* This file is part of the Jikes RVM project (http://jikesrvm.org).
* This file is licensed to You under the Eclipse Public License (EPL);
* You may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You
* may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.opensource.org/licenses/eclipse-1.0.php
* See the COPYRIGHT.txt file distributed with this work for information
* regarding copyright ownership.
package org.jikesrvm.compilers.common;
import org.jikesrvm.VM;
import org.jikesrvm.architecture.ArchConstants;
import org.jikesrvm.classloader.RVMMethod;
import org.jikesrvm.classloader.RVMType;
import org.jikesrvm.runtime.DynamicLink;
import org.jikesrvm.runtime.ExceptionDeliverer;
import org.jikesrvm.runtime.Magic;
import org.jikesrvm.runtime.StackBrowser;
import org.jikesrvm.runtime.Statics;
import org.jikesrvm.scheduler.RVMThread;
import org.vmmagic.pragma.Interruptible;
import org.vmmagic.pragma.Uninterruptible;
import org.vmmagic.pragma.Unpreemptible;
import org.vmmagic.unboxed.Address;
import org.vmmagic.unboxed.Offset;
import org.vmmagic.unboxed.Word;
* A method that has been compiled into machine code by one of our compilers.
public abstract class CompiledMethod {
* constants for compiler types
public static final int TRAP = 0; // no code: special trap handling stackframe
public static final int BASELINE = 1; // baseline code
public static final int OPT = 3; // opt code
public static final int JNI = 4; // java to Native C transition frame
public static final int NUM_COMPILER_TYPES = 4;
/** Line number for native methods defined by the constructor of java.lang.StackTraceElement */
public static final int NATIVE_METHOD_LINE_NUMBER = -2;
* constants for flags
private static final byte COMPILED = 0x08;
private static final byte INVALID = 0x04;
private static final byte OBSOLETE = 0x02;
private static final byte ACTIVE_ON_STACK = 0x01;
/** flags the compiled method as outdated, needs OSR */
private static final byte OUTDATED = 0x10;
* Has the method sample data for this compiled method been reset?
private static final byte SAMPLES_RESET = 0x20;
private static final byte SPECIAL_FOR_OSR = 0x40;
/** Has bridge from native annotation, NB this makes the flags byte negative */
private static final byte BRIDGE_FROM_NATIVE = (byte)0x80;
static {
if (VM.VerifyAssertions) VM._assert(BRIDGE_FROM_NATIVE < 0);
/** Flags bit field */
private byte flags;
* The compiled method id of this compiled method (index into CompiledMethods)
protected final int cmid;
* The RVMMethod that was compiled
public final RVMMethod method;
* The compiled machine code for said method.
protected CodeArray instructions;
* the offset of instructions in JTOC, for osr-special compiled
* method only. all osr-ed method is treated like static.
* TODO: OSR redesign: put in subclass? Stick somewhere else?
* Don't want to waste space for this on every compiled
* method.
protected int osrJTOCoffset = 0;
* The time in milliseconds taken to compile the method.
protected float compilationTime;
public void setSamplesReset() {
public boolean getSamplesReset() {
return (flags & SAMPLES_RESET) != 0;
public void setSpecialForOSR() {
// set JTOC
this.osrJTOCoffset = Statics.allocateReferenceSlot(false).toInt();
Statics.setSlotContents(this.getOsrJTOCoffset(), this.instructions);
public boolean isSpecialForOSR() {
return (flags & SPECIAL_FOR_OSR) != 0;
public final Offset getOsrJTOCoffset() {
if (VM.VerifyAssertions) VM._assert(isSpecialForOSR());
return Offset.fromIntSignExtend(this.osrJTOCoffset);
* @param id the compiled method id
* @param m the method that this compiled method belongs to
public CompiledMethod(int id, RVMMethod m) {
cmid = id;
method = m;
if (m != null && m.getDeclaringClass().hasBridgeFromNativeAnnotation()) {
* @return the compiled method id for this compiled method
public final int getId() {
return cmid;
* @return the RVMMethod associated with this compiled method
public final RVMMethod getMethod() {
return method;
* @return whether this method has a bridge from native annotation (important when
* walking the stack)
public final boolean hasBridgeFromNativeAnnotation() {
return flags < 0;
* @return the CodeArray to jump to to invoke this method (ie,
* code_array[0] contains the first instruction of the method's prologue).
public final CodeArray getEntryCodeArray() {
if (VM.VerifyAssertions) VM._assert((flags & COMPILED) != 0);
return instructions;
* @return the number of machine instructions for compiled method;
* may be an overestimate if we have adding padding to machine code.
public final int numberOfInstructions() {
if (VM.VerifyAssertions) VM._assert((flags & COMPILED) != 0);
return instructions.length();
* Return the offset in bytes of the given Address from the start
* of the machine code array.
* @param ip a Address (should be an interior pointer to instructions)
* @return offset of addr from start of instructions in bytes
public final Offset getInstructionOffset(Address ip) {
return getInstructionOffset(ip, true);
* Return the offset in bytes of the given Address from the start
* of the machine code array.
* @param ip a Address (should be an interior pointer to instructions)
* @param dieOnFailure if ip is invalid should we kill the VM (we don't want
* to if already in the process of killing the VM)
* @return offset of addr from start of instructions in bytes
public final Offset getInstructionOffset(Address ip, boolean dieOnFailure) {
if (getCompilerType() == JNI || getCompilerType() == TRAP) {
return Offset.zero();
} else {
Offset offset = ip.diff(Magic.objectAsAddress(instructions));
int max = (instructions.length() + 1) << ArchConstants.getLogInstructionWidth();
if (!offset.toWord().LT(Word.fromIntZeroExtend(max))) {
if (RVMThread.isTrampolineIP(ip)) {
ip = RVMThread.getCurrentThread().getTrampolineHijackedReturnAddress();
offset = ip.diff(Magic.objectAsAddress(instructions));
if (offset.toWord().LT(Word.fromIntZeroExtend(max)))
return offset;
Address instructionStart = Magic.objectAsAddress(instructions);
VM.sysWriteln("In thread ",RVMThread.getCurrentThreadSlot()," getInstructionOffset: ip is not within compiled code for method: ",ip);
VM.sysWrite("\tsupposed method is ");
VM.sysWriteln("\tcode for this method starts at ", instructionStart);
VM.sysWriteln("\t and has last valid return address of ", instructionStart.plus(max));
VM.sysWriteln("The requested instruction address was ", ip);
CompiledMethod realCM = CompiledMethods.findMethodForInstruction(ip);
if (realCM == null) {
VM.sysWriteln("\tUnable to find compiled method corresponding to this return address");
} else {
VM.sysWrite("\tFound compiled method ");
VM.sysWriteln(" whose code contains this return address");
if (dieOnFailure) {
VM.sysWriteln("Attempting to dump virtual machine state before exiting");
VM.sysFail("Terminating VM due to invalid request for instruction offset");
// NOTE: we are absolutely positive that offset will fit in 32 bits
// because we don't create CodeArrays that are so massive it won't.
// Thus, we do the assertion checking above to ensure that ip is in range.
return offset;
* Return the address of the instruction at offset offset in the method's instruction stream.
* @param offset the offset of the desired instruction (as returned by getInstructionOffset)
* @return Address of the specified instruction
public final Address getInstructionAddress(Offset offset) {
Address startAddress = Magic.objectAsAddress(instructions);
return startAddress.plus(offset);
* Return the code array for this method that contains the given offset.
* @param offset the offset of the desired instruction (as returned by getInstructionOffset)
* @return CodeArray that contains the specified instruction
public final CodeArray codeArrayForOffset(Offset offset) {
return instructions;
* Does the code for the compiled method contain the given return address?
* @param ip a return address
* @return {@code true} if it belongs to this method's code, {@code false} otherwise.
public final boolean containsReturnAddress(Address ip) {
Address beg = Magic.objectAsAddress(instructions);
Address end = beg.plus(instructions.length() << ArchConstants.getLogInstructionWidth());
// note that "ip" points to a return site (not a call site)
// so the range check here must be "ip <= beg || ip > end"
// and not "ip < beg || ip >= end"
return !(ip.LE(beg) || ip.GT(end));
* Records that the compilation is complete.
* @param code the method's code
public final void compileComplete(CodeArray code) {
instructions = code;
flags |= COMPILED;
* Mark the compiled method as invalid
public final void setInvalid() {
flags |= INVALID;
* Mark the compiled method as obsolete (ie a candidate for eventual GC)
public final void setObsolete() {
flags |= OBSOLETE;
public final void setActiveOnStack() {
public final void clearActiveOnStack() {
flags &= ~ACTIVE_ON_STACK;
* Mark the compiled method as outdated (i.e. requires OSR),
* the flag is set in AnalyticModel
public final void setOutdated() {
if (VM.VerifyAssertions) VM._assert(this.getCompilerType() == BASELINE);
flags |= OUTDATED;
* @return {@code true} if the compiled method is marked as outdated
public final boolean isOutdated() {
return (flags & OUTDATED) != 0;
* @return {@code true} if compilation has completed
public final boolean isCompiled() {
return (flags & COMPILED) != 0;
* @return {@code true} if the compiled code is invalid
public final boolean isInvalid() {
return (flags & INVALID) != 0;
* @return {@code true} if the compiled code is obsolete
public final boolean isObsolete() {
return (flags & OBSOLETE) != 0;
public final boolean isActiveOnStack() {
return (flags & ACTIVE_ON_STACK) != 0;
public final double getCompilationTime() {
return compilationTime;
public final void setCompilationTime(double ct) {
compilationTime = (float) ct;
* Identify the compiler that produced this compiled method.
* <p>
* Note: use this instead of {@code instanceof} when GC is disabled (i.e. during GC).
* @return one of TRAP, BASELINE, OPT, or JNI.
public abstract int getCompilerType();
public static String compilerTypeToString(int compilerType) {
switch (compilerType) {
case TRAP:
return "TRAP";
return "BASELINE";
case OPT:
return "OPT";
case JNI:
return "JNI";
if (VM.VerifyAssertions) VM._assert(VM.NOT_REACHED);
return null;
* @return Name of the compiler that produced this compiled method.
public abstract String getCompilerName();
* @return a handler to deal with stack unwinding and exception delivery for this
* compiled method's stackframes.
public abstract ExceptionDeliverer getExceptionDeliverer();
* Find "catch" block for a machine instruction of
* this method that might be guarded
* against specified class of exceptions by a "try" block.<p>
* Notes:
* <ul>
* <li> The "instructionOffset" must point to the instruction
* <em> following </em> the actual
* instruction whose catch block is sought.
* This allows us to properly handle the case where
* the only address we have to work with is a return address
* (i.e. from a stackframe)
* or an exception address
* (i.e. from a {@code null} pointer dereference, array bounds check,
* or divide by zero) on a machine architecture with variable length
* instructions.
* In such situations we'd have no idea how far to back up the
* instruction pointer
* to point to the "call site" or "exception site".
* <li> This method must not cause any allocations, because it executes with
* GC disabled when called by RuntimeEntrypoints.deliverException().
* </ul>
* @param instructionOffset offset of machine instruction from start of this method, in bytes
* @param exceptionType type of exception being thrown - something like "NullPointerException"
* @return offset of machine instruction for catch block
* (-1 --> no catch block)
public abstract int findCatchBlockForInstruction(Offset instructionOffset, RVMType exceptionType);
* Fetch symbolic reference to a method that's called by one of
* this method's instructions.<p>
* Notes:
* <ul>
* <li> The "instructionOffset" must point to the instruction i
* <em> following </em> the call
* instruction whose target method is sought.
* This allows us to properly handle the case where
* the only address we have to work with is a return address
* (i.e. from a stackframe)
* on a machine architecture with variable length instructions.
* In such situations we'd have no idea how far to back up the
* instruction pointer
* to point to the "call site".
* <li> The implementation must not cause any allocations,
* because it executes with
* GC disabled when called by GCMapIterator.
* </ul>
* @param dynamicLink place to put return information
* @param instructionOffset offset of machine instruction from start of
* this method, in bytes
public abstract void getDynamicLink(DynamicLink dynamicLink, Offset instructionOffset);
* Find source line number corresponding to one of this method's
* machine instructions.
* <p> Usage note: "instructionOffset" must point to the
* instruction <em> following </em> the actual instruction
* whose line number is sought.
* This allows us to properly handle the case where
* the only address we have to work with is a return address
* (ie. from a stackframe)
* or an exception address
* (ie. from a null pointer dereference, array bounds check,
* or divide by zero) on a machine architecture with variable length
* instructions.
* In such situations we'd have no idea how far to back up the
* instruction pointer
* to point to the "call site" or "exception site".
* @param instructionOffset of machine instruction from start of this method, in bytes
* @return source line number
* (0 == no line info available, 1 == first line of source file, -2 == native method))
public int findLineNumberForInstruction(Offset instructionOffset) {
return 0;
* Return whether or not the given address (which is purported to be inside
* of the compiled method's code array) corresponds to an uninterruptible context.
* @param instructionOffset of addr from start of instructions in bytes
* @return {@code true} if the IP is within an Uninterruptible method, {@code false} otherwise.
public abstract boolean isWithinUninterruptibleCode(Offset instructionOffset);
* Print this compiled method's portion of a stack trace
* @param instructionOffset offset of machine instruction from start of method
* @param out the PrintLN to print the stack trace to.
public abstract void printStackTrace(Offset instructionOffset, org.jikesrvm.util.PrintLN out);
* Set the stack browser to the innermost logical stack frame of this method.
* @param browser the browser
* @param instr the offset of the instruction
public abstract void set(StackBrowser browser, Offset instr);
* Advance the StackBrowser up one internal stack frame, if possible
* @param browser the browser to advance
* @return whether the browser advanced a frame
public boolean up(StackBrowser browser) {
return false;
* @return the number of bytes used to encode the compiler-specific mapping
* information for this compiled method.
* Used to gather statistics on the space costs of mapping schemes.
public int size() {
return 0;