/* * This file is part of the Jikes RVM project (http://jikesrvm.org). * * This file is licensed to You under the Eclipse Public License (EPL); * You may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You * may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.opensource.org/licenses/eclipse-1.0.php * * See the COPYRIGHT.txt file distributed with this work for information * regarding copyright ownership. */ package org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.controlflow; import java.util.Enumeration; import org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.ir.BasicBlock; import org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.ir.IR; import org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.util.TreeNode; import org.jikesrvm.util.BitVector; /** * This class implements a node in the dominator tree. * * <p> TODO: we do not support IRs with exception handlers!! */ public class DominatorTreeNode extends TreeNode { /** * the basic block this node represents */ private final BasicBlock block; /** * distance from the root of the dominator tree, lazily initialized (-1 => not * initialized) */ private int depth = -1; /** * representation of the dominance frontier for this node */ private BitVector dominanceFrontier; /** * the cache to hold the set of nodes that dominate this one. This is * computed on demand by walking up the tree. */ BitVector dominators; /** * lower bound of dominated nodes range */ private int low = 0; /** * upper bound of dominated nodes range */ private int high = 0; /** * Construct a dominator tree node for a given basic block. * @param block the basic block */ DominatorTreeNode(BasicBlock block) { this.block = block; } /** * Get the basic block for this dominator tree node * @return the basic block */ public BasicBlock getBlock() { return block; } /** * Return the distance of this node from the root of the dominator tree. * @return the distance of this node from the root of the dominator tree. */ int getDepth() { if (depth == -1) { DominatorTreeNode dad = (DominatorTreeNode) getParent(); if (dad == null) { depth = 0; } else { depth = dad.getDepth() + 1; } } return depth; } /** * Return a bit set representing the dominance frontier for this node * @return a bit set representing the dominance frontier for this node */ BitVector getDominanceFrontier() { return dominanceFrontier; } /** * Set a bit set representing the dominance frontier for this node * @param set the bit set */ void setDominanceFrontier(BitVector set) { dominanceFrontier = set; } /** * Return a string representation of the dominance frontier for this * node. * @return a string representation of the dominance frontier for this * node */ String dominanceFrontierString() { return dominanceFrontier.toString(); } /** * This method returns the set of blocks that dominates the passed * block, i.e., it answers the question "Who dominates me?" * * @param ir the governing IR * @return a BitVector containing those blocks that dominate me */ BitVector dominators(IR ir) { // Currently, this set is computed on demand, // but we cache it for the next time. if (dominators == null) { dominators = new BitVector(ir.getMaxBasicBlockNumber() + 1); dominators.set(block.getNumber()); DominatorTreeNode node = this; while ((node = (DominatorTreeNode) getParent()) != null) { dominators.set(node.getBlock().getNumber()); } } return dominators; } /** * This method returns true if the passed node dominates this node * @param master the proposed dominating node * @return whether the passed node dominates me */ boolean _isDominatedBy(DominatorTreeNode master) { DominatorTreeNode node = this; while ((node != null) && (node != master)) { node = (DominatorTreeNode) node.getParent(); } return node == master; } /** * This method returns true if the passed node dominates this node * @param master the proposed dominating node * @return whether the passed node dominates me */ boolean isDominatedBy(DominatorTreeNode master) { if (low == 0) initializeRanges(); return master.low <= low && master.high >= high; } private void initializeRanges() { DominatorTreeNode node = this; DominatorTreeNode parent = (DominatorTreeNode) getParent(); while (parent != null) { node = parent; parent = (DominatorTreeNode) node.getParent(); } node.initializeRanges(0); } private int initializeRanges(int i) { low = ++i; Enumeration<TreeNode> childEnum = getChildren(); while (childEnum.hasMoreElements()) { DominatorTreeNode child = (DominatorTreeNode) childEnum.nextElement(); i = child.initializeRanges(i); } high = ++i; return i; } /** * Enumerate the basic blocks in the dominance frontier for this node. * @param ir the governing IR * @return an enumeration of the basic blocks in the dominance frontier * for this node. */ Enumeration<BasicBlock> domFrontierEnumerator(IR ir) { return ir.getBasicBlocks(dominanceFrontier); } /** * String-i-fies the node * @return the node as a string */ @Override public final String toString() { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append(block); sb.append(" (").append(low).append(", ").append(high).append(")"); return sb.toString(); } }