/* * This file is part of the Jikes RVM project (http://jikesrvm.org). * * This file is licensed to You under the Eclipse Public License (EPL); * You may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You * may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.opensource.org/licenses/eclipse-1.0.php * * See the COPYRIGHT.txt file distributed with this work for information * regarding copyright ownership. */ class TestStackAccess { public static void main(String[] args) { run(); } static boolean testSuccess = true; public static boolean run() { System.out.print("TestStackAccess"); String str; if (!istoreload().equals("01234")) { System.out.println(); System.out.println("want: 01234\n got: "); System.out.println(istoreload()); testSuccess = false; } if (!fstoreload().equals("")) { System.out.println(); System.out.println("want:\n got: "); System.out.println(fstoreload()); testSuccess = false; } if (!astoreload().equals("nullnullnullnullnull")) { System.out.println(); System.out.println("want: nullnullnullnullnull\n got: "); System.out.println(astoreload()); testSuccess = false; } str = lstoreload0() + lstoreload1() + lstoreload2() + lstoreload3() + lstoreload(); if (!str.equals("001012012301234")) { System.out.println(); System.out.println("want: 001012012301234\n got: "); System.out.println(str); testSuccess = false; } str = dstoreload0() + dstoreload1() + dstoreload2() + dstoreload3() + dstoreload(); if (!str.equals("0.001.0012.00123.001234.0")) { System.out.println(); System.out.println("want: 0.001.0012.00123.001234.0\n got: "); System.out.println(str); testSuccess = false; } if (!dup().equals("12211")) { System.out.println(); System.out.println("want: 12211\n got: "); System.out.println(dup()); testSuccess = false; } if (!swap().equals("x")) { System.out.println(); System.out.println("want: x\n got: "); System.out.println(swap()); testSuccess = false; } if (testSuccess) System.out.println(" succeeded."); else System.out.println(" failed. *********************"); return testSuccess; } static String istoreload() { int x0 = 0; // istore_0 int x1 = 1; // istore_1 int x2 = 2; // istore_2 int x3 = 3; // istore_3 int x4 = 4; // istore /* System.out.print(x0); // iload_0 System.out.print(x1); // iload_1 System.out.print(x2); // iload_2 System.out.print(x3); // iload_3 System.out.print(x4); // iload */ return Integer.toString(x0) + Integer.toString(x1) + Integer.toString(x2) + Integer.toString(x3) + Integer.toString(x4) ; } static String fstoreload() { float x0 = 0; // fstore_0 float x1 = 1; // fstore_1 float x2 = 2; // fstore_2 float x3 = 3; // fstore_3 float x4 = 4; // fstore /* System.out.print(x0); // fload_0 System.out.print(x1); // fload_1 System.out.print(x2); // fload_2 System.out.print(x3); // fload_3 System.out.print(x4); // fload */ return Float.toString(x0) + Float.toString(x1) + Float.toString(x2) + Float.toString(x3) + Float.toString(x4) ; } static String astoreload() { Object x0 = null; // astore_0 Object x1 = null; // astore_1 Object x2 = null; // astore_2 Object x3 = null; // astore_3 Object x4 = null; // astore /* System.out.print(x0); // aload_0 System.out.print(x1); // aload_1 System.out.print(x2); // aload_2 System.out.print(x3); // aload_3 System.out.print(x4); // aload */ String str = ""; if (x0 == null) str += "null"; if (x1 == null) str += "null"; if (x2 == null) str += "null"; if (x3 == null) str += "null"; if (x4 == null) str += "null"; return str; } static String lstoreload0() { long x0 = 0; // lstore_0 /* System.out.print(x0); // lload_0 */ return Long.toString(x0); } static String lstoreload1() { int x0 = 0; long x1 = 1; // lstore_1 /* System.out.print(x0); System.out.print(x1); // lload_1 */ return Integer.toString(x0) + Long.toString(x1); } static String lstoreload2() { int x0 = 0; int x1 = 1; long x2 = 2; // lstore_2 /* System.out.print(x0); System.out.print(x1); System.out.print(x2); // lload_2 */ return Integer.toString(x0) + Integer.toString(x1) + Long.toString(x2); } static String lstoreload3() { int x0 = 0; int x1 = 1; int x2 = 2; long x3 = 3; // lstore_3 /* System.out.print(x0); System.out.print(x1); System.out.print(x2); System.out.print(x3); // lload_3 */ return Integer.toString(x0) + Integer.toString(x1) + Integer.toString(x2) + Long.toString(x3); } static String lstoreload() { int x0 = 0; int x1 = 1; int x2 = 2; int x3 = 3; long x4 = 4; // lstore /* System.out.print(x0); System.out.print(x1); System.out.print(x2); System.out.print(x3); System.out.print(x4); // lload */ return Integer.toString(x0) + Integer.toString(x1) + Integer.toString(x2) + Integer.toString(x3) + Long.toString(x4); } static String dstoreload0() { double x0 = 0; // dstore_0 // System.out.print(x0); // dload_0 return Double.toString(x0); } static String dstoreload1() { int x0 = 0; double x1 = 1; // dstore_1 /* System.out.print(x0); System.out.print(x1); // dload_1 */ return Integer.toString(x0) + Double.toString(x1); } static String dstoreload2() { int x0 = 0; int x1 = 1; double x2 = 2; // dstore_2 /* System.out.print(x0); System.out.print(x1); System.out.print(x2); // dload_2 */ return Integer.toString(x0) + Integer.toString(x1) + Double.toString(x2); } static String dstoreload3() { int x0 = 0; int x1 = 1; int x2 = 2; double x3 = 3; // dstore_3 /* System.out.print(x0); System.out.print(x1); System.out.print(x2); System.out.print(x3); // dload_3 */ return Integer.toString(x0) + Integer.toString(x1) + Integer.toString(x2) + Double.toString(x3); } static String dstoreload() { int x0 = 0; int x1 = 1; int x2 = 2; int x3 = 3; double x4 = 4; // dstore /* System.out.print(x0); System.out.print(x1); System.out.print(x2); System.out.print(x3); System.out.print(x4); // dload */ return Integer.toString(x0) + Integer.toString(x1) + Integer.toString(x2) + Integer.toString(x3) + Double.toString(x4); } static long sa, sb; long a, b; int pos = 0; int[] buf = { 1, 2 }; int lpos = 0; long[] lbuf = { 1, 2 }; static String dup() { TestStackAccess t = new TestStackAccess(); // dup String str = Integer.toString(t.buf[t.pos++]); // System.out.print(t.buf[t.pos++]); // dup_x1 sa = sb = 1; // dup2 str += Long.toString(sa + sb); // System.out.print(sa + sb); t.a = t.b = 1; // dup2_x1 str += Long.toString(t.a + t.b); // System.out.print(t.a + t.b); str += Long.toString(t.lbuf[t.lpos]++); //System.out.print(t.lbuf[t.lpos]++); // dup2_x2 int[] x = new int[1]; switch(x[0] = 1) { // dup_x2 case 1: { str += Integer.toString(1); // System.out.print(1); } } return str; } static String swap() { String s = ""; s += "x"; // swap return s; // System.out.println(s); } }