package com.artemis; import java.util.BitSet; import java.util.HashMap; import com.artemis.utils.Bag; import com.artemis.utils.ImmutableBag; /** * The most raw entity system. It should not typically be used, but you can create your own * entity system handling by extending this. It is recommended that you use the other provided * entity system implementations. * * @author Arni Arent * */ public abstract class EntitySystem implements EntityObserver { private final int systemIndex; protected World world; private Bag<Entity> actives; private Aspect aspect; private BitSet allSet; private BitSet exclusionSet; private BitSet oneSet; private boolean passive; private boolean dummy; /** * Creates an entity system that uses the specified aspect as a matcher against entities. * @param aspect to match against entities */ public EntitySystem(Aspect aspect) { actives = new Bag<Entity>(); this.aspect = aspect; allSet = aspect.getAllSet(); exclusionSet = aspect.getExclusionSet(); oneSet = aspect.getOneSet(); systemIndex = SystemIndexManager.getIndexFor(this.getClass()); dummy = allSet.isEmpty() && oneSet.isEmpty(); // This system can't possibly be interested in any entity, so it must be "dummy" } /** * Called before processing of entities begins. */ protected void begin() { } public final void process() { if(checkProcessing()) { begin(); processEntities(actives); end(); } } /** * Called after the processing of entities ends. */ protected void end() { } /** * Any implementing entity system must implement this method and the logic * to process the given entities of the system. * * @param entities the entities this system contains. */ protected abstract void processEntities(ImmutableBag<Entity> entities); /** * * @return true if the system should be processed, false if not. */ protected abstract boolean checkProcessing(); /** * Override to implement code that gets executed when systems are initialized. */ protected void initialize() {}; /** * Called if the system has received a entity it is interested in, e.g. created or a component was added to it. * @param e the entity that was added to this system. */ protected void inserted(Entity e) {}; /** * Called if a entity was removed from this system, e.g. deleted or had one of it's components removed. * @param e the entity that was removed from this system. */ protected void removed(Entity e) {}; /** * Will check if the entity is of interest to this system. * @param e entity to check */ protected final void check(Entity e) { if(dummy) { return; } boolean contains = e.getSystemBits().get(systemIndex); boolean interested = true; // possibly interested, let's try to prove it wrong. BitSet componentBits = e.getComponentBits(); // Check if the entity possesses ALL of the components defined in the aspect. if(!allSet.isEmpty()) { for (int i = allSet.nextSetBit(0); i >= 0; i = allSet.nextSetBit(i+1)) { if(!componentBits.get(i)) { interested = false; break; } } } // Check if the entity possesses ANY of the exclusion components, if it does then the system is not interested. if(!exclusionSet.isEmpty() && interested) { interested = !exclusionSet.intersects(componentBits); } // Check if the entity possesses ANY of the components in the oneSet. If so, the system is interested. if(!oneSet.isEmpty()) { interested = oneSet.intersects(componentBits); } if (interested && !contains) { insertToSystem(e); } else if (!interested && contains) { removeFromSystem(e); } } private void removeFromSystem(Entity e) { actives.remove(e); e.getSystemBits().clear(systemIndex); removed(e); } private void insertToSystem(Entity e) { actives.add(e); e.getSystemBits().set(systemIndex); inserted(e); } @Override public final void added(Entity e) { check(e); } @Override public final void changed(Entity e) { check(e); } @Override public final void deleted(Entity e) { if(e.getSystemBits().get(systemIndex)) { removeFromSystem(e); } } @Override public final void disabled(Entity e) { if(e.getSystemBits().get(systemIndex)) { removeFromSystem(e); } } @Override public final void enabled(Entity e) { check(e); } protected final void setWorld(World world) { = world; } protected boolean isPassive() { return passive; } protected void setPassive(boolean passive) { this.passive = passive; } public ImmutableBag<Entity> getActives() { return actives; } /** * Used to generate a unique bit for each system. * Only used internally in EntitySystem. */ private static class SystemIndexManager { private static int INDEX = 0; private static HashMap<Class<? extends EntitySystem>, Integer> indices = new HashMap<Class<? extends EntitySystem>, Integer>(); private static int getIndexFor(Class<? extends EntitySystem> es){ Integer index = indices.get(es); if(index == null) { index = INDEX++; indices.put(es, index); } return index; } } }