/* * This file is part of the Jikes RVM project (http://jikesrvm.org). * * This file is licensed to You under the Eclipse Public License (EPL); * You may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You * may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.opensource.org/licenses/eclipse-1.0.php * * See the COPYRIGHT.txt file distributed with this work for information * regarding copyright ownership. */ package org.jikesrvm.runtime; import org.jikesrvm.VM; import org.jikesrvm.jni.FunctionTable; import org.jikesrvm.mm.mminterface.MemoryManager; import org.vmmagic.pragma.Entrypoint; import org.vmmagic.pragma.Uninterruptible; import org.vmmagic.pragma.Untraced; import org.vmmagic.unboxed.Address; import org.vmmagic.unboxed.AddressArray; import org.vmmagic.unboxed.Extent; import org.vmmagic.unboxed.Offset; /** * Information required to start the virtual machine and communicate * with the outside world. * * <p> The virtual machine image consists entirely of java objects. * The first java-object, the boot record, is the communication area between * the host operating system and the virtual machine. It consists of read-only * fields containing startup information used by the assembler bootstrap * loader, by the virtual machine's initializer methods, and by the virtual * machine's operating system call interface methods. * * <p> See also: BootImageWriter.main(), jvm.c * * <p>The boot record looks like this * (note that fields are layed out "backwards"): * * <pre> * lo-mem * +---------------+ * | fieldN-1 | * +---------------+ * | ... | * +---------------+ * | field1 | * +---------------+ * | field0 | * +---------------+ \ * | tib pointer | | * +---------------+ | object header * | lock word | | * +---------------+ / * hi-mem * </pre> * * The "spRegister" field of the boot record points to the word immediately * preceeding the top of a stack object (ie. it's ready to accept a "push" * instruction). The stack object is an array of words that looks like this: * * <pre> * lo-mem * +---------------+ \ * | tib pointer | | * +---------------+ | array * | lock word | | object * +---------------+ | header * | .length | | * +---------------+ / * | <empty> | * +---------------+ * | ... | * +---------------+ * | <empty> | * +---------------+ * spRegister -> hi-mem * </pre> * * <P> The "ipRegister" field of the boot record points to the first word * of an array of machine instructions comprising * the virtual machine's startoff code -- see "VM.boot()". * * <P> The "tocRegister" field of the boot record points to an array of words * containing the static fields and method addresses of the virtual * machine image -- see "Statics.slots[]". * * <P> The remaining fields of the boot record serve as a function linkage area * between services residing in the host operating system and services * residing in the virtual machine. */ public class BootRecord { /** * The following static field is initialized by the boot image writer. * It allows the virtual machine to address the boot record using normal * field access instructions (the assembler bootstrap function, on the other * hand, simply addresses the boot record as the first object in * the boot image). */ @Entrypoint public static BootRecord the_boot_record; public BootRecord() { int len = 2 * (1 + MemoryManager.getMaxHeaps()); heapRanges = AddressArray.create(len); // Indicate end of array with sentinel value heapRanges.set(len - 1, Address.fromIntSignExtend(-1)); heapRanges.set(len - 2, Address.fromIntSignExtend(-1)); } public void showHeapRanges() { for (int i = 0; i < heapRanges.length() / 2; i++) { VM.sysWrite(i, " "); VM.sysWrite(heapRanges.get(2 * i)); VM.sysWrite(" ", heapRanges.get(2 * i + 1)); VM.sysWrite(" "); } } @Uninterruptible public void setHeapRange(int id, Address start, Address end) { if (VM.VerifyAssertions) VM._assert(id < heapRanges.length() - 2); heapRanges.set(2 * id, start); heapRanges.set(2 * id + 1, end); } // The following fields are written when the virtual machine image // is generated (see BootImage.java), loaded (see jvm.C), // or executed (see VM.java). // // If you add/remove/change fields here, be sure to change the // corresponding code in jvm.c /** * address at which image is to be loaded into memory */ public Address bootImageDataStart; public Address bootImageDataEnd; public Address bootImageCodeStart; public Address bootImageCodeEnd; public Address bootImageRMapStart; public Address bootImageRMapEnd; /** * initial size of heap */ public Extent initialHeapSize; /** * maximum size of heap */ public Extent maximumHeapSize; /** size of a virtual memory page in bytes */ public Extent bytesInPage; @Untraced // because bootloader code must be able to access it public AddressArray heapRanges; // [start1, end1, ..., start_k, end_k, -1, -1] // C-style termination with sentinel values /** * Verbosity level for booting * set by -X:verboseBoot= */ public int verboseBoot = 0; /** * Print messages when delivering hardware exceptions to threads? * Set by -X:verboseSignalHandling */ public int verboseSignalHandling = 0; // RVM startoff // public Address spRegister; // value to place into SP register public Address ipRegister; // value to place into IP register public Address tocRegister; // value to place into JTOC register /** * flag to indicate RVM has completed booting and ready to run Java programs * added by Ton Ngo for JNI support */ int bootCompleted; // use for start up by JNI_CreateJavaVM /** * address of JavaVM, used by JNI_OnLoad and JNIEnv.GetJavaVM, * defined in jvm.c */ public Address sysJavaVM; /** * Reference to JNI function table */ @Untraced // because bootloader code must be able to access it public FunctionTable JNIFunctions; // Additional RVM entrypoints // /** * method id for inserting stackframes at site of hardware traps */ int hardwareTrapMethodId; /** * jtoc offset of RuntimeEntrypoints.deliverHardwareException() */ Offset deliverHardwareExceptionOffset; /** * jtoc offset of RVMThread.dumpStackAndDie(I) */ public Offset dumpStackAndDieOffset; /** * jtoc offset of RVMThread.bootThread */ public Offset bootThreadOffset; /** * jtoc offset of RVMThread.debugRequested */ Offset debugRequestedOffset; /** * an external signal has been sent e.g. kill -signalnumber processid */ @Entrypoint int externalSignalFlag; // Host operating system entrypoints - see "sys.cpp" // // lowlevel write to console public Address sysConsoleWriteCharIP; public Address sysConsoleWriteIntegerIP; public Address sysConsoleWriteLongIP; public Address sysConsoleWriteDoubleIP; // startup/shutdown public Address sysExitIP; public Address sysArgIP; // misc. info on the process -- used in startup/shutdown public Address sysGetenvIP; // memory public Address sysCopyIP; public Address sysMemmoveIP; public Address sysMallocIP; public Address sysCallocIP; public Address sysFreeIP; public Address sysZeroNTIP; public Address sysZeroIP; public Address sysZeroPagesIP; public Address sysSyncCacheIP; // files public Address sysReadByteIP; public Address sysWriteByteIP; public Address sysReadBytesIP; public Address sysWriteBytesIP; // mmap - memory mapping public Address sysMMapIP; public Address sysMMapErrnoIP; public Address sysMProtectIP; // threads public Address sysNumProcessorsIP; public Address sysThreadBindSupportedIP; public Address sysThreadBindIP; public Address sysThreadCreateIP; public Address sysThreadYieldIP; public Address sysGetThreadIdIP; public Address sysStashVMThreadIP; public Address sysThreadTerminateIP; public Address sysGetThreadPriorityHandleIP; public Address sysGetThreadPriorityIP; public Address sysSetThreadPriorityIP; // monitors public Address sysMonitorCreateIP; public Address sysMonitorDestroyIP; public Address sysMonitorEnterIP; public Address sysMonitorExitIP; public Address sysMonitorTimedWaitAbsoluteIP; public Address sysMonitorWaitIP; public Address sysMonitorBroadcastIP; // arithmetic @Entrypoint public Address sysLongDivideIP; @Entrypoint public Address sysLongRemainderIP; @Entrypoint public Address sysLongToFloatIP; @Entrypoint public Address sysLongToDoubleIP; @Entrypoint public Address sysFloatToIntIP; @Entrypoint public Address sysDoubleToIntIP; @Entrypoint public Address sysFloatToLongIP; @Entrypoint public Address sysDoubleToLongIP; @Entrypoint public Address sysDoubleRemainderIP; public Address sysPrimitiveParseFloatIP; public Address sysPrimitiveParseIntIP; public Address sysPrimitiveParseLongIP; public Address sysParseMemorySizeIP; // time Address sysCurrentTimeMillisIP; Address sysNanoTimeIP; Address sysNanoSleepIP; // shared libraries Address sysDlopenIP; Address sysDlsymIP; // var args public Address sysVaCopyIP; public Address sysVaEndIP; public Address sysVaArgJbooleanIP; public Address sysVaArgJbyteIP; public Address sysVaArgJcharIP; public Address sysVaArgJshortIP; public Address sysVaArgJintIP; public Address sysVaArgJlongIP; public Address sysVaArgJfloatIP; public Address sysVaArgJdoubleIP; public Address sysVaArgJobjectIP; // VMMath public Address sysVMMathSinIP; public Address sysVMMathCosIP; public Address sysVMMathTanIP; public Address sysVMMathAsinIP; public Address sysVMMathAcosIP; public Address sysVMMathAtanIP; public Address sysVMMathAtan2IP; public Address sysVMMathCoshIP; public Address sysVMMathSinhIP; public Address sysVMMathTanhIP; public Address sysVMMathExpIP; public Address sysVMMathLogIP; public Address sysVMMathSqrtIP; public Address sysVMMathPowIP; public Address sysVMMathIEEEremainderIP; public Address sysVMMathCeilIP; public Address sysVMMathFloorIP; public Address sysVMMathRintIP; public Address sysVMMathCbrtIP; public Address sysVMMathExpm1IP; public Address sysVMMathHypotIP; public Address sysVMMathLog10IP; public Address sysVMMathLog1pIP; // system calls for alignment checking public Address sysEnableAlignmentCheckingIP; public Address sysDisableAlignmentCheckingIP; public Address sysReportAlignmentCheckingIP; /* FIXME: We *really* don't want all these syscalls here unconditionally --- need to push them out somehow */ // GCspy entry points public Address gcspyDriverAddStreamIP; public Address gcspyDriverEndOutputIP; public Address gcspyDriverInitIP; public Address gcspyDriverInitOutputIP; public Address gcspyDriverResizeIP; public Address gcspyDriverSetTileNameRangeIP; public Address gcspyDriverSetTileNameIP; public Address gcspyDriverSpaceInfoIP; public Address gcspyDriverStartCommIP; public Address gcspyDriverStreamIP; public Address gcspyDriverStreamByteValueIP; public Address gcspyDriverStreamShortValueIP; public Address gcspyDriverStreamIntValueIP; public Address gcspyDriverSummaryIP; public Address gcspyDriverSummaryValueIP; public Address gcspyIntWriteControlIP; public Address gcspyMainServerAddDriverIP; public Address gcspyMainServerAddEventIP; public Address gcspyMainServerInitIP; public Address gcspyMainServerIsConnectedIP; public Address gcspyMainServerOuterLoopIP; public Address gcspyMainServerSafepointIP; public Address gcspyMainServerSetGeneralInfoIP; public Address gcspyMainServerStartCompensationTimerIP; public Address gcspyMainServerStopCompensationTimerIP; public Address gcspyStartserverIP; public Address gcspyStreamInitIP; public Address gcspyFormatSizeIP; public Address gcspySprintfIP; // perf event support public Address sysPerfEventInitIP; public Address sysPerfEventCreateIP; public Address sysPerfEventEnableIP; public Address sysPerfEventDisableIP; public Address sysPerfEventReadIP; }