/* * This file is part of the Jikes RVM project (http://jikesrvm.org). * * This file is licensed to You under the Eclipse Public License (EPL); * You may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You * may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.opensource.org/licenses/eclipse-1.0.php * * See the COPYRIGHT.txt file distributed with this work for information * regarding copyright ownership. */ package org.jikesrvm.runtime; import org.jikesrvm.annotations.GenerateImplementation; import org.jikesrvm.annotations.SysCallTemplate; import org.jikesrvm.scheduler.RVMThread; import org.vmmagic.pragma.Uninterruptible; import org.vmmagic.unboxed.Address; import org.vmmagic.unboxed.Word; import org.vmmagic.unboxed.Extent; import org.vmmagic.unboxed.Offset; /** * Support for lowlevel (i.e. non-JNI) invocation of C functions with * static addresses. * <p> * All methods of this class have the following signature: * <pre> * public abstract <TYPE> NAME(<args to pass to sysNAME via native calling convention>) * </pre> * which will call the corresponding method in system call trampoline * with the added function address from the boot image. * <p> * NOTE: From the standpoint of the rest of the VM, an invocation * to a method of SysCall is uninterruptible. * <p> * NOTE: There must be a matching field NAMEIP in BootRecord.java * for each method declared here. */ @Uninterruptible @GenerateImplementation("org.jikesrvm.runtime.SysCallImpl") public abstract class SysCall { /** * Actual implementation of the SysCall class. The implementation * is generated from the code in this class during the build process. */ public static final SysCall sysCall; static { try { sysCall = (SysCall)Class.forName("org.jikesrvm.runtime.SysCallImpl").newInstance(); } catch (final Exception e) { throw new Error(e); } } // lowlevel write to console @SysCallTemplate public abstract void sysConsoleWriteChar(char v); @SysCallTemplate public abstract void sysConsoleWriteInteger(int value, int hexToo); @SysCallTemplate public abstract void sysConsoleWriteLong(long value, int hexToo); @SysCallTemplate public abstract void sysConsoleWriteDouble(double value, int postDecimalDigits); // startup/shutdown @SysCallTemplate public abstract void sysExit(int value); @SysCallTemplate public abstract int sysArg(int argno, byte[] buf, int buflen); // misc. info on the process -- used in startup/shutdown @SysCallTemplate public abstract int sysGetenv(byte[] varName, byte[] buf, int limit); // memory /** * Copies memory.<p> * * Assumption: the memory regions do not overlap. Use * {@link #sysMemmove(Address, Address, Extent)} if the regions might overlap. * @param dst destination address * @param src source address * @param cnt number of bytes to copy */ @SysCallTemplate public abstract void sysCopy(Address dst, Address src, Extent cnt); /** * Copies memory without making any assumptions about the memory areas. * * @param dst destination address * @param src source address * @param cnt number of bytes to copy */ @SysCallTemplate public abstract void sysMemmove(Address dst, Address src, Extent cnt); @SysCallTemplate public abstract Address sysMalloc(int length); @SysCallTemplate public abstract Address sysCalloc(int length); @SysCallTemplate public abstract void sysFree(Address location); @SysCallTemplate public abstract void sysZeroNT(Address dst, Extent cnt); @SysCallTemplate public abstract void sysZero(Address dst, Extent cnt); @SysCallTemplate public abstract void sysZeroPages(Address dst, int cnt); @SysCallTemplate public abstract void sysSyncCache(Address address, int size); /* * Interface to performance events */ @SysCallTemplate public abstract int sysPerfEventInit(int events); @SysCallTemplate public abstract int sysPerfEventCreate(int id, byte[] name); @SysCallTemplate public abstract void sysPerfEventEnable(); @SysCallTemplate public abstract void sysPerfEventDisable(); @SysCallTemplate public abstract int sysPerfEventRead(int id, long[] values); // files @SysCallTemplate public abstract int sysReadByte(int fd); @SysCallTemplate public abstract int sysWriteByte(int fd, int data); @SysCallTemplate public abstract int sysReadBytes(int fd, Address buf, int cnt); @SysCallTemplate public abstract int sysWriteBytes(int fd, Address buf, int cnt); // mmap - memory mapping @SysCallTemplate public abstract Address sysMMap(Address start, Extent length, int protection, int flags, int fd, Offset offset); @SysCallTemplate public abstract Address sysMMapErrno(Address start, Extent length, int protection, int flags, int fd, Offset offset); @SysCallTemplate public abstract int sysMProtect(Address start, Extent length, int prot); // threads @SysCallTemplate public abstract int sysNumProcessors(); /** * Creates a native thread (aka "unix kernel thread", "pthread"). * @param ip the current instruction pointer * @param fp the frame pointer * @param tr the address of the RVMThread object for the thread * @param jtoc value for the thread jtoc * @return native thread's o/s handle */ @SysCallTemplate public abstract Word sysThreadCreate(Address ip, Address fp, Address tr, Address jtoc); /** * Tells you if the current system supportes sysNativeThreadBind(). * @return 1 if it's supported, 0 if it isn't */ @SysCallTemplate public abstract int sysThreadBindSupported(); @SysCallTemplate public abstract void sysThreadBind(int cpuId); @SysCallTemplate public abstract void sysThreadYield(); @SysCallTemplate public abstract Word sysGetThreadId(); @SysCallTemplate public abstract Word sysGetThreadPriorityHandle(); @SysCallTemplate public abstract int sysGetThreadPriority(Word thread, Word handle); @SysCallTemplate public abstract int sysSetThreadPriority(Word thread, Word handle, int priority); // This implies that the RVMThread is somehow pinned, or else the // pthread key value gets moved. (hence RVMThread is @NonMoving) @SysCallTemplate public abstract int sysStashVMThread(RVMThread vmThread); @SysCallTemplate public abstract void sysThreadTerminate(); /** * Allocate the space for a pthread_mutex (using malloc) and initialize * it using pthread_mutex_init with the recursive mutex options. Note: * it is perfectly OK for the C code that implements this syscall to * use some other locking mechanism (for example, on systems that don't * have recursive mutexes you could imagine the recursive feature to be * emulated). * * @return pointer to the created monitor for use in other monitor sys calls */ @SysCallTemplate public abstract Word sysMonitorCreate(); /** * Destroy the monitor pointed to by the argument and free its memory * by calling free. * * @param monitor the pointer to the monitor that is supposed to be * destroyed */ @SysCallTemplate public abstract void sysMonitorDestroy(Word monitor); @SysCallTemplate public abstract void sysMonitorEnter(Word monitor); @SysCallTemplate public abstract void sysMonitorExit(Word monitor); @SysCallTemplate public abstract void sysMonitorTimedWaitAbsolute(Word monitor, long whenWakeupNanos); @SysCallTemplate public abstract void sysMonitorWait(Word monitor); @SysCallTemplate public abstract void sysMonitorBroadcast(Word monitor); // arithmetic @SysCallTemplate public abstract long sysLongDivide(long x, long y); @SysCallTemplate public abstract long sysLongRemainder(long x, long y); @SysCallTemplate public abstract float sysLongToFloat(long x); @SysCallTemplate public abstract double sysLongToDouble(long x); @SysCallTemplate public abstract int sysFloatToInt(float x); @SysCallTemplate public abstract int sysDoubleToInt(double x); @SysCallTemplate public abstract long sysFloatToLong(float x); @SysCallTemplate public abstract long sysDoubleToLong(double x); @SysCallTemplate public abstract double sysDoubleRemainder(double x, double y); /** * Used to parse command line arguments that are * doubles and floats early in booting before it * is safe to call Float.valueOf or Double.valueOf. * * This aborts in case of errors, with an appropriate error message. * * NOTE: this does not support the full Java spec of parsing a string * into a float. * @param buf a null terminated byte[] that can be parsed * by strtof() * @return the floating-point value produced by the call to strtof() on buf. */ @SysCallTemplate public abstract float sysPrimitiveParseFloat(byte[] buf); /** * Used to parse command line arguments that are * bytes and ints early in booting before it * is safe to call Byte.parseByte or Integer.parseInt. * * This aborts in case of errors, with an appropriate error message. * * @param buf a null terminated byte[] that can be parsed * by strtol() * @return the int value produced by the call to strtol() on buf. */ @SysCallTemplate public abstract int sysPrimitiveParseInt(byte[] buf); /** * Used to parse command line arguments that are * (potentially 64-bit) hex values early in booting before it * is safe to call Byte.parseByte or Integer.parseInt. * * This aborts in case of errors, with an appropriate error message. * * @param buf a null terminated byte[] that can be parsed * by strtol() * @return the int value produced by the call to strtol() on buf. */ @SysCallTemplate public abstract long sysPrimitiveParseLong(byte[] buf); /** * Primitive parsing of memory sizes, with proper error handling, * and so on. For all the gory details, see the code in the * bootloader. * <p> * Note: all byte array parameters for this method represent Strings. * * @param sizeName the option's name * @param sizeFlag the flag's name, e.g. mx (as in "-Xmx") * @param defaultFactor factor for modifying sizes, e.g. "K", "M" or "pages" * @param roundTo round up to a multiple of this number * @param argToken the full command line argument, e.g. "-Xmx200M" * @param subArg the value for the argument, e.g. "200M" * @return Negative values on error. * Otherwise, positive or zero values as bytes. */ @SysCallTemplate public abstract long sysParseMemorySize(byte[] sizeName, byte[] sizeFlag, byte[] defaultFactor, int roundTo, byte[] argToken, byte[] subArg); // time @SysCallTemplate public abstract long sysCurrentTimeMillis(); @SysCallTemplate public abstract long sysNanoTime(); @SysCallTemplate public abstract void sysNanoSleep(long howLongNanos); // shared libraries @SysCallTemplate public abstract Address sysDlopen(byte[] libname); @SysCallTemplate public abstract Address sysDlsym(Address libHandler, byte[] symbolName); // var args @SysCallTemplate public abstract Address sysVaCopy(Address va_list); @SysCallTemplate public abstract void sysVaEnd(Address va_list); @SysCallTemplate public abstract boolean sysVaArgJboolean(Address va_list); @SysCallTemplate public abstract byte sysVaArgJbyte(Address va_list); @SysCallTemplate public abstract char sysVaArgJchar(Address va_list); @SysCallTemplate public abstract short sysVaArgJshort(Address va_list); @SysCallTemplate public abstract int sysVaArgJint(Address va_list); @SysCallTemplate public abstract long sysVaArgJlong(Address va_list); @SysCallTemplate public abstract float sysVaArgJfloat(Address va_list); @SysCallTemplate public abstract double sysVaArgJdouble(Address va_list); @SysCallTemplate public abstract int sysVaArgJobject(Address va_list); // system calls for alignment checking @SysCallTemplate public abstract void sysEnableAlignmentChecking(); @SysCallTemplate public abstract void sysDisableAlignmentChecking(); @SysCallTemplate public abstract void sysReportAlignmentChecking(); @SysCallTemplate public abstract Address gcspyDriverAddStream(Address driver, int id); @SysCallTemplate public abstract void gcspyDriverEndOutput(Address driver); @SysCallTemplate public abstract void gcspyDriverInit(Address driver, int id, Address serverName, Address driverName, Address title, Address blockInfo, int tileNum, Address unused, int mainSpace); @SysCallTemplate public abstract void gcspyDriverInitOutput(Address driver); @SysCallTemplate public abstract void gcspyDriverResize(Address driver, int size); @SysCallTemplate public abstract void gcspyDriverSetTileNameRange(Address driver, int i, Address start, Address end); @SysCallTemplate public abstract void gcspyDriverSetTileName(Address driver, int i, Address start, long value); @SysCallTemplate public abstract void gcspyDriverSpaceInfo(Address driver, Address info); @SysCallTemplate public abstract void gcspyDriverStartComm(Address driver); @SysCallTemplate public abstract void gcspyDriverStream(Address driver, int id, int len); @SysCallTemplate public abstract void gcspyDriverStreamByteValue(Address driver, byte value); @SysCallTemplate public abstract void gcspyDriverStreamShortValue(Address driver, short value); @SysCallTemplate public abstract void gcspyDriverStreamIntValue(Address driver, int value); @SysCallTemplate public abstract void gcspyDriverSummary(Address driver, int id, int len); @SysCallTemplate public abstract void gcspyDriverSummaryValue(Address driver, int value); @SysCallTemplate public abstract void gcspyIntWriteControl(Address driver, int id, int tileNum); @SysCallTemplate public abstract Address gcspyMainServerAddDriver(Address addr); @SysCallTemplate public abstract void gcspyMainServerAddEvent(Address server, int event, Address name); @SysCallTemplate public abstract Address gcspyMainServerInit(int port, int len, Address name, int verbose); @SysCallTemplate public abstract int gcspyMainServerIsConnected(Address server, int event); @SysCallTemplate public abstract Address gcspyMainServerOuterLoop(); @SysCallTemplate public abstract void gcspyMainServerSafepoint(Address server, int event); @SysCallTemplate public abstract void gcspyMainServerSetGeneralInfo(Address server, Address info); @SysCallTemplate public abstract void gcspyMainServerStartCompensationTimer(Address server); @SysCallTemplate public abstract void gcspyMainServerStopCompensationTimer(Address server); @SysCallTemplate public abstract void gcspyStartserver(Address server, int wait, Address serverOuterLoop); @SysCallTemplate public abstract void gcspyStreamInit(Address stream, int id, int dataType, Address name, int minValue, int maxValue, int zeroValue, int defaultValue, Address pre, Address post, int presentation, int paintStyle, int maxStreamIndex, int red, int green, int blue); @SysCallTemplate public abstract void gcspyFormatSize(Address buffer, int size); @SysCallTemplate public abstract int gcspySprintf(Address str, Address format, Address value); }