/* * This file is part of the Jikes RVM project (http://jikesrvm.org). * * This file is licensed to You under the Eclipse Public License (EPL); * You may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You * may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.opensource.org/licenses/eclipse-1.0.php * * See the COPYRIGHT.txt file distributed with this work for information * regarding copyright ownership. */ package org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.ir.operand; import static org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.driver.OptConstants.NO; import org.jikesrvm.VM; import org.jikesrvm.classloader.FieldReference; import org.jikesrvm.classloader.RVMField; import org.jikesrvm.classloader.TypeReference; import org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.ClassLoaderProxy; import org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.OptimizingCompilerException; import org.jikesrvm.util.Services; import org.vmmagic.unboxed.Offset; /** * Represents a location in memory. Used to keep track of memory aliasing. * * @see Operand */ public final class LocationOperand extends Operand { /* * TODO: Now that we don't pay a large penalty for dynamic type checks * of non-final classes, redesign this mess to have separate subclasses * of location operands for each type of memory access. * In the process, also switch to using synthetic Fields * for the various pieces of the object header * (something like the following might work): * (RVMField) VM.getMember("[I", "length", "I"); . * . . . } all primitive types * (RVMField) VM.getMember("[J", "length", "I"); ' * (RVMField) VM.getMember("[Ljava/lang/Object;", "length", "I"); * (RVMField) VM.getMember("Ljava/lang/Object;", "TIB", "[I"); */ /** Enumeration of Access type */ public static final int FIELD_ACCESS = 0; /** Enumeration of Access type */ public static final int ARRAY_ACCESS = 1; /** Enumeration of Access type */ public static final int JTOC_ACCESS = 2; /** Enumeration of Access type */ public static final int SPILL_ACCESS = 3; /** Enumeration of Access type */ public static final int ALENGTH_ACCESS = 4; /** Enumeration of Access type */ public static final int METHOD_ACCESS = 5; /** * The type of this location. */ int type; /** * Field that corresponds to this location; * null if this is not a field access. */ FieldReference fieldRef; /** * Method operand that corresponds to this location; * {@code null} if this is not a method access. */ MethodOperand methOp; /** * Array element type that corresponds to the type of the array that contains * this location; {@code null} if this is not an array access. */ TypeReference arrayElementType; /** * JTOC index that corresponds to this location. * -1 if this is not a JTOC access. */ Offset JTOCoffset = Offset.max(); /** * Spill offset that corresponds to this location. * -1 if this is not a spill access. */ int spillOffset = -1; /** * Constructs a new location operand with the given field. * @param loc location */ public LocationOperand(FieldReference loc) { type = FIELD_ACCESS; fieldRef = loc; } /** * Constructs a new location operand with the given field * @param loc location */ public LocationOperand(RVMField loc) { type = FIELD_ACCESS; fieldRef = loc.getMemberRef().asFieldReference(); } /** * Constructs a new location operand with the given method * * @param m Method operand that corresponds to this location */ public LocationOperand(MethodOperand m) { type = METHOD_ACCESS; methOp = m; } /** * Constructs a new location operand with the given array element type. * * @param t Array element type */ public LocationOperand(TypeReference t) { type = ARRAY_ACCESS; arrayElementType = t; } /** * Constructs a new location operand with the given JTOC offset * * @param jtocOffset JTOC offset */ public LocationOperand(Offset jtocOffset) { type = JTOC_ACCESS; JTOCoffset = jtocOffset; } /** * Constructs a new location operand with the given spill offset. * * @param index spill offset */ public LocationOperand(int index) { if (VM.VerifyAssertions) VM._assert(index <= 0); type = SPILL_ACCESS; spillOffset = index; } /** * Constructs a new location operand for array length access. */ public LocationOperand() { type = ALENGTH_ACCESS; } /** * @return this method shouldn't be called and will throw an {@link * OptimizingCompilerException} */ @Override public TypeReference getType() { throw new OptimizingCompilerException("Getting the type for this operand has no defined meaning"); } public LocationOperand asFieldAccess() { return this; } public LocationOperand asArrayAccess() { return this; } public LocationOperand asJTOCAccess() { return this; } public LocationOperand asSpillAccess() { return this; } public LocationOperand asALengthAccess() { return this; } public LocationOperand asMethodAccess() { return this; } public FieldReference getFieldRef() { return fieldRef; } public TypeReference getElementType() { return arrayElementType; } public Offset getJTOCoffset() { return JTOCoffset; } public int getOffset() { return spillOffset; } public boolean isFieldAccess() { return type == FIELD_ACCESS; } public boolean isArrayAccess() { return type == ARRAY_ACCESS; } public boolean isJTOCAccess() { return type == JTOC_ACCESS; } public boolean isSpillAccess() { return type == SPILL_ACCESS; } public boolean isALengthAccess() { return type == ALENGTH_ACCESS; } public boolean isMethodAccess() { return type == METHOD_ACCESS; } /** * Is the accessed location possibly volatile? * * @return {@code true} if it's possible that the location is volatile, * {@code false} if the location cannot possibly be volatile */ public boolean mayBeVolatile() { if (!isFieldAccess()) return false; RVMField f = fieldRef.peekResolvedField(); return f == null || f.isVolatile(); } @Override public Operand copy() { LocationOperand o = null; switch (type) { case FIELD_ACCESS: o = new LocationOperand(fieldRef); break; case ARRAY_ACCESS: o = new LocationOperand(arrayElementType); break; case JTOC_ACCESS: o = new LocationOperand(JTOCoffset); break; case SPILL_ACCESS: o = new LocationOperand(spillOffset); break; case ALENGTH_ACCESS: o = new LocationOperand(); break; case METHOD_ACCESS: o = new LocationOperand(methOp); break; default: o = new LocationOperand(); break; } return o; } // NOTE: not checking for (t1==null xor t2==null) for efficiency private static boolean arrayMayBeAliased(TypeReference t1, TypeReference t2) { return ((t1 == t2) || (ClassLoaderProxy.includesType(t1, t2) != NO) || (ClassLoaderProxy.includesType(t2, t1) != NO)); } /** * Returns true if operands op1 and op2 may be aliased. * * @param op1 the first operand * @param op2 the second operand * @return <code>true</code> if the operands might be aliased or * <code>false</code> if they are definitely not aliased */ public static boolean mayBeAliased(LocationOperand op1, LocationOperand op2) { if (op1 == null || op2 == null) return true; // be conservative if (op1.type != op2.type) return false; if (op1.fieldRef != null) { return !op1.fieldRef.definitelyDifferent(op2.fieldRef); } else { return arrayMayBeAliased(op1.arrayElementType, op2.arrayElementType) && (op1.JTOCoffset.EQ(op2.JTOCoffset)) && (op1.spillOffset == op2.spillOffset); } } @Override public boolean similar(Operand op) { return (op instanceof LocationOperand) && mayBeAliased(this, (LocationOperand) op); } /** * Returns the string representation of this operand. * * @return a string representation of this operand. */ @Override public String toString() { if (methOp != null) return methOp.toString(); switch (type) { case METHOD_ACCESS: return "<mem loc: methOp is null!>"; case FIELD_ACCESS: return "<mem loc: " + fieldRef.getType().getName() + "." + fieldRef.getName() + ">"; case ARRAY_ACCESS: return "<mem loc: array " + arrayElementType + "[]>"; case JTOC_ACCESS: return "<mem loc: JTOC @" + Services.addressAsHexString(JTOCoffset.toWord().toAddress()) + ">"; case SPILL_ACCESS: return "<mem loc: spill FP " + spillOffset + ">"; case ALENGTH_ACCESS: return "<mem loc: array length>"; } return "<mem loc: no aliases>"; } }