package; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.Date; import java.util.HashMap; import; import; import; /** * The trace mechanism is the logging facility of this database. There is * usually one trace system per database. It is called 'trace' because the term * 'log' is already used in the database domain and means 'transaction log'. It * is possible to write after close was called, but that means for each write * the file will be opened and closed again (which is slower). */ public class LogSystem implements LogWriter { /** * The default level for system out trace messages. */ public static final int DEFAULT_TRACE_LEVEL_SYSTEM_OUT = LogLevel.OFF; /** * The default level for file trace messages. */ public static final int DEFAULT_TRACE_LEVEL_FILE = LogLevel.ERROR; /** * The default maximum trace file size. It is currently 64 MB. Additionally, * there could be a .old file of the same size. */ private static final int DEFAULT_MAX_FILE_SIZE = 64 * 1024 * 1024; /** * 限制每次写入的数据大小 */ private static final int CHECK_SIZE_EACH_WRITES = 128; /** * 输出到System.out的级别 */ private int levelSystemOut = DEFAULT_TRACE_LEVEL_SYSTEM_OUT; /** * 输出到文件的级别 */ private int logLevel = DEFAULT_TRACE_LEVEL_FILE; private int levelMax; private int maxFileSize = DEFAULT_MAX_FILE_SIZE; private String fileName; private HashMap<String, Trace> traces; private SimpleDateFormat dateFormat; //用于将日志输出到指定的文件 private Writer fileWriter; private PrintWriter printWriter; private int checkSize; private boolean closed; private boolean writingErrorLogged; private LogWriter writer = this; private PrintStream sysOut = System.out; /** * 日志所属模块 */ private String module; private boolean delegateSlf4j; private boolean appendClassName= false; /** * create a new module log system * @param module */ public LogSystem(String module) { if(null == module){ throw new NullPointerException("module"); } setName(module); updateLogLevel(); this.delegateSlf4j = false; } /** * * @param module * @param logFileName */ public LogSystem(String module,String logFileName){ this(module); if(null == logFileName){ throw new NullPointerException("logFileName"); } //日志文件输出 this.fileName = logFileName; } public LogSystem(String module,boolean delegateSlf4j){ this(module); this.delegateSlf4j = delegateSlf4j; } public void setLogLevel(int level){ this.logLevel = level; this.levelSystemOut = level; updateLogLevel(); } private void updateLogLevel() { levelMax = Math.max(levelSystemOut, logLevel); } /** * Set the print stream to use instead of System.out. * * @param out the new print stream */ public void setSysOut(PrintStream out) { this.sysOut = out; } /** * Write the exception to the driver manager log writer if configured. * * @param e the exception */ public static void traceThrowable(Throwable e) { //TODO 将异常重定向到制定的日志writer ExceptionUtils.printStackTrace(e); } /** * Get or create a trace object for this module. Trace modules with names * such as "JDBC[1]" are not cached (modules where the name ends with "]"). * All others are cached. * * @param module the module name * @return the trace object */ public synchronized Trace getTrace(String module) { if (module.endsWith("]")) { return new Trace(writer, module); } if (traces == null) { traces = New.hashMap(16); } Trace t = traces.get(module); if (t == null) { t = new Trace(writer, module); traces.put(module, t); } return t; } public synchronized Trace getTrace(Class<?> clazz){ if(delegateSlf4j){ LogWriterAdapter adaptor = new LogWriterAdapter(clazz); return new Trace(adaptor, module); } if (appendClassName) { StringBuffer b = new StringBuffer() ; b.append(module).append("[").append(clazz.getName()).append("]"); return getTrace(b.toString()); } return getTrace(module); } private static LogSystem LOGSYSTEM; /** * 如果横向跟踪 Class<?> * @param clazz * @return */ public static Trace getDefaultTrace(Class<?> clazz){ boolean useSLF4J = true; if(null == LOGSYSTEM ){ LOGSYSTEM = new LogSystem(TraceConstant.GAME_SYSTEM,useSLF4J); LOGSYSTEM.setLogLevel(LogLevel.INFO); } if(null !=LOGSYSTEM && !LOGSYSTEM.delegateSlf4j){ LOGSYSTEM = new LogSystem(TraceConstant.GAME_SYSTEM,true); LOGSYSTEM.setLogLevel(LogLevel.INFO); } return LOGSYSTEM.getTrace(clazz ); } /** * 如果纵向跟踪对象(connection[1234])或者类 * @param module * @return */ public static Trace getDefaultTrace(String module){ if(null == LOGSYSTEM){ LOGSYSTEM = new LogSystem(TraceConstant.GAME_SYSTEM); LOGSYSTEM.setLogLevel(LogLevel.INFO); } return LOGSYSTEM.getTrace(module); } @Override public boolean isEnabled(int level) { return level <= this.levelMax; } /** * Set the maximum trace file size in bytes. * * @param max the maximum size */ public void setMaxFileSize(int max) { this.maxFileSize = max; } /** * Set the trace level to use for System.out * * @param level the new level */ public void setLevelSystemOut(int level) { levelSystemOut = level; updateLogLevel(); } private synchronized String format(int level,String module, String s) { if (dateFormat == null) {//15:08:32.205 dateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("HH:mm:ss.S"); } String i = ""; switch(level){ case LogLevel.DEBUG: i="DEBUG";break; case LogLevel.ERROR: i="ERROR";break; case LogLevel.INFO: i="INFO";break; case LogLevel.WARN: i="WARN";break; } String nameOfThread = Thread.currentThread().getName(); StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); sb.append(dateFormat.format(new Date()) ); sb.append(" [").append(nameOfThread).append("]"); sb.append(" ").append(i).append(" " ).append(module).append(" - ").append(s); return sb.toString(); } @Override public void write(int level, String module, String s) { if (level <= levelSystemOut || level > this.levelMax) { // level <= levelSystemOut: the system out level is set higher // level > this.level: the level for this module is set higher sysOut.println(format(level,module, s)); } if (fileName != null) { if (level <= logLevel) { writeFile(format(level,module, s)); } } } @Override public void write(int level,String module, String format, Object... objects) { if (level <= levelSystemOut || level > this.levelMax) { // level <= levelSystemOut: the system out level is set higher // level > this.level: the level for this module is set higher FormattingTuple format2 = MessageFormatter.arrayFormat(format, objects); sysOut.println(format(level,module, format2.getMessage())); } if (fileName != null) { if (level <= logLevel) { FormattingTuple format2 = MessageFormatter.arrayFormat(format, objects); writeFile(format(level,module, format2.getMessage())); } } } /** * 将目标字符串写入文件 * @param s * @param t */ private synchronized void writeFile(String s) { try { //TODO 记录日志的条数 if (checkSize++ >= CHECK_SIZE_EACH_WRITES) { checkSize = 0; closeWriter(); File file = new File(fileName); if (maxFileSize > 0 && file.length() > maxFileSize) { String old = fileName + ".old"; //删除旧文件 File fileOld = new File(old); if(fileOld.exists())fileOld.delete(); //MOVE TO file.renameTo(fileOld); } } if (!openWriter()) { return; } printWriter.println(s); printWriter.flush(); if (closed) { closeWriter(); } } catch (Exception e) { logWritingError(e); } } private void logWritingError(Exception e) { if (writingErrorLogged) { return; } writingErrorLogged = true; //Exception se = DbException.get(ErrorCode.TRACE_FILE_ERROR_2, e, fileName, e.toString()); // print this error only once fileName = null; sysOut.println(e); e.printStackTrace(); } private boolean openWriter() { if (printWriter == null) { //建立文件 try { File file = new File(fileName); if( file.exists() && ! file.canWrite() ){ return false; } FileOutputStream fileOutputStream = new FileOutputStream(file); fileWriter = IOUtils.getBufferedWriter(fileOutputStream); printWriter = new PrintWriter(fileWriter, true); } catch (Exception e) { logWritingError(e); return false; } } return true; } private synchronized void closeWriter() { if (printWriter != null) { printWriter.flush(); printWriter.close(); printWriter = null; } if (fileWriter != null) { try { fileWriter.close(); } catch (IOException e) { // ignore } fileWriter = null; } } /** * Close the writers, and the files if required. It is still possible to * write after closing, however after each write the file is closed again * (slowing down tracing). */ public void close() { closeWriter(); closed = true; } @Override public void setName(String name) { this.module = name; } }