/* * This file is part of the Jikes RVM project (http://jikesrvm.org). * * This file is licensed to You under the Eclipse Public License (EPL); * You may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You * may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.opensource.org/licenses/eclipse-1.0.php * * See the COPYRIGHT.txt file distributed with this work for information * regarding copyright ownership. */ class logic { static boolean not(boolean a) { return !a; } static boolean and(boolean a, boolean b) { return a && b; } static boolean or(boolean a, boolean b) { return a || b; } static boolean notA(boolean a) { return !a; } static boolean notB(boolean a) { if (a) return false; return true; } static boolean aja(int a) { return (a & 0x1f) < 0; } static boolean ajaja(int a, int b) { return a != b; } static int eje(int a) { if (aja(a)) return 0; else return 1; } static int iji(int a) { if (aja(a)) return 3; else return 5; } static int ojo(int a, int b) { if (ajaja(a,b)) return 3; else return 5; } static boolean uju(Object a) { return a == null; } static int[] array; static int uju1() { if (array != null) return array[1]; return 0; } static int test(int a) { if ((a & 0xf) == 0) return 3; else return 5; } static int insert(int a) { return (a & 0xFC07FFFF) | 0x580000; } static int insert1(int a) { return (a & 0xFFFFFF0F) | 0x50; } static int insert2(int a) { return (a & 0xFFF00FFF) | 0x15000; } static int insert3(int a, int b) { return (a & ~0x03F80000) | (b & 0x03F80000); } static int extract(int a) { return (a >>> 8) & 0xF; } static int extract1(int a) { return (a >>> 8) & 0xE; } static int extract2(int a) { return (a >>> 28) & 0xFFFF; } static int extract3(int a) { return (a >>> 28) & 0xFF00; } static int extract4(int a) { return (a << 12) >>> 4; } static int extract5(int a) { return (a << 4) >>> 12; } static int extract6(int a) { return (a >>> 4) << 12; } static int extract7(int a) { return (a >>> 12) << 4; } static int extract8(int a) { return (a >> 12) >> 4; } static int extract9(int a) { return (a << 12) << 4; } static int extract10(int a) { return (a & 0x7ffff) >>> 28; } static int extract11(int a) { return (a & 0x7ffff000) >>> 8; } static int extract12(int a) { return (a & 0x7ffff000) >>> 28; } static int andI(int a) { return a & 0x7ffff0; } static char charS; static short shortS; static byte byteS; static boolean booleanS; static void store(int a, boolean b) { charS = (char)a; shortS = (short)a; byteS = (byte)a; booleanS = b; } public static void main(String[] args) { run(); } public static boolean run() { System.out.println(extract(-1)); System.out.println(extract1(-1)); System.out.println(extract2(-1)); System.out.println(extract3(-1)); System.out.println(extract4(-1)); System.out.println(extract5(-1)); System.out.println(extract6(-1)); System.out.println(extract7(-1)); System.out.println(extract8(-1)); System.out.println(extract9(-1)); System.out.println(extract10(-1)); System.out.println(extract11(-1)); System.out.println(extract12(-1)); System.out.println(insert(0)); System.out.println(insert1(0)); System.out.println(insert2(0)); return true; } }