(); } protected BitSet getAllSet() { return allSet; } protected BitSet getExclusionSet() { return exclusionSet; } protected BitSet getOneSet() { return oneSet; } /** * Returns an aspect where an entity must possess all of the specified component types. * @param type a required component type * @param types a required component type * @return an aspect that can be matched against entities */ public Aspect all(Class<? extends Component> type, Class<? extends Component>... types) { allSet.set(ComponentType.getIndexFor(type)); for (Class<? extends Component> t : types) { allSet.set(ComponentType.getIndexFor(t)); } return this; } /** * Excludes all of the specified component types from the aspect. A system will not be * interested in an entity that possesses one of the specified exclusion component types. * * @param type component type to exclude * @param types component type to exclude * @return an aspect that can be matched against entities */ public Aspect exclude(Class<? extends Component> type, Class<? extends Component>... types) { exclusionSet.set(ComponentType.getIndexFor(type)); for (Class<? extends Component> t : types) { exclusionSet.set(ComponentType.getIndexFor(t)); } return this; } /** * Returns an aspect where an entity must possess one of the specified component types. * @param type one of the types the entity must possess * @param types one of the types the entity must possess * @return an aspect that can be matched against entities */ public Aspect one(Class<? extends Component> type, Class<? extends Component>... types) { oneSet.set(ComponentType.getIndexFor(type)); for (Class<? extends Component> t : types) { oneSet.set(ComponentType.getIndexFor(t)); } return this; } /** * Creates an aspect where an entity must possess all of the specified component types. * * @param type the type the entity must possess * @param types the type the entity must possess * @return an aspect that can be matched against entities * * @deprecated * @see getAspectForAll */ public static Aspect getAspectFor(Class<? extends Component> type, Class<? extends Component>... types) { return getAspectForAll(type, types); } /** * Creates an aspect where an entity must possess all of the specified component types. * * @param type a required component type * @param types a required component type * @return an aspect that can be matched against entities */ public static Aspect getAspectForAll(Class<? extends Component> type, Class<? extends Component>... types) { Aspect aspect = new Aspect(); aspect.all(type, types); return aspect; } /** * Creates an aspect where an entity must possess one of the specified component types. * * @param type one of the types the entity must possess * @param types one of the types the entity must possess * @return an aspect that can be matched against entities */ public static Aspect getAspectForOne(Class<? extends Component> type, Class<? extends Component>... types) { Aspect aspect = new Aspect();, types); return aspect; } /** * Creates and returns an empty aspect. This can be used if you want a system that processes no entities, but * still gets invoked. Typical usages is when you need to create special purpose systems for debug rendering, * like rendering FPS, how many entities are active in the world, etc. * * You can also use the all, one and exclude methods on this aspect, so if you wanted to create a system that * processes only entities possessing just one of the components A or B or C, then you can do: * Aspect.getEmpty().one(A,B,C); * * @return an empty Aspect that will reject all entities. */ public static Aspect getEmpty() { return new Aspect(); } }