/* * This file is part of the Jikes RVM project (http://jikesrvm.org). * * This file is licensed to You under the Eclipse Public License (EPL); * You may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You * may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.opensource.org/licenses/eclipse-1.0.php * * See the COPYRIGHT.txt file distributed with this work for information * regarding copyright ownership. */ package org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.ssa; import static org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.ir.Operators.FENCE; import static org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.ir.Operators.READ_CEILING; import static org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.ir.Operators.WRITE_FLOOR; import java.util.Enumeration; import org.jikesrvm.classloader.TypeReference; import org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.OptimizingCompilerException; import org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.dfsolver.DF_Equation; import org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.dfsolver.DF_LatticeCell; import org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.dfsolver.DF_Operator; import org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.dfsolver.DF_System; import org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.ir.ALoad; import org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.ir.AStore; import org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.ir.Attempt; import org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.ir.BasicBlock; import org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.ir.CacheOp; import org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.ir.Call; import org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.ir.GetField; import org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.ir.GetStatic; import org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.ir.IR; import org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.ir.IRTools; import org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.ir.Instruction; import org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.ir.MonitorOp; import org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.ir.New; import org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.ir.NewArray; import org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.ir.Phi; import org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.ir.Prepare; import org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.ir.PutField; import org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.ir.PutStatic; import org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.ir.operand.HeapOperand; import org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.ir.operand.Operand; import org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.ssa.IndexPropagation.ArrayCell; import org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.ssa.IndexPropagation.ObjectCell; /** * Represents a set of dataflow equations used to solve the * index propagation problem. */ class IndexPropagationSystem extends DF_System { /** * The governing IR. */ private final IR ir; /** * Heap Array SSA lookaside information for the IR. */ private final SSADictionary ssa; /** * Results of global value numbering */ private final GlobalValueNumberState valueNumbers; /** * object representing the MEET operator */ private static final MeetOperator MEET = new MeetOperator(); /** * Set up the system of dataflow equations. * @param _ir the IR */ IndexPropagationSystem(IR _ir) { ir = _ir; ssa = ir.HIRInfo.dictionary; valueNumbers = ir.HIRInfo.valueNumbers; setupEquations(); } /** * Create an DF_LatticeCell corresponding to an HeapVariable * @param o the heap variable * @return a new lattice cell corresponding to this heap variable */ @Override protected DF_LatticeCell makeCell(Object o) { if (!(o instanceof HeapVariable)) { throw new OptimizingCompilerException("IndexPropagation:makeCell"); } DF_LatticeCell result = null; Object heapType = ((HeapVariable<?>) o).getHeapType(); if (heapType instanceof TypeReference) { result = new ArrayCell((HeapVariable<?>) o); } else { result = new ObjectCell((HeapVariable<?>) o); } return result; } /** * Initialize the lattice variables. */ @Override protected void initializeLatticeCells() { // initially all lattice cells are set to TOP // set the lattice cells that are exposed on entry to BOTTOM for (DF_LatticeCell c : cells.values()) { if (c instanceof ObjectCell) { ObjectCell c1 = (ObjectCell) c; HeapVariable<?> key = c1.getKey(); if (key.isExposedOnEntry()) { c1.setBOTTOM(); } } else { ArrayCell c1 = (ArrayCell) c; HeapVariable<?> key = c1.getKey(); if (key.isExposedOnEntry()) { c1.setBOTTOM(); } } } } /** * Initialize the work list for the dataflow equation system. */ @Override protected void initializeWorkList() { // add all equations to the work list that contain a non-TOP // variable for (Enumeration<DF_Equation> e = getEquations(); e.hasMoreElements();) { DF_Equation eq = e.nextElement(); for (DF_LatticeCell operand : eq.getOperands()) { if (operand instanceof ObjectCell) { if (!((ObjectCell) operand).isTOP()) { addToWorkList(eq); break; } } else { if (!((ArrayCell) operand).isTOP()) { addToWorkList(eq); break; } } } } } /** * Walk through the IR and add dataflow equations for each instruction * that affects the values of Array SSA variables. */ void setupEquations() { for (Enumeration<BasicBlock> e = ir.getBasicBlocks(); e.hasMoreElements();) { BasicBlock bb = e.nextElement(); for (SSADictionary.AllInstructionEnumeration e2 = ssa.getAllInstructions(bb); e2.hasMoreElements();) { Instruction s = e2.nextElement(); // only consider instructions which use/def Array SSA variables if (!ssa.usesHeapVariable(s) && !ssa.defsHeapVariable(s)) { continue; } if (s.isDynamicLinkingPoint()) { processCall(s); } else if (GetStatic.conforms(s)) { processLoad(s); } else if (GetField.conforms(s)) { processLoad(s); } else if (PutStatic.conforms(s)) { processStore(s); } else if (PutField.conforms(s)) { processStore(s); } else if (New.conforms(s)) { processNew(s); } else if (NewArray.conforms(s)) { processNew(s); } else if (ALoad.conforms(s)) { processALoad(s); } else if (AStore.conforms(s)) { processAStore(s); } else if (Call.conforms(s)) { processCall(s); } else if (MonitorOp.conforms(s)) { processCall(s); } else if (Prepare.conforms(s)) { processCall(s); } else if (Attempt.conforms(s)) { processCall(s); } else if (CacheOp.conforms(s)) { processCall(s); } else if (Phi.conforms(s)) { processPhi(s); } else if (s.operator() == READ_CEILING) { processCall(s); } else if (s.operator() == WRITE_FLOOR) { processCall(s); } else if (s.operator() == FENCE) { processCall(s); } } } } /** * Update the set of dataflow equations to account for the actions * of a Load instruction * * <p> The load is of the form x = A[k]. let A_1 be the array SSA * variable before the load, and A_2 the array SSA variable after * the store. Then we add the dataflow equation * L(A_2) = updateUse(L(A_1), VALNUM(k)) * * <p> Intuitively, this equation represents the fact that A[k] is available * after the store * * @param s the Load instruction */ void processLoad(Instruction s) { HeapOperand<?>[] A1 = ssa.getHeapUses(s); HeapOperand<?>[] A2 = ssa.getHeapDefs(s); if ((A1.length != 1) || (A2.length != 1)) { throw new OptimizingCompilerException( "IndexPropagation.processLoad: load instruction defs or uses multiple heap variables?"); } int valueNumber = -1; if (GetField.conforms(s)) { Object address = GetField.getRef(s); valueNumber = valueNumbers.getValueNumber(address); } else { // GetStatic.conforms(s) valueNumber = 0; } if (IRTools.mayBeVolatileFieldLoad(s) || ir.options.READS_KILL) { // to obey JMM strictly, we must treat every load as a // DEF addUpdateObjectDefEquation(A2[0].getHeapVariable(), A1[0].getHeapVariable(), valueNumber); } else { // otherwise, don't have to treat every load as a DEF addUpdateObjectUseEquation(A2[0].getHeapVariable(), A1[0].getHeapVariable(), valueNumber); } } /** * Update the set of dataflow equations to account for the actions * of a Store instruction. * * <p> The store is of the form A[k] = val. let A_1 be the array SSA * variable before the store, and A_2 the array SSA variable after * the store. Then we add the dataflow equation * L(A_2) = updateDef(L(A_1), VALNUM(k)) * * <p> Intuitively, this equation represents the fact that A[k] is available * after the store * * @param s the Store instruction */ void processStore(Instruction s) { HeapOperand<?>[] A1 = ssa.getHeapUses(s); HeapOperand<?>[] A2 = ssa.getHeapDefs(s); if ((A1.length != 1) || (A2.length != 1)) { throw new OptimizingCompilerException( "IndexPropagation.processStore: store instruction defs or uses multiple heap variables?"); } int valueNumber = -1; if (PutField.conforms(s)) { Object address = PutField.getRef(s); valueNumber = valueNumbers.getValueNumber(address); } else { // PutStatic.conforms(s) valueNumber = 0; } addUpdateObjectDefEquation(A2[0].getHeapVariable(), A1[0].getHeapVariable(), valueNumber); } /** * Update the set of dataflow equations to account for the actions * of ALoad instruction s * * <p> The load is of the form x = A[k]. let A_1 be the array SSA * variable before the load, and A_2 the array SSA variable after * the load. Then we add the dataflow equation * L(A_2) = updateUse(L(A_1), VALNUM(k)) * * <p> Intuitively, this equation represents the fact that A[k] is available * after the store * * @param s the Aload instruction */ void processALoad(Instruction s) { HeapOperand<?>[] A1 = ssa.getHeapUses(s); HeapOperand<?>[] A2 = ssa.getHeapDefs(s); if ((A1.length != 1) || (A2.length != 1)) { throw new OptimizingCompilerException( "IndexPropagation.processALoad: aload instruction defs or uses multiple heap variables?"); } Operand array = ALoad.getArray(s); Operand index = ALoad.getIndex(s); if (IRTools.mayBeVolatileFieldLoad(s) || ir.options.READS_KILL) { // to obey JMM strictly, we must treat every load as a // DEF addUpdateArrayDefEquation(A2[0].getHeapVariable(), A1[0].getHeapVariable(), array, index); } else { // otherwise, don't have to treat every load as a DEF addUpdateArrayUseEquation(A2[0].getHeapVariable(), A1[0].getHeapVariable(), array, index); } } /** * Update the set of dataflow equations to account for the actions * of AStore instruction s * * <p> The store is of the form A[k] = val. let A_1 be the array SSA * variable before the store, and A_2 the array SSA variable after * the store. Then we add the dataflow equation * L(A_2) = update(L(A_1), VALNUM(k)) * * <p> Intuitively, this equation represents the fact that A[k] is available * after the store * * @param s the Astore instruction */ void processAStore(Instruction s) { HeapOperand<?>[] A1 = ssa.getHeapUses(s); HeapOperand<?>[] A2 = ssa.getHeapDefs(s); if ((A1.length != 1) || (A2.length != 1)) { throw new OptimizingCompilerException( "IndexPropagation.processAStore: astore instruction defs or uses multiple heap variables?"); } Operand array = AStore.getArray(s); Operand index = AStore.getIndex(s); addUpdateArrayDefEquation(A2[0].getHeapVariable(), A1[0].getHeapVariable(), array, index); } /** * Update the set of dataflow equations to account for the actions * of allocation instruction s * * @param s the New instruction */ void processNew(Instruction s) { /** Assume nothing is a available after a new. So, set * each lattice cell defined by the NEW as BOTTOM. * TODO: add logic that understands that after a * NEW, all fields have their default values. */ for (HeapOperand<?> def : ssa.getHeapDefs(s)) { DF_LatticeCell c = findOrCreateCell(def.getHeapVariable()); if (c instanceof ObjectCell) { ((ObjectCell) c).setBOTTOM(); } else { ((ArrayCell) c).setBOTTOM(); } } } /** * Update the set of dataflow equations to account for the actions * of CALL instruction. * * @param s the Call instruction */ void processCall(Instruction s) { /** set all lattice cells def'ed by the call to bottom */ for (HeapOperand<?> operand : ssa.getHeapDefs(s)) { DF_LatticeCell c = findOrCreateCell(operand.getHeapVariable()); if (c instanceof ObjectCell) { ((ObjectCell) c).setBOTTOM(); } else { ((ArrayCell) c).setBOTTOM(); } } } /** * Update the set of dataflow equations to account for the actions * of Phi instruction. * * <p> The instruction has the form A1 = PHI (A2, A3, A4); * We add the dataflow equation * L(A1) = MEET(L(A2), L(A3), L(A4)) * * @param s the Phi instruction */ void processPhi(Instruction s) { Operand result = Phi.getResult(s); if (!(result instanceof HeapOperand)) { return; } HeapVariable<?> lhs = ((HeapOperand<?>) result).value; DF_LatticeCell A1 = findOrCreateCell(lhs); DF_LatticeCell[] rhs = new DF_LatticeCell[Phi.getNumberOfValues(s)]; for (int i = 0; i < rhs.length; i++) { HeapOperand<?> op = (HeapOperand<?>) Phi.getValue(s, i); rhs[i] = findOrCreateCell(op.value); } newEquation(A1, MEET, rhs); } /** * Add an equation to the system of the form * L(A1) = updateDef(L(A2), VALNUM(address)) * * @param A1 variable in the equation * @param A2 variable in the equation * @param valueNumber value number of the address */ void addUpdateObjectDefEquation(HeapVariable<?> A1, HeapVariable<?> A2, int valueNumber) { DF_LatticeCell cell1 = findOrCreateCell(A1); DF_LatticeCell cell2 = findOrCreateCell(A2); UpdateDefObjectOperator op = new UpdateDefObjectOperator(valueNumber); newEquation(cell1, op, cell2); } /** * Add an equation to the system of the form * <pre> * L(A1) = updateUse(L(A2), VALNUM(address)) * </pre> * * @param A1 variable in the equation * @param A2 variable in the equation * @param valueNumber value number of address */ void addUpdateObjectUseEquation(HeapVariable<?> A1, HeapVariable<?> A2, int valueNumber) { DF_LatticeCell cell1 = findOrCreateCell(A1); DF_LatticeCell cell2 = findOrCreateCell(A2); UpdateUseObjectOperator op = new UpdateUseObjectOperator(valueNumber); newEquation(cell1, op, cell2); } /** * Add an equation to the system of the form * <pre> * L(A1) = updateDef(L(A2), <VALNUM(array),VALNUM(index)>) * </pre> * * @param A1 variable in the equation * @param A2 variable in the equation * @param array variable in the equation * @param index variable in the equation */ void addUpdateArrayDefEquation(HeapVariable<?> A1, HeapVariable<?> A2, Object array, Object index) { DF_LatticeCell cell1 = findOrCreateCell(A1); DF_LatticeCell cell2 = findOrCreateCell(A2); int arrayNumber = valueNumbers.getValueNumber(array); int indexNumber = valueNumbers.getValueNumber(index); UpdateDefArrayOperator op = new UpdateDefArrayOperator(arrayNumber, indexNumber); newEquation(cell1, op, cell2); } /** * Add an equation to the system of the form * <pre> * L(A1) = updateUse(L(A2), <VALNUM(array),VALNUM(index)>) * </pre> * * @param A1 variable in the equation * @param A2 variable in the equation * @param array variable in the equation * @param index variable in the equation */ void addUpdateArrayUseEquation(HeapVariable<?> A1, HeapVariable<?> A2, Object array, Object index) { DF_LatticeCell cell1 = findOrCreateCell(A1); DF_LatticeCell cell2 = findOrCreateCell(A2); int arrayNumber = valueNumbers.getValueNumber(array); int indexNumber = valueNumbers.getValueNumber(index); UpdateUseArrayOperator op = new UpdateUseArrayOperator(arrayNumber, indexNumber); newEquation(cell1, op, cell2); } /** * Represents a MEET function (intersection) over Cells. */ static class MeetOperator extends DF_Operator { /** * @return "MEET" */ @Override public String toString() { return "MEET"; } /** * Evaluate a dataflow equation with the MEET operator * @param operands the operands of the dataflow equation * @return true iff the value of the lhs changes */ @Override public boolean evaluate(DF_LatticeCell[] operands) { DF_LatticeCell lhs = operands[0]; if (lhs instanceof ObjectCell) { return evaluateObjectMeet(operands); } else { return evaluateArrayMeet(operands); } } /** * Evaluate a dataflow equation with the MEET operator * for lattice cells representing field heap variables. * @param operands the operands of the dataflow equation * @return true iff the value of the lhs changes */ boolean evaluateObjectMeet(DF_LatticeCell[] operands) { ObjectCell lhs = (ObjectCell) operands[0]; // short-circuit if lhs is already bottom if (lhs.isBOTTOM()) { return false; } // short-circuit if any rhs is bottom for (int j = 1; j < operands.length; j++) { ObjectCell r = (ObjectCell) operands[j]; if (r.isBOTTOM()) { // from the previous short-circuit, we know lhs was not already bottom, so ... lhs.setBOTTOM(); return true; } } boolean lhsWasTOP = lhs.isTOP(); int[] oldNumbers = null; if (!lhsWasTOP) oldNumbers = lhs.copyValueNumbers(); lhs.clear(); // perform the intersections if (operands.length > 1) { int firstNonTopRHS = -1; // find the first RHS lattice cell that is not TOP for (int j = 1; j < operands.length; j++) { ObjectCell r = (ObjectCell) operands[j]; if (!r.isTOP()) { firstNonTopRHS = j; break; } } // if we did not find ANY non-top cell, then simply set // lhs to top and return if (firstNonTopRHS == -1) { lhs.setTOP(true); return false; } // if we get here, we found a non-top cell. Start merging // here int[] rhsNumbers = ((ObjectCell) operands[firstNonTopRHS]).copyValueNumbers(); if (rhsNumbers != null) { for (int v : rhsNumbers) { lhs.add(v); for (int j = firstNonTopRHS + 1; j < operands.length; j++) { ObjectCell r = (ObjectCell) operands[j]; if (!r.contains(v)) { lhs.remove(v); break; } } } } } // check if anything has changed if (lhsWasTOP) return true; int[] newNumbers = lhs.copyValueNumbers(); return ObjectCell.setsDiffer(oldNumbers, newNumbers); } /** * Evaluate a dataflow equation with the MEET operator * for lattice cells representing array heap variables. * @param operands the operands of the dataflow equation * @return true iff the value of the lhs changes */ boolean evaluateArrayMeet(DF_LatticeCell[] operands) { ArrayCell lhs = (ArrayCell) operands[0]; // short-circuit if lhs is already bottom if (lhs.isBOTTOM()) { return false; } // short-circuit if any rhs is bottom for (int j = 1; j < operands.length; j++) { ArrayCell r = (ArrayCell) operands[j]; if (r.isBOTTOM()) { // from the previous short-circuit, we know lhs was not already bottom, so ... lhs.setBOTTOM(); return true; } } boolean lhsWasTOP = lhs.isTOP(); ValueNumberPair[] oldNumbers = null; if (!lhsWasTOP) oldNumbers = lhs.copyValueNumbers(); lhs.clear(); // perform the intersections if (operands.length > 1) { int firstNonTopRHS = -1; // find the first RHS lattice cell that is not TOP for (int j = 1; j < operands.length; j++) { ArrayCell r = (ArrayCell) operands[j]; if (!r.isTOP()) { firstNonTopRHS = j; break; } } // if we did not find ANY non-top cell, then simply set // lhs to top and return if (firstNonTopRHS == -1) { lhs.setTOP(true); return false; } // if we get here, we found a non-top cell. Start merging // here ValueNumberPair[] rhsNumbers = ((ArrayCell) operands[firstNonTopRHS]).copyValueNumbers(); if (rhsNumbers != null) { for (ValueNumberPair pair : rhsNumbers) { int v1 = pair.v1; int v2 = pair.v2; lhs.add(v1, v2); for (int j = firstNonTopRHS + 1; j < operands.length; j++) { ArrayCell r = (ArrayCell) operands[j]; if (!r.contains(v1, v2)) { lhs.remove(v1, v2); break; } } } } } // check if anything has changed if (lhsWasTOP) return true; ValueNumberPair[] newNumbers = lhs.copyValueNumbers(); return ArrayCell.setsDiffer(oldNumbers, newNumbers); } } /** * Represents an UPDATE_DEF function over two ObjectCells. * <p> Given a value number v, this function updates a heap variable * lattice cell to indicate that element at address v is * available, but kills any available indices that are not DD from v */ class UpdateDefObjectOperator extends DF_Operator { /** * The value number used in the dataflow equation. */ private final int valueNumber; /** * @return a String representation */ @Override public String toString() { return "UPDATE-DEF<" + valueNumber + ">"; } UpdateDefObjectOperator(int valueNumber) { this.valueNumber = valueNumber; } /** * Evaluate the dataflow equation with this operator. * @param operands operands in the dataflow equation * @return true iff the lhs changes from this evaluation */ @Override public boolean evaluate(DF_LatticeCell[] operands) { ObjectCell lhs = (ObjectCell) operands[0]; if (lhs.isBOTTOM()) { return false; } ObjectCell rhs = (ObjectCell) operands[1]; boolean lhsWasTOP = lhs.isTOP(); int[] oldNumbers = null; if (!lhsWasTOP) oldNumbers = lhs.copyValueNumbers(); lhs.clear(); if (rhs.isTOP()) { throw new OptimizingCompilerException("Unexpected lattice operation"); } int[] numbers = rhs.copyValueNumbers(); // add all rhs numbers that are DD from valueNumber if (numbers != null) { for (int number : numbers) { if (valueNumbers.DD(number, valueNumber)) { lhs.add(number); } } } // add value number generated by this update lhs.add(valueNumber); // check if anything has changed if (lhsWasTOP) return true; int[] newNumbers = lhs.copyValueNumbers(); return ObjectCell.setsDiffer(oldNumbers, newNumbers); } } /** * Represents an UPDATE_USE function over two ObjectCells. * * <p> Given a value number v, this function updates a heap variable * lattice cell to indicate that element at address v is * available, and doesn't kill any available indices */ static class UpdateUseObjectOperator extends DF_Operator { /** * The value number used in the dataflow equation. */ private final int valueNumber; /** * @return "UPDATE-USE" */ @Override public String toString() { return "UPDATE-USE<" + valueNumber + ">"; } UpdateUseObjectOperator(int valueNumber) { this.valueNumber = valueNumber; } /** * Evaluate the dataflow equation with this operator. * @param operands operands in the dataflow equation * @return true iff the lhs changes from this evaluation */ @Override public boolean evaluate(DF_LatticeCell[] operands) { ObjectCell lhs = (ObjectCell) operands[0]; if (lhs.isBOTTOM()) { return false; } ObjectCell rhs = (ObjectCell) operands[1]; int[] oldNumbers = null; boolean lhsWasTOP = lhs.isTOP(); if (!lhsWasTOP) oldNumbers = lhs.copyValueNumbers(); lhs.clear(); if (rhs.isTOP()) { throw new OptimizingCompilerException("Unexpected lattice operation"); } int[] numbers = rhs.copyValueNumbers(); // add all rhs numbers if (numbers != null) { for (int number : numbers) { lhs.add(number); } } // add value number generated by this update lhs.add(valueNumber); // check if anything has changed if (lhsWasTOP) return true; int[] newNumbers = lhs.copyValueNumbers(); return ObjectCell.setsDiffer(oldNumbers, newNumbers); } } /** * Represents an UPDATE_DEF function over two ArrayCells. * Given two value numbers v1, v2, this function updates a heap variable * lattice cell to indicate that element for array v1 at address v2 is * available, but kills any available indices that are not DD from <v1,v2> */ class UpdateDefArrayOperator extends DF_Operator { /** * The value number pair used in the dataflow equation. */ private final ValueNumberPair v; /** * @return "UPDATE-DEF" */ @Override public String toString() { return "UPDATE-DEF<" + v + ">"; } /** * Create an operator with a given value number pair * @param v1 first value number in the pari * @param v2 first value number in the pari */ UpdateDefArrayOperator(int v1, int v2) { v = new ValueNumberPair(v1, v2); } /** * Evaluate the dataflow equation with this operator. * @param operands operands in the dataflow equation * @return true iff the lhs changes from this evaluation */ @Override public boolean evaluate(DF_LatticeCell[] operands) { ArrayCell lhs = (ArrayCell) operands[0]; if (lhs.isBOTTOM()) { return false; } ArrayCell rhs = (ArrayCell) operands[1]; ValueNumberPair[] oldNumbers = null; boolean lhsWasTOP = lhs.isTOP(); if (!lhsWasTOP) oldNumbers = lhs.copyValueNumbers(); lhs.clear(); if (rhs.isTOP()) { throw new OptimizingCompilerException("Unexpected lattice operation"); } ValueNumberPair[] numbers = rhs.copyValueNumbers(); // add all rhs pairs that are DD from either v.v1 or v.v2 if (numbers != null) { for (ValueNumberPair number : numbers) { if (valueNumbers.DD(number.v1, v.v1)) { lhs.add(number.v1, number.v2); } else if (valueNumbers.DD(number.v2, v.v2)) { lhs.add(number.v1, number.v2); } } } // add the value number pair generated by this update lhs.add(v.v1, v.v2); // check if anything has changed if (lhsWasTOP) { return true; } ValueNumberPair[] newNumbers = lhs.copyValueNumbers(); return ArrayCell.setsDiffer(oldNumbers, newNumbers); } } /** * Represents an UPDATE_USE function over two ArrayCells. * * <p> Given two value numbers v1, v2, this function updates a heap variable * lattice cell to indicate that element at array v1 index v2 is * available, and doesn't kill any available indices */ static class UpdateUseArrayOperator extends DF_Operator { /** * The value number pair used in the dataflow equation. */ private final ValueNumberPair v; /** * @return "UPDATE-USE" */ @Override public String toString() { return "UPDATE-USE<" + v + ">"; } /** * Create an operator with a given value number pair * @param v1 first value number in the pair * @param v2 second value number in the pair */ UpdateUseArrayOperator(int v1, int v2) { v = new ValueNumberPair(v1, v2); } /** * Evaluate the dataflow equation with this operator. * @param operands operands in the dataflow equation * @return true iff the lhs changes from this evaluation */ @Override public boolean evaluate(DF_LatticeCell[] operands) { ArrayCell lhs = (ArrayCell) operands[0]; if (lhs.isBOTTOM()) { return false; } ArrayCell rhs = (ArrayCell) operands[1]; ValueNumberPair[] oldNumbers = null; boolean lhsWasTOP = lhs.isTOP(); if (!lhsWasTOP) oldNumbers = lhs.copyValueNumbers(); lhs.clear(); if (rhs.isTOP()) { throw new OptimizingCompilerException("Unexpected lattice operation"); } ValueNumberPair[] numbers = rhs.copyValueNumbers(); // add all rhs numbers if (numbers != null) { for (ValueNumberPair number : numbers) { lhs.add(number.v1, number.v2); } } // add value number generated by this update lhs.add(v.v1, v.v2); // check if anything has changed if (lhsWasTOP) { return true; } ValueNumberPair[] newNumbers = lhs.copyValueNumbers(); return ArrayCell.setsDiffer(oldNumbers, newNumbers); } } }