/* * This file is part of the Jikes RVM project (http://jikesrvm.org). * * This file is licensed to You under the Eclipse Public License (EPL); * You may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You * may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.opensource.org/licenses/eclipse-1.0.php * * See the COPYRIGHT.txt file distributed with this work for information * regarding copyright ownership. */ package org.mmtk.policy.immix; import static org.mmtk.policy.immix.ImmixConstants.*; import static org.mmtk.utility.Constants.LOG_BYTES_IN_SHORT; import org.mmtk.vm.VM; import org.vmmagic.pragma.Uninterruptible; import org.vmmagic.unboxed.Address; import org.vmmagic.unboxed.Extent; import org.vmmagic.unboxed.Offset; /** * This class defines operations over block-granularity meta-data * */ @Uninterruptible public class Block { static Address align(final Address ptr) { return ptr.toWord().and(BLOCK_MASK.not()).toAddress(); } public static boolean isAligned(final Address address) { return address.EQ(align(address)); } private static int getChunkIndex(final Address block) { return block.toWord().and(CHUNK_MASK).rshl(LOG_BYTES_IN_BLOCK).toInt(); } /*************************************************************************** * Block marking */ /** * @param address the block's address * @return whether the block is unallocated */ public static boolean isUnused(final Address address) { return getBlockMarkState(address) == UNALLOCATED_BLOCK_STATE; } static boolean isUnusedState(Address cursor) { return cursor.loadShort() == UNALLOCATED_BLOCK_STATE; } static short getMarkState(Address cursor) { return cursor.loadShort(); } static void setState(Address cursor, short value) { cursor.store(value); } public static short getBlockMarkState(Address address) { return getBlockMarkStateAddress(address).loadShort(); } static void setBlockAsInUse(Address address) { if (VM.VERIFY_ASSERTIONS) VM.assertions._assert(isUnused(address)); setBlockState(address, UNMARKED_BLOCK_STATE); } public static void setBlockAsReused(Address address) { if (VM.VERIFY_ASSERTIONS) VM.assertions._assert(!isUnused(address)); setBlockState(address, REUSED_BLOCK_STATE); } static void setBlockAsUnallocated(Address address) { if (VM.VERIFY_ASSERTIONS) VM.assertions._assert(!isUnused(address)); getBlockMarkStateAddress(address).store(UNALLOCATED_BLOCK_STATE); } private static void setBlockState(Address address, short value) { if (VM.VERIFY_ASSERTIONS) VM.assertions._assert(value != UNALLOCATED_BLOCK_STATE); getBlockMarkStateAddress(address).store(value); } static Address getBlockMarkStateAddress(Address address) { Address chunk = Chunk.align(address); int index = getChunkIndex(address); Address rtn = chunk.plus(Chunk.BLOCK_STATE_TABLE_OFFSET).plus(index << LOG_BYTES_IN_BLOCK_STATE_ENTRY); if (VM.VERIFY_ASSERTIONS) { Address block = chunk.plus(index << LOG_BYTES_IN_BLOCK); VM.assertions._assert(isAligned(block)); boolean valid = rtn.GE(chunk.plus(Chunk.BLOCK_STATE_TABLE_OFFSET)) && rtn.LT(chunk.plus(Chunk.BLOCK_STATE_TABLE_OFFSET + BLOCK_STATE_TABLE_BYTES)); VM.assertions._assert(valid); } return rtn; } /*************************************************************************** * Sweeping */ /** * Sweeps one block.<p> * * TODO: needs better documentation. * * @param block the block's address * @param markHistogram the mark histogram * @param markState the mark value * @param resetMarkState whether to reset the mark state * @return number of marked lines */ static short sweepOneBlock(Address block, int[] markHistogram, final byte markState, final boolean resetMarkState) { if (VM.VERIFY_ASSERTIONS) VM.assertions._assert(isAligned(block)); final boolean unused = isUnused(block); if (unused && !SANITY_CHECK_LINE_MARKS) return 0; Address markTable = Line.getBlockMarkTable(block); short markCount = 0; short conservativeSpillCount = 0; byte mark, lastMark = 0; for (int offset = 0; offset < (LINES_IN_BLOCK << Line.LOG_BYTES_IN_LINE_STATUS); offset += Line.BYTES_IN_LINE_STATUS) { if (VM.VERIFY_ASSERTIONS) { VM.assertions._assert(markTable.plus(offset).GE(Chunk.align(block).plus(Chunk.LINE_MARK_TABLE_OFFSET))); VM.assertions._assert(markTable.plus(offset).LT(Chunk.align(block).plus(Chunk.LINE_MARK_TABLE_OFFSET + Line.LINE_MARK_TABLE_BYTES))); } mark = markTable.loadByte(Offset.fromIntZeroExtend(offset)); if (resetMarkState) markTable.store(mark == markState ? RESET_LINE_MARK_STATE : 0, Offset.fromIntZeroExtend(offset)); if (mark == markState) markCount++; else if (lastMark == markState) conservativeSpillCount++; else if (SANITY_CHECK_LINE_MARKS && lastMark != markState) { VM.memory.zero(false, block.plus(offset << (LOG_BYTES_IN_LINE - Line.LOG_BYTES_IN_LINE_STATUS)),Extent.fromIntZeroExtend(BYTES_IN_LINE)); } lastMark = mark; } if (VM.VERIFY_ASSERTIONS) { VM.assertions._assert(markCount <= LINES_IN_BLOCK); VM.assertions._assert(markCount + conservativeSpillCount <= LINES_IN_BLOCK); VM.assertions._assert(markCount == 0 || !isUnused(block)); } getDefragStateAddress(block).store(conservativeSpillCount); if (VM.VERIFY_ASSERTIONS) VM.assertions._assert(markCount >= conservativeSpillCount); markHistogram[conservativeSpillCount] += markCount; markCount = (short) (markCount + conservativeSpillCount); return markCount; } /**************************************************************************** * Block defrag state */ /** * @param address the block's address * @return whether the defrag state is {@link #BLOCK_IS_DEFRAG_SOURCE} */ public static boolean isDefragSource(Address address) { return getDefragStateAddress(address).loadShort() == BLOCK_IS_DEFRAG_SOURCE; } static void clearConservativeSpillCount(Address address) { getDefragStateAddress(address).store((short) 0); } static short getConservativeSpillCount(Address address) { return getDefragStateAddress(address).loadShort(); } static Address getDefragStateAddress(Address address) { Address chunk = Chunk.align(address); int index = getChunkIndex(address); Address rtn = chunk.plus(Chunk.BLOCK_DEFRAG_STATE_TABLE_OFFSET).plus(index << LOG_BYTES_IN_BLOCK_DEFRAG_STATE_ENTRY); if (VM.VERIFY_ASSERTIONS) { Address block = chunk.plus(index << LOG_BYTES_IN_BLOCK); VM.assertions._assert(isAligned(block)); boolean valid = rtn.GE(chunk.plus(Chunk.BLOCK_DEFRAG_STATE_TABLE_OFFSET)) && rtn.LT(chunk.plus(Chunk.BLOCK_DEFRAG_STATE_TABLE_OFFSET + BLOCK_DEFRAG_STATE_TABLE_BYTES)); VM.assertions._assert(valid); } return rtn; } static void resetLineMarksAndDefragStateTable(short threshold, Address markStateBase, Address defragStateBase, Address lineMarkBase, int block) { Offset csOffset = Offset.fromIntZeroExtend(block << LOG_BYTES_IN_BLOCK_DEFRAG_STATE_ENTRY); short state = defragStateBase.loadShort(csOffset); short defragState = BLOCK_IS_NOT_DEFRAG_SOURCE; if (state >= threshold) defragState = BLOCK_IS_DEFRAG_SOURCE; defragStateBase.store(defragState, csOffset); } private static final short UNALLOCATED_BLOCK_STATE = 0; private static final short UNMARKED_BLOCK_STATE = (short) (MAX_BLOCK_MARK_STATE + 1); private static final short REUSED_BLOCK_STATE = (short) (MAX_BLOCK_MARK_STATE + 2); private static final short BLOCK_IS_NOT_DEFRAG_SOURCE = 0; private static final short BLOCK_IS_DEFRAG_SOURCE = 1; /* block states */ static final int LOG_BYTES_IN_BLOCK_STATE_ENTRY = LOG_BYTES_IN_SHORT; // use a short for now static final int BYTES_IN_BLOCK_STATE_ENTRY = 1 << LOG_BYTES_IN_BLOCK_STATE_ENTRY; static final int BLOCK_STATE_TABLE_BYTES = BLOCKS_IN_CHUNK << LOG_BYTES_IN_BLOCK_STATE_ENTRY; /* per-block defrag state */ static final int LOG_BYTES_IN_BLOCK_DEFRAG_STATE_ENTRY = LOG_BYTES_IN_SHORT; static final int BYTES_IN_BLOCK_DEFRAG_STATE_ENTRY = 1 << LOG_BYTES_IN_BLOCK_DEFRAG_STATE_ENTRY; static final int BLOCK_DEFRAG_STATE_TABLE_BYTES = BLOCKS_IN_CHUNK << LOG_BYTES_IN_BLOCK_DEFRAG_STATE_ENTRY; }